Married To A Goddess: part 8

Annabelle Gets Played. Vanessa Makes Her Move.

By DustinMidnight. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Gizzy laid there snoozing on the couch with a controller in her hand as she had a blanket covering a part of her body. Dan listened to how she snored. And gave a light kick on the blanket. It was rather funny, as Dan moved over and pushed the blanket over her, even covering her breast. She grunted,

“Burn baby burn, he he he!” Gizzy mumbled in her sleep. Dan flat out wasn’t sure what she meant by that and probably didn’t want to know. He sighed and began heading over towards the bedroom. He noticed a bit Bast wasn’t around. Normally she’d sneak up and try to bug him or make a snarky remark. But for the most part. Dan imagined that she might’ve just gone to bed or was having a night in the town. Cat’s are weird, so why wouldn’t a Cat goddess, be just as weird.

“Well as long as she isn’t causing trouble or puking in my shoes.” He sighed and started heading towards the bedroom. He groaned and called out,

“Annabelle I’m home!” He reached over and opened the door. He turned the light on and what he saw shocked him. His heart had practically stopped right there. His eyes turning into a dinner plate, as he almost heard the sounds of something snapping. Annabelle was laying there naked in bed, her arms around someone. Her body holding them closer, as she had a smile. Sure she was asleep. But the person her arms were wrapped around was another man.

Dan didn’t know who he was, as he felt his hand tightening up into a fist, a part of him snapping, as he popped his neck. Anger rising over him, as he wanted to grab the fucker, grab him, and throw him in the wall.

Who the fuck is he!? Why is he in my bed! Dan felt his mind racing as he tried to find the right words something, anything. But when he opened his mouth the only things that came out of that hole he called a mouth were simply.

“What the flying fuck is this!” His voice was a lot higher than it was supposed to be. Though suddenly Annabelle woke up practically jumping out as she looked over towards Dan with a smile, as she was still half asleep.

“Hey honey, ready for another round already?” Though Dan wasn’t paying attention to her.

“Dan what are you doing over there?” Though Dan growled in annoyance as he thought he heard something else. His blood boiling more, though pushing the anger as much as he could as he watched the stranger on the other side of the room.

“What am I doing here Who the hell is that!” He pointed over as Annabelle turned her head. She didn’t recognize the person either. It was a strange man laying there his head on the pillow. Long dirty blonde hair. Slightly tan skin. Heck, he had a few various Tattoos on his back. Though The goddess didn’t recognize her. Her mind went blank as she was realizing what was going on. She turned to overlook towards Dan as she called out.

“Dan this isn’t what it looks like! I Can Explain!” She reached over pulling herself out of bed. Revealing she was completely naked under the bed,

“I’m sure you can explain I’m sure, But what the fuck! Was everything a lie?”

“Dan none of this is a lie. I love you I swear I never would’ve slept with anyone without you!” Annabelle yelled out, but she saw the anger in his eyes– No there was more to it than anger, sadness- Broken.

“Really none of its, a lie. You’re the goddess of Lust and Death, you can do so much I mean, did I even break up with Vanessa, Did you mess with it!” He grunted hard as he watched Annabelle remembering what Liesmith had told him. It was there Annabelle looked hurt, as she looked away. Tears in her eyes.

“I did, I screwed with your previous relationship… a bit on purpose, but I’m so sorry I never told you. I didn’t want to hurt you but Dan I swear I Love you, I wanted to be with you. So, I just made a small suggestion to her. It was wrong but… I wanted you so much.” She sniffed hard as she was getting ready to cry, her face turning red. As she tried pushing the tears away.

Dan’s face was turning even redder, It was as if something else snapped. As he was feeling his blood boiled more. He wanted to scream yell at The very Goddess he called his wife. He felt betrayed felt as though nothing mattered. He was trying to ignore that curious part that forced him to ask the question. Dan wanted to ask more questions but he just turned around and walked out of his bedroom.

Annabelle watched him walk out of the room as she ran to the door, screaming out.

“Dan please don’t go we can talk this over! I’m sorry!” She felt herself crying more– Though soon it turned to rage. Not for Dan but for whoever dared lay in her bed. It was clear they weren’t human, She knew that whoever she slept with was Dan, or at least looked like him. But it was clear now that was a Lie. As she began to engulf herself in flames. Those flames would be blown out by a chilling wind as Annabelle stood there, her black suit on a scythe in the other. As she looked towards her bed,

“Who are you!” she growled in anger ready to strike him down, The natural order be damned if it meant that she could take the soul of the bastard who dared, trick her in bed, and mess with the love of her eternity. She would deal with the trouble later on. Though when she looked for the stranger. The bed was empty and whoever it was, had vanished without a trace. Annabelle screamed in anger as she swung the weapon hitting a dresser draw. The Dresser was cut in half. Before it dissolved into ash.

Dan began driving off, Driving far faster than he should have. But at that moment he needed to let off a lot of steam. Passing random Cars, Dan grunted his head starting hurting though took a deep breath trying to get relaxed

“So, she broke your heart huh.” A male’s voice said causing Dan to swerve to the side, as he felt his heart racing faster.

