Pandemic Passions

 Two people overcome OCD during the lockdown.

by Curiousbusiness. listen to the Podcast on Steamy Stories


 “Thank you all for your participation today,” Robert said through his microphone, “Thank you for your patience once again for any technical difficulties we experienced today. I think the glitches we ran into, though, were great ways to exercise our tolerance of imperfection. I heard today that some of you have found maintaining your progress in conquering obsessiveness to be difficult during the pandemic restrictions. What’s easy to forget, though, are the successes you have made. We often tend to overlook them, but I heard way more victories than defeats this week. I encourage everyone not to ignore those victories.

 I hope that until we meet again next week, you all continue to find ways to challenge yourselves and to say ‘no’ to that obsessive voice. Say 'yes’ to getting out of your comfort zone. Until next time.”

Robert waved goodbye at his webcam, and a number of people chimed in to say goodbye or simply waved back. As the virtual meeting closed on his laptop screen, Jordan picked up his phone to fire off a quick text to Angela, a fellow group attendee he had connected with when the group was still held in-person before the COVID-19 pandemic. If the pandemic had not struck, Jordan thinks he and Angela would have started dating officially. They got as far as almost, maybe, perhaps, fooling around together once after one of their group sessions. Or, maybe not. Jordan could never be sure. His anxiety always reminded him to doubt.

“Another good session,” Jordan texted.

Jordan set his phone down and left his desk for his usual routine. He washed his hands for twenty seconds under the water and used his hand towel to dry between every finger. Then, he went about his room to make sure his picture frames and Marvel figurines were lined uniformly. Somehow, they never were in order even though he never touched them since he last inspected them. A buzz came from Jordan’s phone. Angela had sent a reply.

“I can’t take it anymore. My roommate is out for the night. She won’t be back until Friday. Come over.”

Jordan’s heart bounced and there was tightness in his chest. He remembered back to the second session of group therapy where Robert spoke about psychical warning signs in the body. Jordan identified his signs as a racing heart, tightness in the chest, and sweaty feet. He wiggled his toes. Yup, his feet were sweaty. These were the warning signs that anxiety was coming on.

Robert’s wise voice echoed in Jordan’s head, “When you notice your warning signs, remember your coping skills.”

Jordan breathed in through is nose and out through his mouth. He repeated the exercise a few times, and once he was calmer, he looked at his phone again at Angela’s message. What should he do?

“Say 'yes’,” Robert’s voice echoed again.

Jordan slapped the side of his head.

“Get out of there, Robert!”

Jordan glanced at his phone again, and noticed Angela’s smiling face in her profile picture. Surely, he couldn’t say 'no’ to that? With heavy thumbs, he punched in the three letters Y-E-S, and fired them off. Jordan scrambled to change out of his clothes. He hadn’t worn presentable outdoor wear since the start of the pandemic. The warning signs were coming on as he swapped clothes. Jordan resorted to a raspy, interrupted breathing as he tried to inhale through the nose and exhale through his mouth while he wrestled with his clothes. He grabbed a medical mask from his pantry, which had turned into some type of apocalyptic bunker with supplies stacked to the ceiling, and shot towards his door.

“Do I need to bring anything else?” Jordan’s anxiety voice asked.

Jordan reviewed the message from Angela again. No, she didn’t ask for anything, but perhaps it would be polite to? What was the nature of this gathering?

“I can’t take it anymore. My roommate is out for the night. She won’t be back until Friday. Come over.”

No, Jordan thought. Get your mind out of the gutter. That’s not what she meant. Jordan analyzed the string of twenty words.

“I can’t take it anymore.”

That implies urgency, desire for something different.

“My roommate is out for the night.”

Angela will be alone. WE will be alone. Angela sees this an opportunity. What would require us to be alone? Well, many things.

“She won’t be back until Friday. Come over.”

Today is Tuesday. That would mean at least three nights and two days where Angela, and I, could be alone. What would be the importance of making that known?

“Say 'yes’,” Robert trilled.

Jordan pulled at his hair.

“Say 'yeeeeess’,” Robert sang, “Conquer that obsession!”

