My Hero’s Reward: Part 3

Forsaking Her Own Mercy

In 3 parts, By SDes. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


·        “They that observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercy.” Jonah 2:8

As he sat in the waiting room, Jeff tried to keep some spark of hope alive. Sarah obviously had feelings for him. The way she returned his kiss left no doubt about that. The problem was getting past the wall she had built up over the years. She had evidently made up her mind that she would be better off without him, or maybe she thought he would be better off without her. Either way, he resolved to not give up without a fight.

A pleasant looking young woman sitting behind a desk caught his attention. "Doctor Wolcott will see you now."

Jeff walked through the door and the doctor rose to greet him. "Jeff, you are looking well, how can I help you."

"Paige told me to talk to you. She said you helped Sarah through her recovery and have stayed close with her over the years."

The doctor frowned, "Jeff, I can't talk to you about what I discussed with a patient. You understand that, right?"

Jeff met the doctor's gaze firmly. "I'm not asking you to betray any privilege, but I need to find some way to get through to Sarah. If you're as close to her as Paige said, you have to have an idea of how to help me. She hasn't been your patient for years. There has to be something you can tell me. I am crazy about her and from what her family says, she feels the same way about me. She just won't give me the chance to get close to her."

Dr. Wolcott sat quietly, trying to choose his words carefully. "Well, I can talk to you in general about the way trauma victims feel. The victim of a sexual assault can have a wide variety of reactions. Some become insatiable with their desires, trying to fill a void in their emotions with the act of sex. Some even crave degrading acts because they feel unworthy of anything better."

"Some," and he paused looking directly at Jeff to indicate his meaning without saying it aloud, "retreat into themselves. They are afraid of being rejected to the point of making themselves miserable rather than risk being hurt. Some part of their behavior can be attributed to the guilt they feel."

"Guilt?" Jeff asked uncertainly. "How could she; they feel guilty about something they couldn't control?"

"Control is a matter of perspective, son. In some victim's minds, they continue to question if they made all the right choices. If they had done something differently, could they have avoided what happened? Everyone in their life is exposed to their trauma, so sometimes they feel like they're responsible for everyone's pain, in a way. This is incredibly difficult to cope with, and it's why therapy can be so important."

"In Sarah's case, she has a permanent reminder of the event because of her scar. Every time she meets someone new, she knows the first thing they notice is something that is tied into the most traumatic event of her life. To be honest, I think she uses it as an excuse to keep men at a distance. She hates it, but it's also part of her defenses."

"Okay," Jeff responded, "so that explains why she hasn't dated much, but what about me. She already knows I care about her and that she cares about me. What happened to her doesn't change the way I feel about her, I already know the real Sarah and she's wonderful."

The doctor nodded his agreement. "She is a remarkable young woman, but in a way, you are more of a threat to her than anyone." He paused as Jeff shot him a confused look. "She knows you had feelings for her before you found out about her past. Now that you know, I'm sure she's afraid you might reject her. She's probably also worried about you being too nice to walk away, even though you might want to. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she has talked herself into believing that your pursuit is based on pity, which would be even more devastating to her."

"So let me get this straight," Jeff said, starting to get angry. "If I blow her off, it's because I'm a jerk. If I try to get her to see me, it's because I'm still a jerk, but don't want to look like a bad guy? How the hell do I deal with that?"

"Exactly," Dr. Wolcott answered cryptically. "How do you deal with that?"

"Great, now you sound like a shrink," Jeff answered, clearly frustrated.

"Jeff, I can't tell you any magic words to make things better. If I knew them, I would have used them with her seven years ago. She is such a special young woman that it kills me to not be able to help her. I watch her every week, wondering if there is something I could think of; "

With a swift movement, Jeff's head jerked up to look at the doctor. "What do you mean, every week?"

This time it was the doctor's turn to look confused. "She volunteers here every Monday and Friday in the children's ward. She has for years. I would have thought her family would have told you that."

He was surprised by Jeff abruptly rising and heading for the door. "Sorry doc, I've got to go."

