Childhood Friends: Part 4

Family Reactions: Heartbreak and rejection draws Tim & Beth closer to each other.

By neruval442. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

 We drove the few minutes to Beth's house, and Beth used her key in the door. "Hi, Mom, we're back."

Her mother appeared from the kitchen. "Oh, hi, Tim."

Beth glanced at me, then held out her hand to her mother. "Look, Mom, Tim and I got engaged."

I watched, my anticipation suddenly turning sour in my stomach as her mother's face changed, her expression twisting. "Really? At your age?"

She turned to me. "Don't think I don't know what you two have been doing up there, and I'm sure on this holiday of yours. I can tell when you wash the sheets, you know."

Beth flinched as her mother continued. "Engaged, I don't think so. You've got her pregnant, haven't you, don't even know enough to be careful, and you think bringing her back here with some cheap trinket on her finger will make it right. Well, you can forget it."

She turned back to Beth. "You can do what you like when you're out of this house, how are you going to get on at university with a brat, but while you're still here I don't want to see him."

Beth's face was as white as it had been in the car, but she took a deep breath. "No. Nothing is like you've said. Tim's not like that, and, “ her face screwed up, tears forcing past her eyelids, "it hurts so much that that's what you think of me."

She looked her mother straight in the eyes. "Either Tim's welcome here, or I'm not."

Her mother's tone was uncompromising. "Go with him, then, I don't care."

Beth was shaking as she turned to me. "Tim?"

"I'll work something out," I promised. "Do you need to fetch anything?"

She shook her head. "I already have everything important."

Beth turned back to her mother. "Call me if you change your mind. But you won't, will you, I know that from Grandad."

Her mother's face showed unmasked rage. "You, he, “

I took Beth's arm, and she turned her back on her mother, walking out of the front door. I pulled it closed, careful not to slam it, and guided Beth to the car, helping her with her seatbelt. I started the engine, driving just far enough to be out of sight of the house, and stopped the car.

Beth came into my outstretched arms, sobbing uncontrollably, her tears soaking through my shirt. "I, oh god, Tim,”

She broke down again, and I stroked her hair. Finally she looked up, face tear-streaked, eyes red. "Thanks for looking after me."

"Let's get going," I encouraged her. A few minutes later I pulled up outside my parents' house, and Beth held my hand tightly as we walked up the path. Mom opened the door, looking at Beth with a concerned expression. "Are you two Okay?"

"I'll explain later, Mom," I offered. "But would you mind making up the spare room for Beth?"

"That's no problem."

We went through to the kitchen, and Mom busied herself finding a pan, milk. "Whenever Tim had something bothering him, hot chocolate would always cheer him up a bit."

She set steaming mugs in front of us and Beth sipped gratefully. "Where's Dad?" I queried.

"In the garden as usual, I'll get him."

She returned with my father, and he sat down at the table without comment. Beth gave me an anxious look, then forced a smile. "Look, Tim and I got engaged while we were away."

"Oh, that's wonderful," Mom exclaimed. "Let me look."

She enthused over the ring, "I love the style, such a classic, “ while my father gave me an uncharacteristically warm hug. "Well done, no point in hanging about when you're sure."

Beth seemed to relax. "I'm sorry to impose on you, it'll only be for a little while before Tim and I go away."

My mother shook her head. "Whatever's happened, it'll be lovely to have you both until then."

She turned to my father. "I'll make the bed up, can you make a start on dinner? I think these two would enjoy sausage toad, plenty of gravy."

"I'll get our stuff from the car," I offered. "Then I can do the washing."

The rest of the day was filled with mundane tasks like laundry and cooking, "Come and tell me what you think of the roses, Beth," Mom invited, and finally Beth suppressed a yawn. "Sorry,”

"It's fine," Mom reassured. "Why don't you two go up? You don't have to get up for anything in the morning, do you, I'll make breakfast for you whenever you're ready."

She glanced at me, and again at Beth's ring. "And if we happen to hear footsteps crossing the landing to the spare room, well, that's not really any of our business, is it," she smiled.

House Hunting

Beth was more herself the next morning, and I grinned at her as she pulled on her bunny rabbit flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt to go down for breakfast. "I think I smell bacon."

Mom smiled as we sat down at the kitchen table, sliding heaped plates in front of us. "What do you think you might do today?"

I glanced at Beth. "I think we have some things to talk about, don't we, love. Maybe we could sit in the summer house, on the back slope?"

"Of course," nodded Mom. "We'll leave you to it, you can come back across when you need anything."

We made short work of our breakfast & went through the garden path, then over the slope, to the summer house.

