Socially-Distanced Coupling Devices

Techs test devices to enable sex during social distancing.

By Pearce R Daly. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Sometimes, events can change the needs of us common humans. As the year Twenty twenty arrived, life seemed so care free. Then surprisingly, a pandemic threatened to change all we have known. We have to think before we embrace, keeping a healthy distance. Little did we know how this would be effectuated by new technology? But with crisis comes opportunity to adapt. Jonas and Tawny agreed to become part of a research project to test new devices to meet the challenges of social distancing.

I’m Candice. I’m part of the university’s research analysts. We partnered with the Maxim corporation and monitored the people who volunteered to be test subjects.

My name is Jonas, I am in my early 40s, single by choice. I have had many relationships but for many different reasons, they seemed to end after a time. My work in technology occupied much of my time and some might think I was married to my work.

I work as a technician/developer at a startup technology company named Maxim Hard in the Silicon Valley. Though this two year old company is still trying to get a foot hold, it employs a strong crew of diverse people. Many new, innovative products have sprung forth from the minds of this group.

For a while I have been working on a hardware-software combination that I had hoped to bring forth for those who were separated by distance. Never did I believe that a virus would affect so many so quickly and dangerously as to cause a need for social distancing.

The device that I had been working on would negate the need for physical contact yet would hopefully produce the same physical and possibly the same emotional outcome while in separate locations. The company refers to this as the Sensuous Shared Stimulator, but in reality it is a MFD, Mind Fucking Device.

I was to be assigned a partner to test this device before the company would even consider a test marketing. Her name is Tawny, in her late 20s, early thirties, a technician. She appears to be the classic almost geek, hair in a tight bun, big glasses, khaki pants that looked like she was swimming in them and a light blue loose-fitting polo shirt that made one wonder if she had any breasts at all. She was extremely shy, hesitating to answer questions and not offering much input on this project. Little did I know that her inner hunger was about to be released.

At first, I was bothered by the age difference between Tawny and myself, but then I told myself this was for science, at least that thought would rationalize what could possibly happen going forward. The outcome would be positive for mankind and we were just sacrificing for the good of others, yet, in the back of my mind my upbringing cast the shadow of sin and guilt. And yet, there was a need of a paycheck.

So, after a weekend of conflicted self- torture, we arrived in the testing area of Maxim Hard Technologies. We looked at each other nervously, each putting the device on one ear, as if it were a Blue Tooth device. We said our good byes as we were escorted to private areas. As designed, the devices only allows what one's mind really wants and desires, and no force, unless desired.

I sat back in the recliner and relaxed as I thought of what was next, and in the next moment I found I was in a room with Tawny. As I was to find out, she was much less inhibited mentally, as far as thoughts go.

Tawny's soft, brown hair flowed down to her shoulders, accentuating her beautiful blue eyes. She wore no glasses and her eyes twinkled with life, a bit of sparkle shown through. She has rich, full lips and one hell of a body that had been hidden by those work clothes. She wore a spring green dress, tied at the waist, that accented perfectly proportioned breasts that reminded me of the shape of gum drops that I remembered from my childhood. Such a sweet memory and such a sweet sight.

Somehow I must have squirmed in the lounge chair and loosened the device from my ear and my mind was no longer in the same place as Tawny's, and I realized I need to adjust myself, damn tight pants! And in that moment, I had to wonder what Tawny was feeling.

Hi, I’m Tawny. Here’s my story.

One minute Jonah is here, eyes locking into mine after he realized that I had caught him ogling my breasts. A fire was ignited in areas neglected way too long; and then, suddenly he was gone. What the fuck? I know this was technically product testing, but there was more to this. After being married, having a child then divorcing someone who basically played me for a fool, I never believed that a man could arouse the flames of passion that had been extinguished by that kind of treatment.

Jonas was heading toward middle age and I was more than a dozen years his junior. He had developed a middle age paunch and yet he seemed comfortable, and I don't mean like an old couch; but a non-threatening man, yet with a playful gleam in the eyes.

As I put the device on my ear earlier, my mind allowed me to wear that green dress that made me feel, well, like the freedom of spring; fresh and desirable. I could not help but notice this had an effect on Jonas, as there seemed to be a bit of tenting in his trousers. But then, suddenly, he was gone. Vanished into thin air. I asked myself why, and could think of no possible answer. Was it something I did?

