One Silent Night: Part 3

A Christmas Miracle brings them together.

by horny pixy. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

“I don’t know what to say,” Mia said, dazed. She sank down on the couch and picked the paper up. “I can’t believe you did this for me. What;  how did you do this?”

“I phoned my old commander,” Carter said. “He knew how important it was to me, so he called a few of his connections. They got a warrant to search the farm and found illegal weapons that your stepfather had been hired to smuggle out of the country. It was enough for an arrest. They cited the source as an ‘anonymous tip’ and crumbled the whole organization in a few days.”


“I don’t know how to say thank you,” Mia said. “I mean;  There are no words for this.”

“I wanted to go kill the bastard for what he did,” Carter said. “I wanted to rip his throat out with my bare hands. But calling in for back-up was the best way to deal with it.”

“I can’t believe it’s over,” Mia said. “Will they need me to testify against him?”

Carter hesitated. “They might ask you to,” he said. “It might extend their sentence. It will definitely add years to your stepfather’s. Raping, especially the raping of a minor, is a big deal. But you have to be sure you can deal with it. I won’t let you do it if you don’t want to.”

“I’ll think about it,” Mia said. “I don’t want to be haunted by it for the rest of my life. He stole everything from me, my mom, my childhood, my innocence. When he raped me;  He was usually drunk when he came to my room, and there was never any;  any foreplay, or kisses or anything. It always, always hurt. You’re the first man I ever kissed, and;” she swallowed, her face bright red. “It felt good. And I want to do it again.”

Carter sat down next to her she all but crawled onto his lap. He let his crutch fall on the ground and folded his arms around her. These past few weeks have been his idea of paradise. He loved taking care of her and Nikita, loved that they needed him. They didn’t seem to realize how much he needed them in return, but he was working on that.

They sat like that for a long time, not talking. He rubbed her back and wished the clothes between them would melt away. He loved her so much it overwhelmed him. He was pretty sure she was in love with him too, but he couldn’t be sure she was ready for anything more than friendship. Between her stepfather’s abuse and Nikita’s cancer, she had a lot to deal with. But he could, and would, be patient, until she learned to trust her heart and love him back.

They ate dinner by the lights of the Christmas tree and a few candles. It was snowing at last; a light dusting that promised a white Christmas in the morning. Nikita convinced them to exchange their gifts after dinner, rather than wait for morning. Mia and Carter were both inclined to give her whatever she wanted, so they agreed after a teasing argument.

Mia gave Nikita some new clothes and a few books she had bought with what was pretty much her last money. Carter gave her a silver charms bracelet with different charms and a little flower-shaped watch hanging from it. She exclaimed over her gifts, and Mia had to fight against the tears. Her sister was so much braver than she was, and it humbled her to see the young girl fight for every single day. She could see the fear in Nikita’s eyes every time she went to bed, and knew her sister was afraid that she would not wake up again. But not once has Mia heard her say anything about her coming death. They all avoided the subject, as if talking about it would make it more real.

“I have a gift for you too,” Mia said shyly to Carter. “It’s not much, but I thought you might like it. I made it,” she added when she handed him the small packet that she’d hidden under the tree. He gave her a brilliant smile and seemed genuinely pleased when he opened it to find the scarf she’d knitted in secret in her and Nikita’s bedroom. She wasn't much of a knitter, but her mother had taught her when she was young and she had bought the wool and needles when she went shopping for Nikita’s present. It was pretty lopsided and uneven, but he wound it around his neck anyway. Mia knew he would wear it to please her, and she gave him a shy smile.

“Don’t you have something for Mia?” Nikita asked with the innocence of a child.

Mia blushed. “He already gave me something,” she said. He had given her so much more than she’d ever expected or hoped for. She wondered if he had any idea how much it all meant to her, the way he took care of her sister, the fact that he was going to so much trouble to make it a lovely Christmas, with the tree and the gifts and the laughter. He had given her the freedom she has never had before.

