Getting Lucky At A Trump Convention

Shagging a stranger while Trump talks success in politics & business.

By Tx Tall Tales. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

I was a little delayed getting to the Convention Hall where he was going to speak, but my red VIP badge got me past the "velvet rope" down to the front 10 rows, which were looking pretty full. The hall was split up into a bunch of sections during the day, with low pipe & drape curtain panels used to separate the VIP purchase area from the hoi-poloi, and to make virtual rooms to one side and the other, as well as to create a backstage area. It was a business & leadership conference with speakers like Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, and a long list of others.

One of the ushers waved me over, pointing to one of the few open seats left. I "excuse-me"d down to the spot, and wedged myself in between two attractive women, a blonde on my left and a brunette on my right. Because we were sitting in the rightmost section of the seats, the main podium was over to my left as well. As such you tended to sit turned in your seat a bit, for a more natural view, which placed the brunette "behind" me and the blonde in "front" of me.

Now I'm not a little guy. Not huge, but my shoulders are a good bit wider than most. And at 220 lbs, I'm mostly muscle, though a good way from having 'abs of steel'. The biggest problem is I'm wide. W-I-D-E. Really wide in the shoulders with a 48 inch chest. My Hawaiian heritage. It makes for uncomfortable seating in coach-class on airplanes, and in places like this, where the chairs are locked together, and they're all made for 118 lb. weaklings, and little things, like the size 2 women on either side of me.

A speaker was just finishing up, and when he went into pitch mode, I asked the blonde "How was he?"

"I don't know, I just got here a minute ago too. I'm here for Trump."

Let me get this out up front. I'm a horn-dog, with an addiction to women. I love blondes.

"What are you here for? At the Motivational Expo, I mean," I asked her, surreptitiously taking in her pretty face, turned up nose, cute eyeglasses, and pinned up blonde hair. Her hands were free of any rings.

"Mostly just hanging out," she told me.

I thought it seemed kind of odd. It cost a couple of hundred bucks to 'hang-out' in the VIP section, less if you signed up early and were on the right mailing list. Maybe a $100. But still pricey for "hanging out."

Even stranger was the way she was sitting. There was another pretty big black guy sitting on the other side of her, and he had all his materials from the day on the floor between his legs, forcing him to sit with his legs open. As soon as I sat down, she moved away from him, leaving a couple of inches gap, and scooted up right next to me, her side pressed against mine. Then she turned away and watched the stage.

We were quiet for a bit, and I tried to start a conversation again. A glutton for punishment, I do this a lot. I like people. I like to talk to people. I guess I'm a bit of an extrovert sometimes. And in a setting like this, anybody could be a great networking contact.

"What do you do?" I asked.

She spoke softly, and I had to bend down to hear her. Damn, she smelled good too. "I own my own business, how about you?" she answered.

"Some real-estate investment, some writing, a real-life job I wouldn't mind ditching. I'm thinking of getting into a gig like this - professional speaking." I told her.

She patted me on the leg, a pretty friendly thing to do, I thought, then said, "Will you save my seat for me while I go take a smoke break?"

"Absolutely. I wouldn't dream of letting anyone else sit next to me." I told her with my most charming boyish smile, which seldom works, but you can't fault a guy for trying.

She patted me on the arm again, giving it a little squeeze, and then eased her way past me and out the row. She left her tote bag with all her materials, so I didn't think she was just blowing me off nicely.

As she walked by, I took the time to check more of her out. Definitely a looker, with a light zip-up sweatshirt (unzipped) over a scoop-neck white tee, and a blue jean skirt that hugged her very pleasant looking hips. She had long slender legs that ended in ankle-high white socks and a pair of black canvas sneakers. Looked like Converse. I estimated her age in the early 20's. Yeah, I know, I'm a dirty old man, getting worked up over a girl 1/2 my age.

Before I knew it, my blonde neighbor was returning. I sat back in my chair to let her by, and she sat back down, once again sidling right up next to me. I mean close contact.

I have to tell you this was definitely new territory for me. I've known friendly women, and aggressive women, but this woman just seemed to like pressing against me. My mind was spinning trying to figure this out, it wasn't something in my known realm of experiences, and not to brag, but I have had my share.

