He agrees to be her ‘focus group’ for demoing toys in the adult toy store. (fetish)
By Norweger. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

‘Can I help you?’
I glanced aside from the colourful products on display right in front of me, blushing mildly. The shopkeeper had done the rounds, and I, being lost in thought in front of the ‘Toys; male, solo’ shelf hadn’t noticed her approaching. Well, I could hardly deny I was thinking of buying a Fleshlight, as I held one; well, a securely wrapped one, luckily; in my hands as I met her friendly gaze.
‘I, ah…’ Fuck. Going to an adult toy shop shouldn’t be embarrassing, should it? My cheeks and earlobes grew pretty pink. ‘Well, I’m just browsing, to be honest, I…’
[[MORE]]She nodded. 'Those are real good, by the way.’ She giggled. ‘Well, good quality. Easy to keep clean. Rugged. For obvious reasons, I haven’t taken one for a test drive myself.’
I chuckled, feeling my awkwardness recede a bit. That’s one way of putting it. ‘For obvious reasons…’ I thought before answering ‘Well, I could hardly expect you to have, could I? That being said, shops like this are quite particular, no? Normally, asking the shopkeeper for recommendations and whether she’d used the product herself would be reasonable, but here, I guess it would get me me-too’d right away? How do you actually reply if someone holds up something and asks, well, is this one any good?’
I smiled weakly while feeling my cheeks getting rosier again, hoping I hadn’t overstepped any bounds. I got a chuckle for my trouble. ‘Well, please try to keep the exciting images out of your mind, but to tell you the truth, we do test quite a lot of the stuff we sell.’
She blushed a little, herself. ‘Well, we must buy them, of course, though at a steep discount.’ She turned her gaze down as the sentence trailed off, giving me a chance to look her over without being too obvious about it as the images she’d been warning me about started to manifest themselves to my inner eye. I guessed she could be in her early thirties, a few years younger than me. Quite cute, slender, narrow hips, a loose-fitting, turquoise sweater doing its best to hide her ample bosom… I’d already undressed her in my mind, trying to imagine her testing the huge dildos in the glass display cabinet right behind her.
Oh no, I hadn’t been blushing earlier. Now; NOW I was blushing.
She lifted her gaze again and giggled. ‘Let me guess. Exciting images?’
I could hardly deny it, and she could hardly take affront, either. I turned my own gaze down, intensely studying my rather rumpled leather boots. There was no way in hell I’d be able to meet her stare while saying it. ‘Oh, guilty as charged.’ I made a helpless gesture with my arm towards the toys on display ‘I imagined both this and that, I’ll admit.’
‘Well, there’s a reason we don’t have fitting rooms, you know!’ Her giggle turned to a quick laugh which she stifled as quickly. I felt my mood rise just by hearing it; it had a chirping quality, sounded almost like a bird’s cry. In improving spirits; and, frankly, quite turned on; this young, cute woman had more or less told me that she test ran a lot of the toys in the store. Now my eyes wandered around the room, desperate not to meet her stare, while every time I saw something titillating I imagined her using it on herself. Not that there was anything extraordinary about a woman in her thirties enjoying herself, but the mere thought, as she was standing two feet away from me… Fuck. I was rock hard. I hoped it wasn’t too obvious.
Here goes nothing. Had I first said A, I might as well say B, too. I felt a bit braver, thinking we could spin a bit on this, while still keeping it innocent. She looked amused, too. ‘That’s kind of unfair, though, isn’t it? Any woman walking into this store can get, ah, expert advice, whereas I, as a man, will have to take your word for it ‘Oh, this one is good; I haven’t tried it, but it is good, believe me!’
She laughed. Loud. ‘I swear to all that’s holy, had we ever had a male shop assistant here, he’d be loaded down with all the male solo toys we could muster and be told to test the hell out of them; and take notes while he was at it!’ She turned serious. ‘Wouldn’t do you much good, though; I’d be most surprised if there’s even a single man in town who’d casually ask another if that sex toy of his was any good or not.’
