A First For Everything

 Missionary Girl Finds Expression in Her Sexuality at College

By CelinasFantasy Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

As I sit in class with the sixty or so other students, the lecture fades away. There's just Dr. Smith as he lays out the scenario to teach us about social inequality. He comes closer to my desk and his passionate blue eyes fall on me. Couldn't he just lean a little closer, drop that pen he always uses to teach with, that he clicks to make a point, and then get on his knees right in front of me? I bet the stubble on his sharp jaw would feel great against my calf. Then he'd just happen to notice that I don't have anything on under my skirt. He'd have the class do something, then stroke up my legs, kiss and lick up my thighs, hold me in place and tell me to be quiet so he can give me a 'private lesson.'

Just like any other day in class, he'd be completely in control while I'd be struggling to stay quiet and fighting my blush so no one notices anything is a miss as he slowly licks and kisses up to my cunt, I squeeze my legs together tightly and try to focus on my notes. Getting distracted by another fantasy about Dr. Smith isn't going to help me get my degree, even if I think it's a better way to spend class time, study time, and those nights where my roommate is with her boyfriend.

His eyes flick to me and I answer his question, "It's the institutionalized racism that sets the groundwork for such practices and methods of thinking to continue without change. It's easier to change minds than to dismantle an entire set of laws, communities, and address the history they're founded on."

"Very good, Celina," he appraises with a smile.

My own answers right away and I dip my head to try to keep it focused through the rest of class. Just thirty minutes left and I'll be free of the torture of watching Dr. Smith, trying to focus, and fighting the growing lust that keeps filling me. I reach for my cross necklace, trying to pull myself back into place. What would my mother think of me getting distracted by an older man after getting home from a mission trip!

She always says I'm the best daughter she could ask for. She tells her friends I have a good head on my shoulder, that I'm going to do great things in the world someday and that I'm living just like a good Mormon girl should.

I always took that as a compliment, until I realized I'm one of the only virgins in my dorm. I'm definitely the oldest virgin in the dorm. Twenty years old and I'm the only one who's never had sex.

The thought makes me blush.

A part of me just wants to get it over with. I've heard it's painful the first time, but after that it's magical and wonderful.

Tugging on the cross again and feeling the chain bite into the back of my neck banishes the thought.

It's a miracle I make it through class without embarrassing myself by answering a question wrong or voicing exactly what I'm thinking. Of course, Dr. Smith asks me to 'hang back' after class.

When the others leave he hands me something. I stare at the paper. "You want me to be your teacher's assistant this year?"

"You know what you're doing in every sociology class, Celina. I know you said you want to be a social worker and that's great, but I want you to be a teacher's assistant for me so you can see all the options. You could go into law and really defend people. You could teach, you could be a researcher, and become one of the people I teach about. Plus, being a teacher's assistant looks great on resumes," he winks at me.

That one little move and the smile he gives me has me wetter than porn. I force the best and most innocent smile I can when I agree. I wave to him, "have a good weekend!" "You too, Celina! Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he calls.

I hear him chuckle and catch something I shouldn't hear as it echoes down the hall, "that means you can pretty much do anything."

I blush again and quickly head across campus to my dorm. I get back to the dorm and flop on the lower bunk bed. Less than ten minutes later, my roommate, Millie comes in. She sits with me on my bed.

"Happy first week of classes," she says softly.

"You too," I sigh.

"Still thinking about some guy you met in, where did you go again?" She nudges my leg.

"I went to the Dominican Republic. I met plenty of people, but no guy," I admit, playing with my necklace again. "I just didn't want to go another year as the reigning champ of those ice breaker games."

"Aww, innocent little Celina being good for her parents," Millie teases. "Come on. You're twenty. You're a whole adult! When are you going to start living the life you want instead of the one your mother has all laid out for you?"

"She has connections," I grumble.

"To be a social worker? I'm pretty sure as long as you have a degree and you're willing to show up they'll take you. They're so backlogged and overworked," Millie huffs. "Anyway, working crazy hours and stressing about bills is right around the corner. Don't you want to have some fun before then?"

"I have, " I can't make myself say fun.

Going on Mission trips used to be fun. I got to work hard, I got to help people. I got to travel. I didn't always 'share the word of god' because I wanted to learn everything about the people who were already there.

Lately, though, I feel like there's some leash on me that keeps getting tighter. My mom has been promising surprise visits, she's told me she's found some nice boys that might be an option for me someday. She's planning out every bit of my life and my control just keeps slipping away.

