Conception Rock: Part 1

 Two Couples Enjoy Labor Day.

By AlexanderT – listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Becky sighed, "Jane, that was great. Just the thing after a long trip."

Eddie agreed, "Oh, yeah. A cold beer and a good sandwich is what we needed."

"Can I get you another?" asked Pete.

Eddie chugged the last of his first beer, "Yes, sir. Don't mind if I do."

They talked for a few minutes but it was obvious Becky and Eddie were nodding off. When Eddie finished his beer, Jane showed them to their room.

As Jane and Pete climbed into bed, she snuggled against him. "You think they're making love?"

"I doubt it. They were awfully tired."

"Maybe Becky was faking so she could get him into bed."

"Could be. I remember being in a strange bed always turned you on. Like you were making love to a stranger."

She pulled his hand to her breast, "Still does."

Becky and Eddie had moved into the house next door a couple of years before Jane and Pete retired. It was great having newlyweds next door, watching their loving commitment to each other. Becky was far from home, having moved to be with Eddie in his new job and appreciated having Jane as a friend.

Pete enjoyed watching the two of them together, Jane with the longer, trimmer body and Becky with her buxom figure & padding. Becky's blond hair was usually in a ponytail, the look of youth. Jane preferred her dark hair short, almost manly.

Eddie, as a new homeowner, called on Pete often for advice. Eddie was in good shape, usually beat Pete in racquetball at the Y. And Eddie had a youthful head of straw like blond hair that Pete, with his gray sideburns envied.

When Pete and Jane retired early because of a corporate merger and special pension offer, they moved to the lake. Pete couldn't tell who was more upset by the separation, Jane or Becky. This labor day was their first weekend together since the move.

Saturday Adventures

In the morning, Jane and Becky went into the little town to do some shopping. Pete took Eddie out on the dock and they fished. And drank beer. Fortunately, no fish interrupted them.

When the ladies returned, Pete fired up the grill and when the coals were just right, he put on some foil wrapped vegetables. A few minutes later, he added two steaks, and a few minutes after that, two more. Jane came out with plates and Becky followed with a bowl of salad. Pete cleared the grill and a late lunch was served.

"Now that was wonderful," trilled Becky. "I've never had a steak that tasted so good."

Pete pounded his chest, "Me man. Me make fire. Cook meat good."

Eddie laughed, "No, it was more than that. Good cuts, well seasoned and cooked just enough." Pete had cooked his and Eddie's medium rare, but had left the other two fillets on a bit longer for the ladies.

They sat for a while, basking in full bellies, the guys with a beer buzz, the ladies sipping wine.

Becky stood, stretching like a cat, her hands above her head, pushing out her ample breasts. They were all watching and Pete felt a stirring in his groin and wondered if it affected Eddie. Looking at the smile on Jane's face, he wondered if it affected her.

Becky was not fat, but she was well padded; nice breasts and fanny. Her blond hair fell to just below her shoulders and Pete couldn't help but wonder what it would look like spread on a pillow. She was shorter than Jane, a little over five foot, but when she smiled, she was six foot tall.

Jane caught him looking and grinned. Jane was no slouch. She had nice tits, a tight ass and a wicked smile that went all the way to her brown eyes.

Jane asked, "Nap time?"

Becky shook her head, "No, I'm going for a walk. See if I can work off some of that delicious meal."

Pete stood, "Good idea. I'll go with you. Jane? Eddie?"

Jane shook her head, "No, not me. Go ahead, I'll clean up here."

"And I'll help," said Eddie.

Pete hesitated. Did 'nap time' mean she wanted Pete to take her to bed and make love to her or was it just Pete's dirty mind? He was leaving Jane, his beautiful wife with Eddie and Eddie was good looking. All of six foot with wavy brown hair and a solid body. Pete wasn't surprised that he snagged Betty. Pete often wondered how he was able to get Jane's attention. His hair was short from the ROTC days and he was a skinny running back. Maybe she was pleased with the way he made love to her, worshiping her body. He hoped it was enough.

Out of the house, Becky said, "You lead the way. It's your forest."

"Not all of it. But, yeah, a lot of it." He led her to a path that went up above the house.

"I love your place. Did you pick it?"

