Childhood Friends: Part 2

Keeping sexual secrets

By neruval442. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


I woke the next morning to the smell of bacon, and Beth appeared in the doorway with a tray. "Thought I'd treat you," she grinned, sitting on the edge of the bed.

I bit into a bacon sandwich. "Um."

Beth picked up her mug, sipping, and I detected a hint of anxiety in her expression. "Are you Okay?" I queried.

"I'm fine, really. But Mom will be back later, and I'm not sure how she'd feel if you stayed over again."

I nodded. "Do you want to tell her about, well, about us?"

Beth puzzled for a few moments. "Of course I want her to know."

She smiled softly, putting her hand on mine. "I want everyone to know. But, well, it's still really new to me, and maybe I need some more time before she asks me loads of questions."

"Like 'are you being careful?'" I sympathized.


The look in Beth's eyes changed to one I was starting to become familiar with. "Anyway," she murmured, "I want you all to myself for a while yet."

I leaned over to kiss her. "You've definitely got me, love."

From somewhere an idea dropped into my head. "I know, why don't we go away somewhere for a few days? We can say it's a last trip before we have to put our heads down and study."

Beth's eyes lit up. "Perfect."

I could see her beginning to try out different possibilities in her mind. "Where do you fancy?" I queried.

"How about, You know that place we always used to go, Herefordshire, wasn't it?"

"Um Hmm."

"Well, I remember there was a hotel on the main street, a small one. We never stayed there, but whenever we walked past I noticed that on the sign it said they had a swimming pool, and I always wanted to try it. Especially when the weather's as warm as this."

I was momentarily distracted by a picture of Beth in a swimsuit, a one-piece cut high at the sides, or maybe just a barely-there bikini,

"Earth calling Tim," Beth teased. "I promise that all your fantasies will come true."

I chuckled. "You don't know what you're letting yourself in for. Okay, let's take a look."

I picked up Beth's iPad and tapped in a search. "Here it is."

Beth leaned closer to look at the screen. "Great, do they have space?"

I pulled up the booking calendar. "Oh, wow."

"What?" Beth queried.

"There's one room that's next to the swimming pool, and whoever's staying in it gets sole use of the pool first thing in the morning and last thing at night."

It was Beth's turn to let her imagination run away with her. "I could so swim naked."

I clicked again. "Okay, it's available from tomorrow night, shall we?"

"You bet."

I made the booking, and my phone buzzed with the email confirmation. "Sorted."

Beth leaned over to hug me. "Thanks, Tim. This is going to be amazing!"

She sighed. "But I think it would be a good idea if we spent today with our parents, I know Mom's already thinking about missing me when October comes around."

I nodded. "We still have time for a shower, though?"

Beth grinned. "Always."

Again she enjoyed the sensation of my hands smoothing soapy foam over her body, but we resisted the temptation to go any further, "We'll have all the time in the world at the hotel," Beth promised, her voice full of anticipation, and I watched as she dressed and brushed her hair. "You look like butter wouldn't melt in your mouth," I teased.

"What in my mouth?" she riposted, grinning wickedly, and I kissed her hard on the lips. "Beth, I am so lucky to have you."

She stood on the doorstep watching as I set off on the short walk home. "I'll call you," I promised from the end of the path. Then she was out of sight, and I walked the rest of the way with what must have been a distracted smile on my face, anticipating our holiday.

My father was at home when I arrived, and when I explained our plans, he just nodded. "Make the most of the weather while you're free, I hear it gets quite misty in the autumn where you two are going."

He glanced at the sky. "Talking of which, can you give me a hand with the lawn? If we're lucky, I'll only have to do it a couple more times this year."

I spent the day helping in the garden, though I didn't say it, I could tell that Dad was slowing down a little, and it'd be no bad thing if I got some of the heavier jobs out of the way for him before I was away most of the time. Lunch was sandwiches, and when Mom got back from work she looked at the garden, then at two obviously hungry men. "I think you've earned pizza," she grinned.

"Tim's got some plans to tell you about," Dad dropped into the conversation, and I explained about our trip. "Oh, I remember that place," Mom nodded. "It'll be handy for the craft place, and wasn't there an Indian restaurant somewhere nearby?"

I'd forgotten about the restaurant, and I chuckled. "Beth'll be pleased, she loves Indian food."

We sat in the lounge to enjoy our pizza, and finally I stretched, covering a yawn. "Think I'll call it a day."

"What time are you setting off tomorrow?" queried Dad.

"I thought about eleven, we can stop for lunch somewhere, and we'll still get there in plenty of time to check in to the hotel and decide where to have dinner."

"Night, then."

I made my way upstairs, closing the door of my room, and sprawled on the bed. I picked up my phone and tapped on Beth's name, listening to the soft trilling of the dial tone. She must have set her computer to answer calls from me automatically, and my screen lit to show her standing by her bed putting things into a suitcase.

She glanced towards the camera, and quickly closed the suitcase lid. "A girl has to have some secrets, you know," she grinned.

She came to sit down in front of her desk. "How was the rest of your day?"

I ran through what I'd been up to. "The garden looks a lot tidier, anyway. How about you?"

Beth gave me a wry smile. "Mom did try fishing a little when she got back, especially when I told her about our trip. But I managed to steer the conversation in a different direction."

She glanced towards the bed. "I know we've only had a couple of nights together so far, but I'm already going to miss you."

"I know, love."

I thought for a moment. "Why don't we both go through our usual routine, but stay on here, then it'll feel like we're together, sort of."

Beth nodded. "I like that idea. Okay, I'll get ready for bed."

She moved her case onto the floor, then looked directly into the camera while she started to unbutton her blouse. Her skirt went next, and she grinned as she posed in her underwear, one hand on her hip. "Okay so far?"

I nodded. "Definitely."

She reached behind her back to unfasten her bra, dropping it on the chair, then slipped off her panties, standing with her arms by her sides. "You are beautiful," I offered. "Wish I could wrap my arms around you right now."

