Prude Wife Becomes Celebrated Nude Model

Her suppressed seductive countenance finally melds with her stunning body.

By PickFiction- Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Dana Berry blushes whenever her stunning body & looks are commented upon. The daughter of an accomplished fashion model, her genes may get a lot of the credit for such attractiveness. But there never was less of an exhibitionist in the western world (save for the cloistered nuns).

But here she stands in Wendy Proctor’s front entry, with a dilemma. Her proud husband, Luke; an able young executive, Had bought two very expensive and daring dresses for her, and informed her of two upcoming social events they were to attend.

Wendy greeted Dana and saw the concern on Dana’s face.

“Luke bought two new dresses for me, and, not surprisingly, they could use some small alterations.”

“Did you bring them with you?” Wendy asked, knowing what the answer would be.

“Of course,” Dana answered, hurrying to her car and quickly back with a shopping bag that held the dresses.

“Luke picked it out, and when I said no, he bought it. I tried to tell him, but he wasn’t listening,” Dana sounded a little depressed and defeated.

“This dress has a neckline that meets the waistline,” Wendy observed.

"I know, and I’m not sure why he wants people to see more of my … ugh, skin.”

“I believe that skin is called tits,” Wendy said as Dana rolled her eyes. “Maybe he’s just proud of you.”

“I suppose,” She took the dress from Wendy and pulled it on over her head. "Well?”

“You should really have your bra off to model that one,” Wendy giggled.

“I’m not going out with half of my breasts exposed. You know how I hate to show, well, my body, I guess. Can you sew something in there then to kind of hide most of my boobs?”

“I could, but what’s Luke going to say?”

“I’ll deal with that. I can give him … Well, you can guess,” The red was now on Dana’s cheeks and moving down her neck.

Dana carefully unfolded the other dress, obviously much longer and more formal than the red one with the plunging neckline. It was a beautiful gold color. Dana pulled off the red dress and slipped into the gold one.

"Good lord,” Declared Wendy. “Dana, when do they award the Miss America crown?”

“It is pretty stunning, isn’t it?”

"It is, particularly with your bra strap crossing the bare-to-below-the-waist back.”

“That’s part of the problem,” Dana said.

“And speaking of leg,” Wendy whistled

"Never had a dress with a split clear to my waist,” Dana had a futile look on her face.

"So, with this one, you wouldn’t be wearing a bra.”

Dana rolled her eyes.

“And probably little thong panties as well.”

“Don’t even think that,” Dana gasped.

“Well, take your bra off, and let’s see how it looks.”

“Wendy, I can’t do that. People will know I’m not wearing a bra,” Dana looked almost horrified at that thought.

Wendy sighed. "Walk over and look at yourself in the mirror. Just look; no thoughts of what you’re showing and how much skin is visible. Just look.”

“It’s for the Christmas party,” Dana said resignedly.

“It would be a travesty to alter that dress even a little bit.”

“Wendy, I don’t know if I can do it,” Dana said, in agony.

"Well, Christmas is a long way off, and I suspect you’ll have talked yourself into it by then. What’s the red one for?”

“There’s a fancy dinner for Luke’s company in about two months. Ugh.”

“We’ll work on it, and I’ve got an idea that may help,” Wendy assured Dana. "Okay, here’s what I’ve come up with. Hear me out before you decide anything. I have a little surprise for you,” Wendy paused and smiled. "Besides being a seamstress, I’m also an artist of sorts. I did it when I was in high school and first year of college. Then I got too busy and just stopped. I’ve kind of picked it up again, and Max has encouraged me, and, well, that’s where I’m beginning with you.”

Dana looked puzzled,

“Come with me. We’ve turned the garage into my studio,” She led Dana through the house and into the garage. It was filled with canvases, both full and empty.

"Wow, you’ve been working,” Dana said, looking around at the many paintings both hanging and leaning.

“Here’s the one I finally finished,” she said, leading Dana around the big easel.

Dana stopped suddenly, eyes wide and hand to mouth as she stared at the painting.

“That’s your Max,” she said quietly.

“Sure is, and I’m really proud of it.”

“Should you be showing me this?” Dana asked, afraid to look at her.

“You mean because he’s naked? He doesn’t mind. He’s proud of my artwork.”

