The Exhibitionist: Part 1


Exhibitionist guy bares all to say goodbye to his hometown.

A 2-part story By Requiax. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

It was moving day.

My parents and my kid sister had already driven off, following the truck from the moving company, filled with all our things.

I grew up in this house and came of age here, but we were finally moving. My dad's work had taken him to a new state, and a new home, and the family was going with him.

I'd be joining them later. It was the start of the fall semester and I was going to be travelling back to college first. My car, parked in the driveway, was loaded up with everything I will be taking back to my dorm. First chance I got in the coming weeks, I was going to drive over to the new house and help get things sorted, but mom and dad were insistent I go back to college first.

I stood in the driveway, looking at our empty house. I was alone now. The neighbours and our friends had all been and said their goodbyes. The keys were with the realtor. My things were all packed. It was coming to the end of what had been a long day.

It was nearly time to go, to set off in my car and never come back to the town that had been my home for most of my 20 years of life. But I had one final thing I wanted to do first.

I stood beside the car and looked around the street. There was nobody in the immediate vicinity, which was good. Don't get me wrong, I was expecting an audience; I wanted one. But not before I'd started, not when they could still put a stop to my fun and cause me a heap of trouble.

But, luckily, the neighbours were all indoors, nobody walking by or out in their front yards.

I took a deep breath. I was nervous, but also excited, buzzing with the anticipation of fulfilling an ambition I'd had for many years now.

Grasping the hem of my t-shirt, I pulled it quickly over my head. I let it drop to the floor and stood a moment. There was nothing wrong with standing in my driveway shirtless, after all; I'd done it plenty of times, on hot afternoons, shooting in the basketball hoop up over the garage door. There was a breeze today but it was warm on my bare chest.

I kicked off my shoes; slip on Vans, easy to take on and off; I'd be putting them back on before I went. The asphalt of the driveway was hot and rough against the soles of my feet.

A further breath to steady my nerves, and then I unbuckled my brown leather belt. I unfastened my jeans and let them fall to the floor. I was wearing just my boxer briefs now; tight shorts, already bulging where my excitement was having its effect.

Another look round. Nobody I could see, nobody who could see this yet.

Thumb in my waistband, I yanked down my boxers and stepped out of them. I was nude.

I paused a moment, examining my own reflection in the car windshield. Blonde hair, a little too long; I'd not had a cut all summer. Smooth face; handsome, I'm told, in a surfer sort of way, although I never seem to have much luck with girls. My bare body; lightly tanned, except for the whiter area where I would normally be wearing shorts. Athletic, some muscle definition, a summer of basketball and gym workouts and healthy eating paying off. My pubic hair; like most guys my age, I went in for cropping it short with clippers, rather than shaving outright; taking a razor to my balls and my shaft for a smooth finish there. My cock; unusually in this time and place, uncircumcised; stirring with excitement.

I grinned, and slipped my feet back into my sneakers. Then I set off to walk the streets of my hometown naked.

Nude Fantasies

I'd fantasised about being nude in public for years. Since I first discovered jerking off, all the way back in my early teens, I've had an exhibitionist side. The thought of being seen naked or being watched while I masturbate was a huge turn-on for me. I experimented in various ways with this, some more successful than others, but I always chickened out of fulfilling my greatest fantasy, which was to fully expose myself somewhere very public.

It wasn't so much that I lacked courage to do this, but that I was very aware even at a young age of what the repercussions might be if I, a young man, were to publicly expose myself. In all my fantasies, I had a willing audience; but I knew that in reality, being seen naked (and likely aroused) in public would get me into a lot of trouble. I had to live in this town, attend school in this town, and have family and friends share this town with me. If I went naked in public, people who knew me would get to hear about it and I'd have to live with the reputation of being a pervert, a freak who got off on showing people his cock.

I mean, I was a pervert, and I did get off on showing people my cock; but I didn't want my friends and family to know that! My personal reputation mattered more to me than my sexual fantasies; so no matter what I would plan out in my head, I would never go through with it. Even when I went away to college, I always knew I would need to come back here, to this small town, and I knew my family needed to be able to live here, to be able to hold their heads up proud as upstanding members of their community. I couldn't condemn my parents to be known as the people whose kid waved his cock around in the street.