I pushed open the door, the sun spilling inside onto the old swing seat Dad had put there. "Oh, I love these," Beth enthused, sitting down and swinging her legs.

I sat beside her, looking across at the tall hedge, mingled with climbing flowers, that hid this house from view. "So, where shall we start?"

Beth took a deep breath. "Well, maybe we should think about what to do with Grandad's money. I know the wedding will cost a bit, but we should probably think of something more permanent first?"

I silently blessed my sensible fiancée. "Exactly."

I looked across at the house again. "There's one thing I thought of straight away. Instead of spending money on hall fees or rent that we'll never see again, why don't we just buy somewhere to live?"

Beth's eyes widened. "You mean, “

She leaned closer to me, pillowing her head on my shoulder. "That would be beyond amazing."

She grinned. "Maybe we could even stretch to that hot tub."

I picked up her iPad. "Why don't we take a look what sort of thing is available down there?"

Beth chuckled. "Slow down a bit. What kind of place would you like? We might find we have quite different ideas."

I mused. "If I could have anything at all, I've always imagined somewhere big, old but really well looked after, lots of rooms, high ceilings. Definitely an attic, I've always wanted a room with one of those windows that looks out over the roof."

Beth blinked in surprise. "That's so weird. That's exactly the sort of house I always wished I lived in."

She chuckled again. "Probably comes from reading so much Enid Blyton."

I let her take the tablet from my fingers. "Right – real estate agents."

She tapped in a search, scrolling down the list. "This one sounds posh, probably they have bigger houses, maybe out of town a little."

She clicked on a link, and I leaned closer to look. "Hmm. That one's too modern. And this one with the stables, we weren't thinking of horses, were we."

Suddenly Beth pointed at the next image, with a 'Just listed' logo. "Tim?"

I read the description. "Large period house, own grounds. Recently refurbished in keeping with the original character." It’s just a few minutes from town.

Beth clicked through the photographs. "Look, there's the attic, and it has real chimneys, I love open fires."

She scribbled in her notebook, and passed it over. "Tim, do you want to give them a call? I'd rather you did it."

I pulled out my phone, taking a deep breath and tapping at the screen, dialing. The number rang twice, then I heard a pleasant female voice. "Farquarson's, how can I help?"

"Ah, my name's Tim Oakes," I did my best to keep my voice steady. "My fiancée and I have seen a property on your web site, “ I gave the reference number, "and we're very interested."

I heard her riffle through papers. "Ah, yes. It's literally gone on the market this morning, we've not arranged any viewings yet."

I flashed my eyebrows at Beth. "Could we see it?"

"Of course," I heard at the other end of the line. "It's vacant, sadly the previous owner passed away, so I could arrange to meet you today, perhaps five?"

"That would be wonderful."

"Done, then." I heard a brief hesitation at the other end. "Have you already made your financial arrangements, may I ask?"

I squeezed Beth's hand as I replied. "Actually this would be a cash purchase."

A pause, then, "Of course, sir. That makes things much more straightforward if you decide to proceed. Til this afternoon, then."

I ended the call, and I couldn't help my broad grin, which Beth echoed. "It might be the only time in our lives we ever get to say that," I chuckled, "but damn, that felt good."

She nodded. "How long will it take us to get there, do you think?"

"Only a couple of hours on the new toll road," I reassured her.

"Lunch on the way? There's a really good truck stop on the toll road."

An hour or so later we were in the car, Beth looking at the map. "It looks like the house has woods behind it," she said.

We passed the toll plaza on the other side of the motorway, and I glanced at Beth. "The truck stop will be soon."

"Goody, I'm definitely starting to feel like something to eat."

I pulled off the motorway, and we walked hand in hand through the food court. "I fancy fried chicken for a change," Beth pointed.

I ordered for us, then carried the tray over to a table. "Um," said Beth, picking up a chicken wing and nibbling. "I love this coating."

She finished her piece and licked her fingers. "Put the straw in my milkshake for me?"

I put the tall cup in front of her and she sipped, signaling her thanks with her eyebrows. "Mind you don't suck too quickly and get brain freeze," I teased her.

We finished our lunch, and I waited while Beth went to the loo. "Okay?"

"Um Hmm."

We set off again, picking our way through the motorway interchanges and onto the new road which struck out cross-country in an easterly direction. Beth looked up into the sky, shielding her eyes against the sun. "I think there are supposed to be kites on this bit."

The road seemed to go on and on, but finally we started to see signs for the university town where we'd be spending at least the next three years. "It's the next exit," Beth indicated, and I slowed, pulling off onto the B-road. The countryside was much flatter here, and Beth pointed ahead. "That must be it, I can see the woods."