She pulled back the bed covers and lay down, stretching her legs out. "Burr, sheet's a little cold."

She glanced down at her nipples, standing up in the slight chill, and I couldn't help myself. "If I was with you, I would definitely put my mouth there to warm you up."

Beth breathed in, almost a gasp. "Um, I'd like that."

She covered one breast with a hand, resting her other palm on her stomach. "Tim, I'm feeling a little shy right now, but, if this was really my usual routine, I'd probably, well,”

I gave her a reassuring smile. "I can go if you want to."

Beth shook her head determinedly. "No, please stay."

She slid her hand a little further down, fingers reaching her soft fur, then closed her eyes as she parted her thighs a little. I hardly dared breathe as I watched her touch her most sensitive place with one fingertip, her mouth forming an O as her hips flexed upwards a little. "Um."

She squeezed her breast, then touched a finger to her tongue, using her wet fingertip to brush her nipple. "Oh, not as good as your mouth but feels nice."

Her hand between her thighs moved again, and she looked up at the camera. "You've ruined me, you know." Her voice was matter-of-fact, but her dancing eyes reassured me that she was only teasing.

"How so?" I queried.

"Before, I would have been fine touching myself like this, but now, I need something inside me."

She followed her words with action, sliding two fingers deep inside herself, parting her thighs more. Her other hand left her breast, her fingers touching her hard nub, and she moaned loudly, then caught her lip between her teeth, looking towards her bedroom door. "Oops."

She moved her fingers more urgently. "Oh, yes, I can definitely imagine this is you in me, we'll have to try this, me using my fingers on myself at the same time."

She shifted nearer to the bottom of the bed, giving me a closer view, and I couldn't help pressing my hand to the front of my jeans. "In case you didn't guess, you've made me so hard right now."

Beth nodded wordlessly, her hips now flexing in rhythm with the movement of her fingers, and I watched spellbound as her muscles started to tense visibly. "Um, oh, so close, wish you were about to get there too,"

She pressed her lips together in an attempt to be quiet, but I heard the unmistakable creak of the bed as Beth's back arched, her whole body shaking for long seconds. Finally she let out a gasp, eyes wide open, and turned onto her side, squeezing her thighs together around her fingers. "Oh, my goodness."

She turned onto her back again, withdrawing her fingers, and I felt a thrill as she brought them deliberately to her mouth, her tongue tasting the glossy slipperiness I could see. "Um, wish you could taste this," she breathed.

I fanned my face. "Goodness, Beth, you've really got me going."

Beth grinned wickedly. "Why don't you do something about it, then."

I blinked. "Really?"

"Sure, I'm curious. Why not?"

I thought for a moment. "I always thought it'd look clumsy, awkward,”

Beth shook her head. "I really want to see."

"Okay." I propped my phone up. "Is that working?"

She nodded, and I stepped back to quickly undress, then stretched out on the bed. I reached for the tissue box, but I saw Beth grinning. "Don't bother with those yet."

I raised my eyebrows. "Okay, you can see everything, then. But it'll be messy."

"The messier the better," she chuckled.

I started to touch my nipples, and I saw Beth looking thoughtful. "Yours are really sensitive, aren't they."

I nodded, and she smiled. "I'll remember."

After a few moments I glanced at her, then used my tongue to wet my palm, my fingers, starting to touch myself. I could see Beth lean closer to her screen. "So that's how,” she mused.

She thought for a moment. "Maybe it'd feel a bit the same if you were between my breasts?"

She moved her fingers experimentally up and down her cleavage, then pushed her breasts together with her hands. "Like this, maybe,”

I couldn't help my quiet moan. "Um, Beth, imagining that definitely gets me closer."

She flashed her eyebrows at me. "I could imagine anything, couldn't I, maybe even things we haven't thought of trying."

"Like?" I managed.

"Well, I could use my fingers on you exactly like you're doing now, and you could touch me,”

"Or you could do that while I was using my mouth on you," I gasped. "God, Beth, I'm so close."

Her face showed keen anticipation. "Go for it, then."

I moved my hand more urgently, and Beth's eyes widened with pleasure as I groaned. She jerked back reflexively from the screen as my first spurt of creamy fluid jetted upwards, hitting my stomach and chest, then leaned forward again to watch. "Wow, no wonder I can feel it when you're inside me."

A second spurt, then another, and I stilled my hand, breathing heavily. "Um, That was definitely better because you were watching, imagining, Beth."

She smiled. "I'm glad."

I started to pull tissues from the box, mopping up stickiness, and Beth chuckled. "I see what you mean about messy."

She took a deep breath. "Now you've got me imagining you holding me while we're going to sleep, my ass pressing into you, and I can just feel your skin a little sticky against mine, maybe even a drop or two of your stuff on me,”

I balled up tissues, dropping them in the bin. "Wish I could hold you right now, love."

Beth nodded. "But tomorrow night will be here soon."

She slid back into bed, pulling the covers over her, and reluctantly I reached for my phone. "Better go now, darling. I'll pick you up around eleven."

She blew me a kiss. "I love you."

"Love you too."

New Adventures Together

Beth was standing at the front gate with her case when I arrived the next morning, and I hugged her as usual, giving a conspiratorial lift of my eyebrows. "Kissing can wait till later," she grinned.

She turned and waved to her mum who’d come out the front door to wish us a safe trip. Then, I put her case in the trunk, then slid into the passenger seat, fastening her seatbelt and looking at me demurely. "So, my knight in shining armor has come to sweep me up into his saddle and ride off with me."

I chuckled. "That has definite possibilities, 'Oh, sir, what are you doing'?"

We set off, and Beth studied the map on her phone. "It's a beautiful drive."

"I remember there's a place we can stop for lunch not long after we turn off the ring road," I nodded.