"Celina?" Millie nudges me.

"I've never been to a frat party, you know?"

"Oh, I know. And if you would have told me that you had, I wouldn't have believed you," she laughs.

"We should change that," I mumble.

"Oh. My. God. I thought you'd never ask!" Millie squeals as she jumps up. She runs right to her closet and starts pulling things out. "You're going to be such a fun Barbie to play with. No more long skirts and flowy tops that hide your curves."

"You haven't seen my curves!"

"Honey, when you get back from the shower you clutch your towel so tightly that I get jealous of that hourglass figure. Now we just have to dress you properly and you're going to be all the guys can think of."

"Millie, don't go crazy. There can't be any pictures that tag me, there can't be anything that my mom will see and-"

"You're being a normal college girl for once in your life! I'm so excited that I'm not going to let anything ruin it. If you like one party, then we'll be able to go to more, and trust me, I want you there."

I laugh and she goes over the rules with me while making me try on a ton of different outfits. From skin-tight jeans that won't button with my hips to skirts that are truly sinful. She finally hides me from the mirror with a bright smile while doing my makeup and hair.

I'm stuffed in some little pink dress that feels amazing on my skin and at least covers my ass. It shows some cleavage, holds to my body until my hips, then flairs out just enough that I feel like I actually have clothes on.

"What's the top three rules, Celina?" She asks after coating my lips with something.

"Don't take drinks from anyone if they're already open. Don't go into a room with a bunch of guys alone. Always make sure I can see you," I repeat.

"That's right. We're going to the frats together, so we're leaving together," she says seriously.

"You're starting to scare me. It sounds dangerous," I grumble.

"Frat guys can be like starved animals and tonight you look like a perfect steak. They're going to want to drag you back to their rooms and fuck you until you can't stand it anymore. Trust me, that's no way to lose your virginity," She points mascara at me. "Now, try to keep your eyes still."

While she keeps working on my face and hair I think of that image. Multiple men fighting over me, wanting me, trying to claim me, and using every hole they can get. Even my back hole which I've seen in porn and, honestly, I enjoyed myself after taking off my cross and hoping God wouldn't judge.

That doesn't sound terrible. Being wanted that badly that men are willing to share, being craved and taught so much in one night. Being offered everything,

"You got quiet. Are you still going to go with me?" She asks.

"Yes! I'm going. Trust me. I want to be there," I assure with a smile.

"You look like you're going to be naughty. If that's what you want, just tell me before you disappear into a room. I can vet the guys for you," she says.


"I've slept with some and my brother is at the frat we're going to. He knows the guys who understand the word 'no' and he'll make sure we stay safe. The guys already know that if they so much as insult me, Eric will kick their asses to the moon and then they'll get to explain why they can't have sex for a week or two," she laughs darkly.

Finally, Millie lets me see my reflection.

I feel brand new. I look like myself, only upgraded and I had no idea I was anything like this. I bounce a little and she hands me cut flats. "I'd say heels, but those take practice and we might be on our feet for hours, so we're not doing that."

"Next time," I agree.

"I like the idea of next time, especially since you're already so gung-ho about it!" She bounces while taking my hand.

We walk to the frat houses and head to the largest one that has a crowd of people eagerly standing around. It's barely dark out and already people are openly drinking on campus. There's some odd-smelling smoke too.

Millie rolls her eyes. "If someone offers you something to smoke, definitely say no."

"No need to worry about that," I assure, wrinkling my nose.

We head inside, using the door to the first floor where there's two wide open sections. People are playing beer-pong, other games, and dancing. Millie mixes a drink, tells no less than three guys to fuck off, then hands me the red-solo cup.

"Sip that. I mix strong drinks," she warns.

"Who's your gorgeous friend, Mills?" A tall boy asks. He looks familiar but I can't remember him.

I take a full drink of what Millie made and sputter.

She laughs. "I told you, Celina. Go slow." She turns to the guy. "Ryan, you know my roommate."

"Holy shit. Look at you. Came out of the bible and looking good," he drinks me in.

Millie elbows him. "Are you still my boyfriend or are you shopping around?"

"All yours, beautiful. You did a great job." He kisses her neck and murmurs more compliments in her ear until she's giggling and more than happy to kiss him.

"Really Mills? In the kitchen? Take it up to Ryan's room," Eric, her older brother orders.

