Natalie: Office Party

Natalie: Office Party.

Natalie goes to a work party, and hooks up with a hot guy.

by Traumseele. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


The office kitchen was somewhat cramped. A wall of microwaves, a couple of fridges, and a counter with two sinks was meant to satisfy the luncheon needs of the two-hundred-odd people who worked at this branch of Rodow-Mills Ltd., the corporation for which Natalie worked in purchasing. She was sat a round table, eating out of a box of noodles she had gotten from a takeout place in the neighborhood.

“Are you gonna wear that tonight?”

The question came from the short-haired woman seated next to Natalie. Lynn, her best girl friend and confidant at work since a long time back. There wasn’t that much contrast between the two, they were very much alike in both looks and manners. Women of medium height, with dark brown hair and eyes, dressed in “business casual” which meant jeans, a blouse, and black leather ankle boots. The main difference between them was in their hair, Natalie’s was curly and shoulder-length, while Lynn always kept it short and straight. Lynn also lacked Natalie’s prominent breasts, being almost flat chested, something she was sure was a common conversation topic among the guys at work.

“Why not?” Natalie responded. “It’s an office party. Not like I have any new impressions to make.” It was true. Her job was fairly routine. She knew everybody in her department, and everyone worth knowing outside of it. “Unless you want me to slut up for a night on the town afterwards?”

Lynn giggled. “I’m just teasing. You look great as always, Nat.” The short-haired woman took a sip of water from her glass. “I’m just thinking about… you know. I kind of want to hook up with somebody. I haven’t done that at work before. Feels like something I should cross off my list at some point, if I had one I mean.” She took another sip. “Don’t get me wrong but you’re a lot more experienced here than I am. Got any beginner tips?”

At first, Natalie felt a bit weirded out by that last comment, but then she realized that Lynn would never judge her for being a “slut” at work, and probably just wanted in on the action. She gave her friend a coy, thoughtful smile. “I don’t really know what to say that, Lynn!” she responded with a hearty laugh.

Her friend kept sipping water. She seemed nervous, for some mysterious reason. “Come on. You know it’s true. I want to be just like you, Nat!” The last bit came out with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

“Let’s just enjoy the free booze and try to avoid the annoying people. You’re gonna be fine. Besides, if one of these polo-wearing golfer guys were to try to steal you away from me, I would probably have to beat him up,” Natalie responded half-jokingly. Lynn was a real cutie, but Natalie just wasn’t into women in that way, even though she would often masturbate to them. That was different though, women were just sexier than men. Didn’t mean she was gay, not that she had any problem with that.

The rest of the working day before the party went by as usual. Natalie sat in her cubicle, sending out purchasing emails and handing invoices over to payments. But mostly, she was just trying to pass time and look busy whenever somebody walked past. She had been to plenty of office parties, at this job and previous ones, and these things just didn’t make her nervous anymore. She felt like she could already predict all that was going to happen that night. Free drinks, some speeches from upper management, maybe a forced “team building” activity or two, but most importantly, free drinks.

Her friend’s comment about her slutty work habits had bothered her a bit. Not because Lynn thought her to be a slut, she knew that she did and that was great, but rather quite the opposite. In truth, she hadn’t really been hooking up with any co-workers lately. That was a frequent activity in her mid twenties, but in recent years, the dull routine and general feeling of alienation at the office had pretty much turned off her sexuality completely in that environment. Maybe it was time to live up to her friend’s image of her? Not only was it a matter of principle, the prospect was also kind of exciting to her despite where she was at the moment, trapped in a grey cubicle.

“Hey Nat, they got a new coffee maker downstairs. You have just got to check it out!”

The cheerful voice was Diego, a tall, skinny, good-natured man with short black hair, olive skin, and a constant worried look in his eyes. He had appeared at the entrance to Natalie’s cubicle to share some minor news about the office, as he often did. It was a welcome break to the dullness of the average day, she thought. Diego was a nice guy, always happy and helpful, and the two of them had formed a bit of a workplace bond over the last couple of years. Doing small favors for each other here and there, spending breaks together, having coffee.

“You know what? I might just do exactly that. Wanna come?” she responded, and Diego’s face lit up. She whisked her mug off of her desk, and got up from her chair onto her leather booted feet. Their 2-inch heels made barely any noise as the two of them walked across the wall-to-wall carpet that covered the floor of the cubicle farm, heading for the stairwell.

“So… How are things?” Natalie didn’t have to specify the “things” she was asking him about. It was a bit of a sensitive topic, so she didn’t want to bring it up too directly. Diego had recently gone through a divorce, and was now adjusting to life as a bachelor again. It was difficult, as he had been married for a long time, and his meek, super-nice-guy manners weren’t especially suited for living it up as a single in the city, she thought. Nevertheless, the divorce hadn’t changed him much, at least not on the surface. He continued to be nice and cheerful, always notifying Natalie of “exciting” new happenings around the office, but she could tell it was bothering him.