I’d have to give her that. Chitchatting about sex did come a lot easier when I did it with a woman.
‘Just that. There’s a reason we’re all women working here,’ she smiled. ‘Women sell better to both men and women than, say, a fifty-something, balding, pudgy male in a soiled T-shirt and sweat pants.’ She chuckled. ‘Beg your pardon for letting my prejudices shine through, by the way.’
I laughed out loud again, realizing I was getting close to asking her what she did once she’d closed shop; she had, in a few minutes since I’d become aware she even existed, shown herself to be one of those all too rare people who could get me in a good mood simply by being there; and that she could quip about sex and seemingly be at ease was an added bonus. Plus, of course, she was incredibly cute. I caught the warm, brown eyes peering out under her unruly mop of reddish hair, trying to come up with a suitable response before the silence became awkward or she trotted on through the shop, ending our moment.
She glanced down at her watch, and my heart sank like a stone; opportunity wasted, I thought; until I heard what she had to say.
‘Look… Now I want you to be real careful; not getting the wrong idea as to what I am suggesting, okay? You are not going to have sex with me, capisce?’ Well, she had my full and undivided attention, even if I wouldn’t get to sleep with her. I nodded, firmly. No fucking her. OK.
‘I’m about to close shop, now. If you, ahem, would like to test the fleshlight before you buy it, you can do so, okay? But, you’re going to have to buy it afterwards, obviously. The lube is on the house.’
I gawked at her. Wow. I nodded, numbly. This couldn’t be, could it? But I wouldn’t want to miss this for the world. I nodded again, vigorously. She smiled a quick smile, then went to the entrance to lock the doors, glancing over her shoulder at me as she did so, throwing me another smile.
Returning, she grabbed a bottle of lube from a shelf, and motioned for me to follow her as she walked past. As if I needed any prodding. ‘It’d probably be best to use our office, rather than have you go at it here under the bright lights,’ she suggested softly. I just shrugged. I’d follow her anywhere. My cock was rather a simpleton.
As we exited a door with a 'staff only’ sign at the back of the shop, we entered the kind of storeroom you’ll find somewhere in any shop in the world; shelves stocked with all kinds of goods, except… Well, these goods were very much adult toys. Darting past a crate packed to the gunwales with inflatable dolls; inflated!, she giggled ‘Meet last year’s Christmas decorations; we couldn’t sell them, but neither could we bring ourselves to throw them away…’ I shook my head, dumbfounded.
She nodded towards a green door near the corner of the storeroom ‘That’s where you’ll get to find out if the fleshlight is any good…’
She opened the door, hinges groaning. ‘I’ve been meaning to grease those for ages, wonder if I can use this lube?’ she mused as we entered a small-ish, run-down office. Lots of papers were covering just about any horizontal surface; a desk with a computer and a phone on it and a small coffee table in front of a battered old sofa tucked into a corner; piles of merchandise along the far wall.
Nodding towards the sofa, she suggested I take a seat before seating herself on the office chair by the desk. ‘I hope you don’t mind me watching. After all, I have a certain, um, professional interest in seeing how you get along with it, you know.’, throwing me another smile; a warm, seemingly genuine one. She didn’t appear to be wholly untouched, herself.
I fumbled with the packaging. What sadist had invented welded plastic? Probably a good thing when it came to protecting sex toys on display, but when you were about to unwrap it to try it out? Not so much. My audience reached for a pair of scissors and motioned for me to lob her the fleshlight. ‘You get out of your jeans, I’ll get this out, OK?’ she suggested. I nodded, still not trusting my voice to bear.
I hardly needed any more encouragement. I tugged at my belt, seconds later dropping my jeans to the floor, stepping out of them. My briefs were unceremoniously shoved down my thighs, and as I rose again, my almost painfully erect cock pointed arrogantly at the ceiling, the shopkeeper raising her eyebrows a little and giggling softly as she took the sight in while cutting open the packaging separating me from instant bliss.
