Barkley College Remedial Sex Ed: Part 6

A Girls’ lunch leads to an orgasmic co-ed game night.

By zachattack163 and adapted for this platform. Listen to the ► Podcast At Explicit Novels. 

After everyone had their fill of pizza and sodas, It began to dawn on several of them just how exhausted their college lab had left them. When Rebecca said goodnight to the last couple girls, she collapsed on the sofa and woke up when the sunrise burst into her 7th floor condo windows. She was high above the treeline, so it was just past 6am. The last thing she recalled from the evening before, was Bethany mentioning she needed to get to the bookstore before it closed at 8pm. Elizabeth drove her back to campus.

“Damn! I slept 10 hours!”

 She made a stop in the bathroom, then went to the kitchen to make herself an omelet. As she waited on breakfast, she checked her phone. There was a text, from Erica, inviting her to join a  private Facebook group with her summer school classmates from last night. That’s when she realized she was now part of a very special group of dear friends.

Clicking through, she joined and then dished up her breakfast and coffee. As she ate, she noticed there was already an active thread on the group page, started by Malcolm. He thanked everyone for making this summer class so rewarding, and made a particular expression of his appreciation to Rebecca for the great hospitality at her home.

Rebecca posted a ‘heart’ on his comment, and noticed it already had 7 ‘Likes’.  

Then she noticed she had 11 friend requests. Yep, all of her classmates were ahead of her. Having confirmed all of them, she returned to the group posts and noticed Devon just posted  his own expression of deep gratitude, and hoped they would all stay in touch, at least for the summer.

That’s when Rebecca  decided she had a unique opportunity, because of the great condo she had all to herself. She clicked on Bethany’s profile and saw her latest post. It was published just 3 minutes ago.   Flipping to her Messenger app, she called Bethany, hoping to talk.

After just one ring, Bethany’s voiced cheerfully greeted; “Rebecca! How are you?”

Hi, Bethany. Oh, I can’t believe I slept 10 hours!  But I feel great! Did I call too early?

“No, I have to train at 6am, with the volleyball team.” Bethany assured her. “Are you sore, too, girl?”

“Oh, good! It’s not just me.” Rebecca chuckled. “If an athlete like you is hurting from a workout, I feel like I’m in good company.”

“Oh, yeah, I have some of that, but mostly I feel very stretched out by a certain somebody’s scepter.”

“Ah, yeah. Devon was your lab partner. So sorry for your pain.” Rebecca consoled.

“Hell, girl! Don’t feel too sorry for me. I’ll take this agony any day, if it comes with the kind of bliss I felt yesterday afternoon.” Bethany gushed.

“That good, huh?  Well, let me tell you why I called.” Rebeca changed the topic. “First, thanks so much for our help with the impromptu gathering. You’re so easy to work with, and I can tell you really enjoy it.”

“Oh, thanks. Yes, my mother trained me to do hospitality well, it’s sort of a matriarchal tradition in our family. I’d be happy to do it again.” Beth offered.

“You were reading my mind, girl.” Rebecca was relieved. “I sorta think we should talk about that. Are you free to come by sometime soon? I can feed you lunch?”

“Well, I have a lot on my plate, today, but I think I can swing by after our finals, next Monday; say, around 12:30?”

“Oh, goody! Let’s do this!”  Should we include anyone else?” Rebecca wanted to be considerate.

“Well;” Beth paused. “I’d really like to have a lunch with all the girls, but It’s not my place to impose on you.”

“Oh, duh! Why didn’t I think of that?” Rebecca slapped her forehead. “I’ll reach out to the other 4 girls, but I’ll have to apologize for the short notice. I better get right on it. Bye!”

“12:30, Monday. Bye!” Bethany said and hung up.

Rebecca started a group private message and sent it to all the girls, including Bethany. Surprisingly, all 6 girls were confirmed, although Erica said she’d be a little late, cuz she had to be somewhere from 12 to 12:45.

Monday morning Rebecca made a quick grocery delivery order on her app, and met the driver in the lobby around 9:45. Pasta salad and fresh veggies.  Rebecca kept it simple.