The children Prevail on Sarah

Sarah walked into the hospital lost in her thoughts. It was the first time back since her last night with Jeff. She had missed three of her volunteer dates in a row and wasn't going to miss another, no matter what. Some days it was like the kids were her reason for getting out of bed. People often complimented her on how caring she was, spending time with sick children. The truth was, her time with the kids did as much for her as it did for them.

She had taken two days off work after her encounter with Jeff. It was so unsettling that she had no idea how to begin to deal with it yet. Part of her wished he had never come looking for her because of all the emotions it had stirred up. Part of her wished he wouldn't have left. She sat by the window of her apartment for hours, hoping he'd come back, wondering if she could have forced herself to talk to him. Jeff was a very good man, this was incredibly unfair to him and she knew it. How could he have any idea what she wanted when she didn't know herself?

Paige had tried to help, but Sarah had been angry with her sister for interfering and let her know it. She knew Jeff would find out her secrets eventually, but Paige had related the details from last Tuesday's conversation. Her sister had given up far too much information, then tried to defend it by telling Sarah how much Jeff cared.

"It doesn't matter. It's my life not yours!" she had said heatedly.

Although Paige had called every day, Sarah refused to talk to her. She loved her sister and knew Paige meant well, but this wasn't the kind of situation that called for an 18-year-old who thought she knew everything. As she walked down the hallway, Sarah thought again about what her younger sister had been through and what could have happened.

She shook her head as she approached the door. I've got to call her tonight and apologize, she thought. She loves me and is just trying to do what she thinks is right. Sarah even flirted with the idea of calling Jeff to apologize. She just couldn't imagine what she could say.

As she entered the rec room, she knew immediately something was going on. The kids were standing around with conspiratorial looks on their faces. She put it out of her mind as several of the younger ones ran up to her.

"Sarah," cried Jessie, a little girl who was her favorite. She had been injured in a fire and even after several skin grafts, still had terrible scars. Jessie's mom had told Sarah how much her visits had meant because the little girl identified with the caring woman who had her own scar.

She hugged Jessie and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "How are you, little angel?"

"Good," said the seven year-old. "I missed you. Where have you been?"

"I'm so sorry I missed the last few visits. I wasn't feeling very well. I'm better now, so I promise I won't miss any more, all right?"

Jessie smiled and said mischievously, Okay, but you owe me a promise."

Sarah looked at her with an amused expression. Okay Jessie, I owe you a promise."

"Anything I want?"

"Yes, I promise, anything you ask me." She laughed at Jessie's persistence. She expected to be making a trip to the cafeteria for a candy bar any second now.

"Well," said the child shyly, "one of the boys here likes you." Sarah looked around the room quickly, noticing flowers on one of the tables. "He was scared to tell you, so he bought you flowers and asked me to do it because we're friends. He wants a kiss from you and wants to tell you something. Remember, you promised."

Sarah was on the verge of laughing over the precocious child's demands. She tried to keep a straight face, not wanting to hurt any of the boys' feelings. The oldest child in the room looked to be eleven or twelve. It would be terrible to make any of them feel like she was making fun of them.

"Yes Jessie, I promise I'll give him a kiss for the nice flowers and I'll talk to him. So who is it?" she asked, still looking around the room.

Jessie smiled wide, and pointed behind Sarah. "It's him," she yelled, jumping up and down; excited to have succeeded at her mission.

Sarah turned and felt her knees go weak as she saw Jeff standing with a bouquet of her favorite roses.

"Hi Sarah, how about that kiss?" he said as all the kids began cheering.

She blushed as she looked around in embarrassment. She saw Jessie smiling with glee and knew she had no way out.

Sarah watched motionless as Jeff walked up to her. "You tricked me," she hissed.

"You didn't give me any choice. Now are you going to let the kids down or are you going to kiss me?"

She leaned forward to give him a peck on the lips, but he caught her and pulled her against him. He kept his lips pressed against hers, tilting his head so he could kiss her more deeply. She felt herself losing control again, just like at the grocery store when the loud, "Oh," of the children broke them out of their moment.

"That was nice," Jeff said in awe.

