Desiree: Senior Year

Finally connecting with a high-school friend.

by outdoorhorny. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Desiree should have been born in the 60’s. Everything about her reflected a kinder, gentler, and groovier vibe than the 90’s were comfortable with–in short, she was a hippie. She wore patterned peasant skirts, thin cotton T-shirts with mandalas and such, beads all over the place, Birkenstocks, and course, a peace-sign medallion. All of these things drew my eyes to her right away, but they in no way hid the luscious body beneath and behind them. She had long brown hair that fell in soft curls below her shoulders.

Her eyes were dark brown, her lips deep red and shaped like Cupid’s bow. Full breasts and wide hips stretched her garments tight in all the right places. Best of all, her skin was translucent and flawless, even in the dead of winter.

We were both new students in school during our senior year. She had been kicked out of boarding school, and my parents had retired to a small town in the eastern part of the state. That made us the only 2 students in our grade who hadn’t been there all 4 years. Actually, the rest of the student body pretty much grew up together, but since the high school served 3 towns, only a third of them had been in school together all 12 years previously. Still, it was enough to make us feel like total outsiders.

That alone was enough to bond us, but we also had a lot of classes together. There were only small sections of upper-level classes in English, history, math, French, and science, and we were in all those together. She was always somewhat spacey, but a good student, a good lab partner and homework buddy, and a pleasure to talk to, even if the conversations took odd turns.

She was dating a guy named David who had already graduated. I spent the fall pursuing the only other single girl in our upper-level group, but she was still kind of seeing her old boyfriend from a few towns away, so that wasn’t a regular thing. We all went to the same parties, hung out after soccer and basketball games, and went to the nearest big town once in a while for some wild nights of pizza or McDonalds and a movie.

It wasn’t until winter came that I realized how badly I wanted to be with Desiree. There was a lot of snow that winter, and she called one afternoon to tell me that her 18th birthday party was moved from the Science Museum to her own house–that way, no one had to drive 45 minutes in bad weather.

When I got there, Des was dressed up for a change. There was still a hippie vibe to her outfit, but her parents had friends over as well, and everyone was dressed for a holiday party. It turned out that her family had scheduled both things, but combined them to save everyone a drive. Anyway, she looked amazing–her hair was silky and somewhat straighter, she had on a little makeup, and her outfit made her look older and more beautiful. I was glad I had taken some pains to dress up as well–some of our friends didn’t get the memo and showed up in our usual teenage gear. She told me how nice I looked, and I made sure to compliment her as well.

Because of my mother’s job, I was accustomed to spending time with adults at parties like this one. I chatted with her parents, and with some other adults who were parents of kids at school, or people I had met around town. Even the damn principal of the high school was there, which was a little weird for all of us! I saw Desiree working her way around the room as well, and my eyes kept straying her way as I admired her outfit, her flashing eyes, and the soft ripples of laughter that I knew so well. She caught me looking every once in a while and smiled at me.

When I finally broke away to hang out with my friends, her mom stopped me to say how glad she was that I had come. She complimented my poise, told me I was very grown up, and gave me a peck on the cheek. I grimaced, blushed, and thanked her before disengaging as gracefully as I could. When I got out of the kitchen and headed for the den where the kids were hanging out, Desiree was headed out as well.

“Wow–you’re quite the hit with the mom-and-dad crowd, dude” she teased me.

“Just working the room, ya know?” I said in my most pompous voice.

“I’m sorry if my mom embarrassed you,” she said apologetically. “She can be kinda over the top. I keep trying to get her to mellow out, but she always comes out with something trippy!”

“No problem–I can handle moms pretty well. My mom used to drag me to parties all the time for her old job, and you just kind of get used to the chit-chat.”

“Well,” she began, taking my arm, “I was very impressed with your poise!”

I blushed again. “Oh, you heard that, did ya?”

She laughed happily and squeezed my arm, her breasts pressing against me closely.

“Yes, I did. I was thinking how grown-up you were, too. When I noticed you checking me out, I kept thinking it was some creepy older guy, but then it was you, and it just made me feel good.”

I had no idea what to say to that, so I fell back on flattery.

“Des,” I told her, “I’m sorry about that…you just looked so beautiful and natural chatting away with all those people that I couldn’t help but look at you!”