“Oh you know… Getting used to it. Got everything set up in my new apartment. It’s a real bachelor pad, haha. Hey, there’s the new coffee maker.” He didn’t seem to enjoy the subject matter very much, so Natalie decided not to bring it up again, for now.

As Diego had pointed out, they had arrived at the awesome new coffee maker in the downstairs break room. There was nothing special about it at all, as far as Natalie could tell. There was a holder for your mug, and the usual array of buttons for selecting the type of coffee you wanted the thing to fill it up with. It didn’t really matter. A cup of coffee with Diego in the break room was always a nice and welcome distraction. They both knew that the “new coffee machine” was just an excuse to spend some idle minutes together, getting away from the daily grind. And so they filled up their cups, and took seats at a small round table.

“Looking forward to the party?” Natalie asked, half-sarcastically. Diego was as much a fan of mandatory corporate fun as anybody else, she knew, and he especially didn’t like big booze-fuelled parties. They made him feel anxious, he had confided in her once.

“You know me,” he responded casually, taking a big sip of coffee. “I’m the party animal around here.” He put the cup down with a somewhat dejected smile, as if part of him wished for that statement to be true. “I’ll stick around for a drink, make sure management notices my attendance, and then sneak out at my first opportunity before things get too rowdy. Got plenty of things to set up in my new place, anyway.”

Diego looked wistful, and Natalie felt pity for him. It got worse when he tried to cover up his anxiety with a forced smile. Maybe she could convince him to stay, even help him find somebody to hook up with? Lynn was certainly in the mood, but Natalie had no idea whether he was her type or not. She didn’t really know anything about her dating history, though Lynn knew all about hers, somehow. Besides, convincing him to stay at a loud, booze-drenched office party would be about as easy as convincing water to stop being wet. She dismissed the idea.

A few hours later, the party kicked off. Most off the staff had gathered in the lobby for an exciting speech about the branch’s promising future by their local chief of operations, and Natalie was already tipsy from the welcome drink. Something fruity, with booze in it. She didn’t bother to find out more details.

A delivery driver had dropped off boxes of pizzas and assorted snacks, which had been opened and left on a counter. A transparent fridge had been stocked to the brim with bottles of beer and wine, and a makeshift “bar” had been set up in the corner of the lobby for mixing cocktails. There, one could find the usual assortment of rum, gin, vodka, various mixers, and more. It would be her next stop when the speech was over, Natalie decided.

When the half-hearted applause died down and the music started, she made her way over to the cocktail bar. There was no use being sober at an occasion like this one, so it was time to get herself a gin & tonic, or something equally strong. A small group of people with the same idea had gathered nearby. Thankfully, Lynn was also there, and so Natalie snuck up on her and embraced her from behind.

“Hey there sexy,” she said, jokingly imitating a deep, masculine voice, as her arms wrapped around Lynn from behind, meeting just below her chest. Lucky girl, she never had to wear a bra, Natalie thought, as her own breasts burrowed themselves into her girl friend’s back.

A startled Lynn let out an exhasperated sigh, grabbing on to Natalie’s arms as if to tear them off of her, but stopping right as her fingers grasped around them, holding them in place. “Oh hi there,” she responded, turning her head to give Natalie a playful peck on the cheek, after which she wrestled herself free. “Booze?” she asked.

“Booze,” Natalie replied matter-of-factly.

The two friends walked up to the bar, picking out a couple of sizeable plastic cups, and filled them both up with gin and tonic. Getting too sloshed too early at an office party was always a bad idea, so they kept the gin-to-tonic ratio low enough to still give them a decent buzz.

“Talked to any hot guys yet?” Lynn asked eagerly.

“Not yet… Need to get in the mood first. This office has a habit of drying me up like a desert down there.”

Lynn giggled. “I know what you mean.” She took a big sip of her drink.

“Unless you have any leads for me?” Natalie asked her friend, who got a strained look on her cute little face.

“Yeah right. That means I won’t get you all to myself,” she responded jokingly, with a flirtatious raising of her eyebrows. Her friend seemed to blush after that.

“Shit Nat, I gotta go powder my nose. I’ll find you in a bit,” Lynn said, and scurried off. Knowing the habits of some of her co-workers, “powder my nose” could be meant both literally and figuratively.

Natalie walked around the office idly for a bit, stopping for small talk here and there, getting a glass of wine from the lobby, trying to figure out some kind of game plan. The booze did a good job at staving off the worst oh her anxiety, not to mention the general weird atmosphere of “forced fun” that office parties tended to have. Still, she found it difficult to loosen up, and seemed to have lost track of Lynn’s whereabouts.