Dana stared. He was certainly naked. She marveled at the painting. It looked almost like a photograph, but if she looked carefully, she could see brushstrokes. She couldn’t believe Wendy was showing her this. Dana finally found the courage to look at her best friend, who was smiling. “Max just posed, and you painted him?”

“That’s all there was to it.”

“So why are you showing it to me?”

Wendy took a deep breath. “I want to paint you.”

The entire meaning of what Wendy was saying suddenly struck Dana, and a shocked expression filled her face.

“You want to paint me … like that? Have you lost your mind?”

“Not at all. I can’t think of anyone who’d look more beautiful in a painting like that.”

Dana could barely catch her breath. Naked. Wendy wanted her to model for her … naked? This was so, so far beyond anything that had ever happened between them, she couldn’t imagine where Wendy had gotten this idea. It was … it was …

“You’d just pose here in the studio – no one would see you except me. We’re big girls now and can see each other naked,” Wendy went to the wall and pulled out a canvas from behind several others. "Here. I posed for myself in a mirror,” she said, placing the painting on the easel. Wendy chuckled. “Plus, you owe me for all the sewing I do for you.”

“I’m supposed to trade naked modeling for your modifying my dresses and things?” Dana stammered,

“That, plus my good advice on how good you look in the dresses I didn’t modify.”

That was why she was here in the first place; she was trying to gain enough courage to wear those dresses. And all Wendy could come up with was having her pose naked? Her brain hit the brakes. She looked at Wendy.

“So, you think if I can model for you, that would make it easier for me to wear those dresses?”

“I sure do, and you might even enjoy the modeling, freeing yourself, going against what you’ve always been, that kind of stuff. Plus, you’ll have a painting to hang in your bedroom. Or your family room,” she added, laughing.

Dana sputtered. The thought of a picture like that hanging anywhere in their house had her blushing. She knew that Luke would love it, though. Still, it couldn’t hang where people could see it. Maybe in their ensuite. It was large enough for that. She paused her thinking once again. If she was deciding where to hang the painting, that meant she had agreed to do it. She looked at Wendy as she nibbled her lower lip.

“When can we start?” Wendy asked, smiling at her.

“I can’t believe I’m agreeing to this, and I still may back out.”

“Don’t say anything to Luke. You can surprise him on his birthday or at Christmas. Plus, you’ll surprise him when you wear those dresses.”

Dana wasn’t at all sure that posing naked, in private and for Wendy, would make it easier for her to expose so much of herself to others, like Luke’s co-workers. Maybe, but she’d have to see. She remembered wearing the dresses, naked beneath them. And she remembered how she’d looked in the mirror. Yep, she’d have to see.

“Let’s start tomorrow before you change your mind,” Wendy suggested, chuckling.

Dana met her eyes. Still time to change her mind. The single word “naked” hammered at her brain. She was naked when she showered and with Luke, of course. Even that had been difficult the first time. Now, though, it was … Could posing for Wendy be like that, too? It was so different, a foreign territory that Dana thought she was ready to explore. She’d find out tomorrow.

Tomorrow came, Luke went to work, and Dana was left with her decision of yesterday. She dressed normally, refusing to let this possibly temporary thing change her life. She walked the three blocks to Wendy’s with purposeful strides, looking confident even if she didn’t feel that way.

As she usually did, she went in the back door and called for Wendy, who appeared immediately, a big smile on her face. “If it would make you feel better, I can be naked too while I paint,” Wendy offered.

"Oh, lord, no. That would be weird. What am I saying? This whole thing is weird.”

“Well, listen, I’ve seen you in your bra and panties when we were looking at the dresses, so it should be easy to get that way again.”

Dana decided that made a lot of sense. She slowly and carefully took off her shirt, then her shorts. She decided that, since she was in undressing mode, she might as well continue. Eyes closed, she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, holding it in place momentarily, then pulling it off, eyes still closed.

No comment from Wendy.

Feeling a little more confident after taking off her bra, Dana quickly slid the panties down her legs and kicked them aside. She opened her eyes.

“I’ve told you this before, but I sure as hell wish I had a body like yours,” Wendy said, a serious look on her face.

"Wendy, it’s not..”

“ It is, and you know it,” Wendy interrupted. “Now, let’s talk about the posing and the kind of portrait you’d like.”