I've met him more than her boyfriend and had a little too much eagerness to come today since finding out he and his girlfriend broke up. Eric is as gorgeous as Millie, plus he's essentially a full wall of muscle.

He's the kind of guy a girl can only dream about with deep green eyes, tan skin, wild surfer-boy hair and enough meat on his frame to make any girl want to swoon just so he'd catch them in his arms.

He looks me over slowly as he takes a long drink from a bottle of beer. "Well, you look nice, Celina."

"Thanks, it's all Millie," I mumble, feeling out of place now that Millie is actively making out with her boyfriend and lost to the rest of the world.

Eric rounds the counter between us. "It's not all Millie."

He offers me his hand and leads me to the dance floor. I stand on my toes as I notice how everyone else is dancing. I press myself against his chest after stumbling to try and reach his ear.

"I don't know how to dance like this."

"I'll teach you," he promises.

He turns me around. "Take two big drinks."

I do that, hissing as the alcohol hits my tongue. After my third drink, he steals my cup from me and takes a drink for himself. Eric guides me back until my ass is cradled by his hips. "Just move with me, Celina. Let me guide it and stay pressed to me like glue."

I do what he says. It's easier to let go than I figured it would be. Eric dances with me,

rubs my hips until I feel all gooey inside, and controls my drinking so I'm never more than buzzed. I can appreciate the fun without worrying, but I'm not tripping over myself like some other girls.

Another guy comes up and dances in front of me. Eric chuckles and puts my hand on the other guy's shoulder.

I giggle and stroke down his chest. He moves with me, slides his thigh between my legs so I'm grinding on him and I gasp at the rush of pleasure that pulses through my body in tune with the music.

Two attractive men rubbing against me, hard and muscular, and, it's so much better than fantasizing about a professor or getting papers done early just to watch Friends re-runs. I moan when the guy in front of me runs his fingers through my hair and guides my head back.

"You want a kiss, baby?" he croons.

I nod hopelessly as I eye his full lips. He kisses me slowly, drawing it out like he knows it's my first time. I melt against him.

Eric, unwilling to let me forget him, starts kissing across my neck in a way that sparks a fire low in my belly. I feel like I'm made of lava and the pressure just keeps building. I turn my head and Eric's mouth fits mine.

Unlike the man in front of me, Eric doesn't take his time. He's not soft, he's full of demands. His tongue pushes between my lips and claims me entirely. All I can do is suck his tongue and try to answer the soft strokes as he explores my mouth and takes everything he wants.

He cups my breast in one big hand while the guy in front of me palms my ass.

I've never felt hornier in my life. I moan and roll my hips on the other guy's thigh, needing more of that delicious friction of his hard cock if we're going to be keeping this up. They both feed me kisses, press me harder between their bodies, fight over my attention until I'm so high on the lust coursing through my body, I can't get enough.

I want all of them. The dress, their clothes, it's all in the way.

Eric tosses back the rest of my drink, then throws me over his shoulder. I gasp. "Hey!"

"You're coming with me, Celina," Eric decides.

"Don't leave me out!" The other guy complains.

He follows us and keeps playing with my hair. "You're a naughty thing aren't you?"

"I want to be," I say, even as my cross necklace hits me in the face.

I lean forward and bite Eric's ass through his jeans. He chuckles. "You're playing a dangerous game, Celina. Be careful since you don't know the rules."

I giggle and bite him again. He tosses me down in a bed and I see two other guys already in the room he brought me to. I don't know them, but I don't care. Eric is someone I can trust. He takes off his shirt and climbs on top of me, feeding me more of his hot, controlling, delicious kisses.

"Celina," he whispers against my lips, "I want you to meet my friends."

"Hi," I say before pulling Eric back to me and stroking over his gorgeous body. His arms are so strong, so amazing.

"James is the one you met on the dance floor," Eric says while sitting back on his heels and pulling one of my feet over his shoulder to kiss up my calf.

James kisses me hungrily, his hand slipping into the top of my dress to stroke the sensitive skin of my breast. A moan bubbles from my throat as his fingers close around my nipple, tugging and massaging until I can't control my squirming.

"Tuck and Aaron are both here in the room," Eric continues.

I look over and see both of the other guys watching. Eric nips the inside of my knee. "Do you want them to kiss you too? To touch your gorgeous body?"

"Maybe," I say before licking my lips.

