Barkley College Remedial Sex Ed: Part 1

Barkley summer semester course for those who flunked human sexuality 101.

By zachattack163 and adapted for this platform. Listen to the ► Podcast At Steamy Stories.


Alexis walks the short distance from student parking, to the Health Sciences building. It’s late in June and the campus is almost a ghost town. She‘s glad of that, because she doesn’t want anyone to know she’s having to make up a course in order to enroll in fall classes and begin her sophomore year. Why had her fundamentalist mother’s repressed sexuality become her damn disability! At least now that she’s living with her aunt & uncle, in this college town; she can start learning, and unlearning.


But remedial human sexuality? Why the heck is that class so hard to comprehend? Maybe if she was a slut, then she’d at least have some familiarity and practice? The virgin college student wants her secret kept that way.

She walks into the designated room. It’s a lecture bowl with seating for 100, but less than a dozen students are in the room. She sees them scattered in the first two rows, down near the front.

“Good afternoon students.” The male & female professors soon greeted the freshmen. The small assortment of students sat in the lecture bowl, mostly fidgeting and looking at the unusual furniture in a lecture bowl. The male professor pressed a button near the chalk board, which remotely locked the doors. Then he began handing out the syllabus as the female professor wrote some names on the board. “My name is Doctor Phoebe Garza, PhD. Our other instructor is Doctor Antonio Garza, my husband of 7 years.”

“Let’s be honest about why you’re here. For whatever reasons, you didn’t attain the required human sexuality credit during your first two semesters. In order to enroll for fall classes, you’ll need to pass this in the summer session.” The pit of the lecture bowl room was reset without the customary classroom tables, lectern, and common furnishings. Instead, the instructional aids included; a chaise lounge, a Leather sofa, and a sturdy oak table and several cushioned desk chairs aligning the side walls, below the chalkboard. The middle of the pit also had what looks like a 12x12 purple wrestling mat.

On the front floor row of the student seating, on the pit floor, the usual chairs & tables were replaced by four upholstered sofas in a semi-circle, with large plush bath blankets covering the seat cushions.

The unique layout of the lecture ‘bowl’ auditorium used for this class.

“To help you, we reviewed your academic records and with the help of guidance counselors, we determined that kinetic learning might be a more effective mode for several of you.” Phoebe Garza said, in a relaxed conversational tone. Her Summer outfit and sandals only added to the informality. “That is why you were given this opportunity to fulfill your requisite credit with this alternative class. But If you don’t get your Human Sexuality credit through this class, you can retake the standard one oh one course early next month.”

In the same way we employ lab sessions for many of our science classes, we’re going to add that component to this particular experimental course offering. Many of you probably had learning experiences where the textbook words came to life, only after you put the theories to practice in a science lab.

So, the two of us studied some clinical papers from an Amsterdam university, and we collaborated to develop this teaching concept. But instead of using lab animals to study behavioral concepts, All of us will become the lab specimens for this attempt to bring all of you academically, back up to the rest of the upcoming sophomore class.”

Mrs. Garza continued; ”It’s not often that I get to teach with my husband. He is a research scientist. He rarely teaches a college class to undergrads. But this class is also part of an ongoing research, so we’re all going to learn a lot, this summer session.

“Now class today we are going to begin our Human Sexuality introduction,” said Mrs. Garza, the very attractive human sexuality professor. She was sitting next to her husband on the rectangular sturdy table in front of the chalkboard, leaning back on her hands. A beautiful woman, she exuded warm sensuality.

Mr. Garza now stood & lectured the 12 students for the first time, still having a slight accent of his Barcelona upbringing. His polo shirt, khaki trousers, & Birkenstock sandals presented an unspoken message of informality from the professor.

“Now, before you joined this class, you were required to sign a form, that doesn’t allow you to tell anyone what happens, in this class. So, has everyone brought in their signed forms and medical documents to class, today?” asked Mr. Garza. “Please hold yours up when you have it.”

All the students nodded their heads to show that they had their forms. Mr. Garza began retrieving the forms from the students.

 "Well that’s good" said Mrs. Garza, “Now, the reason we asked you to get those forms and documents signed; is because this is to prove that you have passed your eighteenth birthday; and because this is going to be a very different kind of human sexuality class from the kinds of classes you have been in before, you all have been checked in the last 2 weeks for an STD or other communicable disease. Am I correct, everyone?” Mrs. Garza looked each student and waited for an affirmation from each of them. Then she continued; “ All females are successfully using birth control in a daily pill form for 6 weeks or more. Am I correct, ladies?” Each of the 6 females affirmed this fact, one by one.