A pleased smile appeared, and she squeezed me again.

“Does that mean you didn’t think I was beautiful before?”

“Oh…no…not at all!” Did I mention I was far from smooth back in those days?

“So tell me, dude…how long have you been thinking I was beautiful?”

At that point, I realized that she was completely messing with me, but I couldn’t stop myself.

“Since day one of school,” I told her earnestly.

I think my serious tone took her aback somewhat, but again the pleased smile appeared.

“So it wasn’t just because I’m all dressed up and wearing makeup instead of being my usual crunchy self?” she asked. This time, the teasing quality of her voice was more apparent.

“Nope. Crunchy Des is beautiful all the time…I just never get a chance to tell you.”

“I can see why you’re such a hit with the moms,” she murmured just before we entered the den.

She let go of me to rejoin the group, and we relaxed into our usual roles, joking around as a group and devouring the pizzas her mom had ordered for us. We stayed there for three or four hours, watched a movie, and at the cake her mom brought in. All in all, a good birthday party.

The adults had drifted off before the movie ended, so the house was quiet when Desiree’s party was over. Everyone hit the road, but I stayed behind to say goodbye to her parents–again, my mother’s training was kicking in. She thanked me again for spending time with the grown-ups and, to my embarrassment, gave me another peck on the cheek, turned me around toward Des, and said, “Isn’t he great?” in a loud voice. “And handsome?”

“Oh, he certainly is!” Des affirmed, desperately trying to keep a straight face.

“Well, goodnight…thanks again for having me,” I muttered and headed for the door.

Des caught me before I got my coat on completely. She grabbed my arm in the hallway, her eyes filled with laughter.

“I’m sorry–I’m sorry! I couldn’t resist!”

“No big deal,” I assured her somewhat truthfully. “It’s your mom–she’s just a little…”

“I know. I’m sorry. But she was right about one thing…”

“You ARE very great and handsome,” she said softly. Then she stepped forward and planted a soft kiss on my lips. Her eyes were deep and serious, and she pulled back a few inches, watching me, waiting for my reaction.

“Des,” I replied in a low voice, “I was serious when I said you look beautiful all the time. I’ve always thought so…it’s just that tonight, I saw you looking beautiful in a different way and it made me realize…” My words trailed off.

“Realize what?” she asked, holding herself just inches from my face.

“How much I want to do this,” I told her, crossing the space between us and kissing her back, letting my arms wrap naturally around her slender waist.

Des hummed happily, then broke our kiss to smile up at me. “Far out!” she said softly.

Her mom was still moving around the living room and kitchen collecting glasses, so Des urged me out onto the broad bluestone steps and closed the door behind us. The outside lights were on and it felt like snow again. I pulled my coat all the way on, then opened the front and she stepped gratefully into the shelter it offered her from the cold. Her body was warm and lush against mine, and I felt every curve plastered against me as our lips met again.

Away from prying eyes, her lips parted quickly and her tongue darted playfully into my mouth. I responded in kind, and our eyes closed for what seemed like an endless moment as we shared that thrilling rise of passion for the first time. I could feel my whole body responding, and Des shifted her weight, clearly feeling the same ripples of pleasure in her core.

“I’ve got to help my mom,” she said apologetically.

“I’ve got to get home, too,” I told her. “I don’t want to go, though…”

“I know…I don’t want you to go!”

Stepping back into me, Des kissed me hard one more time, then pulled back and looked at me sadly. “I guess we’ll have to finish this some other time,” she said.

“Yeah…definitely!” I said urgently.

“Come back tomorrow if it doesn’t snow,” she said quietly.

She smiled, then stepped back and opened the door. I watched her go and then turned down the icy stairs. Driving home, my mind was filled with possibilities, and I was grinning like an idiot.

Thankfully, there was only a dusting of new snow when I got up the next day. I told my parents I would be hanging out with Desiree and working on a lab report. They nodded, told me to be careful and be home for dinner, and went back to whatever they were doing.

The twisty back roads were gritty with salt and sand as I raced toward Des’s house. Pulling into the driveway, I noticed fresh tracks from the garage to the street. When I tapped the bird-shaped knocker, there was a long pause before I saw a flash of movement through the prisms of glass beside the door. I heard a click, and the door swung open a few inches. I could see one of Desiree’s dark eyes, a trace of a smile on her lips, a cloud of brown hair framing her face, a flash of bare thigh, and a thick bathrobe belted tightly at her waist.