At this moment, I removed the device from my ear, and realized I was back in that lab room, alone in a lounge in my normal the work clothes. I realized something else at that moment, my cunt was very wet, and very aroused. I needed to get out of here and get some relief. The day had gone by and it was time to head home.

As I was walking back to our mutual collaboration room, Jonas greeted me apologizing, the experiment was going well until somehow, he knocked the device from his ear. As I could see by the bulge in his pants, he was finding this "hard" to talk about. At that moment, an announcement came across our internal notification system; an announcement that all employees were requested to come to the main Conference room for a mandatory meeting.

Even though Tawny was wearing her usual khaki pants and blue polo, my mind, and another part of my body remembered the sensuousness of Tawny, something her work clothes will never again secret from me. After explaining what had happened that interrupted our testing, I was somewhat discouraged by the announcement that there was a mandatory meeting a 3 pm, ending our work day.

It was at this time we were all instructed to plan to work remotely from home, the virus was multiplying faster than the scientist expected. More and more we are being herded into social distancing.

Our supervisors allowed us to take certain projects home that did not require our facilities to work on. Tawny and I left the Maxim Hard Complex each with several devices, She with devices paired with the ones I possessed.

It’s good to finally be home from the Maxim Labs. This week has already been rough, and I having been laid in 2 months!

This is unbelievable, forced to be home alone. My son is with his father as we thought it would be best as his dad has a home business and schools are closed. I have a discomfort about this device testing outside of work as I'm uncertain of what control would be in place in a remote location. Maybe after dinner and maybe a glass of wine, I can settle down for the evening.

Home sweet home! Damn, I’m ready for the weekend!  I need a beer! I cannot get Tawny out of my mind. This was supposed to be an experiment, no feelings, just a clinical experiment. I guess I can't dwell on it, but adjustments have to be made on the device so it does not come off and disrupt the next testing. After dinner, I put the device on my ear, and was able to get the fastener adjusted to stay in place.

Now that you’ve met Jonah & Tawny, let’s tell you how the experiment went, for them.

Tawny was feeling bored after dinner, yet more relaxed after a couple of glasses of wine. She picked up the paired device, slipped it on and realized that in her mind, she was not alone. She was in a room with Jonas. Jonas turned and his eyes widened at the sight of Tawny, again in her hot green dress. He felt compelled to approach her, to embrace her, to breathe in her scent. Tawny could feel the heat radiate between them. As someone who always maintained control over herself, she felt it slipping away. Yet she struggled to not let it go.

Jonas pulled her close, kissing her full lips. Though hesitant at first, Tawny surrendered to his embrace, opening her mouth and entangled her tongue with his. Jonas savored the taste of her mouth as they tongue fucked each other, neither knowing or caring the movement of time as they pulled back, Jonas had the belt of her dress in his hands, untied with a swiftness that Tawny neither felt or sensed. Tawny's hands expertly unbutton his shirt as his own pulled open the top of her dress, placing soft kisses down her cleavage. She felt the heat of his breath as her chest heaved with each breath. She reached behind to release the clasp of her bra, allow it to drop and exposing the softness of her tits and the stiffening hardness of her nipples. She wished she had left her nipple ring in but hopefully there would be other moments for that.

Jonas felt as if his cock was being crushed by the restraint of his pants. He could not remember ever feeling this hard. And so trapped by clothing. As if Tawny could read his mind, she reached down, lowered his zipper and released his throbbing cock from its confines. As she undid his belt and unbuttoned his trousers, she lightly flicked her tongue over his nipples sending a sensation through his gut and into his pulsing wand.

Feeling a need to slow down or risk exploding all over her dress, Jonas pulled back, removing the rest of Tawny dress. Before him stood the last roadblock to paradise, a black thong.

Tawny could feel her moistness saturate her thong, not sure whether to feel embarrassed, or just aroused, but she would soon get her answer.

