Childhood Friends: Part 3

 Francesca’s Garden of Pleasures

By neruval442. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


I woke to a feeling of bliss, still flanked by two beautiful women, one of them my beloved Beth. She smiled as she always did when we woke together. "Hi."

"Hi yourself."

I felt Francesca stirring. "Buongiorno" she wished us as she stretched luxuriantly.

She sat up, and as always I couldn't help my eyes being drawn to her breasts. "Such a lovely day," she observed as the sunlight slanted in through the gap in the curtains.

Beth nodded. "Perhaps we could all go out somewhere?"

Francesca thought for a moment. "I know a place."

She got out of bed, starting to dress, and Beth reached to touch her arm. "You don't need to go."

Francesca smiled. "I think you two lovers need a little time to yourselves, maybe? I will go back to my room, take shower, I see you at breakfast."

She deftly tied the fastening of her dress in place, and she was gone, closing the door behind her.

Beth turned over, and I wrapped my arms around her. "She's very considerate."

Beth nodded, a grin slowly spreading across her face. "Wow, last night really worked, didn't it."

My expression was thoughtful, even a little puzzled. "We didn't quite stick to the plan, did we?"

Beth smirked. "You men and your plans. What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't think there was any time when she and I were both giving attention to your breasts."

Beth acknowledged my point. "Something still to look forward to, then."

I hesitated. "And the way I was in her, you and I haven't done exactly that, have we. I'm sorry."

Beth looked surprised, putting her hand on mine. "You were worried about that? Don't be silly. Anyway, I prefer to see your face, usually. Not that we shouldn't try it sometime."

She smiled. "Anything else?"

It was my turn to show surprise. "Well, um, you and she didn't, you know, there,”

Beth's response was a shiver of anticipation. "Now that, I definitely hope we put right today."

She took a deep breath. "Right, time for a shower so we can get going straight after breakfast. I wonder where Francesca has in mind, ?"

When we walked into the dining room, Francesca was already at the table we'd shared the previous morning. "The girl will bring your usual breakfast," she grinned.

She'd changed into a summer dress, still elegant but more suitable for a casual day out, and her dark hair was caught into a neat ponytail. "Any clues on where we're going?" I hinted.

"It is very close, but also private," came her enigmatic response.

When we'd finished eating, Francesca bent down to pick up a blanket she'd kept under her chair, incidentally giving me a clear view down her cleavage, confirming that as yesterday she hadn't felt a bra was necessary to her outfit. "Follow me."

She led us into the hotel's back garden, the grass neatly trimmed but the shrubs and bushes less and less well-tended as we moved further in. Finally we reached a high brick wall almost entirely concealed by overgrowth, and Francesca carefully stepped forward, pulling the ivy aside to reveal a wooden door, its iron latch showing signs of rust but still solid.

She pushed the door open with some effort, and turned to us. "Please, enter."

Beth stepped through first, and I followed. "Wow,”

We were in a walled garden, trees and shrubs wildly overgrown, but with an inviting mossy lawn in the center. Francesca eased the door closed, brushing dust off her fingers, and smiled. "A wonderful place, no?"

She walked to the center of the grass and spread out the blanket, sitting down and patting the space beside her in an obvious invitation. Beth walked over, kneeling, and I laid down in the space she'd left, my hands behind my head. "Um, it's idyllic."

Beth looked around thoughtfully. "I'm sure the medieval writers used an enclosed garden as a symbol of a woman's body,”

Francesca blinked. "You also read old books?"

I chuckled. "Oh, you wouldn't believe it. That's why we've had so many holidays in this town, after all."

"Of course we've both read quite a lot of Dante," Beth remembered.

Francesca smiled. "There was a man who knew what it was to love. But also to lose."

She looked sad, a little lost. "Tomorrow I must fly home,”

I reached a hand out to hers. "We'll make sure we don't lose touch. And, all the more reason to make the most of the time we have."

I leaned across, kissing Francesca softly on the lips. "That's by way of a promise."

She placed her hand flat on my chest, and even this innocuous contact sent a thrill through my body. "Francesca, you've made my nipples tingle," I confessed.

She glanced at Beth, who was grinning. "In that case, we must do something about it."

Francesca started to undo my shirt buttons, and Beth joined her. As soon as one nipple was exposed to view, Beth dabbed her tongue on it, then pursed her lips to blow a stream of cooler air, making it harden almost painfully. "Hey," I pretended to scold, "you know that's not the way I like."