“Yes?” she asked in an imperious tone, raising an eyebrow playfully.

“Good morning, miss,” I said earnestly. “Is your mom home? She told me yesterday that I should come by this morning. I believe that I was so poised and well-spoken at her party that she wanted to spend some more time with me…”

“You’re disgusting!” Des snorted, swinging the door open wider. “You probably would go after my mom!”

“Not when you’re here,” I told her, stepping close once the door was closed behind me.

Desiree grabbed the lapels of my winter coat and pushed them back off my shoulders. As the coat slid down my arms, she closed the distance between us, pressing her warm body against mine. Our lips met, softly at first and then with increasing passion.

“Come upstairs,” she said after pulling back to catch her breath.

“Parents?” I asked.

“Gone for the day” she replied with a wicked smile.

“Good!” I said fervently. “Let’s go!”

She turned with a smile and a swirl of dark hair. Her bare feet were almost silent on the wooden treads as she flew up the central staircase. My hiking boots left melting snow behind as I rushed after her. I almost tripped because I was trying to run up stairs and watch her enchantingly bare legs as I went–the bathrobe was long, but I could see a lot of her beautiful form from that angle.

When I got to her room, Desiree was standing on the far side, the neatly made double bed between us. Posters, tapestries, dried flowers, and a lingering whiff of sandalwood competed for and lost my attention as I halted just inside the door.

“You can come in,” she said mockingly, a trace of that same sexy smile on her lips.

I walked to the edge of the bed opposite her.

“This is where I wanted to bring you last night,” she said. “Once I saw you with my mom…”

“Don’t start. I was just being nice, but I’m glad you noticed me, finally!”

“I always noticed you…we just had other stuff going on.”

“Yeah,” I replied with my usual brilliance.

“So now…” she began.

“Now I’m all yours!” I told her with my best smile.

“Good. I want to show you something!”

I nodded and told her “Anything you want!”

Her smile grew wider. Then she lifted one knee up onto the bedspread.

“After you left last night, I came up here when everything was done.”

She leaned forward and put her palms flat on the covers. Her other foot came off the floor, and she drew herself toward the middle of the bed, sitting with her knees together, feet tucked under her, and the bathrobe lying in soft folds on her lap. My eyes were drawn to her bare thighs, then moved slowly upward, taking in the swell of her full breasts under the thick terry cloth. When I reached her face, I noticed both a smirk on her lips and a smoking, sensual glimmer in her eyes.

“I was wishing you were here with me,” she continued. “So I threw my clothes over there.” She gestured with her chin, and I glanced at the outfit she wore last night piled in reverse order on the chair. “And then I climbed into bed…”

Her hands pulled slowly on the bathrobe belt. When it came undone, the lapels fell apart a few inches, drawing my eyes to the soft valley of her cleavage. Desiree shrugged her shoulders then, and the soft fabric slipped back off her shoulders. Her hands came up to cover her breasts as they were exposed, but she kept up her narration.

“And I started thinking about what I would do if you were with me…”

I stood there in awe as she used her palms to graze her nipples, making small circles without fully revealing herself to me.

“I got so fucking horny!” she said more intensely. Her hands fell away from her chest, and as she shoved the bathrobe off her lap and away behind her, my heart beat faster and I drank in the sight of her breasts: pale globes with dark, tight nipples and wide areolas. They were as gorgeous as my teenage fantasies had imagined them, and my hands itched to reach for them.

Des dropped her hands to her lap then, and shifted herself to widen the space between her knees. I followed the motion and was treated to a glimpse of dark curls before one hand blocked my view. I thought for a moment she was being modest, but then I noticed her hand moving slowly, caressing herself with slight up and down motion.

“Just thinking about having you up here last night made me want you so badly…I ended up sitting just like this, wishing it was you playing with my boobs, and I was touching myself like this.”

Her free hand came up and I saw her pinch her own nipple delicately, twisting it as she did. Her other hand pressed more firmly into the shadowy depths of her lap, and I knew her fingers were curled underneath her, stroking the furry lips of her pussy.

