Jenna’s Cousin Mia: Part 1
Jenna's teenage cousin turns up at the vicarage.
A Series in 17 parts, by Blacksheep. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
"Josh gets ordained next month, so that'll be a fun occasion. Big party over at his place. He's so excited for that day to come. It's been remarkable how he's come out of his shell. When he joined our church as curate a year ago, he was so nervous and shy. Now look at him." Reverend Morris said.
Erica’s Man: Part 2
A Friend Had No Idea What Her Daughter Wanted for Her Birthday.
by MysteryTe. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories

"Of course! I'd love to come her 18th celebrate with you all!"
It was the only response to the invitation. Emma was the daughter of teacher friend of mine, Alice, who I'd worked with a few years ago but kept in touch with after moving schools. I'd actually taught Emma in one of my first classes and as a friend of the family, had been invited to a small-ish gathering at their house for her 18th. Normally, they'd have had a bigger party, my friend had said, but with Covid still spreading, they were having a few family friends round to the garden on the Saturday evening before Emma headed out that night with her friends.
Erica’s Man: Part 1
The Wedding Night. My Wedding Night turned out to be more than I bargained for!
by MysteryTe. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories

We got married in August, and the day was perfect. Everything that needed to go well, did. The weather was beautiful, the food was delicious, and the party was amazing. Most of all, my bride, Erica, was perfection. She always is, of course. She's 28, slim, slightly above average height, with small but pert breasts and a pretty face. Her legs are firm and toned, and so is her bum. That day, she seemed to transcend beyond her normal gorgeousness though, leaving me stunned. Her long strawberry blonde hair held in waves and her dress... I'd never seen a more breath-taking sight as when she walked down the aisle.
Beverly’s Ride: Part 2
I help a female classmate with a ride to school and get surprising dividends.
by senor longo. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.
Saturday, March 25, 1961.
I worked, as usual, until one and then drove home for lunch before I mowed the lawn and raked leaves for another hour, finishing at 4:30 so I could shower and take a short nap before dinner and dressing for a “party.” I knew that was a waste of time, but I had to maintain appearances. I had told Mom I was going to a party. I thought of it as a white lie because I knew there would be a lot of really close dancing and celebrating taking place. However, I couldn’t reveal that we’d be naked at the time.
Beverly’s Ride: Part 1
I help a female classmate with a ride to school and get surprising dividends.
by senor longo. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.
Thursday, March 23, 1961.
It was the days of doo-wop diners and drive-in movies. Poodle skirts and saddle shoes.
My mom was having one of those “oops” babies; one of those pregnancies that come totally unplanned, which this definitely was. I’m Richard, 18 and a high school senior, and because Mom had to spend the next four months in bed, I was able to drive her car to school rather than take the school bus. After reaching the school and realizing that I was early I drove through some of the parallel streets behind it, looking for friends who were “walkers” who might want a ride.
Church Girls
Sexuality and Sanctity Collide: 2 stories of church girls discovering their passion.
From posts by Cassper and neocontrolsthesystem. Listen to the Podcast at My First Time.

David and Eve.
Love and lust caged by religion finally finds a way.
By Cassper
David is 19 and Eve is 18, both raised by devout Christian parents.
It was a beautiful Saturday evening, David had just finished helping his Dad in church and now he was home watching some television.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, he went to check who it was.
"Hey David," the girl at the other side of the door said with a smile.
"Hey Eve, what's up?" He asked stepping away from the door way. "Come in."
Camping In Ireland: Part 2
A tale of firsts, set on a rainy camping trip, among young friends.
Based on a post by Josh stone, in 2 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at My First Time.
They stood in the dunes, feeling the sensation returning slowly to their clammy bodies. She grasped the two ends of the massive sheet together, behind his shoulder blades.
Then she stood up on tiptoes slightly, and his thumbs slipped slightly into under the elastic of her pants. She gave a sigh, relaxing into his embrace, and he instinctively pushed her wet knickers down, feeling as they rolled over on themselves as they slipped down her ass. He followed by pulling her wet tee shirt up over her shoulders, where she tugged it over her head, and tossed back by the bags.
Camping In Ireland: Part 1
A tale of firsts, set on a rainy camping trip, among young friends.
Based on a post by Josh stone, in 2 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at My First Time.
The Night Storm
Surrounded by flimsy, billowing nylon, the wind howled outside. The fly sheet occasionally touching the inner when the buffeting storm blew strongly enough, and patches of damp were beginning to appear where the outside was attempting to breach the inner. The light was fading outside and somehow the dankness of the evening was everywhere within. He stayed at the campsite while the others had headed for the village in the coast of Southwest Ireland. Local lads had told of a party, beer, and ‘opportunity’.
Big Mike’s Mile High Plans And Soft Landings: Part 2
Getting It Back Up.
Based on a post by m storyman x, in 2 parts. Listen to the podcast at Steamy Stories.

