Beverly’s Ride: Part 2

Beverly’s Ride: Part 2

I help a female classmate with a ride to school and get surprising dividends.

by senor longo. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Saturday, March 25, 1961.

I worked, as usual, until one and then drove home for lunch before I mowed the lawn and raked leaves for another hour, finishing at 4:30 so I could shower and take a short nap before dinner and dressing for a “party.” I knew that was a waste of time, but I had to maintain appearances. I had told Mom I was going to a party. I thought of it as a white lie because I knew there would be a lot of really close dancing and celebrating taking place. However, I couldn’t reveal that we’d be naked at the time.


I left the house just a few minutes before eight, pulling into Beverly’s driveway just ten minutes later. I was laughing as Beverly opened the door in yet another revealing nightgown, or whatever it was she was wearing. All I knew was that my clothes hit the floor in an instant as I bent her over the couch for our first fuck of the evening. “Richard, you didn’t use a condom!”

“Not to worry; I’ll be out and into your mouth long before I’m ready to spurt.” I was true to my word on that, pulling out just minutes later and spinning Beverly around and onto her knees. She cleaned my cock of her succulent juices before sucking me dry; at least until our next time.

We were lolling around lazily a few minutes later when she asked if I recalled what she had said about who owned and managed the camp she had attended. “Sure,” I replied. “Didn’t you say that it was run by several synagogues in the area?”

“That’s right and some of them are much more liberal than mine is.”

“Okay.” I tried to sound confident as I did every day in class, but truthfully, I was confused.

“I mentioned that because while my parents will only allow me to date and eventually marry an orthodox Jew, lots of the other girls’ parents allow their daughters to date boys of any religion.”

“Okay,” I said, knowing that my uncertainty was more obvious as I said it. Mostly, I was wondering where this conversation was going.

“After all we’ve been through this weekend, I thought it might be cruel to just cut you loose without any sex on the horizon for you. Would you believe that you know a few of the other girls who were at the camp with me?”

“Yeah, that makes sense, I guess.”

“Not all of them were sexually active, but one was even more involved than I was.”

“Wow, that’s hard to believe, but I’ll take your word for it.” I still had no idea where this was going, but I already told you that I’m not very good with women.

“One of the things I love about you, Richard, is that you can be so naïve when it comes to women.”

“That’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it certainly is. So, let’s see if you can guess who I’m talking about.”

“Okay, there’s Beverly Rich, but I know she has a boyfriend so I doubt it’s her. There’s Judith, but I can’t believe it’s her, either. She always acts like she’s got a stick up her ass.” Beverly laughed like crazy, even as she agreed with me. “Sandra has a boyfriend, too, as do Wendy and Pam and Michelle. The only one I can even think of is Carol. She’s always friendly, but she doesn’t exude sex like some of the other girls in our class.”

“Yeah, some of them act like genuine sluts, but it’s just an act with most of them. I have to tell you that I’ve invited this girl to join us tonight. I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open. Will you do that?”

“Okay.” This time I was more than sure that I was in for a good time tonight. I only failed to realize how good and what new sexual frontiers I would break tonight.

Beverly had me lie in the center of her double bed as she began to suck me to hardness. It wasn’t long before I felt two tongues on my organ. Just that realization was enough to push me to rock hardness in spite of just cumming a few minutes ago. Then I felt a pair of slender legs straddle my body. There were two hands on my cock, supporting it as I began to enter what seemed to be the tightest hole I could have imagined. It was lubricated, but it didn’t feel like Beverly’s cunt. Instinctively, I moved my hands up to grasp a small set of tits; much smaller than Beverly’s. Still, massaged them and twisted her nipples, hearing her groan for the first time.

I knew then who I was screwing, but I still didn’t understand the tightness until Carol leaned forward to kiss me. “Fuck me, Richard. Fuck my ass and finger my cunt. Oh, dear God, I’m going to cum so fucking hard.” Carol’s body convulsed wildly as she experienced what seemed to be a seriously major orgasm. When it comes to women, I can be a bit slow on the uptake, so it was several seconds before I processed what I had heard. Did she say “fuck my Ass?” Was that where my cock was now; buried in Carol’s tight ass?