“And lastly, your documents say that you all assume your responsibilities in this class, and understand your risks. Does anyone have a question or concern about those risks and responsibilities? None? Okay, let’s begin.”

Session One

"Class, we want you all to be very comfortable in the lab. Sexuality on a college campus does have risks. For this class we have taken great effort to protect you from those possibilities. This is the safest environment we can provide you, but you have to trust each other. You start by respecting and caring for each other and showing sensitivity to everyone taking this class with you.”

“Usually, labs require special protective gear. But for our labs, the opposite is true. And we want you all to become comfortable with your sexuality and we feel that the best way for all of you to do this is with full participation in the class,” said Mr. Garza.

“No outsider is allowed to visit or audit this class. All electronics you carry in with you, need to be stored in the plastic tub below the chalkboard. It’s not a matter of me not trusting you. It’s Phoebe and I protecting you from being recorded or otherwise exposed and deprived of your privacy. by imposing the same rules on everyone, including Phoebe and myself.

Not even the chancellor or the regents. This class is designed with the 12 of you in mind. But you need to be fully involved, immersed. Without full participation, you will not pass this class. Is everyone clear on this?” Everyone nodded. Antonio turned to Phoebe to finish the orientation.

Phoebe stepped toward the middle sofas which were just on the other side of the partition wall from the elevated lecture seating chairs; then resumed; “We’ve said a lot about trust and respect. It’s for this reason. In order for everyone to fully participate we are going to require everyone participating in the class to remain naked at all times while lessons are in session,” Mrs. Garza told the students.

The class all began to talk at once protesting the fact that they were going to have to be naked in class. 

“Now calm down class. I know all of you may be temporarily uncomfortable with being naked in front of your fellow classmates, but believe me, this will help you become more comfortable with your sexuality,” said Mr. Garza “

“And to make all of you feel more comfortable,” Mrs. Garza added. Antonio and I will also be staying naked for the duration of the lessons, also.” With that both Mr. and Mrs. Garza began taking off all of their clothes.

 The students stopped their clamoring when they saw Phoebe Garza’s swaying breasts swing free of her purple lace bra. About the same time, Antonio Garza’s black thong briefs made a grand appearance as his trousers fell to the floor. Phoebe slipped out of her purple lace panties and sat back down on the wooden table. She even spread her lags to show off the ‘landing strip’ of her pussy. When Antonio slid his thong down and stepped out of them, he hooked the waistband with a thumb, then stretched the thong with the other hand. He aimed at Mrs. Garza and shot her in the boobs, This playfulness helped the students relax and even elicited a few chuckles. 

 Once they had finished undressing they stood before the class completely naked and needless to say every eye in the classroom was focused on the two naked professors in front of them, or at least on certain parts of them. Every male student’s eyes were focused on Mrs. Garza’ large 36DD breasts, while all of the female students were focused on Mr. Garza’s large swaying penis hanging between his legs which was about seven inches long even in its somewhat flaccid state. Both of the professors had trimmed their pubic bushes, but were not completely bald.

“Now as you can see we are perfectly comfortable with our nudity, and we want you to be as comfortable with your nudity as we are with ours,” Mrs. Garza told the students, as she held up her matching undies and her hubby’s thong up in the air. “When you’ve removed all your clothing, leave it there and come into the pit & sit on the sofas, so we can begin the lessons.”

“Now get those clothes off. Come on let’s get a move on,” Mr. Garza stood & ordered the students. That ‘broke the ice’ and a few guys started stripping down. Erika and Bethany both joined in the communal disrobing. This was quickly followed by the rest of the students beginning to remove all of their clothing. Some of the students struggled with taking off their last items because they continued to pay attention to their naked teachers at the front of the classroom.

Devon was struggling because of his social disabilities. Female social interaction typically terrifies him. He’s been working on the problem ever since he dropped out of the 2nd semester human sexuality class, last February. Last winter, just talking about genitals with classmates was too much for him.

Devon saw Bruce step past him, buck naked in all his glory. Bruce looks like a Greek wrestler. Bruce found a seat on the end sofa and sat. Devon then saw Bethany at the other side of the room get up. Her massive boobs swayed as she descended the steps into the pit. She sat at the end of one of the two center sofas. the other girls seemed to follow in a group, taking up the center sofas.