I had a choice of sitting with my arms crossed, and shoulders pulled in, or taking up half the seats on either side of me. But I could also turn a bit in the seat, and put my arm behind the seat to my side, which I did, especially easy since we were in the last VIP row, and there was an open space behind us with the barrier between us and the green-badgers.

"Blondie" must have considered this some kind of invitation. She turned even more into me, and turned her head, resting it on my shoulder. She took several opportunities to pat me on the leg and arm again. I've read a few books on body behavior, and everything I know tells me this was a sign that I could be more forward, but I was still very hesitant. It seemed a spectacularly weird place to be hitting on a strange woman. But my little head was starting to wake up and do part of the thinking for me.

The lights started to go down, implying the start of the next program. Blondie, whose name I still hadn't gotten, leaned forward to take off her sweat-jacket, revealing bare shoulders, and a nice pair of breasts, if on the smallish side. She patted me on the leg again, her hand lingering, and she gave a squeeze.

"This should be good to hear," she admitted. She was turned a bit in her seat, facing the podium and leaning into me, fully half her weight pressed against me. I could smell the baby-powder she'd used early in the day, and the slight hint of where the long day of sitting in cramped quarters was finally winning the battle against her deodorant. The smell of her was getting me even hotter, it was going to be hard to pay attention to Trump. He'd better be good.

I was able to look over her shoulder, and had a pretty good view into her shirt. I'm not a giant at 6'1", but I have a long torso, and when seated I tend to be a head above those around me. It gave for a great vantage point to look her over. Not a lot of cleavage, but I could clearly see her red bra, which had a big red flower, better than an inch across, right where the cup met the strap.

The show helpers were walking down the aisle, passing out signs for us. These read "Trump for President", the ones that we got, at least. There were other ones being passed around, one said "You're FIRED", and there was at least one other one.

My pretty blonde neighbor took out a marker and started writing on her sign. She wrote "Divorced" over TRUMP, and "Is So" between the words TRUMP and For. Then she wrote "Cool" between For and President. I wasn't sure what that message was.

"He is divorced, right?" She asked me, again patting my leg. My leg was beginning to really like that, as my little head reminded me.

"Twice. Ivana, and Marla Maples. He's married again since then." I told her.

"I don't watch much TV." She said, putting down her pen, holding her sign in her lap, and resting her near hand on my knee.

I was really confused. Was she just friendly? Was she coming on to me? What was going on? "She wants you," the little head told me, encouraging my addiction. "Don't be such a pussy!"

She reached up to loosen her hair, and took the bun out. She started to twist it back up, and my little head spoke aloud for the first time, putting words in my mouth. "Leave your hair down," I told her softly. It's something that's worked for me before in the pursuit of females. I've found that if they're interested, they often like a bit of harmless dominance. You know, some silly little comment that you expect them to obey. If they do, you're often on your way to success.

She hesitated, with both hands over her head, her hair half twisted, and an elastic in her other hand. She slowly let her hair back down, and dropped the elastic into her tote bag, then shook her hair out.

At this point the president of the Learning Annex came on stage to announce that The Donald was in the building, and we started a chant of Trump, Trump, Trump, led by the show workers on stage, a bevy of about a dozen typical Dallas beauties, and a couple of guys.

Donald Trump came on stage to lights and explosions, and thousands of gold foil rectangles burst out over the audience, and trickled down while Donald took his place at the podium. While the clapping continued the gold streamers fell among us, and one landed in her hair. I reached over and plucked it out, handing it to her, and then stroked her hair back into place. It didn't need the stroking, but I did.

Unlike the other speakers who wanted you to stand through his whole bit, Trump told us all to sit. Then he started talking about how the show people knew how to "Feed his addiction", and he asked the guys to leave the stage, leaving all the pretty girls behind him. I immediately knew that The Donald and I were kindred souls, sharing that common addiction.

Blondie was sitting leaning against me once more, her right arm casually laid across my left leg, her hand dangling between my legs, near my knees. My partner in crime between my legs was fully awake now, uncomfortably so, looking to stretch out.

Donald was talking about the beautiful women of Dallas, getting lots of cheers from the audience, including from the girls beside me. He went on to say he hated makeup, but when the makeup girl here asked if he needed any, how could he say no? He then called her out on stage, and a gorgeous latino girl with the classic Plano, store bought breasts walked out on stage and he called her over, looking for a hug. Damn, I was jealous. The man had game. I'm sure a few Billion in the bank didn't hurt.