When, this year, my parents told us we would be moving, and that we would be moving so far away that all our ties with this town and the people in it would be cut, it was a liberating moment for me. Suddenly, my carefully cultivated reputation and standing in the community had an expiration date; after moving day, what people thought of me wouldn't matter. So what if I was suddenly revealed as a crazy naked pervert? I would never see any of these people again, and nor would any of my family. They could gossip in high school and the coffee shops and the bars all they liked about how Chris Gill had run around naked in public with a boner on; I would never hear any of it.

I spent much of the summer planning my naked adventure. I made sure I was taking care of my body; I figured that a good-looking young guy in good shape might get a pass on running around naked in comparison to a guy who, well, was not looking his best. So I kept up my gym routine, played a lot of sports and watched what I ate. I considered sunbathing nude, to get rid of any tan marks I might acquire, but it was hard to do with family and friends always around so I never actually managed that. But I did make sure that I looked as good nude as possible; I wanted to feel confident when I had everything on show, after all.

I needed to plan and time the right opportunity, too. I couldn't do it any day before moving day; if my family were still in town when I did it, it might still reach them. I wasn't moving away from them, so they were the people I couldn't let find out about my naked plan; or the shame and stigma would just travel with me. But if I moved with them, I would have to concoct an excuse to come back afterwards to carry out my exhibitionism.

When, by coincidence, moving day and the day I was due to return to college fell on the same day, this solved all my problems. I would help my family with the moving and, when all was completed, I would load up my own car. They would drive with the moving truck to the new house, I would drive myself back to college, and we'd meet up in a few weeks. And, of course, once they had gone and my own packing was done, I would do as I had done now; take off all of my clothes in the driveway, and go for one last walk around town.

It helped with the time, too. It was around 6:30pm by the time my family went on their way, so my streak was going to end up taking place in the early evening. This was my preferred time; light enough that there would still be people around (and there would still be enough visibility for them to see my nakedness clearly) but late enough in the day that there would not be huge numbers of people about. While being seen naked in the middle of the day by dozens and dozens of people would be an incredible thrill, it also greatly raised the odds that someone would call the cops; and I had no intention of getting a police record for this. That, again, would be something I might not be able to escape quite as easily as I could escape the gossip of ordinary townsfolk, and might well work its way back to my parents, something I definitely didn't want to happen.

That was another reason why I didn't want to get seen by my neighbours before I got going; I might set off, only to find the cops waiting for me on my return.

But, as it was, all was quiet as I turned out of the driveway and into the street.

I set off, briskly walking and occasionally jogging when the mood took me. I liked the way my cock and balls moved when I ran, and the feel of the warm breeze on my bare skin; but I was in no hurry, and didn't want to dash around unseen by anyone.

Walking the dog

As it was, I covered maybe a block and a half before the first person saw me. It was a woman; I didn't know her but I guessed she was in her 40s. She was out walking a little dog, one of those purse dogs, on a thin leash. She was paying attention to the dog at first and didn't see me; but when she looked up as I walked into her view, her mouth dropped a little and she stared.

I smiled as I approached. I felt her eyes travel down my body, her gaze falling to my crotch and my exposed cock and balls. She didn't say anything though, not even when I gave a cheerful "evening, ma'am," as I passed by her. She was attractive, though (I've always had a liking for older women; that is, older than me; not necessarily that old but when you're 20, a 40-year old woman has 20 years' experience on you and still looks damn good), and as I carried on down the street I glanced back over my shoulder she had stopped and was watching my bare ass, an appreciative expression on my face. That was the perfect reaction to me, and out of her view, my cock stirred and stiffened in acknowledgement. Fully erect, I gave my cock a couple of encouraging tugs with my hand, relishing the sensation and the pleasure it gave. I wasn't going to masturbate just yet, although I felt that if I did I would have blown my wad straight away; but a few strokes just to bring me that little bit closer was very welcome.

The Parade picks up

I remained erect for the next few minutes, but saw no other pedestrians. Cars, though, passed me; some honking horns in acknowledgement of my nakedness; some, drivers or passengers, staring as they went by; the rest giving no outward sign they had even seen me. I relished each encounter, knowing it meant someone; man or woman, adult or kid, had seen my naked body out in public and was left wondering, what was the story here? Way was this guy walking naked and with a hard-on in full view? They would just have to wonder.

