The Picnic Blanket

Two guys, two girls, a camping picnic on the beach.

By Cybotic. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.


This was her Friday. Rosalie was looking forward to two days off. There was a movie on Netflix she’d been planning to see. Her bathroom needed some painting. She had been thinking of getting a cat. 

As she sat, sipping coffee in the break room, eating her jalapeno tuna fish sandwich, her phone rang. Irritated, she checked the number. Her friends all knew better than to call her during work hours.

But this was Celia, her next-door neighbor. They weren’t especially close, but they did enjoy each other’s company. They had started a garden on the apartment building’s rooftop. And Celia had a key to Rosalie’s apartment in case of emergencies.

“What’s up?” Rosalie asked.

“I got invited on a camping picnic. Two guys from my hometown visiting for the weekend. But I don’t feel comfortable being the only girl. Would you be interested in joining us?”

Rosalie thought about it. A picnic sounded fun. “Where? And what’s a camping picnic?”

“Carmichael Beach. A camping picnic means no tents, no sleeping bags, no fishing, no living off the land. We take some blankets, some already prepared food. We eat. We get drunk. We fall asleep on the beach. You in?”

“I’m at work. If you can wait until I get off, then I’ll go.”

“Fabulous,” Celia said. “And you don’t have to hurry. We’re still getting ready.”

“Grab anything you need from my apartment. I’ve got some old blankets and some Spam and tuna and rum.”

“Perfect. See you in few hours.”

Rosalie went through the rest of her shift in a slight haze, already thinking about the trip to the lake. She hadn’t been on a picnic in ages. One of the customers threw a little fit right before closing time because he wasn’t allowed to enter the store without a mask. Instead of arguing, they just locked the door early and shut down.

Rosalie got home fifteen minutes earlier than usual. She changed out of her work clothes, packed a backpack with some necessities, and jumped in Celia’s car. And they were on the road ten seconds later.

“So, who are these guys?” Rosalie asked. “Old boyfriends?”

“No. Friends of my brothers. When I was a teenager, I had giant crushes on both of them. But I was just the pesky little sister of Frank. But now I’m living in the big city and once or twice a year, these guys come out for some fun and girls and maybe a little business.”

“So, this is a summer holiday trip?”

“Exactly,” Celia said.

“And you’re not hooking up with either one?”

“No… but…”

“Yes?” Rosalie asked. “Is there one you’re interested in?”

“I’m still interested in both of them. Either one of those boys can have me with a snap of his finger. I’ve been too shy to encourage them. But if, by some miracle, you see me trying to get close to one of them, I would appreciate it if you would distract the other.”

“Distract how?”

Celia laughed. “That’s up to you. And it goes both ways. If one of them attracts you, go for it. I won’t be jealous. They’ve had lots of girls. Lots and lots of girls. Even close friends of mine. And neither will be sticking around afterward. They’ll go back home and I’ll stay here. No point in being jealous. But if you’re not interested like that, then just talk about music or movies or something.”

“Maybe I should know their names first.”

“Maybe so,” she said. “Jason and Charles. Jason is the one with the military buzzcut. Charles shaves his head.”

Celia told a few stories about the two men as they drove out of the city. And Rosalie talked about her own past boyfriends. And as they got to know each other finally, after being neighbors for over a year, Rosalie felt herself relax from the tension of the day, all her work anxieties draining away.

By the time they arrived at the lake, Rosalie was already feeling as rested and refreshed as though she’d already had her weekend. This had been a marvelous idea. The boys pulled up in a pickup right behind them and she made herself useful, helping unload.

As Jason and Celia built a fire, Rosalie stared out at the lake wistfully. She’d forgotten to bring a swimsuit, but she didn’t want to soak her clothes by going in fully dressed. It was an isolated location, but she didn’t know any of these people well enough to go skinny-dipping in front of them. If nothing else, she’d at least do some wading.

Then she turned around, noticed the blanket Celia was spreading out over the ground. Rosalie realized that Destiny had just decided what she’d be doing on this trip.

“Why did you bring that blanket?” she asked Celia.

“Did I make a mistake? You told me to get anything we might need from your apartment. This seemed like a nice, sturdy blanket, but old enough to not worry about if it got a little stained.”

That was true enough, Rosalie thought. It had been stained plenty. “That is my family’s Summer blanket. It has a tradition.”