Looking down I saw her vacant cunt and her ultra-tight sphincter wrapped tightly around my never-harder organ. Seeing how she had cum and was about to even harder again, I drove into her with increasing strength and speed. I had never even dreamed of such sexual nirvana, but here it was and I was actually part of it. Carol came again and then another two times before I literally exploded into her ass. I was exhausted and the clock only red 8:42.

I looked up at Beverly as I asked her, “Why?”

“Easy enough, Richard. You and Carol are both friends of mine and I know that anything we do will end tonight because of my parents’ beliefs. Neither of you are dating, at least not seriously, so I thought you’d like a helping hand at getting together. You’re both horny as hell and I know you’re already good friends, so I took a shot at playing matchmaker.”

What Beverly said made a lot of sense, but I needed to hear from Carol and I did as soon as my wilted cock fell from her anus. “You’re probably thinking that anal sex is really filthy.” Actually, that’s exactly what I was thinking. “It would be if I hadn’t taken two enemas before coming here tonight. I’ll do that whenever we date, assuming that we actually do, and if I can’t, then you’ll still be free to fuck my cunny, my cunt. My ass is different in that it’s not self-lubricating like my cunt is, so I’ll be sure to use plenty of lubricant whenever we date. I know that I don’t have much in the tit department, but you can play with them whenever you want. Okay, not in school, but before and after and anytime we’re dating. The same goes for my cunt.

“You see, I spent most of my time at camp with the Negro chefs. My cunt is really tight; too tight to accommodate them, so we used my ass instead and I found that I loved it. We like each other, Richard, but we’ll never be in love, so we can enjoy each other until we do find love. Is that okay with you?”

“It sure as hell is! That sounds just great to me, so I assume that we can have a date next Friday night.”

“Sure, and you can take me to and from school so you’ll at least get a blowjob every day.”

Beverly laughed as she told Carol she had already promised that.

“Okay, you can have both of us blow you and you can finger two cunts, too; maybe even fuck both of us.”

“It sounds great. I already have permission from my parents to give Beverly a ride every day because of the rapist I’ve red about in the paper. I do have one question. Where on earth did you learn to speak the way you do. I never thought I’d ever hear a woman use the word ‘cunt.’

Beverly answered first. “That’s from camp. Between the girl counselors and the Negro cooks, the language was pretty fucking raw. Words like ‘fuck’ and ‘cunt’ and ‘asshole’ were used dozens of times every day. I had to be extra careful once I returned home and I know that Carol had the same problem. Besides, you’ve never been in the girls’ room at school. The language there is really rough.” I nodded. My experiences in the boys’ room were exactly the same. I’d never heard either of my sisters say anything, but I didn’t spend twenty-four hours a day with them, either.

Beverly had brought a warm soapy washcloth to clean my cock once we had finished talking. Carol had begun kissing me and, I had to admit, she was pretty damned good at it. Soon, Beverly was sucking my cock while Carol and I made out and, after about fifteen minutes, they switched places. Fuck! Sex with two women at once was pretty damned spectacular.

We continued that way all night. I did cum six times, but each of them came at least eight, and probably more. I gave Carol a ride home and she sucked my cock all the way. Her family’s home was on the way and I had a great idea what was in store for me next Friday evening. We could always figure out what we wanted to do at school during the week.

Mom, of course, asked how the party was so I told her it wasn’t really a party, just a group of five guys and seven girls, some Coke and chips, and some snacks courtesy of Beverly’s mother. “We danced some and played Parcheesi and watched some TV, although I didn’t watch, and I did get a date for Friday night with Carol Gold.”

Is she kind of skinny with light brown hair?”

“Yeah, Mom, but in case you haven’t noticed, that pretty much describes me, too. Anyway, we were talking and found we had a lot in common so I asked her out. We’ll figure out what during the week. It’ll probably be a movie if there’s anything decent playing.”

“Maybe you’ll get lucky and there will be some horror movie in one of the theaters,” my dad said.

“Geez, Harold; you have a one-track mind. Leave him alone. He’s never had much of a social life so he’s entitled to one now. Don’t you think?” I was sure Dad did, but he also knew better than to argue with Mom. He was sure to lose, just as he did many times in the past.

I spent Sunday doing chores around the house and out in the yard, returning to school Monday morning. I picked up Carol at her home on the way and she couldn’t wait to suck on my cock. She was still sucking when I stopped to pick up Beverly. Carol made room for Beverly once we were out of sight of her home and the two of them licked and sucked me until I was ready. Then, they swapped off; alternating swallowing a mouthful of hot slick semen; until I was empty. They licked me clean and gently returned my tired cock to my khaki’s, just as I drove onto the school lot.