A graveled drive left the road, leading to the front of the house. A shiny Mini was already parked, and a young woman got out as we drew up.

She walked over to us, smiling. "Hi, I'm Sarah." She was not much older than either of us, with a beautiful face and long brunette hair past her shoulders.

"I'm Beth, and this is Tim," Beth introduced us.

"Shall we?" Sarah offered, taking out a set of keys and opening the front door. She let us go ahead of her into the wide tiled hallway, then stepped inside, closing the door behind us. "It's a late Georgian property originally," she began her obviously-prepared presentation, "but the last owner restored and refurbished it extensively, so there's nothing significant that needs doing in regard to the fabric or fittings."

She paused. "Unless of course you have strong ideas about remodeling, I should mention, though, that the property is Grade 2 listed, so there are some changes that wouldn't be approved."

"We don't have anything like that in mind," Beth reassured. "Though we might want to change the color scheme."

Sarah nodded. "Shall I take you round the ground floor?"

We followed her down the hall. "This is the dining room," Sarah indicated. "And at the back on this side is the first reception room, or of course it would be suitable as a family lounge."

She continued to the end of the hall. "These doors lead out to the garden, of course."

To the left was another spacious reception room, then Sarah indicated a short passage leading from the hallway. "Personally I think this is the best feature of the whole property."

At the end of the passage was the kitchen, with an oven fitted into the space under the chimney breast, and a long sink beneath the wide windows. Around the rest of the walls were polished granite worktops, oak-faced cupboards above them, and in the center of the room was a solid-looking table that would easily seat eight. A doorway beside the deluxe Aga stove & ovens led through to a sizeable laundry room area, and beyond I could see a conservatory connected to the reception room.

"Wow," Beth nodded. "This is definitely the heart of the house. Meals, board games and talk at the table, and in the summer enjoying the sun in the conservatory."

Sarah waited as Beth made her way round the room, her fingers brushing the worktops, standing for a moment at the sink. Finally Sarah glanced at me. "Ready to see upstairs now?" Sarah tried to hide her nervousness and lack of experience in showing homes. But I could tell she wanted to do her best to help us. I sorta wondered if she wasn’t yet allowed to show homes, but the other more senior sales agents presumed that two teenagers were just a waste of time, especially with a property that most successful 50 year old businessmen couldn’t afford to buy.

We returned to the hallway, and Sarah indicated the staircase leading upwards. "It's designed this way to maximize the useable area upstairs," she explained.

At the top of the staircase, landings led to left and right. "Two bedrooms and a bathroom that way," indicated Sarah. "But again the feature I think will appeal to you is the master bedroom, with full en suite of course."

The main bedroom ran the full width of the house at the back, deep windows looking out over the woods, with the en suite at one end and a walk-in dressing room and wardrobe at the other. "That's mine," grinned Beth.

I nodded. "I'm impressed."

I turned to Sarah. "And the attic?"

She looked a little surprised. "Of course. The stairs lead up from the other end of the landing, please be careful."

She picked her way up the narrower staircase. "There are three rooms up here, all with dormer windows, as well as a bathroom, very compact, I have to say."

I stepped into the nearest of the three rooms, opening the two leaves of the wooden window blinds and leaning out. "This is perfect, just as I imagined it."

Beth nodded. "Let's go back down."

When we reached the hall, Sarah glanced at Beth. "Would you two like a few minutes to talk? I can wait in the car, then you can let me know if you may want to consider the property further."

Beth glanced at me, then shook her head. "Sarah, we don't need more time. This is exactly what we're looking for."

Sarah blinked in surprise, but she let Beth continue. "I know you'll get other people wanting to view, but we'd be so disappointed if we lost the property, wouldn't we, Tim."

I nodded. "Sarah, what would we need to do to secure it?"

Sarah didn't quite manage to conceal her nervousness, and I guessed she might never have been put quite so much on the spot before. "Well, a deposit would suffice. Then as soon as possible an offer letter, and the instruction to your solicitor to proceed with the title searches and to start the conveyancing process."

I glanced at Beth, getting a nod. "That's no problem. What percentage deposit, and how do we pay?"

Sarah took out her phone. "Let me call the office."

She took a few steps away, tapping the screen, but I could still catch most of the conversation. "Yes, definitely. Straight away if possible."

She smiled. "Yes, I know. Maybe New York is within reach, after all?."

She listened for a few more moments. "Okay, I'll put the client on."

Beth took the phone with a smile. "Hi. Yes, that's right."

Sarah politely moved out of earshot while Beth gave whoever was at the other end the details they needed. Beth talked a few moments, then nodded. "Thank you."

