Howdy Neighbour: Angela

The neighbours meet. Ken meets Angela. (erotic coupling)

By PrairieDad1. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

A Friendly Encounter

“Howdy neighbour. How ya doin?”

Ken jumps and turns around to face the voice behind him,

“Drinking my coffee and enjoying the early morning quiet. At least, it was quiet. You startled me,” he says in a loud voice his eyes roaming over a tall, slender young woman.

The young woman laughs and stretches out her arm toward Ken hoping for a handshake.

“Ah, quit your bitchin. Its not that quiet. Can’t you hear the birds chirping? Don’t be such a grumpy old man,” she says laughing again. “I’m Angela. My parents moved in next door while I was away at Uni. Nice to meet you, I think, Mr. Grump.”

Disarmed by her pleasant personality, Ken says,

“Okay, enough already. I get the message. Sorry for barking at you. I’m Ken and I’m not a grumpy old man. Its just that you surprised me. Would you like a coffee?”

“Well, actually I’m just heading out for a morning run. But, I’d love a coffee in 45 minutes. Would that be okay Ken?”

“You bet. I’ll have it ready for ya in 45 minutes.”

And just like that Angela turns and disappears around the house corner leaving Ken to stare at nothing.

During their short exchange Ken managed to get quite an eyeful of Angela. So much so he grabs an outdoor chair and sits down.

Muttering to himself, ‘Wow! What a beauty’. Tall, slender, her dark brunette hair pulled back in a ponytail. An angelic face with luscious, shapely lips and blue eyes. Dressed in a tight T shirt pulled over what appeared to be smaller perky breasts with long athletic legs, muscular even, in a pair of bum hugging shorts.

And what a bum. The kind Ken loves. A bubble butt. Yep, quite the eyeful, he smiles; his hand dropping down carressing his cock thru his jeans; reflecting on their encounter and feeling bad for being kinda gruff with her.

As Angela runs, she too is thinking of their short conversation.

‘Wow, he is quite a ruggedly handsome guy’. Maybe late forties and in really good shape.

Not fat but tall and slender with big muscular arms. ‘Little rough around the edges’. Angela smiles to herself as her feet pound the pavement.

Three quarters of an hour later Ken hears a knock on his door.

“Come on in Angela,” He yells out in a loud, enthusiastic voice so she hears him.

Walking into the kitchen, her forehead perspiring, Ken approaches, tossing her a fresh towel to dry off with.

“Let’s try our introduction again” he says, “I’ll try to be more civil.

Good Morning! I’m Ken, your neighbour. Pleased to meet you,” he says extending his arm.

“Hey there neighbour, I’m Angela, John and Melanie’s daughter. Nice to meet you also.” she says Shaking his hand.

“Who’s John and Melanie?” Ken asks, a slight grin creeping over his face.

“Really? You don’t know my parents?” she says,  a shock on Angela’s face.

Ken laughs, “Ah, Gotcha. Your mom seems a pleasant lady. Haven’t met your dad yet.”

“Here, sit down and relax,” he pulls out a chair, “I’ll grab you a coffee. What do you take in it?”

“A shot of whiskey,” she says, Ken’s mouth drops open. Angela giggles.

“My turn. Gotcha.”

They both laugh. Ken brings their coffee over and sits himself down.

“What brought your family to a small town like this? They look like a couple of professionals. Management types? No businesses like that around here.”

“Dad wanted a small town atmosphere to live in. He got tired of the busy city life. Besides, living here he’s close enough to the city and the airport.

Mom, on the other hand, hates it here. She has no friends. Feels like dad just dumped her here.

Dad’s always travelling, always has since I was little. Mom works from home in her spare time. And me, I actually enjoy the quiet life. Its busy and tiring enough at the university. Funny hearing that from a 19 year old, eh? It’s nice coming home for the summer and relaxing. I read a lot and my hobby is photography. I love exploring the country for old abandoned buildings. But it’s not exactly popular for making friends.”