She found her friend just outside the main entrance to the building, where people would go for fresh air, and others would go to ruin their experience with cigarette smoke. Natalie was not a fan of tobacco, and thankfully, her friend was in the former group.

“Hey Nat! Come here! This is uh… Well, shit.” Her friend seemed to have forgotten the name of the handsome man standing next to her, whose presence Natalie had just noticed. He was about an inch taller than her in her boots, his head topped by slick dark brown hair, and a thin beard that accentuated his chiseled facial features. His broad shoulders were clad in a modest black dress shirt, and on his legs he was wearing a pair of jeans and black leather loafers.

The man smiled, his face lighting up as he extended his right arm, inviting Natalie to a handshake. “I’m Konstantin. You must be Natalie I presume? Lynn here won’t stop talking about you!”

“Oh, it’s all true,” she said with a laugh as she shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Konstantin.” He was so hot. Natalie normally liked her men to be a few inches taller, but there was something about the way their eyes met almost level as he gave her his bright smile, full of confidence. His handshake had been gentle, almost romantic somehow. Natalie could feel herself starting to melt a bit. Well done, Lynn.

The three of them made some small talk out in the fresh evening air, with drinks in their hands. Konstantin worked in sales, and was often out on client calls, which was probably why they hadn’t met at work before. After a little while, Lynn excused herself and went inside, leaving the two of them alone in the midst of small groups of chattering, drunk coworkers.

Natalie found herself at a loss for words. It wasn’t typical of her. This hot guy was just beaming with confidence, something she would usually try to take down a notch or two, but he was so nice and considerate at the same time. He was filling in all the silences with questions about Natalie, seeming genuinely curious about her, and she answered as well as she could with brief statements while she tried to think of what to do next.

“Do you dance?” she asked somewhat awkwardly, as the music inside got louder.

“Love to!” Konstantin responded, still smiling. “Shall we?”

The floor of the lobby had been cleared up, and the “office DJ” was running some tacky playlist on her laptop. It didn’t matter so much. Natalie had two left feet when it came to dancing, and tried to focus on not making a fool out of herself as she tried to make subtle rhythmic moves. Konstantin seemed like a fish in water on the dancefloor. He didn’t do anything extravagant, simply moving his body to the music as if it was second nature to him, constantly beaming with that hot smile of his.

As the night went on, the dancefloor got more crowded, and Natalie got tipsier. She and Konstantin had been moving closer to each other the whole time, and by now, they were just inches away from each other. Anyone who glanced their way could see what was going on, but Natalie didn’t care. People hooked up in the office all the time, and it’s not like she had some virtuous reputation to maintain. She put her arm around his neck and leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

“Let’s get out of here. My place isn’t far.”

Over Konstantin’s shoulder, she could see Lynn standing in the corner of the Lobby, nursing her drink. Natalie felt a little bit guilty about ditching her friend, but the look of approval on Lynn’s face eased her worries.

She leaned back, raising her eyebrows and looking into Konstantin’s light brown eyes with intent. He was biting his lip. His hand found hers, and they walked outside.

The air was electric as the pair stood in Natalie’s dark apartment hallway. Natalie had just closed the door behind them, and was staring at Konstantin’s silhouette as he took off his shoes, letting the outline of his hard body become clearer as her own eyes adjutsed to the lack of lighting. She pulled off her own boots, and stood on the floor in her ankle socks, anticipating this man’s next move.

It came suddenly. With force, he lifted her arms above her head, pressing them against the wall and kissing her passionately. She let out a surprised but excited moan, and tried to grab his head before realizing that her arms were trapped. He let go of her arms and let his ands explore her body all over, clumsily finding their way under her tucked-in blouse, caressing her naked body underneath all the way up to her bra-covered breasts. He squeezed them and dug his fingers under the fabric, trying to find her no doubt rock hard nipples.

Natalie kept her arms above her head in the dark hallway, letting Konstantin explore her body at his leisure. He was pressed up against her, hard, grinding away. The bulge between his legs rubbed against her clit through layers of jeans and underwear, but it was enough to make her want more. She wanted him inside of her, badly now.

Right then, Konstantin stopped, and took a step back. Natalie felt very confused. Was he teasing her? She wouldn’t have any of that, not tonight. Flustered, she groped the wall, searching for the light switch.

Her dark eyes squinted as light flooded the previously dark apartment. Konstantin stood before her, his face glistening with sweat and saliva from their sloppy kisses. He was sucking his lower lip in, hard, while giving her a puzzled look. What was he doing?

“Natalie I… I have kind of a thing I want to do with you, if you don’t mind,” he said after hesitating for many long seconds. The thing had better be to fuck her silly until she passed out from orgasmic pleasure, she thought, giving him a sly and expectant look. A nervous look washed over his face, as he continued hesitating.

