Three French Hens and Lingerie.
Based on a post by SandyMarl, in 4 parts. Listen to the ► Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Three French Hens
Rising the next morning after enjoying the contented sleep of a delicious bad girl; Dana mopped up the chocolate mess and had just put a new tablecloth on the table when she received a text. She saw that Patricia had sent her a message. She giggled aloud in her empty house, feeling that she knew what she was about to read. 'Dana, I hope you will be home tonight. I'd like to drop off supper and a surprise Christmas package for you. Let me know if you'll be available this evening - Patricia.'
Dana replied, 'I Will be ready for your surprise package. What Will I do with your generosity? I Will be so looking forward to tonight!' Dana didn't intend to spoil Patricia's 'surprise package' delivery; but by now Patricia knew that Dana was wise to the Twelve Days of Christmas themes arriving at her house, courtesy of The Chix 'Hubby Exchange'. Almost more than the expected sex with Patricia's husband Will, Dana was curiously excited to find out how Three French Hens were going to fit into her boudoir.
When Dana's doorbell rang, she arranged herself in the hallway mirror, resettled her boobs in her next-fanciest white lace bra that was almost concealed behind her low-cut, high-class dressy satin snow-white blouse.
When she answered the door, the kid at the door smiled as Dana greeted him. After an awkward, cheeky stare at her tits, he handed her the bag of roasted chicken and all the fixin's. Dana gave the kid an eyeful as his parting words were, "Don't cook tonight - Call Chicken Delight! Thanks for your order, Ma'am." The delivery boy took one last glance before leaving her porch.
Dana thought about calling after him, 'Have a Merry Fucking Christmas,' but thought that she'd save the teasing for the next fellow who rang her bell.
Will pulled up to the curb as the delivery boy's car pulled away. Will trotted to the open door where Dana was waiting for him. Will looked flustered. "Damn. I was supposed to surprise you with dinner. Looks like I'm the one who is surprised by dinner's quick arrival."
"And you left me holding the bag," said Dana in a provocative tone as she lifted the steaming bag in front of Will's nose. Will looked doubly flustered.
"Oh shit. Excuse me Dana, I forgot something in my truck." Will trotted back to the curb and grabbed a gift box and came back to where Dana was waiting for him with a half-undone blouse.
By the Third Day of Christmas, Dana had a good idea of how this exchange was supposed to play out. But she wasn't above playing along, or at least playing Will. Dana looked out the door, "Where's Patricia? She promised me an exciting holiday package." Dana was enjoying the recurring theme and the surprise packages being delivered to her door.
Will stepped inside, shut the door and bolted it behind him, handing a scroll tied with a festive green ribbon to the woman smiling at him, acting surprised. "What's this?" Dana asked as she cocked her head, taking the scroll from Will. "This is all so mysterious," acknowledged Dana with her eyes and smile flashing in obvious enjoyment of another installment of the unfolding mystery in her entry hall.
Dana unfurled the scroll, knowing what was written inside, yet once again feeling a warm flush sweep across her face as she red Patricia's words. Dana inhaled; a crinkle grew at the corner of her eyes; Patricia had sent her husband Will over to her as a gift to give her 'a night of holiday magic'.
In Patricia's written introduction she implied that perhaps Will's stag arrival was not a surprise to her, but Will was not aware that he was visiting her as the bearer of gifts that tied him to The Third Day of Christmas, part of the husband exchange plotted right after The Chix cookie exchange.
Patricia wrote that Will was 'prepared to fulfill her wish list', and that rumors were circulating among The Chix that she had made it to the top of Santa's naughty girl list. According to the instructions, all she had to do was 'Have a Merry Fucking Christmas.' Patricia signed off with, 'And Good Will to all and to all a good night.'
"Well, well, what do we have here?" she asked as she dropped her glance to the gift-wrapped box in Will's hands.
Will looked at Dana, "Did you read Patricia's introductory remarks on the scroll Dana?" Will of course had seen her reading it but was expecting more of a reaction from her as the purpose for his evening visit was spelled out for the attractive widow lady who had long been inside their close circle of friends.