Ken’s face lights up.

“I’ll be your friend. So, no boyfriend? I figured a beauty like you would be hitched; or kinda hitched”

“No sir. Not me. How bout you, Ken?”

“I live alone, wife died last year. Thought about moving but never did. Figured the memories would haunt me here but so far I’ve managed to live with them okay. Keep busy in my garden.”

“Oh Ken, I’m so sorry to hear that about your wife.”

“Yeah it’s tough being a widower at 39. You mentioned photography, exploring the country and old abandoned buildings. Three of my favourite pastimes. How about we take a day and I show you around the countryside.”

“Really? I’d love that. I’ve never met anyone who gives a crap about any of those things, especially old buildings. Always figured I was kinda weird.”

Laughing “Well we can be weird together” Ken smiles. “Weird friends.”

“This is so cool” Angela, in her excitement, stands, “Give me a hug,” she says, making an arc with her arms. Ken jumps up and steps into her embrace, the damp T shirt pressed against his shirt.

“Darn, you must be cold in those damp clothes.”

“Yeah, I am. Best I go home and shower,” she says, pulling away. “Thanks for the coffee and conversation. I enjoyed it. And, you’re not grumpy,” she chuckles. “I’ll go and shower, & freshen up. Can I come back later?”

“You are most definitely welcome here anytime. You don’t even have to knock. Just poke your head in & shout out. I may be out back tending to my yard.”

Angela skips out the door and, once again, Ken sits down, the vision of Angela dominating his mind; his hand again slipping down to stroke his hard cock.

An image of her skin tight spandex running shorts hugging her labia, her pussy clearly outlined.

'And, she’s a photographer and likes exploring the countryside’

Ken mutters, his fingers stroking his cock to erection; smiling to himself.

A while later Ken is out in the back yard, up a ladder, trimming a tree when Angela pokes her face around the back of his house. Seeing him, she’s about to shout out but decides to remain quiet and just watch Ken at work.

Dressed in a pair of old cut offs and a muscle shirt, his muscular body on display; Angela licks her lips, muttering 'you are quite a nice eyeful Mr. Ken.’

His arm muscles rippling as he works the shears on a tree branch, stretching his long athletic legs on the ladder, thick thigh muscles pushing against the denim fabric.

Angela smiles to herself, 'I like’ she mutters. ‘And he’s cute, too. An older guy with rough features and pronounced cheek bones and cute dimples. I guess “cute” is the operative word here’ she laughs.

Walking quietly across the yard, not to disrupt him like earlier this morning, she walks up behind him and quietly says, “Hi again,” smiling.

Ken carefully climbs down the ladder and twists around.

“Hey Angela. Nice to see you;” his eyes lighting up as he sizes her up, “Oh my goodness” smiling, “I thought you were beautiful this morning. Now, you are ravishingly beautiful.”

Angela blushes and smiles, “You like?” she says, as she twirls in a circle. “I wanted to freshen up after my run before you saw me again.” Shaking her head and waving her shoulder length brunette hair, no longer tied in this morning’s ponytail. “I didn’t disturb your quiet this time did I?” smiling.

“No, no. You did just fine. I can’t believe the transformation you’ve accomplished. Are you the same girl? Angela?”

Angela laughs, “I just let my hair out, put on a proper blouse and skirt. All dressed up and nowhere to go,” she says, laughing. “No big deal.”

“I sure don’t want to embarrass you, but you are incredibly gorgeous.”

Angela blushes and smiles, again, “I’m not the least bit embarrassed. Actually it’s nice to hear your compliments. I’m not used to hearing men talk that way about me.”

“Well, that is not a good thing; downright rude if you ask me. A man should always be complimenting the woman he’s with; but respectfully. Guess I’m old fashioned. Come on in. I’ll make us some coffee,” he says, taking Angela’s hand in his.

“Ken, you can be as old fashioned as you like. I love it,” she giggles.