I concentrated on the traffic, and we were quickly out of town and driving through fields. "Look," pointed Beth, and I glanced up to see the unmistakable outline of a kite overhead, its forked tail twisting to steady itself in the breeze. "There are kestrels on the bluff above where we're going, I think."

We chatted as we always did on long journeys, pointing out things to look at, remembering other holidays, and it wasn't long before I spotted the sign I'd been waiting for, slowing to pull into the car park.

Beth took my hand as we walked towards the café, and glanced across at me. "So, what's our story?" she queried with a grin.

"Not sure what you mean?"

Posing as Honeymooners

"Well, we can be anything we want on this trip when we're not in private, can't we, We could go back a couple of steps, be friends who are just on the verge of becoming lovers, let anyone who's watching wonder how long, if, we're going to take the plunge."

"I like this," I chuckled. "What are the other possibilities?"

"I guess just a couple on their summer holiday," Beth shrugged.

A grin spread itself slowly across her face. "Or it could be our honeymoon,”

I blinked. "Wow. Hold that thought, that could definitely be fun. What about rings, though?"

"We go through that other town on the way," Beth ventured. "Maybe there's a jeweler’s, we can see if there's anything we like."

We reached the café door, and I let Beth go ahead. A waitress with a lace-edged apron looked up as we entered. "A table for two?"


We sat down, and Beth studied the menu. "Um, baked potato with cheese sounds good."

"I fancy the chili," I nodded. "Coffee?"


I ordered for us, then relaxed, looking round. One or two other tables were occupied, and I saw an older couple glancing at us, then the wife whispering to her husband, smiling. Playing to the first suggestion we'd talked about, I reached my hand across the table to touch Beth's fingers hesitantly, then withdrew as she looked up. "Sorry."

Beth shook her head, her eyes dancing. "It's fine." As though unconsciously, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. The waitress arrived with our coffee, and I spooned sugar into Beth's cup, stirring it before sliding the cup across the table towards her. She picked it up and sipped, her eyes on my face as though oblivious to anything else around her.

The waitress gave the older couple their bill, and they paid, then made their way out with a last glance back at us. "I think we convinced them," Beth chuckled.

Our food arrived, and Beth mixed her cheese in with the potato before taking a bite. "Um, it's good."

We finished our meal and I paid the bill while Beth visited the ladies' room. "Okay, let's get going," she smiled.

When we were back on the road, Beth put her handbag on her lap and reached into it. My eyes widened at the flash of red silk between her fingers, and she chuckled. "I remembered you liked this last time I did it. Just to give your imagination something to work on,”

I grinned. "Um, definitely."

We reached the next small town, and Beth pointed. "Look, there's a jeweler’s."

I drew up in the nearest parking spot, and we walked back to the shop, the bell tinkling as I held the door open for Beth.

"Can I help you?" the grey-haired jeweler queried, removing the loupe from his eye.

Beth glanced at me. "We're looking for matching plain rings, we're really hoping you've got something in our sizes in stock."

He smiled. "I'm sure I can find something to suit."

He pulled trays from under the glass counter. "These ones are what we call 'D' shaped, they're our most popular style. Or there are these others, called 'court' style, they're a little more expensive but some people prefer them for comfort."

"Can I try the court one?" Beth asked, and he took her left hand briefly, looking at her ring finger. "I think,”

He selected a ring from the tray, and held it out to me. "Perhaps you'd like to help your young lady try it on."

Beth offered her hand, and I slipped the ring on. "Seems to fit nicely."

I looked up, and my heart jumped as I saw unmistakable tears in the corner of Beth's eyes. She blinked them away, and nodded. "It feels perfect."

"This is the matching one," the jeweler offered, and Beth slid the ring onto my finger. "Is that Okay, Tim?"

I ran my thumb over the bright gold. "Definitely."

"Can we?" Beth let the question hang in the air, her face hopeful.

"Of course," I said. I reached for my wallet, and the jeweler discreetly swiped my card and handed it back. "All the best for your special day," he wished us, and Beth looked like she was going to cry again.

"Thank you," I nodded. "We really appreciate your help."

As we walked back to the car, I put my arm around Beth's shoulders. "Are you Okay?"

She nodded, pulling out a hanky. "I wasn't expecting that to get to me."

I hugged her closer. "I don't know how this will work out, my love, but, these aren't just pretend, for our game, they mean more than that."

Beth sniffled again. "Thank you,”

We got back into the car, and Beth turned her ring on her finger, then stretched her hand out. "Funny, it feels the most natural thing in the world, as though I've always worn it."

I glanced at the road signs. "It's not far now, do you want to pull the map back up? It's a while since we were here."

Beth helped me navigate, and shortly we were pulling into the hotel car park. "If we check in first, then I'll get the cases?" I offered.

I let Beth walk a little in front of me, and I smiled as I glanced at the outline of her ass in the thin summer dress she'd chosen. "I'm remembering what's in your handbag," I murmured quietly, and she glanced back over her shoulder with a lift of her eyebrows and a knowing grin.

We reached the hotel reception, and the young woman behind the desk glanced up. "We have a reservation," I offered. "In the name of Oakes."

"Mr. Oakes, of course," she smiled. "You have the poolside room."

She took a key from a brass hook. "It's at the near end of the car park, the door facing you. Oh, and could you sign the book?"

I picked up the pen from the desk, finding the next blank line in the guest book. I glanced at Beth, then wrote. "Mr. and Mrs. Oakes. There, darling, the first time we've been that anywhere."

Beth nodded, amusement and incipient tears mixed in her expression, and I took her hand. "Let's see what our room's like."

I smiled my thanks at the receptionist, and we walked back outside. "Here," I indicated, turning the key in the lock and opening the door.

"Wow," Beth ventured, "this is amazing."

To one side of the room was a bed, at least king-size, and on the other side a doorway led into a spacious en-suite with shower and corner bath. But across the back of the room a curtain covered sliding glass doors, the pool beyond sparkling in the sunlight from the translucent panels in the roof.