"Yes," Sarah replied, still struggling to hold her emotions in check. "That just leaves the talk."

"We can talk later. Right now I have a lot of troublemakers to thank." He turned away from her and gave Jessie a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

Sarah watched him, feeling caught in a whirlwind. As she watched him playing with the children, seemingly without a care in the world, she thought again about how amazing he was. She knew how strongly she felt for him, but didn't know how to begin to gauge his feelings for her. She had spent such a long time building the wall to protect herself, she wondered if it was possible to let down her guard and trust someone. The one thing she was sure of was that if there was anyone she would ever be able to trust, it would be this man.

A Battle within Sarah’s heart

Sarah drove, unable to organize her thoughts. Seven years of protecting herself and not allowing anyone inside had left her unprepared to change. It scared her more than she could face. Jeff already had the power to hurt her more than any man since the attack. If she let him in further, she couldn't imagine how intense it would get.

This is crazy, I've only known him four weeks, she thought. Twice she had talked herself out of going to his place, but couldn't seem to make herself dial the phone. It was like the scene at her apartment, but reversed. Now she was afraid something would happen and he would change his mind. It was a fear she wasn't used to and it hit her hard.

She found a parking space close to his apartment and reluctantly got out of her car. As she slowly walked to the door, Sarah nervously fidgeted with her hair and clothes, trying to make sure she looked her best before he answered the door.

When he opened the door, Jeff looked at her with open admiration. "Wow, you look amazing."

Sarah felt embarrassed, but accepted the compliment. Jeff asked her to come inside and offered her a seat on the couch. He went to the kitchen for drinks, then sat next to her. He suddenly was at a loss about what to say, so they sipped their wine in an awkward silence. Finally Sarah couldn't take it and spoke up, her voice sounding surprisingly brittle.

"So how did you work that out today? I didn't realize working with kids was one of your specialties. That was kind of a dirty trick."

Jeff replied evenly, "I told you before, you didn't give me any choice. I'm not going to apologize. I would have done anything to get you to talk to me. Are you upset?"

"No," she admitted, unable to suppress a smile. "I thought it was; original. How did you know about me working with the kids?"

"I'm not going to tell you all my secrets," he replied cryptically. His mood abruptly lightened. "I've been spending all my free time with them since Tuesday. I was surprised. It was a lot of fun and they seemed to like me too. When I told them about my plan, they all wanted to help, especially Jessie. You're really close to her, aren't you?"

She nodded, "How did you like your new start?" When she saw Jeff's confused expression, she continued. "You told me in the hospital that you wanted to do something more important with your life. I can't think of anything more important than caring for those kids, even if you did it with an ulterior motive."

"Well, I had a great time with them. I'll be happy to go with you every week," he paused, "if you want me to."

Sarah nodded, feeling more comfortable. "Listen Jeff, I have to apologize about not coming to the hospital at the end. I didn't know how to handle what would happen when you could see again, so I ran away." She looked away, "I guess I've been doing that for a while."

He took her hand. "So my question is, are you ready to stop running? I don't want to push you to talk about anything until you're ready, but I want you to know you can trust me. I don't know what else I can do to make you see that I'm right where I want to be and I'm not going anywhere."

Sarah sat quietly for a moment. "I can think of one thing," she said quietly, unable to look him in the eyes. "That night at the hospital, I did something I've never even considered doing before. It made me want more." He could hear her voice start to break. "The only memory I have about sex was a terrible one. I want to have good a memory with someone I care about."

Jeff put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up so he could look her in the eyes. "Sarah, I don't just care about you, I love you."

He moved in to touch his lips against hers. He kissed her lightly, moving his lips across her cheek, her ear, then her neck. Finally, he returned to her lips, kissing her more passionately. He felt her lips part and gently began teasing them with his tongue, encouraging her to reciprocate. As his fingers gently caressed her cheek, his thumb softly traced the scar, causing her to blush. She pushed at his hand, uncomfortable with the contact.

