Her Inverted Intimacy Challenge: Part 2

Platonic friends help with Intimate shaving, complicated by arousal.

By darrenr.  Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

“There’s one thing, though,” Anna said hesitantly. “I’m nervous about wielding a razor in such a tender place when I can’t see very well down there. Would you, would you be willing to help me?”

Jake swallowed. “Help, um, help you shave?”

Anna nodded. “I know it’s a big favor. It’s no problem if you’d rather not.”

Jake couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do more than spend some quality time with Anna’s vagina.

"There's one thing, though," Anna said hesitantly. "I'm nervous about wielding a razor in such a tender place when I can't see very well down there. Would you... would you be willing to help me?"

Jake swallowed. "Help, um, help you shave?"

Anna nodded. "I know it's a big favor. It's no problem if you'd rather not."

Jake couldn't think of anything he wanted to do more than spend some quality time with Anna's vagina.

"It's not that! I'm happy to help. It's just, I've never shaved a, um, you know, a..."

"Vulva?" Anna said with a smirk. "It's okay to use the word. Anyway, neither have I! But you have the advantage of being able to see down there."

"Okay, fair point," Jake said. "But it also means... well in order to do this, I'll need to..." Anna raised her eyebrows waiting for him to finish.

"I'll be clean," Anna said. "I'm going to shower first, of course."

Jake wasn't expecting that. He shook his head. "Oh, no, I'm not concerned about that. I just mean I'll need to... touch... you. There. You know, to shave you."

Anna frowned. "Yes, hmm, I see the difficulty now. You've got a friend sincerely asking for your help with her most private place, and you're balking because even a clean vulva is, let's face it, pretty gross."

"NO!" Jake said. "That's not it at all!" Anna looked hurt. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to yell. You're completely misunderstanding me. I don't think you're gross in any way. I don't think your... vulva is gross. At all. Not to be too corny about it, but I think your whole body is beautiful. Including your vag--, I mean, vulva." Anna looked skeptical. Jake grimaced. "I'm nervous because... well, you've said our relationship isn't sexual. I have to be honest with you. There's no way I can touch your body... your vulva... and not be affected. Sexually."

Anna bit her lip and looked down, nodding. "I'm still figuring myself out. I think that experience with Andrew all those years ago affected me more than I realized. I don't know what I want, or what I feel. I just know I feel safe with you." She lifted her head to look him in the eye. "Do you think it's possible to just pretend that it's not sexual between us?"

"Yes, I can do that," Jake said. "Though my body might react differently."

Anna smiled in relief. "Then there's nothing to worry about. Once the novelty wears off, you'll realize what a tedious task you've volunteered for. Now come ON already." Her face bright with happiness, she jumped up from the couch, pulling him by the hand to the bathroom. "I'm happy to help shave you in return, of course."

"That's probably safest," Jake said, trying to play it cool as he realized where she would be touching him.

They showered together like normal. Anna got two fresh towels, spreading one on the floor of the bathroom and keeping the other folded as a pillow. She unwrapped a new razor and put it, along with a can of shaving cream, beside the towel. Lying down on her back, she stretched her legs out and spread them apart.

"Do you think I should shave it all or keep a patch of hair?" she asked.

Jake stood transfixed by the sight, contemplating her lovely bush. It was full and fluffy and beautiful, with light brown hair looking impossibly soft. Part of him didn't want her to shave it, but only part of him.

"We could definitely leave a patch of hair if you want. Though even if you start fully shaved it would grow back soon."

"Good point. Let's just shave it all to start." She reached for the can of shaving cream.

"Wait," Jake said. "When I've shaved my beard in the past it worked much better when I clipped the hair short first. Otherwise the razor gets clogged. I have some small mustache scissors, if you want?"

"Good idea," Anna agreed.

Jake dug in his drawer until he found the scissors, and then turned to face her and froze. Could he really do this? He felt a bit faint at the thought of accidentally cutting her.

"It's okay, Jake. I know you're going to be gentle. Go ahead and start!" She smiled nervously at him. "But please be careful."

Jake took a deep breath and knelt between her open legs. He'd never been this close, and his greedy eyes took in every detail. He looked up to her face, framed at this angle by her lovely breasts, and she gave him an encouraging nod. Taking a deep breath, Jake raised his empty hand toward her and gently grabbed a tuft of hair. It was even softer than it looked.

"Your hair is beautiful. Are you sure you want me to cut it?"