He had given her a reason to go on living after Nikita passed away, because she loved him.

Oh, but she loved him so much.

“I do have a gift for you,” Carter said. “Wait here. I’ll be right back. It is in my room.”

“’But you didn’t have to;” she protested, but he just grinned and grabbed his crutch, limping to his bedroom. He came back a few seconds later, his hand behind his back.

“Close your eyes,” he said and she obeyed him dutifully. She sensed him coming closer and then there was something on her lap; something soft and furry and light.

She opened her eyes and blinked. “Oh,’ she breathed. It was a little kitten, grey and playful and utterly sweet. Nikita squealed in delight from her position next to Mia.

“She needs a home,” Carter said. “And a name. I was thinking Faith or Hope of Love, but you can pick something else.”

“I like Hope,” Mia said and nuzzled the soft bundle in her neck. She handed her to Nikita and got up to go hug Carter, but he tripped her with a clever maneuver of his crutch and she fell against him, where he grabbed her and kissed her soundly before letting her go.

She blushed a little as she returned to the couch, but there was a warm spot inside her that somehow lighted up all the dark spaces she’s ever known.

“Can we take her with us to go light the sparklers?” Nikita asked.

“I can’t see why not,” Carter said. “Just keep her inside the blanket with you.”

He got the sparklers and a box of matches and they all went out on the balcony. Mia helped Nikita in the chair, first dusting off the snow that had covered it with her hands. The direction of the wind and the building at their backs was in their favor, and though it was cold, they managed to light the sparklers with little trouble.

There was such magic in the moment, Nikita was laughing and drawing pictures in the air. There was a joy on her face that Mia had never seen before, and despite the cold, she looked so healthy, sitting there, covered in a blanket and with a little grey kitten poking its nose out from under the blanket. Mia turned to Carter and caught her breath. He looked magnificent, standing there with his feet planted firmly on the slippery floor, wearing a warm jacket and a poorly-knitted scarf, grinning at her while he twirled his sparkler like a martial-arts weapon. She looked him in the eye and, as clearly as she could, wrote ‘I love you’ in the air with her sparkler.

The golden light of their sparklers lit up the balcony, and the hiss and sputter and faint smell of lingering sulphur was a symphony for the senses. Carter reached for her, the light in his eyes burning brighter than any sparkler, and it was the most natural thing to step into his embrace.

They lit all the sparklers in the box, and when it was over, Nikita declared that she was ready for bed, as long as Hope could sleep with her. Since Mia was determined to spend the night with Carter, she agreed readily.

“Leave the cleaning up,” Carter said when she started picking up plates and wrapping paper. “We’ll do it in the morning.”

“Are you sure?” Mia asked, suddenly shy and hesitant. Carter held out his hand.
“Come with me,” he said. “Please, Mia. Come to bed with me.”

She looked at his face, and his eyes were still burning with that golden light.

“Yes,” she said and put the dishes in her hands on a little table. “I would love to.”

Carter’s heart seemed to be working overtime again as he led Mia into his room. He held her hand in his, and he was overly aware of how much smaller she was than him. Her skin was still slightly cold after being outside, and he threaded his fingers through hers in an intimidate gesture as he closed the door behind them and turned the lock, just in case.

He switched off the bright overhead light, so that the room was lit only by the softer glow of the bedside lamp. He sensed Mia’s nerves and wondered how he could make it easier for her when he put the crutch against the wall.

“Kiss me,” she said as if she could read his thoughts. He cupped her face in both hands and stroked her cheeks for a second, lingering over the softness of her skin. He looked into her eyes and then leaned his forehead against hers for a second, sharing the moment with her.

“I love you,” he said. “I’ve loved you for about two years.”

“But we only met a few weeks ago,” she said, clearly confused.