The week went by quickly and before I knew it, I was picking up Carol for our date on Friday night. We’d decided on a movie, thinking that we could fuck all night. I’d found a great parking spot only about half a mile away and was looking forward to sticking my hard cock up her ass. The movie was described as a romantic adventure story, but it was more romantic than anything else. I didn’t care. I was busy making out with Carol with my hand on her naked tit the entire time. We were seated in the last row of the balcony and my hand was hidden by her jacket. Her hand was inside my slacks, stroking my cock and preparing for my blowjob once we had left the theater.

That’s the way it went for the rest of the school year. The cops never did catch the rapist so I continued to give Carol and Beverly rides to school right up until graduation. I met Beverly’s mother one morning and she wanted to pay for the gas I was using to drive Beverly to and from school. I politely refused, explaining that taking care of my classmate was something my parents expected of me and that they would be furious if I accepted any kind of reward for doing so. Beverly’s mom smiled and thanked me, but we both wondered what she’d say if she knew how Beverly was actually rewarding my efforts.

I did get lots of blowjobs from Beverly, either individually, or in tandem with Carol, but we never fucked again. Carol was happy to pick up the slack, giving me her cunt and her ass on a regular basis. I always fucked her ass on Saturday nights and her cunt on Fridays. I also got her two or three times a week on the way home from school once we had found a safe spot that was shielded from spying eyes by about twenty feet of high brush. We usually did it on the car hood once the weather was warmer in April, May, and June.

Eight Years Later.

Unfortunately, Carol had left the state to attend college in Illinois while I went to study in Massachusetts. We still got together during breaks and in the summer. We knew we would never become serious romantically; we only enjoyed fucking each other. We rarely saw Beverly during that time and the only contact I had was the occasional phone call; just enough to keep in touch with a classmate and friend, but not enough to make her parents suspicious. Unlike Carol and me who had gone out of state to college. Beverly’s overbearing parents had kept her at home. She was engaged to a rabbi’s son as soon as she had graduated from Yeshiva University, which I knew was someplace in Manhattan, in New York City. I hoped at the time that she’d be happy, but for some reason, I doubted it.

That proved true when I red in the legal ads that Beverly and her husband divorced after four years. I knew that Carol had married. She had become a lawyer and her husband was a local justice who later was appointed to one of the state courts.

I had studied business administration with an emphasis on accounting, taking an entry-level position with one of the major financial services firms, working my way up the corporate ladder slowly but surely. I had gained a reputation as a straight shooter, always being honest and telling the truth, even when the truth reflected poorly on me. It was that attitude that caught the attention of one of the firm’s three principals. I suddenly found myself earning more than most of those hired at the same time as me, or even a year or two before me. I was given more responsibility and the opportunity to lead groups of accountants on jobs that required more and more responsibility.

It was through my relationship with this man that I was invited to the Christmas party at his house during my fourth year on the job. We’d had a party for the employees two weeks earlier, but this was more for his friends and family. I was tempted to pass, but Bradley insisted, telling me that he’d be really pissed if I didn’t show up.

I had gained a lot of weight since graduating high school so I was now six feet four inches tall and weighed a firm two hundred pounds. I worked out several times a week and ate sensibly. Dressed in a navy blue blazer and grey flannel slacks with cordovan loafers, I felt I would be appropriately dressed. Well, I hoped I’d be appropriate. I checked my tie at the door before knocking.

I had no idea what to expect and I had thought several times during the week that I had been invited to serve as bartender. Instead, I was greeted by Bradley and introduced to his wife who insisted that I call her Denise. She took me by the arm, leading me, I thought, to the bar. I learned then the real reason why I was invited; their daughter, Sandra. She was a year younger than me and had studied nursing. Many of my friends as an undergrad tended to think of nursing students as stupid, horny, and easy women, but I knew better. My mom was an RN and she had told us how arduous the course of study had been. Sandra was a tall good-looking woman with a slender athletic body. Overall, at least an eight on a scale of ten, was my initial assessment.

“Richard, this is my daughter, Sandra. Sandra, will you please show him around while I play hostess for a while?”

We stood there for a few minutes, just looking into each other’s eyes until Sandra spoke with a chuckle. “Do you have the feeling that we’ve been set up? I’m related to them and even I’m embarrassed.”