“I can put it back in the truck,” Celia offered. “I didn’t realize it was special.”

“No. It’s been laid out. It’s too late. What will be will be.”

“You’re talking funny.”

Rosalie nodded. “That blanket has a tradition.”

“You said that.”

“It was made as a gift for my grandmother when she got married. It was laid on her bed for the first time on her wedding night. My uncle was conceived that night. All my uncles and aunts, and my own mom, of course, were conceived on or under that blanket. Always in the summer. And like her mother, my mom lost her own virginity on that blanket. As did I. As did my brother. That blanket has claimed a lot of virginity and has caused a lot of babies to be born. I don’t think we’ll be able to resist its power.”

“I didn’t realize you were superstitious,” Celia said.

“I’m not. And it sounds ridiculous, I know. But my family has always been wary of that blanket. Spring, Fall, and Winter, it’s just a bedcover. But in the Summer, if you bring out that blanket, things happen. When I was eighteen and still in high school, my mom asked me to stay home one day so I could let in the plumber when he arrived. She hadn’t realized it was the first day of Summer. The blanket was draped over the back of the couch. When the plumber got there, I didn’t even speak to him. I opened the door, led him to the couch, and took my clothes off. I gave my virginity to a total stranger who smelled like rusted pipes.”

“You weren’t drinking or anything?” Celia asked skeptically.

“I never drank at eighteen. It’s the blanket. I told my mom what happened with the plumber, and she told me about the cable guy and reminded me of the time when she’d sent me to my room when the pizza arrived. That blanket seduces in the summers. It’s summer now. Things are going to happen.”

“Only if we want them to,” Calia promised.

“Oh, we’ll want it. We’ll want it like we’ve never wanted anything in our lives. We’ll want it more than we’ll want our next breath.”

Celia clearly didn’t believe her, but Rosalie was resigned to this fate and didn’t bother trying to convince her. She’d planted the seeds. Belief would come later. She picked up her backpack and headed for the fateful blanket, wondering which of these guys was going to have her this day.

The boys gave her a friendly greeting and offered her a beer. She almost declined, for the sake of the baby. She had to remind herself that she wasn’t pregnant yet. Probably by midnight. But not yet. She took the bottle they gave her and swigged down a third of its contents.

Even knowing what the evening had in store for her, Rosalie was still feeling relaxed and optimistic. And the cool, clear water of the lake was even more inviting than it had been before. She might get some swim time in after all, considering what Destiny had in store for her, even if Destiny needed a little help.

They settled down to just talk and watch the fire and the water. Celia and her friends talked of people, places, and events that Rosalie didn’t know. Rather than feeling bored or offended, a sense of anticipation was building inside her. The Summer Day was hot, but Rosalie’s arms were covered with goose bumps as excitement flowed through her veins.

She lay back on the Summer blanket and wondered about the wisdom of telling Celia about the legend. The rational mind would reject such a concept. But she remembered the weight of that plumber, crushing her into the sofa, claiming her innocence without even knowing her name. It was a true story, even if she’d fudged some of the details.

The heat in her blood got to be too much. She had to act. She needed to bring that simmer up to a boil or find a way to cool it down. Looking to the lake again, she thought, or maybe do both at once.

“I’m going for a swim,” Rosalie announced. It no longer mattered that she didn’t have a swimsuit. She took off her t-shirt and threw it on the blanket, then wriggled out of her jean shorts. She was still wearing her underwear, but she didn’t want to get it wet, and sooner or later, at least one of these guys was going to see everything she had. It was guaranteed.

They were both cute, Jason with a soldier’s ruggedness and Charles looking like a shy physicist who still might win two out of three arm wrestling matches at the tavern. Rosalie didn’t know enough about them to make a choice, so she’d let them choose. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, tossing it on her growing pile of clothes. Sliding her panties down her legs, she took a quick peek at the three shocked faces watching her strip.

Rosalie’s face was red, but she had no regrets. She ran to the water and kept going until she was waist-deep in the lake. Only then did she turn around and look at her companions.

The boys had turned to grin at each other. Celia was looking out at her like she was crazy. But none of them seemed particularly offended or angry. That possibility had occurred to her as she was running, but it had been too late to undo the striptease and even if they had been upset, it would not have been enough of a reason to put her clothes back on.

“Come on in!” Rosalie yelled. “The water feels great!”


