Claudia the Maid

A young man meets his uncle’s attractive and sexy maid.

by Original_Aramis, listen to the podcast at Steamy Stories.


It was very late in the afternoon when the taxi carrying Jeremy Fuller arrived at its destination. Jeremy looked out of the window as the taxi rolled up the drive and stopped in front of the house, a smile crossing his tired face.

The house was pretty much as he remembered it; the grounds were neat and well-kept, the grass green and cut close, the house neat and tidy. Jeremy had been away at school in Europe for the past two years, and this was his first trip home. It was his uncle’s idea that he attend school in Europe; he had done it when he was young and always said it was the best thing to ever happen to him next to getting custody of Jeremy.

Jeremy’s uncle had raised him since his parents were killed when he was six, and had done an excellent job of it. He had no brothers or sisters or any other living relatives and his uncle was a bachelor, so he was the sole object of his uncle’s attention. He loved his uncle like a father, and had missed him while he was gone. He had been looking forward to the trip home for months; the only thing to throw a damper in the works was the last-minute letter he got from his uncle the day before he got on the plane to fly home.

Seems that there was a problem with one of his holdings in South America, and he had to go take care of it. He’d only be gone for about a week, but he’d be leaving the day that Jeremy was getting on the plane to come home. That meant he’d have the house all to himself for the first four or five days that he was home; he guessed that would be OK, since he’d just relax by the pool, go downtown during the evening, and maybe even get lucky and score once or twice before his uncle got home. European women were nice, but he was looking forward to some good old American ass.

Jeremy walked up and opened the door to the house as the taxi drove away, then walked inside and dropped his bags on the floor next to the door. The house was cool and quiet, and he saw an envelope with his name on it lying on the small table in the hallway. He picked it up, opened it, and took out the sheet of paper inside. It was a note from his uncle, telling him that he was sorry he couldn’t be there for the first few days, but that he’d get home as soon as he could. He also said for Jeremy to enjoy himself and have fun, telling him where the keys to the car were. But it was the last paragraph that caught his eye.

“And don’t worry about keeping the place neat; I’ve hired a live-in maid since you left, and she does quite a good job of taking care of things. Her name is Claudia; I think you’ll like her. Welcome home! Love, Uncle Andy.”

Claudia; what an intriguing name, Jeremy thought. And just what did he mean by ‘I think you’ll like her,’ he thought to himself. Oh, well, he thought, he’d find out soon enough. He picked up his bags and headed upstairs to his old room.

The room was exactly as he remembered it, and it seemed like no one had touched it since he left. Everything was in the same places as he last remembered seeing them, although there wasn’t a speck of dust or dirt anywhere to be seen. He dropped his bags on the floor and then stood in the center of the room and looked around, feeling glad to be home.

“Welcome home, Master Jeremy,” a feminine voice said from behind him.

Startled, Jeremy turned around quickly. Standing behind him with her hands behind her back and wearing a traditional French maid’s outfit was the woman who just had to be Claudia. His breath caught in his throat as he saw her for the first time. She was about 5 and a half feet tall, maybe 110 pounds soaking wet, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a very trim figure. She also had the nicest, roundest pair of tits he’d ever seen! They were absolutely stunning,  and the dress was cut low enough to show about a mile of cleavage. He could see the tops of her busty breasts rising and falling as she breathed. He could only imagine the industrial-strength bra she had to be wearing to hold those mammaries in. She laughed gaily and broke his trance.

“I’m sorry, Master Jeremy, I didn’t mean to startle you!” she said, smiling at him.

“No, that’s okay, really!” he said, flustered and embarrassed at having been caught staring at her huge tits. “I didn’t mean to…well, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting…” he stammered, not knowing what to say. Claudia laughed again.