"Is this better?" Francesca queried in a low, seductive voice, placing her moistened lips around my other nipple and sliding her tongue wetly over it.

"Oh god, yes, “ I gasped, and Beth relented, her lips and tongue mirroring Francesca's. "Oh, that is absolute bliss," I murmured, looking down to see Francesca's dark hair to one side, Beth's glossy brown on the other. "I could let you do this all day."

I felt Francesca's fingers working deftly at my belt, then the zip of my jeans. Her fingers slid inside, finding my hardness, and she glanced across at Beth. "He does not need so many clothes, no?"

Between them they slid my jeans and y-fronts off, then returned to my chest, Francesca's fingers now wrapped gently round my shaft. "Maybe I give you a small treat," she teased, leaving Beth to play with my nipples while she moved downwards. She dabbed at the drop of clear liquid on my tip with her tongue, then glanced up to watch my expression. She wrapped her lips softly around me, and my eyes widened as despite my best efforts to hold back, a surge of pleasure rippled through me and sticky fluid splashed her lips, her tongue. "Francesca, I am so sorry," I gasped.

She swallowed, running her tongue over her lips, using a fingertip to catch a stray drop. "Is no problem, I like,”

"Don't worry," grinned Beth. "He'll be ready for more before too long."

She shifted a little closer to Francesca. "Anyway, this is our chance for you and I to get to know each other better."

I held my breath as Beth kissed Francesca softly. "You taste your lover, no?" Francesca murmured, and Beth grinned. "It wouldn't be the first time."

I watched as their hands began to explore one another, Beth's fingers brushing over Francesca's nipples, eliciting a gasp, and Francesca raised her arms so that Beth could lift her dress over her head. Today Francesca wore a barely-there thong, and Beth watched her face with an almost wanton expression, fingers tugging the filmy fabric into Francesca's most sensitive place while Beth's mouth returned to her nipples. "O dio," Francesca breathed, her hands cupping Beth's breasts. "Let me touch you also."

Beth slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders, letting it slide to the floor, then moved to kiss Francesca again, fingers tangling in her hair as Francesca sought the clips of her bra, finally releasing them. Francesca carefully laid aside the lacy garment, then touched her tongue to each nipple in turn. "Um," breathed Beth, "let me lie down."

She lay back, hands behind her head, and Francesca returned to her nipples, suckling one then the other softly. She paused to glance at me, eyes dancing. "You can help, no?"

I caught Beth's eye. "One down," she grinned with a raise of her eyebrows, then parted her lips in a soundless moan as I bent to her breast, Francesca's mouth already busy on the other. "Oh god, that's good."

Beth parted her thighs as Francesca's fingers explored upwards, meeting the soft cotton of her panties. "So damp," Francesca whispered. She hooked her fingers through the elastic, and Beth lifted her hips to let Francesca slide her panties down and off. I felt myself stir as Francesca deliberately lifted the soft cotton to her face, tonguing the moisture Beth had provided. "Um, sweet."

"Oh, my breasts again," begged Beth, and I glanced at Francesca as my mouth returned to Beth's nipple. "Greedy," Francesca teased. "I know soon you will want something else."

Her words proved true as moments later Beth flexed her hips upwards. "Please,”

I watched spellbound as Francesca moved down, kneeling between Beth's feet and leaning forward. Francesca buried her face in Beth's fur, breathing in deeply, then Beth's eyes widened as Francesca used the tip of her nose to explore lower, brushing her nub. "I hope you're taking notes, Tim," she gasped.

Francesca threw me a grin, then took a deep breath, blowing gently on Beth's most intimate place. Beth's response was a frustrated sound, almost a growl. "God, 'Cesca, touch me again."

Francesca relented, bending to place a soft kiss, then dab with her tongue. She hesitated, then carefully slid two fingers into Beth's opening, her tongue beginning to brush Beth's hard nub more insistently.

I shifted position so that I could continue to use my mouth and tongue on Beth's breasts while still watching. The muscles under the smooth skin of Beth's stomach began to tense, and I paused to lean down and whisper in Francesca's ear, getting first a widening of her eyes in surprise, then a nod of understanding.

I renewed my attention to Beth's nipples, and watched Francesca continue to use her mouth, her fingers thrusting gently as Beth clenched her hands on the blanket.