Jordan ripped his front door open and took a confident step outside. He checked his left pocket for his phone, then his right pocket for his keys and wallet. The flustered young man checked that he locked his door twice before riding the elevator down to the main floor. Upon his exit of his condo building, he passed his hand under the hand sanitizer dispenser and received a dollop of the life-saving substance. That’s when Jordan realized he forgot his portable bottle of hand sanitizer.

“Conquer obsessiveness!” Robert chimed relentlessly.

There was no time to turn back. The girl of his dreams was waiting for him and he must not delay. Jordan weaved through the near empty street, staying two meters away from anyone or anything that could be a deadly, disgusting Coronavirus carrier. Angela’s condo building was but a 10-minute walk away, but to Jordan, the trek felt more like an expedition through hell itself. When he arrived at Angela’s condo building, he felt another buzz in his pocket.

“Bring condoms.” Read the text from Angela.

Well, that confirms it. Jordan’s mind was right to be in the gutter. He promptly marched to the conveniently placed convenient store to the right of Angela’s condo building and navigated to the family planning section. There was an assortment of sizes and shapes and flavors. There were a number of things to consider.

Another buzz came, “Are you on your way yet?”

There was no time for Jordan to consider the number of things he would have liked to consider. He picked the most plain looking box of condoms. Now to pay. Jordan slowly lifted his gaze towards the cashier far down at the end of the aisle. No self-checkout. Jordan dragged his feet and carried his body to the cashier, a young woman with bright red hair kneading some pink bubblegum between her teeth. She collected the box of condoms from his shaking hands and he presented his card to the scanner. Sweat emerged on Jordan’s forehead as his purchase was being processed.

“Good luck Champ,” the cashier said flatly.

Jordan emerged into the night air following the worst experience of his life. He filed into Angela’s condo building and rang for her. The door unlocked, allowing him to maneuver his sweating body to the elevator. His very being was so shaken that if the elevator rose any quicker, his soul would have catapulted out of his body to heaven, or maybe hell. That did not happen. Jordan made it alive to Angela’s door. He knocked.

Angela opened her door. Her hair was wet and she was wearing a white bathrobe. She clearly was just in the shower. Jordan could see her pretty blue eyes peering over the top rim of her medical mask. Angela noticed the box of condoms, which Jordan was indiscreetly holding in front of him with his two hands. Her eyes darted away and she felt her face turn hot.

“Um, come in,” she said.

Jordan entered Angela’s condo unit and the pair continued their awkwardness inside.

“H-how’s it going?” Jordan asked.

“Good. Oh, and you?”

“Yeah. I mean…good too, as well. Uh, and you?”

He had already inquired about how Angela was. Jordan was cringing all over, like his body wanted to shrink into itself.

“Good,” Angela repeated, “Thanks for um…you know…coming so quickly.”

“Of-of-of course.”

Angela cleared her throat, “It was just that…I…you know…Robert said to get out of our c-comfort zone…um…and I was feeling…l-lonely. Um, thanks for picking those up.”

Angela had to turn her face away from Jordan. She wished so hard she could turn away from herself and not be Angela ever again. Jordan interjected prematurely, hoping to save Angela and himself from her most recent comment.

“I was happy to. I wanted sex as well.”

Angela bristled. Jordan’s attempt at extinguishing the awkwardness utterly failed.

“And I-I don’t mean sex with anyone. I-I meant with you.”

Angela bristled even more.

“M-maybe we should sit…sit and chat more? H-how was your day? How are you?”

“Let’s just do it,” Angela blurted.

Jordan swallowed, “Yeah?”

“Yes, yes. Do you mind taking a shower first? I don’t mean to be rude. You know how I am with germs.”

“Oh, thank you.” Jordan exclaimed. “Yes. You know I’m the same.”

Jordan locked himself in Angela’s bathroom, turned on the shower and doused himself. He cleaned himself feverishly to rid himself of the contamination of the outside world. Angela was busy too. She prettified her face with a touch of make up, then fussed about her room to make it romantic. Her room decor was inspired by some advice blogs she read, and a porn video she perused in the afternoon.