Jonas kissed Tawny's thighs, working close to her mound but not touching. He was stimulated by the scent of her arousal, but felt a little tease was needed, and not to be rushed. Soon he will have a taste of heaven. He could hear her breaths deepen. Jonas gripped her thong with his teeth, pulling it away and off, and was rewarded by swollen, glistening pink lips of Tawny's womanhood. As if he was a starving man, he proceeded to partake of a feast.

For Tawny, all of her early reluctance had slipped away. She was finally finding out what being eaten really meant. Her ex-husband was a two pumps and a dump kind of guy, at least with her. And he was not fond of "going south". Now, as she ground her raging, hot cunt on to her partner's exploring mouth, his tongue flicking her nub as waves of sensation pulsed through her clit. She reached and stroked his engorged manhood, slick with precum, she could feel it pulsing in her hand. She teased the ridge below the head of his cock, and realized a release was about to explode, for both of them.

Tawny felt her climax build as she ground her clit on Jonas' sucking lips. She gushed into his mouth as he groaned loudly and spewed his eruption forth, covering her hand.

As they both lay there recovering, an alarm went off. One of the device's battery was very low and could not continue functioning. This signaled the end of the testing for this session.

Post Experiment - Back to Reality

Jonas took the device off his ear. He was fully clothed but his shorts were full of ejaculate, he could not remember that much cum in his pants even from a wet dream in his young years. From his perspective, the Stimulator device, or MFD as he referred to it, works. Of course, it will require more testing, this social distancing might not be terrible.

Tawny could not believe it as she took off the device, she lay on her bed, in her night gown but her panties were soaked, as were her sheets beneath her. She had never cum liked that, was it the device, or her partner, she knew she would have to find out, in the name of science.

The next opportunity to test would have to wait as the battery weakness issue would first have to be resolved. This would take a few days as remote technology problems for others would take priority over "personal pleasure" products.

The next several days were wearing on both Jonas and Tawny. They had no lack of work to do but the isolation from the outside was starting to stress them, a little relief would do wonders. It had been 5 days since the last test and each had received a package from Maxim Hard lab; batteries and installation instructions with the correct micro tools to complete installation. Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel, and that tunnel was very much in the thoughts of Jonas. He could almost taste it.

Tawny flushed with warmth at the thought if what now lay ahead and immediately went to work on the installation. Suddenly, the wave of stress she had been feeling seemed to ebb, with a flow of moisture from within.

They had both completed the installation but it was now late Friday afternoon: the work day done. Jonas contacted Tawny and both agreed that, even though it was the weekend, they would get a good night's rest and proceed with testing Saturday morning, in the name of science. This might turn out to be a great weekend after all, each secretly thought.

The Weekend Begins

Saturday morning, the sun shone brightly through the window of Jonas' bedroom. Thankfully well rested, his heart beat with an anticipation of what was to come today. Clinical study is what this test was to be, but in his mind it was more. He and Tawny planned to test around noon, so a healthy breakfast was in order. Jonas went about creating a breakfast that likely would hold him until dinner.

The same was in order for Tawny. They hadn't spoken since early the prior evening but she sensed something in Jonas' voice; an edginess, perhaps a longing that was equaling hers. But this time, the quiet and demur tech vowed to herself to take the lead.

Shortly before noon, Jonas lay back in his bed, thinking of the black shirt and trousers he wanted to appear in that would somewhat hide his middle age spread. He picked up the device. Fastened it to his ear, he closed his eyes, and in a flash he stood in a doorway of a bedroom. And before him, in a red and black shear nightgown, lying seductively on the bed, was Tawny. Jonas hesitantly approached the bed and Tawny sprung up to him, locking her lips on his, their tongues engaged in an erotica tango. She tore the buttons away from his shirt and traced her tongue down his chest, over his belly stopping at the belt of his pants. She could see his arousal bulging in his britches. She undid his belt and yanked his trousers and underwear down to his ankles in one fell swoop. Jonas felt a little self-conscious of his size, being that he believed he was not large but average. Watching porn can do this to some guys. He once jokingly told a lady he was intimate with that it wasn't the size of the ship but the motion in the ocean that counted. She made a crack about how guys with small boats say that. Somehow that stuck with him.

