Beverly’s Ride: Part 1

Beverly’s Ride: Part 1

I help a female classmate with a ride to school and get surprising dividends.

by senor longo. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Thursday, March 23, 1961.

It was the days of doo-wop diners and drive-in movies. Poodle skirts and saddle shoes.

My mom was having one of those “oops” babies; one of those pregnancies that come totally unplanned, which this definitely was. I’m Richard, 18 and a high school senior, and because Mom had to spend the next four months in bed, I was able to drive her car to school rather than take the school bus. After reaching the school and realizing that I was early I drove through some of the parallel streets behind it, looking for friends who were “walkers” who might want a ride.


That’s how I ran into Beverly; not literally, of course. She was walking one Thursday morning in late March as she always did when I approached, asking if she’d like a ride. Like me, Beverly was a senior, but we were polar opposites.

I was tall and thin; actually skinny; well over six feet with a protruding Adam’s apple that gave me a nickname ever since we had red the Washington Irving story, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” way back in ninth grade English. Ever since then I’d had been called “Ichabod” due to my resemblance to the Disney character we had also seen on TV.

In contrast, Beverly was short; barely five feet; and to be kind, I’d call her buxom. We were friendly acquaintances as were most of us in the senior class, but hardly close personal friends.

Beverly accepted my offer of a ride, which was no surprise, but once in the car, she slid across the front seat of Mom’s ’58 Ford until she was practically in my lap. That was not only a surprise; it was actually shocking, but what would I do about it? It was chancy, I knew. There would be one of three results. I was pretty sure that she’d let me kiss her, but what would she do when I put her hand on my cock? First, she might just stroke it, and; if she did; I’d have it out and into her hand in a flash. Second, she could just pull her hand away. Finally, she could just haul off and slap me. I was praying for number one, obviously.

I pulled over after about a quarter mile where I could tell that there was nobody to be seen, ahead or behind us, and on neither side, too. Once the engine was off, I leaned down and gave her a kiss. Her response was better than I had hoped. Her mouth opened and her tongue was pushed into mine in a flash. I wasted no time getting to the moment of truth. I had pulled my cock up so there was room for it to expand and harden. Using my left hand, I took her right and placed it on my organ. Yes! She began to stroke it firmly as she pressed her lips into mine forcefully and her tongue became even more active.

My hands were busy with her blouse’s buttons and soon I had her bra pushed up over her fleshy mounds. My hands massaged them as my fingers pinched and tweaked her nipples. Meanwhile, Beverly continued to rub my cock through my slacks. I stopped the massage momentarily so I could open my belt and slacks. Beverly’s hands dug immediately into my briefs, pulling my cock and balls out and tucking the elastic band under my large swollen testicles.

Now Beverly attacked my organ with surprising strength and energy. Her hands were moving swiftly as I began to feel it. “Beverly, if you keep that up, I’m going to make a terrific mess. I’m gonna cum all over the place.” I thought she might stop, but she continued as she quickly removed her lips from mine, wrapping them tightly around my glans, and just in time, because I blew mere seconds later. Beverly eagerly swallowed all of it; well, most of it, anyway. There were several drops on her cheeks and chin.

Beverly was licking her lips when I grabbed my cock, pulling it with my tightly wrapped fist as I told Beverly, ”There’s a bit more here, if you’re interested.” Not surprisingly, she was. Every time I pulled a droplet from my hole, she was there to lick it, savoring the taste and texture in her mouth and on her tongue. Finally, I was done, so I wrapped myself up and returned to kissing her and tweaking her nipples.

Once she was warmed up physically, I lifted her skirt and drove my fingers under her panties and into her cunt. “Oh, God, Richard. Do it! Fuck me with your fingers. That’s it. Use another finger in me, please! Make me cum! Please! Make me cum!”

Now I had two fingers in her and she was dripping wet. Any more, and her skirt would be ruined. Suddenly, she arched her back and her body rose from the seat. Her hands gripped my head as she kissed me frantically, her tongue driving deeply into my mouth, as she came with incredible force. Some thirty seconds later, she came to rest. Checking her watch, she told me, “I have just enough time to go home and change if you’ll take me. Don’t worry. My parents are away for a long weekend. Maybe you’d like to come by tonight and fuck me.”