Then he pointed out another pretty woman in the front row holding up his book. She stood up and he invited her on stage. I'd sat behind this girl the day before, a six foot tall Amazon, just graduated from college. She had long very blonde hair, and was a stunner. He kept her on stage, while she asked some silly self-serving question, and he commented again how beautiful our women were, and complained that he was being setup, everyone here know of his "addiction." Again he got laughs and cheers from the crowd. He kept her up there for a couple of minutes, hugged her and whispered to her (a hotel room number, maybe?), then she went off stage, but not back to her seat.

"It's a good thing he can't see you." I told my blonde friend softly. "You'd never get off stage."

She giggled and turned her face a bit to me. "You think so?"

I looked down at her open neck, and saw one of the gold streamers had fallen against her skin. Not quite in her cleavage, but under her neck. I reached forward, brazenly, and slowly lifted it free, letting the heal of my hand rest on her breast for just a moment. I held out the piece of gold foil for her, which she took in her left hand, her other still lying comfortable across my leg. She dropped it in her tote bag.

"Absolutely," I told her.

The lights were down, and Donald was starting to tell his stories. They were pretty interesting, giving us a little of his history. My new found fantasy was still leaning into me, comfortably with her head on my shoulder. Her hand on my leg was idly drawing little circles on my inside thigh, just above my knee, and I was uncomfortably hard. I was turned, my arm behind the seats, just hanging down. I brought it up to rest on the back of her chair, my hand softly touching her bare shoulder. She didn't flinch or turn away.

Donald was talking politics a bit and mentioned getting in trouble for using Condi Rice and "bitch" in the same sentence. He went on to talk about how he wasn't calling her a bitch, just the opposite. He wanted a hard-boiled negotiator, someone who looked polished and professional but could be a bitch when needed. He didn't think that Condi had it in her. When he talked about professional appearance, he pointed out the suits that many were wearing, and the professional looking women down in front.

My little head took completely over again. I reached across and my fingers, with almost a life of their own, slipped into the edge of her shirt, giving a little tug on her bright red bra, underneath her demure white shirt. I held the red rose in my fingers, and teased her. "Professional dress?"

"Bitch in the boardroom, devil in the bedroom," she answered, giving my leg a squeeze.

I tucked the bra-strap away, letting my thumb graze her cleavage, expecting to get shot down any moment. Instead her hand slid half-way up my leg, only a couple of inches away from the jackpot.

Donald started into his diatribe against that "awful ugly creature, the ugliest thing on TV, physically and mentally," none other then Rosie. "She could never have come from Dallas." In the meantime my blood was boiling. I opened my legs a hair, pressing against hers, and I let my arm far arm cross hers in my lap, applying light pressure to get her to slide up further on my leg. I was holding the sign we'd been given, effectively hiding my lap, and her hand slowly gave under the slight pressure, easing up my leg, until her hand was resting against my balls, and my hard-on pressing against her wrist.

"You're enjoying the show," she said softly, without turning her head. Then she gave her hand a little twist and cupped my balls, giving a gentle squeeze.

I slid my hand on the back of the seat under her hair, cupping her neck, and massaging gently. I couldn't resist this amazing vixen.

I leaned in, right to her ear. "I've got to have you. It's killing me."

She turned to look at me. "I really wanted to hear Donald," she said, but her hand stroked my hardness.

I reached down and took her hand off my crotch, (blasphemy!), and stood, her hand in mine. I pulled her to her feet. "You'll hear him." Then I walked out of that row, glad that I was wearing an untucked Hawaiian shirt, which partially hid my state. She followed along, her hand moist in mine.

My mind was running a mile a minute. I thought I had a great chance to do something with this girl, but where? How? I looked over the area we were in, debated trying to get behind the large ‘pipe & drape’ curtains that separated the stage and the area behind it from the rest of the room. The main entrance was filled almost to capacity with people standing and watching. However the opposite end of the hall from the main entrance was in complete dark. It had been used as part of the registration from some of the classes, and was now shut down, with a rope preventing the back, general admission area from passing through. However on the VIP side of the ropes, there was a space to enter that area. And I decided to give it a shot. All this ran through my mind during the few seconds it took to scoot past the half-dozen people in our row.