Tawny couldn't have care less, she wanted it, needed it and was going to possess it. Those thoughts drifted from Jonas brain as he felt the moist warmth of her breath as she move to engulf the head of his cock in those soft lips. Her tongue danced around, teasing the hole then sliding down to take him deeper. She caressed his balls and could feel the pulsing that forewarned of his forthcoming ejaculation. Sensing this, Tawny stopped, gently stroking just to keep him on the edge.

Jonas got to thinking that turnabout is fair play so he pulled her up, passionately kissing her and carried her to the bed, almost tripping on his pants still around his ankles. He yanked off her night gown and placed her face down on the bed, shaking off the clothing at his feet and climbed on the bed, kissing her sweet neck, then each shoulder, drifting down the small of her back, stopping to caress her soft round buttocks She spread her legs and pulled them up under which he took as an invitation to explore deeper with this tongue. He could see the rose bud, the tight pucker of her anus, as he kissed closer. Tawny's cheeks tightened, alerting Jonas that he needed to move on. Her aroma permeated his nostrils, the scent inflaming his passions as he licked her swollen labia, she squirming to engage that teasing tongue with her clitoris, He slid a finger into her cave exploring, first with one, then two fingers, teasing her g-spot. As she started to approach her climax, he totally instituted the turnabout, he stopped, leaving her on the precipice of bliss. He rose to his knees, dripping precum, stroking her gash with his hard phallus, Tawny emitting a small whimper as he made contact with her nub.

Now was the moment of truth, he pushed his aching member to the entrance of her tunnel, one hand squeezing her tit while the other traced and tickled her clit then softly, gently sliding into her hot, wet cunt.

Tawny had him where she wanted him, sliding back hard, engulfing and clenching his hardness, all he could do was to accept her thrusts with his own matching, angling his cock to brush her g spot. She was gyrating against his finger on her clit and fucking that swollen cock, needing relief, and as her crescendo came, at first internal as the pressure on her g-spot made her gush intensely, clenching as he picked up his thrusts. He then felt his own explosion erupt as he bottomed out in her cunt, his balls against her, causing her clitoral orgasm to commence, with a loud moan that pitched to a slight scream.

They lay in an exhausted heap of legs, arms and fluids, in need of a nap.

Both of them awoke in their respective residences albeit in need of a bit of a cleanup, and totally satiated. They would continue to test through-out the weekend. By Sunday night they were pretty well rung out. Both happy with their success, and wondering what will happen when project was completed. Tomorrow they would complete their documentation on this project to see if completed, and secretly both hoped for more testing, but for what reason?

Multiple Testing

A few days after submitting the results of the test on the Stimulator, a report was posted by the company, further testing required. In a phone conference with HQ, Tawny and Jonas were told to continue further with the study. It was asked if there could possible a third device paired? The technology existed to do this in principle, but no one had suggested going beyond a simple pair. They were advised that, with the virus spreading and the social isolation or distancing as society has come to know it, with fewer project, the pair should be able to spend more time on it. It is why they have a salary, they were reminded. Who could to argue that? Basically a ménage a trois of the mind; a discomfort for Jonas; a slight smile in Tawny's eyes as we chatted on a video conference later the evening.

Jonas Prepares Project Completion

The next morning, Jonas was going through a list of those he had worked with in the past at Maxim Hard. One tech stood out in my mind as he checked off the list, Chin-Sun, whose name means one who seeks truth and goodness in everything. She was born in Korea and was raised by her family and schooled here. A very thorough person when it came to getting tasks done, she also was not hard to look at, somewhat petite but with a strong personality, and a cute little body. No one could guess she was in her mid- thirties as she keep herself fit, looking about 20 years of age. From previous partnering on projects, he had the impression that she had little interest in men. She surprised him with her enthusiasm when he approached her with this experiment, and who else was involved with the project. The following morning Tawny, Chin and Jonas video conferenced to fill in what has been done with the project and how to get the new devices to each participant. Jonas would pair the three devices and have them delivered to each of the ladies residence before the next test session. A few days more and hopefully a successful end to this project. A piece of Jonas felt somewhat melancholic at that prospect. Sometimes one must shake off those personal thoughts and proceed, for the sake of science.