"No, it was a compromise. I wanted to live on top of a mountain when we retired: Jane wanted to live at the beach. We found this place on the lake "

"Hey, it's in the mountains."

He shook his head, "But not on top."

"Does Jane like it?"

"Sorta. She sits out on the dock all times of the day. And I have even found her out there in the dark and the early morning."

He led her up a little slope and directed her to large rock. He lifted her up on to the rock and they sat and Becky looked down. "Wow, this is beautiful. There's the house, the dock, the lake."

"We're still on my property. I wanted to build up here, but Jane wanted to be close to the water. Maybe I'll build me a shelter up here so I can get away, like Jane does."

Becky peered harder. "I don't see them."

"From here you can see the grand room and your room upstairs."

"Oh? You weren't up here this morning were you?"

"No. Was there something to see?"

She grinned, "There might have been."

Pete thought about the effect of strange beds.

She frowned, "What do you think they're doing?"

Pete exhaled, "Worries me, too. Jane said she wanted to take a nap. When that happens in the afternoon, it usually means she's horny."

"But you trust her, don't you?"

He hesitated, "I trust that she loves me."

"You don't think she's faithful?"

"No, but I have no proof. And I don't have any reason to complain. When I was on the road, I wasn't always faithful and I was never sure she didn't have lovers from time to time. We've been to parties where she's disappeared for a short while, but she always leaves with me. I've never caught her, but I've had my suspicions."

Now Becky seemed worried, "You don't think she'll seduce Eddie, do you?"

"I don't know. Maybe she'll just show him her album."

"What album?"

"I was an avid photographer in school. I had taken 35mm pictures of Jane but nothing risqué. I didn't want to have some developer ogling her. When I got my first digital, I took more pictures. It started with her posing, but progressed to bikini's, then topless, then bare. We took some of her kissing my penis, even some of me between her legs."

"So, there are naked pictures of you, too?"

"Not really. All you ever see of me is my penis." He laughed, "But then, that may be my best part. Anyway, it could be anybody with a penis."

Becky shook her head, "Let's head back."

Headed back down the hill, she said, "Maybe we'll catch them."

"I doubt it. If they are screwing when we get there, they'll probably be in our bedroom. They'll hear us and Eddie will go back to your room and pretend to be napping. Jane will be in the shower."

As they neared the house, Pete suggested, "When we go in, grab Eddie and give him a blow job. You'll be able to taste Jane in they were screwing.

The house was quiet and they went up the stairs. Becky slipped into their room and Pete went to Jane's. She was lying in bed, reading. Fresh from the shower.

He sat on the side of the bed and kissed her. "I thought you were sleepy?"

"Oh, you know how that goes. I came up here, got a shower, lay down and couldn't go to sleep." She rolled over and snuggled close to him. "And now I don't have to."

That evening they had burgers and beer on the dock, listening to quiet sounds of nature and watched the world go dark.

When they adjourned to the house, Becky came over to Pete and whispered. "He tasted different."

"Oh, did he taste good?"

She smiled, "Yes."

"You should taste the real thing. Jane is delicious."

She pushed him away.

Show & Tell

Though it was only chilly, very mild, Pete started the fireplace and they sat around drinking beer and wine, talking, saying nothing.

Until Becky asked, "Could you show us your album?"

Jane's brow furrowed, "You told her?"

"Yeah. I thought maybe she could get Eddie to take some photos of her."

Eddie, not knowing what they were talking about, asked, "What photos?"

"I told Becky about some photos I took of Jane."

Becky smiled, "Nudes."

Eddie laughed, "That I'd like to see."

"Well, after you've taken some of Becky, maybe we can swap."

Becky looked from Jane to Eddie, "Do you have your camera here?"

"I've got a couple."

"Why don't you show us your photos and then we can take some of me?"

Pete looked over, "Jane, they're your pictures. It's up to you."

She was non committal, "Yeah, whatever you want to do."

Pete retrieved a memory stick from his office and plugged it in to the TV. As it came up, Pete looked at Jane. "You've seen all these. Anytime you want to stop, just tell me."

They were all stills. Pete had tried video, but a hand held camera didn't work very well when you're having sex. He had some videos, but didn't want to show them.