With a satisfied ‘Hah! Finally!’ she pulled the fleshlight from its by now shredded plastic cover and reached over to hand it to me. I shamelessly ogled her cleavage before reverting to holding her gaze. ‘As I said, this is good shit. You won’t be able to destroy this one during normal use…’ She proceeded to explain how important it was to clean it after use, stressing that they had both suitable toy cleaner and disinfectant in the store. ‘Most gentle for the silicone, that stuff; unlike the dish soap most people tend to use…’
Her sentence trailed off, apparently she got struck by the same thing I had; that this was an absurd time to discuss maintenance. ‘My apologies, I got a bit carried away. Here.’
Accepting the toy, I glanced over at the bottle of lube perched on the edge of her desk. Turning around, she reached the bottle and spun back to present it to me. ‘There you go, put lots in the fleshlight, some around the entrance and a little on your johnson, and you’re good to go.’
Nodding, I did as she had suggested; an ample spurt of lube into the pale, pink thingy, then a little around the sculpted pussy lips. Bah, in a way it would have been better if they hadn’t tried so hard to make it look like the real thing. ‘Seeing as you wanted my observations, I think it would have been better if it was just an opening, not modeled to look like a real pussy; you know, no matter how good this may turn out to be, it can’t possibly compare to the real thing…’
‘Doh,’ she exclaimed as she rolled her eyes. ‘I should have mentioned that, there’s a neutral version, too; and, believe it or not, a few which are supposedly modeled after famous porn stars’ pussies, whether you believe it or not. Anyway, they probably all feel the same; just look at something, anything else while you’re using it.’
I’d be lying if I claimed I thought it would matter much what it looked like once it was wrapped around me. Squirting a wee bit of lube in the palm of my hand, I stroked myself a couple of times, ensuring I got some on the purplish, swollen head, too; unless I slipped in unhindered, I’d be sore afterwards, of that I was certain.
Positioning the fleshlight against the glans, I looked over at the shopkeeper. She stared back, eagerly anticipating my next move; not that she’d have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what that would be. Gently pressing the fleshlight towards me, I slid into my first silicone pussy. It was just tight enough to feel natural-ish, I’d hand the designers that; but it felt rather cold and, well, dead.
‘What’s it like?’ she asked, voice quivering slightly. ‘Oh, not too bad,’ I replied ‘Though it does feel a bit cold and. ah, dead, if I may say so at the moment, but that should improve shortly…’ Giving it a couple of strokes, I could already feel it begin to warm up.
She raised her stare from my fleshlight-wrapped member to meet mine. ‘Fuck me, I really am not doing my job properly, now; I just remembered that the manufacturer recommend that you put it in warm water for a few minutes before use, precisely to avoid that corpse bride-feeling. My apologies.’
I nodded. ‘That’d probably do the trick, I’m sure. However…’; I let it slide back and forth a few times, feeling the soft silicone caress my oh-so-erect cock; ‘it does feel really good, don’t get me wrong; and it keeps getting warmer by the second!’
Having said that, I stroked myself in silence for a few moments, slowly, deliberately; pulling it off me until my cock emerged from it, exposing the swollen, lube-glistening head for my very attentive audience, then shoving myself into it again. Oh yes, it felt better and better. While no one would ever mistake it for the real thing; well, no one who had ever had the good fortune to have the real thing wrapped around oneself, anyway; it definitely felt good, much better than a simple handjob.
‘It keeps getting better,’ I grunted. ‘Would work better still if one could take it out of the casing, though; you know, to adjust the pressure, using it as a sleeve over my cock; would feel more alive, then.’