“That’s quite all right, Master Jeremy, I’m used to the reaction I get when men see me for the first time; actually, I take it as a compliment!” She took a step into the room and introduced herself. “I’m Claudia, as I’m sure you’ve figured out. I’m your uncle’s housekeeper, and he’s instructed me to take good care of you until he gets home,” she explained. She walked over and picked up his bags, showing more of her spectacular cleavage to him as she bent over. She carried the bags over to his bed and put them there, and for the first time he noticed that the short skirt of her outfit revealed a pair of very shapely legs which led up to a firm, rounded ass. He caught himself and brought his eyes up to hers before she turned around and caught him staring again.

“Is there anything I can do for you, Master Jeremy?” she asked, smiling at him. Her choice of words did not go unnoticed by Jeremy.

“No, thank you. And please, my name is Jeremy; you can stop with the ‘master’ stuff, okay?” he said, smiling at her. She smiled back in response.

“Okay, Jeremy,” she said, and then walked towards the door. “Your uncle left another note for you on your dresser, by the way. I have some things to attend to downstairs, so I’ll leave you to get settled in.” She paused at the door and turned to face him again. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do for you before I leave?” she asked again, still smiling at him.

‘Yeah, you can wrap those massive tits around my head and smother me with them!’ he thought to himself.

“No thank you, Claudia. I’m going to take a shower and relax a bit,” he replied, looking over and seeing the envelope on the dresser. “The long flight over kind of wore me out.”

“Very good, Jeremy, I’ll check with you in an hour or so!” she smiled at him and then left, closing the door behind her. He couldn’t help but wonder if there was a pair of thong panties hiding beneath that short skirt of her.

If she wore panties at all, that is.

Jeremy walked over to the dresser, picked up the envelope, and read the short note inside.


So what do you think of Claudia? Quite spectacular, isn’t she? Believe it or not, I hired her based on a telephone interview and didn’t actually see her until she showed up her first day. Needless to say I was very glad I hired her! And the French maid outfit was her idea, by the way…she insisted on wearing it as her uniform, which is quite all right with me as I’m sure it is with you as well. She’s a sweet girl who’s very good at her job, although I have a feeling there’s a wild side to her that I haven’t seen.

But I’ll let you tell me all about that when I get home!

Again, welcome home!

Uncle Andy”

Jeremy folded the note and put it back in the envelope. A wild side, huh? He thought to himself as he got undressed to get in the shower. He could certainly see where his uncle would get that idea from, especially if she used the same double-meaning phrases with him that she just used with Jeremy. And she had to know how incredibly low-cut her dress was and just how much cleavage she was showing, didn’t she? After all, she chose it herself, not her uncle. Thong panties would tell the tale, he thought as he turned on the water in the shower; if she’s wearing thong panties, then she’s got a wild side for sure!

If she wore panties at all, that is.

Jeremy took a shower, washing the 19 hours of travel off of his body, and then lay down on his bed to take a nap. He was so tired he didn’t bother to get dressed; he just lay down on his back and fell instantly asleep in the comfort of his own bed. He didn’t wake up until much later, and when he did it was full dark outside. He glanced at the clock to see what time it was and was surprised to see that it was a little after nine PM. He turned on the light next to the bed, threw back the blanket covering him and swung his feet over the sit of the bed as he sat up; then it hit him.

‘I don’t remember covering up with a blanket!’ He thought. 'I don’t remember a blanket even being laid out on the bed!’ Could he have gotten up and retrieved the blanket, only to be so tired that he didn’t remember it? He thought that may have been it; after all, he was more tired than he thought when he stepped out of the shower, falling asleep right away. In any event, he stood up and picked up one of his bags, then placed it on the bed. He opened it and pulled out a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt; he quickly slipped these on (he never wore underwear) and then slipped his bare feet into his well-worn deck shoes. Then he went over to the dresser to run a comb through his hair before going downstairs to get something to eat from the kitchen.

That’s when he saw the note stuck in the frame of the mirror.

“I fixed a plate for you and put it in the refrigerator. All you have to do is put it in the microwave for 4 minutes and that’s it. Hope you had a nice nap! Claudia.”