“I have a confession to make,” he said, one hand sliding to the back of her neck and down, tracing her spine to her lower back. “I watched you walk pass my house every night. I felt like I knew you after a while. I fell in love with you long before we met.”

“I wish I had known,” she whispered. “Carter, I love you from the bottom of my heart. You’ve given me so much.”

“You’ve given me hope,” he said. “And faith. And love. Will you give me yourself, tonight?”

“Oh, please, yes,” she said, and then he kissed her. Though he was gentle, his mouth was insistent, and she followed his lead, opening her lips when his tongue probed at her. He swept it inside, tasted her, teased her, caressed her. She put her arms around his neck, standing on her toes to get closer to him as they angled their heads to deepen the kiss. He could taste her breath in his mouth when she touched her tongue to his. She still tasted like the peppermint chocolates they’d eaten after dinner in lieu of dessert, and he made a little sound of approval.

He walked her backwards until her legs hit the bed and pressed his face into her neck. He could feel her skin breaking out in Goosebumps when she turned her neck to give him better access. He kissed her almost mindlessly; open-mouthed kisses that dragged over her while his tongue drew little patterns on her skin. He kissed his way slowly up to her earlobe. She gave a little gasp when he took it between his teeth and pulled it lightly. He let it go to flick it with his tongue, taking a break to lick at the sensitive little spot just under her ear, tormenting her.

She slid her hands into his hair and drew his mouth back to hers. They were both out of breath by the time he let go of her lips. He pulled at the zipper on her jacket and as soon as it was open, slid his hands under it to cup her breasts through her sweater. She pressed against him slightly, letting him know it was good. He pushed the jacket off her shoulders and down her arms. It fell on the floor, where it lay forgotten and ignored. Carter pulled her plump lower lip into his mouth for another burning kiss while he got his hands under her sweater and the white tank top she was still wearing. He dragged it up her body, his hands stroking her in a firm movement. She moaned a little and helped him by lifting her arms so he could pull it off.

“Oh, baby,” he whispered against her throat. Her bruises had faded to that sickly yellow-green color, but they didn’t make her any less lovely. His hands rubbed her skin possessively while she reached behind her to undo her bra. It joined the scattering of clothes on the floor. Carter’s hands cupped her breasts again, and he moaned when he felt the warmth and softness of her skin. He squeezed them lightly and had the satisfaction of feeling her nipples pebble against his palm. He took his time, pleasuring both of them by rolling the hard little nubs between his fingers, rubbing, pinching, pulling, flicking, until she clutched his shoulders and kissed him pleadingly.

He pushed her lightly and she obeyed his touch, lying back on the bed. He leaned over her, bracing his weight on his arms while he kissed her. He trailed his mouth down and she shifted uncomfortably when his mouth found one breast. He licked a little circle around the areola, taking his time to enjoy the puckered texture of her skin on the tip of his tongue. He laved the little ridges generously, eliciting a quickening in her breath. Her nipple was a hard little nub and he tugged at it, using only his teeth and lips, until she arched into his mouth. He licked over it; a broad, flat stroke of his tongue that made her twist her torso.
She wound her fingers through his hair, holding his face against her when he finally relented and sucked her into his mouth. They moaned together, a perfect duet of passion and desire as he suckled at her, alternating between long, hard tugs and teasing little sips, taking the occasional nibble just to delight her.

He kept her other nipple happy by playing with it with his fingers, echoing the movements his mouth made, but he was all about equality, so he switched and repeated the whole process. By the time he was done with her breasts, for the moment, her nipples were a deep rosy pink that made him want to start all over. They glistened from his saliva and he took a primitive male pleasure from the fact that he had been the one to get them in that state of arousal.

He shifted her on the bed with ease, so that her head was on his pillow and she was lying down exactly on the same spot he slept every night before stretching out next to her and pulling her into his arms for another soul-deep kiss.