Beth handed the phone back to Sarah. "I hope you enjoy New York," she smiled, and Sarah looked slightly embarrassed, but nodded.

"Sarah," I spoke up. "This will probably sound like an odd request, but, as the formalities are in process now, would you mind if we had another look round, by ourselves? We'll drop the keys in your office key drop afterwards."

Again a hint of nervousness crossed Sarah's face, but she looked at Beth's hopeful expression. "Okay, that won't be a problem." I was lectured to never do this, so just make sure they are in the drop by the time we open the office, at 9am.

She took out the keys, handing them to me with a smile. "I'll get going, then. Definitely I'll see you again, soon."

Beth moved to my side, and we watched as Sarah got in her Mini Cooper and pulled away down the drive, lifting a hand in farewell.

Beth turned to me, her face simultaneously delighted and disbelieving. "Did we really just buy a house?"

"Barring a whole lot of paperwork, basically yes," I grinned. "Come on, let's go back inside and see what we got."

I let Beth turn the key in the door, and we stepped into the hall. "Rats," I suddenly remembered. "I was supposed to carry you over the threshold."

"We can save it for that other special day," Beth hinted.

She wrapped her arms around me. "A whole empty house," she grinned. "What shall we do first?"

I kissed her softly. "I have an idea. We visit all the rooms in turn, and in every one we both lose an item of clothing and see what happens."

Beth chuckled. "That sounds like a lot of fun."

She looked around. "Well, we're already in the hall. What shall we take off here?"

"Easy," I glanced down. "Shoes."

I bent to untie my laces, pulling my shoes off and putting them by the door. "Now you."

Beth slipped off her low heels, putting them by mine. "Um, these tiles are nice and cool."

I looked down at her bare feet, neat toes. "Could you sit on the floor for a minute?"

"Sure," Beth nodded, sitting down and leaning with her back against the door.

I knelt in front of her, lifting her feet into my lap and starting to gently stroke them with my fingertips. "Feels nice," she murmured. "Be careful not to tickle."

I caressed each foot in turn, then lifted one in my hand, bending to kiss the tip of each toe. Beth's eyes widened, but her relaxed, almost dreamy, expression didn't change.

I took her big toe between my lips, starting to brush it gently with my tongue. The smart skirt Beth had chosen for our meeting with the estate agent had ridden up, letting me see her white cotton panties, and as I continued to use my lips on her, I saw a wet spot appear on the soft fabric, then grow. "Um," she breathed, "I didn't know I'd enjoy this so much."

I carried on for a little while, then reluctantly put her feet down. "Shall we carry on exploring?"

We made our way through the ground floor, in the dining room I shed my socks and Beth left her handbag, and in the big lounge my shirt and her blouse ended up on the floor. By the time we reached the kitchen, I had nothing left and Beth was in her panties, looking triumphant. "Beat you."

"So you have to take them off now," I pointed out.

She slipped her panties down, tossing them on the worktop, and I blinked as she sat on the kitchen table facing the window. "So what if someone happens to walk past?" she grinned.

I moved one of the kitchen chairs and sat facing her. "Um, this has possibilities."

I leaned forward, and Beth gasped as my searching tongue found her hard nub. "Oh, yes. I can see our reflection in the window and it looks sexy as hell."

She started to touch her breasts, obviously watching herself in the glass, and I chuckled. "Remind me that we need a big mirror for the bedroom."

I began to use my mouth and tongue on her more insistently, and her breathing quickened. "Pity Sarah had to go," she murmured. "She had a great ass in that tight skirt of hers, and she'd have looked good bent over the table while you took her from behind."

I blinked at Beth's frank fantasy, but concentrated on pleasuring her, and after a few moments she leaned back a little, supporting herself on her hands. "Um, oh god, Tim, yes,”

Her hips bucked against my mouth as she gasped out her pleasure, and finally she brought her thighs together. "Um, enough for now."

I helped her put her feet back on the floor. "Ready for upstairs?"

We climbed the staircase, and Beth turned towards the master bedroom. "Not much to see in the others," she shrugged.

She sat down, leaning against the wall. "Come a little closer," she hinted.

I knelt down, wondering if she wanted me to give more attention to her feet. "It's your turn," Beth shook her head as I reached to touch them.

She stretched out one leg, her toes brushing my hard tip. "Um, good, you've been leaking."

Carefully she spread the slippery fluid as far as she could, then extended her other leg, my hardness now between the soles of her feet. "I think you have to do some of the work," she hinted, and I nodded, starting to move against her surprisingly soft skin.

"Um," Beth murmured. "Feels good to me too."