“Show me…” I whispered, finally contributing to the conversation.

Des smiled again and rose up to her full kneeling height. From knees to neck, her body was a symphony of pale olive skin and alluring curves. She kept her hands in place, but seemed to savor my admiration while I took in the narrow waist, the long muscles of her thighs, and the rippling bounce of her breasts.

Again, she spoke as she played with herself: “My nipples got really hard thinking about you pinching them, and I started playing with my clit because I was already so wet for you!”

Looking down, I saw that she had two fingers extended and they were making tight circles at the base of her mound.

“Sometimes…” she resumed, “I put my fingers inside to get them wetter.” Her hand curled lower for a moment and then went back to lavishing attention on her most sensitive spot. “Is that what you would have done to me last night?”

“God, yes!” I told her immediately. She smiled, but I wanted to raise the stakes a little more.

“I would have started like that, Des…I wish I could have come upstairs and seen you naked like this! I would have kissed every inch of you and pinched your nipples and rubbed your clit exactly the way you’re doing it now!”

“What else?” she asked in an urgent whisper, her back arching a bit and her eyes half-closed.

“I would have pushed you back, though, so I could taste you,” I said.

“Oh,…I love that idea!” she assured me with a sexy smile.

Her hand left her lap and she brought the two fingers she had been using to play with herself up to her lips. “I do that all the time!” she said happily before licking each finger individually. Then she sucked them both at once, slowly getting every trace of her juices off.

As I stood beside the bed and watched this erotic display, my cock was achingly hard inside my jeans. I could think of nothing to say–my mind was gripped by the show in front of me, and I was fantasizing about those beautiful lips sucking me instead, and I was imagining the taste as well.

Fortunately, Des kept things moving forward. “When I was thinking about what I wanted you to do to me last night,” she began, “you weren’t wearing all those clothes!”

As quickly as I could, I unlaced my boots, shucked off my jeans and underwear, and whipped both sweater and T-shirt over my head. All this was hampered by the face that Des was naked in front of me and I couldn’t pull my eyes away from her!

When I was as bare as she was, Desiree took the initiative again. Bracing her hands on the bedspread, she slipped her feet in front of her and moved them off the bed. Her legs parted even more as she scooted forward until her ass was just on the edge of the mattress. This position revealed her fully–wide-open thighs framed the neatly groomed, silky curls that covered her mound and along each side of her opening. Her earlier actions had turned her on, and her inner lips glistened with her arousal.

“What were you going to do to me?” she asked enticingly.

In a heartbeat, I fell to my knees on the soft rug beside her bed. My hands went to her inner thighs, pushing them wider apart while my thumbs did the same for her labia. Leaning in, I licked her from bottom to top, my tongue broad as I repeatedly lapped up her juices.

Desiree groaned with pleasure, and her arms wrapped around my head, pulling me into her.

“Oh, fuck!” she exclaimed. “Fuck me with your tongue!”

With my nose bumping against her clit, I plunged in as far as I could. Rocking my head, I did exactly as she asked, fucking her repeatedly with my tongue, relishing the copious lubrication she was producing, and using my thumbs to caress her pussy lips as I worked away at her.

Almost immediately, Desiree started to rock her hips into me. She must have been close already, because I could feel the trembling begin in her hips and thighs. She bent forward to embrace my head fully, her breasts crushed against my hair as I ground into her.

“Fuck…fuck…fuck…I’m gonna cum!” she hissed above me.

I didn’t pause to reply, wanting only to drive her over the edge. Instead, I rubbed her clit harder with my nose from side to side and lashed her inner walls with the tip of my tongue. That did it.

“Oh fuck!” Des cried out happily as her whole body froze. Her thighs clamped down on my head, her arms gathering me in even tighter, and her hips rocked forward to drive herself against me one last time.

Barely able to breath, I held my position for a long minute, sucking gently on her pussy to gather every drop of her sweet juices.

When she began to breathe again, Des pulled me up to her lips. I rose to stand in front of the bed, and her arms stayed wrapped around my head as she kissed me frantically, her tongue breaking away from mine to taste herself on my lips, my chin, and all around. Finally, she let me go and I stood up straighter, grinning down at her flushed face, her dark hair dampened by her exertions. Des looked up at me, grinning as well, then wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug.

