The Great Reno Treasure Hunt

 A wife surrenders her clothes during treasure hunt.

By sharedare. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


One of my hubby’s closest buddies had flown in from Phoenix to spend the weekend with us. Jay and Hubby had grown up together and, up until a few years ago, the two had always lived in the same neighborhood. Moving up the corporate ladder eventually required Jay to relocate to Arizona, but he and hubby had remained as close as ever.

It was Friday night, and the three of us were enjoying a casual evening of wine and conversation. As the night wore on, we somehow ended up talking about jewelry, and my desire to upgrade the diamond in my wedding ring. Hubby and I had often discussed the idea of upgrading to a full karat. Unfortunately, the price had always been more than we could reasonably afford. And so went the discussion that night, only this time it included Jay.

I had consumed just enough wine to make me a little goofy, so I wasn’t too surprised by myself when I remarked to hubby and Jay that I should work the streets for a day or two to raise money for my diamond. Both Jay and hubby were all for the idea, urging me to hop into a mini-skirt and get to work. Jay said I definitely had the body for it. We all laughed and soon the conversation turned to other topics.

The following day, hubby and Jay were up and out of the house early, heading downtown on what they described as a “secret mission”. Although they returned home about six hours later, they refused to divulge the purpose of their trip.

It seemed as though we were going to spend our Saturday night, as we had the previous night, sampling a new collection of California wines, feasting on barbecue, and otherwise enjoying the warm night air. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to me, except that hubby wasn’t partaking in any wine, claiming that he had a slight upset stomach. I should have been more suspicious, especially since his upset stomach didn’t seem to affect his appetite for steak.

At about 10pm, having already consumed quite a few glasses of wine, Jay and hubby finally sprung their surprise on me. They said they had decided to split the cost of a one-karat diamond for me, but that I had to agree to play a little game in order to “win” my jewel. I didn’t know exactly what to expect, but I decided to hear them out on their plan.

Jay explained that he and hubby had purchased a gift card with which I could purchase my diamond. He went on to say that all I had to do was go on a treasure hunt to find four purple marbles.

Hubby chimed in and said that he and Jay had hidden the marbles in four separate locations, and that they would drive me to each location and tell me where to retrieve each marble.

Before I could ask what the catch was, Jay, an impish grin on his face, explained that I would be required to leave one article of clothing behind in exchange for each marble. He also said that, to play the game, I had to limit myself to only four pieces of clothing, not including my shoes. And my shoes, he explained, had to be the highest-heeled footwear I owned.

I continued sipping my wine as I considered the offer made by these two screwballs. I really didn’t mind Jay seeing me in my birthday suit, but I wasn’t sure just how adventurous this game was going to be. Neither hubby nor Jay would give me any clues on the locations of the marbles, but they did emphasize that if I didn’t retrieve all the marbles, or if I failed to leave an article of clothing at each discovery site, they would cash in the card and get their money back. In the end, the wine gave me the courage I needed to take them up on their dare.

After donning a t-shirt, gym shorts, and a pair of four-inch high-heeled black boots, we headed off to town (town, by the way, is Reno, Nevada). I demanded that no photos or video be taken. Reno is a small city and believe me, word gets around. I locked up their phones and mine in a small lock box and slid it under my front passenger seat. Jay sat in the back while hubby drove.

Our first destination was a Bartley Ranch Park on the south outskirts of town. It was fairly close to our neighborhood. As I peered out the window from my seat, I could see that the park was fairly well lighted, and only a few people seemed to be in the area. From the back seat, Jay handed me a 3X5 card that told me that I could find my first marble taped underneath the picnic table located under a gazebo, close to the river.

Looking across the park, I could see the river running along the opposite side of the park from the parking lot. Mustering up some courage, I opened the door and headed out across the grass. The picnic table I was looking for was about 100 yards from the car, and the only other people in the park were off to the side.

Finding and retrieving the marble was no problem at all, but I hesitated when it came time to pull off my shirt. I looked around the park and saw that nobody seemed to be paying any attention to me. Taking in a deep breath, I pulled off my shirt, tossed it under the table, and started off back to hubby, Jay, and the security of our car. I had decided that it would be better to walk quickly, than run and bring extra attention to myself. Besides, as athletic as I was, the 4″ heels and my tipsy champagne-induced condition would likely result in a nasty spill, drawing even more attention, if not intervention.

About halfway across the grass, the sound of a few catcalls made me pick up my pace a bit. The warm summer air felt good and I guess I was more worried about getting mugged than being seen in my bra. I nearly stumbled when my heels caught a clump of grass. Jay and hubby were both applauding and cheering as I reentered the car. I played it cool, and didn’t let on how nervous I was. Besides, we were already moving on to our second destination.

