The Virgin Couple’s Wedding Night: Part 1

The Virgin Couple’s Wedding Night: Part 1

A chaste couple’s epiphany of pleasures.

From the Awakening, By Estcher  Listen to thePodcast at Steamy Stories.


My name was Emma Mary Fiore Amato. Now I proudly carry my husband's name: Emma May Fiore Williams. My brand new, gorgeous, and sexy husband is Daniel Christopher Williams. He's African American and I am Italian American.

We met in the University of California San Diego (UCSD) as freshmen. We dated despite my reservations of dating a black man. I was not a fan of unwanted attention and being seen with him at school and downtown caused eyes to stare. The United States is rampant with racism. It's everywhere and palatable and real in every sense. It vibrates across social norms and in the media and sometimes openly on the street.

But I was attracted to Daniel right away. We shared a class together and the first time I walked into the classroom, and I saw him, my heart had skipped a beat. He had felt the same way. It wasn't until a month later that he summoned the nerve to ask me out. We went to a dinner down at Liberty Station and then walked the boardwalk past where the San Salvador replica galleon was being made and along the inner harbour.

It was a lovely first date. Afterward, he kissed me outside my dormitory, and I kissed him back and told him I would like to go out again. He was so pleased.

Daniel is gorgeous. He's my height but very slim. He keeps his hair short and has a short-cropped beard. He wears black rimmed glasses. He does a little gym and a little cardio. Not a lot, but just enough to keep him fit. He's strong. His ass is golden.

I was first attracted to his eyes. His glasses have a way of making them larger than life and they pulled me in. His dark skin enhancing the white of his eyes and his lovely teeth past his full lips. That first kiss outside my dorm had melted me.

On our second date I admitted I was a devout Catholic, being a proper Italian American girl. Sex was not allowed outside the marital chamber. I could tell he was devastated. We could both feel the attraction to one another. A look from him would get me all tingly. I was a regular at the confessional at my church, admitting my sin and lust. I would accept my penance and say my prayers kneeling at a pew, gazing with adoration to the figure of Christ above the altar, counting my prayers on my rosary.

Throughout our years at UCSD we were never apart. Our love life was constrained to kissing throughout our freshman year, to a little petting during our sophomore and junior years, and as seniors we had performed oral sex on each other a couple of times. My penance for that consisted of working at various soup kitchens in the Gaslamp District of San Diego. Daniel joined me and I think I truly fell in love with him when he did. He shared my penance and I rejoiced.

My parents were shocked when I had introduced Danial to them. They aren't racist, but they had hoped I would meet someone "more like me", my mother had said. But it was too late for me. I adored Daniel and together we were wonderful. In time, they accepted our relationship. It helped that Daniel was so well spoken and so intelligent. They could see the good in him and although he was Baptist by his christening, he believed in God and that was enough for my parents to accept him.

It was so hard not to cave into our sexual desires. We wanted each other so terribly badly. But I was a good Catholic girl and took my faith very seriously. Daniel understood and somehow, he stayed with me throughout college. Our friends always tried to pressure us. My girlfriends thought I was archaic; disillusioned about values they said no longer applied in the modern world. His friends were no better, urging him to leave me for "someone better". By the end of college, we had few friends, but by that point in our relationship, I only needed Daniel and he only needed me.

We decided to wait until our careers started before we took things any further with our relationship. He started work at an architectural firm in San Diego, and I accepted an accounting position out in Coronado. One year later he proposed to me. My heart soared on that day, and I will never forget it. It had been magical and perfect, and I accepted right away, and he spun me around.

My parents had known. Daniel has asked them for my hand in marriage and they had happily agreed. We set a date for end summer, and I dove into planning and preparations. My only remaining girlfriend, a friend from church, became my bridesmaid and helped with everything.

The wedding was beautiful. Standing before my future husband in front of God and my family and friends and making my vows was the most beautiful thing I had ever done. He looked so gorgeous in his tuxedo. I never loved him more. We said our vows, exchanged rings, and then he kissed me in front of everybody. Claiming me as his bride and wife.