Leading Angela into the house and kitchen area, Ken pulls out a chair from the kitchen table. “Sit there young lady and relax, while I prepare the coffee.”

With his back turned he makes the coffee. Angela again has a bird’s eye view of Ken as he moves about.

“You have a lovely yard. The flowers are so pretty. And everything is so neat and tidy.”

Watching him as he bends over to retrieve a pot from a lower cupboard, his thick thigh muscles stretching, Angel again licks her lips.

“Do you work out Ken? You sure have strong looking legs.”

“Matter of fact, I do. Legs and arms mostly. Comes in handy for my outdoor gardening work.”

“You certainly are in great shape.” she says, Crossing her legs, her mini skirt riding up her thighs, as Ken turns and faces her.

“Have you looked at yourself lately, Angela. Like I said earlier, gorgeous,” Looking at her seated in the chair and observing her long athletic legs.

“Runner’s legs,”  he observes out loud; a bulge developing in his shorts. “Why don’t we go sit in the living room,” conscious of his erection. “I’ll bring the coffee out there, where the seating is more comfortable.”

Angela jumps up, “Sure,” turning around and smiling to herself, having noticed Ken’s bulge and the affect she is having on him. Unintentional as it may be, but kinda cool nevertheless.

She finds the comfy sofa and settles into it, crossing her legs and leaning back into the soft back.

A few minutes later Ken enters the room carrying two cups, whistles and smiles.

“You look comfy. That chair’s made for you Angie; my Angel,”  Ken declares, laughing.

“Keep talking, big boy. I love it,” she says, giggling.

Ken leans over and hands Angela her mug, catching the scent of her perfume.

The scent of strong coffee greets Angela. “I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee,” she says, inhaling the aroma into her nostrils.

Ken sits back in the sofa, next to her, “How about we go exploring the countryside, tomorrow? Pack your camera and a snack or lunch and make a day of it.”

“Really,” Angela shouts, “I’d love it,” sitting up straight and placing her coffee on the small coffee table, she jumps up and steps closer to where Ken is sitting back.

She’s standing between his legs now. Ken almost spills his coffee moving the mug out of the way.

“You’re the greatest” Angela says in her excitement and leans in to kiss him.

Ken places his coffee on the table, then slides his arms around Angela as she pecks his cheek with a kiss. Feeling her bum in his hands his groin reacts.

Angela now kisses his lips before Ken eases her back.

“Slow down girl. Wow, wasn’t expecting that response. But not complaining either.” Ken smiles. “You sure know how to get a guy excited.”

“Don’t you want some excitement in your life Ken,” she asks; giggling while she looks down toward his crotch. “I think we could be real good friends and really enjoy ourselves. Being weird, I might add,” as she laughs. “Wouldn’t you agree, Ken? Two weirdo’s with cameras.”

“Most definitely,” Ken responds as he sips his coffee, and changing the subject.

“So Angela, what are you studying for at school?”

“Teaching, with an emphasis on physical education.”

“Oh,” Ken adds; “before I forget, wear your hiking boots tomorrow and I’ll show you some back country Phys ed.”

“Okay, I will. Now it’s my turn to get excited.”

“Not yet. Wait until you see the country I’m taking you into, and all the old barns and homesteads. It’ll blow your mind.”

“Oh Ken, please stop it. You’re making me wet; um, I mean; too excited.” Angela’s face turning red with embarrassment.

Ken laughs. “Either way, we’ll call it a Freudian slip.”

“We’ll leave at 5am, an hour before sunrise. You’ve got to see this country I’m taking you to, as the sun rises over it.”

“Okay, and I’ll pack some snacks and lunch for us. I can hardly wait. Hope I can sleep tonight. I’m so darn excited.”

Ken smiles, not believing his good fortune and how lucky he is in having met Angela. It’s a dream come true. Maybe there is some life left in him after all.

Angela heads to her home, all the while reveling, her mind in overdrive.

‘Oh my Gawd’ Angela says to herself. ‘Can you believe it? That my dreams would be fulfilled in this small pissy ass town with a man more than twice my age. A handsome man at that?’