Jason and Charles jumped up and started shucking off their clothes. Celia hesitated, but as she saw her two naked friends moving toward another female, she knew she could not sit this out. Celia was willing to let Rosalie have one of the men, but not both. And Celia wanted first choice. It took her less than a minute to get out of her own clothes and by the time Jason and Charles reached Rosalie in the water, Celia had caught up.

It was only awkward for a moment, standing in the waist-deep water, all four of them pretending not to notice the girls’ bare tits. But Rosalie felt a sense of duty. She had started this. It was her task to break the ice.

“If you want to touch my boobs, it’s okay. You have my permission,” she said to Celia. They all laughed, as Rosalie had intended.

“What about us?” Charlie asked.

“Of course. Celia has my permission to touch both of you as well. If she wants to.”

Under the surface of the water, Rosalie reached out and grabbed both men’s cocks. “Fine specimens, girlfriend. Would you like to handle the merchandise?”

“I’ve never seen you like this,” Celia marveled.

“It’s the blanket. I told you this would happen.”

“What about the blanket?” Charlie asked.

“Never mind. Don’t you want to put your hands on me?”

“Of course,” he said, reaching for her chest.

She slapped his hand away. “Ask Celia first. Show her what you want to do to me, then ask permission. If you impress her, she might say yes.”

Charlie put his hand on Celia’s tit and squeezed it gently. “Can I touch your friend? Like this?” he asked.

Celia nodded and he put his other hand on Rosalie’s chest, fondling both women at once. Rosalie looked at Jason. “Now you.”

Understanding, Jason grabbed hold of Celia’s free breast, and at her nod, claimed Rosalie’s as well. She’d never felt anything like this, two men groping her at once, neither of them known to her. And she had two cocks in her hands. It was taboo and exciting. She was thrilled to be trying this, especially under the open sky.

Rosalie and Celia stroked the boys under the water while the boys fondled them above the water. “This was a good idea,” Rosalie said. “If this is what picnics are like, I’ve been missing out.”

“I’ve never been on a picnic like this,” Jason admitted.

“What do you usually do?”

“Well, if there’s a beach, and girls who are willing, we might have a chicken fight.”

“What’s that?”

It was Charlie who answered. “The girls get on the guys’ shoulders and then try to knock each other off.”

“Long way to fall. Good way to get hurt,” Rosalie mused.

Celia laughed. “No, they do it in the water. It’s like double-decker dunking.”

“I’m game,” Rosalie volunteered.

“No! We’re naked! Our…you know…will be right on their necks.”

“You could ride backward,” Jason suggested. Rosalie blushed as hard as Celia, but she said again, “I’m game.” She could just imagine pressing her crotch to a guy’s face as she struggled to throw Celia into the water.

“I don’t think so,” Celia said.

“Too bad,” Rosalie lamented. “You guys will just have to think of another way to kiss us down under.”

Charlie grinned. “What about you? Are you willing to taste a little sausage?”

“I’m afraid not. I never do that unless I get tricked into it.” Rosalie shook her head ruefully. Then she slyly grinned. “Unfortunately, I am notoriously easy to trick.”

“How does a guy go about tricking you? Any advice would be appreciated,” Jason said.

Rosalie screwed up her face into an expression of deep thinking. “Well, I’m a fiend for chocolate. If you told me that your dick tasted like chocolate, I’d be skeptical, but I would probably have to test the claim for myself.”

Celia was feeling bolder with Rosalie’s outrageous behavior making her own shyness disappear. “What if he told you his sperm tasted like chocolate?” she asked Rosalie, joining in the playful banter.

“That would be very clever. I would almost certainly have to take a taste.”

“What if I wanted to fuck you?” Charlie asked her.

“That’s up to Celia. Celia gets to choose who fucks who.”

Both men looked at Celia, who blushed, but accepted the responsibility. And she’d gotten braver. “I want you guys to make a good impression on Rosalie. I think you should both fuck me first. Whoever does it best can then have her.”

This was more than agreeable to the boys. They glanced at each other, then each of them picked up one of the girls and started carrying her to the beach. Rosalie happily found herself supported by a strong man’s arms.

Charlie carried her out of the lake and laid her gently on the blanket. Celia was plopped down next to her. The expression on her friend’s face was nervous but excited. She pointed to Jason to go first.