“That was better than I imagined last night!” she said happily against my abs.

I stroked her hair and said, “Good. I’ve been wanting to do that for…like, forever!”

She giggled happily in response and hugged me tighter for a moment. Then she tilted her head up, her chin resting just below my sternum. Her eyes were dark and wide and beautiful and I looked directly down into them, lost in a mixture of lust and love and happiness.

“Is that all you’ve been wanting to do?” she asked me teasingly.

At the end of May, Desiree and I went to the prom together. The school was in a small town, so it was held in the nearest “big” city at the VFW hall. A committee from school had done their best to decorate, but it was still a cold, cavernous space. The music bounced relentlessly off the high ceiling, and the food was nothing spectacular. We had some fun, though–Desiree loved to dance, and she looked amazing in a flowing, swirling satin dress. The eight of us who were friends made the best of it and we even managed to smoke a joint by sneaking out through the kitchen entrance.

As soon as we were allowed to go, though, we got out of there and went to a restaurant a few blocks away. We had some nachos, then finalized our plan. Jack’s family had a lake house nearby, and we planned to finish the night there. His parents knew that we were going there and why, but they figured that we were all over 18 and it was better we were drinking somewhere safe rather than driving around.

With that plan in place, we pooled our money. Desiree and I agreed to get the drinks on our way to the lake and drove off with $80. At the far end of town was a little development well-known for being “helpful” to those of us who were underage. We drove through slowly, and sure enough, a man came to the curb and asked what we were after. We told him, he haggled over the price, and then he went back to his car. Minutes later, we were driving away (carefully doing the speed limit) with two cases of beer, a bottle of Jack Daniels, and a case of hard seltzer.

At the house, we changed out of our prom clothes and into more casual attire. Then we all congregated in the kitchen. After a few shots and a beer, though, the couples drifted off. There were several bedrooms, a deck with privacy fencing overlooking the lake, and a hot tub on a patio below the deck–endless possibilities!

Desiree, of course, wanted to be outside, and I was right there with her. We shed our clothes and grabbed enormous beach towels as we ran for the hot tub. With just the underwater lights on, we let the jets tumble us around. Our feet tangled together, and Des rubbed her foot up and down my leg. When she scooted over to my side, she sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing softly all over my face and neck. I contented myself with stroking every inch of her body and occasionally capturing a nipple with my teeth. We were both getting really horny, and Des finally turned to face me, straddling my thighs.

“I want to fuck,” she said in her usual blunt way, “but this water isn’t good for that.”

My hard cock was nestled along her pussy, bathed in the heat of her core. She had kept herself shaved smooth all month. It felt great, but I knew what she meant–pool water has a way of washing away lubrication.

“What are you thinking?” I asked her.

“Let’s get in the lake and decide,” she said with a smile.

Standing up, she stepped over the rim of the tub and wrapped her towel around her shoulders. I tied mine more modestly around my waist and followed her across the grass. The night was still warm, and when we looked around, the neighbors’ houses were dark. Looking back toward the house, no one was one the deck, so we headed downhill to the water’s edge. Des looked both natural and sexy with just a towel across her shoulders, and I trailed along in a daze, enchanted by the rolling motion of her bare ass in the moonlight. She walked out the narrow floating dock set between pilings, and when she reached the end, she sat down on her towel with her feet in the water.

She turned to look at me, and as I approached, she impishly reached up and tugged my towel off. My cock sprang out at full attention to slap against my stomach. Des giggled happily and grabbed it, pulling me closer and angling the tip down so she could reach it.

“Someone’s eager!” she said with a laugh.

One thing I loved about Desiree was that she was always eager as well. As if to demonstrate, she lunged upward and took my cock deep in her mouth, cradling my balls while her tongue lashed the underside of my shaft. I groaned and held onto a piling for balance.

Once my cock was slick with her saliva, Des began to stroke me with her other hand. Her lips formed a tight seal and slid up and down in time, all the while letting her tongue work its magic. Looking down at her naked form, I thought about how amazingly lucky I was to have found her. My heart was full, and her oral skills were driving me closer and closer to the brink of explosion. I began to thrust gently into her mouth each time she descended, and she easily swallowed more of my cock each time.