“What the fuck!”

“Oh don’t be surprised it’s me Liesmith, Now Was I right she broke your heart.” The god said while putting his feet on the dashboard. Not even wearing a seat belt.

“Should you put your seat belt on?” Dan asked gritting his teeth, as he was feeling annoyed. Though Liesmith shook his head,

“Don’t matter I’m a god, as long as I’m here you won’t get hurt or in a wreck.” Liesmith’s smirk widened while snapping his finger and a small drinking glass appeared an umbrella sticking out as he took a drink.

“Hmm Martini, stirred not shaken.” Lindesmith joked while taking a drink.

“So, what do you want? Still trying to fuck with my life.”

“Hey, I didn’t do anything, though about this. There’s a bar over there. I’ll do you a nice favor. Go in there and I’m sure that you’ll feel better, especially after some Jack Daniels.”

“What the hell do you…” Before Dan could finish his sentence Joe Liesmith was gone. Dan only sighed as he decided to head right into the bar. Maybe he did need a drink.

Dan would make a turn towards the bar. A Neon sign that read. Bag of Bones. The light giving a soft glow even flickering. Dan gave a huff as he parked and began going inside.

Annabelle wasn’t sure what she was going to do. As she walked back and forth in the living room.

“What am I going to do? Should I go out there, and find Dan to explain what’s going on… Fuck– Maybe I should call the other gods. What the hell is going on!” Annabelle was freaking out since she wasn’t sure what was even going to happen. She didn’t want to lose Dan. But she was worried she might push him away. It was then she saw Bast strutting on in and bouncing on the couch. She sat there tail swishing before she started transforming into a more humanoid being. As she stretched out.

“What a wonderful night… Annabelle is there something wrong?”

“Yes, something happened, I slept with someone I thought was Dan, and he wasn’t Dan came in and he thinks I cheated on him.”

“Oh boy… That sucks, Though hey give him time, he’ll come back and you guys can talk about it.”

“Maybe, but I worry. Somethings happening. I wasn’t able to tell who it was I slept with. It narrows it down. We’re dealing with a god. But why, what would they get from hurting my marriage to a mortal?” Annabelle sighed as she sat down looking down at her hands simply wondering who it might have been. A part of her wishes she was holding Dan, She was feeling emotional.

“Hey, it’ll be ok,” Bast said her eyes looking wider almost adorable as she turned into a kitten and cuddled up into Annabelle. Annabelle simply responded by petting behind Bast’s ear as she sat there for the time waiting, and hoping that Dan might come back. GIzzy was still asleep on the other side of the couch snoring away. Just not a care in the world.

The bar was quiet, soft music playing. Though whatever they were playing Dan didn’t care– he wouldn’t say anything, as he felt numb. He took a seat at the barstool and ordered a drink. The bartender nodded dropping down a shot of whiskey.

“Yep gonna need one of these maybe more.” Dan, grabbed the shot glass, taking a small drink. While trying to get far more comfortable than he needed to be.

“Dan is that you,” a voice came in. The voice was soft barely registrable from the music. But Dan still turned around to see who it was when he saw her. It was Vanessa. She looked disheveled, hair wild. Not compared to the neat and nice look that she had when they broke up. Dan sighed looking down at his drink for a moment, as he muttered,

“What are you doing here Vanessa, I figured that you’d be off at a fancy wine party or trying to move up in life from little old me.”

“Dan I’m sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, something came over me. I swear.” She moved in sitting by him Though Dan scooted over.

“The fact is you did. The thing is it still hurts, I know it’s been months but seeing you, opens the wounds.”

“It was a mistake, seriously, I don’t think I’ll ever do it again. Here let me order you another drink.” Vanessa raised her hand and bringing another drink for both of them, the bartender nodded while pouring them a drink. Leaving bigger glasses for each of them imagining that they would be having a long conversation. Hell, the Bartender left the bottle.

Vanessa and Dan drank throughout the night pouring drink after drink. Not talking. It was clear they were drinking their problems away with a long sigh, Dan drinking a little more than Vanessa had. Though the young man didn’t care, the numbing feeling buzzed over him.

Dan groaned hard as he looked towards Vanessa, as he looked towards her she was nice looking, even though she looked as if she was going through the wringer. Maybe the drink helped her looking even better. Hell Dan was even feeling himself open up as he moved in closer.

“You are so Perdy.” Dan muttered his speech slurred, Though a part of him. That slim part of his conscious that cared for Annabelle pushed on. He wanted to push it away, but it kept on persisting like a fly buzzing in your ear.

“Thank you, I’m glad you think I’m Pretty.” Vanessa giggled, though it was a nervous one. While she moved in closer, giving a light smile.

“Um, I’m wondering, do you wanna come back to my place?” Vanessa gave a smile, though there was desperation in her eye, Even Dan as drunk as he was could see it. He didn’t like it, even Annabelle was coming back to his mind, how she smiled and giggled. It felt genuine. Then what was that she said before why are you over there, or did she say? Why are you here?

