Hot Chocolate With Cream

Hot female boss gives man the "okay' to fulfill his desires.

by Alexis Peignoir. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.

It was pouring with rain that evening when Evan walked into Gray's Pub and settled on a stool at the far end of the bar. His navy blue suit was tailored to fit his trim physique, and his jet black hair was smoothed back showing a cut jaw, deep charcoal eyes and olive skin.

He’d loosened his tie and unbuttoned the first button on his white shirt, so he could breathe. The bartender, a short stubby man with a balding head, walked over and eyed the man carefully.

"The same?" he asked.

"Yea," Evan nodded.

Seconds later, the bartender reappeared with a bottle of Heineken and poured the contents into a glass, then put the bottle down next to it and walked away. Evan picked up the glass and took a long swig, and let the cold brew slide down his throat. It had been a long day; too long as far as he was concerned. What mattered worse was that She was there, with her long blonde hair that fell down her back to her ass, an oval shaped face, full lips, and emerald green eyes that seem to pierce through his heart when she spoke to him causing him to mumble and sputter.

Damn the woman was fine, as he took another gulp of beer, but she was the boss and there was an invisible "do not touch" aura about her. He needed the job so he didn't touch, but it was killing him. There were only so many times one could jerk off in the shower to dull the need that burned inside of him. He drank more of the beer and tried to focus on the basketball game on the big screen above the bar. Seeing Evan finish his beer, the bartender came over again to where Evan sat.

"Ready for another one?" he asked.

"Not yet," Evan began. "Rocky what is it about some women that drives a man crazy?"

The bartender chuckled, "I don't know what it is, but its how I ended up married. You better watch it or the next thing you know, you'll be walking down the aisle. She was a real looker and I was blindsided. Now I'm working in this place to get away from her. If you ask me, it's all a trap."

"I guess," Evan sighed.

"So who is she?"

"My boss," Evan moaned.

"Damn son, you know how to pick them," Rocky exclaimed.

"Yea, like I had a choice. I don't know what it is about her, but I get hard even when she walks by."

"Well, either you tell her how you feel or get another job."

"If I tell her how I feel, I'll have to get another job," Evan said. "I'll take that beer now."

Rocky put another Heineken on the counter and Evan paid for the first and second one.

"You want to start a tab?" Rocky asked.

"No," Evan replied.

"Ok, but it could be a long night," Rocky said. "It doesn't look like the rain isn't letting up any."

"I want to be sober when I leave," Evan replied.

After drinking the second beer, Rocky was right. The rain still hadn't stopped, but Evan didn't care. He pulled the collar up on his jacket and left the pub making a mad dash to his car where he started the engine, flipped on the wipers and left the pub heading down Ivy Street towards home. He passed through street light after street light until he came to a stop sign where along the curb was a car with its emergency lights flashing. On further inspection, he recognized the license plates. It was his boss's car, a silver Lexus which was almost as unattainable to him as his boss. He blew the horn and she rolled down the window.

"My car won't start," his boss said.

I don't have that problem when I look at you he said under his breath. "Did you call the tow truck?" he asked.

"Yes, but they won't get here for a couple of hours," she replied.

"My place is just up the road. Why don't you get in and we can wait there."

Half expecting her to say she'd rather wait, she unexpectedly jumped out of her car and ran to his and climbed into the seat next to him. She looked frazzled and concerned, but she smelled great and he knew a cold shower would be forthcoming after she left.

"I'm so glad you stopped," she said wiping her brow.

"No problem, Miss Jensen. I was on my way home anyway."

"You're always so polite Evan, Call me Jenna," she replied.

"Okay, Jenna. Then we're off to my place." He couldn't believe she said that.

Fifteen minutes later, Evan was escorting Jenna upstairs to his loft apartment. He flipped on the lights that illuminated the room and took her wet coat and hung it on the coat rack near the door.

"Oh you have a balcony," Jenna said. "You can watch the sky from sitting anywhere in the room."

He said nothing, but thought of the nights he stared at the sky, while thinking of her.

"Can I get you some coffee, or a glass of wine or a beer?" he asked.

"Wine would be fine," she said as she sat on the sofa.