‘Whew, cool off girl. Let’s not ruin it by being too aggressive. After all, he is old fashion by his own admission.’ Laughing to herself now, “And I almost blew it when I said I was wet;’ fingers feeling the moisture between her legs. ‘Fuck, he made me so horny. Why did the thought of old buildings make me horny?’

Hmmm, ‘Or, is something else going on here? Was I subconsciously focusing on the hard on in his shorts?’ Giggling. Which brought up another question, best left unanswerable for now.

Arriving home and flopping into the sofa, Angela reflects on her life.

Growing up an adopted lonely child, her parents both professional management types, she was left in the care of nanny’s. As she became older she desperately craved the love and attention of her daddy. But daddy was off travelling, as usual, being the successful business man he is.

Her mom, similarly, was always too busy or preoccupied to bother with little Angie and, later; bigger teenage Angela. Busy with her work and preoccupied with whatever a young and middle age lonely wife preoccupies herself with when hubby is off travelling. Angela’s immediate suspicion is, 'mommy slut’.

Not a pleasant thought. But it is the young woman’s impression of her mom.

With all these thoughts bombarding her mind, Angela now looks at her own life.

When college beckoned, Angela set her sights on a course. She excelled in her studies and attracted the attention of the boys. Excelling in her studies impressed her; but boys, not so much. She quickly discovered what their real intentions were, and she was damned if she was going to be a pin cushion for their cocks. A cynical attitude to be sure but she had healthy boundaries, so just wasn’t interested in the noncommittal sex; which explains her virginity.

She wanted a degree in teaching. End of story. One of the boys having an interest in boning her, had even accused her of having 'daddy issues.’ What a loser he was. The only 'daddy issue’ Angela had was she wanted a daddy, a loving and caring dad, who she could look up to, as a role model.

And lo and behold she meets Ken, the next door neighbour, an older & soft spoken man who seems genuinely loving and caring, and shares her interest in photography and the outdoors. ‘Who’d ever thought I’d meet a man the age of daddy to step in and be my daddy? Is Ken the answer to my dream?’

The only question remaining for Angela, 'Do I trust him enough to become his friend and he my friend?’ She answers her own question, 'A few minutes ago when we kissed, he could have taken advantage of me in my enthusiasm, but he didn’t. He backed me off.’

‘Just how far am I willing for Ken and I to go in our relationship? And how far will he come, if at all?’ The unanswerable question, for now.

Across the driveways, back in Ken’s house, he too, is thinking about Angela and how his life is changing in just this day. From the early morning greeting and his gruff response, to the two of them sharing their common interests with Angela exploding in youthful excitement and becoming so very affectionate; catching Ken by surprise with her reaction and subsequent spurt of intimacy.

The lonely widower now suddenly realizing he has a friend; full of vigor, very excitable and apparently very comfortable around older men, brings a smile to Ken’s face. Not wanting to jeopardize their friendship, Ken needs some wisdom on how to proceed.

Hoodoo land

Early the next morning, at precisely 5am, the tint of dawn lightening the chilly eastern sky, Ken places his camera gear in the back seat of his 4 by 4 crew cab pickup truck. The sedan stays in the garage, today. Where they are going, only an offroad vehicle will survive. He’s dressed in a jean jacket over his tanktop, wearing the usual blue jeans and a pair of broken-in hiking boots on his feet.

Moments later, Angela approaches the truck, a backpack over one shoulder and a camera bag over the other; dressed in a light tight sweater with form fitting blue jeans and hiking boots.

Both have their heads covered with baseball caps.

Angela opens the rear door and tosses in her backpack and camera bag; then climbing into the ‘shotgun’ seat as Ken sits behind the steering wheel.

The front seat in this older rugged pickup has bench seating, one long seat from side to side. It was built before the time of standard bucket seats.

"We’re off”, Angela bubbles with joy.