He broke their kiss, and began leaving a trail of kisses along the only blemish to her features, trying to let her know he wasn't going to avoid it. After a moment, she gave up protesting and allowed him to proceed the way he wanted. When his hand moved from her face to her side, eventually rubbing the side of her breast through her blouse, she made a small involuntarily jump.

Jeff hesitated, reminding himself to be careful with her. "Let's go to my room, Ok?"

Sarah nodded her consent and followed as he led her down the hallway. When they reached his bedroom, he watched her reactions closely. She still appeared to be nervous, although she tried to appear confident.

They sat on the edge of the bed and resumed kissing for several minutes. Jeff ran his hands softly up and down her back, the touches slowly wearing down her anxiousness. When he thought she was ready, Jeff kneeled on the floor in front of her and began unbuttoning her blouse.

Sarah felt confused, she was uneasy, but every time his hands touched her shirt they would graze her breasts, causing a fluttering deep in her stomach that was building. She felt the button just above her bra give way and Jeff leaned in to kiss her between her breasts. She arched her back as she felt his lips touch her like no man ever had. Although he was clean shaven, she could feel the stubble on his chin rubbing against her sensitive skin. She was so lost in the sensation, she didn't notice he had finished with her buttons, only realizing how exposed she was as he pulled her blouse from her jeans.

She felt the nervousness giving way to the excitement he was causing. He gently caressed her over her bra. Sarah took a sudden, deep breath as she felt the front clasp give way and the material slide across her sensitive nipples. She pulled him close, thrilling at his warmth.

That immediately gave way to frustration when he briefly grazed her breast again with his lips, only to skip down to her stomach. He gently pushed her back until she was lying flat on the bed, then ran his hands down her legs until he reached her feet. He quickly pulled off her shoes before moving back up to her jeans.

Jeff paused for a moment, letting his hands run up and down the outside of her thighs. He reveled in her reactions to his touch. For a moment, he stopped worrying about what she might be thinking and realized just how lucky he was to be with an angel like this. The fact that she still was partially dressed added to her allure. He ran his hands over her stomach, settling on the snap of her jeans, which gave way with a pop that startled her causing another small jump. He again reminded himself to go slowly until she was ready.

He moved to her stomach, kissing and running his tongue teasingly around her navel to distract her. It caused her discomfort to grow until it felt like she was riding a roller coaster. It didn't keep her from noticing his hands working on her zipper. She felt it begin to slowly creep down, imagining she could hear every metal tooth click as his fingers worked the slider down. When he grabbed her jeans with both hands and began inching them down her hips, she nervously lifted slightly off of the bed to help.

She could feel her anxiety growing, thinking about him looking at her in just her panties. Sarah knew she was already wet, she could feel her underwear sticking to her outer lips and felt a little awkward. Even though she wanted this more than ever, part of her was glad he hadn't tried to undress her completely.

When Jeff pulled her jeans the rest of the way off, he urged her to turn onto her stomach. Moving his lips up her legs, he used his tongue to leave wet kisses up her calves. Reaching her knee, he lingered at the sensitive spot, watching her tense and grab at the bed sheet with her hands. After a moment, he worked his way up the inside of her thigh, tenderly kissing every inch and began to feel her shake.

Continuing up, he bit at her back and shoulder a little more aggressively, noticing the skin around her neck redden as she became more excited. Jeff touched a shoulder and urged her to roll over again. As she turned, he pulled off his shirt, then slid down again, this time only his skin to touch her body as he moved.

He looked at her panty covered crotch, forcing himself to wait before touching it. He settled at the midpoint of her thigh, leaving small love bites, while moving his hand up and down the back of her leg. Her skin was smooth and impossibly soft. He let his hand wander to the edge of her panties, feeling the well-toned cheeks of her ass before dragging his fingers back down to her knees.

The combination was making Sarah forget about everything except his touches. His kissing and sucking were making the earlier sensations much more acute and instead of her stomach, she was feeling it lower. His fingernails were softly scraping her skin causing goose bumps. She wasn't sure what to do with her hands, so settled for touching her sensitive breasts.

Sarah started making small noises, her breath catching in her throat every few seconds. Without realizing it, she began moving her hips, partially because she was enjoying the feeling of her panties rubbing against her lips, and partially to move herself closer to his skilled mouth.