So she had been in his room! And she had obviously gotten a close look at him since she was invariably the one who had covered him with the blanket. Jeremy was so taken aback by the realization that she had been in there while he was sleeping naked on his bed that he didn’t know whether to be upset or amused. After a very few moments he was neither; he found himself intrigued and slightly aroused. He wondered if she had stood over him, looking down at his naked form before she covered him, and wondered what she had thought. He also wondered how long she had been in there.

He went downstairs and found the plate in the kitchen just like the note said, and then nuked it according to instructions. After he finished eating he put the plate in the sink and went back upstairs to unpack. He didn’t see or hear Claudia for the rest of the night; he figured that she was probably either in her room or out on the town. In either case he didn’t think he’d see her again that night, so after he finished unpacking he went back to bed.

He got up the next morning bright and early, showered again, got dressed in the same jeans and t-shirt he’d briefly had on the night before, then went downstairs to get some breakfast and read the paper. It would be nice to read an American paper for a change.

As soon as he walked into the hallway he smelled the sausage, bacon and eggs cooking. He smiled as he walked into the kitchen and saw Claudia in her French maid outfit standing over the stove, putting the finishing touches on his eggs. She noticed him in the doorway and smiled.

“Good morning, Jeremy! How did you sleep?” she asked, turning the bacon. The tops of her huge breasts jiggled with her every move.

“Like a rock,” he replied, walking over and sitting down at the table. He wasn’t going to mention anything about her coming into his room unless she did. Set out on the table in front of him was a knife, fork, plate, a glass of orange juice and the morning paper. This girl thought of everything.

“Good! I hope you don’t mind my coming in and covering you up,” she said, brining the pan with his eggs over and scraping the scrambled eggs out onto his plate. She bent over beside him and gave him another long look at her spectacular cleavage. “When I came in to check on you after an hour and you didn’t answer the knock on your door, I thought it would be wise to see if you were okay.” She straightened up and took the empty pan back to the stove, then returned with the bacon and sausage. He got another look at her twin peaks when she did this. “You didn’t look cold; actually, you looked fine, but I thought it would be best to cover you up anyway,” she explained, taking the empty pan over to the stove.

'There’s that double-meaning statement again!’ Jeremy thought.

“Thank you, I appreciate you looking out for me like that,” he said as he started to eat his breakfast.

“It was my pleasure, really!” she said, smiling at him.

'I just bet it was!’ He thought.

“I’ve already eaten, and there are some things I have to take care of this morning, so I’ll leave you to your eggs and paper,” she said, picking up the remnants of the bacon and sausage wrappings and walking over to the trash can. “If there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask!” she said as she turned away from him and stepped on the pedal for the trash can in the corner. The lid popped up and she dropped the trash into it. Some of it missed the can and fell to the floor; she bent over from the waist without bending her knees to pick it up and put it in the trash can, then left the room without turning around to see the look on Jeremy’s face.

She was wearing a thong.

Jeremy smiled, then went back to eating his breakfast.

When Jeremy returned to his room after breakfast, the first thing he noticed was that Claudia had unpacked his luggage. The next thing he noticed was the neatly folded towel lying on the bed, next to his racing style swim trunks. Lying on top of the trunks was a short note which read, “Just in case you decide to go for a swim later on!”

When he bought the trunks in Europe he wasn’t particularly fond of them at first, but that was all he could find in that part of the world. The thought of walking around in a skin-tight Spandex bathing suit that showed every curve, bump and vein - especially when he had an erection, which was frequently on the nude beaches at first - made him uncomfortable. He eventually got used to them and now didn’t think twice about wearing them. He even got used to the nude beaches, and the all-too-frequent erections slowed considerably. After six months of seeing European women walking around topless, it took a woman with a really spectacular body to get that kind of reaction out of him.

A woman with a body like Claudia’s.

At first he didn’t know what to think, and then he decided what the hell - after he got back from visiting some old friends in town, he just might go for that swim and see what happened. He had a feeling, and wanted to see if he was right.