Bruce & Bethany are both very accomplished college athletes. Their daily routines include plenty of nakedness in the athletic showers & locker rooms. But for Alexis and the other ladies, it took them a lot of courage.  It’s not that Alexis didn’t want to comply. She was determined to make up for 18 years of shame & suppression of many things her mother condemned. Going to movies, Dancing, rock music, etcetera. But this coed nakedness was her boldest act of defiance against her mother’s extreme ways.

Devon’s apprehensions and distractions  were not helping matters. Once the last gal, Alexis, was descending to the pit; Devon made his  grand appearance. The girls all dropped their jaws and watched Devon’s 10 inch rod spring back and forth horizontally and he took the last available seat at the end of the end sofa. Devon thought he was really smart by walking around the back of the sofa, but as he rounded the far end, he emerged in full frontal exposition for the whole class to appreciate. He waved to everyone, but not with his hands. His cock exuberantly waved to a watching classroom.

Now all of the students were naked in the pit of the lecture bowl, most of the students were shyly covering their genitals. A few of the girls regretted their choice of seating. They all felt like their tits were on display. They guys were on the sofas at each end of the oval-shaped pit., and able to watch the professors while perusing the six sets of tits on the middle 2 sofas.

Erika, although, loved the attention. Her buxom curves were a source of sexual pride. While the two petite ladies, Alexis and Elizabeth, on either end of her sofa, had their arms crossed over their bosoms, She had her arms crossed under her D cup rack. She even hiked up her arms to hoist her natural tits higher!

“All right; Let’s all give our classmates some all applause for joining us in bravely disrobing.” Antonio said as he and Phoebe began clapping. The students sheepishly joined in.  This was followed by some relaxed breathing and less nervousness, generally.

“Now that all of you are naked we are going to go over the first thing that happens to begin the sexual cycle; arousal,” said Mr. Garza.

“Who can tell me what the signs of arousal are in a man?” Mrs. Garza asked the class. Devon, a slightly nerdy looking student raised his hand, having already revealed what looked like an impressive erection he was trying to hide under his hand.

“Yes Devon?” Mrs. Garza said.

“Well the most obvious signs of arousal in a man is, that his penis will become hard and erect, which is known as an erection,” recited Devon; “another sign of arousal in a man is that his testicles will swell as they prepare to release semen.”

“Yes, excellent! That is correct, Devon,” said Mrs. Garza. 

Bethany gave him a thumbs up. Devon smiled, then rolled his eyes in a ‘ah shucks admission. 

“Now, there are many different ways to get a man aroused and cause him to have an erection. The first and most obvious way, which I’m sure many of you young men are experiencing, is seeing a naked woman.” Mr Garza stated.

Phoebe ignored the signals between the students. “I’m sure that since I took off my clothes many of you began to have an erection, which was only increased when your fellow female classmates also took off their clothes; so you should not be ashamed about having an erection right now.”

“Ladies, you should not be offended, either.” Phoebe emphasized. “It is a compliment of your sexuality. It doesn’t mean a man is anything other than normal & healthy. Be proud that you’re appealing! I am! A man’s physiology responds to his 5 senses. He gets erect without making a decision to. It comes  naturally from what his 5 senses absorb, and how much of you he absorbs.

Antonio added; “As you can see I am also beginning to produce an erection from seeing my wife and all these lovely young ladies naked,” said Mr. Garza as he stood up off the table, which prompted many of the female students to look at his hardening penis, which was now pointed almost straight out and had increased in both length and thickness.

“Ah, did you say ‘beginning to’? Honney, your pole’s been waving to get our attention for the past 10 minutes. Am I right, girls?” Nervous giggles were heard from the 6 blushing young women. “Point taken,” Antonio conceded. “We will discuss other ways you can cause arousal, but for now could someone tell me about what arousal looks like, in a woman,” Mr. Garza asked. 

Michelle, a brunette girl of average height raised her right hand, while she continued to use her left hand to try and cover her full C-cup breasts.

“Yes Michelle,” said Mr. Garza.

“Well when a women gets aroused, her nipples get hard and erect, and um, sometimes; her breasts swell so that they appear fuller. Oh, uh, and her vagina begins to get wet, and hot, and sticky,” Michelle said nervously.