"It's perfect," enthused Beth, wrapping her arms around me. "I can't wait to try the water."

"Remember it's open to the other guests until eight," I reminded her with a grin, "so you'll need your swimsuit. Let me get the cases and you can dig it out."

I went back to the car, and when I returned Beth was undressing, slipping her summer dress off over her head. I put her case on the bed, and she flashed her eyebrows at me. "No looking, remember. You'll get your surprise later."

I turned my back, and after a few moments I heard "Okay, you can turn round again now."

Beth had opted for a bikini, in a light blue color that reminded me of the dress she'd worn for dinner. It was fastened with thin laces, and Beth had tied them in looped bows. "It needs to be easy enough to take off," she hinted, smiling. "Are you going to swim?"

I shook my head. "When we're on our own. Believe me, I'll enjoy watching you."

I opened the curtain part way, figuring out the latch of the doors and sliding one side back far enough for us to slip through. There were a couple of other people in the pool, and I found a plastic chair, angling it so that I could see the whole area.

Beth leaned down to kiss me on the lips. "Okay, I won't be in for long, I'll be feeling like something else to eat soon."

She walked to the side of the pool, climbing down the steps and letting the water rise up her body, wetting the fabric of her bikini so that it clung to her figure. She grinned knowingly at my eyes fixed on her, then turned, starting to swim lazily towards the other side. I kept watching as she reached the far edge, then gracefully slid below the surface to turn, heading back towards me.

Beth swam for a few minutes, then pulled herself out, sitting with her feet dangling in the water while she gathered her hair and draped it over one shoulder. "You make a very convincing mermaid," I offered, just loud enough for her to hear.

She got to her feet, droplets of water still running down her stomach, her legs. "Think that's enough for now."

We returned to the room, and I made sure the door was secure, the curtains closed. "Want to shower before you dress for dinner?"

Beth nodded. "You?"

"Hmm, I think I'm Okay. I'll have one after we've swum later, anyway."

I reached for the bow at her waist. "Need a little help, ?"

She grinned, tugging at the lace of her bikini top. "Oh, I think between you and me we can handle this."

I pulled gently, and the bow loosened. Beth moved her feet apart just a little, and her bikini bottom slid to the floor. I leaned forward to dab my tongue at a few drops of water just below her navel, ignoring the slight hint of chlorine. "Um," Beth smiled. "But we don't want to be late for dinner, remember."

I smiled, kissing her stomach. "Got it."

I watched her shower, then had to close my eyes for a few moments again while she got ready. She'd chosen a wine-colored dress I'd not seen before, and I nodded. "Very elegant."

I locked the door behind us, and we made our way up the slight hill. "Shall we try the Indian place?" I queried, and Beth nodded. "Please."

Dinner was delicious, the aromatic mixture of spices perfect, and Beth put down her fork with a satisfied smile. "Um."

She picked up the menu again. "Maybe we can have a coffee? Oh, look, they've got those cute plastic penguins with the ice cream inside,”

I chuckled at the hopeful look on her face. "Of course you can have one."

I watched as she scooped out ice cream with the tiny plastic spoon, then used her finger to get the last few drops. "We're taking him back with us, aren't we?"

"He?" I grinned.

"Well, Percy the penguin of course."

I paid the bill, and Beth clutched the plastic toy as we walked back to the hotel, looking for all the world like a little girl with the prize her daddy had won for her at the fair.

I closed the door behind us, checking my watch. "Okay, everyone else should have gone by now."

Beth nodded. "So help me undress, that's part of your treat, and we can both go in the water for a while."

She turned to open the curtains, standing in front of the glass. "You can help me with the zip now," she hinted.

I lowered the zip slowly, standing close behind her, and slipped the dress off her shoulders. Underneath I found silky fabric, laced at the back in a crossover pattern, and Beth turned towards me. "Oh wow," I couldn't help myself. She wore a white bustier, edged with soft lace, and her breasts were pushed up by the tight fabric, their curves tantalizing. "I thought at dinner you looked especially, well,”

I held out my hands as if to illustrate, and Beth chuckled softly. "I'm glad it had the desired effect. But it can come off now," she hinted.

I slid a hand round her back, finding the end of a lace and pulling gently with my fingertips. "You seem to have a knack for that," Beth murmured as the garment loosened, freeing her breasts. I bent to dab a kiss on one nipple, and she gasped. "Swim first," she managed to hang on to her resolve, "but this makes me want the afterwards even more, believe me."

She finished undressing, and glanced at me, grinning. "Come on, then."

I quickly shed my clothes, and slid the door to the pool aside. "Last one in's a lemon."

I stepped to the edge of the water and dived in. "I know that's against the rules," I called, "but it's not the only one we're breaking, right?"

Beth flashed her eyebrows at me, then deliberately jumped in right next to me, knees pulled up to make the biggest splash possible. I sputtered, water in my mouth and nose, and pretended to glare at her. "Right, young lady, you are in so much trouble."

She squealed and made a half-hearted attempt to escape as I wrapped my arms around her, ducking her briefly under. "Meany," she scolded, and jumped at me, trying to overbalance me into the water. Instead I caught her, lifting her up, her legs either side of me, and suddenly her expression changed as she pressed against my stomach. "Oh god, that feels nice."

I walked to the edge of the pool with her still in my arms, and leaned against the side. Beth bent to kiss me, then tilted her head back, what she wanted obvious. I kissed her wet breasts, then started to suckle her, feeling her warmer against my stomach even in the cool water.

She gasped. "I know we've only just got in, but I think that's enough swimming for now."

I let her slide down, her feet touching the bottom of the pool. "Well, we could get the bedsheets all wet, But I saw a couple of loungers over there, I think the cushions come off."

