Her Inverted Intimacy Challenge: Part 1

How long can naked friends resist becoming lovers?

By darrenr. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

“Breasts, yes. I want to show you my breasts,” Anna said, making a simple request that complicated everything.

Jake instinctively glanced down at her chest, before wrenching his gaze back to her face. His mind raced in useless circles around a single thought: Danger!

“But you have to promise to tell me if that would make you uncomfortable,” Anna said. “I can only ask you this favor because our friendship is both close and solidly non-romantic. I completely understand if my request is just too flippin’ weird!”

Jake had never been less comfortable in his life. This felt like a bad idea.

He wanted it anyway.

Feeling ashamed of himself, Jake forced himself to think. Anna wouldn’t ask unless it was important to her. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so he tried a joke. “Compared to eating the terrible chicken dinner you made last night, this sounds like a walk in the park.”

Anna erupted in giggling. She was clearly nervous, but it was comforting to hear her infectious laugh. That, at least, felt normal.

They met about a year ago, neighbors moving in on the same day. She had a kind face. If she wore makeup, it wasn’t enough to notice. She was an inch taller, had brown eyes and long blonde hair–brilliantly shining blonde–always in a ponytail. Her face seemed to have only two states: stern concentration or an easy smile. She had a solid aspect to her figure but wasn’t fat. Her tight jeans revealed strong legs and a substantial bottom that her height proportioned nicely. A baggy flannel shirt hid any details about her breasts.

Although Jake tended to be shy, an endless conversation began during their second shared elevator trip. Her name was Aine, but she went by Anna. She liked hiking and tinkering with electronics. They both just moved into town and it was their first time living on their own. Anna did some kind of computer engineering work that sounded much cooler than the business analysis work he did. They both used Excel spreadsheets extensively for work and shared many of the same frustrations with its quirks. They liked a lot of the same video games and movies and had plenty to talk about.

That first night they shared take-out at Jake’s place, which was the start of Anna’s habit of visiting constantly. Jake insisted on paying. To repay him, the next night Anna made dinner in his kitchen. Jake then reciprocated the following night. Neither of them was a very good cook, but it worked out. They ate dinner together nearly every day, alternating cooking and cleanup. Anna declared it was more efficient to share food between two people. She also decided Jake’s pot, pan, and dish situation was better than hers, so they used his kitchen. Jake gave her the spare key to his apartment and she came and went as she pleased. He started to develop real feelings for her. This stopped when, after a week hanging out together, Anna mused on the merits of their relationship.

“I’m glad we’re neighbors,” Anna said that day. “We’ve only known each other a week, and yet I already feel like we’ve been friends for years.”

“I feel the same way,” Jake had said.

“Best of all,” she added in a moment burned into his memory, “Is we don’t have a trace of romantic tension between us. We’re free to just be friends without all that bullshit.”

Jake let her comment pass without challenge. What else could he do? But it was a blow. All his romantic and erotic fantasies about her fizzled, impossible to sustain if she didn’t feel the same. At least he did genuinely like her, mostly.

The “mostly” came down to her presumptuousness. She saw that, obviously, it made sense for them to share Jake’s kitchen. Obviously, it made sense for her to set up her electronics workbench in Jake’s apartment, and hadn’t even asked him. He didn’t complain because he liked their dinner arrangement and liked seeing her build crazy electronics. She wasn’t wrong in her actions; he just wished she’d ask first.

Watching movies, playing video games, and discussing politics solidified their friendship. Jake was eventually able to suppress most of his unwelcome feelings about Anna. He tried his best to think of her as just a friend. A pal.

Which made this request so upsetting. He was dismayed to find that his efforts over the past year had only hidden the shameful ember of carnal desire in his heart. Her words now rekindled it into a bright flame, unthinking and ravenous. He refused to let it burn this person he cared about.

“Anna, wait.” Jake was surprised to hear the words coming out of his mouth. Concern returned to her face. “Are you sure about this? It’s not that I don’t want to see, you.”

“Then why don’t you shut up and let me show you?” Anna asked, laughing nervously.