I started the car and turned around, following her directions to her house. She ran in, stripping out of her skirt as she ran. Less than five minutes later she was back in the car and we were on our way to school. “You probably think I’m an incredible slut.” I was just about to say “no” when she continued. “All I think about is sex. Fucking and sucking, over and over, is all I want to do. I don’t care if you just use me for sex. That’s what I want. I know we’ll never date seriously. My parents will only allow me to date someone who is an Orthodox Jew, just like us. But I don’t care if it’s just this weekend. I want your cock, and I want it badly. Can you take me home after school today? I have two condoms, but we’ll need more, lots more, if you want to do it tomorrow and Saturday.” What the hell! That sounded just fine to me.

An entire weekend of unbridled sex! What an incredible find for a socially inept guy like myself. I’d never know the reason, but while I was always confident and outspoken in class, I was usually totally tongue-tied when it came to girls, or young women, whatever you might want to call them. I knew from locker room talk that several of my friends were sexually active. I wasn’t so naïve that I believed all of the talk, but several of my classmates had some of the finest looking and hottest girls as their long-term girlfriends. They were all confident athletes, and, unlike the “big talkers” they rarely talked about their relationships with their girlfriends. I also knew that two brothers; no longer students; had married their girlfriends after knocking them up. They had all dropped out of school, a powerful statement about the depth of their stupidity.

I told Beverly that I’d have to check with my mom; if she needed me to run any errands for her. If not, I’d be in her bed in a heartbeat. We parted once I had parked in the high school lot, heading for our lockers until lunch when all of the seniors would meet to eat and chat. I had often sat with girls as well as my guy friends, so nobody would be surprised to find Beverly and me at the same table. We were joined by two girls and one male; all top-drawer students like me. Oddly, all three girls were Jewish while the other male and I were Christians.

Our table talk dealt mostly with academic issues; the upcoming Advanced Placement exams in English, Calculus, French, and Physics as well as the state exams in Physics and Advanced Algebra, which Beverly and one of the other girls were taking. Also, on our minds, was the Senior Prom, which was just two months away, for which I still didn’t have a date. We all rose to leave, but Beverly and I lingered behind the others for a few seconds. “I phoned my mom and she doesn’t need me at home so I told her I was going over to a friend’s house to review some calculus issues. She just told me to be home by 5:30 so we’ll have at least an hour and a half.”

“That’s great,” she whispered. I’ll bet I can get you to cum at least twice and at least that many for me. I’ll meet you at your car. Okay?” I agreed and, once I was sure we were the last to leave I pushed my hand up the back of her skirt and my fingers into her cunt. I fucked her with them for about thirty seconds until she shook as the spasms of a powerful orgasm ripped through her body. The timing was perfect as the cafeteria workers were coming to clean and sanitize the tables and chairs. The custodians would then place the chairs on the tables so they could clean and mop the large floor. As seniors, we had the final lunch period all to ourselves.

I had a hard time concentrating on my afternoon classes, except Advanced French which usually required all of my attention. I had a big advantage over my fellow students, though. One of my neighbor’s mother and grandmother were born in France as was his step-father who had actually fought for the French Resistance during World War 2. He didn’t like to talk about it very often and I had often thought that was understandable. What kind of person would want to brag about killing, even in a major war?

I had gone to my friend’s house when he had moved in while we were both in fourth grade and recognized immediately that his parents were French. He attended a nearby parochial school at the time and since ninth grade he’d been at a regional Catholic high school even though he openly admitted that he was no great student. “I think they’re only interested in my parents’ money.” That was how he explained it. I could understand. His mom had a top-level job for a big French designer, supposedly a major force in creating high-end women’s clothing. At least, that’s what my mother and sisters had told me. His step-dad was an engineer; the kind who made roads and bridges.

I had spoken French; real French; not like what I heard every day in class, with his mother and grandmother, improving my pronunciation, grammar, and accent. Surprisingly, and I’m sure to his mother’s embarrassment, Mike had failed French 1 three consecutive years and couldn’t speak it worth a damn. Many times, his Nana had suggested that I was really her grandson and that we had been switched at birth. I laughed at that because Mike was born locally while I was born in New Jersey. We lived now in Westchester County, just north of New York City.