Natalie stepped forward, grabbing Konstantin by the hairs at the back of his head gently. She licked her lips and said, “tell me what you want to do to me,” hoping that the command would dispel his nervousness and hesitation.

“I… You’re so hot,” he said, pausing for another few seconds, caressing the side of Natalie’s body up and down. “I’m going to cum in literal seconds if we fuck. Never been good at lasting long. So… I want to do that. I want to cum inside of you, and then eat my cum out of your pussy. It’s… kind of my fetish.”

Natalie interrupted him with another sloppy kiss before he could get too lost in his own thoughts. She had never tried that before, and at the moment, she was hot and horny enough to try just about anything. As long as it meant getting some dick in her. She unzipped his pants and dug his throbbing member out of his boxers. It wasn’t the biggest one she’d ever held, but it was firm and already leaking precum. Her pussy was screaming to be filled up, so she unzipped her own jeans, and resumed her previous position, back against the wall with her hands above her head.

Konstantin didn’t seem to need any further approval. Within a second, he was back to ravishing her, kissing her neck, hands going all over the place. Her blouse became unbuttoned, and her bra unclasped, while her pants and wet panties slid down to her ankles. She moaned and reached down for his erect cock, jerking it faster and faster.

He put one of his legs in between hers, spreading them apart as far as the elasticity of the pants around her ankles would allow for. They shared another sloppy kiss, tongues twirling around each other, as his cock slid easily up and all the way into Natalie’s eager, dripping wet pussy. She could feel it bottom as her throbbing clit pressed against his hard pelvis, tickled by his recently trimmed pubic hairs.

With his hands firmly grabbing her hips, Konstantin started fucking her, making sure her pussy got to feel the whole length of his cock, as he slammed hard against her clit with each thrust. Natalie gasped continuously, mimicking the rhythm of his thrusts. Their foreheads were touching, and they made intense eye contact.

As he had promised, Konstantin’s orgasm came quickly, after ten or so thrusts. His face scrunched up, and he grunted loudly, as his throbbing cock spilled load after load of hot cum into Natalie’s pussy. She instinctively felt a bit disappointed, as she usually did when her partner came well before she was anywhere close herself. But then, she remembered the rest of his promise, and waited excitedly for his orgasm to subside.

When it did, he pulled his dick out out of her, carefully replacing it with a hand, making sure to not let his seed spill out of her too much. Some of it was already dripping down her naked legs. She was a proper mess. Teary eyed, and with saliva glistening around her mouth. Her blouse was fully unbuttoned, and her unclasped bra was hanging around her neck like an albatross from an old poem. Konstantin’s face was beaming. This was clearly his favorite part.

Natalie didn’t bother adjusting anything about herself in her current state. She simply kicked her pants and panties to the side, strode on sock-clad feet into the living room, blouse and bra still clinging to her upper body, and lied down with her back half on the couch, legs spread as wide as she could manage, a hand holding the hot cum inside her pussy. She motioned for Konstantin to get down between her legs and get to work, as he had promised.

He wasted no time. Within seconds, he was on his knees between her glistening legs, lapping away at Natalie’s cum drenched pussy with his eager tongue, making sure not to waste a drop of his own cum or her plentiful juices that it had mixed with. “Oh fuck,” Natalie exclaimed without even thinking. This was so hot. Maybe she should make all guys clean her out like this if they wanted to cum inside her? She finally knew why guys liked to put their fingers in her mouth after rubbing her pussy.

Konstantin was, if possible, enjoying himself even more than she was. He was going wild, moaning and grunting, kissing the inside of her thighs and leaving big hickeys when he wasn’t pressing his tongue between her pussy lips, making sure not to miss a single drop. With the way Natalie’s juices were flowing, he would never be finished. That was fine, she could do this all night.

She was pinching and tweaking her nipples hard, moaning like the slut she loved to be, when she almost passed out from a jolt of pleasure emanating from her clit. Konstantin had sucked it into his mouth like a vacuum, and was skilfully flicking his tongue against it in just the right rhythm. Natalie lost her breath as she started squirming, her body contorting on its own, legs wrapping around Konstantin’s neck to force his face into her. Her thighs were pressed together so tightly that she was sure that he was suffocating, but that was a price she was willing to pay.

The orgasm washed over her like a tsunami. It was so intense. Her thighs squeezed up so hard that she was scared of accidentally killing Konstantin. Waves of pleasure conquered her body as she lost control. She squirmed around, starting to glide off the couch as her juices flowed, giving Konstantin more and more cum, even though it wasn’t his own.

She came to, lying on the floor, a naked, quivering mess. Above her was the hot guy from the office party. His face was beaming again, almost looking proud of what he had done.

by Traumseele for Literotica.