The evening breeze did a little to quell my building arousal though, and without further attention from my hands my erection began to subside. I was soon only semi-hard (my favourite state to be in as it made me seem more well-endowed; my cock when flaccid was not small by any means but like this I felt I looked even better nude) as I made my way from residential streets into more communal areas of town.

Here were more people, both in cars and on foot. Folks were leaving off a late working shift or at the end of the day for their businesses, men and women heading out early to one or two nearby bars. Some high school kids were skateboarding on an array of steps. All saw me walking quickly down the street, naked as the day I came into this world. People stared, some shouted stuff or whistled. Some, disappointingly, looked on then turned away, anger or disgust on their faces; I couldn't help their prudishness, but I was prepared for it. Being seen naked was something that was, for me, a turn-on; but I also held they view that nudity, mine or anyone else's, was harmless and not something to be treated as shameful or obscene. I hated the "think of the children" attitude that people harboured; seeing a guy or a girl naked outside the bedroom or locker room was not something I felt had any capacity to damage another person in any way. We're all human, and human anatomy shouldn't be cause for offence as far as I am concerned. Shock, surprise, humour, pleasure; these were fine with me, perfectly natural reactions to seeing an athletic 20-year-old guy walking around town in the nude. But don't be offended because you can see my penis, there's nothing offensive about it.

I suppose I've never been shy about my body. Changing in the locker room, skinny dipping with friends, showering with the door open; none of these things have been a source of embarrassment for me. I have a roommate at college and he's seen me naked so many times I lose count. Occasionally when it's hot and we have to study I will just come in from the shower, drop my towel and study in the nude. He's never raised an objection (although I'm careful not to let on how arousing I sometimes find it). My point is, I'm kind of akin to a nudist in terms of my attitude to nakedness. It's natural, it's pleasurable (for me at least) and if you have a problem with it, well, you need to work on that.

Fortunately, disapproving looks were all the negativity I received; nobody came to remonstrate with me for my nakedness, and most people seemed merely surprised, or even amused or appreciative of my exposed state. I didn't dally, though; I felt a need to keep moving, in case anyone who saw me was about to phone the cops and severely ruin my day.


I saw the first person I knew on that route into town, too. One of my old high school teachers, was loading up his car as I walked down the street. He looked at me but I can't say for certain he recognised me; I definitely recognised him though. Further down the street, a shopkeeper whose store I regularly visited was just closing up as I approached, and called out my name in disbelief when he saw me. I gave a casual, "hey" and kept on walking.

Soon enough, I'd passed the storefronts and made it to the town square. During the day this would have been one of the busiest parts of town but by now it was pretty quiet, and I was only seen by a few motorists and a couple of girls off in the distance as I crossed the square.

My destination was a small plaza just off the square. It was kind of a park, I supposed, albeit a small one, just some grass, trees and a couple of benches. These benches were my destination; when I planned out my route, I had intended to get here and go no further. I planned to sit a short while and chill before making my way back to the old family home. I wasn't certain but I felt I would probably masturbate en route, so as to be less likely to be far from home when, post-orgasm, my euphoria and arousal would likely give way to a feeling of vulnerability.

A Show At The Park

I entered the plaza and sat on the bench nearest the way I had come in. The wood was still warm from the day's sun, and felt pleasant against my naked body. I leaned back, arms across the back of the seat, legs parted. My cock began to stiffen and I closed my eyes, replaying the stages of my journey in my head.

I heard the sound of people approach me, and a voice say "hey." A female voice.

"Hey," I said in a friendly way, opening my eyes.

There were two people standing over me; a guy and a girl. It looked like they were a couple. She was petite and dark haired; maybe some Asian heritage?; wearing jean shorts, a raglan top, sneakers. He was skinny, wearing basketball shorts and a punk band t-shirt. They looked younger than me by a couple of years.

I worried, for a moment. The girl, on her own, wouldn't have bothered me. Nor, for that matter, would the guy; I'm as turned on by guys seeing me as I am by girls. But the two together approaching me gave me concern. Maybe he would be mad I was exposing myself to his girlfriend and get aggressive. Maybe she was upset at seeing me and wanted him to teach me a lesson. I reckoned I could take the guy in a fight, he didn't look like much; but I'm not that type of guy and I'd rather avoid those sort of situations if I can.