Jeff knew she was almost ready. She wasn't holding back any more. Now she was moving toward him, trying to create contact. He leisurely slid his tongue up her thigh until it reached the inside of her hip. He gently pushed her legs apart encountering the edge of her panties, so close to that her intoxicating scent threatened to overwhelm him.

Sarah felt completely out of control. Jeff's slow, sensuous attack was pushing her past anything she had thought possible. Her hips were no longer moving unconsciously; now she knew exactly what she was doing. When his tongue made contact with the waistband of her panties, she moved, trying to force him touch her most sensitive area.

She was afraid for a moment that he was teasing her because he wasn't planning to go further. After the buildup of the last ten minutes she felt like she'd scream if he didn't.

Sarah felt his hand touch hers as he encouraged her to caress and pinch her nipples. She stopped for a second as she felt a light pressure against her panties. She thought it was wishful thinking until she felt it again, this time stronger. He was running his mouth from leg to leg, letting it drag across the panties, each time pushing a little harder.

When she felt his tongue push against the front, forcing the material just between her outer lips, she brought down her other hand without thinking, now squeezing both her breasts aggressively.

"Oh Jeff, that feels so good," she moaned, relieved to finally feel him stop teasing.

He continued pushing harder, his hands cupping the cheeks of her ass. She felt his fingers wrap around the waistband of her panties, slowly sliding them down her hips and again arched up to help, this time without any thought but the desire for him to get back to what he was doing.

Jeff dragged his fingers up her legs as he paused to look at her naked for the first time. She was more beautiful than he could have imagined. Her skin had just a hint of brown from her summer tan. Her breasts were just the right size for her body, with pink areolas and nipples. She had thin hips with an even slimmer waist and as her body moved, her abdominal muscles flexed, making her look like an athlete.

Her pubic hair was trimmed, but still looked natural. Her outer lips were engorged, but firmly together. She looked so sexy that for a moment he stopped, unsure of what to do next.

Sarah had lost all control. She never could have imagined being in this position with a man staring at her naked body, while she was massaging her breasts. Any vestige of her previous awkwardness was gone. "Please Jeff, touch me now," she lifted her head and begged.

It didn't make any difference to her what he was going to do, just that it needed to happen quickly. She could feel her body on the edge of an orgasm even though her sex had been virtually untouched.

Sarah watched him staring at her with a fascinated look on his face. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally saw him move in toward her. She felt the first soft touch of his tongue dipping between her outer lips just a little, then moving up until it brushed her clit. He looked into her eyes as he continued the movement from her clit, to inside her, then back. When he pulled out and traced the labia all the way around she stopped massaging her breasts and grabbed the back of his head.

"Oh Jeff, that feels so wonderful, please don't stop."

She felt him move one of her legs onto his shoulder, allowing him unfettered access. He brought his mouth over her clit, grabbing with his lips and sucking while roughly running his tongue back and forth.

"Oh shit," she shrieked, her voice betraying a mixture of surprise and arousal. Her breathing and moaning let him know she was almost there. He focused solely on her clit, stroking it faster with his tongue and also pressing harder as her hips began moving off the bed.

She wrapped both legs around his back and squeezed him hard. "Yes, that's it Jeff, right there; please don't stop!" she screamed. "Oh Jeff, yes; I love you!"

As she came, her hips moved completely off the bed, taking him with her. She felt like a bomb went off inside her body. The ripples went on longer than she imagined possible, each causing her to body to spasm until they receded, leaving her gasping for breath.

Jeff felt like he was in a dream. Although her declaration startled him, he stayed with his mouth glued to her throughout the climax. As her orgasm subsided, his tongue moved away and he inserted it as far as he could inside her, riding out her gyrations. Once she slumped back to the bed exhausted, he slid up her body.

Jeff kissed her, then sat up, pausing to etch the image into his mind. Her long blonde hair was fanned everywhere and her body was bathed in sweat. She looked so innocent and vulnerable, but there was so much more to her than just that. Jeff knew he had seen a glimmer of the woman she worked so hard to keep hidden, and it was spectacular.