"Sweetie. I can tell you from experience, you got talked into the best fuck you might ever get!" The waitress said with a crooked smile. "And if you have half a brain you'll make damn sure you don't let him get away without giving you a lot more of it!" She continued as she slid out of the booth. "I think I better go get your breakfast now." I sat down in the space she vacated and looked down the length of the dinner and noted how many of the "old geezers" as she called them, were staring at us.
Big Mike’s Mile High Plans and Soft Landings: Part 1
Getting stuck in a small Town on Nude Day, turns interesting.
Based on a post by m storyman x, in 2 parts. Listen to the podcast at Steamy Stories.

Owning a consulting business has its advantages. Over the years I had been quite successful and enjoyed a few perks for that success. I was enjoying one of them, flying to a consulting job in my Cessna 350 Corvallis, when a fantastic series of events was set in motion. I could never afford such an expensive plane, but after performing several hundred hours of independent testing on it, as part of a law suit, they sold the state of the art craft to me for a single dollar. Car type bucket seats and fly by wire technology made it one of the most comfortable planes I had ever flown.
Be Fruitful and Multiply: Part 2
After a world-wide disaster, new rules take effect.
Based on a post by barnabus, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Jolene was satisfied that she had done her duty. She lay the washcloth on the night stand. Without a word, she sat on the bed, removed her saddle shoes and bobby socks, then, naked, slid under the covers. Jim's erection was returning with a vengeance at the sight of this nude girl climbing into bed with him. Jim was ready, his arm extended to be beneath Jolene's head and around her shoulders. On her back, her breasts lost their definition, spreading and flattening. It had never occurred to Jim how much a good bra shapes and complements a woman's figure.
Be Fruitful and Multiply: Part 1
After a world-wide disaster, new rules take effect.
Based on a post by barnabus, in 2 parts. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

The setting is the nineteen fifties. After a world-wide disaster, new rules take effect.
Jolene; A high school cheer leader, awakens to find that a worldwide disaster has occurred killing 85% of the world's population. She has been selected to participate in a breeding program to replenish the world's population.
Most of the participants are virgins. It also explains Jolene's surprise when she hears a girl moaning with sexual pleasure and Jim's shock when Jolene becomes 'the aggressive partner' in their relationship.
David’s Transition To Manhood: Part 4
Finally realizing the better options they both could choose..
Based on a post by dark overlord 6, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

Roxy closed the door behind her neighbor, chaining the lock and turning out the light, but in spite of her exhaustion, it was a long time before she fell asleep.
When her phone rang early the next morning, it took her three tries to get her hand on it, and she nearly pushed if off the end table and onto the floor before finally snagging it in her grip.
"This had better be a lawyer telling me I just inherited a million dollars," grumbled Roxy into the receiver.
David’s Transition To Manhood: Part 3
David is confronted by Roxy’s ex.
Based on a post by dark overlord 6, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The following week David was back at the plant, and discovering that his body was slowly acclimating itself to the earlier schedule since at least he hadn't fallen back to sleep in the car on the way. Roxy had them doing a file purge of all the old requisition forms that were more than three years in the past, and he was sitting cross-legged in front of a filing cabinet with piles of paper lying around him when she came to check on his progress.
David’s Transition To Manhood: Part 2
Struggling to let go of a failed relationship.
Based on a post by dark overlord 6, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

The rest of the day, he spent thankfully inside; taking in and fulfilling requests for everything from paperweights to desk calendars. It was a surprisingly exhausting first day, and he fell asleep in the car on the way home. His dad shook him awake when they arrived, and he walked into the house in a daze, barely mustering the energy to eat dinner before he headed to his bedroom and collapsed on top of the covers. He was half dozing, even though it was scarcely 8:00 pm, when his phone rang.
David’s Transition To Manhood: Part 1
Passions flare between an older woman and her summer hire.
Based on a post by dark overlord 6, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Connected.