Jordan stepped out of the shower and dried himself with a towel Angela had already prepared. He then slipped into a bath robe, which was also made available to him by Angela. Leave it to someone with an obsessive disorder to have everything prepared. Jordan put his medical-grade face mask back on, and nervously stepped out from the bathroom into Angela’s room. The lighting was amber and low. Angela was already positioned in her bed, with her back resting against the headboard. Jordan’s heart pounded at the sight of Angela and his head became light, but his legs worked well enough to transport him to her bed. When he got to the bed, he sat down but wasn’t sure how to proceed. He would have loved to kiss her and the lips and every where else, but he was wearing a mask. In fact they both were.

“F-finger me,” Angela stammered.

Angela couldn’t believe her own words. She felt so ashamed, so embarrassingly desperate, but she couldn’t help herself. In truth, she was desperate. So strong was her lust she had to become a different person to try and appease her yearning. Inviting a boy over? Asking to be fingered? Regular Angela would never do that.

“Yes,” Jordan said with strange confidence.

Jordan smartly spotted the hand sanitizer on Angela’s night stand and helped himself to it before carefully slipping his hand under Angela’s bathrobe. Her thighs radiated warmth. As his hand ventured further up, the space between Angela’s legs narrowed. Angela gasped when she felt Jordan’s hands touch her thighs. She hadn’t been touched in anyway by anyone, not even her roommate, in months. Angela gasped again when Jordan reached the spot. He gently explored the area and noticed she was cleanly shaven. Every feature he could feel was smooth and soft. He had a full erection. He recalled what he learned from his ex-girlfriend from two years ago, and began to pleasure Angela. Jordan knew he was out of practice and had limited experience, so he was hoping for the best.

Angela was already sweating. The light rubbing of Jordan’s fingers were tantalizing. He was so good, Angela had the impression that Jordan must have been with a lot of girls. She became wet very quickly, and Jordan seemed to catch on. He slipped a finger in as soon as he could. Angela shut her eyes and squirmed. The feeling was incredible as Jordan applied his technique inside of her. That sensation soon doubled when he slipped a second finger in. They did all sorts of things inside.

“I’m ready,” Angela uttered.

Jordan was very much ready too. He tore open a condom and struggled to put it on for a moment of time, but he got it on in the end. Jordan let his bathrobe fall to the floor and Angela had a clear look. Her heart skipped a beat. She saw something that was definitely heftier than two fingers. Angela wanted it in her, but was at the same time worried if she could handle it. Jordan climbed into bed and man maneuvered himself over Angela.

“Um. If you’re OK…could I?” Jordan asked, making an opening motion with his hands.

Angela knew what he meant.


Angela untied the string around her waist and timidly opened her robe, revealing her breasts. Jordan felt he could cum immediately just by the sight of them. But there was more left to see. Angela modestly opened the rest of her robe, revealing her long legs and the part in between them. Her lady part was immaculate - the most beautiful he had ever seen. Jordan told himself he didn’t deserve such a gift, but he was still going to take it. As Jordan sank down, Angela’s thighs fit snugly around his waist. He took aim and applied pressure. The doorway was firmly guarded, but once Jordan pushed through some inches, he was almost pulled in. Angela whimpered. Jordan sounded like he was about to cry. Both were shaking.

“Get it together!” Jordan scolded himself in his head, “Don’t let her think you’re a loser!”

After the self-motivation, Jordan drew back and pushed again. Angela moaned the most sensual moan. Her fingers clawed at her bed-sheets. Jordan’s long rod that was lodged inside her was everything she needed. Jordan probably wasn’t ready for another, but he reloaded and went again. He felt almost winded from the pure pleasure. His eyes were glued to where he and Angela were joined. Another thrust Jordan gave. Angela moaned loudly again. She felt her body spasm ever so slightly. It was a different story for Jordan, though. He was trying so hard to suppress his groan. Angela opened her eyes and looked up at Jordan. She knew what was happening.

“Did you?” she asked politely.

Jordan caught his breath. Embarrassment took hold of every inch of him.

“Yes,” he said, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“No, no, that’s OK,” Angela assured.

“I-I just need a minute,” Jordan said, “I can keep going.”