The first shot was of Jane in a silver lame evening dress, her hair up and away from her neck. She was half turned to the camera so that her breasts were in profile. It was long sleeved and covered her shoulders. But the front plunged almost to her waist, an excellent view of her cleavage. The skirt went to the floor but was slit up to her waist.

It was Becky that voiced the observation of both the guys. "Damn that looks good. But you couldn't wear any undies. I bet the guys were all over you."

Pete said, "Oh yeah. Everyone wanted to dance with her. Even some of the women."

Jane smiled, "It was fun."

"But Harry was especially attentive. Even his wife noticed. Said a VP shouldn't act like that. She and I went looking for you and couldn't find you."

Jane shrugged, "Probably in one of the dining rooms."

Or one of the unused meeting rooms, thought Pete.

There were two more of the dance and Harry was in both of them.

The next series was of Jane on the dock in tee shirt and shorts, her hair wind blown. She was side on to the camera and her hand was on her stomach, pulling the tee shirt snug, her nipples popping out.

Becky whistled, "You do make a tee shirt look good. And where did you find such short shorts? I can see your cheeks."

In the next shots, they were on the dock and she was in a barely there bikini. Becky didn't say a word. There was nothing to say. Jane's cheeks were completely on display as were almost all of her breasts.

Pete sighed, "And that's enough."

Jane shook her head. "No, go ahead and show them the rest of them."

The next, they were still on the dock, but now she was topless. Her tits were medium sized with dark brown circles and nipples. In the photos, her hands caressed them, lifted them, tweaked them. The next group, her hair was loose and her bottom was gone. When the photo was taken, she had a Brazilian trim that called attention to her cleft. She turned left and right, posing.

Pete looked at Eddie, wondering if he was imagining what she might taste like, feel like. Or perhaps, remembering.

Pete drew a breath, "Enough."

Jane quickly demanded. "No, show the rest."

The next was of Jane naked in a king sized bed. Her skin appeared even more pale against the gray sheets. She was on her side, propped on one arm, smiling at the camera, her top leg folded so that her knee touched the sheet, covering her sex, and making her hips appear even wider. A woman waiting to be made love to. Next, she was on her back, her legs spread, her hands cupping her breasts. Then one hand between her legs.

Then Jane was kneeling, looking up at the camera, her arms out stretched in invitation.

"I can stop there," said Pete.

Jane was emphatic. "No."

Jane had both hands wrapped around a large penis, smiling up at the owner, which everyone assumed was Pete. Then it was in her mouth, one hand on his balls. The series finished with globs of white on her face, her tits, her lips.

And then she was on her back, her legs spread again, but his time the penis was between her legs, between her lips, the tip teasing. And then it disappeared inside her. Pete heard Becky gasp.

The next series began with Jane on her knees, her head on a pillow, the penis approaching her. Then entering. And Jane parted her cheeks, showing her anus before a thumb began rubbing. Then pushed in.

Becky gave a little squeak. Then the penis was at the opening vacated by the thumb. And pushed in. Becky cried,"No."

The final shots were of Jane's face, a woman who had been well fucked.

Pete turned off the TV. "I'm going to have another beer. How about it, Eddie?"

But Becky interrupted, "No, we don't need any more. I've got to get to bed. I need my beauty sleep if you're going to take my pictures tomorrow. Come on, Eddie."

Eddie shrugged and smiled as he followed her from the room.

Pete grinned as they left. He looked over at Jane, "She must have been really sleepy?"

"You know better. She liked the photos. She couldn't wait to get him in bed."

"I have to agree. Come here." He pulled her into his lap and they kissed. "I don't blame her. You have one sexy, beautiful body."

She grinned, "You still love this old lady?"

"Old? You're younger than I am."

"Huh. I saw you staring at her titties, bigger than mine."

"Have yours ever been not big enough for me to make love to them?"

She stood and pulled him to his feet. She grinned, "She's right, we need to go to bed."

Naked, they slipped into bed together. Jane snuggled close to Pete and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Me, sure. Are you okay. The pictures were of you."

"Yeah, but no one has seen me naked since we got married but you and the doctor, and she doesn't count." She was quiet for a minute, "Have you shown the photos to anyone else?"

"No, they're your photos. I would never do that without asking your permission. Have you shown them to anybody?"

"No, of course not."  Then she giggled, "Eddie liked them."

"So did Becky." Pete observed

"Really?" Jane was shocked, then curious.