David’s Disrupted Life
Being awoken by his alarm clock was usually bad enough. When his mother got in on the act it was often decidedly worse. On this particular morning, David Cross enjoyed the distinct displeasure of both things happening. The first, because even though he had graduated the night prior, he had forgotten to switch the alarm off and it did its duty by trying to wake him for a non-existent school day. The latter, because he had left his cell phone sitting on the kitchen counter after staggering in from a graduation party at four a.m.
My Sheep Girl: Part 2
She seems so familiar?
Based on a post by SquattingEagle. Listen to the ► Podcast at Explicit Novels.
The girl was shivering in my arms as the cool night breeze chilled the damp skin of her back. Although I wouldn’t mind fooling around a little more, I didn’t want her to catch a cold, or worse. I was feeling around for her sweater when my hand landed on something soft and furry. Picking it up, I recognized it as the woolly tail the girl had been wearing around her waist. At some point while we were having sex, the ribbon had come undone and the tail fell off.
“You've lost your thingy” I said.
“My thingy?”
My Sheep Girl: Part 1
I found true love while participating in one of my hometown’s little known, but deeply cherished local traditions.
Based on a post by SquattingEagle. Listen to the ► Podcast at Explicit Novels.
Island folklore.
Hi, I'm Jethro, I’m nineteen years old and I live with my parents and two younger sisters on one of the small islands off the east coast of Ireland. Although, to be truthful, that’s where I used to live, as I'm currently spending most of my days on the mainland, attending university. But the island will always be home to me and once I’ve graduated, I’ll surely go back. There's just something special about life on a small, isolated island like ours that simply can’t be found anywhere else.
Ethical Carnal Duties: Part 2
Recovering From Bad Events.
By regularguy 13. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories."Stay there," Arlo instructed her.
He turned the water off. He grabbed a towel and quickly dried his body. Then he patted her down.
"Let's get you to bed," he said.
He draped the towel over her shoulder as if that provided adequate cover. Then, he helped her stand. As they were leaving the bathroom, she said, "Wait."
Ethical Carnal Duties: Part 1
Valentines Day Letdowns
By regularguy13 – listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
Aunt regrets stealing his virginity. She makes it right
Thursday night, Feb 13th
Harvey Fielding, the aged patriarch of the family stood and looked out with pride at the group sitting around the dinner table. Three generations were present. With him, were his daughter, daughter-In-law, and their remaining families. Harvey's wife was not with them. Unfortunately, she had passed away. So had his son, Harvey junior.
They were at his daughter-in-law’s house in Richmond, Virginia. Meadow was a widowed woman with a single child. Her daughter, Wendy, was twenty and a sophomore at Randolph-Macon College. Meadow was an only child of two deceased parents. She was raising Wendy, the patriarch’s beloved granddaughter.
My Crazy Girlfriend: Valentine’s Day
How he became the luckiest dude on campus.
By DragonLairReads. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.
(4pm, February 14, 2018; at Texas A&M)
(Or two years before My Crazy Girlfriend Series starts)
My name is Liv, and this is the story about how the worst day of my life changed everything for me. It all started when I got a series of very bad scores back. See, I’m a Chemical Engineering major and to stay in that program you have to keep a really high GPA, and well, Thermo 1 and Fluid Mechanics had both kicked me back low exam scores just the day before.
Angel of Mercy: Part 1
Miracles can happen on Christmas Eve.
Based on a post by auguy86, in 2 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at My First Time.

Ken Dix flipped through the TV guide at a moderate pace; “500 channels, and nothing but Christmas specials on.”
Finding nothing but disappointment at every turn. As it was Christmas Eve, every show was a mushy feel-good romp spouting lines about family and goodwill to others. None of that spoke to Ken in the slightest.
“Ken?” a voice came from the kitchen.
California Companionship
Two stories of Good Neighbors in the Golden State.
Listen to the ► Podcast at By Paul_Chance. Listen to the Podcast at Connected.

Taking Mazi
A quiet canyon home echoes with primal cries of lust.
By Paul_Chance
Tim Cousins came home to the sprawling house in the mountains north of Los Angeles late at night. The winding road to the remote canyon was desolate and quiet. When he made this drive Tim often thought of Los Angeles with its thriving millions no more than 10 miles away. It always amazed him that a simple drive up a twisting road would transport him into another world.
He inherited the ramshackle house years ago from a distant uncle he had never known. There was a small trust fund to take care of the expenses and taxes and the single stipulation - he could never sell the house. As a successful construction project manager with a thriving firm in the basin below that was fine with Tim, the old house was the perfect retreat.