Consoling Auntie: Part 1


A disillusioned lifestyle gets renewed with incestuous love.

by Jism786. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories

As a twenty-year-old, after a year in college, I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes, but I felt like a little cog in a big machine, a machine designed to extract money from people like me. However, my parents had high expectations, and I didn’t want to disappoint them. After much consideration, I figured I would take a semester off to figure things out. As expected, my parents were not only disappointed but angry as well.

“So, what the hell are you going to do?” my father asked.

“ I don’t know yet,” I replied.

As I retreated to my room, my father yelled, “Maybe you should join the marines, that way you can get your shit straight!”

I wanted to cry something back, but I really didn’t have anything to say. It also didn’t help that my dad was an old, hard-ass marine. The next few weeks were hell. My parents were unrelenting and reminded me about my shortcomings daily. I had gotten a job at a local insurance agency, but I felt like my parents didn’t want me in their house anymore. I had always been an outdoors person, and the situation was becoming unbearable. I tried to stay out of the house as much as possible. Every day, there was an argument about how school was the only option and how I had to either go back or start thinking about moving out.

All this bickering finally subsided the day my dad got a phone call from his sister. My Uncle James had passed away due to a heart attack, and we had to fly over to pay our final farewell to my Uncle James. It wasn’t a long flight considering it was from California to Idaho. It was nice to see my cousin and my Aunt after such a long time, three years to be exact. It was sad to see them in their misery, but I really loved them and was glad I could be there with them.

My Uncle had been a very reserved man, and I had grown to like him over the years, but I never really knew him all that well. My Aunt, on the other hand, had always been very loving and motherly. She had the warmth that came from working with animals and was always very polite. My cousin Megan was twenty-three and attending school on the east coast. She had flown back as soon as she had heard about her father. She was older than me by four years, but she had always seemed much older to me. She had always been wise beyond her years and had always been a full-grown woman in my eyes.

We arrived Friday night and were planning to leave Sunday night after the funeral. Pleasantries and condolences were exchanged, as expected, that first night. The older folk, including my parents, talked with my Aunt and other family members far into the night. I, on the other hand, decided to turn in early. I was given my Uncle’s old study, and I found it very hard to sleep. The man had passed away, yet there were traces of his existence all around me. Mercifully, I dozed to sleep.

The next morning I awoke to my father’s hand gently shaking me. “John wake up.” It was hard to stay asleep with his big bear paw on my shoulder. “Listen,” he said as I turned to see him. “I know lately I’ve been riding you pretty hard and I’m sorry. I know you’ll figure it out and I just want you know that I’ve got your back no matter what you choose to do,” he finished with a smile. The talk last night must have really opened his eyes to how fleeting life really was. I was still half asleep, but I felt a significant weight lift off my shoulders, both literally and emotionally. “Now get up, we have some work to do,” he finished. Although I didn’t admit it to myself, I knew deep inside what work he had in mind. Every time we visited my Aunt, we ended up helping around the farm. Unlike back home, where the day started at 7 or 8 am, it started at 5 or 6 am here. I got my clothes and jacket and followed my dad as we headed out towards the small field behind my Aunt’s barn.

Our family has always grown in or around farms, so farm work was second nature to my father. On the other hand, I was less experienced, but I was willing to jump right in. Being on my father’s good side renewed my attitude on life. Soon we were milking the small herd of cows my Uncle and Aunt owned. By the time we were done, my forearms felt sore. My dad laughed as he watched me open and close my hand.

“She had some hard tits that one,” I said jokingly.

“Yeah that’s why I let you have that one,” he replied. “Your Uncle really like that cow. He used to say it was the best damn cow he had ever owned,” he said while looking back at the herd.

I also looked around and could see the steam rising from the cows’ backs. The mornings here truly felt magical. The sky was golden as the sun rose over the hilltops. The calves suckled quietly on their mothers’. It was a beautiful scene, to say the least.

By the time we got back to the house, the women had already started breakfast. The place was bustling with people as neighbors and friends came to offer their condolences. The rest of the day went just like that. People coming and leaving while my Aunt tried her best to remain a good hostess.