“Believe me, I’m wondering myself. I just, we’ve been neighbors for almost a year now, and I like to think we’ve become friends. However, I never got the sense you saw me as more than a friend, so this whole ‘I want you to see me naked’ thing is a bit of a surprise. Not an unwelcome surprise, but, well, can you please spell it out for this dummy?”

Anna looked down and sighed. “You’re right, I owe you an explanation. Please, please be patient with me. This isn’t easy.”

“Deal,” Jake said in agreement. He leaned back on the couch and crossed his arms and legs in an exaggerated manner. “I’m extremely patient.”

Anna took a deep breath. “When I was eighteen I had my first serious boyfriend, Andrew. We were making out, and I let him take my shirt and bra off. It was a mistake. He was a mistake. I don’t know what I saw in him. The thing is, I have inverted nipples.” Anna turn away from Jake and began to shyly fidget. “He freaked out when he saw them. He didn’t want to touch them anymore, didn’t want to touch me. Looking back, I think he was just a nervous kid frightened by something he didn’t understand. Still, it really hurt.”

“Fucking hell, Andrew. What a massive asshole,” Jake said.

Anna’s face showed relief at his reaction. “Yes,” she agreed, “especially when he told his friends and started calling me ‘NN anna’ for 'No Nipple Anna.’”

“No way!” Jake said. “What the fuck?”

“High school can be rough, right? It’s not even accurate. I have nipples, they just go in instead of out. I think the whole school eventually heard. Plenty of people 'accidentally’ called me Nnanna, even a teacher once. I was devastated at the time, but I’ve tried to forget about him, about his reaction, about the taunting. I’ve dated a few guys over the years, though I’ve always ended it before things got, intimate. I’ve come to realize, on some level, I’m still ashamed of my body. I’m still afraid of a repeat of Andrew’s reaction.”

“That is some bullshit. No person should be ashamed of their body.”

“Yes,” Anna agreed. “Intellectually, I know that. I’ve been telling myself for years. My trouble is the difference between knowing in my head and really feeling it in my heart. That’s what I’m hoping you can help me with.”

“Got it,” Jake said. “You want to show me your breasts, so I can NOT freak out.”

“Exactly! Which sounds silly when you say it out loud. I know this is a weird favor to ask, I just, I feel safe with you.” Doubt returned to her face. “It’s totally okay if you’d rather not do this. I don’t want to guilt you into this.”

“Anna, it’s okay. Thank you for explaining. I understand, I think.”

“Oh, come on, it’s not a big deal,” Anna said, trying to sound casual. “Right?”

Jake shook his head. “I disagree,” he said. “A friend sharing something deeply personal and fraught with shame, trusting me. It’s a big deal.”

Anna gazed into Jake’s eyes, her breasts dominating his thoughts as they rose and fell with her breaths. He wondered if he saw more than friendship flickering in her eyes, but then it vanished.

“Thank you,” she said. “Now that we’ve reached an understanding and decided on a course of action, we have another problem: I don’t see how I can work up the courage to actually, um, do it.” Her voice got very quiet at the end as she looked down and chewed her lip. “It just seems impossibly weird and awkward to undress in front of you.” She gave his arm a gentle shove like she did when they played video games.

Jake thought for a second.

“Well I’m certainly not going to pressure you. But if you’re set on doing this, then I have a suggestion: What if we both pretend you’re fully clothed? I’ll set up the video game. When you’re ready, you come in dressed however you want, and we’ll both just pretend everything is normal. We can play Mario Kart like we planned, all very normal and unremarkable.” Jake couldn’t help smirking a little bit at this last sentence.

Anna’s face brightened. “I like that idea. That might work.”

Jake stood up. “Off you go, then,” he pointed at his bedroom. “I’ll just set up the game and you can join me when you’re ready.” He faced the TV and grabbed the remote. “I hope you are prepared to get trounced,” he added.

Anna departed for his bedroom. Jake’s heart raced, and his hands trembled a bit. He tried some deep slow breaths. They didn’t help much. He visualized the bedroom door behind him and the woman he expected to emerge any second.