She deliberately dipped fingers between her thighs, then brought them to her lips, putting her fingers into her mouth in imitation of her movement on me when she had my hardness there. "Oh, yes."

She put her now-wet fingers back on herself, moving them slowly. "I don't mind if you get there first."

She pressed her soles together more firmly. "Why don't you touch your nipples," she queried, and I quickly wet my fingertips and did as she'd suggested. "Pity I can't do that at the same time," she murmured.

I felt myself getting closer, and Beth obviously saw the same in my face. "Oh yes, love, go for it, come for me," she whispered.

I tipped over the edge, stiffening between her feet, sticky fluid spurting from me and arching onto the floor beside Beth. She smiled in satisfaction, then tilted her head back, her mouth forming an O. Her climax this time was less urgent, but she sighed in satisfaction. "Um,”

I moved to wrap my arms around her, looking bemusedly at the glistening splashes on the bare floorboards. "It's Okay," Beth grinned. "We'll have carpet in here anyway, no-one will ever know."

She slipped out of my arms, getting to her feet. "One last surprise."

I followed her up the attic staircase. "There's a bed in one of the rooms up here," Beth explained. "They must have missed it when they cleared the house."

She pushed open the door. "No blankets or anything, but it's warm enough up here, isn't it."

She made a detour to the bathroom, and I was reminded of our very first time, me in Beth's bunny trousers tiptoeing across the landing. I watched her pee, then did what I needed to do. "We should have brought a toothbrush."

"True. A packet of biscuits wouldn't have gone amiss either, but we can get breakfast at McDonalds after we've dropped the keys off."

We returned to the bedroom, and Beth laid down, her smooth back to me as usual, her ass inviting. I slid behind her, wrapping my arms round her and cupping her breasts. "Thank you for today, darling," she whispered. "This is all my dreams come true,”

Getting Anal, in a good way

When I woke the next morning, it took me a moment to remember where we were. Beth stirred beside me, stretching luxuriantly. "Morning, lover."

I heard a distinct rumble from her stomach, and she rolled her eyes. "I'm starving. Come on, a quick shower and let's get some breakfast."

I helped her wash, then we made our way down the two sets of stairs, Beth's hair still damp. We retrieved our clothes, and I nodded towards the kitchen as Beth buttoned her blouse. "Didn't you miss something?"

She grinned. "I don't need them today, and if Sarah does need to come back for any reason, they'll give her something to wonder about."

We put the keys through the letterbox at the estate agent's as we'd promised, then headed for the McDonalds. "Anything particular you want to do today?" Beth queried as she bit into her breakfast muffin.

"Well, we have some phone calls to make," I reminded her. "And we can cancel our hall rooms."

"Oh, yes. Home for now," Beth smiled.

When we got back, my father was in the garden, weeding around the roses. "Thought you'd eloped," he grinned.

"Wups," I glanced at Beth guiltily. "I guess I should have texted."

"How did it go?" he asked, leaning on top of his hoe.

I raised my eyebrows at Beth. "Actually we bought the house."

My father blinked. "You don't hang about."

He put the hoe down, beckoning us inside. "Well then, we have something to celebrate,”

The next few days were a whirl, choosing paint, carpets, ordering furniture. We got the rest of the house purchase organized, and arranged with the estate agent to pick the keys back up on the next Friday.

We picked our way through the rush hour traffic, arriving at the estate agent's office a few minutes before the time we'd set. Sarah looked up as the door opened, and smiled. "Good to see you again."

She glanced at the clock. "This is my last appointment for a couple of weeks, my flight to New York leaves this evening."

"Well done," Beth grinned, and Sarah blinked in surprise as Beth leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "You'll have to come and visit us after term starts."

Sarah fetched our keys from the cabinet. "I hope moving in goes really well for you."

As we drove out of town, I threw a knowing glance at Beth. "You're still thinking of Sarah and that kitchen table, aren't you."

"Maybe," she chuckled. "But we have the house to ourselves this weekend, I'm sure we'll find plenty of ways to entertain ourselves."

We pulled up outside The Grove, and Beth opened the door while I brought cardboard boxes from the boot. "Okay, this one's for the kitchen, I'll leave the attic one until we go up later. Are you hungry yet?"

Beth nodded. "We decided on pasta and cheesy bacon sauce tonight, my turn to cook."

The kitchen was comfortably warm, and I glanced at the oven. "Sarah said she'd come in to light it, didn't she."

Beth caught her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes dancing. "So she'll have come across that one thing we left, I guess. I wonder where she put them?"

I glanced around the kitchen. "Aha."

I passed Beth a small package carefully wrapped in tissue paper, and she unfolded the paper to reveal white cotton. "She's even put them through the wash, bless her."