“Yep, here we go. Our first date,” Ken laughs.

“The first of many, I hope. We hope,” she giggles.

“You got that right.” Ken says in his excitement.

Within 5 minutes they have left the town behind, headed south on the highway, toward a ridge of foothills.

Some minutes later, Ken explains; “We’ll turn onto a grid road in about ½ mile, then follow that for a mile before heading up a trail toward our destination.”

As the sky slowly lightens, Angela slides forward in her seat, peering out the front window. “I don’t want to miss anything.”

A few minutes later they make the turn onto the gravel road and, a few minutes after that, the trail.

“Hang on babe,” Ken advises. “It gets rougher and rougher the farther we go.” Just then the pickup lurches through a deep rut.

“Um, Ken if you wanna call me 'babe’, no one’s ever called me that before. Sounds cool though.” She says, giggling. “Can I call you 'daddy?”

“Sure you can. Call me anything you’re little heart desires. No bad names though.” He laughs.

“Oh, silly boy,” Angela giggles. “Seriously though, I’ve never really known my real daddy and I, um, you’re a little older, his age approximately, and you’re so kind and caring. Um, I kinda like you lots,” she says, smiling over at Ken. “And, I desperately long for a real daddy figure in my life.”

Ken flashes her a glance, sees her staring at him and stops the truck, shifting it into Park. Turning in his seat toward her now, bringing a bent leg up onto the seat.

“Lets see, you wanna be my friend, my weird friend; and, now, you wanna be my daughter too. Humm, that is more than weird; that’s downright super weird!” His voice raising slightly.

Angela holds a hand over her mouth, “Are you mad at me?” A tear drop runs down over her cheek.

“NO, no, on the contrary, I find it downright kinky, I love it. I never knew my real daughter. It’s a long story, don’t ask. Now, I know you and you wanna be a daughter to me. How could I say no?” He assures her in a loud voice and smiling. “Actually, it’s a hidden desire I’ve had for a long time, and; ” his voice trails off. “You are making it a reality!”

Scrambling over the seat toward Ken, Angela plants a kiss on Ken’s mouth as they fall back against his door from the force of her movement. This time Ken doesn’t resist her kiss or her advances; sliding his arms around her midriff, his hand resting over her butt cheeks, feeling her rounded globes.

Instantly an erection rises in his jeans.

Angela’s kiss lingers, her body on top of Ken’s, her arm pressing across his hips and his erection. Ken’s hands caress Angela’s rounded butt.

Finally, Angela pulls back, “Oh Gawd, what just happened? I’m. ”

“Don’t you dare apologize. It was, it was wonderful. My goodness you sure do know how to excite a guy. An old guy.” He says, laughing. “Whew. And I love it.”

Neither of them moves, remaining in their awkward front seat embrace.

“I gotta tell you Angela, you sure do know how to turn a guy on, this guy for sure.”

"That’s kinda neat isn’t it Ken. I can sure tell you were, you are, turned on. I felt it.” She giggles, “And, um, it felt real good.” She’s smiling as she disentangles and sits back up on her side of the truck. “Daddy and daughter, so kinky and naughty and” she looks over at Ken, “And delightful. I love it!”

Ken sits up, “Me too, daughter,” he adds, laughing. “Ready to continue our tour?”

Engaging the transmission the truck bumps ahead, “Just another couple miles now.”

Ten minutes later they arrive at the top of a ridge and Ken stops the truck.

“Okay babe, grab your camera and set up over there,” he says, pointing, “I’ll get the lawn chairs and a blanket outta the back.”

Angela pops her door open, “Okay, daddy,” and jumps down as Ken does the same.

The sky has lightened substantially now, the sun about ten minutes from rising over the horizon.

Suddenly Ken hears a shout, “Oh my Goodness,” followed with a tittering laugh.

“Oh wow,” Angela yells.

As Ken approaches her with the folded chairs and blanket, she says in an ecstatic voice, “This is gorgeous.”