The last sex class session was at 11am. It was a written test. Everyone was buck naked anyway, either from habit or horniness. Everyone seemed confident they knew the answers.

Devon and Jackson seem to have planned an X-box guys gathering, so they didn’t feel slighted by the ladies doing something just for the female classmates.

The professors didn’t try to cloak their gratitude for the students who made this experimental course work well. Dr. Phoebe Garza informed the students that an email will be sent to them later that day, to get their feedback on the course. “Several professors from at least 20 universities were involved in developing this format and curriculum. You were the first students to take the course, at any university in North America. We won’t violate your privacy, but our review will include some rather vague details about our students; particularly the variety of students and some personal challenges. We will send a draft to the individuals we may vaguely describe, but the public will not even know which university conducted this experimental class.

Antonio Garza added; “You all played a part in developing a very cutting edge educational format, and we expect all the other researchers to be as impressed as we are.”

After they were dismissed, the coeds rushed out for their designated gathering. Michelle and Elizabeth were first to arrive at Rebecca’s Park Plaza condo. The three chatted on the sofas until Bethany arrived, and Alexis arrived a minute later.  They all sat around the dining room table, chatting while eating. Without the guys there, the conversation was quite different. First they all talked about how sore their cunts were, last Friday. Followed by how many pads they went through. That turned into a comparison of what pads the girls each prefer. Then they discussed when a douche is helpful.

Bethany wanted to know what kind of ointment to use for sore nipples. Alexis wanted advice on shaving her cunt. Then they launched into the faux self-loathing about their tit sizes and shapes. All the girls gushed about how awesome the other girls’ bodies are. Now that everyone’s self-esteem was shored up, they began the real talk about what they had all just experienced, in the unorthodox class.

Every girl talked about how terrified they all were on the first day. It brought lots of giggles. Then Erica showed up and everyone wanted to hear her account of first day nerves.

“Hell yeah! I was so stoked!” Erica said with a blushing grin. Alexis and Rebecca marveled. “Listen you hotties,” Erica elaborated. “My 3 older sisters made it easier for me. All us girls filled out our curves by the time we were high school sophomores. I would have been terrified at all the sexual attention I got in high school, but my sisters were really helpful. Yeah, a lot of days I wish I had a trim, athletic body. But I was so glad the rest of you girls were getting naked with me. Ever since my dad died when I was in junior high; my mom started living a ‘home nudist’ lifestyle. My sisters sorta freaked out for a couple weeks, but then they all just started following her lead. Now I do, at home. 

Rebecca was intrigued.  “I’ve always wanted to go buck naked at home.” She looked around the living room, then stood up and kicked off her slippers. Then she pulled off her tank-top & jogging shorts. Lastly, she unhooked her bra, hooked the strap on her thumb, stretched and launched it at Erica.  Five seconds later, Bethany’s bra landed in Erica’s lap, followed by 3 other bras. 

As the last of the girls went topless, Rebecca came walking out of her bathroom with a pack of panty liners. “Ladies; if you’re anything like me, you’re still pretty wet in the crotch. Please keep your panties on and help yourselves to my stock of liners. I just got the sofas cleaned and I’d rather we keep them from smelling like a whore house.”

As the girls finished their personal matters, Rebecca pulled a chair from the dining room and set it at one end of the two sofas which faced each other. ”Ladies, really loved having the whole class over, last night, and Bethany was so helpful. I thanked her again, this morning, and she said she’d love to help me again.  She suggested that all six of us girls get together and visit. One of the things I want each of you to talk about; is if you want to have another gathering? And what would you want that gathering to be like?”

The room grew quiet. Every girl was staring at the rug. Then Erica broke the silence; “Can I enjoy some prime cock?”

Laughter broke out. Bethany shouted; “Leave it to Erica to say what we’re all thinking.”

Erica winked at Bethany and shrugged her shoulders. Her tits jiggled and her nipples took on a very erect definition.

Michelle raised her hand, nervously.

“What is it, Michelle?” Rebecca asked.