The afternoon dragged, exactly as I had expected, but eventually the final bell did sound and all of us hustled out of school. I did see my sister who was a sophomore and told her that I was going to visit a classmate and would be home in time for dinner. I did this fairly often, so it was hardly a big deal, although this afternoon definitely would be a big deal; hopefully, an extremely big deal.

As planned, Beverly met me at my car and, once I had opened the driver’s side door, she slid across, but only far enough for me to sit and close the door. She had my cock out and into her mouth before we were even off the school grounds. A few minutes later, as we approached her home, I asked if it was safe to park in her driveway. “Sure, none of our neighbors get home from work until well after five. It’ll be dark by then.” Hell, if it was okay with her, it was fine by me. It wasn’t my parents who would be bitching about a non-Jew visiting their daughter.

Beverly had me as hard as a rock before I had even turned onto her block and she reluctantly pushed me back into my slacks so we could walk the short distance to her house. Once inside, we shed our clothes and I followed her at the run to her room where she pulled two condom packets from her drawer. She pulled me onto her bed as she opened one of the packets with her teeth before rolling it carefully down my hard, pulsing organ.

Once it was in place, she climbed onto my body and slowly lowered herself onto my cock, sighing as her cunt was stretched and filled with my meat. Until this very second, I had been a virgin and I couldn’t believe my luck. Neither of us would win any medals for beauty or sexiness. Her small tits bounced with my every thrust, as did her belly and ass, but I didn’t care; not then and definitely not over the next few days. I’d have plenty of time to reflect on all of it once her parents returned from their trip.

Beverly rode me hard for several minutes, begging me to pinch and twist her clit. Thank God for the Letters section of Playboy or I would have had no idea what she was talking about. Instead, I pulled and twisted her tender tissue until she screamed that she wanted me to use my nails on her. I did and she came; apparently quite hard and a second or two later, so did I. I’d actually lasted somewhat longer than anticipated. I owed Beverly for that, too. My orgasm this morning had taken the edge off and given me a bit more staying power.

We lay next to each other, our arms and legs intertwined as we returned to normal. Beverly was kissing me as she removed the gooey filled condom. She had just wrapped it into a Kleenex when I asked, “So, where’d you get this experience? How did you become addicted to fucking and sucking and cum?”

“You won’t believe me when I tell you. It was sleep-away camp in the boonies of New Hampshire. I’ve always gone to this camp run by several synagogues in this area. Two summers ago, when I was just seventeen, I worked as a counselor-in-training and this past summer I was a regular counselor. There wasn’t much to do at night so we explored each other. I turned eighteen last June, just before school was out. When I was seventeen, we talked about sex a lot, but never really did anything. Last summer though, I went wild. I must have sucked and fucked every counselor, and the three male cooks, too. They were all negroes and very well endowed. I could barely even walk the next morning. The cooks also taught me to suck cock and deep-throat. I love doing that. It’s hard to believe that a totally conservative religion would turn out a total whore like me.”

“I think that any boyfriend you have and your eventual husband will be an extremely happy and satisfied man.” Beverly smiled, then took me deeply into her mouth. I thought she said, “I hope so,” but it’s hard to understand what someone is saying while their mouth is full of cock.

We rested for a while then went at it again, this time in what she called “doggie.” Once I was lined up behind her, I understood fully the origins of the term. I especially enjoyed my freedom of movement and my ability to grab her flopping tits and twist her needy clit. I especially liked the way Beverly shook and screamed when she came in this position, and that was often. The first time I heard her I was terrified that I had hurt her in some way. However, I was totally inexperienced then. I was gaining experience at warp speed now thanks to Beverly.

We were lying on her bed, recovering from our second session in the past hour when Beverly asked me an important question. “Richard, will you tell all of your friends about me when you get back to school tomorrow?”

“No, Beverly. I’ll remember this weekend for my entire life and I’ll treasure what we have done, but what we do will remain between the two of us. Truthfully, I doubt that anyone would believe me, anyway. I know that we will be limited to just this weekend. But I wish I could find another woman even close to you.”

“You know, sometimes wishes can come true. You do know that, don’t you?

“Sure, and then there’s Santa and his elves and Rudolph and the other reindeer; or is it reindeers? I never get that one right.”