She nodded. ‘I’ll keep that in mind, in case someone asks. I believe you can take it out for cleaning, by the way; so you could probably, um, go au-naturel on it, if that’s your preference.’; before again staring at my cock sliding in and out of the toy, mesmerised.
I felt like I was being on display; quite naturally, seeing as that was just what I was; but caught myself enjoying it. My audience was really cute and sexy as hell; well, truth be told, I’d probably find even Margaret Thatcher hot as fuck if she had stared at my masturbating with that sultry look my watcher now sent me; but I digress. I was turned on, way beyond what I would have been had I been doing the deed at home, alone.
I coughed softly, then slowing the pace a bit as I caught her stare again. ‘Uh, I know there won’t be any actual sex, that’s not what I’m fishing for now, but… Would you mind, ah, could I… Well, have a little glimpse of your charms? Some bare skin? Just to help me over the edge?’ I must have looked like a pleading puppy, as she burst into laughter, luckily a good-natured one.
After first shaking her head, she apparently had second thoughts and nodded. I swallowed. This intensely erotic moment was about to become even hotter. Grabbing the hem of her sweater, she pulled it over her head and revealed a black, low-cut bra and ample cleavage. Lovely, pillowy, full breasts. My pace picked up.
‘Don’t you think about touching me, don’t even reach for me, OK?’ she said, sternly. I nodded, hoping I looked like I’d be true to my word. God knows how reliable one looks when masturbating to the sight of the girl asking you to keep your hands off her.
She apparently found my promise good enough, and, after reaching behind her back for a second, the bra fell into her lap and her breasts swung free. I swallowed again, almost in disbelief. They were really beautiful; round, full and pillowy, large, but not so large as to be saggy; they proudly stood form her chest, slightly pear-shaped, milky white and crowned by the largest, weakly drawn areolas I’d ever seen, pale pink, crested with nipples looking as if you’d be able to cut glass with them, so hard were they.
She was amazing, and I wasted no time telling her so as my cock hardened further still inside the silicone wrapper I was now doing my best to fuck the daylights out of while keeping my eyes locked on the shopkeeper, occasionally falling to her wonderful breasts, but mostly maintaining eye contact.
She leant back in her chair, her breasts gently parting. My turn to be mesmerised. I could already feel the familiar tingling telling me my strokes were numbered and my orgasm forthcoming; I’d be done for shortly.
The fleshlight was now at body temperature, and felt much, much more lifelike, albeit still no match for a woman, I grunted through clenched teeth ‘no muscles milking me, no body thrust against mine, no hands feverishly stroking over my back, hugging me close as orgasm approaches; but it does feel pretty… pretty damned good!’
Nodding absentmindedly, she stroked a hand over her right breast, cupping it, then pinching her nipple between her thumb and index finger, moaning softly.
‘I’m about to cum,’ I grunted, snapping her back to reality. ‘Oh, please do it in that one, huh?’, she nodded to an empty mug on the table between us. ‘I want to see you cum.’ I nodded, feverishly working my cock with the latest addition to my meagre sex toy collection. ‘Lean forward, please’, I snapped ‘I want to see those lovely tits swaying under you…’
Laughingly, she obliged, leaning forward, then rocking side to side. ‘Like this, huh?’ she teased, smiling warmly at me as the heavy globes swayed back and forth under her.
Yes. Just like that. There was no use trying to hold back. Two more strokes, and I could feel my orgasm erupting, a tad before I’d expected it to. And here I was, figuring I had it under control…
I jerked the fleshlight off my cock, throwing it on the floor, sending spurt after spurt of cum over the table, grasping for the mug, missing, shooting another spurt halfway across the room towards her; at least it felt like it; before finally grabbing the mug and shooting the last, feeble spurt into it. I felt my earlobes glow with embarrassment as I came in for landing after the massive orgasm, only to see the mess I’d made; cum streaks over invoices, a pack of cigarettes, the table itself, a lighter…
My companion laughed, totally losing it in a fit of laughter, her breasts jiggling as she shook ‘You should’ve seen yourself!!!’, she eventually gasped, regaining some control over herself. ‘It was the most absurd sight I’ve ever seen, so incredibly hot, you in the midst of such an orgasm, frantically trying to grab my old mug…’
I joined her, a bit hesitantly at first. It had indeed been comedy hour. I hoped there wasn’t a surveillance camera here, for if it did, I’d be bound to find myself on some amateur blooper reel shortly.