Eric chuckles. "Looks like you two are on the sidelines for the start."

"Boo," One of them says.

"Shut it, Tuck, enjoy the show," the other one, with thick blonde hair, says sharply.

Eric and James pull the whole mattress off the bed and to the middle of the floor. I stretch out, enjoying the envious looks of the guys as the skirt of my dress rides up. Eric's face blushes despite the hunger in his gaze.

"I don't think she needs underwear, what about you, James?" Eric asks.

"Seems like a waste to me," he agrees.

"Please," I tug at my own soaking panties. "Off?"

"What a good girl," Eric pulls me closer to him and spreads my legs. "You want these panties off?"

"Yes," I whimper, feeling exposed as he stretches my legs wide so everyone can see exactly how wet my cotton panties are.

"So wet already," Eric croons. "Is your cunt aching to be filled?"

"Yes!" I whine. "Please, I want you to fill me!"

Eric and James slide my underwear off and I start fighting my dress. Tuck, the one with black hair and dark eyes slowly guides my dress up until it's only covering my breasts. He kisses me slowly, only breaking the kiss to finish removing my dress.

I moan as the cool air hits my skin and tightens my nipples into hard, needy peaks. Tuck takes care of that, sucking one nipple into his mouth while massaging my other breast. I moan as his tongue swirls and flicks over my nipple.

As if that's not enough, I see James lower his body between my legs. He kisses across my thigh and Eric smiles. "He's going to make sure you're all ready for us, Celina. We don't want you hurting."

"Please!" I beg even as my fingers wind into Tuck's hair. "I want, "

"I know you want plenty" Eric croons. "We're going to take our time and do it right. Especially if you want all of us."

I nod and he strokes through my hair. I whimper and lift my hips when James licks over my clitoris.

Eric grins. "You like that?"

"Yes, so much!" I groan.

James does it again and again, using his tongue in ways that have me dizzy. He moans and sucks the same spot, making my toes curl in the stupid shoes I still have on. Eric unzips his jeans in front of me.

"You wanted to bite my ass, can you be a good girl and settle for sucking?" He asks.

I eye his gorgeous big cock and nod as I lick my lips. "Yes. Please!"

He grins and slowly eases into my mouth. He whispers instructions, "lick and suck.

That's right. Use your tongue. Fuck, your mouth is so tight, so hot and wet. You're perfect, Celina. You've been hiding so much."

I moan and take him deeper, wanting to fit as much as possible in my mouth. I like how full he makes me feel, how powerful I feel as he fills my throat again and again. It's wonderful, and I just want more.

"Slowly. I don't want to cum without fucking you. I'm your warm-up, Celina," Eric purrs.

I get him to the point where he's shaking, but then I can't hold back. My back arches and I moan. James' tongue demands my attention as he sucks and licks at the same time, just like Eric told me to do.

I gasp and grip his hair tighter and nearly scratch Tuck's scalp as I try to find something to hold onto.

Eric strokes through my hair. "Come, sweetheart. Just let go and enjoy it."

I whimper, but when Tuck's teeth graze my nipple, I burst. My eyes flutter shut as pleasure shoots through me. I try to close my legs, try to wiggle away from the overwhelming feeling, but I'm locked between these three men with nowhere to go.

I come down from the high and see them switching positions. Eric holds my leg up and groans. "Such a pretty cunt. I think you want something inside it, don't you, Celina?"

"Yes," I say in a hoarse voice.

"Good girl. Take Tuck in your mouth and I'll finger you," he barters.

I do exactly as I'm told. Tuck thrusts into my mouth, so I get to take him even deeper than Eric. Even when I start to gag, I just pull him closer. My eyes roll back as Eric eases two fingers into my cunt.

I know I can take more thanks to the toy I've been using -- the one Millie bought me as a joke. What I don't expect is something wet against my ass. I start to pull away from Tuck, but he holds my chin.

There's a First For Everything,

"Aaron likes eating ass. Is that okay?" he asks.

I nod weakly. My legs are shaking. His tongue, Eric's fingers, Tuck's cock filling my throat. A hand cups my other breast, pinching and teasing my nipple. There's James. It's all too much and not enough at the same time.

I cum again as Eric fingers me hard and fast. Tuck's legs shake and I suck harder, determined to pull him down with me. He groans and rasps, "you want my cum, baby?"