She led Dana to the full-length mirror and stood away from it slightly, then motioned for Dana to move a little to her right.

“I picture you standing by a wooden chair, your back to the mirror, your hand on the chair, maybe one knee bent a little. Sound good?”

Dana wasn’t sure how it sounded; she’d never posed before and had no idea.

“Let me get the chair and show you,” Wendy said, rescuing Dana from her uncertainty. She went into the house and was back in seconds with a low-back chair from the dining room. She placed it carefully, went to the easel, and checked, then motioned for Dana to pose as she’d described.

Wendy was standing in front of her now, staring at her breasts.

Flexing and moving slightly, Dana made it to one hour before she needed a break. Wendy brought two glasses of wine, very full glasses, and they chatted for fifteen minutes, finished the wine, and went back to work. She noticed she felt a little more relaxed after scarfing down the wine, something she’d remember.

“I’d like to be a little further along before you see it,” Wendy said when they were finished for the day. Tomorrow at one? We’ll have a couple of hours,” She picked up Dana’s clothes. “Want to leave these here and walk home naked?”

Dana rolled her eyes and grabbed the clothes, quickly putting them on.

They worked tomorrow, and the next day, then paused for the weekend. On Monday, they were back at work, Wendy promising to reveal what she had done. They had been at work about thirty minutes when Max walked into the studio.

There was a loud scream.

“Sorry,” Max said. “Oh, it’s just Dana.”

“Just Dana” was frantically scrambling to cover herself, having nothing available except her hands and arms. One arm across her breasts, and one hand covering her crotch, she was visibly shaking.

“I got to work and didn’t have my wallet. You know where I left it?”

“On the little desk in the family room, I think.”

“Thanks, and sorry, Dana,” The look on his face said he wasn’t really sorry. He went back into the main house.

"You made his day, you know. He thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous and the ultimate babe of babes.”

“Wendy, no way.”

“Way,” Wendy replied, laughing.

“I’m sure that picture of you he just saw is foremost in his mind right this minute. And he’ll tell me about it this evening.”

She’d heard that from Luke but never from anyone else. Somehow, this was different. Luke was her husband, and of course, he’d say it. Max was just a friend and had nothing to gain from saying it. Wendy teased her about it constantly, but she’d always disregarded it. Now, with Max, did that make it true? When he called her “the babe of babes,” he was talking about what was under the clothes, and now he had seen that. Would he change his mind?

“You ready to pose again?”

“I think so.”

“Well, you’re going to have to move your arm and your hand.”

It was complete and ready for Luke’s birthday after a few awkward “posing” sessions where Dana sat beside Wendy, holding out her hands, having her face studied carefully, and, of course, topless with Wendy carefully studying her breasts and nipples. But, when it was complete, it looked almost like a photograph; it was so finely detailed and realistic.

In their conversations, while Wendy was painting, she noted she had other projects in mind. She wanted to take famous old paintings by the masters and create modern versions, beginning with The Nude Maja by Goya, with Dana posing, of course.

“By the way,” Wendy said after their last session, “now there are portraits of you, Max, and myself. Only one’s missing.

Was she hinting that she wanted to paint a portrait of Luke … naked?

"Why not?” Wendy asked, seeing the look on Dana’s face. “You stared at Max while you were posing. I need to get my jollies too"Wendy, what have I gotten myself into?”

“Nothing, except you’re way more relaxed showing a little of your body now, and I suspect you may be ready to wear that red dress to Luke’s dinner party.”

Dana was satisfied that she could do it without exposing anything and had decided she’d wear no underwear for the dinner. She smiled when she thought of what Luke’s reaction would be. Plus, she wondered what her own reaction would be, particularly after she’d had a couple of drinks. The way her thoughts about herself had changed, it could be dangerous.

“After you wear that dress to the dinner, talk to Luke about having his portrait done.”

Dana decided that Wendy was developing an obsession with painting a portrait of a naked Luke, and, despite her reservations, she knew Luke would love the idea. She’d bring it up when she gave him his birthday present. And, she wondered if Wendy would volunteer to paint while she was naked, as she’d done with Dana.