Francesca's eyes met mine, and I nodded. She slowly withdrew her fingers, her tongue still moving insistently on Beth's nub, and again I saw the telltale tightening of muscles that betrayed how close Beth was to her release. "Ready, darling?" I queried, and Beth nodded wordlessly.

I held my breath as Francesca moved a slippery fingertip a little further back, and gently touched the center of Beth's other opening. Beth's response was immediate, a cry of ecstasy, her hips shuddering, her nipples hardening under my lips as never before. Her thighs tightened on Francesca, who fought to keep her place, tongue flickering to draw out the last moments of delight.

Finally Beth subsided, chest heaving, eyes wide. "Oh, my, goodness," she managed eventually. "That was,”

Francesca moved up to cradle Beth's head softly against her breasts. "For me, too."

She placed a soft kiss on Beth's hair. "And now I know another of your little secrets."

Francesca breathed in, her chest rising. "I think I too would enjoy, at the proper moment."

Beth stirred in her arms. "Oh, I think we could oblige."

She pulled out of Francesca's embrace, lying back again. "Ready?"

Francesca slid across Beth's body, kneeling with her parted thighs offering access to her intimate place. A drop of clear liquid splashed down, and Beth caught it on her lips. "I think more than ready," she murmured.

Beth cupped Francesca's breasts in her hands, then imitated something I knew she liked when I did it, pulling Francesca's nipples gently away from her body with pinched fingers. Francesca gasped, flexing her hips, and Beth took the hint, burying her mouth in Francesca's wetness.

Francesca looked over her shoulder at me, her face betraying the ecstasy she was already feeling. "Come do whatever you want to me," she invited.

I moved behind her, feeling Beth's fur gently tickling me as I lowered myself onto her body. My fingers explored Francesca from behind, feeling the movement of Beth's tongue close to my fingertips.

Francesca gasped as I slid fingers into her, leaning forward a little, exposing her pink star to my view. I moistened a finger with my tongue, then used it to brush softly across her other opening. Her reaction was a moan, "Oh, more, “ and I pressed my finger a little more firmly, the tip now surrounded by a ring of smooth muscle.

Francesca tilted her head back, her breasts pushed into Beth's caressing hands, her hips flexing, and I heard her begin to gasp with each thrust of my fingers inside her. "Oh, so good, Um, più forte."

I felt the first tightening of her muscles on my fingers as she cried out unintelligibly, then I thrilled as her pink star contracted, rippling visibly as evidence of her climax, the tip of my finger squeezed repeatedly as Francesca's whole body shook.

I withdrew from her carefully, and she slid from Beth's body, her eyes unfocused. "Oh, again new, and more,”

She laid down on her side, Beth tenderly stroking her hair. "Rest now, darling."

I joined them, one arm under Beth's head, the other stretched across to embrace Francesca, and closed my eyes, letting the warm sun lull me to sleep,

When I opened my eyes, the sun had passed its highest point, and I leaned across to kiss Beth. "I'm beginning to wish we'd brought something for lunch."

Beth rolled her eyes, grinning. "All you ever think about."

She glanced towards the door through which we'd entered the garden. "I think I saw some strawberries growing, they must be from when this place was used."

I got to my feet and walked along the border. Here and there, red berries peeped out from under the foliage, and I gathered them as I went. When I returned to the blanket, Francesca was sitting up, and I offered her a strawberry. "Um," she smiled, "sweet."

We shared the fruit, but as we reached the last couple of berries I closed my hand. "Ah-ah, I have an plan for these."

I deliberately crushed one berry in my fingers, stretching out my hand to let the juice and the remains of the fruit dribble, slide down Beth's nearest breast. I repeated the process with the other breast, then offered Francesca my fingers. She smiled, sucking them and tonguing my fingertips to get the remains of the juice, and I felt a definite stirring in my body. "What about me?" Beth teased. "I'm still all sticky."

Francesca bent to sweep her tongue across the lower curve of Beth's breast, working her way upwards, then circling the nipple teasingly. I was reminded of our first time as Beth used her fingers to move her nipple between Francesca's lips, tilting her head back and gasping. I bent to mirror Francesca's movements, and Beth moaned, parting her thighs. "Tim, if you're ready again, I want you now."