He came down on top of her. She spread her legs and lifted her knees to welcome him, as if the grin on her face didn’t do that already. Jason lifted her ass from that blanket and sat down, seating her on his thighs and pulling Celia onto his lap.

Rosalie had watched porn before, so what she was seeing was not new to her, but she’d never gotten a live show. With her cheek next to Celia’s, she just looked down and watched as Jason’s cock penetrated her friend. He went in slow and gentle and then stopped when he was seated balls deep.

As he pulled back out, Rosalie saw the shining moisture on dick and could resist reaching down to touch it. She put the tips of two fingers on him, feeling him slide into the pussy.

“Hey, Celia!” Charlie called out, also watching the fucking, “Is it okay if your buddy gives me a blowjob? Out in the water, she said it was up to you.”

Celia gave her consent and Rosalie sat up and smiled at him. She looked down at his dick, which was rock hard and pointed at her. “Come closer,” she said. “Stand on the blanket.”

She pointed at where she wanted him. He knelt down, straddling Celia’s head. Rosalie was able to look her friend in the eye as she took Charlie into her mouth. She wanted Celia to watch her sucking this cock. She wasn’t sure why, but it seemed important.

And she should have an excellent view. Celia should be looking up at Charlie’s cock and balls from just inches away. The smooth skin of his penis sliding through Rosalie’s lips should be very up close.

The hard, hot flesh on her tongue was exciting and wonderful but it was also a distraction. Rosalie was trying to keep her attention on Celia, flicking her eyes back and forth from Jason’s cock in her pussy and then back to Celia’s eyes.

“Don’t come,” Celia moaned.

“Who are you talking to?” Jason asked. “I’m starting to get close.”

“Both of you, stupidhead. I’m just the tester. Rosalie is the one you’re auditioning for. If either of you come now, show’s over. Besides, I’m not on the pill and you’re not using a condom. I don’t want that stuff inside me today.”

“Then we’d better change off pretty soon,” he said.

“I’m ready,” Charlie agreed. “I want to try some pussy.”

Rosalie reluctantly released Charlie’s cock from her mouth and lay down to be fucked by Jason. But Celia objected. “No. Not yet. I’m not done evaluating. When I decide who is the best fucker, that’s the one who gets you. Just suck his cock while I try out Charlie.”

That was acceptable. Rosalie got back on her knees and knelt at Celia’s side. She leaned across her to taste Jason’s Celia-flavored dick while Celia herself got plugged with a new man’s cock. Rosalie grinned around Jason at the grunting sound Celia made. Mission accomplished, she thought. Celia had long wanted both these men. Now it was done. She might be less shy in the future, and even if she wasn’t, these guys would surely come back for seconds and thirds and fourths.

Rosalie was also enjoying the adventure. Rosalie had never tasted pussy before. But she had bathed Charlie’s cock with her tongue, coating it with her spit, before he plunged it into Celia. And now Jason’s dick was in her mouth, soaked in Celia’s juices. It was almost like she was licking Celia’s cunt. She savored the experience,

“I’ve made a decision,” Celia panted as Charlie continued to ride her. “Jason is quite the excellent fucker, but Charlie’s the one having me right now. I think my favorite is always going to be the one on top of me.”

“A cock in the bush is better than the one in the friend?” Rosalie teased.

“Exactly. So Jason can fuck you now if you want him to.”

“Oh, I do! If he’s ready.”

“I have never been so ready,” Jason said, pulling out of her mouth and practically shoving her onto her back.

Rosalie laughed as she fell backwards and Jason threw himself on top of her, but then gasped as his cock speared her deep. She was lying side by side next to Celia and reached out to clasp her hand in camaraderie.

She felt like she and Celia were sisters in a harem or whores at a bachelor party. She didn’t even know these boys and she’d sucked both their cocks and was now letting one of them fuck her. And Celia was getting fucked right beside her.

Enjoying the visual, Rosalie went from watching Charlie’s dick plunging into Celia, then back to Jason plunging into her own welcoming cunt. She could feel the thick, hot flesh filling her, opening her up and she could feel the squeeze of Celia’s hand each time Charlie thrust into her.

“Oh, God” Chalie said. “I’m about to come!”

“No!” Celia said. “Not inside me. Get out! Get out!”

Charlie pulled out, his cock throbbing and red, ready to burst. “Where?” he asked. “Tits? Face? Can I come in your mouth?”