“Another project I have in mind is a modern interpretation of Monet’s painting' Luncheon on the Grass. It has two men and two women on a picnic with one of the ladies naked. My version will have a more realistic four people naked.”

“And should I assume that one of them will be me?” Dana asked.

“And the others will be me, Max, and Luke.”

“Wendy,” Dana squealed. “I’m supposed to sit there and pose with two naked men there also?”

“It’ll be fun. I might have to take photos to use. We’ll all pose for the photos, and I can use them to do the painting when it rains and stuff.”

“It’s still naked posing with men.”

She’d nearly had heart failure the first time she’d pulled off her clothing in front of Wendy. But she’d done it. Could she do more?

Luke’s birthday was on Friday, and the dinner party was on Saturday. She was sure Luke would be nearly overwhelmed by the surprises she had in store for him. And there were several.

She prepared his favorite dinner on Friday, steaks, baked potato, tossed salad, and a little cheesecake for dessert. After dinner, when he was comfortable in the lounger, she went to the spare bedroom and was back quickly with a large but thin present, wrapped neatly in bright red paper.

“Guess what this is?” she teased.

Luke made several futile attempts at guessing before she handed it to him. He carefully tore the paper off, then just stared for long seconds. Slowly his head turned toward her.

“Dana?” was all he could say.

“Do you like it?”

He looked at it again. “This is the best gift you could have gotten me. And, I thought it was a photograph, but it’s a painting. Did you have … where did you get the idea … who painted it?

Dana knew his mind was wondering if some strange man had been seeing her naked while he painted the picture.

"Wendy did it.”

“Wendy? I didn’t know she painted.”

“Neither did I, but she showed me two that she had done before, of herself and of her husband”


Dana could hear the obvious question in the single word.

“Yes, and they’re both naked. And yes, now I’ve seen a painting of Max naked,” She wasn’t going to mention just yet that Max had seen her posing naked. "And now, Wendy wants to do one of you.”

“She does?”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” she said, giggling.

“I’d rather see the one she did of herself.”

“I’m sure she’ll let you. Maybe as a birthday present.”

“Dana, I can’t believe that you, of all people, were able to pose nude for a portrait, even if the artist was your best friend.”

“She said I owed her for all the sewing she’s done for me.”

While Luke continued to look at the painting, Dana called Wendy, asking if they could come over, and Luke wanted to see her picture. Wendy laughed and said that would be fine.

“So, you want to see my picture, huh,” Wendy said when she answered the door.

“Well, if you’re willing to show, I’m willing to look.”

“On one condition. That you allow me to complete the quartet of paintings.”

“Sure. I’m willing to show if you’re willing to paint.”

They viewed the nude Wendy, Luke trying to be cool about it but failing. They worked out posing times for Luke, talked about the other projects that Wendy had suggested, and Dana and Luke headed home. Luke propped the painting on the bedroom dresser opposite the bed, and the sex that followed was slightly different and much more satisfying than usual. The Saturday morning follow-up was the same.

When Saturday evening came, and it was time to dress for the dinner, Dana showered and went to the spare bedroom. Still naked from the shower, she pulled on the red dress, arranged her hair, applied the little makeup she usually wore for special events, added a couple of dashes of her favorite cologne, and went to their bedroom where Luke was dressing.

He turned to her, smiled … and then his eyes went wide.

“You’re wearing that dress?” he said, a huge smile now engulfing his face.

She walked toward Luke, bending from the waist and pulling her arms together in front of her.

“Dana, no bra?” He looked totally astounded.

“Unless you insist I wear one.”

He just shook his head and, seeing her smile, had another thought.

“Lift your skirt,” She did and received a look and a smile she’d treasure.

"That painting has changed you.”

“A work in process.”

“Can’t wait for the conclusion.”

“Me either,” Dana replied, wondering herself where she was headed. Time would tell.

At the dinner party, she carefully watched the men since most of them seemed to be watching her. Luke was having no trouble finding company, as he seemed to be very popular, particularly with the men. Dana, not used to drinking, had just finished her second martini when a third magically appeared in her hand. The buzz she was feeling was very pleasant, and kept a smile on her face as she talked with the men gathered around her and Luke. Her blinking eyes, pleasant giggles, and body movements had most of the men sure she was flirting with them. Of course, Dana had no idea this was the case.