"Oh yes. I've red and understood your introduction quite clearly." Dana used a husky, seductive voice to emphasize her intimate understanding of what was ahead for the two of them. "But I must know, what's in the box?"
Dana's unfazed manner, sexy outfit and flirty ease with him put Will in a randy mood, thinking that he'd lucked into some sexy games between Dana and his wife. If Dana didn't seem to mind, he was certainly game. And he brought his own Christmas toys. "You get to open the box after supper. Not before then - and no peeking!"
"It's you that has been doing the early peeking Will," Dana thrust her boobs forward, letting the half buttoned top fall further open to reveal her white lace cups filled with full tits as she shook them with the intention to set off a growing erection inside of Will's pants.
After the supper dishes were cleared, Dana made a play for the present. Will snatched it from her clutches, saying that "This gift was selected by Patricia, but she has entrusted it to me to give it to you. She seemed certain that you would find it appropriate for any kind of mischief that we might want to get into." Will smiled a sheepish smile, not sure about presenting such a gift to a lady friend. Relying on his wife's assurances that Dana would love it, he placed it in Dana's hands.
Dana tore into the gift wrapping and let out a gasp and then a giggle escape as she opened the box. "What's this?" Dana was beaming as she lifted the pink oval object from its case and held it in the palm of her hand.
"I've been told that you might be expecting something along the lines of a chicken or hen theme. What you hold in your hand is for your holiday evening pleasure - as am I. I am your rooster, er; may I correct that, I am your barnyard cock. I present you, my hen, a vibrating egg." Will had gained his confidence over dinner and was enjoying toying with his hostess as she marveled at the gift sex toy.
Dana didn't want to pry and outright ask Will if he and Patricia had used a vibrating sex toy before, but she was sure that it wasn't too difficult to guess how to use it.
Will walked behind where Dana sat, he brushed his fingers through her hair. "Do you remember way back when, when you and Sander helped me out by giving me some tips on the best way to make my moves on Patricia?"
"Umm yeah, I remember all of that pretty well. You weren't the fumbling geek that you thought you were, you just needed a little direction and a lot of confidence. I guess that Sander and I turned you into a star lover."
"Well, you may not have turned me into the latest and greatest Casanova; but at least you did give me great advice and let me practice with a real woman. Dana, you got me off to a solid start. Patricia is ever grateful to you for knocking off my awkward edges, if only she knew all the schooling that you put into my romancing behavior. Once I took your advice and employed your patented instructions of hot techniques to win a girl, I was off to the races. Patricia was able to pick it up from there." Will finished his remembrances with a small chuckle.
"Let's see, if I remember my early lessons; Lesson One: atmosphere is important. Come my fine teacher, join me on the couch and you can test me on what I learned from you." Will took Dana by the hand, escorting her to the living room.
"Lesson Two in winning a girl was what? Oh yes, I think I remember; take her slowly, don't scare her, make her comfortable with you and she will come to you on her own. Did I get that right?" Will petted Dana in a slow and easy casual caress, seeking feedback from his former romance instructor.
Dana nestled into Will, "That's right, but that lesson mostly applies to a man's first approach to a girl. We've both been through this together before. Given our mutual experiences, I think we can skip the slow part this time. I'm not scared, and a faster pace would be fine with me tonight, young man."
Will began to pick up the pace, undressing Dana as she enjoyed the confident attention from the man whom she once had to advise on how to undress a woman. Will had peeled Dana down to her set of snowy white lace bra and panties, he came in close to kiss her and told her she "looked like a pretty white snowflake, a unique beauty, yet the hottest of all the fallen snowflakes. If you catch my drift."
Dana smiled her appreciation at Will's compliment, "Patricia told me that I should expect to find a surprise holiday package - may I?" She asked without waiting for an answer, reaching up to undo Will's pants. Dana dropped his pants and underpants to his ankle and was not surprised to find his cock decorated with a green bow. "This must be the pretty package of which Patricia spoke," feigning surprise. "Oh look, you come with a label," Dana removed the bow from Will's willy and red the label: 'On the Third Day of Christmas, My True Friend gave to me, Three French Hens. Dear Dana, I hope you enjoy the Christmas package I've selected for you. Unfortunately, the Three French Hens couldn't get their travel visa in time to arrive with the business end of this package; so, I've taken the liberty to include one of their vibrating French hen eggs as a substitute. Ooh la la! Enjoy! And have a Merry Fucking Christmas! -- Patricia.'