Tomorrow would be my Uncle’s funeral, and it was really starting to set in that he was really gone. Late that evening, a small circle of men sat around a fire outside my Aunt’s house. I could see they were all men who were a lot like my Uncle, landowners, and men of integrity. My dad was talking to them, and I decided to join them. They spoke of my Uncle and the kind of man he was, telling stories about some of his crazy ideas and sayings.

All in all, it was a good feeling as I learned more about the man who I knew so little about. I soon found out that my Uncle had not only been a good husband to my Aunt but a perfect friend to all of them. He had, at one time or another, helped each one of these men. They were saddened to have lost him so soon. He had only been 46. My Aunt was only 40.

Soon the talk took a somber tone as one man asked my father, “Has Rose told you was she plans to do with the farm?”

“No, not yet,” my father replied calmly. “I will talk to her before I go and make sure she has what she needs. In any case she’s a strong woman and she has that going for her,” he finished as he took a drink from his beer.

After a few seconds, my dad spoke again. “In any case, I think John might stay here with her for a while.” I had my eyes fixated on the fire this whole time but processed what he had said. “What about it?,” asked my dad as he patted my back.

“Sounds like a plan.” I replied, wondering if he was drunk.

With that being said, the men eased back on their chairs watched the fire before them. I stood up and went to take a piss. I walked behind an old tractor that had been there for as long as I could remember, unleashing a small torrent on the side of one of the rear wheels.

“You could go inside and do that,” I heard my cousin Megan’s voice in the dark.

Quickly I zipped up my jeans and looked up to where the voice was coming from. My cousin was lying on her back on top of the engine compartment of the tractor.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered, embarrassed.

Hearing my voice, she quickly turned to see me. “Oh, its you…” she said, surprised.

I tried kicking some dirt over the little pond I had created. The last thing I wanted was for my cousin to smell was my piss. She smiled only slightly.

“I wonder what my mom would think…” she started, “she used to yell at my dad for peeing on that exact same spot you know,” she said sadly.

I noticed the distinct difference in some of the grass’s color by the tractor’s rear and front wheel. When I looked back up at Megan, I could see her eyes watering and knew she was trying not to cry. She slowly turned around, and I stood there wondering what to do. My eyes wandered up and down her small frame. She had always been a looker. She had her mother’s brown wavy hair and a pretty face to go with it. She was shorter than her mom but had inherited the wide hips and ample bust that she always tried to hide by wearing a sweater.

“I’m sorry about your dad,” I said slowly.

“Thanks,” she said, still facing away.

Without a word, I climbed up the side of the tractor and leaned over her. She was sniffling, and the hood of her sweater covered her face. Gently I kissed the only visible part of her cheek. She smiled, and I jumped back off the side of the old beast. I headed back to the house a little relieved and feeling generally good about myself.

The next morning we had the funeral. The entire day was a sad ordeal. I soon realized how much I hated seeing my mom and aunt cry. My dad had an arm around my Aunt, but her shoulders still shook hard. I didn’t feel like crying but watching my mother sob broke my composure, and I could feel my eyes watering. My cousin was sobbing uncontrollably, and I was glad her friends around her. She had always been daddy’s little girl, and now she was reeling, having seen her father’s casket buried. We stayed there hours after the funeral had ended, and I couldn’t help but contemplate all the changes death brought.

On the way back home, my father and I talked about what he had said yesterday. I had given it very little thought, considering he had been a little tipsy, but now I saw he was earnest. We had a long discussion about how it might be useful if I stayed with my Aunt for a few weeks, and I couldn’t help but agree. I really was perfect for the task. I had nothing waiting for me back home, and I was grateful for a change in scenery. Being able to get my father off my back was another blessing that sealed the deal. My father didn’t waste any time proposing the idea to my Aunt about me staying.

The first thing out of her mouth was, “Don’t you have school?”

I smiled and replied, “Not for a couple of months.”