I walked confidently past the workers, all eyes on Trump, and out of the immediate Keynote area, past the pipe& drape partitions, into a large dark space, somewhat broken up by tables and barriers. I gave the beautiful target of my lust a little tug past me, then turned, moved a folding chair further into the area, I looked the space over. Now we were in a closed section, almost a long narrow room. On one side, away from Donald was a large dark open space, empty now. On the other side, maybe 5 feet from the pipe & drape’ was the end of the chairs in the back of the Keynote hall. Thousands of people listening to Trump, hundreds of them cheering and clapping just a couple of yards away from us.

My heart was pounding. My crotch was aching, and I could barely believe the audacity I had displayed in bringing this complete stranger into this semi-private space.

She stood there waiting just a couple of feet from the lone chair.

I approached her. I took her by the shoulders and turned her to face the stage, hidden from us. I stood behind her and whispered, "Can you hear him ok?"

"Just fine," she answered, huskily, leaning back into me.

I let my hands slide down her arms then reached around and took her breasts in my hands, cupping them, squeezing softly. I leaned in and kissed her neck, working up to her ear, where I nibbled on her ear lobe, my lips pressing against her two stud earrings.

Her hands slid behind her back, and met at my crotch, rubbing me, while her head tilted to one side, giving me better access. I kissed and nuzzled her neck and chin, then slid around her, regretfully moving away from her hands. I stood in front of her, tilted her chin up, and kissed her.

The crowd burst into cheers and I got goose bumps. She kissed me desperately, fiercely, her arms wrapping around me. I let my hands drop down to her firm, round ass, and pulled her hard against me. She ground her crotch against mine, while our tongues tangled.

I had to break free eventually. As sweet as she was to kiss, I needed more. Much more. I pulled the chair around, facing away from us, and put her hands on the back of it, with her still facing the stage. I slid around her, my hands wandering all over her body, and then when I was directly behind her, I slid my hands down her thighs, and slowly brought them upwards. I lifted her tight skirt higher and higher, encountering a little resistance as they cleared the fullest part of her butt, exposing red bikini underwear, an obvious match to her bra. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist, and I leaned into her, again nuzzling her neck, while my hands caressed below her waist, first through the lacy red cloth, and then sliding inside, exploring her soft flesh. She was bent over just a bit, so she could hold onto the back of that chair, pushing her ass back towards me.

I backed away, dropping to my knees, and slowly slid her underwear down her legs, kissing that sweet, white ass. This was a big deal. I thought I noticed some reluctance from her, and she trembled a bit, but seemed to settle down. This was really happening!

She had a bit of a tan, not heavy, and her tan line was an irresistible attraction. I traced it with my tongue, from the outside of her hip across her ass, and down between her legs. She stepped out of her underwear, then opened her legs wider, bending low, resting her hands on the seat of the chair. It gave me greater access, and I continued the tongue bath, between her cheeks, past the cute little pucker of her ass, until my tongue could just curl up a bit and enter the bottom of her wet pussy. Her smell was strong, and devastating, and I grabbed her cheeks, spread them wider and licked and sucked her bare nether-lips tasting this stranger, and enjoying the action immensely.

I had her trembling. Driving my tongue as far into her as possible, I tongue-fucked her repeatedly, while massaging her ass cheeks. Then I replaced my tongue with my finger, reaching inside her, rubbing the silken inner walls. One finger slowly became two, while I kissed and nibbled on her smooth butt cheeks. A third finger entered her, the going tight now, and my other hand pulled her ass cheek to the side so I could lick her moist bunghole. Her right hand slid back, and pulled her other cheek wide, opening herself up for me. While my fingers slid in and out of her steaming hole, my teasing tongue worried her rear, pushing at that brown puckered hole, until I could just work it's way in a bit, curling it and pushing hard, my tongue tip sliding into her ass repeatedly. While I familiarized myself with her sweet (and tangy) privates, the talk continued, and rounds of clapping and cheering just egged me on.