I felt liberated. He was now my husband. Everything we had always wanted to do for the past five years were now open to us. We could consummate our marriage and love. Over and over again. I walked back down the aisle, a woman and a wife, and my pussy couldn't have been wetter. Lust ran over me in waves and I gripped Daniel's hand so tightly.

The rest of the day and evening went by in a blur. I had to watch the video later to see just how much of a good time we had. But mostly I watched how Daniel and I looked at each other. Everyone said we looked with such love at each other. In truth, we were looking at each other with unbridled lust.

Then, thankfully, we exited the reception to cheering family and friends and entered the limo my father had provided, and we were whisked away to our hotel. In the morning, we were heading to Hawai'i for our honeymoon. But tonight. Tonight, I would become my man's woman. He would take me and complete me.

I don't recall checking in, or the elevator ride to our suite, or Daniel carrying me in his arms across the threshold to our suite. What I remember is tearing off our clothes and collapsing on the large California King bed. Later, I would peel rose petals off my flesh and Daniel's.

I was a good Catholic girl. I had followed my faith, confessed my sins, and did my penance. But now? Now I was married and in the eyes of God, I would and could pleasure my husband. I knew the scripture. My chains were removed.

"Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Saviour. As the church is subject to Christ, so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands." (Eph. 5:22--24).

My mother had given me advice the day before the wedding. She said it was a long tradition and I would do the same for my daughter one day. She had held my hands and spoke to me as one wife to her daughter bride. She passed on to me the secrets of a happy marriage that the priest had never mentioned during our marriage preparation classes at the church. She spoke openly of things I would need to learn to do. And often, she had said. And willingly. Her attention to detail was unnerving to me but I listened to everything. Some things she said were frightening, sounding foul, but my mother laughed and told me to wait and see.

"Your father loves me just as much as the day we married, Emma," she said, holding my hands and looking into my eyes. "Every day I let him know I need him and want him. To be intimate with him and he does the same for me. Marriages fail when that stops. There will be times you don't feel the need or desire. You must fight that. Embrace him. Kiss him. Fondle him. Whisper in his ear that he is your everything and his will is yours to fulfil. Do you understand?"

I nodded, biting my lip. I think I understood. My mother laughed at my expression.

"Wake him with your mouth in the morning. Not every day. But some days or it will become routine. Pleasure him. Take his seed inside you. Swallow his love. It can be daunting. You'll get used to it. He is your man, and his seed will be yours. Claim it. Only you can receive it through your marriage. Don't make him regret choosing you over all others.

"And seek your own pleasure. You should never regret choosing him. He should willingly pleasure you with his mouth. Accept it and bask in it. It is your husband claiming what is his by marriage. Your womanhood will pleasure him. So trim down there, okay? Did your bridesmaid take you to the salon?"

I nodded, feeling heat rush to my face. I had been waxed. It had hurt so badly, but I had found pleasure in it in a small way which frightened me. I nodded at my mother.

"Good. And all the way between your legs?"

I nodded again, feeling more heat.

"Do you know what sodomy is?"

I nodded feeling horror.

"My priest told me before I was married that sodomy is a sin between men," said my mother, looking hard at me.

"Yes, mamma."

"And he added it does not concern marital relations between man and wife."

"Mamma!" I said in shock. I thought of her and dad. "Did you and poppa...?"

"Oh, yes, Emma. Otherwise, you would have a lot more siblings rather than just you."


"You'll need to watch your cycle. Avoid pregnancies. Anal sex is the best way to do that when you are ovulating."

I stared at my mother. Questions raced through my thoughts faster than I could fully formulate and finish them.

"I enjoy it, Emma. Pleasuring your father gives me pleasure. Be patient. Try it for yourself. Push past the initial pain and I think you will be surprised. Do this for your husband. For you."

I couldn't speak.

"Throughout your marriage your husband should want to take you all the time, correct?"


"Invite him to take you. Place yourself at his mercy. Let him claim that which is his by marriage."


"And take him when you want, Emma. You are equals in this, despite what the scriptures say. This is a partnership. If you lust after him, take him. If he lusts after you, give yourself to him. Do this, this simple thing, and your marriage will be full of such love and last for eternity. You will join yourselves in heaven and find such blessings. I'm so happy for you, Emma. Daniel is a beautiful man. Your children will be beautiful."