Just when things were getting critical, though, she stopped. For a few moments, she sucked hard on the head, nursing repeatedly and tonguing the underside. My cock swelled even more, and she was rewarded with a rush of precum as I got ready to unload into her voracious mouth. Suddenly, she pulled off me and looked up.

“It’s not time to cum yet!” she said with a smirk.

I looked down at her, puzzled and somewhat frustrated. Letting go of the post, I reached for her head, but she anticipated my desire to hold her in place and finish. With a sudden twist of her body, she pulled me off balance and I toppled gracelessly into the lake!

Sputtering, mad, and laughing all at the same time, I found my feet and stood up on the sandy bottom. The water came almost to my shoulders, and my feet were tangled in lake weed. Shaking my head, I wiped my eyes clear and looked up to see Des laughing at me from the dock. Lucky for her, the laughter was infectious and I had to join in. Stepping over in front of her, I rested my arms on her thighs and chuckled at my predicament. The water had definitely cooled my jets, and although I was incredibly turned on, my cock had shrunk in the cooler water and the urgency I had been feeling had passed.

“That was obnoxious!” I finally managed to say.

“It worked!” was her response.

“True,” I said. “But it was still an evil thing to do!”

Des wrapped her heels around my back and her hands around my head.

“Sorry, then. I want you to last!”

“I get it. I was so close, though!”

She giggled and apologized again.

I turned my head and kissed each thigh, then graciously told her she was forgiven. When my hands wrapped around to grab her ass, Des scooted forward a bit. I let the water take my weight then and lowered myself, kissing a trail down from her belly, over the inviting curve of her mound, and then to the top of her lips. Above me, Des hummed happily as my lips approached her clit.

My chin was almost on the towel as I began to lap Desiree’s sweet pussy there in the moonlight. She settled back on her elbows and watched me through half-closed eyes, a sexy smile on her lips. Because of our earlier action, she was already slick and wet, so I let my tongue travel all over, tasting her sweet nectar and opening her up for my enjoyment.

At one point, my nose bumped against her clit and I heard a gasp. Desiree’s thighs closed on my spasmodically, and I knew she wanted to cum as badly as I had a few minutes before. The idea of pulling her into the water flickered across my mind, but payback is never as satisfying as you imagine. That thought developed, however, and a sudden inspiration occurred.

“Des,” I said. “I want to make you cum, but I want you here in the water with me. Slide off that dock and float, will you?”


“Trust me.”

She did trust me, and as I kept her legs over my shoulder, she eased herself down onto the surface carefully. When she was clear of the edge, I turned us around so that she was parallel to the shore. My hands supported her ass, and like the true nature girl that she was, Desiree relaxed into the pose and floated easily, her arms sculling gently at her sides. One at a time, I used my hands to flip water up onto her belly and breasts, and I grinned when she protested. The cool air hitting her nipples made them crinkle into tight little nubs, though, and Des moaned approvingly.

She moaned again when my tongue returned to her pussy. This time, I focused my attention on her stiff little clit, tracing circles around and around it. Des arched her back in pleasure and I saw her full breasts emerge from the water, dripping silver.

“Oh, God…please make me cum!” she begged.

Knowing what would follow, I put my mind to my task immediately. My lips encircled her sensitive button and I began to suck steadily, punctuating each intake with a flickering tongue. Her hands came down and grabbed the sides of my head–a sure sign that she was close. Removing one hand from her butt, I moved it up between her legs and circled her opening with the broad pad of my thumb, not penetrating her but stimulating everything I could reach.

“Oh, God…oh, God…Oh, fuck yes!” was her response.

I sucked extra hard then and drove my tongue directly onto her clit, grinding it in circles to push her over the edge. That was all it took. A wordless cry of pleasure echoed across the lake. Desiree’s body lurched, nearly pushing me under water before I braced myself. Her pussy throbbed wildly under my thumb, and I felt the pulsations in her clit as well as the tiny pleasure center contracted over and over. Holding her up with one hand, I kept still as her entire frame shuddered. Ripples sped in all directions forming rings of silver white around us on the lake.

Slowly, haltingly, Desiree’s body relaxed. She let go of my head and uncrossed her heels from behind me. She remained floating, however, lying back on the cushion of water and breathing deeply as she recovered. Always the Nature Girl, Des looked supremely at ease in the water.