“Well, first I want to say that every guy in the class was an absolute gentleman. That means a lot to me. It was very difficult for me to face my fears, and I’m glad I was treated like an ordinary coed. And then there’s the fantastic way all you ladies have been so supportive. No jealousy or insults. I was more fearful of you ladies than the guys!”

Several girls gave supportive nods, but were careful not to cut in on Michelle’s vulnerable moment.

“What I’m really wanting to say,” Michelle went on; “Is that I think we should avoid getting clingy with the first guy we’ve opened up our cunts to. “Bruce is an absolute prince. He amazes me. But I don’t want to try to claim exclusive dibs on him. Do you get what I’m trying to say?”

“Oh, you’re spot on, girl!” Erica assured her. All the other girls nodded agreement.

Alexis raised her hand, to which Bethany gestured for her to open up. “I feel like I still have a long way to go; socially, I mean.” Alexis paused. The ladies politely waited. “I’d like to find a fun way to be more like Erica.”

Erica’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “How so?”

Alexis cautiously went on; “One summer I was at church camp. The cabin counselor played this game. Half of us were blindfolded and the other half came through and set a bare foot on our knee, as we sat on the side of our bunk. We had to guess the order of the girls, but they had shoes on when we had our blindfolds taken off.  It was strange, how it got us girls to be more comfortable with our unique body size and shapes.”

Before anyone could respond, Alexis quickly said, “But I think it would be more fun if the guys were blindfolded and had to each guess the order of which girls boobs they felt up.”

Loud giggles erupted at the idea.

Bethany then added; “How about we pitch it to the guys as a group game night? But we don’t tell them the games?”

Rebecca shouted; “I love it! Assuming the guys are polite & respectful, which I’m confident they are; We can start with this game.

Erica chimed in; “Wait a minute. We gotta have our turn, too. I mean if we’re gunna let them get their jollies, I wanna feel them up, too!”

Elizabeth, said; “Okay, once they’ve had their game, let’s dare them to drop their shorts with us girls blindfolded. We can fondle their family jewels and ‘Guess the pecker.’”

“Exactly,” Erica high-fived her.

Bethany then added; “Okay. So if everyone’s good with the first two games, I fully expect the guys to want another game, called ’Guess the cunt’.”

Rebecca turned to Alexis; “Are you going to have a problem if things advance to that?”

“Are these all games where the guessers are blindfolded while others are naked? Alexis wanted to know.

“Yeah, I think that’s how we are conceiving this.” Bethany assured her.

“Okay, then I have one more concern.” Alexis said with less nervousness. “Rebecca, how about we girls have a ‘safe-word’, so if any of us has an inhibition, then all 6 of us step to another room for a talk?”

“Yes! I love that.” Michelle chimed in.  But let’s also use our safe word if we just want to privately share an idea, too?”

Erica raised her hand. When Michelle was done, Rebecca nodded for Erica to say what’s on her mind. “Ladies. Excuse my dirty mind, but I feel inspired.” More chuckles. Then Erica described her horny ideas. Bethany finally stood and said; “Damn girl! Now I gotta go change my pad, again. Just listening to your filthy fun games has me so wet!”

Game Night

It was on Sunday evening, July 3rd. the guys all brought drinks and chips. The gals put out a spread of fruits, and other snacks. It had been a hot day and the group met in Rebecca’s condo, then went downstairs to the pool & Jacuzzi. The guys used Rebecca’s roommates’ bedroom. The ladies shared her’s.

At about 7pm they were showered and dressed. Everyone ate, then Rebecca finally announced the first game was about to start.  Bethany had secured the use of 2 long folding tables from a lecture bowl. They were 6 feet long and only 2 feet deep. 3 Folding chairs were  along one side of the tables. The guys were seated, and the girls began securing blindfolds. Rebecca began telling them what they were about to experience.  As the ladies completed getting the guys set, they disappeared to Rebecca’s bedroom, where they pulled off their tops and bras.  Rebecca warned the guys that any violation of the protocols would allow a lady to slap the blindfolded offender.