The Last Test - Jonas Struggles

Finally, the morning of the last device trial arrives. Two women, one man, a common fantasy, Jonas' confidence is shaken, not in the aspect that the device will fail but in his own personal abilities. He doesn't like the thought of disappointing two women. Never being in this situation has set him off balance. The fact that he had developed feelings for his project partner was not helping, and her excitement at the prospect of Chin in the mix did little to temper these thoughts.

Jonas weighed his thoughts longer than he should and realized he was late for the schedule testing. He lay down on his bed, put the device securely on and soon realized he was in a room with his two beautiful but very different female partners. Tawny was dressed in a body hugging black dress, that crossed at her sexy breasts, accentuating that fine feminine form that in part have caused him to be

Enamored with her. Chin, wearing a blue buttoned shirt that hid her small, perky breasts and yoga pants so tight that he could not help but notice her camel toe.

Both ladies acknowledged Jonas' presence, smiling longingly but then their attention focused on each other. They embraced each other, kissing slowly, sensuously, as if they sensed how it should be, not rushed passion but warm acceptance. Jonas held back to watch the ballet of lips move in sweet harmony, of tongues crossing in a sharing, embracing dance, with breasts rising in erotic breaths. Chin reached to pull the dress from Tawny's shoulders as Tawny reached to unfasten the buttons of the beautiful Korean girl's body, exposing small breast, with those dark, bumpy areolas and hardened nipples begging to be sucked and nibbled on. Tawny shuttered at the touch of the soft hand of Chin against her skin and groaned as she kissed her way to the hoop nipple ring adorning Tawny's right breast. Chin's fingers tickled and tweaked the other nipple, at the same time grinding her hot, clothed cunt against Tawny's thigh.

Jonas found himself mesmerized by the sight of these two beautiful women's intensity, as he himself disrobes, softly stroking his hard member, using his precum to lube his movements, not too much pressure for fear he would cum. For the moment, he was happy enough being a voyeur.

As the ladies continue to kiss and caress each other, they slowly shed any of the garments from their bodies, tonguing their way toward womanly paradise subsequently ending in sixty nine position. Chin's lithe body was on the bottom, head toward the bottom of the bed, while Tawny's was on her knees, her face lunging between the petite thighs of Chin. Tawny lowered her throbbing, wet cunt as Chin's tongue lashed feverishly at the swollen lips of her associate. Both women ground, gyrated and groaned at the intense pleasure they bestowed on each other.

Jonas found himself thrusting against his own hand as he viewed from the side, these two magnificent girls relishing in their desires. He had to release his cock from his own grip, edging almost too close to an orgasm, just then, Chin pulled her face away from Tawny's writhing, dripping cunt, asking Jonas if he was going play with himself all day or join in, After all, this was supposed to be his project to drive; and Jonas was prepare to drive it all the way.

As he made his way to the foot of the bed, he could not help but notice that Chin had returned to eating Tawny furiously, and there was something between the sweet, parted ass cheeks of his partner in the project, an anal plug. Jonas mounted the bed looking down at the Korean girl's wet covered face devouring the clit of Tawny. He laid his lips on her back, kissing and licking his way lower, noticing Chins rising hips, pushing her love nest into Tawny's exploring mouth. Jonas eventually made his way across the small of her back, kissing and sucking the soft suppleness of each buttock. Suddenly he was facing her gorgeous ass, and the dark anal plug, His lungs drew in each deep breath as her hot, intoxicating scent inflames his nose, and intensified his primal lust. With shaking hands he reached for, gripped and twisted the anal plug. Tawny growled loudly and drove her hot hole harder into Chin's face. Jonas could take no more, he pulled out the plug from her gaping anus, wet the opening with his saliva, rubbing his precum covered cock head against her bunghole. Apparently, Tawny had prepare herself for this, as her ass was well lubricated for the anal plug. Both woman were moaning and grinding in their passion as Jonas pressed gently forward he found himself gliding into a realm he had never experience, soft, warm and very tight. He was rewarded by slow, rhythmic movements.

Suddenly, the passions overwhelmed all three. He felt something from below, a small hand, Chin's hand squeezing his balls. Jonas thrust harder, deeper, causing Tawny to thrust back. She let out a guttural moan into Chin's sopping, dripping cunt, driving Chin's clit sucking lips harder into Tawny's folds, and then it happened-Chins small hand slid up to Jonas' ass, a finger penetrating the pucker. Jonas bottomed out in the behind of his partner, his balls firing salvo after salvo of cum deep within her warm tunnel. Both women experienced wave after wave intense orgasm, slowly subsiding, pounding heartbeats settling. Jonas collapsed onto his right side, pulling the women to the bed with him.