But they didn't seem mad at me; both seemed quite friendly in their manner and speech. And in the end, an audience is an audience, and I certainly wasn't going to complain at having one. The girl, for her part, seemed unafraid, and sat down on the opposite side of the bench to me. Her boyfriend stayed standing; but in a non-threatening way.

"Why are you naked?" the girl asked. "Where are your clothes?"

"Back at my house," I said, answering the second question first.

"You walked here naked?" the guy said, disbelieving.

"Yup," I answered proudly.

"Why would you do that?" asked his girlfriend. "Why aren't you wearing clothes?"

I thought for a moment. Why not be honest? They seemed quite keen to know, and I was happy to tell them.

"Well," I said, "I'm leaving town today. I lived here, like, most of my life, and I always wanted to do something like this."

The guy grinned. "Well, it is pretty boring round here!"

I laughed. "True! But this is a bit more than just livening things up."

"What do you mean?" the girl asked.

"Well," I carried on, "to be honest, being naked, out in public like this, it really feels good to me. In fact, it makes me feel pretty turned on."

She laughed. "Yeah, I can see that!" I looked down and my cock was semi-hard, verging on hard again; I'd not even noticed, I'd been absorbed in our brief conversation.

"Aw, sorry," I grinned.

"Don't be," she said.

"Well, sorry to your boyfriend, at least."

"Aw, he's not bothered," she laughed. I looked at him.

"You're not?" I asked

"Nah dude," he said off-handedly. "Rock out with your cock out. It's all cool. If I had your bod, I wouldn't be shy either."

I laughed. "Are you guys for real?"

The girl nodded. "Uh-huh. We saw you across the square and just had to come talk to you. Josh wouldn't stop staring at your weiner."

I looked at the boyfriend; evidently Josh; who flushed a little. But there was no denying she was probably right; the sort of gym shorts he was wearing are lousy at hiding if you have an erection, and Josh was definitely starting to pitch a tent there.

There was a moment of silence between the three of us then. In my stomach, butterflies stirred. I think I had some fans here, maybe someone with the start of a crush even. Maybe two crushes. Well, I wasn't going to disappoint them.

I adjusted my position slightly to give a better view, then took my now rock-hard cock in my hand. I began to stroke it, slowly, as we talked to each other. The girl turned, resting her elbows on her knees, looking straight at me, taking it all in. Josh just looked down and grinned.

"Dude, for real?" he said. "You gonna jerk off here?"

I paused. "I can stop, if you like."

"No," the girl said. "I wanna see."

I looked again at Josh, seeking permission. "Okay by me," he grinned.

I resumed my slow, relaxed stroking, fingers and thumb wrapped good around my shaft. I was already building up to climax, I knew this wouldn't be a long wank, but I wanted to make the most of it.

"How old are you guys?" I asked.

"Eighteen," the girl replied.

"That's a relief," I laughed. "At least I'm not whacking it in front of a minor."

She giggled. "You don't have to do it here."

"True," I acknowledged, "but I'm gonna, all the same."

Both of them smiled.

I was stroking harder now, more swiftly. I felt the pleasure throbbing in my shaft, the knot in the base of my cock that would soon release. I had no reason to hold back any more and my rhythmic strokes increased. I sensed their eyes on me; hers especially were entirely on my cock, staring intently at it. That was enough to send me over the crest. I grunted, teeth gritted, as the knot burst and my cock spasmed with an orgasm that spread over me, radiating through me. Thick, warm, white spunk spurted rhythmically from the end of my hard cock, landing on the asphalt of the path and, as the flow ended, dripping onto the wood of the bench on which I sat. I continued to masturbate, lessening my stroke, until my orgasm subsided and my cock pulsed no more.

I felt dizzy for a moment, dazed with coming down from my arousal. I tipped back my head and breathed deeply, hand still squeezing my cock, wringing out the last drops of sperm.

"Wow," the girl said, "you really enjoyed that, huh?"

I just smiled, and nodded. Hard to play it cool when you've just come in front of a stranger; harder still when that stranger is a pretty girl & accompanied by her boyfriend.

"Did you?" I asked, after a moment.