Dana stroked Will's cock, extended in greeting, "We never got this far in our lessons on what to do with a girl. I Trust you've figured out a thing or two on the proper use of your tool?" Dana leaned in to give Will's cock a lick.
Will let her consume him, holding her hair as she slurped with her tongue, preparing his tool for some deep drilling. "Ooh la la," you make a pretty French hen when you have a pecker on your face," Will sighed as Dana sucked him and caressed his balls. With reluctance, Will pulled his cock out of Dana's lips, "Lest we forget, now that you've unwrapped your gift, I believe it is time we play with your new Christmas toy." Will returned to the table and picked up the vibrating egg sex toy and its remote control.
"This will be fun," said Will as he used the controls to turn it on and run the vibrating rheostat through its different levels. "You never got to this part of the lesson when you taught me about what turns girls on."
Dana pulled him close, "A girl shouldn't reveal all of her secrets. But at the time, I never imagined that there was a remote-control device that could be used to turn a girl on with the literal press of a button." Dana spread her legs, rubbing her labia with both hands, "Why don't you find a warm nest to place that egg in, and let's pick up this part of the lesson that we both somehow missed all of those years ago."
Will fit himself between her legs, wedged the vibrating egg between Dana's wet cunt lips. Dana held it in place with her right hand as she plucked at her excited nipple with her left hand as Will pressed the start button on the remote. Dana let out a giggle. "Cluck, cluck, cluck, this darling little egg is going to make me want to get laid."
Dana bent her knees, trying different positions and sensations. As her toy egg hummed, she purred. "Does this egg have any other settings?" she asked as she worked her clit, letting the vibrations warm her libido.
Will licked his lips as he watched Dana adjust to the new sensations between her legs, "Why yes, it does have several settings. How may I serve you my little chickadee?"
"What options can you offer an excited girl?" Dana asked as her eyes involuntarily rolled back as she pressed the vibrating egg to her warming, wet labia.
"I can serve you 'over easy', which is the setting I have you at now. I can pick it up a notch and deliver a 'poached egg' sensation, which should make you feel soft, gooey and warm. Or I can go right up to 'scrambled' level."
"My, my, all of those sound fun. Will, I want you to surprise me, you pick the setting. You can change it up on me whenever you want, make it interesting with variety." Will needed no prodding, he switched up the intensity of the egg Dana held to her clit; using a slow build, higher and higher and as she squirmed and squeezed her legs together on the couch. As Dana was heating up to her melting point, Will stopped the vibrations.
"You barnyard bastard, Will!"
"You wanted me to surprise you. Didn't you tell me years ago to not rush a girl?" Will offered a smug snort, knowing he had the remote and he was in control. Also knowing that Dana had once coached him to make the girl want to come to him. "I think I've learned your lessons pretty well, by the look on your face Dana."
"I was starting to get in the groove. You coaxed me pretty far along, I'm wet and I'm getting pretty frothy -- until you stopped. Will, I didn't teach you to be a cruel bastard." Dana was pouting as she reclined on the couch with her knees up, still holding her toy egg against her glistening labia.
"No, you didn't. I developed the joy of prolonged teasing on my own." He held the remote in front of Dana, rolling his thumb over the control buttons like the twitchy trigger finger of a gunfighter in a showdown. "I could start you up anytime I want from where I stand. Just because I stopped doesn't mean I can't start again."
"Well then, what do I need to do to get you to fire me up again? I can't let this egg that I'm nesting on get too cold. I'd be disappointed if I didn't hatch an egg-cracking orgasm with you tonight."
Will beamed with confidence as he looked Dana in the eye as he twirled the remote in between his fingers. "I confess, after steaming me up all those years ago with your romantic lessons, I've always wanted to see you get turned on like you are tonight. I love watching your pretty titties bunch and jiggle as you enjoy my remote toying."