She put her panties back on the worktop, and started emptying the cardboard box. "Pans, pasta, bacon, cheese sauce granules. Put me some water in this one?"

I sat at the kitchen table to watch her as she cooked, blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face. "This feels so natural, as though we'd been here for years."

She stirred one pan, then lifted the other from the heat, closing the lid of the oven. A cloud of steam rose from the sink as she drained the pasta, shaking the pan. "Okay, we can eat."

She brought heaped bowls to the table, and I took a bite of the sauce. "Um, that's amazing."

I glanced across the table at her. "Do you want to start measuring this evening?"

Beth nodded. "We can do our bedroom, save the ground floor for tomorrow."

We made short work of our meal, and Beth grinned. "Sorry, love, the dishes are yours."

I stood at the sink, setting the tap running. "Plenty of hot water, anyway. We should try the bath later."

Beth moved to stand behind me, pressing her breasts against my back. "Um, yes."

The dishes didn't take long, and I followed Beth up the stairs to the master bedroom. "So, what's on the list?"

"Carpets, mostly. Oh, and curtains."

I held the end of the tape while Beth measured, jotting in her notebook. "Now for the windows."

She glanced up. "Hmm, think I'm going to need something to stand on."

I went back down to the kitchen to fetch a chair, then watched as Beth positioned it by the window and stepped up. She stretched to put the tape at the top edge of the window, and I couldn't help my eyes being drawn to the gap created between t-shirt and jeans, just a hint of her bra visible. "Gorgeous view."

She looked down, her eyes twinkling. "You say the sweetest things. Right, what's the measurement at the floor?"

We finished the measuring, and I glanced at Beth. "Ready for a bath?"

"Um Hmm. Oh, the towels and stuff are in that other box, aren't they."

I pretended a longsuffering look. "I'll go and get it. Want to start the water running?"

When I got back with the box, Beth rummaged, pulling out towels then a small bottle. "Um, I thought I'd put bath oil in."

She went back into the bathroom, tipping a little of the oil into the steaming water, and a subtle fragrance filled the room.

"Want me to undress you?" I offered, and Beth nodded, letting me pull her t-shirt over her head, slip her jeans down. I moved behind her, unhooking her bra, sliding her panties off, then cupping her breasts. "Aren't you going to lose your clothes too?" she teased. "They'd only get wet if I splash you."

I quickly undressed, and followed her into the bathroom, kneeling on the floor and watching her sink into the hot water. "If we were going to change anything, I'd put in a corner bath, room for both of us," I ventured.

Beth swirled the water with her fingers. "I like the sound of that."

She moved her hands to her breasts. "We should have brought some candles, I could really relax one evening."

I chuckled softly. "I know what you mean by relax. Want me to help?"

Beth shook her head. "I know you'll enjoy watching. And then I might not be so 'right now', I can concentrate on what you want."

She slid her fingers down to touch herself below the surface of the water, and breathed in slowly, her breasts rising, the bath oil giving them a tantalizing sheen. "Um."

I watched as she moved her fingers more urgently, drawing her knees up a little, her eyes closing, lips parted. "You can choose how you have me tonight, I'll do whatever you want,”

"Anything?" I murmured.

"Um, yes, my mouth, my hands, in me whatever way, “

Her words were cut short by her moan of pleasure as the surface of the water rippled, some overflowing the edge of the bath to puddle on the floor. "Um,”

Beth opened her eyes, and I leaned down to kiss her moist forehead. "Think you're sufficiently relaxed now?"

She nodded, getting gracefully to her feet, water cascading down her body. "Hand me a towel?"

She stepped out of the bath, not bothering to dry herself fully, and walked back to the bedroom, spreading the towel on the floor. "This is about where the bed will be," she said thoughtfully, lying down on her front and resting her head on her arm. "Don't be too long," she hinted.

I got into the bath, ducking my head below the surface to wet my hair. The idea that Beth had pleasured herself lying here just a few moments ago was arousing, and I didn't linger, getting to my feet and reaching to pick up my towel from where I'd left it. I dried myself about as thoroughly as Beth had, dropping the towel on the floor, and walked over to kneel beside her. Her skin was silky to my touch, and on impulse I bent down to place a kiss at the bottom of her back, breathing in the lingering scent of the oil.

"Um," she stirred, "nice, don't stop,”

I traced my lips around the base of her spine, then a little lower, feeling the fine hairs on her ass brushing my top lip. Beth murmured, and moved her feet further apart, creating a tempting shadow. I dabbed my tongue into the cleft of her ass, and my mind threw up a memory. "One time soon,”

I moved lower, my tongue brushing across the pink star I found, and Beth made a quiet sound of pleasure. "Oh, yes."