"I guess," she said. "You have a nice; penis." She blushed. "Sorry babe," she said to Josh. He just laughed.

"It's true," he shrugged, "he's got a nice cock."

"Nicer than his?" I asked jokingly. The girl just squealed, blushing again and burying her face in her hands.

"We haven't; er;" Josh said, by way of explanation.

"Oh!" I said, with a laugh. "Say," I asked, indicating my softening, dripping cock "I don't suppose you have a Kleenex on you?"

The girl stood up, rummaging in her pocket, and pulled out a napkin. Instead of handing it to me, though, she reached out and, taking my cock in one hand, wiped it off with the napkin in the other. Her touch on my member was warm and slight, and another spasm of pleasure shot through me. She blushed again and withdrew her hand quickly.

"Sorry," she said.

"Don't apologise to me," I replied, "apologise to your boyfriend!" In truth, I was getting a little worried. Josh seemed good-natured, and maybe he had a thing for guys as much as girls. But I felt like I was starting to step on his turf, and I was concerned that the longer we stayed together the more his girlfriend was going to get curious about touching, and much as I like to think I'm not the sort of guy to cuckold a dude, in my current state I wasn't so sure I'd stop her.

So I took the napkin from my hand, blotted the last of the spunk from my now flaccid cock and stood up.

The girl leaned behind me, ogling me. "Oh my God I see what you mean," she exclaimed to Josh. "He really does have a cute ass!" She turned to me. "Why didn't you let me see that before?"

I shrugged, "sorry," I said. "You're welcome to watch all you like while I walk out of here."

"Yeah," Josh said, "you probably shouldn't hang around naked here all night. Cops come by often." Much as I thought he was probably offering genuine advice, I sensed as well that he kinda wanted some private time with his girlfriend.

"Thanks for the warning," I replied. "And for being a good audience."

She grinned. "Thanks for the show," she said. She slid an arm around her boyfriend's waist, and the two of them laughed as they walked off. Just as they went out of sight, I saw her slip her hand into the waistband of his still-tenting shorts.

I laughed to myself. Whatever it was that those two had never done, they were probably going to do tonight!

I regained my own composure, and set off myself.

I had expected to feel vulnerable about my nudity now I had come. Often in the past when I had done something exhibitionist and ended up masturbating, I would lose some of that compulsion to be naked and end up finding my way quickly back to clothing or coverage. But despite my orgasm I still felt excited and aroused to be naked in public. I knew I needed to head back to the family home but I was in no hurry, I thought I would probably have a little fun along the way.


I left the plaza and went back across the town square. Again, a few drivers saw me, but Josh and his girlfriend had long gone. It was starting to get dark now, and I was a little more invisible in my nudity. I was still seen though, more people in cars than people on the street, but I still got that thrill, knowing they could see my whole body, see my nakedness, and it was a surprise and maybe a treat for them.

I started to head back out of town. The stores were closed now, except one along the end of a row, a convenience store. I'd been walking and jogging for over an hour now and I had quite a thirst. I'd not had anywhere to keep money, what with being completely naked, but I had a $5 bill stuffed in one of my shoes.

I walked into the convenience store. There were no customers inside, just a guy behind the counter. He raised an eyebrow when I walked in.

"Warm out?" he asked.

"Yeah," I smiled, "seemed like a nice evening but I didn't have a thing to wear."

He laughed as I grabbed a soda from the refrigerator and pulled the bill from my shoe. "I was wondering where you were keeping your money."

"Hey," I joked, "it was here, or; " I left it hanging.

He laughed again as he rang up my purchase. "So you on a bet or something?"

"Something like that, yeah."

"Well alright," he said. "Don't get yourself into trouble."

"I won't," I said, popping the soda as I left the store.

It was amazing how people who had no reason to expect a guy walking around naked were pretty relaxed about the reality of it, I thought as I continued on my walk. The couple in the plaza, the guy in the store; they had reacted, sure; I liked having my nudity noticed, I wouldn't be an exhibitionist if I didn't enjoy that. But I'd expected running, shouting, "think of the children" reactions, and a quick call to the cops. But people seemed to be taking my nakedness in the spirit I intended it to. It was my parting gift to the town, really; their last sight of me would be nude in public, and if nothing else, at least it would be memorable!

To be continued in part 2.

By Requiax, for Literotica