Finally, the threesome parted and the ladies pulled Jonas up, each kissing him first on the mouth then his neck, trailing down his chest to each of his nipples, kissing, nibbling and tugging. As the girls eyes met, Chin's lips explored those of Tawny, embracing in a tight hug. As the tongues entwined, so did the rest of their bodies, eventually grinding their womanhood against each other. Having blown his load as he did, Jonas felt he best leave these two beauties to their own devices. He pulled his device free and immediately he was back in his home. He would need a shower and some food and drink. And he would have to deal with the gnawing bit of jealousy of Chin and Tawny's triste, or was he jealous of Chin; he wanted Tawny to himself,

Final Result of the Project

The next morning, the three techs were to video conference, then Jonas and Tawny were to prepare and finalize their report. Tawny said she would be late logging in as she wanted to Skype with her son. She missed him terribly and now that it appeared that he would be with his dad at least until the virus subsided. Although absolutely required, social distancing takes its toll on families, especially separated ones. When Tawny joined the conference, she felt a distance coming from Jonas. She was bothered by his disappearance from the triple testing. Could he possibly have felt jealous of her and Chin? She realized that she really had come to have deep feelings for this man that moved her so without never actually touching her, not physically but mentally, and psychologically. Chin to her was fun, but that was it. No real connection. For Chin, it was just another rendezvous. She loved her freedom and variety without an emotional attachment, And she truly enjoyed this testing, the associates involved and the hot fucking, in the name of science.

The results of the testing were extremely positive, the Stimulators worked perfectly when the issues of fastening and battery life were finally worked out. The devices could be paired for two users or more. With the need for social distance never more necessary, roll out of these devices were essential at this moment in time, and Maxim Hard Technology was to be first in the world to provide this technology. Jonas and Tawny were ordered to securely return all devices so that the technology could not be stolen. As designers and technicians, they were proud of their work but as people they somehow could not care less. Again they were alone, yet secretly longing; and uncertain.

Over the next few days, they made excuses to check on each other, making conversation. At night they would remember the testing, their erotic couplings, the passions that exuded between them, and the powerful climaxes that these brought forth. How could there ever be anything as powerful as this? And with a pandemic raging in the world, would this really matter? On Sunday night, each fell asleep wondering what the morning; and new week would bring. Each questioning if all hope was washing away like the leaving tide.

As Life Continues On.

Monday dawned anew, a brilliant sunshine commenced a new day. The two techs knew they would be given new projects, though still working from home. Each expected to stick to their respective talents, with possibly an occasional cooperative project, though few and far between. Jonas and Tawny felt it might be easier not working together and yet, in heart, hoping to, even for a short time.

At 9 o'clock as they logged in for their respective work days, there was a message of high importance. They were to log in to a video conference with the Board of Directors of Maxim Hard Technologies. Having never been directed to do so before, both were overwhelmed with what might come their way. Were they in serious trouble? Jonas and Tawny were about to be stunned by what was to follow.

As the conference unfolded, each member of the Board expressed their admiration and gratitude to this technological partnership that brought home a project that will help so many during the Corona outbreak. Separated lovers could be intimate when apart. Same for soldiers who have been deployed and long for the few joys of home that have been denied while serving. AND Maxim Hard Technology will now hold a place in the market, making millions for their share-holders in the process,

The two techs were dumbfounded but were about to be even more surprised; the company wanted them to collaborate on several big projects, the only stipulation was that they had to do this physically in the same place, working remotely would cause a failure to bring these projects forward.

They were to talk about it and give their decision in 24 hours.

This was what each secretly desired but how can this happen? They were both bottlers when it came to feelings, and both had been suppressing things too long. Jonas spoke up and tried to tell Tawny that this had gone too long, and Tawny was misreading what he was trying to say, that he cared deeply for her. That was not what she was hearing and finally her emotions exploded, she asking him what the fuck was wrong with him. Not knowing what to say, he spoke quietly from his boots, he could barely speak when he told her he was falling for her. And then there was dead silence. It was out in the open. Finally!