Dana enjoyed hearing Will's confession and was secretly pleased that she could offer him a good, sexy show. "OK, here's the deal; you control the vibrating egg, I give you the show you've always wanted but you have to come over here and lick and suck my nipple as my clit gets buzzed."
"Now that's a deal I can't resist. First, I get to watch you get frothy all over again and then I'll come to your side and fulfill my other longtime fantasy by fondling your tits and sucking you until your nips are made hard and erect and by my stimulation. I'll work you tit, you work your clit and together we will bring you to an egg-cracking orgasm."
Will performed a masterful job of licking, sucking and nibbling at Dana's nipples while changing the sensations she was getting on her swollen clit with the remote. With a sudden convulsion and an eye-rolling, breathy squeal, Dana panted as she pulled the pink egg out from her inner thighs, dropping it on the carpet. "Oh damn. Damn that kind of snook up on me. Oh, damn that was exciting. That was a surprise." She pried Will's lips from her over-sensitized nipple as she let the reverberations subside inside her hen parts while she leaned back against the couch's arm feeling warmed from toes to tits.
Will looked her over, seeing a crimson sex-flush glowing on her upper chest, remarked, "You are some kind of red-breasted warbler hen."
Dana mover her arm down to grasp Will's semi-rigid erection, giving it slow, sensuous strokes as she subtly tugged his cock to position him in front of her spread legs. "Cluck, cluck. You wanna fuck?" Dana inquired through heavy eyelids of a post-orgasmic woman.
Will said nothing; he seized her ankles and threw them back toward her shoulders, exposing Dana's puffy pink cunt. With a stiff and eager pecker, Will drove hard and deep into Dana's upturned snatch, pinning her legs against her shoulders as he thrust his boner in and out of her with wet, succulent sounds. He swabbed her with hearty vigor, fulfilling years of pent-up fantasy desire to fuck Dana, the lady who had taken it upon herself years ago to give him the confidence to make it with a girl.
Dana sensed that this pumping penetration which she was enjoying was the carnal expression of this man's ultimate gratification after suppressing his desire to fuck her for years. She loved being able to fulfill Will's desires. By letting him take her so savagely, it served to only heighten her pleasure. She could only express her pleasure with long, loud moans finished with little barks with every pounding stroke that Will planted deep inside of her spasming naughty bits. Dana's involuntary moans built up again and again as Will plunged into her slippery depths, always ending with a little bark as his rod mashed into her cervix.
Will's grip on her folded-over legs tightened, his breath became fast and shallow as he pumped Dana with fucking fury. He released her legs, seized two generous handfuls of titty flesh, squeezed her tight as his cock flew over her nest of pubic hair, exploding in a glorious release of white, hot sperm. Will's ejaculate went splattering across Dana's bunched bosoms, up her throat and chin, coating her lips with thick, white ropes of jizz.
Breathing heavily, with eyes closed tight, he massaged both of Dana's melons as he rested, enjoying the flood of warm satisfaction coursing through his body.
Dana waited for a few moments until Will opened his eyes; then she opened her lips and ran her tongue along them to slurp up the cum he had deposited on her mouth. "Yum. You've been wanting to do me like that for a long time haven't you? I could tell."
"It was worth the wait Dana. You taught me well." Will's arms released their hold on Dana's tits as he fell into her chest with his face, holding her torso tight as she wrapped her legs around his back.
Awaking from an exhausted snooze, still entangled and stuck together by the sticky cum covering Dan's chest and Will's face; Dana stuck her finger in her mouth and then inserted it in Will's ear. "Wet Willy!"
Will flinched and then laughed, "Yeah, but my Willy wins for getting you wetter."
Dana spoke, "We're both kind of a sticky mess. It's like someone cracked an egg on me, it's like I have egg white covering my tits." Dana snaked her way out from under Will, taking his hand and getting him to sit up on the couch. "Come on, let's both get wet again," as she led him to her shower where they soaped and fondled each other before taking their time toweling each other off.
Dana didn't bother to dress, wanting to give Will an eyeful as a parting-gift as she watched him dress. They kissed a quick kiss on the cheek before Will walked out the door in the wee hours of the foggy December morning.