“That,” she said quietly after a long time, “was uh-mazing!”

She reached for me then, and I let her legs slip off my shoulders. She couldn’t quite touch bottom, though, so she wrapped them around my hips and her arms around my neck. Her breasts pressed against my chest as she kissed me softly, our tongues teasing each other.

I could have stayed like that forever, but my cock was rising again, and it nudged impatiently against Desiree’s ass. She giggled and squirmed in response, arching her eyebrows at me.

“You Do still owe me one!” I reminded her.

“I know I do. I think I owe you two after what you just did, though.” Always fair-minded, she was.

“Where should we go?” I inquired.

“I have an idea,” she said eagerly, releasing me from arms and legs and swimming away from me.

I followed, eager to see what she had in mind. As she passed the dock, Des grabbed her towel and quickly wiped her face and hair. Then she continued toward the shore beside the pilings. With quick hands, she folded the towel twice and rolled it into a tight cylinder. That she set on the narrow strip of sand between the water and the grass. Then she turned back toward me.

Some sights are burned in your mind forever, and for me, that is one I will treasure forever. Naked, dripping wet, flushed with pleasure, eyes gleaming with lust, and standing proudly in the moonlight beside a quiet lake, Desiree was a vision beyond any high-schooler’s imagination. As I walked toward her in the shallows, I tried to find the words to express all that.

“Des…” I began, “you are so…”

“Horny!” she interjected with a wicked grin. “Come here and lie down!”

Following her finger, I stepped past her and lay on my back, my head on the pillow she had thoughtfully created. My shoulders were in just a few inches of shallow water. My butt rested on the sand, but the water sloshed across the tops of my thighs. My feet were floating. Desiree stepped over me then, towering above me. She knelt down straddling me, cupping her breasts like an offering.

As she toyed with her nipples, she looked directly into my eyes. “I’m going to fuck you right here and right now” she said in a lust-filled voice.

“Good plan!” I croaked.

“Let’s see if you’re as ready as I am…” she mused. Her hands found my cock and stood it upright. A few quick strokes brought droplets of precum to the tip, and she spread them all along my shaft.

“Yup…you’re ready!” she said happily. Then she adjusted her position slightly and sank down, trapping the head of my cock between her slick labia. Another quick circling to spread our natural lubricants, and then Desiree sank down onto me completely in one long move.

“Oh, fuck!” we both groaned at the same time.

Des giggled. Then she toppled forward until her hands were resting beside my head. Her hair hung down, framing her face. Her breasts hovered just below my chin, and I craned my neck to capture a nipple and suck on it. She pulled it away and switched me to the other one. Meanwhile, I could feel her inner muscles grasping and releasing my rigid shaft as it filled her.

I continued to suck and nibble on her breasts as Des began to move up and down. Keeping her nipples within reach meant that she couldn’t go all the way down on my cock, but feeling her tight pussy gliding up and down the top half was perfectly fine with me, and she seemed to like it, too. She bit her lip in concentration, intent on giving me the pleasure I had given her.

Faster and faster she drove herself, and the water near us splashed and splattered as our bodies moved. The cool air on my wet skin, the heat and friction of her pussy, and the sensuous weight of her breasts as I fondled and sucked them were a perfect combination. Soon my heels dug into the sand and I was arching my hips, pushing myself deeper into her with every stroke.

“Fuck, Des…I’m going to cum soon!”

“Do it..” she said breathlessly, “do it! Fuck me…and cum in me…whenever you want!”

“Oh, God Des!” I cried. My cock swelled to its fullest extent, and I pulled her hips down hard onto my lap, burying myself against her womb as I began to cum. Pulse after pulse sent jets of cum into her, and she ground down against me, relishing the gush of liquid that was making a slippery inferno of her pussy.

“Yes…yes…” she moaned encouragingly. “Give it to me!”

As my contractions slowed and stopped, my body relaxed. Des groaned one last time and leaned forward, kissing me once before laying her head on my chest and letting her weight settle onto me. I held her lovingly in my arms while my heartbeat slowed. The surface of the water returned to its silvery smoothness, and the night air caressed our bodies as we lay in the shallows.

“Happy Prom Night,” I murmured next to her ear.

“You, too!” she giggled in response.

by outdoorhorny for Literotica