The next day, in their conference with the upper echelon of Maxim Hard, when asked how they chose to proceed going forward, Jonas and Tawny declared that they were in it for the long run. They would stay at her residence, where there was plenty of room and enough of a technology lab to maintain the standards of Maxim Hard as to controls- quality and all others. They also stated that they would see each project through with the professionalism and ethics that each has always held. And silently, they made these promises to each other. It is indeed a different world.

A Beginning is never the End

By mid-week arrangements have been made. Jonas packed what he would need for as long as he could. Staying away from crowds has been difficult. But at least being isolated for a couple of weeks has made it most unlikely that they carried the virus. As he loaded his car and drove away he felt a new reason for existing, not always the work, the science, the technology. He was driving to a new life, an open and sharing one.

Tawny waited for Jonas to arrive, a bit nervous, a little excited. Since her son had left, she was lonely. She realized that in other ways she was also lonely, even during her empty marriage. And she was about to feel fulfilled.

As Jonas arrived in the driveway, she ran out to greet him. Taking his hand they walked into the kitchen, they sat talking at the table, no rush to bring his belongings in. Suddenly, Tawny stood and approached Jonas, hand gripping both sides of his face and kissing him as if her lips had been starved forever. His tongue pressed between her moist lips, probing to engage in an exotic dance with her tongue. Her answer back was to entwine with his, an erotic oral coupling; a copulation!

Jonas' hand reached out to unbutton her blouse, exposing her luscious tits. His aching penis pressed hard against the restraint of his pants, he kissed each breast, teasing her nipples as he circled her areolas; each lap closer to those hardening nipples. Her chest rose and fell with each deepening breath.

As he pushed down her shorts and finally her cute pinks panties, Jonas was aware of her arousal, the aroma infiltrating each nostril inflaming his own arousal. He felt harder than he ever had. He remember he had not brought condoms but Tawny said she knew neither of them had been intimate with anyone else in a very long time; and she was on the pill to regulate her menstrual cycle. This set both of them on fire, Jonas bending to kiss Tawny's belly as he view a soft wisp of pubic hair above her slit. As he probed deeper, his finger slipped into her warm, wet crevice. He so wanted to taste her sweet nectar as she squirmed on his finger, as he massaged her pearl. As he bent to get a lick of her inviting honey pot, she pushed him back, startling him as she stated that she was going to take him as she wanted, as she needed. Grabbing his belt, she released the buckle, popped the button of his trousers and yank them and his shorts down in one fell swoop. And as his stiffened cock sprang forth, her eyes widened. Before her stood his protruding seven and half inch cock, thick and pulsing, the head dripping copious amounts of precum. It was at this moment that they both realized that when using the MFD, they were reacting to what they had thought about themselves, their inadequacies, real, and imagine, their diminished self -images, not of their real selves. It was how they had viewed themselves!

Tawny straddled his legs as she lowered her hot, dripping cunt over his super stiff manhood. She controlled his entry, slowing to accept the length and girth of his cock, not because she was afraid but to adjust to it as her experiences have been few for so long. She paused to relish the feel of him inside, sliding slowly deeper, her until his cock bottomed out in her, and then, with all the strength of her legs, she raised and lowered her sopping moist twat, faster, harder, meeting each of Jonas's each thrusts.

Jonas grasped both supple cheeks of her ass, lifting to assist each push of her legs, almost pulling his cock out, so the head was just barely inside of her folds. Suddenly, the waves of passion struck Tawny, her mouth open and moaning loudly as orgasm overtook her, causing the walls of her tunnel to grip and release the aching member of this man she was reveling in. And this passion was shared from deep within his balls, he groaned through gritted teeth as an eruption of volcanic proportion was expelling, exploding, propelling through his dick, shooting powerfully deep within her womb, both soaked with cum and fluids of their releases.

As they came back to earth from their erotic ride, as they looked deeply into each other's loving eyes, what came to Jonas mind was this thought. For them, there has come another phase in the pandemic, social dick sticking, for the sake of science, of course!!

By Pearce_R_Daly for Literotica.