Dana went back into the living room to find her vibrating egg toy. She picked it up and found the remote control stuffed behind a cushion. She toyed with the idea of having another round just by herself or just going off to bed. She hadn't decided as she crawled under the sheets with the toy, but she was thinking about The Chix, The Dix, the great sex with the boys, the great fun, and the Twelve Days of Christmas.
She thought of Sander, and she thought he'd be happy for her. Sander would not want her to wither up and be sad and lonely; he'd want her to have a Merry Fucking Christmas if he had a say. She missed the comfortable routine that she and Sander had grown into over the years of their marriage. She thought about The Chix and their chosen Dix and wondered if they appreciated what they still had with their hysbands. She fell asleep as she dreamed of wonderful sex and loving and grateful thoughts of her good friends, The Chix.
She was dreaming of hatching a plan.
A Mysterious Invitation To The Chix
Dana didn't have it in her this year to send out Christmas cards to the annual crowd of casual acquaintances. The raw loneliness of the holidays without Sander was too much pain to stuff into an envelope along with a glittery card addressed to those who only heard from her and Sander once a year. The holiday cheer had evaporated for all but her closest friends.
Dana picked three cards to send out to The Chix. It'd be a Christmas card, a thank you card, and an invitation all wrapped into one.
McNally, Patricia and Annie recognized dana's handwriting as soon as they pulled the envelope from their mailbox, rushing to open Dana's envelope first. Each smiled as they red Dana's note:
I've just gotten to thinking about the Twelve Days of Christmas -- for some naughty reason.
Did you know that technically, the Twelve Days run from December 25 to January 6?
The Twelve Days of Christmas have yet to begin. We are not finished yet!
I know The Chix are dying for me to dish on partridges, turtle doves and French hens.
The nesting of all of those Love Birds was such a sweet and spicy gift set that cheered me up.
My thanks to The Naughty Chix.
You must promise to join me as my guest on the fourth, fifth and sixth Days of Christmas,
December 28, 29 & 30th.
You will be my guest at our mountain ski-cabin getaway for a gathering of just us Chix.
I won't say a word about the packages that were sent my way until then.
If you want to hear the details, clear your calendar and come on out.
I owe you all a Thank You - and more.
I might have a Christmas Season surprise waiting for each of The Chix.
You will want to end up on my Naughty List - XOXO Dana
Dana's scheme had been hatched. The cards went out to The Chix. The bait was irresistible; The Chix would have to be at the cabin to hear the intimate details of how their hubby exchange had been received. They couldn't miss this opportunity.
As Dana suspected, the replies accepting her offer of an exclusive Chix getaway flew so quickly to her phone that she had to put all three of The Chix on a conference call. McNally, Annie and Patricia pressed Dana for a tiny hint as to how their gift hubby-exchange guys had performed. Dana was having none of it. She remained tight-lipped through all of their clever wheedling and desperate manipulations trying to get her to spill a few hints. Dana stood steadfast, enjoying holding out the tormenting delay in the juiciest gossip in years.
"Nothing for anyone until we are all together at my cabin." All agreed, reluctantly, on the conditions set by their hostess. They arranged to come up together and meet Dana at her ski cabin on the Fourth Day of Christmas, December 28th.
A Load Of Post-Christmas Scrooges And A Ghost
Dana stopped stirring the hot chocolate, skipped to the door upon hearing the crunching of tires over the crisp, refrozen snowfall, announcing the arrival of The Chix. "A Merry Fourth Day of Christmas to y'all!" she hollered from the open doorway.
McNally stepped from the rear passenger door of Patricia's SUV, answered Dana in a sour tone, "I am so done with Christmas right now. I know, the Twelve Days of Christmas only started after Christmas, but for me, Christmas is over - and I say good riddance. Too much stress and expectation."
Annie, standing ready to unload her bag from the rear cargo hatch, felt bad that McNally had started the afternoon at Dana's cabin on a down note. "McNally! Don't be such a Grinch. If Dana wants to celebrate the holiday a little longer, don't throw cold water on her festive gathering. Sheesh."
"All righty then, Merry Fucking Christmas - even though it's almost New Years," groused a still disillusioned and worn-out McNally.