Jake was ashamed to feel an erection start at just the thought of seeing Anna’s breasts. His friend was trusting him to help her! He had to master himself and come through for her. He had to.

He heard Anna take a quiet step into the open doorway behind him. He dared not turn around.

On an impulse he pulled his own shirt off and tossed it. While he was very aware his own skinny chest was completely unremarkable, he hoped this would make her a bit more comfortable.

Then he did something he knew she hated. “I hope you don’t mind, I’m just going to start the race. I’m choosing your character, yes, Bowser on the biggest car so you can’t do anything but go in a straight line…”

Anna’s hand snatched the controller out of his as she dropped beside him on the couch.

“Don’t you dare!” she said, laughing.

Jake kept his eyes locked on the TV screen, trying to act casual while his mind reeled at the bare breasts just visible at the corner of his eye. She had done it!

Part of him wanted to turn and stare directly at the first bare breasts he’d met in person. A bigger part of him was simply proud of his friend’s courage. She’d identified a source of needless shame and took steps to overcome it. Jake wanted to make this a positive experience for her.

That didn’t mean he didn’t take in as much as he could without looking directly. In addition to taking off her shirt and bra, she had taken out her ponytail. She parted her hair on either side of her head, and let it fall down her front. Through this inadequate screen of hair he thrilled at an impression of pale roundness, and maybe a hint of pink?

It helped to have the game to concentrate on, though his playing was shit. Anna was never one to sit still and just push buttons on the controller. She moved her whole body with each turn of the race car. He kept his gaze glued to the TV even though her constant movement tickled the outskirts of his vision mercilessly.

After several races, Jake started to feel close to normal. His game-play was back up to the level of “respectable.” His erection calmed down. He still hadn’t gotten a look at Anna’s bare breasts sitting right next to him, but he also no longer had to struggle to keep his eyes locked forward. He felt relaxed and happy, having fun with his friend. More than happy, he felt buoyant. It was as if Anna’s bare chest was a beacon radiating warmth, bathing his heart in contentment. Just knowing that she trusted him with this made him feel closer to her.

When Anna won the next race, Jake decided to check on her. He put the controller down, tilted his head far back on the couch to make it clear he could only see the ceiling, and leaned in her direction with one hand to his mouth in a conspiratorial gesture. Whispering, he said, “How are you doing?”

Anna mirrored his pose and whispered in response. “Really good, actually. How are you doing?”

“Really good, too,” Jake said, afraid to reveal how much more than just 'good’ he felt.

Anna nodded slightly and then she sat up and resumed talking in a normal voice. “I’m going to get us glasses of water.” And with that she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Jake took in the sight of her bare back as she walked away from him. She was beautiful. He longed to touch her and hated himself for it. Momentarily, she would be walking back toward him, and he had to keep his eyes on the TV. He had to.

She returned from the kitchen with two glasses of water. Instead of sitting she stood directly in front of him, blocking the TV, and held one out. Jake’s efforts at gaze discipline went out the window as he was forced to look up at the glass, which she held at the exact elevation to be in line between his eyeballs and her breasts. Jake did his best to keep his eyes moving up to her face where he looked her in the eyes and said a hoarse “thank you” as he took the glass.

Anna tilted her head far back to take drink. With her eyes toward the ceiling, Jake understood she was giving him permission to look.

Jake’s eyes widened as he took in the sight, and his composure left him. The rest of the room faded out of existence as his brain took in every detail.

The slightly tan color of Anna’s face and arms was thanks to the sun, for her bare shoulders and upper chest were paler. Her breasts were paler still and revealed a faint tracery of blue veins around her shapely contours. Her hair covered the promised inverted nipples, though he could see the edges of puffy pink areolas.

On the one hand, this was just another part of his friend’s body. His friend Anna happened to be a woman, women have breasts, and these were simply Anna’s breasts. Up close like this, Jake could see the subtle details on her skin. The fine hairs, sprinkling of moles, and minor asymmetries stressed the reality of what he beheld, in contrast to the airbrushed breasts in porn. Intellectually, Jake knew in the big picture all breasts, all bodies, were ultimately unremarkable.