She turned her head to look at Francesca. "I promise we'll give you a very special send-off later, but right now,”

I positioned myself between Beth's thighs, entering her, letting my weight rest on her almost completely. I could still feel the juice sticky on her breasts as my chest pressed them against her body, and I kissed her, tasting strawberries. "Um."

Francesca watched mesmerized as Beth wrapped her legs around me, pushing her hips up almost desperately. "Oh please, now, don't stop,”

I cupped her ass in my hands, thrusting as deeply as I dared, and Beth began to gasp softly. "Um, oh, yes, “

I reached my own release, and I saw Beth's eyelids flickering as the sensation of my warmth deep in her tipped her over the edge. "Oh,”

Beth buried her face in my chest as we lay still entangled. "Thank you," I heard her indistinct murmur.

Finally I slid out of her arms, placing a final kiss on her forehead. "Everywhere's sticky now," she mock-complained. "Do we really have to get dressed and walk back before we can get a shower?"

I looked around again, and a mischievous grin spread across my face. "Maybe I can help there."

At the edge of the grass, by an almost totally collapsed greenhouse, there was a brass tap with a length of hose still attached. I walked across and gripped the tap, turning with my whole weight into my wrist, and there was a squeal of metal, then a steady stream of water from the end of the hose. I picked it up, putting my thumb over the end, and a fine spray of water shot into the air, catching Beth on her face and chest. She squealed, ducking, and I followed her with the spray. "That'll sort all that stickiness," I called.

"Wait till I catch you," she scolded, but she was smiling, and as I played the water over her, she used her hands to wash her breasts, then between her thighs.

"Hey," grinned Francesca, "my turn." She ducked into the spray with Beth, and they helped each get clean while I watched.

"Now," Beth strode purposefully towards me, still dripping. "You need a shower too."

I relinquished the hose to her, and she directed the spray over me. "Make sure you do behind your ears," she teased.

Finally she dropped the hose, and I turned the tap off. "We just need to dry out now."

We went back to the blanket, and Beth sprawled on her back. "Nice to get a bit of a tan, and no bikini line," she grinned.

All too soon the sun started to drop towards the horizon, and I sat up, stretching. "Sorry, you two, I think it's time we made our way back."

I touched Francesca's hand. "But there's still dinner, and afterwards,”

She nodded. "Thank you, I will never forget your generosity."

Beth brushed at her eyes, then smiled. "It's not time for goodbyes yet."

We dressed, "Let me just check nobody has grass stuck to them," teased Beth, then I pulled open the door in the wall, glancing back one last time at the secret garden. We walked back down the hotel lawn, exchanging a polite 'hello' with a couple of the other guests, and Beth chuckled softly. "If they had any idea how we've spent our day,”

When we reached the hotel, I glanced at Francesca. "Your choice for dinner, anywhere at all."

Something seemed to be amusing her. "There is one thing I have not tried, your English fish and chips."

Beth grinned. "One of my favorites, and there's a fish and chip shop on the main street."

We walked down the hill, the unmistakable aroma of frying drifting towards us. There was a short queue in the shop, and I looked at the menu. "Um, they have a chicken meat special, hot sauce, garlic mayonnaise."

Beth nudged Francesca, chuckling. "We can make him sleep on a sun lounger tonight,”

We ordered, and Francesca watched as paper-wrapped parcels piled up on the heated cabinet. "Free bottle of Coke," the girl behind the counter pointed towards the fridge, and I opened the door to pick one up. She transferred our food to a plastic bag, and I swiped my card. "Thanks."

"Where shall we eat?" queried Beth.

"There's a place near the river, the view's quite good."

We walked along the bridge, then down a short path to the place I remembered. There was no-one else about, and we sat at a wooden picnic table, Beth starting to unpack our bag. "Here's yours, 'Cesca, and this is mine."

She slid a flat box towards me, still pretending to wrinkle her nose at my choice, and I lifted the lid, breathing in the spicy aroma. "Um."

Francesca dug into her fish with the wooden fork, taking a bite. "Oh, yes, this is good. You were right about the salt and vinegar."

After a nice meal and light conversation, Cesca turned. "Can we go back now? It's getting a little chilly."

"Of course, darling," Beth replied.

When we reached the hotel, Francesca stood looking through the glass doors at the empty pool. "Maybe in the morning we can swim a little."

Beth sat down on the bed, patting the space next to her. "'Cesca? Come and sit with me."