Angela and Ken are on a ridge looking east over a valley slope, with hoodoo’s along the edges, as the rock formations are referred too. They are distinct and known only in this area of the local country.

“Wait until the sun rises on them,” he says, Standing behind Angela and watching her as she looks over the coulee, Ken can’t take his eyes off her ass, the tight stretch blue jeans molded to her every luscious curve. His already erect cock growing stiffer in his own jeans.

Not able to hold back in longer, Ken says “You add to the gorgeousness Angela. I don’t mind saying you are absolutely stunning, a vision,” he says, Walking up behind her, “As much as I may excite you, you excite me more,” wrapping arms around her and pressing into her, all inhibitions lost, he plants his lips on her neck and ear lobe, a wet juicy kiss following.

Angela moans, feeling Kens cock pressed into her ass, she leans back. Their breathing increases.

“I love you, Angela. You’ve changed my life. You are the perfect daughter.” Spinning her around, leaning forward, Ken now takes the initiative and kisses her.

A long, lipsucking kiss. Angela reaches up wrapping her arms around Kens neck, fingers clasped, her camera dangling by her side. A long passionate kiss. Tongues exploring, flirting.

“Oh daddy. Daddy, daddy, daddy. I love you so much.”

Ken pulls his lips away, looks over her shoulder, “You don’t want to miss the sunrise babe. We’ll continue later.”

Opening the lawn chairs and slapping them down, they both take a seat under the large blanket and watch the Sunrise.

Ken reaches for his thermos and pours a cup of coffee, handing it to Angela.

She inhales the aroma, sips and hands it back. Then begins clicking away, photographing the splendour before them.

As the sun rise higher the rays fall lower into the coulee. Ken points out different areas for Angela to focus her attention.

She is definitely impressed, her “ooh’s and ahh’s” filling the air.

“Now babe, I don’t want you to miss this. Look down there,” he says, pointing and waiting for her yelp of exuberance.

And he’s not disappointed, as Angela sees the old buildings illuminated with the sun, she bounces in her chair. “Click, click, click” the camera continually records the scene.

The sun rises higher in the sky, the entire coulee now illuminated, Angela places her camera down on the grass.

“That is so awesome. Wow. Thank you, thank you, thank you, daddy.”

Ken smiles, “Later we’ll hike down there so you can see it up close.”

“Daddy, will your chair support us both? I need a love, a daddy hug,” she stands up.

“No, but the ground will,” he says, as he flips the blanket over the grass, and stands.

Stretching out his arms in a wide arc, Angela steps between them and into Ken’s embrace. Ken swings her up into his arms and lowers her onto the blanket.

“Shall we now continue Baby?”

“Oh yes, please,” she says, baby blue eyes sparkling, looking up into his brown eyes, a huge smile covering her face, her arms now stretched for Ken to slip between. Ken drops on his bent knees straddling Angela’s body, his strong arms supporting the weight of his body over her.

Leaning down, he kisses her, both lost in their new world of friendship weirdness. An older 39 year old guy and his much younger 19 year old adopted daughter.

Lips brushing, teasing, arousing, their tongues flirting, touching, flicking.

Mouths opening, lips parting, tongues exploring.

Bolts of electricity shooting thru their bodies.

A moan in the stillness.

Ken pulls up and sits back on his haunches. “I can’t Angela. I’m too old fashion. I need to romance you more, gain your trust and build a relationship with you. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t you love me? Am I too aggressive.? Please, tell me. You are the most intriguing guy I’ve ever met. Please, please, don’t reject me Ken,” she says, Crying where she lays, on her back, on the blanket, on a ridge overlooking the grandeur of the badlands coulee.

“Oh baby, its nothing to do with what you have or haven’t done. I’m so sorry,” and Ken begins crying. I’m just so mixed up. Maybe its that I’m still grieving my wife. Maybe its that I’ve been so alone and lonely for so long, I don’t know how to act around a woman. Maybe it’s just that I’m all fucked up, damaged goods.“

Suddenly Angela sits up, yelling "Don’t you dare talk that way about yourself. Stop now with the pity party. Just grow up and ‘grow a pair,” she says, Lowering her voice, “I fuckin love you Ken. End of story.”