Evan quickly went to the refrigerator, pulled out the wine bottle that he had saved from the Christmas party the year before, and poured it into two glasses. When he returned to the living room, Jenna was sitting there with her shoes off, curled up on the sofa. She was still dressed in work clothes, a pencil style cream colored dress with a thin black belt. She always looked professional and distant during the day, but sitting on his sofa she gave off a vibe of vulnerability that he couldn't ignore, and when she looked up at him with her soulful green eyes, he was mesmerized. He gave her the glass of wine, and then sat next to her on the sofa.

"So what were you doing out so late?" he asked.

"Working as usual," she replied. "It seems that's all I do."

"I would have thought you would have some rich guy waiting at home for you," he prodded.

"I wish," she replied then turned to him. "Do you have someone?"

"Nope! I guess I haven't found the right one," he lied.

There was an uncomfortable silence between them as they drank their wine before Jenna spoke again slowly.

"I've seen you looking at me," she said. "Do you think that I might be the right one?"

Evan's heart sank. Busted!

"You are a very beautiful woman. How could I not see that?"

"And you are a very handsome man. Any woman could see that," she replied.

The mutual admiration society is now in session. He thought to himself.

"But I try not to mix business with pleasure. You are the boss and if things didn't work out, then I would probably lose my job, and I need my job."

Jenna pensively ran her finger around the rim of her wine glass.

"What if I told you; that you wouldn't lose your job, no matter what happened?"

"Oh shit," he whispered under his breath. She was making it this difficult.

Jenna stared at the wine in her glass, "Have you thought about being with me?" Jenna asked.

Only about a gazillion times, he thought of saying. But then he said; "Well, um yes. Yes, I have."

Jenna smiled, "That's good to know, because I've thought about doing it with you about a hundred times."

Evan's cock jumped inside his pants, and he had to move and adjust himself, to relieve the uncomfortableness he felt.

"Glad we agree on that," Evan said, and took a gulp of wine. "So where does that put us now?"

"Well," Jenna began. "Don't you think we probably should do something about it?"

Evan's cock stood at attention. Pussy alert, was the alarm code going off in his shorts. "Yes!", he exclaimed.

He wasted no time. In the next few moments, his shirt and tie were off, as well as his pants, and was standing in front of her, in his boxer shorts, with his cock protruding through the slit. Jenna grabbed his cock with her hand and began to stroke it. He took long breaths, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, as her silken hand moved up and down on his throbbing cock. He leaned down and rubbed her breast beneath the dress.

As if on cue, she stood and removed her dress revealing a chocolate brown camisole and chocolate brown bikini panties.

"Hot chocolate with whipped cream," he said, stroking his cock as he watched her undress.

"I'm glad that you like it," she whispered, coming towards him.

He pulled at the panties with his free hand, and slid them down enough for Jenna to step out of them.

"Not shaved?" he said smiling.

"I like it natural," she said.

"Me too," he said as he fingered her curls before inserting his fingers between her slit. She spread her legs to accommodate him and the wetness soaked his fingers.

" Umm ," she cooed. "Let me stroke you more." Evan dropped his boxers and extended his cock to her. She grabbed and stroked it vigorously, until the pre-cum oozed from the head of it. She then swept it up with her finger and inserted it into her mouth. "Delicious. Salty and thick, she noted"

She was driving him mad as he drew her to him, and kissed her where their tongues danced together. She wrapped her arms around his neck and his cock pressed against her belly; hard and thick. The pre-cum dripping over her belly.

Instinctively he helped her slip out of her camisole, and pulled her panties down further so that she could step out of them. The smell of her musky sexual arousal wafted up to tantalize his nostrils. He grabbed her breast, kneading it with the palm of his hand before twisting the nipple between his finger and thumb. The nub hardened, as he leaned forward and licked it. Jenna cupped her breast to feed it to him, and he sucked on it, taking the nub deep into his mouth. His teeth nipped at it, and she threw her head back to absorb the electrical ecstatic sensation that shot down to her pussy, forcing it to ooze its juices. He slid his hand over his cock again and rubbed the head of it against her pussy in a circular motion then slid it between her legs, faux fucking her between her thighs.

"I need it in me," she said, her voice low and breaking with excitement.