I climbed out of the pool, holding out my hand to help Beth up the steps, and we walked across to the lounging area. I tugged the pad of the nearest lounger onto the floor, and Beth laid back, smiling up at me. "Um, comfy."

She parted her thighs, letting me see her. "After everything today, our imagining at the café, and no panties, and getting rings, " again she looked for a moment as though emotion would overwhelm her, "and you touching me a little every so often, I, "

She hesitated, overcoming shyness. "I just want you in me, straight away, and I want you not to hold back."

She grinned. "And we don't have to worry about being too loud in here."

I nodded, sliding between her thighs, not even needing her to guide me, and entered her smoothly, getting a moan of satisfaction in return.

I began to move in her, watching her face. "This is what I was imagining yesterday," I murmured, "when we were on the phone."

Beth closed her eyes, her expression blissful. "This is so much better than my fingers, and, oh god, when your stuff goes into me, like when it spurted out of you,”

Her eyes opened, a wild look in them, and she flexed her hips upwards insistently. "Um, oh, whenever you want, I just know when I feel you I'll, "

I felt myself tipping over the edge, and I thrust into her once, again, a groan tearing itself from my lips, echoing around the room. Beth gasped, and I felt her muscles ripple around me. "Oh, don't stop, just keep going, yes, oh."

Her cry of pleasure lasted for long seconds as I continued to move in her, then she gasped, tightened her thighs around me. "Okay,”

We stayed as we were for a few minutes, then I reluctantly untangled myself from her body. "Shower, ?"

"Um Hmmm."

I quickly reassembled the lounger, and followed Beth back to our room. We helped one another wash, getting the last traces of chlorine out of Beth's hair, then she patted herself dry, climbing between the fresh sheets. "Um, this feels lovely."

I joined her, wrapping my arms around her. "Another swim in the morning?"

"Um, think so," Beth murmured sleepily.

Another day together

We pulled on our clothes and made our way to the dining room, sitting at the same table as the day before. While we were eating, I noticed a young woman walking towards us, the expression on her face more than a little nervous. Her dark hair and olive skin suggested a Mediterranean origin, and when she spoke her voice held just a trace of an accent.

She began hesitantly. "You are the young couple who have the room by the pool, no?"

Beth smiled reassuringly. "That's right. I'm Beth, this is Tim."

"I am Francesca, I am staying here since last week."

Beth indicated the vacant chair. "Please, join us, it's lovely to meet you."

Francesca sat down. "I am sorry to intrude, but something I need to tell you."

She fiddled nervously with her ring. "I like to swim, no? So I came to the pool last night, no-one was there."

She looked up. "I must have got the wrong time, pool is closed. So I am going, but I look across to your room. Curtain is closed but light is on and -"

Even under her olive skin I could see her embarrassment. "I can see you, what you are doing."

She made a gesture with her hand which I guessed meant an apology for something over which she felt shame. "I did not mean -"

Beth reached out to touch her fingers. "It's fine, Francesca."

She glanced at me. "Actually, we knew the light would cast a shadow. We didn't think anyone would be there, but - we wouldn't mind if someone was."

Francesca blinked. "So you OK with it?"

She hesitated again. "What you were doing - it was very, what do you say, passionate, you very much in love."

Beth nodded, a soft look in her eyes. "That's true."

She smiled. "Francesca - you're welcome to come and use the pool whenever you like, even when it's our time. And if we're, well, being 'passionate', don't worry about it."

Beth picked up her coffee cup, sipping. "Just don't let on to anyone else..."

Francesca lifted her hands, crossed fingers in front of her lips signifying silence. "Thank you..."

She got up, glancing back with a smile as she left the dining room, and Beth turned to me with a grin. "Well, well."

I pretended to roll my eyes. "The scrapes you get me into."

Back at the hotel room that evening, Beth sprawled on the bed, still digesting the big dinner meal. "Think I need a minute to let that all go down."

I propped myself on one elbow beside her. "We said we might go to the bird place tomorrow, didn't we."

Beth was about to reply, then she stopped. "Did you hear something?"

I nodded. "Maybe it came from the pool?"

I walked to the curtains, looking through a gap. "Aha... Beth, come over here."

She joined me, and her eyebrows rose. Francesca was sitting at the edge of the pool, wearing a dark one-piece swimsuit. She slipped into the water, crossing to the other side of the pool and back, her eyes occasionally turning in our direction.

Beth chuckled. "Bless her, she's wondering if we're going to put on a show."

I blinked. "You want to...?"

Beth thought for a moment. "Let's just watch for a while."

Francesca swam for a little longer, then got out of the water, sitting on the edge again. She closed her eyes, and after a while we saw her start to stroke her arms slowly, sensuously. "I wish I knew what she was imagining," I wondered, and Beth raised an eyebrow. "Probably us."

I felt a thrill at the idea that our lovemaking would provide inspiration for someone else's pleasure, and I put my arm around Beth's shoulders as we waited to see what Francesca's next move would be.

She glanced around again, making certain that no-one else had come in. Her fingers slipped first one, then the other strap of her swimsuit off her shoulders, and she carefully pulled the fabric down to reveal her breasts. "Wow," Beth couldn't help her reaction.

I wondered if I was on tricky ground here. "She definitely has a good figure," I admitted.

Beth glanced at me, smiling. "I really don't mind you admiring her. And she probably hopes we're watching."

Francesca breathed in, cupping her breasts, her fingers brushing her nipples, and we could clearly see the expression of pleasure on her face. She continued to touch herself, occasionally pushing her breasts together with the flat of her palms, then seemed to reach the point where her desire needed more. She reached between her thighs, pulling aside the fabric of her swimsuit and starting to move her fingers on herself, her other hand returning to her breast. Her mouth gradually rounded into an O, her eyes closed, and I couldn't help my own breathing speeding up a little in sympathy. "This turning you on?" teased Beth, and I glanced aside at her. "As if you can't tell."