He went downstairs to get the car keys and tell Claudia he was leaving. He followed the sound of the vacuum cleaner and found her in his uncle’s study, vacuuming the rug. He stood in the doorway for several moments, watching her move the vacuum cleaner around the room. When she turned in his direction he got another good view of her mammoth breasts which were bobbing like crazy as she worked the vacuum. After a long minute she finally looked up and noticed him, jumping a bit. They both smiled as she shut off the machine, and he spoke first.

“Now it’s my turn to startle you!” he said. “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to sneak up on you!”

“I guess I had it coming,” she said, still smiling at him. “So now we’re even! What can I do for you, Jeremy?” she asked.

“I just wanted to let you know that I was going out for a while to see some old friends,” he said. “I should be back in a couple of hours.”

“Would you like me to have lunch waiting for you when you get back?” she asked.

“That would be great, yes,” he said, marveling at this girl’s efficiency. “And after lunch, I think I’ll go for that swim,” he said, leaving the open-ended statement hanging there. She smiled broadly, her eyes lighting up as she replied.

“Wonderful! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!” she said, giving him an open-ended statement of her own to ponder as he walked away.

He returned to the house around noon, and true to her word Claudia had lunch waiting for him. The sandwich and chips were the perfect lunch, and Jeremy told her so when she set the plate down in front of him, again showing him her mile-long cleavage.

“Thank you, Jeremy, that’s very sweet!” she said, smiling at him. She walked towards the door and then stopped, turning to ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?”

'Okay, I’ll play your game!’ he thought.

“No, this is just fine, Claudia…for now,” he replied, smiling a wry smile at her. She smiled very broadly at his response before replying.

“You just call me if you want anything else from me!” she said, and then walked through the door.

'And so the game begins,’ Jeremy thought as he ate his lunch. He had a pretty good idea where things were headed, and he really hoped he was right. If he didn’t get to see those huge tits naked soon, he’d go absolutely crazy!

After he finished eating he went upstairs, changed into his swim trunks, and headed down to the pool, the towel slung over his shoulder. The day was bright, clear, and hot, and the water felt good on his skin as he dove into the pool. He swam a few laps in the Olympic-size pool, then hoisted himself out of the cool water and headed for the chaise lounge, picking up his towel from where he dropped it on the way. He ran his hands over his head to squeegee the water out, then lay down on the big padded lounge chair, letting the sun warm his body and dry the water from his skin. He closed his eyes and relaxed, letting his mind wander and was not surprised to find it wandering over Claudia and those luscious tits. His thoughts combined with the warm sun on his crotch began to have the inevitable effect and he felt his cock swelling slightly, pressing against the snug material of his suit.

'I wonder what the rest of her looks like’? He thought to himself. As if on cue, from behind him came Claudia’s voice.

“Would you mind if I joined you, Jeremy?”

He opened his eyes and turned his head to see her standing behind his chair, smiling down at him. He could have sworn she was staring at his crotch when he first turned his head, but he wasn’t sure. She was wearing a short white terrycloth pool robe which stopped just below the cheeks of her ass, and was carrying a towel.

“Please do!” he said, gesturing to the chaise lounge next to his. He made no move to cover his partial erection which was plainly visible through his tight suit.

“Thank you!” she said. She walked over to the lounge and spread the towel out to lie on, giving Jeremy a good look at the underside of her ass as she did so. Not surprisingly, her bathing suit was a thong, too, he was glad to see. She turned at sat down on the lounge facing Jeremy, leaving her robe on. She smiled at him as she spoke.

“How long were you in Europe, Jeremy?” she asked, genuinely interested. She leaned forward on her knees, and Jeremy saw more of her fantastic cleavage than ever. He couldn’t wait to see the suit she had on under that robe!

“Two years,” he said, “most of it in France going to school. I did a couple of internships in Belgium and Germany, but mostly it was France.”

“Did you like France?” she asked.

“Yes, I did,” he replied. “The people were very nice, and once you got used to the cultural differences, it was just great.”

“Cultural differences?”

“Yep; Europeans in general and the French in particular have a very different attitude,” he explained, “much more relaxed than ours. They don’t let the trivial things upset them, and their attitude on nudity is just great.”