Hubby next wheeled the car into a parking spot on the side of a gas station/convenience store. At first I thought they would tell me to actually go inside the store, so I was relieved when the card Jay handed me directed me to walk around to the back of the building, enter the women’s restroom, and retrieve my marble from inside the hand towel dispenser.

Looking around and seeing nobody near us, I slipped out of the car and made my way around the building. Thankfully, nobody was there and I quickly stepped into the restroom. Popping open the dispenser, I grabbed my marble and replaced it with my gym shorts. Standing in the bathroom in my bra and panties, I cracked open the door to find that the coast was clear. Seeing it was, I headed back to the security of the car.  

As I had rounded the corner of the building, I saw there was a guy pumping gas. Distracted by my plight, I again almost took a spill as I stepped off the curb in those damned heels, resulting in an ungracious public ‘titty-wiggle’ in front of the car. Jay and hubby were cheering as I jumped into the front seat.  but the guy pumping gas had his back to me, so my trip went undetected.

Once settled back in the car, Jay popped open a bottle of champagne and poured us each a glass. He said that he thought I could use a little more “courage” to prepare for the final two stages of the great treasure hunt. As we sat in the parking lot sipping champagne, a van pulled in alongside us, on my side of the car. The driver, an older man, definitely did the “double take” as he stepped past my window. I actually considered flashing one of my tits at him, but he turned and made his way into the store before I could. Jay and hubby chuckled as we backed out and headed off for destination number three.

On the way, hubby reached over and began rubbing my pussy through my panties. I didn’t realize how sexually aroused I had become with the night’s antics until his hand touched my little red beaver. It was then that I realized I was already wet, and getting wetter by the second.

While momentarily stopped at an intersection, Jay reached over the seatback and began massaging my breasts. We had never included Jay in any of our sexual adventures, so I was a bit surprised at his boldness. But I didn’t object. It all felt very erotic, and I could feel that I was well on my way to an orgasm. I was so distracted, that it took me a moment to realize that a muni bus had pulled up alongside us. The intersection was well lighted and the driver had to be able to see everything going on in the car. Still, I didn’t try to stop hubby and Jay from continuing to paw at me. We quickly moved off as the light changed, no doubt leaving the bus driver with some great images to get through the rest of his shift with.

Our third destination was at Keystone Square shopping mall. Hubby parked the car in a donut shop parking lot, next to a bank. The mall was closed and we were the only car in the parking lot. Once again, Jay handed me a card, which directed me to retrieve my marble from the side of the ATM located in front of the bank.

Exiting the car, I made my way across the asphalt lot and 5 drive-thru lanes, to reach the bank. Again, the marble was easy to locate. After confirming that there was nobody around, I slipped off my bra, freeing my c-cup titties from their restraints. I thought to myself, some bank guy is going to get a great boob shot when he reviews the surveillance videos that I know protect most ATM’s.

Crossing back over the drive-thru lanes, wearing only panties and high-heels, I was really starting to get brave (or maybe just drunk). Instead of immediately returning to the car, I stopped and waived to Jay and hubby. I even turned around, bent over, and flashed a ‘moon’ at the two. My daring behavior was suddenly rewarded when the mall security guy came around the corner in his little pickup truck. I had barely stepped out onto the drive-thru when he pulled up to me and stopped. All I could see was the shadow of a head behind the steering wheel. I thought about trying to cover up, but it was useless. Instead, I smiled and waved, and continued across the lot to the car. Since I was no longer on bank property, the guard never said a word, he just watched me slide into the car, and drive away.  Public exposure is still a violation of city ordinances. Add to that a public drunkenness misdemeanor, and I was risking a night in the county lockup.

Both the guys were laughing and cheering as we drove off. Once again, Jay handed me more champagne as we sped along to our final destination. This part of the journey took us to the other side of town. I am sure that at least a dozen drivers got an eyeful as they spied my bare boobies through the passenger window. Jay seemed to relish in the parade. He definitely seemed to like driving in the inside lane. By then I was really feeling the buzz of the champagne.

Working our way to the north side of the city, hubby eventually pulled onto 8th street where it paralleled the highway. Hubby pulled over and parked on the left side, right on the corner of Sierra & 8th. The street was actually elevated above the highway and Sierra Avenue passed over the highway without the usual high arched overpass. Looking around, I could not see any obvious locations where my two tormentors would have concealed the fourth and final marble.