Francesca's fingers moved more urgently now, her hand clasping and squeezing her breasts, and suddenly her head tipped back, her cry of delight carrying across the room to us. Her body shuddered, her hips thrusting again her hand convulsively once, twice, again.

Finally she relaxed, breasts heaving with her deep breaths, fingers brushing her hair away from her face. She pulled her swimsuit back up, slipping the straps into place, and as she adjusted the material between her thighs, pressing her fingers into herself once more, her eyes closed again and what seemed to be an aftershock of pleasure shook her body.

She got to her feet, glancing round again, and walked slowly to the far door, letting it close behind her and vanishing from our sight.

"Wow," breathed Beth. She glanced at me. "That really had quite an effect."

I pretended to give her a puzzled look. "I didn't think you were into girls," I teased.

Beth rolled her eyes. "I don't really need to be, for that to get me excited."

"So what do you want me to do about it?" I hinted, my hand sliding to cup her bottom.

"Undress me and I'll show you," Beth promised.

I helped her slip out of her dress, shedding bra and panties, and a few moments later she was kneeling on the bed watching me undress in turn. She patted the space behind her. "Here..."

I knelt, stroking her back softly, and I heard a smile in her voice. "Um, nice."

She lifted her arms, linking her hands behind her head, giving me unrestricted access to her body. "Start by touching my breasts the way Francesca touched hers."

I cupped her breasts gently. "Just so you know, you're the perfect shape for me."

I brushed thumbs across her nipples, then slowly drew my fingertips together until I was pinching them softly, pulling them a little away from her body, and she gasped. "Umm - actually I think I'm ready for you to touch me somewhere else."

I moved back, my fingers exploring her from behind as I'd done before, finding her very wet. On impulse I moved one now-slippery fingertip further back to brush gently over her pink star, again feeling her tense a little then relax. "Um," she murmured, "one time we can definitely find out what else feels nice there."

I felt a brief thrill at her promise, and reluctantly let my fingertip drift away. "Now what was it Francesca did next?" Beth murmured, and I began to explore her wetness again, teasing her by pressing my fingers a little way in, then withdrawing without entering her fully.

Her response was almost a plea. "Um, I just want you in me."

She leaned forward a little, and I positioned myself carefully, then entered her, only stopping when my hips encountered the softness of her ass.

Beth gave a quiet moan of satisfaction. "That feels completely different, but, oh."

Her sentence was cut short because I'd reached around to find her hard nub, starting to use a fingertip on it even as I began to move inside her. "Oh, yes, mm, “ she managed. Her hands moved to her breasts, and I smiled to myself as I saw her push her breasts together as Francesca had done earlier.

I felt my own release coming closer, and I leaned forward to blow softly in Beth's ear. "Are you nearly there?"

She shivered, nodding wordlessly, and I moved my fingers on her more insistently, on impulse using my other hand to gather her hair together, gently twisting it as I thrust into her. "Um, yes, my love, now,”

As she felt me stiffen inside her, she cried out, her muscles tensing, rippling around me. She pushed insistently back against me, moaning softly as I spurted into her depths. My only regret was that we couldn't see the expression on each other's faces, but Beth made up for it in the way she vocalized her satisfaction. "Um, wow, Tim," she murmured. "That was everything I could possibly have imagined."

Still inside her, I drew us down onto the bed, and Beth snuggled against me. "I liked it when you held my hair," she murmured. "You can do that again some time."

Sexual Adventuring

Beth seemed a little distracted when we woke the next morning, and I leaned across to kiss her softly on the lips. "Something on your mind?"

She nodded, glancing at me. "Well, Francesca, actually."

I raised my eyebrows, letting her continue. "She already knows about us, she's as sexy as hell, and she'll be flying back home in a few days."

"Go on," I encouraged her.

Beth took the plunge. "Why don't we invite her to join us for a night or two? Then we'll know what it's like, and we won't be curious when we get to uni, when getting someone else involved would be a whole lot more complicated."

I took her fingers in mine. "Beth, you'll always be more than enough for me, you know that. But if you want to try this, I'm not going to complain."

I grinned wickedly. "I can just imagine kissing those curves of hers."

Beth picked up her pillow, playfully swinging it at me. "You can kiss her wherever you like as long as I get the same."

I nodded agreement. "She has to say yes first, remember. I know she seems pretty open, but this might be too much for her."

"Leave that to me," Beth promised with a lift of her eyebrows. "Come on, we should catch her at breakfast."

Francesca was already there when we got to the dining room, and we walked across to her. "Why don't we all share a table today?"

She smiled her thanks, picking up her bag, and we sat. Beth and I had our usual breakfast, while Francesca nibbled on a croissant. "I wish I could eat like that and be as slim as you two," she offered with a hint of regret. "It's a good thing I like to run, it keeps me fit."

We went bact to the hotel room, and I made coffee for us, Beth sprawling on the bed while I sat in the armchair. "Maybe we should talk about tonight?" I offered. "We should probably decide now what we both think will work, and what might not."

Beth's voice as she replied was offhand, but her eyes were dancing. "Oh, I can only think of one rule."

"Which is, ?"

"Don't do anything with her that you haven't done with me."

She grinned wickedly. "Yet."

I nodded. "I think I can work with that."

I tried to imitate her offhand tone. "But what about you and her, then?"

Her cheeks turned an attractive shade of pink. "Ah, oops."

She looked at me a little nonplussed. "I guess I imagined that she and I would both be doing things to you, and then you to us. But I suppose there's no reason we couldn't,”

"Do you think you'd prefer to touch her, or to be touched?" I queried.

"You do such a good job of touching me," Beth smiled. "But, “ she shivered with anticipated pleasure - "maybe it would be nice to have a mouth on both of my nipples at the same time."

"That's what I was most looking forward to," I admitted. "Anything else?"

"I bet kissing her would feel different," Beth mused.

"And your tongue elsewhere?" I prompted. "Or hers?"