Francesca joined her, resting her head on Beth's shoulder, and Beth put an arm around her. "'Cesca, you'll come back for our wedding, won't you."

I opened my mouth, then closed it again. Francesca took Beth's left hand, touching the plain gold band. "I thought, ?"

Beth smiled apologetically. "We did it as a game to start with, but Tim and I are certain that this is what we want, we just have to tell our parents, then actually get married. You'll come?"

Francesca brushed at her eyes. "Of course I will."

She took a deep breath. "So I can say, congratulations?"

"Thank you," I nodded.

"And we should certainly celebrate," Francesca stated firmly, recovering some of her usual poise.

She got to her feet. "I will be back very quickly," she smiled.

As the door closed behind her, I turned to Beth with a lopsided grin. "So this wedding,”

She took my hand, running her thumb over the band I wore. "You don't mind, do you?"

I shook my head. "As long as you don't mind missing the bit where I go down on one knee."

Beth smiled. "It's fine. But you still have to get me a ring,”

Francesca tapped on the door, coming back in with a bottle in one hand, three glasses in the other. "I am glad the bar had this."

She put the bottle down, and I turned it to look at the label. "Cellini grappa, wow."

I grinned at Beth. "This stuff is pretty strong, I think I can cope, but you don't have quite the same body mass as me,”

She lifted her chin defiantly. "Are you saying I'm a lightweight?" she challenged, throwing Francesca a wink. "We'll see about that."

Francesca used a fingernail to slit the foil round the top of the bottle, then eased the cork out and poured a generous measure into each glass. "Salute," she offered.

She lifted her glass, tossing the contents back and setting the glass down with a snap. "Keep up," she teased with a raised eyebrow.

I drank, my eyes watering, but managed to empty my glass. Beth shook her head, and I saw her throat bob as she swallowed. "Another, 'Cesca?"

Francesca refilled our glasses, again lifting hers and emptying it apparently without effect. Beth followed suit, her aim seeming to waver a little when setting her glass down, and they both looked at me. "Best of three?" Beth ventured, and I gave her an amused look. "That doesn't even make sense."

"Drink," she urged, and I closed my eyes, trying to pretend this was medicine. The strong spirit burned on the way down, and I put the glass down.

"Three," Beth's now unsteady voice insisted, and Francesca poured for me again. "But that's definitely my limit."

Either I was getting used to the grappa, or it had actually started to numb my throat so I didn't feel anything as I drank for the final time. "I think I need to lie down for a moment."

I made it to the bed, sprawling back on the pillow and trying to focus on the ceiling. I was vaguely aware of Beth and Francesca exchanging amused glances, then undressing, their clothes mingled in an untidy heap on the floor. "How do we get his clothes off?" Beth wondered out loud.

Francesca leaned over me, her breasts enticing, and I lifted my head to try and reach her. "Ah, not yet," she shook her head. She deftly undid buttons, her fingers seeming little affected by the grappa, and with a little difficulty she raised me to a sitting position, pushing my shirt off my shoulders. She added it to the pile, then let me lie back again. "Now, those trousers," she puzzled.

I felt something tugging at my feet, and I looked down to see Beth grinning triumphantly, one of my socks in each hand. "See, 'Cesca, I'm helping."

"Very good, darling. Now, why don't you pull these while I,”

With some difficulty my jeans came off, bringing my briefs with them, and Beth held up her palm for an unsteady high five from Francesca. "Now what are we going to do with him?" Beth queried.

Francesca moved to the bed, propping herself on one elbow next to me. "Come over here and we'll see."

Beth walked towards us, carefully putting one foot in front of the other, and slid next to me. I thrilled as one breast flattened against my ribs, and Beth draped her leg over mine so that her mound pressed into my thigh. "Now you can't get away."

She planted a kiss on my mouth, then leaned a little further. "Kiss you too, 'Cesca." Their lips met, and I watched fascinated as Beth's tongue probed wetly into Francesca's mouth, causing Francesca to gasp, deepen the kiss.

After a few moments, Francesca broke the kiss, bending to use her mouth on Beth's breast. Beth turned a little to reveal her already-erect nipple, and gave a quiet moan as Francesca suckled her softly. Beth flexed her hips, and I felt wetness as she pushed herself insistently against my hip bone. Her eyes widened, and she moved more urgently. Francesca took her mouth from Beth's nipple, instead using the flat of her tongue to sweep across it, then nipping it lightly with her teeth provoking a gasp of mixed shock and delight from Beth. I heard Beth's breathing quicken, then catch, and suddenly she tensed, shuddering, her hips bucking against me as her face betrayed obvious pleasure.

