Above the Garage: Part 2

“About that date?”

In 3 parts, by Member389. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


School went quickly, with nobody lingering on a Friday and Ellie got a ride to work. She thought about what the specials had been today and decided to whip up something special for Luke. It wasn't easy on a Friday night, it was pretty busy, but the regular clientele dropped off quickly after dinner, knowing that the café closed at 8. A couple tables sported coffee sipping hipsters but for the most part the place had cleared out by then. Ellie had whipped up a little dish for them to share while she cleaned up the kitchen.

"Damn." Came a voice through the little window. Jody, one of the servers had whispered loud enough to be heard. "He's hot." Ellie popped her head up and scanned where Jody was looking and saw look scanning back and forth. She grinned ear to ear.

"Back off, he's already taken." She said softly, but with a little edge of threat in her voice. He may not be taken yet, but she didn't need any competition from the bubbly little server. "Can you sit him over at the chef's table.

Jody chuckled. "Some chef's table, it's just the table nearest the kitchen door. What's his name?"

"His name is Luke, and be nice, I have a large selection of cutlery at hand, and I know how to use it."

Jody walked over and introduced herself. Saying that Ellie had told her she had a friend stopping by. "She said a dark eyed handsome stranger was coming to pick her up. I told her to snap out of it, Prince Charming isn't real. Then you have to go and prove me wrong." She smiled, and steered him over to the table against the wall near the kitchen, and fawned over him for a moment and got him a drink. Ellie made sure nothing was burning and wiped her hands on her apron and snuck out of the kitchen.

A smile spread across Luke's face when he saw her, which warmed her heart. She walked over and he stood up, such a gentleman she thought. She couldn't help herself and walked right up to him and kissed him softly. At first he seemed surprised but he didn't take long to return it.

"Hi." She said drawing it out. "Are you hungry?"

"You mentioned dinner, so I haven't eaten since lunch." He grinned.

"Good, park it, and I'll go whip it up." She winked at him and turned and wiggled back into the kitchen. Her ponytail danced back and forth as she peeked over her shoulder to make sure he was watching. She put herself into work mode and started pulling ingredients together. When in work mode Ellie was a sight to behold, like a kitchen ninja she got more done with fewer moves than anybody else in the café.

What seemed like only a few minutes later she walked out of the kitchen with two plates of seared scallops and linguine, setting one down in front of Luke and the other across from him.

"One second." She said as she reached down and pulled the apron string sliding it off her waist. She unbuttoned the chef's coat she wore and dodged back into the kitchen to hang them up.

She sat down and they began. Ellie peeking up to see if Luke was enjoying it. The speed with which he was eating told her what she wanted to know.

"I should have asked you if there was anything you didn't like. I didn't even think of that beforehand. Seafood can be touchy for some people. Hell I didn't even think to ask if you were allergic." She said getting frustrated with herself.

"No, it's delicious!" He was being completely genuine. He saw her getting upset and reached across the table to take her hand and rubbed the back of it with is thumb. "I love seafood. My family used to go out to the beach in the summer;” He trailed off, his expression softened.

It was Ellie's turn to comfort, and she took his hand firmly in hers. "Tell me about it. I bet you had a blast." Luke went on to tell her about a trip to the beach they'd taken years earlier and he and his dad had gone fishing and he caught a striper that nearly hauled him overboard. He went from excited to wistful. She knew he was thinking about his mother, his dad had told her the previous week, and sympathized with him.

"I baked a small batch of cookies when I got here. Want to try one? They're sort of an experiment, but I think they came out pretty good."

Never one to pass up a cookie he smiled and nodded.

"That's what I love about working here. I get indulge my creativity, and if things work out sometimes it makes it on the specials board." She said setting down the frosted lemon sugar cookies. They talked for a while longer and a loud scrape of a chair pulled them out of their reverie. Jody had been sweeping and Ellie noticed the time. They had closed nearly half an hour before.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry Jody. I lost track of time." Ellie hopped up and started clearing the table.

"No worries hon. I can see why. You just need to clean up that and we're out of here. I'd ask if you need a ride home, but I think I already know the answer to that." She chuckled.

Ellie wiped down the table and Luke helped out by flipping the last few chairs up onto the tables so Jodie could finish sweeping. He waited in the front while the girls finished up in the back. He looked out the window at the darkened street, the old style street lamps lending small town charm to the night. They came out of the kitchen whispering between themselves.

"You're sure you don't need a ride? This one looks a little dangerous." Jodi said laughing.