"There you go McNally, that's the spirit," chided Patricia as she stepped out of the driver's seat. "Though, I must admit, it has been a grueling end of the year for me. I would be happy to pack up the holiday decorations and get on with a normally hectic life. Merry fucking Christmas to everyone and then it's on to a Happy Fucking New Year!"
"I hear you girls," said Dana, "you're free to toss the gift-wrapped stress and snowed-under holiday scheduling; but don't be too quick to throw out the good part of Christmas. I've got a nice quiet, post-Christmas chill-out planned. I'm hoping to restore your Christmas spirit and help you unpack all of this grinchy scrooginess that some of you have hauled all the way up here. Welcome Chix! Grab your stuff and come on in." Dana held the door open as the Chix paraded through, stopping to give Dana a hug. "It's been a long time since everyone has been up here, but I trust you remember where your rooms are."
Dana shut the door and stepped into the kitchen to finish the hot chocolate as her guests went to their rooms to drop off their luggage. Dana busied herself with arranging the snack tray and hors d'oeuvre spread as the ladies freshened up after their late afternoon drive up to the cabin.
"Who wants a mug of my super rich hot chocolate?" called Dana. The Chix filtered into the kitchen to start the traditional sip of hot chocolate, it was the way Dana and Sander always welcomed their winter guests to their cabin. Dana poured four, steaming mugs and set them on the table. "Won't you join me?" she asked as she pulled out a chair.
"I've been driving over icy roads for the last couple of hours, I think I'll take my traditional welcoming mug of steaming indulgence standing up, if you don't mind," offered Patricia.
"Me too," echoed Annie.
"I'll stand with these two," motioned McNally.
Dana joined them at the counter, "We've always stood together, haven't we? This is no time to break with that tradition."
They all laughed a comfortable laugh and took a sip. McNally licked her lips, "Hmm, quite good and rich as always Dana, but I think it could use a tad something more." McNally slipped around Annie and headed to the cupboard. She pulled out a bottle of peppermint schnapps. "Ah, is this the bottle Orlando and I left for you and Sander? It's right where I remember it being. And I do have an excellent memory for such things."
"Yep. That's the same old bottle that you and Orlando gave us the last time we all gathered here."
"Wow," offered Annie as she thought of the years that had flown past since they were last together at Dana and Sander's ski cabin. "It has been a really long time since the four of us were here together," she mused. "Only then we were also here with..." Annie caught herself, but it was too late; she and everyone there realized she was about to mention their four husbands; she sucked in a panicked breath and threw her hands to her mouth and was about to apologize for bringing up the memory of husbands in front of her widowed friend.
"It's all right Annie," assured Dana as she reached across the counter to touch her arm. "I'm still grieving, but the good memories of Sander, shared among my close friends, are a soothing balm for my sadness. It's not a bad thing to remember my husband."
Annie, working to hold back her tears, said, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I wanted to come up to your cabin and have this be a happy time with your friends; I didn't want to hurt you by dwelling on tragedy."
"Annie, get a hold of yourself girl," said McNally as she dropped the mug of her high-octane hot chocolate from her lips. "We all know Sander is gone. It's a void we have to deal with, that's why we're here to cheer up Dana at this time of year."
"McNally, stop it," Patricia interrupted. "Maybe you're right about the situation, but sometimes you come off sounding harsh and unsupportive. If Annie wants to open up with some tender feelings, then you should let her."
Dana thumped her mug on the countertop, "Listen to me Chix, everyone's got a point - and I do too; Annie, thank you for your deep sympathy, but it's not going to break me when you, or anyone else, mentions Sander. Okay?
"Patricia, I appreciate your mother hen role among us Chix, especially when McNally seems to rise to the top of the pecking order, but don't douse McNally's spirit; I find comfort in her boldness and barefaced words, and I find levity and healing in her humor and draw strength from her brassy spirit.
"McNally, that being said about all that I love about you - I have to correct one of your assertions; Sander is not gone. He is here. The last time we shared a bed and kissed each other good night was in this bed right in there," Dana motioned toward the bedroom off the kitchen. "But McNally you are correct in that Sander's passing is a void we have to deal with. I've chosen to deal with the void by filling it with my present friends and good memories of times past."