“Um, I did have that thought a few times, especially when your dad threatened to fire me if I didn’t show up.”

“Oh no, he didn’t do that, did he?”

“Actually, he didn’t come out and say it, but it was kind of implied. So, if I’ve been set up, I might as well take advantage of the situation and get to know you. That’ll probably satisfy your parents, and who knows? So, tell me, what you do?” And then she did, following up by asking me about my work.

She replied once my story was done, “You know, I always thought that accounting was boring, but you make it seem fascinating.”

“Well, like any other job there are parts that actually are as boring as hell. Then there are some jobs where you actually look forward to the boring work because the people you have to work with on the account are obnoxious. And some are even worse.”

Sandra smiled as we were offered some boiled shrimp and cocktail sauce by a waitress. Then she reacted to what I had said. “I’m sure you’re just making that up.”

“Yeah, I wish! What do you tell someone who questions your effort on their investments when they’ve returned 7% and the overall market has returned 2 point 5? The fact that you are a lady and my boss’s daughter, prevents me from being totally honest.”

“That’s not what Daddy has told me about you. He says you’re always honest.”

“I try to be, but some clients don’t really want to hear the truth. They don’t want to hear that their investment strategies have been idiotic or even dangerous, so I do try to tamp it down quite a bit. However, I refuse to take responsibility for their stupid decisions, so I do occasionally have to remind them that they did this or that against my advice, and now they’re suffering the consequences of their own stupidity. That’s also why I keep excellent records of conversations and meetings.”

Sandra took my arm then and led me to the bar. She had a gin and tonic; I had a Coke. “Don’t you drink?”

“Sure, but not at an occasion like this. If I was out with friends, no problem, but I’m not taking a chance on embarrassing myself or my hosts by getting even a little tipsy.”

Sandra stood silently and looked at me before leading me away from the crowd to a deserted and chilly patio. She took my drink and put both onto a table before grabbing my head and pulling it down for a long and passionate kiss with lots of tongue from both of us.

“Um, am I going to hear about this on Monday morning, if not sooner?”

Sandra laughed for almost a minute before replying, “Not if you ask me out for next Friday and Saturday evenings.” Then she added, " I knew there was a good reason why I wore heels tonight. This way I won't have to reach up too far for our next kiss." She proved that a few seconds later with an even more passionate kiss that went on and on, not that either of us was complaining.

Now it was my turn to laugh. “I like a woman who’s direct. Think you’d like to see My Fair Lady? I know it’s been around for a couple of years, but it’s still next to impossible to get tickets. I’d take you to dinner first. If we do that on Friday, we can discuss what we want to do on Saturday.”

“How are you going to get tickets on such short notice?”

“The producer is one of our clients and he’s offered them to me several times. I can send him a text right now if you like.” I did and sure enough I was promised row eight center tickets fifteen minutes later. That was the start of my relationship with Sandra, who became Sandy long before she was introduced to my family on Christmas Eve, just two weeks later. We spent New Year’s Eve at dinner before dancing extremely closely and retiring to my townhouse for the evening. That was our first time making love, and that’s exactly what it was. Surprisingly, I never heard a word from her father. I did hear from him and my future mother-in-law four months later when Sandy phoned to tell them that she was engaged.

She and I were making up the guest list to our wedding and reception when she told me that we must absolutely invite Beverly. “I need to thank her for helping to give you the wonderful sexual skills you have today. No man has ever made me feel the way you do. Of course, my love for you has a lot to do with it, but,” I put Beverly’s name and her parents’ address on the list that was swollen to more than three hundred by the time it was finished. The Grand Ballroom at the Waldorf Astoria was rented and no expense was spared for the only child of my boss and his wife. By then I was a junior partner in the firm.

I rewarded my in-laws for their love and confidence in me by working extra hard. In turn, Sandy rewarded me by working me extra hard every night, usually several times, even after we had confirmed her four pregnancies.

Beverly did attend our wedding and the reception with her Lutheran boyfriend. She and Sandy talked for almost half an hour and; yes; my ears were burning. I knew they were talking about me and I didn’t care even a little. Beverly had been instrumental in making my teenage sex life successful, breaking me out of my shell and helping me to acquire the skills and confidence that would ensure that my wife would be mine forever.

by senor longo.