“What attitude is that?” she asked, letting him steer the conversation. He had a feeling she knew she was being steered and didn’t mind.

“They don’t mind it. You see topless ads on billboards and in papers all the time, plus full-frontal female nudity on TV is no big thing.”

“They have topless beaches there, too, right?” she asked, doing some steering of her own.

“Yes, they do; they have fully nude ones, too,” he replied.

“Did you go to them?” she asked, smiling again.

“The topless ones, yes, but not the fully nude ones,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing the naked female form just as much as the next guy, but there’s something about seeing guys walking around on the beach naked that just doesn’t appeal to me.”

“So you were okay with the topless beaches?”

“Absolutely,” he said.

Her smile broadened as she sat up. “Good! Then this won’t bother you,” she said as she stood up and untied the belt holding the robe closed. She took the robe off and revealed her huge, round breasts to him; she was topless, and it took Jeremy a little by surprise but only because her tits were so much bigger than he thought they were. He thought that the mile-long cleavage she had been showing him was due to the bras she wore, but he now saw that her cleavage was natural.

Her breasts were huge, round and full with just a little bit of sag from their great weight. Her nipples were small and perfect, surrounded by large pale areolas. Her mammoth mounds swayed on her chest with her movements as she folded the robe and placed it on the ground beneath the lounge. The thong bottoms that she wore were dark blue and were barely big enough to cover her pubic mound. He was sure from the small size of the thong bottoms that she trimmed her pubic bush; she had to, or else he would have seen otherwise. He swallowed hard as she spoke again, sitting down and then laying back on the lounge to face the sun.

“I always sunbathe topless,” she said, closing her eyes and letting the sun hit her skin. Her breasts hardly flattened out at all when she lay back, and Jeremy could see her nipples beginning to crinkle from the heat of the sun. She turned her head to him and asked, “Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“Mind?” he said, trying hard not to stammer, “Why in the world would I mind?” He was trying hard to keep his concentration; it was a fight since most of the blood in his body was now rushing to his cock, which was rapidly growing to its full size. He felt it straining against the material of his suit, and he was sure that she saw it. Actually, he was hoping she had.

“Good,” she said, turning her face back to the sun. “I hate tan lines on my breasts. And I’m glad to see you like them, Jeremy,” she said, smiling with her eyes closed.

Caught off guard by her statement, Jeremy was quiet for a few moments. She turned to look at him and laughed when she saw the look on his face; her melons shook as she laughed. Then she sat up and propped herself up on one elbow as she spoke. Her tits lay against each other, the nipples hard and erect now.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Jeremy,” she said, “I have much the same attitude as the French do about nudity and the human body. It doesn’t bother me at all to be topless or even naked in front of you, and I consider your getting an erection as a compliment. Besides, you should be very proud,” she continued, looking down at the clear outline of his fully erect shaft, her eyes traveling up and down the length as she spoke. “You have a beautiful cock.”

“Thank you,” he replied, not sure of what else to say.

“You’re welcome,” she said, looking back up to his eyes, her voice slightly breathy and excited. “Now why don’t you come over here and fuck me with it before we both go crazy?”

“I thought you’d never ask!” Jeremy replied. He stood up and untied the drawstrings of his suit and then pulled it down his legs, setting his throbbing cock free. Claudia’s eyes never left his cock as she lay back and untied the strings of her thong bottoms, pulling them off and tossing them to the side. She put her feet on the lounge and spread her thighs wide as Jeremy climbed on the lounge, positioning himself above her. He had just enough time to notice that her pubic hair was trimmed close and in a narrow strip, and that her outer lips were shaven smooth. She held her arms out to him, her huge breasts pressed together by her upper arms, and wrapped her legs around him as he slid his hard cock deep inside her already-wet pussy. She moaned as he drove deep, holding him tight with her legs as he began thrusting in long, deliberate strokes.

“Oh my God, you feel so good!” she breathed as he moved on top of her.