Although she was anxious about intimacy, Sarah had given herself to him completely, with no reservations and showed a passionate, sexual side that exceeded anything he could have hoped for. He couldn't imagine what she could ever do to make him feel more strongly than he already did.

"Did you say you loved me?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.

Sarah flushed, "It wasn't my fault, I was distracted." She smiled back, allowing him to see her with her defenses down. "You weren't playing fair."

"Well, let's see if I can make you say it again," he said with mock seriousness.

He sat back and unbuckled his pants. As he removed them, he could see something in her eye, just for a second. It looked like fear and immediately made him feel uncomfortable. He finished undressing, then pulled her up to put his arms around her.

"We'll take as much time as you need, Ok?" he said tenderly. Jeff wanted to reassure her. He knew she wanted this, but was still unsure of herself and of him.

He kissed her, running his hands up and down her body, trying to recreate the earlier mood. He held one hand behind her head while kissing her, using the other to massage her breast, she seemed to melt against him. Her moans indicated she was ready for more, so he slowly lowered her to the bed, moving with her until they were lying next to each other. He pulled her, somewhat reluctantly, on top of him.

"Honey, I don't know;" she started to protest, but Jeff stopped her with another kiss. His was completely erect and as her legs straddled his hips, he felt her wetness as his shaft nestled between her lips. "Ahh," she moaned, as he pulled her hips forward, causing friction against her clit.

Jeff used his hands to move her hips back and forth until he felt her begin to move on her own. Sarah put her hands on his chest to steady herself, getting more comfortable with the motion of her hips. His smooth, warm shaft slid between her outer lips and across her clit, coated with her overflowing juices. As she leaned forward, the pressure against her sensitive bud increased, causing another shock to run through her body. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, feeling another orgasm approaching.

"Oh Jeff, I'm cumming again," she moaned.

He was surprised to see tears in her eyes as her body trembled, then shuddered violently several times. He pulled her down against his chest, savoring the sensation of her climax. He was doing everything possible to delay his own orgasm, desperate to make this as memorable for her as possible.

They kissed briefly and he asked her to slide forward a little more. When he felt her move off his erection, he grabbed it by the base and tilted it up, trying to find her opening. She looked intently into his eyes as she pushed back and felt the tip work its way between her wet folds and ease inside her.

"I love you," she said again, never letting her eyes lose contact with his.

She pushed back harder and he slid deeply inside her. Sarah moaned incoherently, feeling like she might pass out from the incredible sensation she had denied herself for so long. She continued staring directly at Jeff, as if she needed to have some kind of unbreakable connection for this moment.

Her hips moved down until she couldn't push any further. She felt full, both physically and emotionally. After a moment to savor the sensation, she gave him a blank stare, unsure what to do next.

"Let me," Jeff said softly.

He put his hands on her hips and urged her up until only the tip remained inside her. Then he pulled her down until he was fully insider her again. He urged her up a few inches higher, then controlled the motion himself, never stopping, but constantly varying his thrusts.

Sarah was already mentally exhausted from the events of the day, and physically exhausted from her earlier orgasms, the sweat was pouring off of her, and Jeff felt impossibly huge. She felt herself nearing another orgasm, but wasn't sure how much longer she could continue.

After another minute, she smiled at him weakly, "Honey, I don't know how much longer;" She pleaded with her eyes, hoping that he wouldn't be disappointed.

Jeff smiled broadly, "I think I might be able to help."

He carefully spun her until she was on her back underneath him, the still lodged inside her. He moved forward at a pace she was already comfortable with. He slid his hand under her knee, picking it up high. His pace increased steadily until he could see the telltale signs of her climaxing again.

Her breaths were coming in short, uncontrollable gasps, offset by the soft moaning sounds she was making every time he pushed himself into her. Jeff's own self-control was being pushed to the limit. He wanted to cum so badly that he was afraid he wouldn't be able to last, but held back, forcing himself to wait for her. He propped himself up so he could increase his tempo again, lengthening his stroke so he was pushing almost all the way inside her with every plunge, pulling back until only the tip remained inside her.