Anna rolled her eyes. "Yes, I'm sure. Let's do it!"

Slowly, Jake brought the scissors up and snipped off a chunk of hair. Realizing he needed a place to collect it, he spread out a tissue. Anna watched him intently, propped up on her elbows. Carefully he worked, gathering and snipping, gathering and snipping. He gently brushed the loose hairs off her after trimming everything above her cleft.

"How are you doing?" Jake asked.

"Thank you for being so gentle. I would be a nervous wreck doing this myself."

"It's my pleasure," Jake said automatically, before realizing how intensely true the statement was. Quickly, he added, "Are you ready for me to continue working down... lower?"

"You mean on my vulva?" She laughed. "Please use the names of my body parts, you silly."

"Sorry, you're right. Are you ready for me to trim your vulva?"

"Absolutely, please go ahead," Anna said with a smile, though he still saw nervousness in her eyes. She dropped back onto the towel pillow, her breathing only a little shaky.

Looking at her tender folds, Jake felt his palms sweating and his heart beating furiously. Gently, so gently, he touched his finger to the top of her cleft and drew it down to tease out the hairs trapped within. It took a few tries to get the hairs pulled off the bit of her inner labia that sat flush with her cleft. Careful to hold the scissors so he could see exactly where they cut and terrified of hurting her, he trimmed down the length of her outer lips.

Anna's hips twitched a little. "That tickles!"

"Sorry! I'm not trying to tickle you."

"I know, it's just a bit of sensory overload. Can you please just pause for a minute and press your palm against my skin, just to give my nerves a minute to calm down?"

"Skin? Don't you mean 'vulva'?" Jake said.

Anna laughed. "Fair point! Yes, please put your hand over my vulva to calm it down."

Jake put his palm against her cleft and felt its warmth, relishing the intimacy. Anna sighed and took a few deep breaths. "Okay, I'm good. Keep going."

"Could you please spread your legs a bit wider, so I can trim at the base of your legs?"

"Sure thing!" Anna said. She bent her knees, bringing her feet up to rest against the sides of Jake's legs as he knelt before her. Her outer lips were pulled apart, revealing moist pinkness inside. Her lovely scent grew stronger in his nose. Jake felt his erection jump. At least she couldn't see his obvious arousal now. A few more minutes of careful clipping and he was done. He couldn't be sure, but her inner lips looked wetter than before. He gently brushed the loose hairs away from her cleft and onto the tissue. Remembering how it might tickle, he placed his palm over everything again to relieve her.

"Would you like me to clip, um, further down?" Then, remembering her earlier admonishment, added, "Around your, uh, anus?"

Anna giggled as she sat up, her cheeks a little red. Anna bit her lip. "I suppose getting embarrassed at this point is silly. Yes, please trim down there, too." She turned over onto her knees and pushed her bottom into the air, giving Jake his first clear view between her cheeks. His heart yearned with affection for her, the desire to care for her, even her cute little butthole. Only a few wisps of hair grew back there, and he was soon finished clipping.

"Okay, I think we're ready to start shaving," Jake said. "Does it make sense to do that in the tub with lots of warm water?"

"Definitely the tub, but we're not ready yet. I need to clip you!"

"Oh!" Jake said, "I forgot." It was true. He was disappointed to realize he was quite erect, and with no way to hide it.

"Well come on, trade places with me!" Jake stood up, his massive erection hanging out in the open air. He lay on his back feeling exposed and embarrassed. Anna knelt between his legs, and then she picked up his feet and brought them against the sides of her legs, so he was spread apart like she had been. His straining dick pointed up at the wall somewhere above his head.

"Sorry about that," he said, gesturing toward his erection.

"Don't be!" Anna replied. "I think it actually works better to have the skin stretched out for this. See if you can keep it that way. Are you ready?"

"Sure, go ahead," Jake answered. He didn't expect it to be difficult to stay hard with her breath gently tickling his shaft. Sitting up on his elbows, he watched her gently grab a tuft of hair and clip it. She looked up to make sure he was okay, and then resumed careful clipping. Her breasts hung down in a lovely way as she bent over him clipping. Jake put his head back on the towel pillow and tried to relax, her every touch thrilling him.

"I didn't realize hairs grew up the shaft of your penis."

"Yeah it's pretty nasty."

"No, it's not nasty," Anna said. "Just interesting." He felt her fingers gingerly wrap around his shaft. "Wow, the skin is so soft. It's a weird contrast with the hardness beneath the skin." Jake relished the feel of her hand on him and listened to the soft swish of the scissors.