Evan needed no further urging. He took her by the hand and led her to his bedroom where she laid on the bed facing him. He turned the lamp on to low, and gazed at her body in its stunning delicious perfectness. His hand was on his cock, as her hand slid down to her pussy, and began to move it in a circular motion.

"You need to finish this," she cooed. "I need to cum with your cock inside me. I want to feel that hot cream going deep, to make me cum."

Wild with passion, Evan knelt on the bed and spread her legs with his own.

"If you want it deep," he said in a raspy voice. "Then roll over."

She smiled up at him, "Oh yes baby. I needed to get pounded like that."

Evan helped her to roll over, and slid his arm under her hips, pulling her to her knees. The entrance of her pussy was dripping, waiting for him to enter. He leaned forward and pulled at her nipple and squeezed it until she squealed with delight. Fuck. He had to give it to her before he exploded. He pushed his cock against her pussy rubbing it up and down on her clit, then drove inside of her and buried it deep within her swollen folds.

"Yes!" Jenna cried. "Deeper! Go Deeper!"

Evan didn't hesitate. He withdrew his cock and plowed into her again. With his hands holding her hips, his balls slapped against her ass as he did. There was nothing better than Jenna's pussy, he told himself, as he plunged into her again, and again. He leaned over and grabbed her breasts as he slid in and out of her and his cum began to rise up his shaft. He slid his hand back and fingered her clit, as his cock drove into her. She began to moan, slowly at first, but then loudly, begging him for more.

"Keep going," she cried. "I'm almost there. Keep fucking me."

Evan began to sweat. He was getting close, but he wanted her to cum first. Again, and again, he pounded her, until he heard her grunt and cry out.

"I'm cumming! Yes! So good! So good! Keep fucking me!" she commanded.

Evan drove his cock into her pussy until his own desire overcame him, and he climaxed. His cock spewed its white hot load into her, slowed, and then shot another load into her, filling every crease and fold.

"You got it all baby," he growled, as the last of his cum emptied in her.

Jenna held her position until she could feel Evan slide out from her, then laid flat and rolled to her back. Evan followed suit and collapsed next to her and draped his arm over her waist, both breathless and satisfied. They lay together quietly, enjoying each other, until Jenna's phone rang and she sighed. Reality was back.

"It must be about my car," she murmured.

Evan sat up and rested on his elbow, "Timing is everything."

She found her phone in her purse, in the living room, and answered the call. A few minutes later she returned to Evan on the bed, and snuggled up to him.

"Was it the tow truck?" he asked.

"Yes. They're going to tow it to the garage. I left the door unlocked, and the keys on the seat."

"You left your keys in the car" Evan asked.

"Well did you really want to go get my car, at this time of night?" She asked.

He chuckled to himself, "You had this all planned."

She leaned over and kissed him, "I'm not the boss for nothing."

The next day at work, Evan waited impatiently for Jenna to arrive. His office was near a window and he could see when her car pulled into the parking lot. A car did pull into her spot and Evan knew it was a rental, because her own car was in the garage. He watched her get out of the car and head towards the office building. Now came the awkward part. How would they act? How would she treat him? She said she wouldn't fire him, but what if she had a change of heart and kicked him to the curb? He wouldn't know until he saw her walk through the door and past the glass windows of his office. 
He took a gulp of his coffee and nearly choked on it with anticipation. His nerves were on high alert and his heart thumped in his chest as the main door opened and Jenna walked in with an air of business and sensuality at the same time. She wore a black fitted suit and black heels. Her hair was perfectly combed and draped over her shoulders. Her smile was so inviting that it made him want jump out of his chair and rush to her, but he didn't because it would ruin everything.

She nodded to him and he could feel his cock jump in his pants and when she walked by, her cadence made him groan as he adjusted his chair position to accommodate his erection pushing against the fabric of his pants.

"Hot. Hot.....Hot. Hot chocolot," he murmured as his voice mimicked the sound of her footsteps, "with whipped cream and other delights."

And as if she heard him, she turned, flipped her hair away from her face, pursed her lips and gave him an air kiss.

Nope. I don't think I'm getting fired.

She walked by and into the main office closing the door behind her. Another day had started and it was going to be a long one. Evan drained his coffee and sat back in his chair. This was going to be more difficult than he thought. How was he was supposed to work when all he could think of was grabbing her, clearing off her desk, and throwing her on it to fuck her. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Yep, it was going to be a long day.