Annie broke into a sputtering sob, sloshing her hot chocolate onto the counter. Patricia threw a visual dart at McNally to keep her quiet on Annie's account. McNally smiled and tipped her head and said nothing.
After Dana spoke, there was a spell of unusual silence among The Chix, except for Annie's audible efforts to control her sobs. It was not the festive beginning to a Chix post-Christmas getaway that Dana had planned. Sensing that the holiday cheer had been lost already, Dana threw out what she knew would derail any immediate hope for the return of high holiday spirits among The Chix. "I came up to our cabin two days early for some solitude," Dana announced. "Sander is not gone. Sander is here. Last night he visited me."
Eyes widened, jaws dropped, the sound of silence landed on the countertop between the girls with an unnerving crash, felt but unheard. McNally thought to ask if Dana was pulling their legs but thought better of opening her mouth. Three sets of down-cast eyes made their way up to lock onto Dana's eyes. There were lots of questions in those three sets of eyes, but not a word was spoken aloud.
Dana's head clicked around in three incremental moves to scan the eyes of her guests. She understood that after a line like that, it was up to her to answer the unasked questions hanging in the air. "I didn't want to tell y'all that, at least not like that." Dana braced herself with two outstretched arms against the counter. "That's not the festive beginning I was planning on starting with, sorry about that. Excuse me for a minute; I got kind of emotionally thrown off my horse there. I planned a girl's getaway tonight with my beloved Chix. The plan was to share some bottles of wine, fat-ass snacks, decadent hors d'oeuvres and a big bowl of buttery popcorn and watch a movie. Oh! And I have some very naughty cookies from our earlier exchange that I saved; you know Chix, they must be consumed before the end of the year."
"No way Dana!" protested McNally. "You can't do this to us, telling us you saw Sander last night and then pretending that we are all ready to have a casual, goofy girl's night-in tossing down popcorn and a merlot while watching a movie? I can't let you jerk us back to ordinary after an extraordinary tease like that. We gotta talk girl." McNally surveyed the faces of Patricia and Annie expecting them to nod in hearty agreement, siding with her plan to override Dana's.
Annie looked non-committal. Patricia looked at McNally and then at Dana. "Dana, do you need to talk about this Sander sighting, or do you need to stick to your plan?" asked Patricia.
"Yes. I have so much I need to talk to you guys about, but I need to be prepared and so do you before we talk. I need everyone to follow my schedule. Didn't I write to y'all and tell you to come on up because there might be a surprise?"
Flabbergasted, McNally asked, "So it's snacks, wine and a movie?"
Patricia shot a mother hen look at McNally to answer her question.
"Didn't you hear Dana? She needs to get to a good emotional place, then she'll get back to your agenda item McNally," Annie said to reinforce Patricia's mother hen look.
"Okay. But I know from our conversation on the way up here, we are all eagerly expecting a report on the first three days of Christmas, involving a partridge, two turtle doves and three French hens. Am I right ladies?" asked McNally with a jauntily cocked head as she searched the faces of Patricia and Annie, satisfied that she had gotten in the last word, as she so often likes to do.
Pleased that her plan was back on track, Dana perked up and poured a healthy amount of schnapps into McNally's mug, "You'll get all that and more, I promise," said Dana merrily.
"Did I hear 'Yule' get all that and more? If that's the case, then it's a Merry Fucking Christmas to all!"
The Chix laughed and thrust their mugs to the center in a collective toast, "A Merry Fucking Christmas!"
Dana set out the food, McNally poured the drinks as Annie filled the huge common bowl with buttery popcorn. "Should I bring over the naughty Christmas cookies?" asked Patricia. "I see there are a lot of uneaten pussies still on the tray. They are decorated so enticingly. It's a shame to leave an uneaten pussie on the table."
"No, those naughty cookies are for dessert! Leave 'em there," shouted Dana.
"Patricia, are there any large, tasty cocks left on that tray, or did Dana already eat them all?"
Dana jumped in, "Patricia, don't answer that. A girl has a right to keep her secrets - at least for a little while longer."
To be continued in part 4, based on the post by SandyMarl for Literotica.