She subsided, panting, and managed a bemused look at both of us. "Wow."

Francesca nodded. "Such passion," she smiled.

Beth turned to me. "You and 'Cesca have to fuck," she reminded me, "'cause it's her last night and we promised."

She looked across at Francesca. "But we can get him really ready, can't we."

Beth surrounded my nipple with her lips, suckling and using her tongue, perhaps a little less gently than usual. Francesca took the other nipple, and I gasped. "Oh, god. Wonder if you could take me all the way just doing this?"

Every so often Beth and Francesca paused to kiss each other, and I drank in the sight of their pleasure while their breasts moved tantalizingly against my body.

After a while Beth glanced at me. "Let's see how you're doing."

She moved down. "Oh, he's definitely ready, 'Cesca."

Beth used her tongue on me, catching the clear liquid that must already have been leaking from me, and she must have felt me move in response. "Oh no you don't, 'Cesca needs you to hold on a little longer."

Francesca smiled. "But one last indulgence before Tim is in my body,”

She shifted position, offering her breasts to me, and I lost myself in them, moving from one to the other, kissing, suckling softly, burying my tongue in the valley between them,

Francesca moaned. "Oh, now, please."

She shifted across my body, this time facing me, and her careful fingers guided me into her, hips lowering. I could hardly tear my eyes from the dark triangle between her parted thighs, and she began to rock slowly, Beth watching her with a rapt expression.

I reached to cup Francesca's breasts, my thumbs brushing her still-wet nipples, and a wild look came into her eyes. She moved more insistently, and I started to flex my hips, lifting in response. Francesca tilted her head back, and her mouth formed an O as her body tensed. The sensation of her muscles tightening around me finally forced me over the edge, and I pushed upwards convulsively once, again, as I released into her.

Francesca relaxed, pillowing her head on my chest and closing her eyes, and Beth stroked her back softly. My head was starting to clear a little, and I turned to kiss Beth. "Love you," her lips formed unmistakable syllables, and she pillowed her head next to mine, reaching to turn off the lamp.

A Morning Alone

Beth stirred next to me, opening her eyes then immediately screwing them shut against the light. "Too bright,”

She turned over. "Oh, where's Francesca?"

I indicated a folded piece of paper in the empty space on the bed. "Looks like she left us a note."

Beth picked it up, reading aloud. "I'm not much for goodbyes, and I know we'll see each other again. Thank you so much for everything, take care. F"

She passed the note to me. "She's put an address, and a phone number."

Beth grinned. "So we have somewhere to send our first wedding invite."

She looked around the room. "'Cesca's left the grappa for us, anyway."

I couldn't help a quiet chuckle, and Beth caught her bottom lip between her teeth. "Was I really terrible last night? It's all a bit fuzzy."

"You were fine," I reassured. "Slightly more uninhibited, maybe."

I grinned. "And definitely funny, and sweet."

Beth leaned over to kiss me, smiling softly. "That's Okay, then. Maybe once in a while we can enjoy ourselves the same way, just the two of us."

Her smile turned into a mischievous grin. "Francesca left something else behind, actually."

I looked around the room for some item of clothing, or an overlooked piece of jewelry, and Beth shook her head, her eyes dancing. "Not even warm."

She pulled back the covers. "I love the way you're always hard in the morning, it's like an invitation, I might not always take advantage but it's nice to know it's there."

She moved down to brush me with her tongue. "Oh, yes, I can definitely taste her. And your stuff too."

She continued to use her tongue on me, then looked up. "Hey, how am I ever going to finish this if you keep leaking?"

I chuckled. "Well, there are a couple of obvious ways."

"Later," Beth promised. She moved back up to kiss me, and I breathed in, picking up a faint aroma of Francesca. "Um,”

A Surprise Gift

Beth stirred beside me, a hint of regret in her usual morning smile. "There's no way around it, is there."

I leaned over to kiss her. "We have a lot to look forward to, love."

Beth brightened visibly, returning the kiss. "You're right."

She got out of bed, and I watched her moving around the room, still unclothed. "If we do most of our packing now, we can take our time over breakfast."