The little clutch purse she carried was a nuisance, and she continually dropped it, bending quickly to pick it up, often in unison with one of the men. A couple of times, she looked down and could see three-quarters of her breasts exposed, or maybe even that next fraction, whatever it was. With the constant movement and the bending, her nipples were anything but relaxed, and she knew they were providing a nice pair of pokies for all to see. She chuckled to herself at that thought, so unlike the Dana she had been. As she finished the third martini, she wondered if she could somehow expose her nipples. She’d have to work on that. The short skirt provided another possibility.

She took a large swallow of her martini as they headed to the tables and dinner.

As they were eating, Luke said, “Those delicious boobs or yours have already been well-viewed tonight, you know.”

“You think so,” Dana giggled, taking a bite of potatoes.

“You may be naive, but you’re not that naive,” he countered.

“With this dress that you wanted me to wear, I don’t know how I can keep that from happening.”

“I didn’t say I wanted it to stop. When I bought that dress, I knew that if you wore it, you’d be observed. I’m just surprised you wore it.”

She’d finished the fourth martini and was eating, the effect of the food trailing the alcohol just a bit.

“I could show my ass, or my pussy too,” she said, leaning close to Luke and giggling. “Actually, they wouldn’t see my pussy, just my muff.”

Luke looked at her and smiled. “One more martini and I think I could get you up on the table here to dance naked.”

“You think?” Dana smirked.

"Maybe I should just take you home before you get into trouble.”

Once home, Luke said a quiet thank you to the beautiful painting now hanging over their bed.

Dana went with Luke for his first posing session with Wendy. Maybe she’d relax after a few sessions, but Wendy seemed awfully anxious to get with a nude Luke. As long as it was only him naked, it should be fine. She wasn’t sure if Wendy did it on purpose, but the painting of her hung right in front of where Luke would be posing.

Wendy went through the explanation of the posing, breaks if needed, and the final details she’d need when it was almost done. She’d moved a loveseat into the studio and described how she’d like for Luke to pose. When it was time to start, he stripped, sat in the chair, looked at the painting of Wendy, and immediately began to get an erection.

“Is that what you want in the painting,” Wendy asked, chuckling.

“I think I’ve been set up,” Luke groaned.

The final result was as spectacular as hers had been and was hanging above their bed. Access to their bedroom had become very limited, and both of them enjoyed lying on the bed and looking at the paintings.

Dana had completed her posing for Wendy’s modern version of Goya's The Nude Maja. It had been easy posing, and the final result was what Dana had imagined it to be when she went to Wendy’s to see it.

“It came out pretty well, you think? ” Wendy asked.

“Like all the others, it’s gorgeous.”

I showed it to the Goodwin Gallery downtown. They want to display it for six months.“

Dana’s eyes opened wide.

"They’re sure it will sell during that time too.”

“Wendy, that’s me in that painting,” Dana said, her heart pounding.

“And you look perfect there.”

“I’m naked.”

“Well, if you say so, I won’t do it,” Wendy answered, a defeated look on her face.

“Oh, pile the guilt on me,” Dana said, laughing. But what Wendy said was true. She didn’t know anyone who visited those galleries. But it was her face … and the rest of her, too. This was a real test of the changed Dana. She took a deep breath. “Oh, hell, go ahead.”

She received a big hug from Wendy. “Thanks.”

“Now that we’ve settled that, what are we going to do to celebrate National Nude Day?”


“It’s July fourteenth, and that’s just a few days away. We need to plan something.”

A good bit of discussion followed, with many possibilities explored. They parted, leaving the final decision hanging.

The next day they talked for an hour. The plan was set and would be a surprise to the men, particularly since neither of them was aware that National Nude Day existed.

“Guess what, babe?” Dana said when dinner was finished.

“Um, how many guesses do I get?”

“Just be quiet. Today is National Nude Day, and we need to celebrate.”

Luke began unbuttoning his shirt.“

"Slow down, tiger. The celebration begins after dark.”

“Go on.”

“I’ll update you then.”

It was an enticingly nerve-wracking evening for Luke, his imagination sparked by those four letters. N-U-D-E. He kept watching Dana, chagrined to see how much she was enjoying tormenting him.

“It’s almost dark,” he finally said, a hopeful tone to his voice. “Fill me in.”