She lifted her head for a moment to look at me. "Tim, we said we'd do this, and now would be perfect, we have all the time in the world, there's nobody else here."

She smiled a little nervously. "There's a stick of butter on the kitchen counter, that'd probably work."

I nodded, leaning over to reach into the box. "But I know something else that'll help, and maybe we need to,”

I retrieved my towel, folding it, and Beth lifted a little to let me slide the towel under her hips. "Um, that makes me feel more exposed," she breathed, sending a renewed thrill through me.

I positioned myself behind her, pressing my hard tip into her still-wet entrance, sliding easily inside, and Beth sighed with pleasure. "Um, I wouldn't be disappointed if you changed your mind."

I moved in her a little, then withdrew with only a hint of regret. A dab of butter into my palm, mixing with Beth's slipperiness on me, and I used my fingertips to stroke a little of the butter onto her pink star. "Ready?"

She nodded, and I pressed my tip against her opening, at first feeling the resistance of smooth muscle. "Keep going," Beth encouraged me, and I pressed a little harder, feeling her make a conscious effort to relax. I felt the ring of muscle slip over my tip, hearing a quiet gasp from Beth, and I stilled, letting her adjust. "You Okay?"

"Um Hmm." Even with only a couple of syllables, her voice sounded different, throaty. "You can go a little further, Brando" she breathed.

I recalled the hot scene from the old Brando movie ‘The Last Tango In Paris’; “Are you ready, Maria?

“There's something under here.” Beth says, in a French accent.

“It's hollow.” I quote Brando, again.

 “That's a hiding place.” Beth keeps up the reenactment of the scene.

“What about that? Can I open that?” I ask, as my cock presses into the buttered anus.

“Maybe there's jewels in it?” My French hottie taunts me.      

“Maybe there's gold.” I declare as my shaft pressed in carefully, the sensation utterly different, and my hips met Beth's ass cheeks, getting a murmur of satisfaction. "Oh, yes, that's perfect." Beth declares in her French fantasy.

I bent to kiss between her shoulder blades, stroking her hair. "Now, love," she whispered, "go for it, I want to feel what it's like when you cum in my ass."

I withdrew a little, then thrust again, the intriguing sensation of tightness gripping my hard shaft while at the same time I moved within smooth warmth. "Um, oh, yes, love,”

I couldn't help myself, flexing my hips more insistently as I felt my release approaching. Beth pushed back against me in response, and I thrilled as she found her voice to fantasies. "Um, maybe next time I can be on top, you'd be able to touch me, then I'd get there at the same time, imagine how that'd feel,”

The combination of her words and the sensations I was feeling, finally tipped me over the edge, and as I pulsed. in her ‘secret French place’ Beth gave a soft moan, my warmth spurting into her. "Oh wow," she breathed.

Finally I was spent, and I withdrew from Beth's body just as carefully, lying beside her and drawing her into my arms. "Thank you, my love."

She smiled. "Another new thing for us,”

After a few minutes she stirred. "Quick shower before bed? We can use the one upstairs."

We made our way towards the attic, Beth stopping unexpectedly halfway up the staircase. "Oops."

"You Okay?"

She blushed an attractive shade of pink. "I, um, your stuff, it's leaking; out my ass, this time!"

A blob of sticky fluid splashed on the stair treads, and Beth managed a resigned grin. "Another one of our adventures that the carpet is going to have to cover up for,”

Getting A Little Rougher

Beth was already awake, smiling at me as I opened my eyes. "Are you Okay?" I queried softly.

"I can still feel something, if that's what you mean," she grinned. "But yes, I'm fine."

She reached to touch my cheek. "I love how careful, how thoughtful you always are."

She got to her feet, opening the window. "What a gorgeous day. I don't suppose we'll get too many more now, But we do have to get all that measuring done."

"We can take our time over breakfast, anyway," I promised. "The kitchen gets the sun in the morning."

Beth nodded. "And it's your turn to cook," she reminded with a grin.

We made our way downstairs, and Beth sat watching as I fried bacon, eggs, stirred a pan of beans. "Not exactly cordon bleu," she teased. "But I can't resist a good fry-up."

When we'd finished, Beth took her turn at the washing-up, and I wrapped my arms around her from behind as she stood at the sink. "Maybe we can go for a walk, get some fresh air before we start,”

Most of the day was taken up with more measuring, just a short break for sandwiches, and at around five Beth closed her notebook with a satisfying snap. "I think that's it. We've got all the carpet sizes, same for the curtains, and we know where the shelves and stuff will fit."