Pushing Ken back on his back, she straddles his body and leans her head down, planting a kiss on his lips.

Pulling back, she begins talking,

“We are in this beautiful country on an adventure, exploring and having a good time. We like, no; love one another, so enough with the excuses and pity party.

You’ve shown me more love in 24 hours than I’ve had in 19 years. You’re funny, caring, so very considerate and, a bunch of other neat things.

"So, give your head a shake and enjoy me, enjoy our time together. Let’s enjoy the summer and make it the best summer ever. You on board?”

Ken, in fact, gives his head a shake as suggested.

“ Yep, I’m on board. Thank you for that Babe, I needed it.” he says.

Jumping to his feet, “Grab your camera’s. I’ll carry the backpack. You lead the way. We’re headed down and toward the right to the old, abandoned buildings.”

Angela adjusts her jeans, throwing the camera bag over her shoulder and begins the descent. Ken follows.

Thinking to himself, 'I needed that. Thank you, babe. We’re both on the same page now, no doubt about that.’

Smiling now, observing Angela from a few feet behind. 'I’ll never get tired of that ass. She has the most beautiful and luscious bum. My goodness. Call me perverted or whatever but she arouses me like I’ve never been aroused.’ Looking down at the bulging lump in his jeans, 'Right buddy,’ talking to his cock. And laughing.

“Did you say something Ken?” Angela looks back.

“Nah, just talking to myself.”

“Do you answer yourself too,” she says, giggling. “Have you been staring at my ass again?” “Judging by the bulge in your jeans, I’d say yep, you have,” more laughter.

“Boy, a guy can’t get away with anything around here,”  he says.

Arriving at the old, abandoned homestead, the air is filled with 'ooh’s’ and 'ahhs’.

Angela is beside herself. The camera clicking away, the memory card filling with new pixels of images.

After awhile they both find rocks to sit on.

“It’s getting hot now and I’m hungry,” Angela announces, reaching for the backpack. “You grab the sandwiches daddy. I’m gonna change into something cooler. I even threw in a pair of my dads, my other dad, shorts if you wanna try them on.”

Ken reaches in and tosses Angela a bundle of clothes and she moves behind him to change. Ken finds the wrapped sandwiches, pulls them out along with a pair of shorts.

Munching on a carrot, Ken looks up as Angela moves back into view. Ken’s jaw drops, again, as does the carrot, to the ground. Now wearing a tight body hugging spaghetti strap T shirt and a pair of skimpy 'Daisy Mae’ shorts, and an angelic smile, “I think I’ll be comfortable now. Wouldn’t you say Ken?”

“Now its your turn. Try on the shorts,” she commands. “We gotta match. It’s not like anyone else will see us. Right?”

Ken does as he is ordered, pulling off his jean jacket revealing a muscle shirt. He quickly slips his jeans off and pulls the other shorts on. Turns out they are spandex shorts for jogging or cycling.

Angela whistles, “Woo Hoo. Now we both can enjoy the eye candy. Stud daddy,” she says, Laughing.

As gorgeous as Ken thinks Angela is. She, likewise, thinks the same of him. So much so she is already damp in her pussy, her heart beating rapidly. She waits.

Ken too, is again beyond aroused. Cock throbbing in his tight shorts, distinctly outlined thru the stretched spandex, his mind operating in sexual overdrive he gives into an overwhelming desire to seduce his weird friend. Walking over to an anticipating Angela, her arms thrown open, they embrace. No stopping this time.

A long passionate kiss followed by exploring hands, clothing flung to the side, Ken lays Angela down in the grass.

Sucking her breasts into his mouth. Fingers stroking her bald pussy lips. A low growl.

Angela works his shorts down over his rump liberating his cock, it jumps free and stands at attention. She gasps.