‘Never mind, though,’ she giggled. ‘I’ll get that cleaned up in no time. Without getting her sweater back on, she left the room. Seconds later I heard the tell-tale sound of water pouring from a faucet and paper being torn from a roll. She returned, hand full of tissue paper, and handed me some. ‘Here, clean yourself up; then I’ll show you how to clean your latest conquest afterwards.’
She leaned in over the table and cleaned up any trace of my little indiscretion. I really had to fight the urge to reach out and touch the lovely form right in front of my eyes; but managed. I’d promised, after all; and I’d had a wonderful experience, I wouldn’t want to ruin it by doing anything which might scare or offend her in any way. I leaned back in the sofa while cleaning most of the lube off my semi-erect cock, softly caressing it as I stared hungrily at her, finishing up the table.
I followed her to the cupboard next to the office; standing close to her; still dressed like Venus of Milo, only with arms; in the tiny room, I could feel the warmth of her body against mine as she fumbled the fleshlight open, taking out the silicone innards. ‘Just hold it under lukewarm water, first, to get rid of your cum and the lube, then wipe it clean with a little bit of the toy cleaner I’ll give you when we’re back in the shop and it’ll be ready for its next outing.’
She glanced up at me, noting my attention was on her, rather than on the most useful instructions she were supplying. ‘Better leave it outside its sheath overnight to allow it to dry properly,’ she said. ‘Well, unless you find you prefer to use just the inner sleeve, of course.’ Quick smile.
With that, she handed the toy back to me. ‘Just head back out in the shop, you. I’ll be with you in a minute, just need to get dressed.’ I was treated to a smile too cute to be believed, and I was bright enough not to overstay my welcome by asking for just a few more glimpses of her.
I threw a last, longing glance at her beautiful, curvy shape, met her gaze; a rather lustful one at that!; and smiled at her. ‘I’ll do some window shopping, then, see if I find more playthings catching my fancy.’ I then turned and briskly headed back into the shop, again passing the surreal pile of inflatable dolls, one still sporting a santa’s cap.
She sure took her time getting dressed; I imagined she’d figured she needed a release, too. Hell, yeah - when she appeared in the door from the storeroom, she was still basking in that wonderful post-orgasmic bliss you can spot from a mile away. ‘Getting a bit carried away, are we?’ I quipped in a mock stern tone. ‘How professional is it really to masturbate in the rear while there’s customers waiting in the shop, huh?’
She smiled sheepishly. ‘Busted. Fuck, I was so horny while you did your thing I almost leapt at you!’
I laughed. ‘Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, too; and with any luck you now know a bit more about, ah; your inventory?’
She giggles. ‘Sure do, I can’t wait until the next time some sod comes by, cheekily suggesting I can’t possibly know how this one feels…’
She worked the till. ‘I’m giving you this at a discount,’ she laughed. ‘It is the first time I’ve ever sold a used toy. The lube and cleaner is on the house, promise me you’ll take good care of your new friend!’
I promised, and took my chances embracing her briefly. ‘Mind if I come back for some more shopping sometime?’ I asked, voice thick with lust. She looked at me, quizzically, then shrugged. ‘Well, I happen to have another couple of toys which I could use some user feedback on…’ she suggested with a smile.
‘I’ll be back in a couple of weeks,’ I said by way of goodbye. Heading for the doors, I realised I’d be pounding the fleshlight again seconds after returning home. I was already hard again…
By Norweger for Literotica