Dana smiled. “We’re going to Wendy and Max’s to celebrate.”

“Oh, nice.”

“We’re going to walk.”



“No shit?”

“Yup. We leave our clothes here and walk.”

“So, you’re going to be outdoors naked?”

“That’s the plan.”

Both of them stripped, followed by Luke chasing a squealing Dana two laps around the entire downstairs. Still giggling, they closed up the house, hiding a key under a rock, and started their trip.

The street lights were all on the same side of the street, which would hopefully help them stay unobserved. They stayed behind bushes when they could, and when a car passed, they hid, with Dana learning over to make sure it was past them. It was all Luke needed, and his hand was immediately between her legs, massaging gently.

“Luke, stop,” she pleaded, grabbing his arm. A few more seconds of enjoyment, and he relented.

They arrived at the Proctor’s panting for breath, Luke having chased Dana the last one hundred yards, tickling her at nearly every step. They were greeted by a naked Wendy, which brought a smile to Luke’s face. He’d seen the painting, but reality was much more juicy. He received a knowing smile in return. Once inside, they met Max, who was also naked.

Dana was astounded that all four of them were ready to spend an evening together … naked. She found herself repeatedly “checking out” Max, or at least checking his manhood which didn’t seem to be totally limp. She smiled at that, knowing that Luke was doing the same with Wendy.

“We have martinis, Dana. I understand you like them,” Max said, smiling. He filled a rather large glass and handed it to Dana, then filled three more and passed them around. “Don’t worry, if you get too buzzed, you’re welcome to spend the night here.”

A pair of chuckles, and soon, second glasses were being poured. These were larger glasses than they’d had at the dinner, so Dana knew the effects would arrive sooner. They discussed the paintings, Dana being challenged to go to the downtown gallery to view her naked body. As she pictured that, she heard the words, “are you the model?” and it caused her to tremble and tingle as well.

The second glass had been emptied, and Dana was flying low, a very contented feeling filling her brain as a “what the hell” feeling surged through her body. She sat on a chair across from Max, watching his erection slowly growing. In her muddled state, she realized she was sitting very comfortably with her legs spread enough that her muff was no longer shielding her pussy. When she glanced down, she could clearly see her parted labia. She smiled at Max, and he returned the smile. She felt sorry for him in that condition, his erection very prominent and needing help.

She walked unsteadily to his chair and dropped to the floor on hands and knees.

“Poor thing,” she chuckled, blinking her eyes at him. She licked her lips, and her hand took hold of him. She loved the groan she heard, her innate sensuality bubbling to the surface. For a second, she thought of using her mouth but decided her hand would do the job. She began a slow but steady pumping, the kind that Luke particularly enjoyed.

“Is that good?” she asked. Max simply groaned.

Luke watched what was happening, realizing that he was getting hard from the watching. A quick look at Wendy – she was looking at him and nodding. On hands and knees, she crossed to his chair and, unlike Dana, was perfectly willing to use her mouth, surrounding the head with her lips and caressing it with her tongue. Wendy wasn’t Dana, but right this instant, she was amazing, her breasts rubbing his legs as her mouth enveloped his erection. He closed his eyes, enveloped in what she was doing to him.

Max was ready to explode. This exceptionally beautiful woman was massaging his cock, and, not to miss an opportunity, he leaned forward and began squeezing those fantastic breasts he had seen once before. The nipples were hard, the skin soft and smooth, the breasts amazingly firm and, well, just perfect. He looked across at Wendy and was jealous. He wanted that but didn’t know how to make it happen. He’d try.

“Look at Luke,” he whispered in Dana’s ear. She released him and turned her head. Then her eyes rolled to his, and she smiled. In seconds, her lips closed on his cock and slid down nearly to the base. He grunted as her head began to bob up and down, faster and faster. She was better at this than Wendy, he decided. “Gonna come,” he grunted, and her hand was back in action, streams of milky liquid landing on her hair, her face, those beautiful breasts, and finally dribbling down her hand and arm.

Their eyes met.

“Better now?” she asked, her speech still a little slurred.

She was still gripping his erection, and Max wasn’t sure he could speak. “Yeah, much better,” he finally said to Dana’s answering giggle.