"What about the pool?" I queried.

Beth shook her head. "It's Okay."

She grinned. "Maybe one day when we have our own house, we can have a hot tub out back, or a sauna?"

She laid out her clothes for the day on the bed, panties, lacy bra, and her summer dress. Finally she zipped up her case, and glanced at me. "One last shower?"

I helped her wash, smiling at her quiet gasp as I brushed her nipples. "Don't get me too excited just yet," she murmured. "We don't know when we'll be alone again later, do we?"

"I'm sure we'll think of something," I promised.

I watched as she dried her hair, brushing it out straight. "Lovely as always."

She smiled softly, starting to dress. "You say the sweetest things."

When we were ready, we made our way to the dining room, and Beth ate her bacon with a thoughtful expression. "We can take our time on the way back, can't we."

"Sure. Did you have a detour in mind?"

Beth's eyes twinkled. "Maybe."

"Fair enough," I grinned. "I might have a surprise or two of my own up my sleeve, too."

I fetched us second cups of coffee, and Beth leaned her elbows on the table. "How long is it till uni actually starts?"

I thought for a moment. "I think we can actually move in on the twenty-ninth."

"Four weeks, then," mused Beth. "I think I might cope."

She grinned. "After all, Mom'll be out at work a lot."

We finished our coffee, smiling at the girl who'd served us as we left. A last few bits of packing, and I carried our luggage to the car.

We went to the desk to check out, and the manager smiled at us. "I hope you enjoyed your stay."

I smiled softly at Beth. "Very much."

She nodded. "I think I can safely say we'll be visiting again."

We made our way to the car, and I glanced at Beth. "Your detour, do I need to take a different route?"

She shook her head. "Not till we get back to the ring road."

We headed out of town, Beth keeping her eyes on the bluff. "Maybe I'll spot the kestrel falcons again."

Finally she settled back in her seat, and after a while we reached the next small town. I pulled up outside the jeweler’s we'd visited the previous week, and Beth smiled. "This surprise wasn't too hard to guess."

We went into the shop, and the jeweler looked up, his face showing recognition. "Lovely to see you again."

He looked concerned for a moment. "I hope there isn't a problem with the rings?"

I shook my head quickly. "Not at all. Our holiday's over, sadly, but we thought we'd come back in and look for something else we definitely need. An engagement ring?"

The jeweler opened his mouth as if to speak, then shook his head slightly, smiling. "Of course. Did you have a particular style in mind?"

Beth hadn't spoken, and I saw that her attention was absorbed by a small display case separate from the others, a single ring resting on dark velvet. "What's this one? It's lovely."

The grey-haired jeweler smiled wistfully. "That one's not new, it's a vintage piece. A Belais, actually."

He opened the case, sliding out the tray. "It was my great-aunt Elizabeth's, but all that generation are gone now, sadly."

Beth blinked back sudden tears as I'd known immediately she would. "I'm Elizabeth too," she ventured, her eyes meeting his.

"Please, try it on."

I took the ring from the tray, and Beth offered me her hand as she'd done before. "It's perfect," she managed, as I slid the ring to rest next to her gold band.

"Are you sure you can part with it?" I asked the jeweler.

He nodded, his own eyes seeming moist. "I don't think some things happen by chance."

I hesitated. "It doesn't seem quite right to ask, but, how much?"

The jeweler gently turned the ring on Beth's finger to show the tiny slip of paper, figures handwritten, and I blinked in surprise. "That doesn't seem a lot for such a beautiful thing."

He smiled wryly. "The style doesn't appeal to many people these days, they want something with a big flashy stone. Not that there's anything wrong with diamonds, of course."

I took out my wallet, handing him my card. "Thank you."

"Again, congratulations," he wished us as we left, Beth still quiet. We got back into the car, and she held out her hand to me. "Tim? Can we put the gold ones away until, you know. And we'll tell Mom as soon as we get home."

I carefully slid both rings off, replacing the engagement ring on her finger, and slipped her gold band along with my own into a securely-fastened pocket. "There."

We set off again, and when we reached the ring road Beth pointed. "Take that turn at the roundabout."

She continued to give directions, and finally we drew up outside an unassuming semi-detached house with a neatly-kept garden. I followed Beth to the front door, and she rang the bell, then stepped back.