She sighed and moaned and turned on her side to press closer against him. He held her body against him, his hands exploring the ridges of her spine and the feminine softness of her skin, the scent of her arousal permeating the air in the room. He rolled her on her back, careful not to crowd her.

Her hands were pulling at his jacket, trying to get it off him. He reared up and pulled it over his head, taking the long-sleeved shirt and his new scarf with it in one movement before going back to her addictive kisses and eager lips. He gave a soft moan when he felt her breasts press against his chest. They were skin to skin, and he reveled in the contrast between their bodies. He was all hard muscles and rough skin, and she was;  she was perfect. Soft and smooth and female and Mia and perfect.

The intensity of their lovemaking spiraled when he undid the fastening of her jeans and pulled them off her legs. She was wearing only a pair of socks he got rid of very quickly, and lacy panties he knew she had bought especially for him with money she really couldn’t afford to spend on fancy underwear. He made sure to show his appreciation by not ripping them off like he wanted to.

Carter propped himself up next to her on one arm. His other hand was tracing lazy circles on her belly, scraping her with his short nails to tease her. He focused on the area between her hipbones, and she responded with the expected arching of her hips and opening of her legs when the nerve-ends there sent tingles up her spine and to her breasts and the inside of her thighs.

He skimmed his finger over the edge of her panties, tracing the small, sexy little bow at the top. He followed the pattern of the lace and satin with one finger, noticing that she was very neatly trimmed. He slipped his finger under the lace and pulled it down very slowly, baring her mound with the small little triangle of curls for his viewing pleasure. He tested the soft, plump, pillowy area and just for a second, put his mouth on her. She gasped in surprise, her hips rising off the bed.

He rubbed her hip on the side furthest away from him and stroked his hand around and under her thigh. He moved his body in between her legs and hoisted her knees over his shoulders, stroking her thighs to soothe her when she made an agitated sound. She settled down and he pressed his mouth against the soft skin of her inner thigh, stroking her with his tongue and taking the occasional, small nip just to tease. He could smell her excitement much clearer in this position, and it made the bulge in his pants an almost painful experience when he hardened even more.

He pressed his lips against the warm, damp crotch of the panties and she gasped again. He had no trouble finding her clit with his tongue and he rubbed against it with small, hard, circular movements. Her hips started to strain against his hold, and he shifted his arms to get a better grip for the bucking he knew would come soon enough. Her hands pushed at her panties; clearly, she wanted them off.

And Carter was nothing if not willing. He slid three fingers under the satin crotch through the leg opening and felt the wetness of her against the back of his fingers before he pulled the panties off. He had to relinquish his position between her thighs and made use of the opportunity to peel his own pants off, revealing his stiff, hard cock. It sprang free, happy to be released from the confines of his pants.

“Can I see it?” Mia asked, lifting herself up on her elbows to get a better look.

“Ah, Mia, now might not be the best time,” he said. “I don’t know how long I’ll last and I want to make sure you cum first. If you touch me now, it might not;”

“Please, Carter,” she said. “I need to see that it’s not the same as;  I need to see it, that’s all.”

“Of course, baby,” he said immediately, and he wanted to hit himself for not realizing why she would want to get a closer look. He shifted up on the bed, allowing her access to his cock.

Mia put out one finger, tentatively stroking it with just the tip, as if it was a wild animal that needed to be tamed. Actually, Carter thought, that wasn't a bad description. He watched her fascination with the drop of pre-cum. She touched it with the pad of her thumb, and rubbed it between two fingers. Her smile was beautiful.

“It’s slippery,” she said. “I thought it would be more;  watery, I guess.”

“Ah, Mia,” Carter said when she started spreading the moisture over his shaft. “That might not be a very good idea at the moment, baby. I don’t want to;”

But she was ignoring him. “You’re pretty big,” she said hesitantly. “Are you sure you’ll fit?”