In fact, it was an arduous day. There were meetings and Evan had to sit there and watch Jenna as she conducted outlines and pointed out the objectives for the next month and what it would take to meet financial goals. Yes, he sat there and what she said went into one ear and out the other all the while he was undressing her in his mind. Shit! He had a hard on again and he shifted to relieve the pressure.

At lunch, he wanted to ask her to eat with him, but decided against it. Everyone would see and either think that he was sucking up to her for a raise or they were romantically involved. It would be awkward and uncomfortable so he grabbed a sandwich from the cafeteria downstairs and sat down with a couple of buddies from the offices next to him. That's when Jenna walked in and stood in line at the counter and ordered her lunch.

"Damn! That woman looks fine," said Chuck, the office accountant.

Evan tried not to notice.

"Yea, I thought of doing her myself, but she might have someone," said Dave from Receiving.

Evan had the sudden desire to punch his friend in the face.

"I bet she's good in bed," said Chuck, "You can't look that good and not know how to fuck."

Evan shoved the rest of his roast beef sandwich into his mouth.

"You're not saying much," said Dave, "You can't tell me you never thought of doing her."

Evan's ego wanted to tell them all about their encounter, but if they knew and Jenna found out, he could see himself being kicked in the ass with a pointed black high heel right out the door. He couldn't risk it.

"She's all right," he managed to say.

"She's more than all right. You know, I might give it a shot anyway and ask her out," said Dave.

Evan could feel his temperature rise and his face grow red.

"I wouldn't do that. Could cost you," he began, "Jobs are hard to find for a one night stand."

Dave backed off, "You're probably right. I can't take the chance."

"Ok, I got to get back to work. Got to make some phone calls," Evan said as he finished his sandwich.

"What's the hurry?" Chuck grinned, "Talking about the boss got you excited?

"I got better things to do than ogle the boss," Evan mumbled.

"I think you got a thing for her," Dave said.

"No! I just want to keep my job. That's all," Evan quipped.

"We all want to bang her and we all know she's the boss."

"Just remember that," Evan said as he rose from his chair, "I gotta go."

Evan could feel himself getting angrier. He stormed out the cafeteria and headed back to his office. This was ridiculous. He had no right to feel possessive. Jenna could do what she wanted. He had no hold on her. He entered his office and slammed the door behind him. He had to stop obsessing over her. He sat down in his chair and threw open a folder on his desk. Work. That's what he needed to do. Work!

The afternoon was cruelling, but he forced himself to focus on his work and by the end of the afternoon he had calmed enough so that he didn't get an erection every time he thought of her. Then the door opened.

"Hi baby," Jenna cooed, "Your place at seven?"

"Sure," he said and he knew he was screwed.

"I'm looking forward to it," she said and closed his door.

The erection came back and he gave up, closed the folder on his desk, went home, and waited. Jenna arrived at 7pm exactly and he immediately answered the door when the doorbell rang to see her standing there.

Jenna kissed him lightly on the lips, "I've missed you."

In response, Evan wrapped his arm around Jenna's waist and pulled him to her, "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

She could feel his engorged cock pressing against her abdomen.

"I believe I can," she giggled.

"So let's end our misery and do something about it," he whispered hoarsely.

"And what do you have in mind," Jenna whispered back.

"Let me show you," he said as he removed Jenna's coat and led her by the hand to the sofa.

Jenna sat down on the sofa and leaned back. She wore a pair of form fitting jeans and a white buttoned down shirt with the first two buttons undone which was just enough to show her cleavage and a glimpse of a pink lace bra. Evan held her face with his hands and kissed her. Their tongues darting in each other's mouth engaging in an erotic dance fueling their desire then he slipped past her tongue and shoved his tongue down her throat.

Jenna pushed him back, "I can't believe this."

"Why? Because you like it so much?" Evan smiled.

"No," she began slowly.

"Then what?"

"I thought that we would just have some fun. It was my understanding that it was what we both wanted."

"It is," Evan said his cock throbbing in his pants.

Jenna shook her head, "That kiss was more than just an erotic prelude to sex. That was passion."


"Passion means there is something more."

by Alexis Peignoir, for Literotica


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