"I'm fine, besides he knows where I live, he's my landlord." Ellie grinned.

"I wasn't talking to you, I'm worried for him." They all got a chuckle out of that as they locked up and made their way to their cars. Luke opened up the door and held it for Ellie, these small gestures went over much bigger than he realized.

On the ride neither spoke when Luke felt Ellie's hand lay on the back of his giving it a squeeze. "Thank you for saving my ass today." He just looked over and shrugged.

"You would have done the same for me I'm sure." He smiled at her for a moment and turned back to the road. He was honestly elated that her car hadn't started.

Ellie sighed. "I hope it's nothing major. My dad had the car gone over before I came back to school. I can't afford anything big." She looked out the window, the lights of town faded behind them as they entered the suburbs.

"Tomorrow's Saturday, I can take a look at it if you want, if it's something simple I can probably fix it."

"Oh, would you?" She squeezed his hand harder. They got back to the house and Ellie reached over the seat to grab her bag. Luke watched her lean frame twist, and her rear end stick up, her jeans stretched over it nicely. He remembered just how nice it felt too and longed to hold it again. Ellie was no fool, she knew full well Luke was staring at her ass while she pretended to be looking for something in her bag. It didn't hurt to pique his interest though. She sat back in the seat dragging the bag over with her.

"You coming up?" She asked smiling.

"I don't know, you probably have stuff to do. You know school work or something?"

"I do have some reading to do, but I can do that later. I'm feeling a little restless and I can't sit still and read when I'm like this." Luke's eyebrows went up a bit.

"You don't have to. I mean if you want to come up and grab the car keys in the morning that's fine too." Her smile began to fade.

"Oh, I can get them now, that way you can sleep in if you want to."

"Have something planned for tomorrow yet?" Ellie asked sweetly. Luke just grinned. "You're not going to give me a hint? A girl needs to know how to prepare for a date you know."

"Jeans will be fine, and bring a sweater or sweatshirt in case it gets cold. Oh, and walking shoes."

"So something outdoors? Okay then."

He wouldn't give her any more information than that. He enjoyed keeping her guessing.

"Would you like to play a game? I found a box with my bucket of Jenga blocks while I was unpacking some stuff last night." Luke nodded smiling and Ellie went and got the game. They sat on the couch and Ellie started stacking blocks and handed the bucket to Luke and directed him to keep stacking and she went to the bedroom and slipped off her jeans putting on lounge pants with some mall store logo down the leg and came back.

"That feels better. Do you want something to drink? I've got a bottle of wine, or something else maybe?" He agreed to whatever she wanted. She opened the bottle of wine and poured a couple glasses and brought it over to the table putting them out of the way of game.

"Have you ever had wine before?"

"I'm nineteen, I haven't been under a rock." He chuckled. "My mother liked wine so I've tried several different types and I like it." He took a sip and swirled around his mouth taking in a little breath of air. "Stone fruit, oak, I'd say a California Chardonnay." He added. It was Ellie's turn to raise eyebrows.

"Very good! Napa Valley to be exact." She looked at the blocks and noted he hadn't put the last one on the top yet. She took it and put both hands behind her back. Luke noted just how nicely her top stretched across her chest as she did this. "Pick a hand." He picked the one with the block winning the starting move.

"What are we playing for?" He asked, sounding crafty.

"I don't know. What do you have in mind?" She smirked, wondering if he had the same thing in mind that she did.

He shrugged. "Loser has to perform a strip tease for the winner." She grinned ear to ear hearing this.

"Okay hot shot. I'll have you know I'm a master at this game. I hope you're wearing cute briefs."

"Maybe, you'll have to win to find out."

They both concentrated on the game intently for a few moves, and then the smack talk began. They taunted one another as the blocks started to wobble. "I don't know, maybe you should stay in the kitchen and let us real men handle the engineering." Luke said. Ellie reached over and flicked his ear sharply causing him to yelp in pain while he giggled.

The game progressed more slowly as the tower got more shaky. Eventually the tower fell to Ellie placing a block on top. "Shit." She said, but she didn't really mind it. She was actually excited about this idea. She had hoped to see him perform for her but the exhibitionist streak in her wanted to show off to him too. "Put the blocks away and find some music you like. I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" He asked picking up the blocks watching her stand. She leaned over and turned the lights down.