“Richard, you know I’m Jewish. We don’t believe in Christmas, well, not in the religious part. The gift giving part, well, that’s another story.”

“Don’t you do that over Chanukah?”

“Yeah, but that’s a really minor religious holiday and, contrary to popular belief, we don’t get presents on all eight nights. At most, it’s the first and last, and I doubt we get any more than you get for Christmas.”

“I knew that already. I do have some close Jewish friends, you know. Ricky and Alan, Larry, and Richie; and those are just the guys.”

“I know, they’re in school with us, and; speaking of school; I think I have my hand on my favorite student. He’s becoming bigger and harder every time I stroke him. Soon, I think, he’ll get his reward and I’ll get mine, too. Yum!”

“You know, Beverly, you’re really funny.”

“Oh no, Richard; there’s nothing I take more seriously than a mouthful of semen. I just love the taste and the texture as it slides down my mouth and over my tongue. Even when I scoop it out of my cunt. Don’t get me wrong. I liv for the orgasms, but there’s nothing that compares to the taste. The best thing about taking it in my cunt is that first I get to cum and then I get to relive it all over again when I dip my fingers in and lick them off. It’s like reliving the entire experience. Know what I mean?”

“I don’t, honestly, but I think I can understand how you feel because it’s really special for me, too. I mean, I’ve jerked off plenty of times and I do love it, but cumming in you; your mouth or your cunt; is the best feeling I’ve ever had. I love it and I’d never tire of it. Too bad it has to end Saturday night.”

“I’ve been thinking about that, Richard. I’ll bet we can get together after school once or twice a week, if only we can find a place, like a dead-end street or some road with no houses or traffic.”

“Hmm, maybe, but it can’t be too long. I think your mom will get suspicious, or mine, although, ”

“Damn! You’re probably right, but we can still try. And speaking of trying.” And with that, my now hard cock slid into the depths of her mouth. Only the fact that I had cum less than an hour earlier prevented me from erupting like Vesuvius into her mouth and down her throat. Instead, she sucked me and sucked me. The sensations of her tongue and the roof of her mouth on my organ made me weak in my knees. I was lucky to be lying down or I surely would have fallen as blood rushed from my head into my cock.

She shifted position without warning and moved her cunt over my rod so she could slowly slide down. In that moment I could really see the appeal, the euphoria she experienced when my hard man-meat stretched out the muscles in her cunt. I realized the extent of her sheer joy when I heard and saw her sigh in her rapture. Beverly’s eyes were closed, but her mouth formed a perfect “O” as she first inhaled and then slowly exhaled. It was clear that she truly loved what she was doing. I thought it was pretty fucking amazing, too.

Beverly obviously had a lot more experience than I did. Her motions alone proved that all too clearly. I doubted that she’d had much recently unless she was actively fucking guys from her synagogue, which I doubted because one of them would probably be here instead of me. That would mean that she had fucked and sucked and drank gallons of semen during our two-month summer vacation. How many times could she fuck during those sixty-one days? Sixty? Ninety? A hundred and twenty? Damn! Whatever, it was a shitload of sex! I doubted that even newlyweds had that much. One of them, at least, had to go to work and I knew from personal experience that the male partner had some physical limitations to deal with.

Beverly had rocked on my cock for almost ten minutes when her back arched and she screamed at the top of her lungs. It was good timing, because I had been ready to pop for a couple of minutes and I doubted that I could hold back for even another second.

She was off me in a flash as her fingers plunged into her cunt, scooping out as much of my crème as possible and plunging her creamy fingers into her hungry mouth. When she had finished with that, she took me into her mouth, not only cleaning my cock, but sucking as much as humanly possible from my wilting organ. When I checked the time, I saw it was already after five. I ran to her bathroom, grabbed a washcloth, and washed down my face and genital area until they were clean and free of the telltale odor of sex. I dressed hurriedly, kissed Beverly good-bye and bolted out the door, knowing that Beverly would have those hungry lips around my cock again tomorrow morning. I got home just before 5:30, just in time to help my sisters prepare the evening’s dinner; pork chops. I chuckled at the irony of eating pork after sex with a woman who had likely never tasted the stuff.

Friday, March 24, 1961.