On the other hand, Jake couldn’t help feeling these particular breasts were magical beacons of beauty, acceptance, trust, and intimacy. Anna’s breasts emanated waves of warmth that bathed his heart in joy and evoked feelings of affection and protectiveness. It pained him to think of all those years of being ashamed of her body, avoiding physical intimacy for fear of rejection.

After an eternity of taking in this sight, Anna sat on the couch again. He fastened his eyes on the TV and tried to regain his composure.

Jake felt a flash of pain on his arm as Anna playfully hit him with the back of her hand. “Come on, slowpoke, press 'A’ so we can start the next race. I’m enjoying destroying you.”

“Oops,” Jake said, resuming the game. And then, feeling daring, he added: “I don’t know where my mind was.”

It was hard to tell without turning his head, but he thought he saw her smile.

They played a few more races until it was their usual bedtime for a work night.

Anna stood up. “Well, we both have work tomorrow. Better call it a night.” She walked into Jake’s bedroom and then returned dressed normally. The light in the room felt weaker without the shining warmth of her bare breasts. He fought to hide his disappointment.

“G'night,” she said, walking to the door.

Jake leaped up to meet her at the door. “Thanks for the fun evening,” he said. Then, his face reddening, “I mean the Mario Kart.”

Anna laughed, her face blushing too. “Thank YOU!” Then, hesitating, “for everything.”

When the door closed behind her, Jake’s apartment felt cold, lonely, and dark.

The next day at work, Jake had trouble getting anything done with visions of Anna’s breasts dancing in his head. He missed the feeling of being with her when she was topless. But on his way home, a new worry arose: How awkward would it be when he saw her again tonight? There was no going back to how things had been before.

Opening the door to his apartment, he heard Anna working in the kitchen.

“Hey,” Jake called out.

“Hey yourself,” Anna answered from the kitchen.

Jake relaxed when he saw she was wearing a shirt, though not without a pang of disappointment. What had he expected? Idiot. Anna cut vegetables, wearing the circuit-board-print apron she liked.

“Get the waters, I’m almost finished.”

Jake tried to act normal but couldn’t stop thinking about her breasts as he set the coffee table in front of the TV. Anna put down plates of chicken salad and sat beside him on the couch.

Normally, at this point they would watch something on TV while they ate. The remote control was on the arm of the couch next to Anna, ignored.

“How was work?” Anna asked.

“Oh fine, pretty normal,” Jake lied. “You?”

“Actually,” Anna said, “I had trouble focusing at work today.” She paused there, as if giving Jake an opportunity to say more.

“To be honest,” Jake admitted, turning to look her in the eye, “I had the same problem.”

“Was there something on your mind?” Anna asked.

“Technically two things were on my mind,” Jake said.

Anna burst out laughing. Relieved, Jake laughed too.

“I want to thank you,” Anna said, “for being so patient with me last night. And kind. I was close to running out of the room in tears. You helped me keep it together.” She took his hand. “That was very kind of you. I feel like a burden of shame was lifted. Thank you.”

Jake blushed.

“What I hadn’t expected, though…” Anna looked down. “What I hadn’t expected was how much I enjoyed it.”

Anna slowly raised her eyes to meet Jake’s. Panic came rushing back. Did she want to do it again? Did Jake want that? Confused thoughts swirled in his head. Did he want to kiss Anna? Yes, but she didn’t want that. Did he feel romantic thoughts about her? Yes, but she didn’t want that either. Did he want to see her breasts again, despite all his misgivings? Yes. Most definitely yes.

“Did you…” Anna was studying his face. “Did you enjoy it, too?”

“YES!” Jake blurted out, not exactly playing it cool.

Anna smiled. “Do you, do you mind if we do it again?”

“I would love that,” Jake answered.

Anna hesitated. “It made me feel better when you took your shirt off first.”

Jake nearly tore his shirt in his rush to pull it off. Anna’s eyes on his chest made his skin feel warm.