I could feel her legs trembling, and then her butthole squeezed tight on my tongue and her pussy clamped down on my fingers, milking them in waves, while her juices flowed freely down my palm and the back of my hand. I wiggled my fingers inside her, until she loosened up a bit, and then I turned my hand, so my fingers could face forward. I removed one finger, and then pressed forward hard, searching for her G-spot while my thumb reached forward sliding through the sparse hair to find it's way onto her love button. I rubbed firmly and as she responded, pushing against my hand, I drove my tongue into her ass as far as I could, wiggling my chin as I went, and working a good inch or so into her.

This time she almost collapsed, her knees buckling, and pulling her ass off my tongue. She gasped, but the sound was a whisper compared to the heavily amplified voice of The Donald regaling us with how he liked losers, because they made him feel so good. My hand was soaked in her juices which ran freely down the inside of her thighs. I leaned in between her legs, and licked her clean, up both thighs.

I finally released her pussy, and stood back, looking at this pretty blonde stranger, bent over in front of me, her ass looking delicious, and the red swollen lips of her pussy calling out their siren song.

I unbuckled my belt and slid my pants down, taking my boxers with them. I lowered them enough to free myself, my rock hard mast pointing towards it's desired goal. She never turned around to look at me, instead just waiting, hips thrust out.

Shaft in hand, I shuffled towards her again, and slid the head of my cock between her lips, and with a nudge of my hips, pushed the head just inside of her. I was in heaven. Still holding onto my rod, I rubbed the head in and out, all over her swollen pussy, occasionally pushing an inch or so inside of her, but never really entering her completely. She started pushing back at me when I would get the head inside her steamy opening, and I finally fulfilled both our wishes, pushing my cock inexorably inside of her until I was buried to the hilt. I reached around her, inside of her shirt, and started playing with her breasts. My exploring fingers discovered a front latch and I popped it, allowing my hands unfettered access to her sweet little breasts, not much more than a handful, with hard little nipples that spoke volumes for her aroused state.

My hips started in, slowly fucking her, while my hands played with her breasts, tugging on those unseen nipples.

I was about as big and hard as I get. I'm not huge, but a bit above average in length, and very thick. Sometimes it takes a bit of work to get my full length buried inside some tight young twat, but this pretty blonde had no trouble accommodating my full length and thickness. I let go of her breasts and grabbed her hips, fucking her harder, giving long, full strokes that she eagerly accepted and pushed back against. I was feeling incredible, hard and ready, enjoying the sensation of being buried in this hot little tart, yet feeling no urgent compulsion to come. My legs were tiring a bit, having to stay bent a bit to work her over, and contained in my half dropped pants. I imagined hers were getting a bit tired as well. Between the oral attention and the protracted fucking, she'd probably been bent over, on her feet for more than 20 minutes. But The Donald was scheduled to speak for an hour and a half, and he was just warming up, as was I.

I pulled out of her, and hitching my pants up with one hand, I walked in front of her. I stood her up, and kissed her again, pulling her naked crotch against mine. Then I turned the chair around and sat on it, facing her, my pants dropping to my ankles. I leaned back, holding my cock upright, and waited for her.

She gave me a look, almost as if she was going to call me on my brazenness. With a devilish smile she stepped forward and straddled me, slowly lowering herself onto my ready pole. She reached down and opened herself up, spreading her lips and once I was positioned just right, sliding down my length. God, it felt good.

I put my trust into the sturdiness of the heavy duty folding chair, and used my hands to lift her ass up and down, slowly screwing her with about half my length. She leaned in and started kissing me again, all over my face and neck, then covering my mouth with hers. We stopped moving, our bodies merged, and our lips and tongues explored each other's mouths for an eternity, while Trump talked about seizing opportunities. I would have made him proud.

I lost myself in that kiss, and slowly coming out of it found her rocking up and down on my cock, tugging at it with her pussy, her muscles down there teasing me, squeezing me, begging me to give her more.

My young blonde entrepreneur stood up, and then knelt before me and lowered her face to my lap. I spread my legs invitingly, while looking down at the ground. I was glad we were on a carpeted runner. Purely selfish reasons. I knew it would be more comfortable on her knees, meaning this might last more than just a few seconds.

I needn't have worried. She was teasing in her oral, caressing, kissing, licking, blowing softly, but avoiding taking me into her mouth. She was a consummate tease. She must have spent five minutes at this before she rose up high on her knees, placed her mouth directly above me, and slowly pushed down, her mouth spread wide, as she took the better part of my hard-on into her mouth.