Jordan withdrew from Angela and dismissed himself to the bathroom. Behind the locked door, he rid himself of his soiled condom and doused himself again in the shower. Meanwhile, Angela caught her breath. She sat up and noticed the wetness between her legs. Being the germaphobe she was, Angela plucked a few tissues and cleaned up.

“Get yourself together,” Jordan said under his breath after drying off.

Jordan was still somewhat erect. He put his hand to work to inflate himself again. It wasn’t too difficult to do so. The image of Angela was burned in his mind. She was beautiful and sexy. So sexy. And her cunt. Her beautiful, perfect cunt. Jordan stepped out of the bathroom, without his mask.

“I’m going to go down on you,” Jordan announced.

Angela was surprised by his abruptness.

“If-if that’s OK with you…I’d like to go down on you,” Jordan amended.

Angela nodded.

Sucking noises and Angela’s vocalizations filled the room. Jordan’s tongue sampled every part her cunt. She tasted so sweet that he came to understood why some people called it a honeypot. Angela was panting hard. She could barely breathe through her mask. The pleasure was immense and she could lie there for ages, but she a thought. Not only was she impressed by Jordan’s cock and tongue, but she was also impressed by his courage. He wasn’t wearing a mask, and he didn’t mind going down on her, even though she knew he was just as big of a germaphobe as she was.

“Put a condom on,” Angela instructed.

Jordan obeyed. He fit a condom on quickly and smoothly this time. He was surprised to see that Angela had taken her own mask off, but was grateful she did. As Jordan stood at the end of the bed, Angela blew him. Jordan praised the heavens loudly. Angela felt incredible joy hearing how pleased he was by her technique. She had never blown anyone before.

“Turn around,” Jordan demanded.

Angela got on her hands and knees at the end of the bed, and Jordan took her from behind. They went at it like rabbits, their flesh slapping together at a tremendous pace. Jordan felt he had never truly had sex up until this point. Angela wailed. Jordan’s roughness turned her on to new heights. She enjoyed and endured his relentless ramming until she realized she was nearing her peak. She wanted to end face to face. Jordan obliged. He pounced on Angela as soon as she laid on her back. They breathed heavily as their eyes burned into each other’s. Finally, they smashed their lips together and kissed. Their tongues pressing into each other’s mouths swapping germs and saliva. The two kissed and fucked, until suddenly, Jordan felt a snap.

“Oh shit,” he wheezed, “I think the condom broke.”

He took a peak down, and sure enough, the condom was just hanging to him.

“Let me get a new one.”

But Angela kept throwing her pelvis up.

“I don’t care. Don’t stop!”

Jordan snatched the ripped rubber in his hands, tore it away, and lobbed the slimy thing somewhere in the room. They kissed and fucked and moaned some more. Jordan detonated, blasting his white lava into Angela. Angela felt her womb grow hot with the fluid and she too expelled her own juices. The room fell quiet. The noisemakers lay piled together in bed, covered in mess, and they fell soundly asleep.

The next morning, Jordan and Angela put themselves back together, taking turns in the shower. Jordan found the ripped condom he carelessly tossed, which had landed on Angela’s desk, and disposed of it in the garbage can. The sinful two then masked up, and headed down to the convenient store next door. There was a pharmacy inside. To Jordan’s surprise and disbelief, the red-haired gum-chewing cashier from last night was now stationed at the pharmacy counter.

“What can I get for you?” she inquired lazily.

“We uh…need the morning after pill please,” Jordan said.

The girl disappeared and returned with the requested goods.

“Way to go champ,” she said dryly.

“Thank you all for coming together again this week online,” Robert said, “It has been tough, I know. Remember folks, let’s keep saying 'yes’ to getting out of our comfort zones. Good-bye. Yes, thank you. Good-bye everyone. See you next week. Looks like we have a couple idlers here still left in the call. Jordan and Angela. I missed seeing your faces this week. I didn’t notice your cameras and mics were turned off. I hope you two are doing well? Angela? Jordan?”

“I’m gonna cum, Jordan! I’m gonna cum!” Angela screamed over Robert’s voice.

by Curiousbusiness for Literotica