I drove into Beverly’s driveway at 7:43 in the morning, giving us plenty of time before our 8:40 start time. I thought that we would have at least forty minutes for our fun and games before school would open so we could get to our lockers prior to homeroom.

Beverly bounded out the door and down the steps just seconds later. She wasn’t in the car even thirty seconds when she had my cock out, and in her mouth, licking and sucking as I sat stock still as my body experienced the closest thing to heaven I could possibly imagine. The sensations I experienced were incredible and it was obvious to me that Beverly was enjoying it every bit as much as I did. That was proved wrong when my cock exploded in her mouth and I could see the rapture in her eyes and face as she sucked down every single drop my balls produced. She smiled as she licked her lips. “Delicious, breakfast of champions; that’s the way to start the day.”

I laughed in response, then got serious. “What do you want to do tonight? Do you want a movie or bowling, or what?”

“None of the above, Richard. I want to spend the entire time balling. That’s a slang term for fucking, in case you didn’t know, although we can spend some of our time with your cock in my mouth, if you want.”

“Okay, I’ll leave the agenda up to you. Oh, I have to take my sister to the supermarket this afternoon so I can’t give you a ride home.”

“That’s okay, I’ve walked it plenty of times and we’ll make up for it tonight, won’t we?”

“I certainly hope so,” I replied, a huge smile on my face.

As big as that smile had been, it was nothing compared to the smile I had when Beverly opened her door that evening. I had two sisters, but to my knowledge they’d never worn anything like what Beverly was wearing. First of all, it was sheer; so sheer that I could see right through it. Her tits, nipples, navel, and cunt were clearly visible through the gauzy black fabric. On her feet she wore high-heeled slippers. Once she had closed and locked the door, she moved into my arms for a searing kiss, tongue moving deeply into my throat as she led my hand into her already dripping-wet cunt.

Breaking the kiss, she moved back and looked up. “I hope you remembered to buy the condoms, lots and lots of condoms.”

“Think a dozen will be enough,” I asked as my unoccupied hand dipped into my jacket pocket. Beverly laughed as she put the jacket onto the back of a chair before taking my hand and leading me, once again, to her bedroom. She started to disrobe me on the way so all I had on by the time we walked into the room were my socks. They were off seconds later.

I was a bit shocked when the phone rang. I knew that Beverly’s family was well off so I wasn’t shocked that she had a phone in her room. “Be still and quiet. It’s my parents, I’m sure.” She picked up the phone saying, “Hello.” A few seconds later she said, “Hi, Mom. How is the conference? Oh! Too bad. Yeah, I’m in bed reading some of my English assignment. It’s one of Shakespeare’s sonnets. Yes, it is boring. That’s why I’m in bed. If I get tired, I’ll just fall asleep and wake up tomorrow morning. Yes, everything is fine. One of my classmates found me while I was walking to school yesterday drove me and volunteered to drive me again this morning.” Then, after waiting a few seconds again, “Yes, I think you know him, Richard Kelly, the boy the kids all call, ‘Ichabod’ because he resembles the Disney character. No, he’s not insulted by the nickname. He thinks it’s funny. Honest! I think he told me that his mother was expecting so he gets to take her car to school. Yes, I know he has one sister in tenth and I think there’s another younger one.”

Beverly was silent for several minutes so I assumed that her mother was speaking. That was confirmed when Beverly finally spoke again. “Okay, Mom, I’ll expect you and Daddy sometime Sunday afternoon. Should I put something on to cook? Great, Chinese it is. I’ll have the table set and ice cubes ready for soda to drink.” Then after another pause, “Yes, Mom, the house is all locked up and I have Mrs. Nathan’s number right here in case of an emergency. Okay, I miss you, too. Bye.

“Thank God that’s done. My parents are jewelers and several times a year they go to sales conventions where there are lots of displays and even more lectures on how to market jewelry. I’m sure it’s even more boring than it sounds.” Then she took my cock in hand and the evening’s festivities began.

I was expecting a marathon, but it was even more than I could have imagined. Beverly sucked me twice, swallowing everything I could give her, then she fucked me, dipping her fingers into her cunt so she could swallow even more. I thought she was done when she began to ride me in what she told me was reverse cowgirl. It was far from my favorite because I couldn’t see anything that interested me, nor could I easily reach up and worry her tits and nipples. However, she seemed to like it and after the evening I’d had, I could afford a little generosity.