She threw me a glance. "Tim," she mused, "do you think pain ever has a place in sex?"

I blinked, wondering where the question had come from. "Well, everyone says that giving birth hurts like anything, don't they."

It was Beth's turn to look surprised. "I guess one is a consequence of the other, isn't it."

"I'm sure you were in those lessons with me at school," I teased. "So, yes."

"But that's not what I was thinking about just now," Beth continued.

"What, then?" I encouraged.

"Well, I was remembering what it feels like when you or Francesca are a little bit too hard on my nipples at the crucial moment."

I couldn't help my sudden intake of breath. "God, yes. I'd have thought it'd ruin the moment, but that doesn't seem to be what happens."

Beth thought hard for a while. "It changes the feeling, like, like the difference between milk and dark chocolate?"

I nodded. "I think I get it. 'Fraid I'm not much for dark chocolate myself, especially the expensive ones, what are they, eighty percent cocoa?"

"I don't know if I could cope with eighty percent," Beth mused, and I genuinely didn't know whether she was talking about sex or chocolate. She settled the question with her next words. "But I think you could make it a little, well, darker for me once in a while."

"If that's what you want," I agreed. "Definitely it'd have to be 'in the moment', though, I'm sure you could find a way of letting me know."

Beth nodded. "I bet I can."

She got to her feet, holding out a hand to help me up. "We can leave all this, clear it up tomorrow. Right now you've got me craving something sweet,”

I followed her up the stairs to the attic room that was our bedroom for the time being, and watched as she undressed, her hands already touching her own body suggestively. I shed my own clothes, and Beth gave me a knowing grin. "Hmm, I think we can find a use for that. Lie down for me?"

I laid back on the bed, and Beth slid across me, her thighs parted invitingly. But instead of using her fingers to guide me into her, she pressed her already-wet entrance against my hard shaft and began to flex her hips, giving a quiet moan as her nub slid on me. "Um,”

She leaned forward, her breasts inviting, and I began to suckle her softly and use my fingertips on her nipples. She moved her hips more urgently in response, and as I gave myself to the sensation of her pressing against me, I wondered if she intended for us both to climax. But after a few moments she sat upright again, her eyes on my face as her movements alternately hid then revealed my hard tip, surrounded by her slippery warmth.

I reached to caress her breasts, use my fingers on her still-wet nipples, and her expression turned blissful. "Um, so close."

She put her hands over mine for a moment, her fingers urging me to touch her more forcefully, then stretched her arms above her head. "Oh, Tim, now," she breathed. "You know,”

I hesitated for an imperceptible moment, then drew my fingers together on her breasts so that her hard nipples were between my fingertips. I glanced at Beth's face, her desire-filled eyes on mine, and pressed my fingers together as firmly as I dared.

Her response was dramatic, her head tipping back as she cried out, new warmth and wetness surrounding me as her hips moved convulsively. "Oh,”

Finally she stilled, her eyes wide, mouth open. She leaned forward, her breasts flattening against my chest, her cheek against mine. "That really stung," she confessed in a whisper, "but it felt amazing."

My voice held relief. "I really thought I might have hurt you."

"It's fine," she reassured, her fingers stroking my hair.

We lay for a little while longer, then Beth slowly sat up again, a knowing smile on her face. "Now it's your turn, maybe I can come up with something you'll like. Not too dark, I promise."

She knelt on the bed, facing away from me, and clasped her hands behind her back as though with her wrists bound. "So I'm your captive, and you've decided it's time to take me, my wishes don't have anything to do with it."

I chuckled. "I think I can work with that."

I positioned myself behind her, pressing my hardness against her entrance and thrusting into her without a pause, getting a convincing whimper from Beth. I began to move, the feel of her clasped hands against my stomach each time I pushed my hips forward adding to the realism of our shared fantasy. Beth had put her hair in a ponytail to keep it out of her face while we worked, and I reached to grasp it in my fist, pulling just hard enough to tilt her head upwards, & cause her breasts to thrust out a little. I moved more insistently, and I silently admired Beth's acting ability as she feigned her body betraying her, responding despite her utter unwillingness, her hips pushing back against me, breath coming in short gasps. "Oh, mm, no," she almost wailed, and as I finally tipped over the edge with urgent thrusts, her body shuddered in its own climax, muscles rippling around me, a quiet sob in her throat.

I released her hair, and she unclasped her hands, turning to me with twinkling eyes, her lower lip caught between her teeth. "Wow, I didn't realize how much fun pretending can be."

I wrapped my arms around her. "You bet."

I stroked her hair. "Love you,”

By neruval442 for Literotica.