Rebecca then pulled off her top, bra, and called on the ladies to assemble.  She set a countdown timer on her phone, so that every 30 seconds, the ladies would move on to the next contestant. The guys hands remained ‘palm up’ on the far side of the table, and when the phone chimed, the ladies silently leaned their chests down, into the waiting hands of the guys.  Fingers eagerly explored,, but Devon got too excited and slid his fingers up Erica’s cleavage. When his knuckles lost contact with the table, Erica’s slap was heard by everyone. Laughter burst out, but the 30 second timer chimed the end of that station. 5 seconds later, the chime signaled a new round, Rebecca did her best to very quietly move from the last contestant, down to her new position at the first station.

Devon’s slap played an effective deterrent. No one dared break that rule. The terror of being blindfolded and fearing a slap you can’t anticipate, is more traumatic than you can know.

On round 6, Erica and Rebecca probably moaned too loud, and blew their anonymity. Truth is, every girl was so aroused, and Rebecca actually climaxed in Bruce’s fondling. 

When the final chime went off, the girls rushed to Rebecca’s bedroom door. Then Rebecca, having hastily thrown on her tanktop, Told the guys to take off their blindfolds, and privately grab a notecard and pen, to list the order of tits they explored.

A few minute later, the girls came out with tops back on, but with their braless nipples protruding against the fabric.

When the guys all set their pens down, the girls each grabbed a contestant’s card and scored it.

Malcolm and Devon got perfect scores(6 of 6), followed by Jackson with 5. Thomas, Bruce, and William all got 4 of the 6.  Everyone recognized Bethany, Elizabeth, and Erica.  But Michelle, Alexis, and Rebecca were more similar and average, so they were a bigger challenge.

Thomas and Devon both stood and turned toward the windows, to privately adjust their rigid cocks.  The other guys had done their adjusting before they wrote down their guesses.

Erica, noticed what Devon was doing, and said; “Devon, what ya digging for?”

“Relief!” was his one-word reply.

“I’ve got an even better idea, big boy.” Erica taunted the guys. We feel that it’s only fair to switch places with you fellas.”

“You wanna feel up my tits?” Malcolm teased.

“Your first five words were correct, big Leprechaun.   But I sense you have some gold you’re keeping from us ladies.” Erica knew she had their rapt attention. “Now offer your chair to a lady and help her with her blindfold.  Then you fellas can get buck naked and  let us guess whose jewels we’re enjoying.”

“ Whoa!” Devon objected. “What happens if you girls don’t keep your knuckles on the table?”

“We get to flick their tit with a finger.” Thomas offered.

All the girls subconsciously covered their nipples with their hands. They hated the idea, but they all knew it wasn’t any worse than the slap that Devon endured.

Rebecca then wanted everyone’s attention. “Everyone. I want you all to be comfortable as a guest in my home. If you don’t want to participate, that’s fine. But you’ll also have to decline the other games we may play.” She looked around to each guy and gal. Each person gave a ‘thumbs-up’, so she showed Devon how to operate the timer, then she sat and was blindfolded.

The guys decided to make sure their most hung specimens were not in the line, next to each other. They decided that Bethany being right after Erica, had made it too easy to distinguish the added cup size. Thomas quietly dug into his backpack after he stripped down. He grabbed his Bluetooth speaker and synced it to his phone, then. When the guys were coming out of the spare bedroom, Thomas pressed ‘play’. The words said it all. I’m too sexy, by ‘Right Said Fred’. Thomas turned it down so everyone could hear the timer on Rebecca’s phone. 

I'm too sexy for my love

Too sexy for my love

Love's going to leave me

I'm too sexy for my shirt

Too sexy for my shirt

So sexy it hurts

And I'm too sexy for Milan

Too sexy for Milan

New York, and Japan

And I'm too sexy for your party

Too sexy for your party

No way I'm disco dancing

The girls had no idea who played the music, but the rhythm broke the tension and everyone loosened up. Erica and Bethany were bouncing to the beat at their table. But Elizabeth’s tits were shaking so seductively, next to Alexis and Rebecca.