After a moment of staring, Anna started to unbutton her shirt. Feeling emboldened by Anna’s unguarded staring at him, Jake watched her fingers work. The anticipation was intense, and he felt a reckless swelling between his legs.

“Excuse me,” Anna said sternly, “my eyes are up here.”

Jake blanched and tore his gaze up at the ceiling, his heart pounding in panic and his dick shrinking in shame. Incoherent apologies spilled out of his mouth as he tried to repair the damage his eager eyes had done.

“Whoa, whoa, it’s okay, I was just joking!” Anna said quickly. “I’ve never seen anyone go so pale. Are you okay? Jake, you didn’t do anything wrong. The whole point is for you to look at me.” She grabbed his shoulders. “Jake, please, I’m sorry, I was only trying to be funny.” She gently pulled on the back of his head until it was tilted down at her chest again. “Your respectful instincts are part of why I trust you. It’s okay. I want you to look.”

He watched her shirt rise and fall with each breath, and eventually his breathing matched hers. Anna released his head and resumed unbuttoning. She wasn’t wearing a bra. After the last button, she put her hands down. With a deep breath, Anna looked Jake directly in the eyes and with a quick motion pulled her shirt open.

Anna’s bare breasts brightened the room. Jake’s greedy eyes took in more details from this first unobstructed view. Her left areola had a small mole on the perimeter at the six o'clock position. In the center of each impossibly pink areola were puffy little slits where the skin of her nipples folded inside instead of out. They were beautiful.

Jake looked up to Anna’s face with a big grin on his face. She was smiling too, though still nervous. She covered her breasts with her hands.

“Sorry, it’s just…” She looked down in thought. “It’s intense, being looked at.”

Jake was sorry to see her breasts covered, but sorrier she seemed upset.

“What if we get dressed again and continue like normal, then?” Jake said, suggesting the exact opposite of what he wanted. “It’s okay, you know.”

Anna shook her head. “Oh, I didn’t mean that. I don’t, I don’t want that. I just needed a little break.” Then, quieter, she added, “I like this.”

Jake knew he needed to walk a fine line to balance Anna’s feelings, their friendship, and his desperate need to get as much time with her breasts as possible. He also needed to occupy her hands with something.

“I do, too.” Jake said, turning on the TV. “I also like schooling you in the ways of the Kart,” he said, holding out a controller for her.

Their routine went back to normal, the only difference was neither of them wore shirts. Jake became accustomed to the sight of Anna’s bare breasts, and eventually was even able to stop worrying about where his gaze landed. Anna didn’t seem to mind him looking, though he tried not to stare. The exception was when she sometimes fell asleep while they watched a movie. Jake hated himself for violating her trust, but he couldn’t help himself. The bluish light from the TV flickering over her breasts in the dark room was more engaging than any movie.

He was even able to stop having an erection constantly, much to the relief of his confused dick. Jake assumed this trend would continue until her breasts made no impact upon him at all. He was wrong. There was just so much to admire about them. How they moved when she walked, when she breathed, when she laughed. Anna seemed to like being topless as well. She never seemed quite as happy as she did when her shirt was off.

After a few weeks, Anna started coming by before work, too. She said she wanted to get better about exercising properly and invited Jake to join her. She would come by early in the morning, un-showered in her sleep shirt and sweatpants, hair pulled into a messy pony tail. As soon as the door to his apartment closed, she would pull off her shirt and fire up the exercise video game program. They would stand beside each other in front of the TV doing the routines, her breasts moving in all kinds of interesting ways. Jake wondered if she wouldn’t be more comfortable with a sports bra, but she never seemed to mind, and he certainly didn’t either.

One day a plumbing problem in her apartment resulted in the walls of her bathroom being torn open during repairs. He offered his shower to her, and she began using it after exercising each day. And of course, since she was at Jake’s apartment in the morning anyway, why shouldn’t she eat breakfast there too? In this way Jake ended up with an apartment-mate in every way but one: She did not sleep there.