"Well if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right." She winked and went into the bedroom again. He had toted up the game and set it aside and grinned to himself that he'd pulled off the coup. After the other night all he'd been able to think about is her body. Her pert breasts, and smooth skin, now he was going to see her strip for him. He was flipping through music until he found some dance music. He started tapping his foot and realized she didn't have much room, so he slid the coffee table aside toward the window. The window! He drew the curtains so nobody would see her. The song he was listening to finished and she still hadn't come back. He wondered momentarily if he'd gone too far when he heard her open the bedroom door. She must have turned off the lights before opening it because he didn't get a peek until she walked out into the room.

She had put her hair up in a lazy twist on top of her head, and changed into a red satin top and gray skirt. She had even gone so far as to put on heels. She looked absolutely stunning as she walked out and noted that he'd made room for her. A small smirk touched her now red lips as she noted the look on his face. She was happy with the reaction but didn't want to let on that she was enjoying his prize as much as he was. She looked off into the distance and listened, then nodded.

"Are you ready for me, Luke?" She asked, her voice husky.

He knew the line she quoted was from a movie, but he just sat there, his mouth hanging open.

She quirked her lips in a wry smile. She began to move with the music stepping carefully, heels on a carpet weren't conducive to graceful movement. She reached down and slipped the heels off tossing them aside and continued. Her sensual movements were already having an effect on Luke and for the first time he didn't care if he hid it or not. Ellie was beautiful, and he was totally captivated by her. She had turned sideways and began unbuttoning the cuffs of her blouse, she turned her back to him, her hips swayed to the music as she got into the music. She reached up and pulled the hair clip out and shook her head, letting her hair cascade down around her shoulders. She looked over her shoulder shooting him a sensual gaze, her hands worked the buttons of her blouse open. She spun around holding the front of her blouse closed and stepped towards him letting her hands fall as the blouse opened giving him a peek of the red and black bra she was wearing beneath it. He swallowed audibly and his jaw dropped open again.

"Thirsty?" She reached over and handed him the half empty wine glass. He took the glass and practically gulped the remaining wine. "Now we hadn't spoken of limits before this all started. Am I on my own with regards to how far I let this go?" She quirked an eyebrow at him, knowing full well she was going all the way, but let him wonder just what he was going to see. She reached up and lifted the blouse from her shoulders and let it slide down her arms slowly. She flipped the blouse over the back of the couch next to him. He could smell her perfume, it was stronger than before.

He swallowed audibly. "Yes, as far as you’re comfortable with."

"Is it how you imagined it would be?" He just nodded at her open mouthed. She tapped his ankles wider and danced between his spread legs swaying to the music and lifting her skirt giving him a peek of her smooth thighs. She noted that his jeans were straining to contain him. She couldn't wait to get a look at him either. She turned with the music and reached behind her making a come hither motion with her finger and pointed at the zipper on the back of her skirt. He didn't move for a moment and she looked over her shoulder at him and he was staring at her shimmy back and forth. He didn't move, and she directed his attention back to the zipper. As he reached forward she swayed to the side then back again avoiding his grip. He managed to catch the zipper and slide it down slowly exposing the back of her black satin panties. He reached up and pushed the fabric together releasing the hook. She took his hands and laid them flat on her hips as she swayed with the music. She gave them a small nudge downward and he understood she wanted him to remove the skirt. The skirt gave way as it slipped past her hips, and he gasped at seeing her beautiful behind swaying in front of his face. She stepped free of the skirt and he bent to pick it up and laid it next to her blouse on the back of the couch as she turned.

"How am I doing?" She asked softly. He just nodded excitedly. Ellie was pretty sure that if she asked him to, he'd rob a bank for her right now. It was an exhilarating feeling for her to have him in this state of excitement. "Good." She smiled.

She danced slowly to Wonderful Tonight. How appropriate he thought. As he stared in wide eyed wonder at this beautiful girl.

She ran her hands up and down her body slowly, her head swayed from side to side, her hair partly covered her face as she did. She peeked up at him as the song ended. She nudged his legs together again, and reached down and pulled his knees together. She turned and sat on the very edge of his lap, her ass just barely on his knees. She reached behind her and fanned out her hair and gathered it up over her head. The next song began and she waited for him to take the cue.

"Undo me."

Luke wasn't sure who's undoing it was when he reached up and unhooked her bra, his hands shaking. She let her hair fall as soon as he did and took the shoulder straps down one at a time before standing again. She held it in place as she released first one then the other shoulder straps. She turned her back to him and tossed the bra to him over her shoulder. He put it with the rest of her clothing. She was standing there swaying in only her black lace panties.

 He noticed they had a tiny red bow on the front when she had walked over to him a minute before. She spun around with the music, her hands cupping her breasts as she took a step towards him, her nipples stood out hard and pink. She swayed to the music losing herself in the beat. She leaned forward placing her hands on his shoulders.