“If you keep touching me like that, big won’t be a problem for much longer,” he said between clenched teeth when she wrapped her hand around him and stroked him, measuring the girth and length. His cock jerked in her hand and she let it go with a little jump. Carter pinched it between two fingers at the base, trying to hold back the need to cum.

“Let me take care of you,” he said. “I need to do that. Please, Mia.”

“All right,” she said, lying down on her back again. He resumed his position between her thighs, propping her open with his big shoulders and breathing in her feminine fragrance. He spent a few seconds, looking at her. Her outer lips were juicy and plump, the inner lips small, like the petals of a flower that had not opened yet. Her clit was already a little bit engorged, but he knew it would get much more so before he was done. He used the fingers of one hand to unfold her pussy lips as if it was a delicate present he wanted to unwrap.

He stroke one finger through the wetness pooled at her entrance. She lay perfectly still, but he could sense the mounting tension. He played there for a while, enjoying the sight of her glimmering lips. He painted a trail of her juice up to her clit and traced a circle around it.

Mia’s breath hitched in her throat when he started playing in earnest, rubbing her clit in little circular motions. He watched the little hood draw back as she got even more aroused. She was the most delicious shade of pink down here, and he wanted a taste. Ducking his head, he held open the love petals and sucked her clit into his mouth. He flicked it with his tongue, grazed very lightly with his teeth, and made her gasp when he brought her to the brink and held her there. Just before she came, he left her clit to go dabble in her little hole.

“No!” she moaned, her hand clutching her hair and trying to draw him back where she wanted him. He resisted and shocked her further by slipping his tongue inside her, feeling her smooth skin and tasting the proof of her desire.

So sweet, he thought when he started licking at her, first only with the tip of his tongue and then with broad strokes.

He moved back to her clit and started sucking on it again, moving his hand to slide first one finger and then a second inside her.

She hissed, he growled, and her walls tightened against him. He shifted his body and moved his hand, pushing his fingers deep into her well-lubricated hole and curling them upwards. He found the spongy area and pressed his fingers against it, rubbing her wet muscles. Her body started jerking and bucking against him, and he held her down with his other hand. She panted his name when he stroked his fingers in and out of her, pumping them fast and sure, stopping to rub at her g-spot every few seconds.

It was inevitable, really. As the orgasm built, Mia let go of his hair, her hands fluttering around, looking for purchase somewhere, She arched her back and cried out softly, and found the headboard behind her. She clutched it tightly while he flicked and suckled her clit, his fingers doing wonderful things inside her. Her eyes were shut so tightly that she saw little pinpricks of lights against the back of her lids.

Her breathing was a rasping sound in the room, her heart pounding faster and faster as the orgasm grew in intensity and magnitude. Her body was straining against his hold, the sensations sizzling through every nerve ending. She felt it in her toes, all the way to her fingertips, and electric zing that rushed from one nerve ending to the next like a wildfire of want and need and responses.

And when that torturous build-up finally reached the peak, it threw her off the cliff mercilessly. The pin pricks behind her eyes became little golden sparks that exploded like sparklers the size of fireworks. She was falling, and the sensations were so overwhelming that it threatened to ruin her pleasure.

But Carter was there to keep her grounded. His mouth and fingers carried her through the explosive orgasm that had her legs bucking and her toes curling. He eased her when she became too agitated, and when the grip on her senses finally let up he soothed her sensitive skin with slow strokes.

She was breathing like somebody who had been trapped under water for too long when it was over. She lay there with her eyes still closed, her one arm over her face as she waited for the room to stop spinning.

Carter shifted up, pulling her into his arms. She could sense the tension in him and shifted him so that he way lying on top of her. She cupped his cheek in one hand and dragged his mouth down for a slow, bottomless kiss. His tongue tasted strange, and it took her a second to realize she was tasting her own essence in his mouth.

She was shocked at how much she liked it.