Normally Anna wore jeans, except for the mornings when she arrived in sweatpants. The first evening she came by in shorts was the first time he saw her legs. Jake found himself distracted by her bare thighs, solid and well-proportioned with her figure. Spring was turning into summer and the days were getting warmer. He supposed that’s all it was.

June brought the first hot day of the year. All the windows were open with a complicated arrangement of fans to get the air to circulate. They both sat on the couch watching a dumb show, drinking ice water, and sweating.

“It’s so hot,” Anna said. “Every stitch of clothing is a burden. Would you mind if I stripped down to my underpants?”

Jake took a long sip of ice water to stall as he thought of how to respond.

“You don’t have to take your shorts off too,” Anna continued, “though you’re welcome to. This heat is unbearable, don’t you think?”

Jake agreed it was hot, though he also knew it wouldn’t make much difference whether their shorts were on or off. What was she up to? He was strongly tempted to call her on the weak ruse and deal with it directly.

He remembered that when she first wanted to bare her breasts to him, she was only able to manage it because he played along as if everything was normal. Jake supposed it depended on whether he wanted to see her in panties.

The growing hardness between his legs both answered that question and presented a problem. If she took her shorts off, he would feel obliged do the same. But his briefs would do little to conceal his excitement. Feeling a little frustrated, Jake decided to stop trying to hide it. She wanted to share more of her body? Well, his body had a penis, and sometimes it had a mind of its own. If it made her uncomfortable, she could tell him.

“Way too hot for shorts, agreed,” he said. Jake stood up and unbuttoned his shorts. He took them off, folded them, and placed them neatly on the side table. He resumed his seat, slouching on the couch in front of the fan, a bulge rather obviously straining against the fabric of his briefs.

Jake pretended to be interested in the TV. He was pretty sure he saw Anna looking at his crotch for a second. Then she also stood and removed her shorts, revealing plain black panties. After a while, Jake’s body calmed down and things felt normal again. They sweated their way through the end of the show and parted for sleep as usual.

The next morning when Anna arrived for their workout, even though it was not nearly as hot, she stripped down to her panties again. Jake followed her lead and they exercised wearing only briefs. From then on, and without further discussion, stripped to briefs was the new normal. Jake started to doubt his guess of her motives. Perhaps it really was just a temperature thing and Anna wasn’t working up to revealing more.

The issue was resolved Friday evening after dinner. It was another uncomfortably hot evening. Anna sat next to him on the couch wearing her new normal outfit of nothing but panties (royal blue today) and a concerned look on her face. Jake sat up and turned off the TV. She looked like she had something to say.

“What’s the matter, Anna?”

She hesitated, then said, “Do I embarrass you?”

Jake laughed. “What are you talking about?”

Anna looked unsure of herself as she spoke, “When I first wanted to show you my breasts, it was to overcome a particular insecurity.”

“Stupid fuckin’ Andrew,” Jake said.

“Yes, stupid fucking Andrew,” Anna agreed. “And I’m so grateful you agreed, because it has changed how I feel about myself. I didn’t realize how much that shame was weighing on me. I really think I’ve moved past that.” She looked down in thought. “But you may have noticed I haven’t been inclined to put my shirt back on.” Her face reddened a bit at this. “What I hadn’t anticipated was how good it would feel. Is that weird?”

“I don’t know if it’s weird,” Jake answered. “But I feel the same way. I like hanging out with you like this. It just feels, right. It feels good.”

Anna’s eyes brightened at this. “I was hoping you felt the same way, but sometimes I doubt myself and wonder if I’m just being ridiculous. I’m afraid you’re rolling your eyes at me while I prance around topless.”

Jake laughed again. “Impossible. Never! Anna, ugh, you’re right, it is weird to talk about this.” He took a deep breath. “Anna, it gives me joy to be with you, my friend. And it gives me like a hundred-times joy multiplier to be with you with our clothes off.”

Now Anna laughed. “Joy multiplier? Sounds like you’ve been playing too many video games.” She thought for a moment before shrugging. “But I suppose that’s as good a description as I can come up with too.”