"Why do you think she was so ready to go to bed.” Pete teased. “I think if you had asked her to go to bed with you, she would have gone."

"Maybe. But I think what turned her on most, were the pictures of you."

"I wasn't in the pictures." Pete insisted.

She reached down and caressed him. "Part of you was. And it was the really good part."

He was already semi hard from the conversation, but her stroking soon had him solid. He rolled over on top her, spread her legs and easily entered her.

She looked up and smiled, "And tomorrow you get to take pictures of Becky. Maybe she'll get naked for you."

"You want to see her naked, too, don't you, Jane?”

"Hmm." Was all she could say, as her body peaked in orgasm.

Sunday Photography

In the morning, Pete and Jane, in tee shirts and shorts, were having coffee when Becky and Eddie came in, Eddie in a tee shirt and jeans, Becky in one of Jane's short satin robes. The two younger lovers appeared a bit worn. Jane poured coffee and began making pancakes.

They talked about the photoshoot. Becky wanted to do the tee shirt and shorts, and the bikini, but wasn't sure about topless.

They finished breakfast and Jane led Becky to the other room while Pete and Eddie cleaned up. When they finished, Pete and Eddie sat and had another cup of coffee.

"Have you ever put any of Jane’s photos online?" Eddie asked Pete

"No, and I don't think she has. Don't get me wrong, I think she's beautiful and sexy, but I don't want other guys using her image to get themselves off. Since we were first married I always wanted to take her picture, but I didn't want some photo clerk somewhere ogling her when he developed the prints. But with digital cameras, nobody sees them but me."

"Well, I...." Eddie started to say, before the ladies interrupted.

"Pete, Eddie, come here and bring the camera."

Pete had taken out two cameras that morning and they were on the sofa table. They entered the great room and found Becky in the silver lame evening dress. The one in Jane’s photos, with the deep vee in front and slit up the side.

"Oh, wow, that's great." Pete declared. He wasn't going to say it looked better on Becky but it barely contained her tits. "Let's get you over in the light."

"No, it has to be here." She lifted the hem and they could see she was standing on three thick books to make up for the height difference between her and Jane. Pete took some shots, click, click, click then said, "Turn around."

She giggled, "Can't."

"Okay, I'll go around."

Jane laughed, "No, that's not the problem. Becky, turn around."

Becky turned and they could see that the zipper stopped just above her waist. Her tits were too big for the dress.

Pete sighed, then, "I know, reach up as if you're unzipping it. Yes, like that. Now look back here, over your shoulder as if you're enticing your lover to follow you." click, click, click.

"That's good. Now let's go out on the dock."

Jane suggested, "You two go on ahead. She has to change and we'll be there in a minute or two."

Pete and Eddie were waiting when they came out, both ladies in shorts and tee shirts. Pete had Becky stand in the sun, turn and pulled the top down snug. "What is that?"

"I've got my bikini top on under this."

Pete pondered for a moment. "Okay, take off the tee and the shorts. We'll get the bikini shots.”

She did and struck some poses click, click, click.

“Now slowly pull the string and take off the top.” Pete instructed as he stood to reposition his frame. She didn't hesitate and Eddie didn't flinch. As the second tie was pulled and the bikini top fell to the ground, her full breasts were now exposed. They were large with a little sag, the nipples dark rose and hard. Pete stepped in, taking in her tits and her beaming smile. click, click, click. Becky was thrilled, feeling rather naughty and loving the admiration from both Pete & Jane.

“Now the bottoms.” Pete directed her.

 She kicked off the lower portion of the bikini and Pete was treated to a neatly trimmed blond bush. More photos click, click, click.

 "Now put on the shorts and tee, but without the bikini.” Pete said. A minute later she stood clothed.

"Now turn and snug down the shirt. Oh, yeah. That's what we want, just look at those perky nipples." click, click, click. Pete was elated at what he was capturing in the camera.

Jane & Eddie were also loving the show of sensuality in Becky’s eyes. Everyone was getting horny from this activity.

"Okay, Jane, take her up to the house and get her ready for the bedroom shots." Pete was not giving Becky a chance to hesitate. They'd seen her naked. Now they would get to see Eddie make love to her.

To be continued.

By AlexanderT for Literotica