Devon was flaccid until he got a look at the jiggling tits bouncing and swaying freely on the braless ladies. When the chime sounded, all 6 guys went from tippy toes and cupped jewels, to plopping their packages onto the hungry hands of the now lusting girls. The ladies’ blindfolded condition seemed to release a lot of inhibitions.  The music drowned out the other sounds, and  the guys simply smiled as their cocks soon rose from the open palms, to point slightly upward, stiffly. Rebecca definitely recognized Bruce’s curved cock. It was custom-designed to hit her g-spot with intensity, when copulating ‘missionary’.

Erica got a bit too excited when Thomas’s super-thick cock swelled in her hand. She couldn’t remember if Malcolm’s was thicker” She was now very very horny, and her big nipples were jutting out from her tight spandex top. With one hand cupping Thomas’s ball sack, she habitually put her other hand up over his shaft, to service him. Without warning, Thomas hammered her left nipple with his right middle finger, as it was released by his right thumb.

“Fuck!” Erica screamed. 

Rebecca quickly asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Shit, he flicked my nipple hard. I guess I broke a rule when I started habitually stroking his rod.” Erica admitted, and a roar of laughter filled the room.

Thirty seconds goes by very fast. The chime sounded over the strong base rhythm of Too Sexy, but the ladies released their men and the guys silently moved over. Devon rushed from his end of the 2nd table, and barely arrived at the 1st table when the chime singled the drop.  The music was a great addition to the contest. But the girls were getting very horny from the delightful buffet of cocks they got to fondle.

It’s a good thing the girls were on plastic folding chairs, because they were all quite wet in their soaking panties.  The guys were also impacted by the affirming message of the song. Thomas was lip-syncing the song and it boosted his horniness beyond containment. His very fat cock was easy for the ladies to identify.  Toward the end of the 5th round, he grunted heavily. Then the explosion hit Alexis across her blindfold, the next shot flew over her forehead and soaked into the part in her hair. By now she knew what it meant.  She giggled as the timer chimed and she felt his 3rd spurt hit her thumb and run into her palm.

Rebecca was last to feel up Thomas. She now felt a rapidly-deflating cock with creamy jizz dripping into her palms. His scrotum was quite different, too. Instead of hanging low and swaying with heavy testicles, it was bound tightly under his shaft and had a very firm, rounded shape. She was amazed at the crinkled texture of the scrotum skin.  ‘How the hell am I supposed to identify this guy?’ she thought to herself.

She decided to focus on the head and try to identify if he was circumsized. She also decided to identify the shape of the glans. Some of the guys had a glans which was very pointed, like a new crayon might look like. Others had very rounded head that almost resembled a German Nazi soldier’s helmet.

The music ended about 10 seconds before the timer sounded for the last time.  Rebecca was clueless.

The guys all pulled away silently and swiftly went to the spare bedroom. There was raucous laughter as the guys talked openly about Erica’s punishment, William’s jizz blast, and other thrills.

Meanwhile, the girls were even louder, in the living room. Alexis and Rebecca were studying the creamy jizz and how it quickly transformed a turgid rod into a limpy worm, in just seconds.

Erica admitted her infraction and pulled up her tight top to check on her painful nipple.  “Hurts like fuck!” she grumbled.

The ladies grabbed notecards, then assembled their speculative order of cocks. When they all finished, Bethany yelled for the guys to come out.

The guys came back out, but decided to stay naked, just cuz they felt horny enough to.

Cat-calls and whistles ensued as the guys randomly stood in front of the tables, and each guy took a contestant’s card, then scored them on accuracy.

Erica was so flustered that she only got 3 guesses correct. Bethany got Four. Three of the girls got 5 correct. Alexis got a perfect score.

That’s when Thomas suggested that the girls should let the guys have a round at guessing cunts while blindfolded. Erica and Bethany grinned, because they were planning to suggest exactly that idea.

“Campus” declared Rebecca. All the ladies knew that was the ‘safe-word’, so they told the guys; “Give us a second.” And the ladies went to Rebecca’s bedroom.

“Okay, how’s everyone doing? Does anyone have a concern to deal with?” They all looked first at Alexis. “Just don’t let my parents find out. Other than that, I’m great!”