“That is correct, Michelle,” said Mrs. Garza “I’m sure many of you young ladies are beginning to feel several of these sensations. Now, women also get aroused by seeing a naked man, particularly if he is sporting an erection, but it usually takes slightly more to get a woman aroused. Women need more intimate sensations to become fully aroused, such as kissing and caressing from their partner.”

“We are now going to begin the rest of our discussion about how men and women become more aroused,” said Mr. Garza. “I notice many of you are subconsciously fidgeting. Part of our discussion about arousal will involve talking about masturbation, so if any of you feel the need, we would encourage you to masturbate during this discussion. We placed a box of tissues on each sofa. Please grab a few and pass the box to those by you.”

As the students each grabbed a wad of tissues, Phoebe continued; “You may need them. If that makes any of you feel uncomfortable, change your attitude. It’s important that none of you do or say anything which hampers another student’s learning experience.”

“Now the completion of arousal and the sexual cycle is when you experience an orgasm,” said Mrs. Garza. “For men, this results in the ejaculation of semen from the penis. I’m sure most of you young men have experienced this sensation, through masturbation for instance. But it is even better if you have a partner bring you to orgasm. I am now going to demonstrate this to all of you, while using my husband as an example.”

Then Mrs. Garza approached her husband, who was sitting with his legs dangling off the end of the table; and began to make out with him. She gave his a slow, wet kiss while caressing his chest, ass, and thighs. After she had kissed him for a while she reached down and grabbed his penis with one hand, which was now fully erect.

 As she stopped kissing her husband for a moment she turned back to the class and said, “Now, I am going to stroke my husband’s penis, which is commonly known as a hand job.”

Mr. Garza reclined, resting on his elbows. The girls were entranced.   “Now girls, you want to make sure the man is feeling pleasure from this and it is not too dry and causing painful friction on his tender skin” Mrs. Garza continued to stroke her husband’s penis while the students, especially the female students, stared intently at her pleasuring her husband’s ‘flagpole’. A young girl named Erika, began shaking a bit from an orgasm as she had one hand between her legs and the other hand pleasuring one of her nipples on her large D-cup breasts. Mr. Garza began to moan louder as his wife slowly and firmly stroked his penis.

“Now students, you will notice that Mr. Garza is moaning louder this means that he is probably close to having an orgasm. Ladies, another thing you should notice is that a man’s testicles will keep drawing closer to his body. This is another indication that the man is about to cum. Now Mr. Garza should cum soon so I especially want you ladies to pay attention so you know what happens when a man ejaculates.”

As Mrs. Garza stroked a bit faster, she used her thumb to rub the underside of Mr. Garza’s tip. Soon he began breathing and moaning very loudly and suddenly began ejaculating, having a very good orgasm, with tree shots of semen blasting into the air and falling on his torso.. Mrs. Garza continued steady stroking her husband’s penis until his orgasm was completed. As Mr. Garza laid down on the table to relax, Mrs. Garza again addressed the class.

“Now you have seen what happens when a man has an orgasm. Ladies, one thing for you to know is that if you are giving a man a hand job you want to make sure you continue stroking his penis until his orgasm is complete. You don’t want to stop right as he starts ejaculating, because that will cause his orgasm to stop sooner, and you want to make sure you give him as good of an orgasm as you can. Any questions class?”

Alexis a shy, short girl with nice B-cup breasts and long nipples raised her hand. “Yes Alexis?” Mrs. Garza asked.

“What was that white stuff coming out of his penis?” Alexis obviously had next to zero information on human sexuality. She just couldn’t comprehend the male anatomy from the textbooks, last fall. So what happened to Mr. Garza totally confounded her.

“That is a very good question, Alexis. That is called semen. When a man is having sex with you and he ejaculates inside your vagina, his semen carries sperm to your eggs, and may cause you to become pregnant. For those of you ladies who have never experienced having a man ejaculate inside you it is an amazing feeling and you will all experience it in this course.”

Now Alexis was starting to understand the textbooks! Her fundamentalist private school didn’t teach sex ed, and her mother told her that sex is nasty. Perhaps that’s why her father left the marriage when Alexis was just 2, and she never knew him?

Mrs. Garza looked back at her husband. “Honey, are you ready to continue with the lesson?” Mrs. Garza asked her husband, who just sat up and cleaned up.

“Yes, I am ready to continue now,” Mr. Garza replied. He stepped down and tossed the tissues in the trash can.

“Now we are going to show what happens when a woman has an orgasm.” Mrs. Garza climbed on the end of the table and laid back. .Her husband came over behind the table, facing the students, and caressed her legs.