Jay tapped on my shoulder and handed me the last card. The card directed me to cross south, over the entire overpass and recover the marble, which was taped underneath the handrail on the opposite side of the overpass. I looked across the overpass and saw that it spanned 6 highway lanes plus a large median. It had to be at least 150 yards to the other side.

I tried to consider my options at this point, pondering whether or not I could make the round-trip trek without being seen, and knowing that the return trip would be without a stitch of clothing. Both Jay and hubby had a hopeful look in their faces that told me they would both blow their wads before I returned to the car, if I had the guts to get that last marble.

Swallowing the remnants of my champagne, I resolved to get the last marble and win my new diamond. It was well past midnight and traffic on the highway seemed light. The streets immediately around us seemed completely devoid of any foot or vehicle traffic. I had plenty of liquid courage to back me up, and I was incredibly turned on by the prospect of walking the streets of Reno naked for a quarter mile, round trip.

I reached over and grabbed hubby’s crotch, gave it a squeeze, and told him he better be ready to “put out” when I got back. The bastard already had a hard-on, and his face was consumed by a wide grin. With a final look around the area, I stepped out of the car and started my trek across the overpass.

My gait was swift, and the night air had cooled, causing my nipples to stiffen, and stand out so far you could hang a coat on each nipple. The walk across seemed endless, but finally I made it to the other side without incident. Once again, the marble was exactly where the card said it would be. After freeing the marble from the tape, I stepped out of my panties and hung them on the end of the railing.

Now it was time for the return trip. As you might imagine, there was absolutely no concealment on the overpass. I was naked and completely exposed to anyone who might drive or walk by. But I held the final purple marble in my hand! It was soon to be replaced with a huge diamond, and that pleasurable thought led to a sudden outburst of dancing, high on the bridge overlooking 8 lanes of well-lit urban highway.

The night air tingled as it slid past my exposed pussy lips. My thick red-haired bush was already wet from the evening’s antics, and hubby’s skilled fingers. Nearing the halfway point on the overpass, I realized a taxi had just turned onto the avenue two blocks up, and coming my way. But there was nothing I could do. There was nowhere to hide, and nothing to cover myself up with. As the taxi neared, I could feel myself trembling – a combination of fear and sexual pleasure. I decided to just keep walking proudly, no matter what.

The taxi sped along towards me at a normal speed; until the driver realized what he was seeing in his headlights. He almost locked up the breaks as he slowed to get a better look. I flipped him a glance, smiled, and just kept walking. I could feel the juices flowing from my pussy, a trickle even found its way down the inside of my leg. I thought for a moment that the driver would stop and jump out of his cab, but instead, after a thorough observation he continued on his way, no doubt with happier thoughts on his mind.

I had been focusing on the taxi cab, which seemed to take several minutes yet was only about 20 seconds; and in doing so, I had not realized that there were suddenly now some pedestrians on the bridge ahead of me. Straining to look ahead, it appeared as though a man and woman were approaching. All I could tell was that they were holding hands. My heart really began to race as I closed on the couple, my swaying tits waving happily at them. What would they do or say?

The couple turned out to be two college-aged kids. When they saw me, they stopped dead in their tracks and watched me approach. While the young man seemed to be absorbed with staring at my pussy, the girl incredulously asked what I was doing. I paused long enough to explain that I was responding to a dare from my hubby. Champagne certainly does wonders for one’s courage.

The couple seemed duly impressed, so off I walked, leaving the couple standing on the bridge behind me, watching my ass jiggle as I walked away.

By the time I reached the car, a bus could have driven by and I wouldn’t have batted an eyelash. I was so horny and pumped up when I got into the car, I would have let hubby spread me across the hood of the car and make love to me right there on the street, if he would have suggested it.

Instead, we took off southward and went downtown to the Reno Arch. This 5th stop was my idea, because I wanted a photo to commemorate this night. I had the pleasure of further exposing myself to other motorists, as my clothes were now spread the length of Reno. I was now reasonably drunk and I wanted something to remember my diamond quest by. I retrieved my phone & handed it to Jay as hubby was approaching Virginia Avenue along Commercial Row. We turned left & pulled over just north of the Downtown Reno Arch. As I got out, walked around the front of the car, then into the road & walked toward the famous neon sign which spans over the downtown street. Jay snapped several pics in rapid succession, Tourists under the arch started looking at me and whistling, so I waved. Within 20 seconds Jay said he had plenty of good pics, so I darted back in my front seat and hubby took us home.

Hubby and Jay continued to play with me, keeping me insanely horny until we got home. What happened after that is another story.

It suffices to say that, in addition to experiencing one of the most erotic public-nudity adventures of my life, I also won my new diamond, which will always remind me of my “night of nudity” in Reno!  

By sharedare, for Literotica