"I'm; going; to; cum; again," she panted, sounding almost frantic.

He moved his hips forward one last time, not stopping until he felt his hips touch against her. She screamed in ecstasy as she finally felt him all the way inside her, not believing that anything could have felt so perfect. Her body writhed as one last orgasm rocked her violently, the only thing keeping her on the bed was Jeff's body pressing against her.

As he felt her body move, Jeff couldn't put off his own release any longer. Before the last wave of her orgasm subsided, he felt his climax overtake him. He made a strangled noise, trying not to scream as he came deep inside her, basking in the luxurious feeling of her body. He held her tightly until his own orgasm receded, then kissed. They stayed locked together, neither of them willing to break the embrace.

Finally, not trying to conceal his amusement, Jeff asked, "Was that Okay?"

Sarah couldn't contain her laughter as she pushed him off. "I guess it will do, for now," she replied playfully. Her expression turned serious, "Jeff, I meant what I said; I love you. I didn't think I could ever feel like this about anyone. When I tried staying away from you, I felt like I was dying. I'm so glad you didn't give up on me."

"I meant what I said too," he said with equal seriousness. "I tried to deny it in the hospital because of the situation, but I knew it right away. I've never met anyone like you. The time you were gone made me realize I didn't want to be without you. I know how hard it was for you to trust me, but you won't be sorry." He kissed her softly, savoring the taste of her lips.

They held each other for a long time, almost drifting off to sleep when they were startled by the sound of his phone. A quick check of the caller ID showed that it was Paige's cell phone.

"Hi Paige," Jeff said wearily, "what's up?"

"What's up?" she said angrily. "You were supposed to call me to let me know what happened. I've been sitting here on pins and needles for an hour. Did you talk to her?"

"Listen sweety, now's not really a good time. We talked and things look good, can I call you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" she asked incredulously. "How do you expect me to wait until tomorrow? Please Jeff, you have to tell me something. Is she okay?"

Sarah head was on Jeff's chest, allowing her to listen in on the conversation. She heard her little sister's barrage of questions. It was obvious she wasn't going to let Jeff off without more of an explanation. She reached over and took the phone away from him.

"Sis, Jeff's a little worn out right now," she said, looking at him with a mischievous grin. "He's going to have to answer all your questions tomorrow after he's had some rest."

There was a long pause on the other end. "You mean; you two; you did it?" Paige finally managed.

"Yes nosy, do you think you could manage to keep this one to yourself? I know dad likes Jeff, but this might be a little too much information." She winked at him.

Sarah was going to keep teasing her sister when she heard a sob on the other end of the line. "Paige, are you all right?" she asked.

"I wanted this so badly," the younger girl cried, "I just wanted you to be happy. I told you he was the right guy for you."

"Oh, sweetheart." Sarah said, suddenly ashamed of herself. "I'm sorry I yelled at you last week. I understand you were just trying to help. If you hadn't butted in, I might not be here right now; thank you. You come over here tomorrow morning and we'll tell you everything, all right? Besides, I owe you a giant hug, little sister."

Jeff put his arm around Sarah's shoulder when he saw tears in her eyes. He took the phone away from her, "Paige, now you made your sister cry. I'm going to have to figure out some way to distract her," he said, flashing Sarah a lustful grin. He reached over and stroked her breast, drawing a soft moan from her. "I think we'll tell you the rest when you get here in the morning. Then maybe we'll all go out with your Dad for dinner and figure out what to tell him." He smiled, picturing the uncomfortable conversation, but one he believed would make Steven very happy.

He watched Sarah close her eyes as his soft touches started another wave of sensations inside her. She brought her hand up to cover his, stroking it appreciatively, indicating that their night wasn't over. He turned his attention back to the phone, "Paige, be a dear, and do not come over  too early, okay?"

Jeff hung up the phone. The night was just starting. Sarah was just beginning to let herself live again. Jeff had saved two sisters from hideous dangers.

“They that observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercy.” Jonah 2:8

By S Des, for Literotica