“So do you!” he said, feeling her clamp down on his cock with her inner muscles.

“Make this one hard and fast, Jeremy,” she said, gasping for breath as he thrust hard and deep, “we can take our time later!”

“You got it,” he said, and began thrusting in and out of Claudia’s tight, wet pussy in hard, deep, and fast strokes. They moved together in perfect rhythm, thrusting against each other, Jeremy driving his shaft deeply into her pussy as Claudia lifted her hips up to meet his thrusts and allow him in deep. He could feel her huge breasts pressing against his chest as she held him close, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him, as he drove his cock in and out of her in hard strokes. She kept her legs wrapped tightly around him as she pushed his hips forward with her heels, driving him in deeper and deeper as she pushed her hips up to meet his thrusts. He knew what was about to happen, and drove harder.

“Oh my God, I’m gonna cum!” she cried, and she did. Her back arched as her orgasm exploded inside her, and she cried out as the waves crashed over her senses. Jeremy felt her pussy clamp down on his cock as she came hard. Then his own orgasm overtook him and he moaned loudly as his cock exploded inside Claudia’s pussy, pumping and throbbing, shooting stream after stream of hot cum deep inside her. She cried out as she felt his cock throbbing and pumping inside her pussy, filling her with his cum, and she bit down on his shoulders to stifle her screams of ecstasy as she came again. She held him tightly as he came inside her, feeling his cock shooting again and again. She held on until both of their orgasms were spent and he collapsed on top of her. She let her legs drop to the sides of the chaise lounge, and they both lay there panting and gasping for breath. After a few minutes Jeremy lifted himself up and smiled down at her.

“Wow!” he said, trying to catch his breath. “That was incredible!”

“Just wait 'till I get you in my bedroom,” she said, smiling back up at him, breathless as well. “You ain’t seen nothing yet!”

“I’m sure I haven’t!” he replied, holding himself up above her.

“How about a quick swim to cool off before we go?” she asked.

“Sounds good to me!” he said, getting up and feeling his now-soft cock slide out of her. She quickly got to her feet and ran to the pool, diving in. He followed her in and they splashed around in the pool for a short while; while there she wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed for the first time. The kiss was warm, soft, and wet, and he could feel himself stirring as she kissed him, her tongue dancing with his. She felt it, too.

“Already?” she asked, breaking off the kiss. “Wow, I’m impressed!”

“Just wait 'till I get you in your bedroom,” he said, squeezing the rounded cheeks of her ass in his hands, “you ain’t seen nothing yet!”

They both laughed, and then got out of the pool. They quickly gathered up their things and ran to the house, Claudia leading him by the hand. Once in her room they dropped what they were carrying and embraced, kissing again, tongues dancing once more. She pressed her entire body against him, and he could feel the firm mounds of her huge breasts pressing firmly against his chest. They both felt his cock begin to rise.

“First we shower,” she said, breaking off the kiss, “to get rid of the chlorine. I hate the taste of chlorine! Then, we go to bed,” she continued, “where I intend to totally have my way with you and fuck you silly!”

They went into the attached bathroom and got in the shower, the water hot on their skin. They soaped each other up, washing the sweat and chlorine from each other’s bodies. Jeremy ran his hands over, up, under, and around her massive breasts, lifting the soapy globes in each hand and marveling at their great size and weight. He ran his fingers over the nubs of her nipples, and she gasped at the sensation. She ran her hands down his stomach and grasped his cock with both hands, working the suds up and sliding her slippery hands up and down his quickly-hardening shaft. They kissed again as she gripped him hard, and he slid his hands around to grasp her firmly by the ass and pull her to him as they kissed.

They rinsed the lather from their bodies and got out, quickly drying each other off with two thick, soft towels. When she got to his cock Claudia knelt down in front of him and slipped her soft, wet mouth over his cock, sucking it firmly into her mouth. He moaned as she ran her tongue around the head of his cock, sliding her mouth up and down his shaft as she kneaded and massaged his smooth-shaven balls. She did this for several long, pleasurable minutes before she released his cock from her lips and stood up, kissing him lightly.