"We're done, right? I mean, you didn't want me to take everything off did you?" She was clearly taunting him. Luke closed his mouth, swallowing hard and opened again to speak and nothing came out.

"No? Okay, I guess we're done then." She said standing again.

"No! I mean please; I;” Luke stammered.

"Please what, Luke?" She asked innocently.

"Please take them off." He whispered desperately.

"No Luke, if you'd like them off, then you take them off." She replied turning her body in a few circular sways. She banged her hips side to side with the beat of the music, and looked over her shoulder to see what he was doing. His eyes were following her ass as she swung it back and forth. She stopped moving.

"Well?" She asked over her shoulder.

 Luke raised shaky hands from his lap wondering if this was real or if he was going to get slapped away at the last minute. His hands were like fire on her skin sending butterflies to her core as he ran his thumbs down, pulling the lacy fabric with them. He was going slowly, the fabric peeling off like the skin from a fruit. They slipped over her beautiful behind and the fabric stuck between her legs for a moment, but he kept pulling, down her smooth thighs past her knees. He let go and saw the slightest peek of her lips, they were pink and very wet. She stepped out of the panties and took a step away from him and turned covering herself with her hand.

The scent that bloomed now that her panties were off made his breathing even more shallow and fast. He honestly wasn't sure why his jeans hadn't exploded yet.

"Are you sure you want to see?" She said, her voice low and husky as she swayed with the music again.

He only nodded slowly as he stared at the hand she was covering herself with. She drew her hand lightly against her body and slowly ran it up over to her hip uncovering herself for him. She was shaved and pink, moisture shone on her slight lips. She danced for another song, winked at Luke and disappeared into the bedroom.

Luke started panting, not believing what had just happened. Ellie was so turned on she had to force herself to keep her hands off herself or she'd explode. There would be no telling what Luke would do if he heard her moaning in the throes of an orgasm. Though part of her hoped he wouldn't contain himself and burst in the door throwing her on the bed and having his way with her. She took several deep breaths as she grabbed her bathrobe pulling it on, the soft fabric grazing her taut nipples. She walked back out into the living room and Luke swiveled to see her. A momentary crest-fallen look came to his eyes. Until she sat next to him and nestled against him giving him a long deep kiss.

"You'd better brush up on your dance moves buddy, next time I'm going to beat the pants off you, literally." She said as she softly bit his lower lip. They made out for a while longer, Ellie slowing him down when he got excited.

 "We should probably get to bed." She said, and Luke's eyes went wide. Ellie stood and went and got her keys pulling the car key free of the chain and brought it back to him. "Thanks for the ride today. You really saved my ass."

"Any time." He said reaching for the key, realizing tonight was done he seemed to get puppy eyes and Ellie just wanted to wrap him up and bundle him off to bed herself but she made herself a promise that she wasn't going to jump him on the first date. Little did Luke realize that tonight was, in her mind, their first date. No matter what he planned for tomorrow, she was done teasing him, she was going to have him. She walked him to the door.

"I can't wait for tomorrow. I bet it will be fun." She smiled and kissed him and grabbed his ass giving it a squeeze through the jeans. "I can't wait to get you out of these." She thought before she reached for the door.

Luke made his way down the steps and went into the house putting his hands into his pockets to hopefully disguise the bulge if his Dad was still up. He walked in and heard the TV and poked his head in to let him know he was home and going to bed.

"Did you two have fun?" He asked. Luke said yes, not entering the little den, but speaking from the dark of the doorway. He turned to go to his room and his dad burst out laughing. He looked over his shoulder and wondered what was so funny, and figured it was just something on TV. He had a distinct problem and figured a shower would help him out with it. He hadn't closed his door for more than a minute when there was a soft rap on it.

"Yea?" He said. The door opened and dad peeked in.

"Hey, I'm glad you two are getting along so well, just be careful Luke."

"What do you mean?"

Dad took a deep breath and started. "I just don't want to see you get hurt. She's a pretty girl, but this is her last year, right? I just don't want you to fall head over heels and have her leave you high and dry."

"I won't, we're just friends."

"Mmm  hmm." His dad stepped forward and reached behind him and tugged the black lace panties from the back pocket of his jeans and held them up. "Just make sure you protect yourself." He grinned, handing them to Luke, his face was beet red. Dad smirked and left the room closing the door behind him. He went to take his shower shaking his head.

To be continued in part 3, by Member389 for Literotica.