“Tits. Then I can wash it off in the lake.”

“You can come in my mouth,” Rosalie offered. “Or if you’re willing to wait until your buddy finishes, you can come in my pussy.”

“Do that,” Celia said. “Come in her. I’d love to watch that.”

“Does that mean I can come inside you?” Jason asked.

“If you want to,” Rosalie agreed.

“Are you on the pill?”

“Not at all. You’ll have to take your chances. You might end up a daddy.”

“Oh, fuck!” he said. Rosalie smiled as she realized he’d already gone beyond the ability to choose. His cock was pulsing and there was a new warm wetness inside her.

“That’s it,” she said. “That’s right. Fill me up. Give them to me. All your little babymakers. I need them.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Jason grunted as poured into her. Rosalie closed her eyes and just savored the experience. She rarely came from sex alone and didn’t really expect to. But there was something incredibly erotic about having a man’s seed inside her. It was Rosalie’s biggest turn-on. Nothing made her hotter.

As Jason rested, still embedded deep, Rosalie snuck her hand down to her clit and started rubbing. His orgasm would provide the fuel for hers.

As she stroked herself, Jason was yanked violently away. “My turn!” Charles insisted. Bereft of one man’s cock, Rosalie smiled and welcomed the second. And she was aware of Celia getting to her hands and knees to crawl over and get a good view as Charles’ cock sank deep inside her.

Rosalie was acting like a major slut, she knew, and she was enjoying it, but she’d never had sex in front of other people before. Nobody had ever stared at her pussy as a cock entered her. Never before had a man come inside her. She’d dreamed about it, fantasized about it, but never let it happen. And she’d never had sex with two different men in the same day before. Not even in the same month.

But with Charlie plunging in and out of her and Jason’s seed still deep within her, Rosalie’s mind dissolved into the pure bliss of the moment. She rubbed her clit furiously and listened to Charles’ breathing. When he started to grunt and shake, she let herself go.

The orgasm rode her even harder than Charlie was doing, owned her more completely. It was the feeling of ultimate female vulnerability. She was invaded, possessed by more than the man’s cock. Jason had filled her with his very essence. And now Charlie had his dick in her and she was eagerly anticipating a similar gift. She literally had two men inside her, occupying her at once. And just as her climax started to fade, Charlie reached his own orgasm. The second dose of semen spurting into her triggered a fresh ecstasy.

Rosalie pressed up against Charlie, her legs wide open, trying to take him as deep as possible and let his seed flow even deeper. And she quivered and trembled beneath him as the spasms claimed her body. She grunted and panted and howled as the power of her climax took her.

Jason came up behind her, crouched down and dropped his cock on her face. She happily took him into her mouth, tasting her own pussy, and Celia’s, as Jason’s sperm, and Charlie’s, swarmed toward her womb. And even as her orgasm faded, another began.

Charlie rested in her cunt and Jason used her mouth, but Rosalie was barely aware of either. Her body was no longer her own. Her mind was almost extinguished. She belonged utterly to the men who fucked her and the orgasm that seized her.

Out of mists and joy, Rosalie’s mind slowly reassembled. She came back to full awareness as both cocks were removed from her. There was a bitter flavor in her mouth, evidence that Jason had found his pleasure in her body a second time.

She sat up shakily, swallowed Jason’s offering, and grinned at Celia. “Thank you for inviting me,” she said as the boys ran to the lake to wash off the sweat and cool down.

Celia laughed. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you about the blanket,” she said. “That’s a pretty powerful enchantment, or whatever.”

“I bought that blanket at a yard sale,” Rosalie confessed. “But you needed the courage to act on your lust for those guys.”

“You said you lost your virginity to a plumber because of that blanket.”

“I lost my virginity to a plumber because I had decided it was time to be rid of my virginity. I didn’t even own the blanket yet.”

“You mean I fucked two guys all on my own?”

“Yup,” Rosalie nodded. “We both did.”

“Do you often do things like this? You let them both fuck you too. At least I thought I was under a spell.”

“I’ve always wanted to do something like this. But today was a first. You gave me an excuse.”

“I’m glad I was here to be of service. Shall we join the guys in the water? They might recover enough to have us both again.”

Rosalie nodded. “If not now, then tonight for sure. This is the best Summer outing I’ve ever had.”

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