“I could make you cum like that, but I think I’ll save that for later on,” she said, pumping his cock in her hand. “Right now, let’s go into the bedroom!”

They went into Claudia’s bedroom and walked over to the bed where they embraced and kissed again. Jeremy’s cock was rock-hard, and Claudia could feel the hardness of his shaft pressing against her abdomen. She reached down and grabbed his throbbing shaft with her hand, pumping it slowly and firmly as they kissed. She broke off the kiss and stepped back, then put her hands on Jeremy’s chest and pushed him backwards onto the bed. She quickly climbed on top of him and spun around to face his feet, putting her knees on either side of his head. Jeremy had a clear view of her perfectly shaped, smooth shaven and clean pussy, but he only had the view for a moment before Claudia dropped her pussy down onto his mouth as she grabbed his cock with one hand, his balls with the other, and slipped her mouth down on his shaft. As she sucked the pre-cum from the head of his cock, Jeremy reached up and grabbed the firm, rounded globes of Claudia’s ass and pulled her pussy down firmly onto his mouth, running his tongue up and down her wet slit and then probing inside her tunnel with it.

They went at each other like this for a long time, Jeremy sucking and licking on her pussy and clit while Claudia worked over his shaft and balls. She sucked his smooth balls into her wet mouth one at a time, rolling them over her tongue before letting them go and clamping her mouth on his cock again. She jumped as he flicked the tip of his tongue over her clit and then sucked on it, making her thighs tighten around his head. He felt her pussy flood, and knew that she would cum soon. He thrust his tongue in and out of her pussy, then ran it up over her clit; he repeated the process several times, and it only took a few moments for her to cum all over his face and tongue. She cried out around the shaft of his cock in her mouth as she came, clamping her thighs on his head as he sucked on her clit. Her body shook with the intensity of the orgasm, and she sucked harder on his cock.

Claudia came twice like this, then released his cock and lifted her throbbing pussy from his face. She got up and spun around, straddling his cock as she faced him. Without a word she grabbed his cock and pointed it up at her pussy, then sat down on it, impaling herself on his shaft. She took it all with one stroke and immediately began riding him, sliding up and down his long, hard shaft in deep strokes. Her mammoth breasts bobbed and swayed with her movements, and he reached up to take them in both hands. He squeezed them hard, pulling and pinching on the nipples as she rode him, taking his entire cock deep inside her pussy with each downward thrust of her hips. She came several times like this, each orgasm more intense than the last, her body shaking with the intensity. Still she rode him, sliding up and down on his cock relentlessly.

Without warning he grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her off of him, his cock slipping out of her pussy as she fell. He got up and turned her over face-down on the bed, moving in behind her. She knew what he wanted and got up onto her knees, lifting her hips up and presenting her rounded ass to him while lying on her crossed forearms, her mammoth breasts pressed against the mattress. He immediately grabbed her by the hips and thrust his hard cock deep inside her pussy, deeper than he’d been before, and she cried out as she felt the head of his cock hit the end of her tunnel. He immediately began thrusting in and out of her pussy, his hips slapping against her ass, his balls hitting her clit with each thrust. She grabbed the sheets in her fists and hung on as he fucked her hard and fast; she started to cum then, crying out as he rocked her with his thrusts, making her cum again and again. She was his sex toy to do with as he pleased, and she was loving every second of it!

Then he pulled out and flipped her over onto her back, grabbing her legs at the back of her knees and pulling them up as he pulled her towards him. She was panting for breath as he slipped his cock back inside her and leaned forward, lying down on top of her as he slipped his hands beneath her ass and gripped it hard. She pulled her knees up and apart to let him in as deeply as she could, and he began thrusting in and out of her tunnel in long, deep strokes. She wrapped her lithe legs tightly around him, squeezing his cock with her pussy as he slid in and out, trying her best to make him cum. Her best was good enough, because in a few short minutes he told her that he was going to cum.