She had a small mouth, and my thickness filled her. She looked so sexy, her head slowly bobbing up and down, while her hand's index finger and thumb created a ring half-way around my shaft, stroking me in counterpoint to her lips. She was still wearing her rectangular 'Lennon' type glasses, and she peered at me over the top of them. I was tensing up. This was feeling, and looking, too good. I could feel a load building up in my balls, begging for release.

My seminar goddess slowly, teasingly, pulled her head off my cock. She kept stroking me, using all her fingers, and moving a little faster. She straightened up and pulled my face forward to hers. She kissed me, sweetly this time, lovingly. Then she leaned in and whispered to me, but I couldn't hear it for the noise, which had just exploded in response to some comment of Trumps. I gave her a quizzical look and she smiled.

"Come in my mouth," she said louder this time, smiling for me.

Taking my astounded look for consent, she went back to blowing me, sucking me aggressively, fucking her face on my cock. I didn't need any more encouragement, and before the next burst of applause could die down, I was exploding.

I felt my cum shoot powerfully, and she pulled her head back, until just the head was buried between those carefully made-up lips. Her hand stroked my cock, milking out the shots. I felt her gag a bit, but gamely she continued, swallowing a load, while still taking all I had to give her. I don't know how much I came, put it was harder and longer than I could remember for ages. I don't come like a porn star, especially not at my age, but this hearkened back to when I was in my early twenties, at the peak of my game.

When I finally pumped out the last, she squeezed out every drop she could with her hands, stroking me firmly from the base, up. Then she eased her pretty face off my cock. She smiled, and climbed into my lap. She leaned forward, and her face just inches from mine, she opened her mouth to show a small white puddle on her teasing, talented tongue. Her eyes sparkled, and she waited, obviously intent on the sound of the crowd. After a few seconds, to a sprinkle of applause, she closed her mouth, smiled and swallowed. Once the applause died down, she opened her mouth and showed me the moist emptiness.

She leaned in and uttered one word, "Yummy."

Then she took my face in her hands and kissed me deeply, her tongue exploring every inch of my mouth, while the taste of my own ejaculate was carved into my taste buds.

When she was satisfied, she pulled her lips off mine. "Is there more?" she asked, giving a telling nod and glance down into our laps.

"Absolutely," I told her firmly. I eased her out of my lap, and stood her up. I then stood and turned her around to sit in the seat I had just vacated.

She scooted her rear right up to the edge of the chair, lifted her legs high, and pulled her knees back almost to her armpits, reaching her arms around, and pulling them in tight. She was wickedly exposed, and I could see her pussy really clearly for the first time. She had a bikini trim, waxed clean up to the top of her little clit that was peaking out at me. A soft, short fur grew upwards in a little triangle, the outsides of which were encompassed by a bright white bikini line, almost an inch of bare white flesh framing her blonde bush.

Damn, the only true blonde in Dallas. At 45 years old, I've been eating bush for more than 30 years, and I put everything I knew into pleasuring this gift from God. I ate her until my lips and tongue grew numb, and I felt her come several times, filling my mouth with her liquid mana. With my neck and mouth aching, I finally pulled away from her, and felt that my own stiffness had returned, a delightful surprise. I usually take a good while to return to action. I wasn't as hard as I'd like, but easily hard enough to try for some more. I stood, my rampant cock proclaiming it's willingness, and squatting a bit awkwardly, I fed my cock into her. While I'd eaten her, her legs had rested on my shoulders much of the time, but once again she pulled them back, her calves against her ears. She was flexible, and looked incredible. Some gym, somewhere, was doing it's job admirably.

I reached around her, grasping the top edges of the chair, and by spreading my legs and extending them, I found a position that was moderately comfortable. Pushing in firmly all the way to the root, I plumbed her depths with short, slow strokes, concentrating on the incredible feeling of fucking this total stranger. The intensity of the action was returning the steel to my rod, and it wasn't long before my staff was at full mast, and my stroked lengthened until I could pull all the way out, and re-enter without any help from a willing hand.

We stank of sex, and I could smell it clearly. I wondered how far the smell reached. The screwing was noisy as well, a squishy sound, interrupted with the slapping of flesh on flesh. And my amazing blonde was no longer as quiet as she'd been, talking to me while I fucked her, in words that would have shocked her mother.