Beth's response was a soft gasp. "Maybe her mouth there while you stay on my nipples?"

"Or while I'm using my tongue on that other place you find so intriguing," I hinted.

"Um,” managed Beth.

She took a deep breath, shaking her head a little to clear it. "Okay, let's go and meet our dinner guest. After all, she might say thanks, but no thanks."

"Then I'd do my best to come up with something to satisfy you," I promised.

Beth leaned over to kiss me. "You always do, love."

We made our way to the dining room, and I blinked as I caught sight of Francesca. She'd chosen a dress in a dark fabric, cut to emphasize her breasts, and as she turned I saw that it was fastened with a simple bow behind her neck.

I stepped forward to hug her, and as we touched for the first time I felt a definite spark between us. Her lips were soft as she kissed each of my cheeks in the continental way, then turned to do the same to Beth.

The dining room felt different, the lights lower, white cloths and sparkling crystal on the tables. I held Beth's chair for her, getting a brilliant smile, then did the same for Francesca. "Grazie," she smiled.

The waiter approached. "Would you like some wine?"

I nodded. "Francesca, why don't you choose for us?"

She ran her finger down the list. "This Valpolicella sounds good."

"A couple of bottles of that, then."

Francesca glanced at us when the waiter had gone. "Are we celebrating?"

Beth touched her hand. "Life's always worth celebrating, isn't it?"

"È vero," nodded Francesca. "Did you enjoy the birds today?"

"Very much," confirmed Beth. "We learned a lot, too."

Our wine arrived and Francesca accepted the first splash in her glass, sipping. "Buono."

The waiter poured, and I lifted my glass in a toast. "Salute."

Beth blinked. "I didn't know you spoke Italian."

I shook my head. "Just the odd word. I can manage 'Che bella donna', no, Francesca?"

She smiled. "Oh, I think that should be 'Belle signore', no?"

I gave Beth a soft look. "Well, I definitely think so."

Beth pretended to roll her eyes. "I'm just about keeping up. Anyway, what shall we eat?"

The waiter returned to take our orders, and when he'd gone, I turned to Francesca. "So tell us more about yourself."

She shrugged expressively. "What to tell? Back home I am a nurse, I work in a large hospital. I was married but he did not like my long hours, night shifts, so,”

Beth reached to touch her hand. "I'm sorry."

Francesca nodded. "But I like to travel, this is my first time in England, my agent suggested this place. I like it very much."

Our starters arrived, and Francesca sampled her soup. "You should come to my home, I will cook something special for you."

"We'd love to," I smiled.

As we ate, I let Beth describe our friendship to Francesca. "And now you have become amanti, or lovers;" she smiled. "It is molto adatto."

"Very suitable - um, fitting?" I translated for Beth, and Francesca nodded. "Esattamente, absolute."

We continued our conversation through the main course, and finally Francesca put down her fork. "That was lovely, thank you so much."

Beth glanced at me, her face suddenly showing a hint of nervousness. "Can we offer you coffee back in our room, Francesca? It'll be a little more relaxed."

Francesca smiled. "I would like that very much."

I signed the bill, and we walked back to the room. Francesca looked around, then at the sliding doors that led to the pool. "Ah, I see."

"We're a little short of chairs," Beth apologized as she filled the kettle. "Francesca, do you want the armchair?"

"Is no problem, I will be fine to sit on the bed."

She sat down, and I picked up a pillow, propping myself against the headboard a little way from her. Beth brought cups, then settled herself in the chair, sipping her coffee. "Did you enjoy your swim last night, Francesca?"

Francesca looked mildly surprised. "I thought you must have gone out, no?"

I shook my head. "We were here."

Her eyes widened a little. "Then you must have seen,”

Beth nodded. "It was very - what was that word you used about us before? Passionate."

She glanced at me. "And after you'd gone, Tim and I were pretty passionate too."

Francesca smiled. "Then it is good."

She looked from Beth to me, then back again. "And now we are here, I wonder, do you think of passion again?"

"Would that be a problem?" Beth asked quietly.

Francesca's response was to lean across, her eyes on my face, her lips approaching mine slowly as if to give me time to turn away, refuse. But I let the kiss happen, and I felt her breathe in, then out slowly. "It has been a little while since I have had this."

I kissed her again. "Then there's no need to hesitate, you can have what you need."

Francesca nodded wordlessly, and I reached out, my fingers seeking the bow that held her dress in place. I found the end, and pulled carefully, feeling the bow unravel.

She smiled. "Your fingers know what they are doing, no?"

I slowly drew her dress down, much as she'd done with her swimsuit the previous night, but this time her breasts were in front of me, close enough to touch. "Francesca, you have an amazing figure," I heard Beth's voice from across the room.

I bent to place kisses on the curve of each breast, hearing Francesca sigh softly. Her nipples were different to Beth's, the areolae darker, a little larger, and Beth leaned forward as I took the nearest one between my lips. "Ah,” Francesca breathed.

I suckled each one in turn, and I felt her shift on the bed. "Please, take off the dress," she begged, and I helped her stand, push her dress down and off. Underneath, her panties were black lace, and I couldn't help pressing my lips to her covered mound, breathing in, her scent too different from Beth's, perhaps darker, spicier.

Francesca glanced towards the pillows, and I nodded, watching as she laid down, parted her thighs slightly. I moved to one side of her, and looked over at Beth, then back to Francesca. "Is it Okay if we both help?"

Her expression was an unmistakable mixture of surprise and anticipation. "I, of course."

Beth moved to her other side, and I watched spellbound as she bent to kiss Francesca, catching a few strands of her dark hair away from her face with a finger. Beth's eyes met mine, and we moved down, my mouth surrounding one of Francesca's nipples a fraction of a second before Beth followed suit.