“I should say,” Bethany chided. “You’re the cock queen, so far. None of the rest of us guessed all 6 cocks correctly. “

“Well, thankfully, I’m not menstruating, but I really want to clean up my pussy before we get out there.” Alexis confided.  All the ladies liked her idea and they each had a quick visit to the bidet.

Rebecca also told the girls that the tables have adjustable height legs, and she’ll ask the fellas to lower them 3 inches.

The gals went back out and thanked the guys for their patience. “We’re ready for more, now that we’re all uh, ‘fresh’;” Bethany shared. “But can you fellas flip the two tables on their side and adjust the legs to about 3 inches shorter? Some of the snatches will be more accessible that way.”

With eagerness, the guys had the tables adjusted inside of a minute. The rules were essentially the same for this round, but the gals agreed to provide a wide enough stance to let the guys truly assess the nethers. Erica suggested a tie-breaker for the 6th round of this game. After the gals had ben to the first 5 stations, they would remain at the 6th station until the guy could effectuate an orgasm for the lady. Once she came, she would grab the guy’s arm and raise it up, silently.

Then the ladies put the blindfolds on the guys and stepped to Rebecca’s bedroom to strip naked.  Rebecca grabbed a note card and tore it in 6 pieces, then numbered them. She tossed the scraps into Bethany’s 32F bra cup and held it up for each of the girls to draw lots.  That set the lineup order, and the girls went back out

Thomas had secretly created a playlist while the girls were freshening up.  When the door opened, he started the playlist.  The girls took their places at the 6 stations. Rebecca started the countdown clock just as Madonna’s ‘Like A Virgin’ cranked up on the speaker.  

I was beat, incomplete
I've been had, I was sad and blue
But you made me feel
Yeah, you made me feel
Shiny and new

Oh, like a virgin
Touched for the very first time
Like a virgin
When your heart beats next to mine

Gonna give you all my love, boy
My fear is fading fast
Been saving it all for you

William got slapped when his middle finger went too far back and he was trying to feel up Erica’s asshole.  Other than that, all the guys kept their hands in the right place.   Devon was trying to get a perfect score, so he was paying more attention to subtle indicators. Malcolm was already honing his skills of arousal.

Soon enough, the 6th round was starting. Madonna was just ending on the sound system. But the next queued up song was a eighties synth band, playing ‘Baby Give it up’.

Everybody wants you
Everybody wants your love
I'd just like to make you mine, all mine

Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na-na-na now
Baby, give it up
Give it up
Baby, give it up
Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na-na-na now
Baby, give it up
Give it up
Baby, give it up


 The girls were now very intensely focused. They all leaned into the tables as their legs weakened. Heavy panting might have given the guys a clue of who they were fingering, but the music was loud enough to drown out a lot of the groans.

Elizabeth came first. And by ‘came’ I mean she gushed enough squirt to create a puddle on the table. She raised Malcolm’s arm and he yelled’ “I’m the Pussy King of Park Plaza!”

Several ladies were quickly following. None of them squirted, though. Alexis was  last to await her ecstasy. The band played on.

Come on and play the game of love (Give it up, give it up, baby, give it up)
Everybody, is it me, give it up
Come on, baby
I need your love (Give it up, give it up, baby, give it up)
Can I touch you, can I love you?
Come on, baby, baby
I love you (Give it up, give it up, baby, give it up)

Finally she collapsed onto the table as her legs jerked in blissful agony.  William wouldn’t stop wiggling on her clit. She finally rose up and slapped him silly. And he stopped. She raised his arm and the girls helped each other exit to the bedroom.

The guys took off their blindfolds and discovered the puddle of pussy juices. 

As the girls giggled and generally caught their breath, the guys were writing down their guesses.  The usually quiet Jackson commented; “Fuck! If I don’t get some cock relief, I might turn blue!”

That got Devon and Malcolm thinking. They were both tied for first, coming into this round. Malcolm said, “We should do one more round, but draw lots for partners.  The gals need to see which one of them can get a mouthful of jizz the fastest.”