But the cacophony of thousands of people, listening and responding to the heavily amplified words of Mr. Trump gave a great cover, and the heavy air conditioning, blowing cold on my back from the ceiling 30 feet above, seemed up to the task of keeping our illicit tryst under wraps.

I fucked her harder and faster, my balls slapping against her ass, as I punished that stretched pussy which had responded so well to my ministrations so far.

She came hard, with her ankles on my shoulders, and she grabbed my head, fists buried in my hair, and pulled my face down to hers, gasping, "fuck, fuck, fuck," as she stared almost frighteningly into my eyes. Her legs tightened up, and almost pushed me off of her. As she relaxed, she let go of my hair, and pushed on my chest, moving me away.

"I've got to change position," she told me softly, then kissed me warmly before kneeling on the padded seat of the chair, and bending over the back of it. She looked back at me, and smiled. "Enjoy!"

Damn. What a woman.

It looked so good, I had to taste her again. I just licked her easily, then played with her ass a bit, sucking and tonguing her there, before I stood up and went for the gold.

Her ass was the perfect height, and although it took a little work to get my meat back into her bright red pussy, the added friction of having her legs together was incredible. It started out as a long leisurely fuck, while I listened to the words of Trump for the first time in over an hour. I pumped her thoroughly, my entire length enjoying the full extent of her fleshy well. I grabbed her skirt, still hoisted around her waist, and used it for leverage, fucking her harder and harder until the chair started crawling across the floor. I got a perverse joy in fucking her about four feet across that space until her face was only about a foot from where the walls met at the end, and we could see through the gap. By shifting just a bit, we could see The Donald holding court at his podium.

I licked my thumb and slowly worked it into her ass. She was tight, as I'd expected, but it was fun to watch my cock piercing her, and her little butt hole opening up to my ministrations.

I was getting ready to come again, a pleasant surprise in itself, but I didn't know what to do. Should I finish in her? Pull out and come on her? I had to do something soon.

I did the only sensible thing. I stopped and leaned forward, speaking into her ear, pretty loudly to overcome the noise of the crowd, as Donald had just announced he was ready to take questions, and a swarm of people started gathering into two lines to wait for a chance to beg of his knowledge.

"I'm going to come soon," I told her, holding very still, to avoid coming right then and there, potentially in a very dangerous place.

She wiggled her hips. "It's safe."

It was all I needed. Before the first question was out of some busty woman's mouth, I was creaming my gorgeous blonde CEO’s insides, squirting several times into her unbelievably accommodating pussy. Buried as deeply as possible, I stood shaking, squeezing the last of my juices out inside of her.

I pulled out, my cock red and sore. I couldn't remember the last time I'd gone on that long fucking and sucking. I was suddenly very conscious of the fact that I'd fucked this total stranger without a condom, and was feeling worrisome about it. Of course it wasn't until after the fact that I showed even a modicum of sense about that.

I retrieved our clothing from the floor, passing her the red panties (which would have looked silly on me) and put on my boxers and pants, over my sticky wet cock, before sitting on the chair and lacing on my shoes.

I looked up and she was standing before me, with an enigmatic little smile twisting those sensuous, pleasure giving lips.

I stood and she flowed into my arms for just a moment giving me a hug. "That was fantastic," she told me.

"Oh no," I laughed loudly. "It was much better than that. I'm sorry if you missed anything The Donald said."

She pulled my face down to hers and kissed me again. Tenderly this time. Then she pulled away. "I have to go back. I told Wallace I'd meet him at the back after Trump was done."

I let go of her, giving her ass one last squeeze, then pushed the cloth divider out of the way. I made sure my VIP pass was facing forward, and walked back into the crush of moving people. I never bothered looking to see if there were any astonished faces glancing our way. My blonde bombshell walked past me back to our seats. She walked behind the seats, leaned over, giving me one last look at that incredible butt, easily her best feature, and grabbed her tote bag. Then she walked away, never looking back, while the audience continued to pepper Trump with questions.

I don't know why she behaved as she did when I sat next to her. Leaning against me, touching me constantly, giving me sultry looks, and talking to me jokingly. I'll probably never know, now. It was something unlike anything I'd ever experienced, and it resulted in an encounter I'll never forget.

By Tx Tall Tales for Literotica


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