"Are you doing okay?" Anna asked. She paused and kept her hand still on his hardness, the same anti-tickling strategy he'd used on her. It felt so nice. Jake was far more than okay, though he didn't dare say that.

He tilted his head up to look at her. "Perfectly comfortable. Thank you for being so careful." She smiled at him, and then returned to her trimming. Her tongue poked out between her lips the same way it did when she was focused on some electronics soldering project. Seeing her so dedicated to caring for him made his ridiculous dick strain against her fingers.

"Everything is more dynamic down here than I thought," Anna said.

Jake sat up again to give her a questioning look.

"I suppose it's obvious. It just hadn't occurred to me. Like, when you're hard it's not simply rigid. It's constantly softening a bit and re-hardening. I can even feel your pulse! And your scrotum moves!"

Jake laughed. "Yeah I guess it's all pretty weird."

"Not weird! Interesting."

Anna moved her hand down to his scrotum, her fingers gently stroking it as she trimmed hairs.

"Alright, flip over so I can trim your... um," Anna giggled for a second before continuing. "Your anus." Jake dreaded this, but he complied. "Oh, I like how this seam of skin connects to your scrotum. This is so interesting!" A few more minutes of trimming and then she was done.

"Okay NOW we're ready for the shaving part," Anna said brightly.

Jake righted himself and helped clean up the tissues of trimmed pubic hair. There was a lot of hair.

"Wow, look at us all trimmed!" Anna said, looking back and forth between the two trimmed crotches. "It feels cooler already. This is going to be great!" She started the water running and moved the new razor and can of shaving cream to the edge of the tub. They climbed in together and sat facing each other in the rising water.

"This is fun," Anna said. "I know it must be weird and tedious for you. I really appreciate you doing this with me."

"Are you kidding?" Jake said. "I'm having fun too. It's not tedious at all."

Anna pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the tub and handed Jake the can of shaving cream. Still sitting in the water, he scooted toward her as she spread her legs apart. Jake squirted some shaving cream into his hand.

"Ready?" he asked. Anna nodded, but he could see that her smile was a bit forced. He didn't blame her for being nervous. He knew he felt more than nervous, and was grateful his hands remained steady. Jake dabbed the cream on the clipped-short hairs above her cleft and massaged it in with circular motions of his fingertips. Then he carefully dragged the razor in downward strokes, with the grain of her hair, stretching her skin flat as needed. Rinsing the razor often, he made sure to avoid re-shaving the same patch of skin. Finally, he was done with her pubic mound and rinsed her with cupped handfuls of water.

"Nicely done, Jake!" Anna said, stroking the smooth skin with her hand. "Very nicely done."

Jake smiled, feeling pleased with his work. "Are you ready for me to shave your vulva now?"

"Yes please!" Anna replied, though he could tell her enthusiasm was trying to conceal her nervousness.

Jake squirted more cream in his hand and dabbed it on either side of her cleft. With both hands he gently rubbed cream along the inside of her legs and along her outer lips. Glancing up to check on her, he saw her cheeks were flushed. Did his touches feel good to her, or was that simply terror? Anna gave him a reassuring smile. Jake tried to focus.

Continuing the short downward strokes, Jake gently drew the razor along her outer lips. Terrified of hurting her, with his other hand he stretched the skin flat and pulled it away from her inner labia as he shaved. After several minutes of careful work, she was shaved as far down as he could work at this angle. He brought up cupped handfuls of water to rinse and carefully stroked her skin feeling for any spots he might have missed. After a few touch-up strokes, he felt satisfied.

"How is that?" Jake asked, looking up to her face. Anna's cheeks were even more flushed, and she bit her lower lip. She broke out into a big smile.

"Wow, Jake, you did a great job!" She explored all the shaved places with her fingers. "It feels so strange."

"I didn't do a perfect job," Jake said. "I was afraid of giving you a razor burn, so I went for gentleness over thoroughness."

"Thank you for being so careful. The whole time I knew I was in safe hands."

"You're beautiful," Jake said softly, lost in thought staring at her smooth cleft. Then, catching himself, "I think it looks great! Want me to finish your, uh, anus?"

"Definitely!" Anna said. She dipped her bottom in the tub water to get everything freshly wet and turned over on her knees to present her bottom to him. Jake put shaving cream along the inside of each bottom cheek. A few careful strokes of the razor later he was finished, and he stopped to admire his work on her beautiful body.