"Thank you, mamma."

"One more thing. Are you still intact?"

I knew what she meant. My hymen had been lost as a teenager doing simple girlish things. Mine opened riding my bike. I shook my head at my mother. "No, mamma."

"And I know you are a virgin. I am so proud of you, Emma. I saw how hard it was for you throughout college. Tomorrow night, you give him your everything. What you do with your husband in your bed, will please God. Everything your heart desires. Put your soul into it, Emma. Seize your pleasure and his, okay?"

"Mamma? Did nonna give you this same advice?"

"No. I had to learn the hard way. I promised myself I would not let my own daughter go into her marriage bed unprepared. We have more to discuss. Are you okay with all this?"

"Yes, momma. I'm uncomfortable, but thankful."

"Okay, we still have a lot to cover. Like how to truly pleasure your husband with your mouth. Places on his body you need to explore..."

"Explore? Like what?"

Mother chuckled. "I'm warming up to this now. Your father has always had the best sex with me. It's okay Emma! You came from our love! Now, the penis is a strange thing at first. Daniel is likely very large. But a man's pleasure also comes from his nipples, and his scrotum and testicles. Play with them. Lightly! So very lightly! And below them. Pay attention there. And below that, too. Do you understand where I am talking about?"

She meant his asshole. I was horrified.

"Make sure he is clean. You, too. Take the time to keep yourself fresh down there. Inside a man is a place. You'll need to find it. Put a finger inside, find it, rub it."


"Hush, you have much the same place inside you. Teach him to find it. Your bodies will be one, once married. There is no shame. It is the beauty of sex between a married couple. Seek your pleasure and give your pleasure. There is so much on the Internet. Watch with him. Learn together."

"Yes, momma. Do you do all these things with poppa?"

"Oh, God, yes. We're older now and we have slowed down. But yes. We still do. I adore your father and his body. Have you ever seen us fight? Not speak to one another?"

"No, momma." And it was true. The love between my parents was there for all to see. They constantly hugged and kissed. I've seen them mildly grope each other. I've heard them through the bedroom walls. I only could pray my marriage would be as close to the beauty of theirs. With my mother's advice I think I now knew how. If I could be brave enough.

"And now the more mundane things. You and Daniel will be equal in all things. You are not some toy or trophy the bible would have you believe. The bible was written by some seriously misogynistic men..."

My memory of that first night with Daniel is seared into my soul. I subjected myself to my husband. My heart soared. My soul sang. I praised God.

I stood fully naked before my husband, and he stood naked before me. I am a beautiful woman. Many men have lusted after me. But I was only for my husband, and I stood proudly before him, exposed so willingly for the first time to his gaze. I watched his eyes devour me. He stared into my brown eyes first and I'm sure he saw the same lust as I saw in his. His gaze slowly drifted down and lingered on my breasts. My nipples were tight and painful, lifting to the sky. I saw him lick his lips and delight filled me. So far, he did not look disappointed. His eyes roamed over my flat stomach and then lower.

He stared long and hard at my perfectly waxed pussy. I had left a small, heart-shaped, tuft of my fur on my mound. My wetness trickled down my thigh and it tickled. I saw him lick his lips with his hunger and it thrilled me. I felt exposed. Wanton. But I was married, and this was my husband. A smile crossed my lips.

I was awakening to my lust and hunger, and it thrilled me. I stared equally back at my husband. We had done some things together. Fully clothed. I had let him taste me a few times. My penance for that had been the soup kitchens. And I had put him in my mouth a few times. I had never swallowed, though. I had spat it out, shame filling me, knowing I disappointed him. But I could not take his sperm inside me until we were married.

But now I stared at his slim figure. His brown skin glistened in the dim light of the room. His chest was lightly sprinkled with dark hair, and I couldn't wait to feel my exposed breasts and nipples rubbing against it. He lacked a defined six pack, but his stomach was toned and flat. My eyes traced that delicious area below his stomach that lowered to his penis. The smooth skin demanded my mouth.