It was the truth… school had ended, and she didn’t need to know that I planned on skipping next semester. On the other hand, my cousin would be heading back as soon as she could find a flight. She had signed up for the summer session and needed to be back at school that same week. After some discourse, it was agreed that I would stay.

My father took me aside and informed me that he would be depositing some funds to help with the expenses. I was glad, considering I had only a few hundred dollars from my last job. Hours later, my parents got their things ready for their morning flight, and I once again turned in earlier than usual. I spent the next couple of minutes thinking about what the next days would bring. I would be staying with my recently widowed Aunt on a small farm… freedom, at last, I thought.

The next morning I awoke to the sound of my parents leaving. I kissed my mother goodbye and hugged my dad for a long time.

“Take good care of her,” he said in his deep voice.

“I will Dad,” I replied.

My Aunt had always been very close to my dad, and I could feel the weight behind his request. She hugged each of them as well, and my mom finished by saying, “You give me a call if he gives you any trouble, and don’t be afraid to smack him if he acts up…. you have my permission.”

She said, smiling. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” my Aunt Rose answered as she looked at me lovingly.

I waved them goodbye as the cab pulled away. When I turned around, my Aunt was in the doorway smiling at me. She opened her arms, and soon I found myself pressing willingly into the softness of her breasts.

That day I spent most of the time cleaning around the house and farm; my Aunt spent it indoors, mainly. I found it incredibly difficult to talk to her about my Uncle, and I was dreading the fact that my cousin would be leaving the very next day. The day flew by as I explored the farm and the rest of the grounds. I could see myself falling in love with this lifestyle.

The next day, I drove my cousin to the airport, and it was now time to say goodbye.

“Take good care of my mom John,” Megan told me.

“Don’t worry I will…” I answered reassuringly.

Megan had suggested to my Aunt that she’d stay a while longer. But my Aunt would have nothing of it.

“No Megan you need to finish up your schoolwork and besides I’ll be fine with John here.”

And so it was. My cousin flew back east to finish her classes, and I became my Aunt’s only company.

The next few days consisted of me getting accustomed to the routine. Surprisingly, my Aunt knew as much if not more than my father about tending the farm. I found myself following her lead most of the time. As the days went on, I found myself more and more comfortable around her. In the days following the funeral, we had become close friends. I recounted my stories about past girlfriends, and my Aunt told me how she and my Uncle had met. On some days, I could see the sadness in her eyes, and I tried my best to keep her spirits high. Slowly I began to grow more and more fond of her.

The next morning I noticed I had no clothes left in my suitcase. I had only packed for a few days, and now I was shit out of luck. I tried looking for the jeans I had worn the day before, but I didn’t see them anywhere. I only had the pair of briefs I had fallen asleep with, and to make matters worse, they had multiple holes around the elastic band. I stayed in my room for a little while, wondering what to do.

However, after a while, I heard my Aunt yell from the kitchen, “John what do you want for breakfast!?”

“Anything is fine by me aunt Rose!” I yelled back.

A few minutes later, I heard her yell again, “Breakfast is almost ready!”

I yelled back, “Ummm I can’t find my jeans…”

A couple seconds passed, and I was about to yell again when I heard her say, “Oh honey I think they are all in the wash. They’re almost done but you better get in here before your breakfast gets cold,” she said, finally.

I searched the room for a towel but found none.

“You do have underwear right?” I heard her yell down the hall again.

“Yeah,” I replied. I was glad my morning woody was gone because the thought of going to the kitchen with only my ‘tighty whiteys’ was quite frightening.

I tried to make it to my seat at the table before my Aunt turned around, but I was too late.

“Oh honey, you don’t wear boxers?” she asked, smiling as she wiped her hands on her apron.

“Umm no, I don’t really like them,” I replied while my hands desperately trying to cover my manhood.

“I’m sorry Honey, I didn’t know those were all your jeans. I would have left one had I known.” she informed me.

“Its okay Aunt Rose, I appreciate you washing them.” I replied. My embarrassment had already been too high, but now I could feel my face turning red.