Francesca gave a quiet moan. "Oh, this I have never,”

She parted her thighs a little more, her hips flexing, and I took the hint, moving my hand down to press against the damp fabric. She gasped, and I felt more warmth against my fingers. "Please" she breathed, and I looked at Beth, getting a nod.

I moved down, hooking my fingers through elastic and drawing Francesca's panties down. She opened to me, and I bent to explore her with my tongue.

"I have an idea," Beth whispered. "Francesca, slide down the bed a little."

Francesca complied, and Beth shifted position, kneeling at the top of the bed. I felt a thrill as I saw her bend to use her mouth on Francesca's breasts while her own were now within reach of Francesca's lips. "Oh," gasped Beth, as Francesca took one nipple into her mouth.

I renewed my exploration of Francesca's most intimate places, my tongue finding her nub, a little larger than Beth's, but no less sensitive, evidenced by Francesca's moan as I took it into my mouth, suckling softly in the way I'd learned gave Beth such satisfaction.

I hesitated, even at this point wondering if Francesca would deem any touch too intimate, then carefully slid fingers inside her. She felt different again, and I wondered, she'd not mentioned having children, but, ?

I had no further chance to speculate, Francesca moaning as I curled my fingertips a little inside her, releasing Beth's nipple long enough to gasp quickly "Oh, I'm nearly, " then as I brushed my tongue insistently over the hard nub still between my lips, she convulsed with pleasure, hips lifting to push against my mouth and fingers, thighs tightening around me, the muscles of her stomach tightening visibly. Liquid syllables in her own language spilled from her lips, and I thought I could pick out "O dio, io vengo’, meaning; “Oh God, I’m coming!”

Finally she subsided, and I couldn't help continuing to admire her breasts as her chest rose and fell. Beth caught my eye as I lifted my head, her face flushed. "Oh wow," she breathed. "Watching you do that to someone else really gets me going."

She looked down at Francesca. "And having your mouth on my breasts, oh my goodness."

Francesca nodded, still seeming to be having difficulty finding English words again. Finally she took a last deep breath. "That was more passionate than I have ever experienced."

"I'm glad," Beth blinked in surprise.

Francesca sat up, and glanced at my unmistakable erection. "I think we must do something about that, no? But first Beth must be satisfied."

She smiled at me. "I think that is your task, though I can help if she wishes?"

"She definitely wishes," Beth chuckled. "And I can't come up with anything better than what we already started."

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Except,”

"Tell us," I gave her an encouraging look, lifting an eyebrow.

"Well, you remember how good it is when I'm on top with your mouth on me. And my breasts would be easy to reach."

"You've convinced me," I nodded. Francesca moved out of the way, and I lay down, this time leaving enough room for Francesca to kneel where Beth had been.

Beth slid across me, her so-wet opening presented to my mouth, and I began to explore with my tongue, the taste and feel of her familiar juices, after the newness of Francesca.

I looked up to see Francesca begin to pleasure Beth in turn, hands and mouth on her breasts, nipples. I felt renewed warmth and wetness against my tongue, and concentrated on what I was doing, suckling Beth's nub. I slid a hand between her thighs, and she lifted a little as she grasped my intention. I slid fingers into her, curling them to seek the same spot that had given Francesca such delight, and Beth gasped. "Oh yes, that's perfect."

I felt the familiar tension begin to overtake her body, and I slowed, trying to prolong the moment. "Oh god, now, please, “ she insisted, and I smiled against her wetness, remembering one last touch that would add to the pleasure that was about to overtake her. I moved one slippery fingertip back to brush against her other opening, then press just a little inwards, and she finally tipped over the edge with a prolonged cry of ecstasy, her body shaking, and, oh!, a spurt, then another, of clear liquid against my lips and down my chin.

I heard her sigh, then the sound of a soft kiss. "Thank you, Francesca,”

Beth slid off me, and I looked up to see Francesca still kneeling, a bemused smile on her face. "So passionate, and what did you do at that very last moment to give her such pleasure?"

Beth glanced at me knowingly, and I smiled at Francesca. "We have to keep some of our little secrets, you know. But maybe next time I'll show you, if, ?"

Francesca nodded without hesitating. "A next time definitely will be."

She looked at Beth. "Now, certainly, your lover must have his reward."

Beth smiled. "By all means thank him in the best way you know how, and for me, too."

Francesca blinked. "It is all right if I, ?"

"Of course."


Francesca moved down, still facing the foot of the bed, until her hips were positioned above my stiff pole. She wrapped her fingers around my shaft, then looked over her shoulder, watching my face, as she guided me into her cunt. She was soft, warm, wet, and I breathed out, my mouth an O, as she lowered herself, letting me fully into her.

Beth had watched, fascinated, and now she bent to kiss me. "Um, I can taste her on you," she whispered. "I can guess what you want me to do, anyway."

I nodded, and Beth moved down to use her mouth on my nipples. I felt Francesca begin to move on me, like a carousel horse at the amusement park; and my gaze was captivated by the rise and fall of her rounded ass, my shaft visible between her cheeks as she leaned forward a little with each thrust. She glanced over her shoulder again, her face full of passion. "Now it’s all for you, whenever you are ready."

I nodded, lifting my hips to meet her, feeling my release starting to approach. Beth's tongue was wet, insistent, on one nipple then the other, her fingers brushing and pinching gently, and however much I tried to hold back, I had to yield to the sensations, crying out as I reached my climax, thrusting up into Francesca as I spurted into her depths once, twice, & again.

Finally I lay back, chest heaving, and Francesca reluctantly let me slide out of her. "Oh, so much of it," she smiled, fingers catching creamy fluid slipping from her opening. She gently fondled my testicles; "It must make more, you pleasing two of us before your turn."

Beth grinned. "Think you're right, can't wait till it's my turn,”

Beth then lay down beside me, and Francesca joined us, her breasts pressing against my chest, an arm draped across me so that her hand rested on Beth's shoulder. "Sweet dreams,”

To be continued.

By neruval442 for Literotica.