She stumbled back to her chair and watched as Luke shot spunk on Wendy’s face and breasts as well, then held up her glass. Max rose slowly, took the glass, and filled it, returning it to Dana, who took a big swallow. She wondered what might happen after the third glass. Right now, though, Wendy was reaching for her hand to guide her to the bathroom. She chuckled as she realized they were both a bit of a mess.

The trip to the bathroom was a little awkward, with both of them bumping walls and stumbling repeatedly, each helping to support the other.

“Max was in heaven,” Wendy said a little unevenly.

“I made him get hard and thought I needed to take care of it,” Dana replied. “Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.”

“He thinks you’re the best there is. You made him a happy camper. He’ll remember that … and remind me about it forever,” Wendy finished with a giggle.

"Wendy, he loves you,” Dana replied as she washed the sticky cum off her face.

“I know he does,” and I don’t mind him thinking that about you. I just know he never dreamed something like that would happen.“

"He gave my boobs a good squeezing, too,” She paused her scrubbing for a second. "You seemed to do a good job with Luke, too.

"He didn’t try to fight me off, that’s for sure. Max says something about getting a little ‘strange’ can be fun when he’s teasing me. We weren’t exactly doing that, but it was fun.”

“Hold still,” Dana said, taking a wet washcloth and cleaning two strings of gooey liquid from Wendy’s hair. Wendy took the cloth and did the same for Dana.“

They looked at each other.

"They owe us,” Wendy said. “Are you game?”

“I’m ready.”

Back to the family room they went, and Dana drained the last of her third glass. She saw Max eyeing her with a smile. Wendy went straight to Luke and sat down next to him. Dana went to where she had been earlier, sat down, and spread her legs.

She smiled as Max’s cock was already responding, and he dropped to his hands and knees and came toward her. It felt so strange in a way, legs spread wide, womanhood in full view, and a different man heading toward her. It was her good friend, Max, but what if it was someone else. She shivered as Max touched her legs, then began kissing his way from her knee to her crotch. There were all sorts of possibilities, and she wondered what all he might do.

“You ready?” he murmured, looking up at her.

She bit her lower lip, nodding. His finger traced her cleft from top to bottom and back again, over and over, not probing, just caressing. That had never happened to her before, and she was nearly frantic, wanting him to do more. At last, he did, stroking over and over the pinkness between her vagina and her clitoris, not touching either. Breathing was getting more difficult, and she knew her body was glistening. She forced herself to look at Max – his eyebrows were raised, he was smiling and licking his lips. She knew that if he didn’t do more soon, she’d have to grab his hand and make the decision for him.

At last, his finger probed, sliding slowly inside her. Her hips pressed forward to meet his thrust, forcing his finger deeper. She felt a second finger and then a third. Without even thinking about it, her hips were moving back and forth on the fingers.

“You like that, don’t you?” he said softly.

All Dana could do was moan and press forward with her hips.

“How about this,” he asked as one finger slid across her clitoris.

Dana jerked, a sharp moan escaping her throat.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Max said, his finger flicking back and forth across her swollen clit.

Dana couldn’t control the moans that seemed to be getting louder and louder. This was different than she was used to as Max’s tongue and finger alternated with almost the same flicking motions. Luke used his lips much more than Max, but the flicking had her body heating, sensations racing through her as she felt his fingers moving faster and faster.

It was going to happen, and the spasms began with a long and loud moan, followed by more spasms and staccato moans as her body shuddered, every muscle contracting over and over.

“Stop, please,” she finally said through her labored breathing.

He did and said, “Look over there,” a very wet finger pointing toward the other couple where Luke’s face was buried between Wendy’s widely spread legs, her body mimicking what had just happened with Dana.

Dana watched as Max reluctantly sat back on his haunches, giving her pussy a last look before standing. She smiled as his erection was still very prominent. Wendy had brought her legs together, and Luke stood beside the couch.

“It’s midnight,” Luke said. “Nude Day is over.”

“No, it’s not,” Wendy countered. “Let’s go out in the yard and practice posing for the luncheon picture I’m planning to do.”