“Now boys, before you begin directly pleasuring a women’s vagina. You can start by kissing a woman’s neck and once you do that for a while. You can move down to her breasts. Now each woman is different so make sure that you pay attention to her signals to see whether she is enjoying what you are doing. Women are much more aroused by touch than by visuals. I know that my wife’s breasts are very sensitive and she loves it when I pay attention to her breasts. What I like to do is kiss around the edge of my wife’s breasts and slowly make my way to her nipples. This usually drives her crazy.”

“Oh babe stop just talking about it and get over here and kiss me,” his wife said in anticipation. Mr. Garza then leaned over and began kissing his wife while reaching one hand over and down to fondle her far breast. It was drooping naturally over her ribs, in full view of the students. The nipple rose to a considerable height, in a stiff erection.. He continued to kiss his and eventually broke apart from her lips to start kissing her neck. He continued kissing his way down her body making his way toward her breasts. He started kissing the near breast while groping the other and Mrs. Garza started moaning louder. He then began paying more attention to her nipples, which only increased her arousal. The students started becoming even more excited as they watched their teacher pleasure his wife. The arousal became too much for a couple of the boys and they began ejaculating into their tissues. Bethany grabbed the tissue box and stuffed a large wad between her thighs. Then she resumed her own nipple stimulation, while vicariously experiencing the demonstration she was watching.. Mr. Garza turned back around to address the class.

“Now class I am about to show you what is commonly known as fingering a woman. I’m sure several of you young women know what this is like and so I especially want the young men to pay attention so they know what they are doing with a woman. Now the first thing you want to do is make sure the woman has a very wet vagina. You do this by rubbing your finger along the lips of a woman’s vagina.” He then demonstrated this on his wife, which brought about a very happy moan from her.

“Now once you have determined that the woman is properly aroused you can insert your finger inside of her. You usually want to start with only one finger but you can add more fingers depending on what the woman wants. Her vagina opens wider after she is aroused.” He then inserted his fingers inside his wife and began pleasuring her.

“Now in order to make sure a woman reaches orgasm you want to keep paying attention to what she likes. The best way to know if a woman has reached her orgasm is that you will feel her vaginal muscles gripping your finger or if you are having sex you will feel them gripping your penis. This is an amazing thing to feel especially if it happens while you are ejaculating.”

Mrs. Garza then began experiencing an orgasm and her legs shook with pleasure. This final sexual display was too much for the rest of the ladies as most of them began having orgasms of their own, including Erika arriving at her second orgasm of the class time.

Class Dismissed

As his wife began coming down from her orgasm Mr. Garza addressed the class one last time.

“Now I want you all to think about what you learned today and if you are comfortable enough you can put some of what you learned into practice. However, our class time is up, so you can all get dressed and we’ll call it a day. Our next session will be longer than today was. Please pay attention to good grooming and hygiene.”

As the students began dressing, Mr. Garza added one last instruction; “Remember that we want you all to feel safe and respected. if anyone is found to have disclosed any information to anyone outside this classroom, including who is enrolled; You’ll be removed from the group and given an F for the course. This class is a success only if you feel safe, respected, & encouraged by everyone. We intend to honor that trust. Is everyone okay with that?”

The students, especially several ladies; were in no hurry to get up. When they did, they all dumped several wads of tissue in the trash can under the end table which was between the middle sofas.

It was very quiet in the room as the students dressed. In the last hour, they had experienced a mind-blowing session of instruction and demonstrations.

The professors talked quietly about the session while sitting on the table. They stayed naked and deep in conversation. After all the students had all dressed, Mrs. Garza allowed them to open the doors to leave. After the 12 students left the classroom, Antonio relocked the doors & walked over to his gorgeous wife who was still naked, sitting with her bare ass on the end of the wooden table. "Well that was an interesting lesson. I think I’m really going to enjoy this class,” he told his wife as he pushed a lock of her hair behind her ears and began to kiss her. She spread her legs for him.

“Yeah I bet you loved having all those beautiful, young, naked girls staring at your big cock while they pleasured themselves as I stroked you, especially that one girl with the big tits that had an orgasm while I was stroking you,” his wife responded as he began to kiss down her neck. She also reached down to find that his penis was getting hard again.

“Really, I was too engrossed in you pleasuring to be aware of their pleasures. But yes, it was fantastic to see those young women naked. I’m sure you enjoyed seeing all those young men stroking their cocks as they stared at your big breasts.” To emphasize his point he then leaned in and started kissing and fondling his wife’s large breasts. She continued to pull on his hard cock as she responded.