"All done!" he announced.

Anna sat back down in the tub. "Alright, your turn now. Up on the edge of the tub!"

While shaving Anna, Jake was so focused on being careful that his misbehaving dick shrunk down to nearly normal. Spreading his legs and presenting himself to Anna, however, quickly brought it back to fully erect.

"Thank you," she said. "I was worried how I would do this properly if your penis wasn't erect. Are you ready?"

Jake nodded, and Anna started rubbing shaving cream into his pubic hair. Looking down he watched her beautiful face, completely focused on her task. Her breasts, so comforting to see, jiggled as she moved. Part of him was very present, relishing her touches and attention. Another part of him was so deep in thought it was almost like having an out of body experience. Anna was the one person he cared most about in the whole world. She was his closest friend, the person who most understood him. When he was away from her, he missed her. When he was with her, he felt utterly content. His place didn't feel like home unless she was there too. This wasn't mere physical lust, though there was plenty of that as well. He truly loved her. The trouble was he didn't see a way to tell her this, without risking messing up what he already had. The thought of frightening her off, of not sharing this intimacy with her, was too horrible to consider.

Seeing the way she touched him, though, so carefully and tenderly, it was hard to believe she didn't have any sexual feelings for him.

"There we go," Anna said, waking him from his reverie. Jake looked down to see himself thoroughly hairless. He didn't get time to really look before she turned him over to shave between his butt cheeks. A minute later she was finished. They rinsed off in the shower and stood next to each other in front of the mirror to admire the results.

"We look fantastic. I love this!" Anna said.

"You look amazing," Jake said.

"So do you!" Anna was striking poses in the mirror. "Oh, I almost forgot. We need to moisturize." She dug in her drawer and pulled out a bottle of lotion. "It's a very gentle lotion suitable for the whole body. Do you mind if I apply it?" Jake shook his head and Anna straightened the towel on the floor for him to lie down upon. Anna used both hands on him to gently massage lotion everywhere she had shaved, including the shaft of his rock-hard dick and his smooth ball sack. Unlike shaving, he was obviously capable of applying lotion to himself without danger. But if she wanted to touch him and be touched by him, he certainly wasn't going to argue. He was surprised to find Anna spreading the lotion beyond the shaved areas, carefully rubbing it over his chest, arms, and legs. "Okay, flip over," she said, and Jake carefully arranged his erection as he did so. She rubbed lotion on his back, over his bottom, and lastly deep between his butt cheeks. Being touched all over felt incredible.

"There you go," Anna said. "Now it's my turn, if you don't mind trading places." She handed him the bottle of lotion and lay down on her back with her legs apart. "It's safe for use on genitals, but all the same when you moisturize the outer lips of my vulva please try not to get any inside." Jake nodded and then proceeded to gently rub lotion into her skin.

Anna sighed with her eyes closed. "That feels nice. If you don't mind, please put lotion on the rest of my body too."

Jake hesitated briefly. He felt uncertain about everything except that he wanted this. Whatever doubts swirled in his mind, he wasn't able to resist the invitation.

First, he worked down her legs, and then back up to her hips. He slowed down a bit when he reached her belly. In spite of everywhere he had touched her, he hadn't yet touched her breasts, or even her belly. Unsure how to proceed, he rubbed lotion up her sides to her shoulders and down her arms, afraid of touching her breasts. It wasn't surprising Anna wouldn't let this continue, though.

"Please moisturize my breasts too," she said. A simple enough sentence, and yet for a second Jake felt paralyzed. Jake thought back to when she first showed them to him. This was the invitation he'd been hoping for ever since. Putting more lotion on each hand, he made circular motions around her shoulders, then her upper chest. He ran both hands down her sternum, feeling the inner edges of her breasts. At last he pushed up from beneath each breast as his lotion-greased palms crested the peaks and felt her firm areolas. Afraid of ruining the moment, he kept his hands in motion, circling back down over her breasts from above, then in from the outside, out from between them, trying to memorize their contours with his fingers. When he felt like he could no longer pretend they needed more lotion he reluctantly asked her to flip over. She smiled at him and sighed happily as she did so.

Rubbing lotion on her back, he was happy to feel his arousal calming down. As fascinated as he would always be by her breasts, her adorable bottom, her tender folds and all the wonders hidden within, those treasures meant nothing on their own. What he loved was Anna the person, everything about her, the whole package. She said she wanted to at least pretend that their relationship was not sexual. He tried to respect her request, but it wasn't easy. His fingers kneaded the muscles of her back and she moaned in pleasure. Jake felt warm contentment in his heart. He finished by putting a last squirt of lotion on his fingertips and pushing them deep between the cheeks of her bottom and caressing her sweet little butthole.