“Daddy going to eat his babykins.,” Ken announces, moving his face down.

A low growl. His tongue flicks outward, a brief taste, he inhales her aroma. Lips grazing her pussy lips, she squirms. His tongue tasting her, going deeper inside her hole, mouth sucking her sex secretions, lips stretched open, swallowing her tasty fragrance. Another low growl, “Yummy,” he says, before diving back in for more.

In a heightened arousal of sexual ecstasy and fulfilled fantasy, Ken continues lapping and tasting and eating his lover’s womanhood.

Angela writhes and squirms with the assault on her. Ken grabs her legs, holding the thighs tightly in his grasp preventing movement.

A low voice, “My turn big boy. Lay on your back.”

Ken obeys.

With a little juggling Ken is on his back in the grass with Angela kneeling between his legs arms stretched hands cupping his girth. A sparkle in her eyes, a face covering smile, she whispers “I love you,’ stroking the thick shaft.

Leaning closer, bringing her face down, her tongue flicks the bulbous cockhead.

The first taste of Kens manhood, she licks her lips. With her mouth open her parted lips brush over the cockhead, the cupped fingers massaging the thick shaft.

Bringing her face ever so close. looking up into Kens wide open eyes, Angela guides his cock toward her mouth.

"I’ve often wondered what this would be like and have this fantasy. Would I enjoy it?” And just like that she fulfills her fantasy and ends the wondering, taking Kens cock into her mouth.

Wrapping her mouth over his thick shaft and swallowing, bobby her head and taking him deeper.

Kens head is thrown back and rolling from side to side, the stimulation of Angela’s actions bringing him a euphoria he’s not known before.

Arching his back and meeting her bobbing thrusts, the aroused cock pulses and throbs with the rhythm of her sucking.

Angela’s head bobbing faster, her aggressive sucking intensifying the anticipation of his ejaculation.

“Oh baby” he says, panting, “Careful now baby, I’m going to Cum.” His warning ignored.

Kens cock erupts.

Cum exploding, filling her mouth,

A Gag. Her cheeks painted with Cum, dripping down over her chest.

Angela maneuvers into Kens arms.

They cuddle in the afterglow of making love.

The silence is broken, “My goodness, I’m speechless.”

“Me too daddy. For my first time cumming; its so special. Thank you, daddy,” Leaning over and planting a big sloppy kiss on Kens cheek. “I like being eaten,” she says, giggling.

Slipping his arm around Angela, “All the years being married I’ve never had a blow… oral sex before. Wow. Just a big wow.”

“I wondered if I’d like it. The girls at college would sometimes talk about it, in a negative way though. But, guess what, I like it,” she says, smiling. “The look on your face, your expressions, were priceless.”

“And to think, we have all summer to enjoy each other, our weirdness. Wanna do some more exploring for old buildings?” Ken says as he looks up at Angela.

“How bout you lick my face and boobs clean. I like your tongue on me,” she says, laughing. “Lick me daddy. Taste your yummy cum.” She giggles.

An hour later Ken climbs to his feet. “So you were right. That was definitely yummy. Finger licking good,” he says, Their laughter fills the area.

Dressing now, Angela in her 'Daisy Mae’s’ and muscle shirt. Ken hesitantly sliding the spandex shorts back on, and his muscle shirt.

Climbing back up the hill toward the ridge where the pickup is parked. Holding hands, giggling like two young lovers. Stopping here and there for a kiss, hand caressing, a hug and a snuggle. A daddy and his daughter. Their lives forever changed.

“Daddy, I have a secret. Wanna hear it?”

“Of course, baby,” he says.

“I’m a virgin, daddy.”

Ken lets her statement sink in, a surprised look on his face. “Wow. You wouldn’t be teasing your daddy, would you,” he says.

“No daddy, never. I’ve just, um, never met a boy I like. Until now,” she says, smiling. “A man actually!”

To be continued.

by  PrairieDad1 for Literotica.