“Yes several of them do have very nice cocks. That nerdy kid, Devon, looked like he was packing some serious meat, and did you see the big head on that one kid’s cock? You know how much I love a big cock head,” as she rubbed her thumb over her husband’s large cock head.

“Well then I guess it’s a good thing I can provide that for you. Are you ready for it?” Antonio asked, as he rubbed his finger across her slit, feeling how moist she was for him.

“God yes! Fuck me now, please!" 

He reached down and grabbed his very hard cock and pushed it into his wife. "Oh yes; your pussy feels so good, baby; I love how it grabs my cock.”

“That’s because your cock is so big. I love how deep it goes inside me,” she moaned in response as he continued to thrust into her.

“I can feel your cock pulsating inside of me. Are you still thinking about those sexy, beautiful, young girls, babe?”

“I might be,” he responded with a twinkle in his eye and grin on his face, “like you’re not thinking about those young men and their hard young cocks?”

“Okay, you’re right. Watching them stroke their young cocks earlier, turned me on so much. I’m still so turned on that I think I’m going to come very soon.”

“Good baby, because I’m about to shoot another huge load into your pussy,” he moaned into her ear as he continued thrusting into her while groping her huge breasts.

“Oh god, yes! Make me feel that big dick spurting deep inside me. Oh god, I’m cumming!” Phoebe squealed as she wrapped her arms and legs around her Antonio, as she pushed him deeper inside of her as she had another very powerful orgasm. He also began to moan louder, as he emptied his balls deep inside his wife. He held her tightly and stayed deeply thrusted within her for a few silent minutes.

 When they both began to calm down from their mutual orgasms. Antonio looked deep into his wife’s eyes, and brushed her hair as his dick began to soften inside of her.

“Yes this is definitely going to be a great summer,” he said to her.

She looked back up at him and simply said, “Oh yeah! And we get paid to teach this class!

Session Two

Bethany was the last to arrive, but she was still early. She took more time this morning to wax her mound, and she had to do it a second time, because her dyslexia led to misunderstanding the package instructions.

She hopes none of her cycling teammates and dorm sisters find out she’s in this course. She told them she took a part time job, working for a professor in the health sciences building.

She’s rather active, sexually, but doesn’t do well learning from textbooks. She relies on her study groups in these ‘book-learning’ classes. She knows human sexuality very well, but often does very poorly on written tests.

All the students gradually proceeded to enter the classroom once the door was unlocked. When all were present, Professor Phoebe Garza pressed the remote door lock, and the students were instructed to remove their garments up in the riser seats, then come down to the pit (a k a main floor), and find a seat on one of the four upholstered sofas facing the front. The professors also stripped and left their items behind the burgundy leather sofa, in the corner of the pit. 

Mr. Garza commented to his fellow professor, that no one dropped the class, and they all showed positive signs of eagerness to get the most out of the class.

The two professors were standing at the front of the classroom, completely naked. The students all undressed and left all personal items in the student desks, then came down to sit in the sofas, until all their classmates were seated on a sofa, ready to begin.

There was a marked improvement in the students’ appearance, today. Several students had much less pubic hair. The gals all had paid more attention to grooming, cosmetics, and hair accessories. Some wore earrings or short necklaces. The guys were all clean, shaven, and smelled great. A couple guys even sported gold chains.  The gals smelled fresh and flowery. No one came late, and  were waiting at the door even before the professors had the classroom unlocked. The professors noted the good hygiene and were glad they didn’t need to address the topic further.

Mrs. Garza addressed the class, "Now class, for today our lesson will focus on oral sex. Now who can tell me what it means to have oral sex?”

Bethany raised her hand, leaving her spectacular breasts exposed for all the boys in the classroom to see. “Well, oral sex is when you use your mouth to pleasure your partner,” she said as she started to touch her pussy a bit.

“That’s correct, Bethany. Now oral sex is commonly known by different names. For instance when a woman is giving a man oral sex it is commonly known as a blowjob or the latin word fellatio,” said Mr. Garza ,whose cock was already starting to get hard from seeing his attractive young students naked and the talk of oral sex.

“Also when a man gives oral sex to a woman it is commonly referred to as eating pussy or the latin word cunnilingus,” Mrs. Garza told the class.

To be continued.

By zachattack163 for Literotica