They washed the lotion off their hands and then resumed admiring themselves in the mirror.

"I can't get over how great this looks. And how great it feels! Everything is tingly and fresh. Thank you, thank you for doing this with me. I didn't have the courage to do it by myself."

"You look amazing," Jake said. "I think my hairy legs look a little silly next to my shaved crotch, but you're right: It certainly does feel great!"

"Next time we can try shaving your legs too, if you want."

"Sure," Jake said, not caring about his legs but loving the mention of a 'next time.'

"All that close detail work has given me an appetite," Anna said. "Come on." After a visit to the kitchen they ended up on their usual spots beside each other on the couch, sitting cross-legged facing each other.

"I can't get over how different it looks," Anna said, staring between her legs and stroking the smooth skin there. "I feel truly naked now. It feels great!" She looked Jake in the eye. "Thank you. I know this was a lot to ask of you."

Jake swallowed and nodded. It had been an ordeal of desire mixed with terror and he was both relieved it was over and hoping he would get another opportunity.

"Happy to," he said.

Anna smiled at him and looked back down at her shaved crotch. Quietly, she said, "I didn't realize how good it would feel to be touched by you. Is it wrong to enjoy that even though our relationship isn't sexual?"

Jake felt his cheeks get warm. Why did she keep insisting this was not sexual? He didn't want to ruin this amazing development, but he was also tired of this charade.

"I thought we were only pretending it wasn't," Jake said.

Anna looked like she wanted to say something, but she didn't.

Jake sighed. "Anna, come on. My penis is hard around you all the time because obviously I am sexually attracted to you. And I don't know, but it seemed possible you were experiencing some sexual feelings as well." Anna looked like she was going to object, though no words came out. "That doesn't mean we have to do anything about it, but it seems silly to deny what's plainly happening here."

Anna brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them to cover herself. Jake had a sinking feeling in his chest. Had he ruined everything?

"I don't want to have sex," Anna said, looking down.

"I know that!" Jake said. "Of course I know that. All I mean is I think it's okay to be honest with each other."

Anna looked back up at him, gratitude in her eyes. "You don't hate me?"

Jake laughed. "I don't hate you at all." I love you, he didn't say.

"It's okay to like being touched, even if that's all we do?" Anna asked.

Jake nodded.

Relieved, Anna put her knees back down. "Scoot over," she said. As Jake did, she arranged herself sitting beside him with her legs splayed apart. With one hand she operated the remote control, and with the other she picked up Jake's hand and placed it between her legs with a contented sigh.

Shaving Routines.

They decided Tuesday and Friday mornings were the best days to shave each other. Under the pretense of skin moisturization she insisted every morning include giving each other the full-body lotion treatment after they showered. It took time, but Jake hardly felt like objecting. Watching TV on the couch together, if it wasn't too hot, always involved touching. Sometimes she'd pull his arm around her and settle his hand on one of her breasts. Sometimes she'd spread her legs and press his fingers against her cleft. Often her hand would gently rest atop his dick.

There was more general touching, too. She started hugging him when she arrived in the morning, and when she said good night in the evenings. Touching his hand while they were talking, or just leaning against him when she was beside him.

At first, it felt awkward. He feared touching her too greedily and throwing this wonderful situation out of balance. Before long, though, the physical contact with Anna became natural. More than natural, it became important. He felt such closeness with her, such intimacy.

He learned to read what she needed. Sometimes it was obvious, like when she would throw her legs over his lap on the couch and spread her knees apart: That meant she wanted his hand over her warm cleft. Other times it was something more subtle, like squeezing her own shoulder to signal her back muscles needed rubbing. Often, they just exchanged brief touches, like if she was busy soldering and he gently put his palm on her spine as he walked by her workbench.

Jake was proud of his dick, as stupid as it was. It eventually got the message this vagina he was spending so much quality time with was not open for intercourse and calmed right down. Somewhere in his heart lived a lump of fear that she didn't love him as he loved her, but he tried to focus on the bright side. Jake loved this intimacy with Anna and couldn't bear the thought of losing it. Wouldn't he gladly remain a virgin if only he could stay with her? Wouldn't he?


To be continued.

By darrenr for Literotica


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