And I stared at his penis. I had stroked it before. Sucked it before. Did penance for it before. But now I could see it in all its glory. Black men are endowed and so was my husband. It was long and thick and stood hard and standing straight out from his body. The tip glistened with moisture. Veins ran along its length. Below it hung his heavy testicles. His manhood was displayed for me, and I knew tonight he would put it inside me and fill me. It was darker than the rest of him. The head was large and round and was even darker.

My ebony husband was panting for me. He wanted the pleasure only I could bring to him. And I wanted his in return. After my talk with my mother, I did a little research. Watched pornography that showed how to pleasure a man fully.

Another trickle of my wetness ran down my thigh and I shivered at the tickle. My husband watched it and his eyes widened.

"My husband," I purred. "I am so wet for you. You are so hard for me."

"Emma, you are gorgeous. Seeing you walking down the aisle in that dress? Oh my God, the angels were jealous, baby. All eyes were on you, but you only had eyes for me."

I had stared at him the whole way down the aisle. My papa handed me over and when I had stood before Daniel, my legs threatened to fail me. My love for him in that moment had risen above everything I thought I could reach. And I could see the same reflected back at me.

"And you, my Daniel, you looked so handsome. The perfect man. My man. My husband."

Daniel was losing himself in his lust for me. He was shaking, and so was I.

"Tonight, we will make love, Daniel. I've wanted this for years. I give my everything to you. Do you understand?"

He shook his head.

"We are married now. My body--all of it--is yours to pleasure yourself with. And I will pleasure myself with you. Over and over, again and again."

"My God, Emma. You are so beautiful. Look at you! A gorgeous Italian beauty! I love you so much. I am the luckiest man in the world that you could love me as I love you."

"And you are my ebony stud. You are so beautiful to me, Daniel. I have lusted after you since the first day we met. Do you remember?"

"How could I forget? Freshman year. Sitting in class, and in walks the woman of my dreams! A vision. So elegant and poised. I knew then I wanted to marry you."

"You did?"

"Oh, yes. It was love at first sight. I would have waited my entire life to be with you."

"Wait no longer, my love. I am yours. Take me. Take all of me. Whatever you desire. Anything."

"Anything? What do you mean?"

"All my body is yours now, Daniel. And all your body is mine. I mean to take it. I want you to take me, in any way you imagine. But first, I want you to make love to me. To enter me. To cum inside me and seal our marriage in our pleasure and love. I want to lie back and feel you enter me."

"Okay," replied Daniel, simply. His eyes looked wild.

I moved to him, crossing the distance in two steps, and pressed myself to him. My mouth found his with hunger and I groaned at the feel of his hard cock pressing between us, reaching up past my belly button. We kissed, our tongues dancing, our hands caressing and exploring. His fingers found my wet slit and slid down along my clit and into my depths. I groaned into his mouth and reached down and took his hard, hot penis into my gentle hand. I stroked him, savouring the glorious hardness and maleness of him.

We shuffled to the bed and flopped down hard on our sides. We squirmed our way further up the bed until we found the pillows. Rose petals clung to us. All that existed was his body and mine and the pleasures we would pull from one another.

I found myself on my back, my legs spread in a delicious wanton way I was now free to enjoy. Daniel crawled up between my legs until he lay on me, his cock pressed against my wet labia, spreading them apart and rubbing deliciously on my clit. We necked hard. My tongue driving into his mouth with desire. His tongue rammed into my mouth, and we sucked on each other's tongues, swallowing our spit, and sinking into each other's souls.

My mind was purely on my vagina. An ache I hadn't felt before burned down there. My pussy felt more alive than ever before. I was intimately aware of every little feeling. Wetness poured from me. I could feel the rivulets escaping me. My pussy felt like it was opening on its own. Spreading for my husband. My man. My lover. My best friend in the whole wide world.

The righteousness of it overwhelmed my emotions. I sobbed happy tears. I held Daniel's beautiful face in my hands and pressed my lips against his plump, full, sexual lips. Lips I wanted all over my body, tracing his tongue into places I had only dreamed of. And thanks to my mother's words--and a little bit of research--I knew what I wanted to do and taste.

Daniel shifted his hips. I felt his enormous cock head press against my opening.

"Wait!" I said, pushing on his shoulders. "I want to watch you enter me for the first time! Please!"

To be continued, By Estcher for Literotica