Carter felt Mia’s shift from blissful to sated, and briefly considered letting her sleep. His cock, which felt like it could break steel boulders at that point, screamed in very loud protest. He was pretty much on the brink of an orgasm, so maybe he could go to the bathroom and;

She shifted her legs open under him, cradling him in the little nest of her body. He felt her damp skin and automatically thrust his hips against her, sliding his cock through her wet slit. It felt;  unbearable good. He pulled back and did it again. And again, and was considering to just go on like that until he came, when she shifted her hips and he found himself poised at her entrance. He forced his eyes open to look at her. He would not, could not, take her without her permission.

She was achingly lovely, with her skin still damp and her hair curling around her face in little tendrils, her face flushed and her lips swollen from his kisses. Her eyes were lazy pools of contentment, and when she nodded, he plunged.

That first sheathing was exquisite. Her body was so soft, so tight, so well and truly loved that he slid in without any trouble or difficulty. She opened up for him, her passage adjusting to his size and pulling him in flush against her. He braced himself on his arms and gave her a minute to get used to him, breathing through the primitive urge to start pumping.

Eventually he felt her push up against him and he pulled out until only the head was still inside. Her body felt so perfect that he had to grit his teeth as he did so, because he didn’t want to leave. He slid back into that slick, hot wetness, feeling the way her muscles pulled at him and contracted against his hard phallus. He repeated the process, the delicious friction rubbing between them building his desire.

He increased his pace, stroke by stroke, heartbeat by heartbeat, until he was gasping for breath with every lush slide into her tightness. He could feel his gonads tightening up, the tingle starting in the base of his spine a dead giveaway. He quickened his thrusts almost desperately, wanting it to last longer but simply unable to draw it out this first time. He trembled, lunged deep inside her, held himself there when the orgasm claimed him for its own. He could feel the warm rush of hot cream in his turgid pipe, felt it explode out of him and into her hot wet canal. Her body was helping him, the muscles milking his phallus with hot, fluid contractions that pulled the orgasm out of orbit. He spun around helplessly for a second, straining to make it last, and when it crashed around him and inside him, he let himself press his face in her neck. He kissed the skin there, tasting her fine sheen of sweat as he tried to get control of his breathing.

It took a while for the ringing in his ears to subside, and he realized that he had slumped on top of her and was crushing her with his weight. He rolled off her and pulled her close, his arms trembling around her. He sensed it when she started drifting off to sleep, that lazy floating of the senses only a good orgasm could induce. With a grunt, he got up and worked the blanket loose under their bodies, pulling it over both of them. He gathered her close again and she shifted her head onto his chest. Her deep breathing tickled the scattering of hair and her hand settled over his heart. He took it in his and threaded their fingers together to deepen the emotional connection.

And only when he was sure she was asleep, did he let himself do the same.

The miracle happened the next morning when Mia woke to find Nikita in the kitchen, rummaging through the cupboards.

“I didn’t want to wake you,” she said apologetically. “But I’m starving. Why are you wearing Carter’s gown?”

“It’s warmer than mine,” Mia said, as Carter joined them, wearing a tee shirt and sweatpants. “Honey, why don’t you go lie down? You must be tired.” Mia suggested.

“Actually, I’m not, not really. Or I am, but not as tired as I’ve been lately. I need to walk a bit, stretch my legs. Oh, and merry Christmas, by the way.”

Mia and Carter could only stare when she smiled and took the bowl of cereal to the couch, where Hope was playing with some discarded wrapping paper.

“The fever must have broken,” Mia said in a low voice.

Carter shook his head. “It’s more than that. I think we should take her back to the doctor.” He folded his arms around her and pulled her close, pressing his face into her hair and breathing in her scent. “Merry Christmas, my love,” he whispered against her. She made a sleepy noise and nuzzled against him.

“Merry Christmas,” she said, wrapping her arms around him and holding on like she was never going to let go. Her eyes caught sight of the snowy white world outside through the window, and she just knew:

It was going to be a Merry Christmas indeed.

To be continued, by horny pixy.