Devon suggested that the guys should stay blindfolded and not know which woman took a mouthful from which of them.

Just then the ladies came back out and shocked the guys by remaining just as naked as the guys were.

It had been a couple weeks since the guys had seen the ladies’ pussies, so some of the guys wished they had another opportunity to edit their 6 guesses.

After all the cards were scored, none of the guys got all 6 lady snatches correct. William and Jackson got 5 correct. The other 4 guys got 4 correct.  The accumulative scores for the guys resulted in a 4-way tie for first place. But Malcolm won the fingering orgasm tiebreaker.

Rebecca quietly went to the kitchen and came back with a roll of paper towels. After she wiped up the squirt puddle, she asked all the guys to take a seat on the 2 sofas.  

When the six guys were seated, the girls began blindfolding them without any explanation.

“Fellas,” Rebecca addressed them; “While you’re waiting on your blindfolds, let me tell you what’s going to happen next.  The girls drew lots in the bedroom and were awarded a partner to bring some, ah, relief to.”

Soon a lady will kneel between your legs and at the signal, she will begin her efforts to obtain a mouthful of your jizz.  I have placed 6 paper towels on the coffee table, between these two sofas. When she gets a full specimen, she will turn and spit it onto her paper towel.  That’s the race. It will help us declare a Cock Queen. Alexis is still in the lead, heading into this final round.

The guys were strickly ordered to keep their arms crossed at their chests.  Devon asked what the punishment will be for infractions. “I can bite!” Erica blurted out in a menacing threat. The gals chuckled, but the guys instinctively dropped both hands to their groins, in reflexive fear.

Thomas somehow was once again just ahead of the curve. He felt for a button on his Bluetooth speaker and soon it roared with a duet from Right Said Fred. ‘Don’t Talk, Just Kiss’.

 Ooh yeah surrender me a kiss
Let me loose on you inch by inch
The one and only reason is fun fun fun
I said, "Well baby, we've only just begun"

So don't talk just kiss
We're beyond words and sound
Don't talk just kiss
And let your tongue fool around
Oh, let's fool around


The 6 gals silently scooched up in front of 6 guys. Some of them started with gentle stroking and ball fondling. Others licked and swallowed in ravenous craving. Soon the room was silent, but there was no timer for this game. The repetitive lyrics kept encouraging more tongue action. Alexis was struggling to get even 2 inches of Devon’s monster cock in her mouth. Bethany was having an even tougher time with the very wide girth of Thomas. Jackson felt his slender 9 inches slide into an amazing throat.  He speculated that It was Erica, but wasn’t really sure it wasn’t Bethany.

Rebecca was giving up trying throat Bruce. His natural curl made it impossible to take him into her throat.  Michelle tried to do a combo of sucking William’s head while stroking his shaft rapidly.

Elizabeth started to gag on Malcolm, while trying to throat him. Some tallywackers are just too thick for swallowing.

So don't talk just kiss
We're beyond words and sound
Don't talk just kiss
And let your tongue fool around
Oh, let's fool around

Uh, were wasting precious time
Don't talk kiss baby, and make it mine
The one and only reason is fun, fun, fun
I said, "Well baby, we've only just begun"

So don't talk just kiss
We're beyond words and sound
Don't talk just kiss
And let your tongue fool around
Oh, let's fool around (fool around, fool around, fool around)


As the song faded out, REO Speedwagon’s classic; “I Can’t Stop This Feeling Anymore” slowly built up energy and approached the chorus.

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever

'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fightin' for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore


 Thomas was grunting loudly, That got all the girls focused even more intensely. Then Jackson growled and  Bethany accidently swallowed his first shot. She gagged and coughed while he blasted a second and third heavy blast. When she had a good specimen, she spun on her knees and spit it onto the paper towel with her name on it. But that pivot quickly reversed and she dropped to take his cock deep into her throat for what seemed like half a minute. She was using her tongue to sort of swallow on his cock until he just couldn’t take anymore stimulation on his very sensitive cock.

She drew back out and laid her head on his lap, gently stroking his leg.