“Cum on my tits! Please, Jeremy, cum all over my big tits for me!” she pleaded in his ear. She felt Jeremy nod against her shoulder as he continued to fuck her hard and deep. His thrusts deepened and she felt his cock widen, indicating that he was getting ready to cum. She moaned and squeezed his cock hard with her pussy, thrusting her tongue in his ear to help set him off. It did.

Just as he was starting to cum Jeremy sat up and pulled his cock out of Claudia’s pussy, gripping it with his hand and pumping it as it began to shoot. Claudia grabbed her big tits and pushed them together just as the first long, thick stream of cum landed on them. Jeremy cried out as his cock pumped and throbbed, shooting stream after stream of hot cum onto Claudia’s huge mounds. She laughed out loud as she saw his big cock spitting its white juice out, flying through the air and landing all over her tits and stomach. She had never seen a man cum so much, and she loved it! By the time Jeremy’s cock finally stopped spitting cum, her tits were covered with long lines of white, sticky cum. Jeremy, his cock sated and spent, sat back on his heels, panting for breath.

“Hmm, so much lovely cum!” Claudia said, reaching up and rubbing the cum into her tits. “I’ve never seen a man shoot so much cum before!”

“Well, it’s been a while,” Jeremy said, catching his breath. The sight of her rubbing his cum into her tits excited him, and he knew that it wouldn’t be long before he was giving it to her again. “I was really busy the last two months I was in France and I didn’t have much time to socialize,” he said.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to help you make up for lost time!” she said, smiling and licking the cum from her fingers. “I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since I saw you lying naked on your bed, you know,” she said, a coy look on her face. “I was starting to think you weren’t interested!”

“Oh, I was interested, all right!” he said, lying next to her on the bed and propping himself up on one elbow. “I was interested from the moment I saw you in that French maid’s outfit with your tits popping out of it!” He reached over and ran a finger over her nipple, making her gasp and the nipple crinkle up.

“I thought you’d like my outfit,” she said. “Your uncle likes it, too. Besides,” she continued, “not every woman has breasts like mine, and I’m proud of them! I love to show them off!”

“Just how big are you, anyway?” he asked.

“I wear a size 34 triple D bra and measure 44 inches around the nipples with a tape measure,” she said proudly. “Furthermore, my waist is 22 inches and my hips are 34 inches!”

“Gorgeous,” he said, impressed. “Absolutely gorgeous!”

“Why, thank you, Master Jeremy!” she said playfully.

“About my uncle…” he began, but she cut him off.

“Not to worry, Jeremy, your uncle is a sweet, generous man, but there’s nothing going on between us,” she explained, much to Jeremy’s relief. “Aside from being way too old for me, he’s my boss, and it’s never ever a good idea to get involved with your boss. I know he likes looking at my tits and ass, and that’s fine with me because I like showing them off, but that’s as far as it goes.”

“And you’re not worried about getting involved with me?” he asked.

“Not at all,” she replied, propping herself up on one elbow. “You’re not the boss, and I hardly think you have any complaints about the quality of my service, now do you?” she asked playfully, smiling at him.

“None at all,” he replied, smiling back.

“Besides, I know your uncle is just dying to hear about my 'wild side!’” she said, totally surprising him.

“How did you know about that?” Jeremy asked.

“I saw the note before he sealed it up,” she explained. “He had a phone call, and I saw it when I walked past.”

“I won’t say a word to him if you don’t want me to,” Jeremy swore.

“Actually,” Claudia said, her hand wandering down to Jeremy’s cock, “We have three more days before your uncle gets back. I was thinking that we should see just how much we can give you to talk about!” She grasped his cock and began tugging on it, smiling a wicked smile as she did so. His cock immediately began to grow in her grasp, and she pushed him over onto his back before leaning over and sucking his cock into her mouth.

'My uncle is never going to believe this!’ Jeremy thought as he watched Claudia’s head move slowly up and down, 'if I can survive the next three days to tell him, that is!’


by Original_Aramis for Literotica