Max offered his hand to Dana, and she stood, as did Wendy. Outside in the yard, and naked? This was something new. It was a warm night in July, and there was no dew on the grass yet, so sitting and posing was fun, filled with pushing and touching and lots of laughing. The yard was fairly private, but none of them were thinking of that as they listened to the crickets chirping and the cicadas singing their mating songs. There was even the unmistakable sharp chirp of a whippoorwill.

When they finished with the supposed posing practice, Luke crawled across the grass to Dana.

“I heard you,” he said, kissing her ear.

“You should have been taking care of Wendy and ignoring me,” she answered with a chuckle.

“I was doing that, but it must have been good, right?”

She looked at him in the glow of the moonlight. “It was … different.”

“That’s what Wendy said, too. It was so strange, hearing those gorgeous moans, but being so far away.”

“That isn’t fair; I couldn’t hear you at all.”

“I doubt you were hearing anything. I just wish I could have watched it.”

“You mean you’d have liked to see another man make me come?”

“As long as you’re still mine, yeah.”

“That’s not an issue, and I did see the very end of Wendy taking care of you. It was, well, fascinating and exciting, too.

"How about me taking care of you right now and right here?” Luke said, sliding his hand along Dana’s thigh.

“You want to make me come again?”

“More than that.”

“Oh, god, Luke. Wendy and Max are right there.”

“And when they see us … they’ll join us,” He pushed her back so she was flat on the grass and spread her legs.

"I guess I don’t have much choice now,” she whispered.

“You can say no if you’d like,” he said as he pressed his erection against her.

She groaned and pulled him onto her.

Just as predicted, Wendy and Max, ten feet from them, joined them within seconds.

On Saturday, Wendy dragged Dana to the little downtown gallery to see her painting. Dana piled her hair into a bun, wore dark glasses, and a plain, loose-fitting dress to disguise herself as much as possible. It was a special day at the gallery, and it was fairly well packed. Wendy went to talk to the owner, and Dana stood by herself to view the well-lit display. By herself was a misnomer, as there were many people standing around with her, looking.

“Unique idea,” a lady shared with her. “And the model is beautiful as well.”

Dana smiled as she nearly said thank you to the lady.

She listened to more comments, blushing slightly despite her disguise. When Wendy returned, she asked Dana if people seemed to like it.

“Everything I’ve heard so far is good.”

“The owner says he’s had several offers to purchase it. The last one was for five thousand dollars, from an older gentleman who said he’d double the offer if he could meet the model.”

“Wendy, no way,” Dana said, looking around guiltily.

“I told her that wouldn’t happen, and she was going to go back to the gentleman for a response.”

Dana thought for a moment. “So, if I just meet the guy, you’ll get an extra five thousand?”

“Minus a commission, of course,” She received a nudge in the ribs for that.

Dana remembered when she’d posed for that picture, and the one of herself, how nervous and embarrassed she’d been to expose her body. Then Wendy has told her about the gallery and the painting being on display. She had rebelled at first, then agreed. Now she was standing in front of the painting, and no one had recognized her. With the many things that had happened since, particularly the National Nude Day celebration just two days ago, she felt much differently about herself than she had then. She smiled at Wendy.

"Tell your friend to get as much out of the old guy as she can, but I’ll be happy to meet him so the artist can receive an additional five grand, or whatever the doubling might be.”

“Are you sure, Dana?’

"Yeah, and maybe I’ll give him his own personal viewing, you know.”

“Dana!” It was Wendy’s turn to look appalled.

The patron of the arts upped his offer to ten thousand dollars, which Wendy promised to share some with Dana.

The meeting with the gentleman was very pleasant – dinner at the Downtown Athletic Club. Dana didn’t give him a “personal viewing,” but she did wear the red dress, which she was sure it made the old guy’s heart pound a little harder.

When the Proctors or the Berrys went to the other’s house for dinner or games, it was after dark and interesting. With cooler weather approaching, they were both sure it would get even more interesting. On “very special” nights, their times together were very interesting and delightfully exciting, their experimentation becoming more and more sensual and … well, just, you can imagine.

Dana had changed dramatically and was loving it. She could dress as she wanted, act as she wanted, and be who she wanted. And Luke had never been more proud of his wife. When other men gawked at her, he loved her even more. Perhaps he was changing too. They’d both decided that National Nude Day had accomplished that, or at least put the final stamp on everything.

By PickFiction for Literotica