She started scrambling some eggs while in her pj’s, and I could not help but stare at her ass as she did this. Her pj’s were probably not designed to be sexy for all intents and purposes, but her ass was so plump and voluptuous that it stretched the fabric slightly, and I could almost picture her naked through it. I didn’t think I could be more embarrassed, but being only in briefs while watching her cook awoke my cock faster than any porno I had ever watched. I only hoped I didn’t have to stand up soon.

“Honey, can you get me the flour that’s behind you in that cupboard, I’m going to make some pancakes,” she said.

“Oh, that’s okay Aunt Rose, I don’t want any pancakes,” I replied, hoping she wouldn’t ask me to get something else.

“Well I do, so if you could please,” she said.

I stood up quickly and started looking through the pantry. To my horror, I couldn’t find it.

“Baby, you know you have a hole in your underwear?” she asked teasingly.

“Yeah,” I said, more embarrassed than ever.

Finally, I found the flour and turned around quickly so that she couldn’t see the hole any longer. I thought about tossing the flour box to her but decided against it. I walked quickly, trying to cover my crotch area with the flour box, trying not to be too obvious. When I got close to her, I extended it to her.

“How bout you help me make them,” she said. It was now that I noticed that she was relishing in my discomfort. She had a hint of defiance in her eyes. I tried not to think about anything sexual, but my cock throbbed as I saw the cleavage.

“I don’t really know how to make them,” I said, trying to save myself from being so exposed.

“That’s okay, I’ll teach you,” she replied quickly.

She grabbed the box out of my hand, and then I saw her eyes shift down towards my pulsating cock. I looked down to see how clear my condition was; it was worse than I could imagine to my horror. My cock had become so hard and hot that I had not noticed the dark pulsating head peeking over the elastic band of my underwear.

“Oh My!” my Aunt said almost in a whisper.

Her left hand was covering her cleavage while the other hand still held the spatula. I rushed to cover it up with my hands, but the damage was done. I turned to run, but my Aunt caught my arm.

“Honey, honey its okay,” she said quickly yet lovingly. “Just get a towel from that counter over there and umm, try covering up as best you can.” she said in the same tender tone.

I made my way to the towel and went back to the table with the towel wrapped around my waist. I must have been a sad site sitting there at the table with my face in my hands.

“Honey its okay,” I heard my Aunt say again as she slid a plate in front of me.

I couldn’t bring myself to look at her, and I wouldn’t have had she not pleaded with me, “Look at me baby.”

I slowly looked up to see her beautiful face. She was leaning over the table, and her cleavage was impossible not to look at. I was utterly hopeless, and she must have thought this as well because she let out a smile when she caught my stare.

“I got an idea,” she sprung up all of a sudden.

She turned around and untied her apron, then to my disbelief, she slid her shirt off. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and I could see the sides of her breasts even as she faced away from me. Slowly she turned around, and my mouth dropped while my cock throbbed with renewed vigor.

“See, now we are even,” she said smiling. She sat down across the table, and her tits swayed slightly as she set her plate before her. “Honey, you might be able to chew your food better if you close your mouth now and again,” she said coyly.

I roused myself and tried to concentrate on my food. But kept looking up at Aunt Rose’s incredible, round, soft tits sitting in front of me. Her nipples were timid now, but I could see them springing forward if given enough attention. Her aureoles were a shade darker than the rest of her skin, making it a little harder to breathe. She had a distinct tan line around her breasts. I wanted to fondle them more than ever and tuck my hand underneath them to feel their weight. Soon, however, breakfast was over, and my Aunt put her shirt back on.

“Better not tell your dad… or your mom,” she said jokingly.

“I won’t,” I managed to say, my embarrassment virtually gone.

“Now you better get out there and work some of that energy off,” she pointed cautiously at my crotch as she said this.

“Will do,” I replied.

“And one more thing hon,” she said as I started to walk out of the kitchen, “we need to get you some new underwear and jeans.”

I managed to let out a small laugh and say, “Yeah I know.”

[to be continued in ‘Mating Season’]

by Jism786 for Literotica