The door was opened by an elderly gentleman, slightly stooped and supporting himself on a stick. "Elizabeth!" he beamed.

"Hello, Grandad," she smiled. "I've brought someone to see you. This is Tim."

She smiled proudly. "We got engaged. And Tim, this is my grandfather."

The old man held out his hand and I shook it, his grip firm. "Please, call me Jake," he offered. "Of course Elizabeth talks about you all the time."

He turned back to Beth. "Engaged now, you say? Well, come in and tell me all about it."

We followed him into the living room, the walls covered in bookshelves. "Have a seat, I'll make us some tea."

Jake went out to the kitchen, and I gave Beth a puzzled smile. "You've not mentioned your grandad before? And I don't think I've heard your Mom talk about him."

Beth looked sad. "Something happened between Mom and her brother, before I was even born. Grandad supported Uncle Paul, from what I can gather, he was right, but Mom hasn't talked to either of them since. I found out from my uncle, and I've been coming here whenever I could, since I was about fourteen. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I knew Mom would make a huge fuss if she caught wind of it, and I didn't want you to be walking on eggshells when you were at our house."

She stopped, looking at me anxiously, and I took her hand, squeezing her fingers. "It's Okay, darling."

Jake returned with the tea tray, putting a heaped plate of chocolate biscuits on the table. "You probably have a sweet tooth if my granddaughter likes you," he chuckled.

He lowered himself slowly into a chair. "So, Elizabeth, tell me everything."

I sipped my tea as Beth talked, her eyes betraying her amusement as she tried to describe how we'd discovered our deeper feelings for one another without straying into embarrassing details.

Her grandfather shook his head, smiling. "I was your age once, you know. Shakespeare had it right, anyway, I doubt you two know Henry IV, do you."

He looked thoughtful. "The bard had something to say about old men who keep a tight grasp on what's of no use to them, as well as about young people who can't be blamed for letting their feelings get the better of them."

Jake started to get up again. "Have another biscuit."

He walked over to an old-fashioned bureau, lowering the lid and searching through the pigeonholes. "Ah, got it."

He seemed to be writing something, and when he returned to his chair he handed Beth an envelope. "This should help."

She slipped the envelope into her handbag. "Thanks, Grandad."

We talked for a while longer, and Jake looked carefully at Beth's ring. "Beautiful, and more from my era than yours, I think."

Finally Beth glanced at her grandfather. "We don't want to tire you out too much, Grandad. But I promise we'll be back again soon."

He nodded. "Next time, Tim can read to me for a while, I hear a male voice better these days."

"Of course I will," I promised.

Beth kissed her grandad, then we made our way back out to the car. "Thanks," she smiled. "I really wanted you to meet him."

We retraced our route back to the ring road, and Beth pulled her grandfather's envelope out of her bag. "Let's take a look, we'll definitely need a little help with the wedding, anyway."

She opened the flap, sliding out the contents to read, and I saw her face suddenly go as white as a sheet of paper. "Tim," her voice held a tone I'd never heard her use before, "can you stop the car at the next lay-by, please."

I watched for a sign, pulling in. I turned the engine off, and Beth passed me the envelope. I looked at what it held, a handwritten cheque, and my vision swam at the words and figures inscribed in a careful hand in black ink and signed.

"Can he, does your grandfather have, “ I managed.

Beth nodded firmly. "But, “ I started, then stopped.

Beth reached for me, and I wrapped my arms around her. "Should we go back, thank him?"

She shook her head. "We can go next week, but he probably won't want us to mention it. Keeping our promise to read to him will be what matters most."

I took a deep breath. "We should definitely get this to the bank, anyway."

Beth settled back in her seat and I started the engine, rejoined the traffic. I turned off at the next roundabout, making for the town center, and finding a place to park just off the high street. We walked along the pedestrian precinct, and Beth fumbled in her bag for her bank card. "Come in with me?"

We queued, then Beth slid the cheque and her card across the counter. The cashier raised her eyebrows, but didn't make any comment, tapping at keys on her terminal then sliding Beth's card back with a receipt slip from the printer. "The cheque is on this bank, so funds will be available by tomorrow morning."

"Thank you," murmured Beth.

We returned to the car, and she took a deep breath. "We'll have to talk about what we might plan to do," she ventured.

"There's no rush," I reassured her. "Anyway, right now we have something else we need to do."

To be continued.

By neruval442 for Literotica.