We finished that bout around 10:30 and I relaxed on her pillow with Beverly lying on my body while she idly played with my cock. “You know what, Richard? I think I’m in love with your cock.”

I had to laugh. “I think you’d be in love with any cock that could produce enough semen for you.”

“There’s some truth to that, but yours is just the right length and the perfect width for me. I just love the way you stretch me out when you enter me. A smaller and thinner one just doesn’t do it for me and I’ve had quite a few like that. Everyone thinks that bigger is always better, but a cock that’s too long will bang into my cervix on every stroke and that hurts like you wouldn’t believe. Same with too thick; I’ve had a few like that, too. They feel good while we’re fucking, but the next day I’m so sore that I can barely walk. Yours stretches me out and I know I’ve been fucked the next day, but I’m not in serious pain; just a little discomfort, which actually feels good. My cunt was just a little sore this morning and tomorrow it will be even more, but that just makes me want more. Think we can make a plaster cast of this?”

“Talk about uncomfortable! Ouch! Say, think I could grab a quick shower before I leave tonight? I have to work tomorrow morning.”

“Sure, but I’m not finished with you yet. I’m betting you have one more load in you tonight.” I groaned, but down deep I was thrilled to be so strongly and sexually desired. I lay with my head on her pillow, allowing Beverly to do all of the work. I wasn’t surprised to take more than fifteen minutes to get hard enough to allow us to have a really good fuck, and that was exactly what we had. She rode me cowgirl, ramming her clit into my abdominals, for almost twenty minutes before I felt the rumbling. She had already cum three more times so she hopped off and spun around, bringing her mouth to my gooey cock. It went deep into her mouth just before I dribbled into her mouth and throat. I’d love to say that I erupted, but after tonight’s marathon I felt I was lucky to dribble. There was a little semen that Beverly savored, rolling it over her tongue, swishing it back and forth in her mouth until she finally swallowed. “Okay, you can use the shower next door on the left.”

“Sure, if I can actually walk that far. I think you’ve destroyed me.” She laughed and lightly slapped my ass as I struggled out of the room. The shower was quick, just a quick rinse to get the odor of sex off my body. Ten minutes later I was drying off when Beverly walked in carrying my clothes and shoes. I dressed in another five and kissed her good-bye, locking the door behind me when I left.

I walked quietly into my home at 12:15 and I was in bed and asleep less than five minutes later. Beverly had done a great job of wearing me out. All the same, I was up at eight and eating breakfast with my family by 8:15. “How was the bowling, Richard? You got in pretty late, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, Mom; for some reason the lanes were very crowded. We had to wait for almost two hours for just one lane. Having five guys on one lane makes for very slow bowling. We only had time for two games, instead of our usual three. Tony finally called it quits. He has to go to work with his dad’s construction company this morning. I think he had to be on the job at eight.”

“Well, it’s nice you have such good friends.”

“Yeah, unfortunately all of that will change in a few months.”

“That’s progress, dear. We all grow older and meet new and different friends, although I still have a few from high school. Then again, I’ve lived in the same area for all of my life. You’ll be going away to college, but I’m sure you’ll make new friends. Anything on tap for tonight.”

“Yeah, Mom. I don’t know if you’ve ever met Beverly Vincman. I ran into her Thursday, I think, and offered her a ride to school and home again. I’m sure you red about the rapist in the area in the newspaper. I’d feel terrible if I could have given her a ride, but didn’t and something happened to her. I told her I’d give her a ride both ways until the guy is caught.”

“That’s very sweet of you. I’m glad you’re so considerate.”

“Yeah, well, she invited me to a party with a small group of her friends tonight. I’ll be sure to be home by twelve.”

“I think you can make it one if you promise not to have anything to drink, and no kidding around with that horrible sense of humor you have.”

I gave her a look that showed just how offended I was. “Moi?” I hadn’t taken six years of French for nothing.

Mom laughed and then told me, “Yes, you! And none of your fancy foreign languages. You know I took mostly sciences in high school and there’s not much call for an RN to speak French around here. Now finish your breakfast and get your ass to work!” I was supposed to be there by nine and I was four minutes early.

To be continued, by senor longo.