She stayed with him while Alexis quickly dropped her mouthful on the table. She’d squeezed Devon’s snake while she claimed her 2nd place, He was screaming agony until she released the choke she had, just under his glans ridge. He shot a fierce blast to the roof of her mouth. She closed tight and began a series of swallows, but only his massive head was inside her mouth. She wrapped both hands around his ass and gently licked his softening pipe.

Michelle took all three blasts from William, but her mouth was now overflowing. The taste was shocking to her, and as she pivoted on her knees to dump her load, a good portion of it ran down her chin and dripped onto her tits.  She coughed a couple times and returned to lick William clean.

Bethany and Thomas pulled a load just after Jackson and Erica deposited their cream.

Lastly, Rebecca and Bruce were having a delightful experience.  She really wanted to get into a 69 position with him, because of his upwardly curved cock. On her knees, there is no way his rock hard shaft would even get to her throat, much less travel down it.  But missionary sex would also be especially fun, given how he couldn’t miss her g-spot.

Rebecca had focused so much on hosting and conducting these amazing games. She just wanted a chance to finally relax and just enjoy a fun cock to play with and practice arousing.

When Bruce finally erupted, Rebecca took his first blast hard against her uvula. She coughed as she spun to the coffee table and hacked to get the thick slimy cream cleared out.

But Bruce let out a loud grunt as his blast shot into her. Every other person was watching, as his 2nd blast flew over Rebecca and hit Alexis in the nose. His 3rd and weakest blast hit Rebecca’s back, and ran down to her ass crack.

It was the most impressive eruption, but took the longest to get there.

“Ladies,” Rebecca announced; “I need a quick shower. Can we go to my bedroom & let the guys recover while we tabulate the Pussy King competition?” The ladies were all getting up. “Fella’s you need to complete the scores and declare a ‘Cock Queen’ while we’re away. When you’re done, please help yourselves to the spread of food in the dining room.

As they all finally made it back to the living room about 30 minutes later, Bethany & Devon stood to report the outcome. Malcolm barely edged out a win and came over for Bethany to coronate him with a cheap plastic crown. Devon also reported Alexis achieving the title of Cock Queen. The sheltered lady blushed as she stood facing the group with Devon behind her.  Rebecca took a photo of the two, which terrified Alexis.

“If my mother finds out, I’ll be disowned and shunned. Not only by my mother, but by every member of her church.”

The rest of the evening was far more relaxed. Everyone had an unorthodox sexual release, and enjoyed a wide variety of cocks and cunts, respectively. A couple different table games were started.

Bethany inquired of Rebecca about the missing roommates? “They are not coming back for 6 more weeks.” Rebecca explained. They have summer internships and stuff. Bethany asked if there is any possibility of a short term roommate option?

“Uh, do you have some specific scenario in mind, Bethany?”

“Well, I’ve been told I have to vacate the athletic dorms for annual maintenance, by Tuesday. I need a place for about 4 weeks.” Bethany explained.

“Oh, hell yeah! Move in tonight! If you can go pack some bedding and basics, we can work out all the details tomorrow.”

“Uh, I really need to know if I can afford this, though. I’ve never lived in a place this nice.“ Bethany said nervously.

Rebecca smiled confidently and said; “Let’s just cut to the chase. What’s your housing budget?”

“I only have access to $400, until the Fall semester PAL grants come in.” Bethany said, in defeat. Knowing this palace was out of her league.

“I was hoping you could do $50 per week, sister. Unless you’re a total pig, I expect you’ll do your part in keeping the place in order?” Rebecca said in her best poker-faced, hard-bargaining ruse.

“For real? I’ll take it before you come to your senses.” Bethany pulled Rebecca in for a grateful emphasized hug.

Then Rebecca pulled away and looked her new best friend in the eyes; “Oh, one more condition.” Rebecca pressed her winning streak. “If we do another group gathering, I want it to be the combine effort and inspiration from both of us.”

“We’ll have more of these? Shit, I’m getting wet panties already!” Bethany raised her arms high and jiggled her F-cup braless tits in lustful triumph.

Based on a post by zachattack163 for Literotica.