“Then we’re good?” Jake asked, “You’re okay?”

“Yes, thank you,” Anna said, though she obviously had more on her mind. She cleared her throat. “I can’t help wondering, would it feel even better to just be, you know…” As she spoke, her voice got softer and softer, until it was a barely audible whisper, “, completely naked?”

Jake had been anticipating this, and secretly hoping for it, ever since she first took her shorts off. He had suspected topless wasn’t the final destination, but he dared not believe it till now. He did his best to fight the growth of his troublesome, eager dick.

He desperately wanted to avoid messing this up, and he thought he knew her well enough now to plot the right course.

Before his courage faltered, Jake stood up and pulled his briefs down. For the first time in his adult life, he was completely naked before a woman. His dick was in a state of tension, fighting between arousal and his mental urging for calm. Jake hadn’t planned it this way, but he was pleased with how it turned out: A bit large, though still limp and non-threatening. It was the best first impression he could manage.

“Like this?” Jake asked. He busied himself with carefully folding his underwear and putting it aside, while in his peripheral vision he saw Anna looking between his legs. Without waiting for an answer, he handed her a game controller as he sat back down and looked at the TV.

Starting up the game was just the motivation Anna needed. Without a word she also stood up, removed her panties, and sat back down to play. Jake could tell there was a triangle of brown hair between her legs, though he couldn’t make out any more detail.

For the rest of the evening they both played video games like normal, pretending they weren’t completely naked with each other for the first time. Jake’s only real struggle was keeping a lid on how incredibly happy he felt.

Neither of them played particularly well. There was a lot of laughing and pretending everything was normal. At the usual time, Anna dressed to return to her apartment, giving Jake a good view of her bare bottom as she bent over to put on her panties. Then she was gone, and Jake was left wondering if completely naked was the new normal. He got erect at the thought and didn’t bother trying to stop it as visions of her pale bottom and triangle of brown hair danced in his mind. It still felt awkward, but the arousal couldn’t be denied.

With Anna’s face blocked by the magazine, Jake dared to watch as her thighs pulled apart and revealed his first direct view between her legs. From the triangle of hair above, over the long cleft marked by full hairy lips, down to the obscuring darkness below, his greedy eyes took it all in. Her knee kept moving and continued until her thighs were perpendicular to each other. To Jake’s amazement, this pulled apart her outer lips just a little and revealed the smallest bit of pink.

Frozen in fascination, Jake stared with all his might at what Anna was revealing to him. Years of looking at porn had given him a good idea of what to expect, yet at the same time it was so delightfully and uniquely Anna. What a beautiful woman! He ached to touch her, to care for her, and was grateful she couldn’t hear these ridiculous thoughts. With alarm he realized he was extremely, intensely erect. She would be reading part of his mind if she saw this erection, and he regretted it didn’t communicate the affection and tenderness that was also in his heart. He felt ashamed at his sexual feelings, though these low emotions were not enough to override the elation he felt.

“It’s okay to tell me if it’s gross,” Anna said, keeping the magazine in front of her face.

It took several seconds for the words to penetrate his reverie.

“I’m sorry, what?” was all Jake could manage.

“My vulva. I know it’s pretty gross, and it won’t hurt my feelings if you prefer I, sit in a more ladylike manner.”

“It’s beautiful!” Jake blurted, throwing out the window all hope of playing it cool.

Anna lowered the magazine and Jake met her skeptical gaze. Jake reddened and looked away.

“I thought we were accepting each other as we are,” Jake said to the floor. “You are a good and kind person to the core, and my friend. How could any part of you be 'gross’?”

Jake felt her foot on his shoulder as she gave him a shove. “You’re not so bad yourself,” she said. Jake looked up to see her smiling before she brought the magazine back up in front of her face. Did he catch her glancing at his impossibly hard erection before the magazine came up? Her legs returned to their perpendicular position and then stretched open even wider than before as she settled, inviting Jake to gaze upon the delicate pink petals of her beautiful flower. By the time she left for bed that evening, there was nothing left of Jake’s mind but a loop replaying the glorious image.