I nod and grab his ass, jerking him further down my throat just as Aaron slides a finger into my ass. Tuck and I come apart together. He fills my mouth with cum as my whole body tightens and lightning bolts of ecstasy shoot through me.

Tuck chuckles softly and pets my hair after I swallow. "Such a good girl. Where have you been hiding?"

"In her dorm all this time," Eric says before pulling on a condom. "You belong right here, don't you Celina?"

"More?" I ask.

The guys chuckle, then I hear another condom being put on. Tuck sits on his bed,

watching with hungry, eager eyes. James helps me onto my knees. Eric lifts me onto his lap until his cock nudges my cunt.

"Can you take me?"

I nod. "You're only a little bigger than my toy."

"What about Aaron in your ass?"

I look back at him and nod slowly, but face Eric. "You first."

"Yes, sweetheart. Me first."

He slowly guides me down his cock. I thought he was only a little bigger than my toy, but he feels a million times better. I grip his shoulders hard, whimpering as I take every inch. He helps me move up and down, his hands on my hips firmly. He kisses me softly, whispers encouragements, then settles for kissing my throat.

I feel Aaron nudging my ass with his cock, then something wet and slippery coats that back hole and my crack. I can't look since James offers me his cock, tapping it against my lips.

I open for him and moan as he fills me. He runs his fingers through my hair as Aaron kisses across my shoulder.

"You're such a good girl, taking all of us. Such a treasure," he purrs.

Already, my toes are curling. I love feeling this full of them. I love feeling this used, this valued. When Aaron slowly eases into my ass, I feel the pressure, the little pricks of pain, all of it, it feels so good. "Holy fuck give it to me harder" I yell.

Eric increases the pace and rubs my clit while James keeps nodding and telling me how well I take his cock. By the time I realize I'm hurting, Aaron is already completely inside of me.

I gasp and James pulls out of my mouth. "How does that feel?"

"Do you want us to stop?" Eric asks seriously.

"No, don't stop. Don't ever stop. So good," I moan as cum drips down my lips, my head hitting Eric's shoulder.

When he and Aaron move, I nearly scream as I come apart. It's too intense, too overwhelming. My thighs are all slick with my own wetness and I feel dirty in the best way. I lean towards James once the orgasm passes and take him deep in my throat.

I can't get enough of them. The way they grunt and groan around me, the compliments they give me, how they restrain themselves so I don't get hurt. James comes first, filling my mouth again until I have to swallow twice to get it all down.

Then Eric and Aaron nod. They take everything up a notch. Instead of moving together like they were, they find a pace that's opposite of each other. I can't catch my breath, I can't think straight, all I feel is pleasure like I could only dream about. I take whatever kisses I'm offered, I hold onto both men as they share me, I cum more times than I can count, until finally, they both finish with growls and sharp grunts.

They slide out of me and I lay on the mattress, sore all over from this new experience, breathless, and overwhelmed.

"Get showered," Eric orders the other guys.

They leave only once I have a blanket over me. Eric pushes my hair from my face and chuckles at whatever expression I have on.

"You're a treasure, Celina," he whispers in my ear before kissing me slowly. I smile and he chuckles. "There you are."

"I want more," I stroke down his chest. "I want to feel that good always."

"I'm more than happy to make you feel that good again, but right now, you need to rest.

You're already going to be sore," he kisses my forehead.

After a few minutes, he manages to sneak me into a bathroom and helps me scrub down in the shower stall without getting my hair or face wet. Once I'm dry and dressed, he leads me back downstairs with a wicked glint in his eyes.

We're keeping a secret from his sister, I know that. He dances with me again, gets me another drink, and doesn't hesitate to grab my ass whenever he wants. I realize I left my underwear in his room, but I can't make myself care about that either.

I'm sure Millie won't like me dancing with her brother. I'm sure my best friend won't be happy that her brother and his friends took a whole lot of my firsts today, but all I can think about is when I can have them again. When I can have anyone again like that.

Eric pulls me back against him. "I ruined your sweetness, didn't I?"

"No," I stroke down his chest and grin. "You just made me a whole lot greedier for things I didn't even know were possible."

He kisses me quickly. "Anytime you want fun, you know where to come."

"Your room?"

"Sure, I'll make you come there, the bathroom, your room, the library, there's a list of places. I'm a very kinky guy like that" he chuckles.

I smile and twist under his arm. Why the hell did I wait so long to take what I want, especially when it means having this kind of pleasure and this kind of fun?

By CelinasFantasy