After brutally destroying him in Boulevard Battler IV, Anna put down the controller. Bringing her knees together and pointing them toward him, she tucked her feet beneath her and rested an elbow over the back of the couch.

“Jake, can I ask you a personal question?”

Jake mirrored her position, so they were facing each other. His eyes were practiced now at taking in the sight of the top of her bush and her beautiful breasts without lingering, and his dick remained calm in the face of her nakedness. He was feeling quite confident in his mastery of his own arousal until he looked her in the eyes. Something about her earnest expression touched his heart, and this in turn brought a hint of swelling between his legs. He was a long way from mastery.

“Of course,” he answered. “Anything.”

“I don’t mean to pry, and it’s okay if you don’t want to answer, I don’t mean to offend you, and–”

“Anna!” Jake interrupted, shaking his head. “It’s me. Just ask.”

Anna looked down. “Do you ever, you know…”


Anna brought her face back up to meet his gaze. “Do you ever look at porn?”

Jake burst out laughing. Anna did not join in, looking confused.

“Sorry,” Jake said, forcing himself to stop laughing. “I wasn’t expecting that question.”

Anna looked at him silently, awaiting an answer.

“Well, yes, of course I do. Why?”

“Then you’ve seen lots of naked women?”


“Have you ever seen, breasts, like mine?”

“Never!” Jake answered confidently. “Every woman’s breasts are unique, your beautiful breasts included.”

“No, I mean my inverted nipples. Do you ever see nipples like mine?”

“Oh. Sometimes. Not often.”

“Were they, attractive?”


Anna looked doubtful.

“It’s true! I’ve seen some incredibly beautiful models with inverted nipples.”

Anna looked down for a second, and then back at Jake. “Show me.”

Jake returned her gaze. This didn’t feel right. “Look, Anna, are you sure? I mean, you don’t need me to search the internet.”

Anna looked away again. “I actually do. I tried, but…” she said, exasperated, “it got overwhelming fast. I was hoping you could do some, well, some curating for me.”

“Or you could just take my word for it,” Jake argued. “Inverted nipples are beautiful! Be confident in that.”

Anna looked at him intently. “Show me.”

“Okay, if you insist.” Jake fetched his laptop and resumed his seat, facing Anna so she couldn’t see his screen. “Give me a minute to find some.” Jake remembered one particular model with fascinating breasts. Dark hair, bright blue eyes, and impossibly round large breasts with strikingly inverted nipples. Jake felt relieved his dick was behaving for a change, thanks to this awkward situation.

“Here is a good one, if you want to see,” Jake said. He shifted to sit normally on the couch and casually pulled the laptop over his crotch as a precaution. Anna sat right next to him, the side of her body pressed against his. Jake was glad to be covered by the laptop because the contact with her skin caused things to start to swell beneath the computer. He tried to ignore it.

“She’s beautiful,” Anna said, clicking through the series of pictures. Anna’s clicks on the laptop touchpad moved it very slightly against his growing arousal.

“She is,” Jake agreed.

“Her breasts are huge!”

Jake laughed. “Yes, but look at her nipples.”

“You’re right, they’re pretty similar to mine. Do all porn models shave their pubic hair like she does?” Anna asked.

“Definitely not all. Many do,” Jake answered.

“I wonder what it feels like,” Anna said. “Do you think it’s cooler? This summer is so hot.”

“I have no idea,” Jake said. “I’ve never tried it.”

Anna was thoughtful for a moment. “I’m curious what it’s like. If I shaved my pubes, would you shave yours?”

The thought of seeing Anna shaved bare seemed like the most appealing idea in the world. He didn’t care one way or another about shaving himself, but if that was the price for getting her to shave, he would gladly pay it. “Sure!” Jake said. “Why not? Anything is worth trying in this heat.”

“There’s one thing, though,” Anna said hesitantly. “I’m nervous about wielding a razor in such a tender place when I can’t see very well down there. Would you, would you be willing to help me?”

To be continued.

By darrenr for Literotica


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