Dan grunted some as he began thinking about Annabelle how she made him feel alive. How he felt like a better person. Though he looked at Vanessa and felt nothing. No desire no need, Just the idea of Annabelle.

I wanna be with Annabelle. He thought as he muttered,

“Nah, I don wanna, I wanna go home to me WIffe.” He slurred out more drunkenly. Though Vanessa looked more offended.

“I mean we could go back, I could even su-”

“Ma'am he said no, We don’t need any trouble here.” The Bartender pointed to the sign,

No, means no– No excuses for anyone.

“Yesh– Now leave, I wanna drink more! Drink till I can go home and see, me wife!” Dan muttered giggling like a goober, as he suddenly began spinning on the chair, Vanessa looked nervous as she was being watched by the bartender. She knew she needed to leave with him. Maybe get him home– Then do what? She couldn’t just sleep with him while he was this drunk. It would be wrong. She would be raping him. It felt as though 20 lbs of lead was falling on her stomach.

“I think you should go home,” Vanessa muttered, damn Liesmith, Damn that God who was more like a monster. She wouldn’t stoop so low. While Dan who giggled more and nodded,

“Ahh right, Ya’ll go and do thats!” He giggled as he was about to jump out of his seat. But when he did he began wobbling as if he was walking around like a newly born horse.

“Sir I don’t think you’ll be well enough to drive, I’ll call you a cab.” The bartender said as he cleaning the counter up.

“Okay doky, artachocky. Ha hah ha!” Dan snickered as he took a seat down. Vanessa giggled some. Dan was a goofy drunk. Almost childish, Though clearly a goofball. She was tempted to get him in bed and tuck him up.

“I know where he is, let me get you the address,” Vanessa said, with a long sigh before she moved back over. The bartender watched her suspiciously though nodded, handing her a piece of paper and pen.

Vanessa would write down his address. In a way, she was tempted to write down her own. But she knew that wouldn’t be right. Her heart ached as she felt like shit– She even had a feeling that the bastard was gonna hurt her for failing. But in a way, this was a good fuck you, to Liesmith. Then the fact it wouldn’t be a burden on her soul.

“Yeah, he better get home, he’s got a wife to see. I think I need to just go, maybe see the world. Maybe do something else.” She muttered under her breath– In a way she was jealous of this Wife of his, she hoped that they were happy together– In a way she hoped Liesmith failed. The fucker was a monster. She only hoped that she would get as far away as she could. Maybe she could visit her sister and her husband.

Dan would eventually get home, the driver taking him up towards the Address given, while they would carry him up the apartment. Still, the last bit of kindness most people would give as they knocked on the door. Before leaving. The Bartender had agreed not to have Dan’s car towed and put it off in the back so it could be picked up the next day. Though for now, it wasn’t on anyone’s mind.

Dan stood there giggling and laughing more, a Red face over him as he knocked on the door more. As before long, it would be opened by none other than Gizzy.

“Danny boy, what are you doing here? We thought you ran off?” The Gremlin said rubbing her eyes as she yawned.

“Gahh Gizmo you, Gremlin you’s so perdy, and adorable.” Dan muttered as without warning he picked the gremlin up and began giving it a great big o;’ bear hug.

“Who are you! What have you done with Goddess Husband!” She screamed practically trying to escape the bear hug, But Dan was holding her down as they walked over. Annabelle laid on the bed still asleep with Bast curled up with her as a Kitten still Sleeping while Dan walked off into the bedroom eventually falling asleep with the Gremlin in his arms like a teddy bear.

Dan grunted. His head hurt. He wasn’t sure what happened or even where he was. He felt as though his head was close to splitting in half. Truly it was a sign that he needed to quit drinking. It never seemed to end well, and it normally ended up in an odd situation. He opened his eyes up and began looking around. The room was much darker, the shades closed, unlike the last time he got drunk. No, this time it was a little better. He looked down and realized that there were teeth marks on his arm, clotted with blood. Dan sat up a little further and soon saw the gremlin lying there snoring away.

“What happened last night?” he muttered. “Fuck, my head – or my arm. Fuck, it still hurts.” He dragged his aching body to the bathroom and grabbed some Advil, pouring a few extra out of the bottle. He also grabbed some peroxide, pouring it on the wound. It stung slightly, though that only lasted a few seconds.

That was when it suddenly hit him – everything that happened last night. His argument with Annabelle, him leaving, him coming back home drunk off his ass. He wasn’t sure how he got home, but he remembered he was at a bar, one not too far from here. He thought he could walk over there or even get an Uber. He shuddered and decided he would get to it at some point during his weekend off. For now, he needed to see someone – he needed to apologize to someone. That’s what mattered.

He walked into the living room where Annabelle was sitting watching a movie. She was watching… well, it didn’t matter what she was watching. Dan just stood there for a second looking exhausted, his head pounding, before he finally found the words he was looking for.

“Annabelle – I – I wanna say –” But before he could finish his sentence, his voice stammering, he felt the goddess slamming into him as she hugged him as tight as she possibly could.

“I’m sorry I got mad at you, Annabelle,” Dan said with a sigh of relief.

“It’s fine. I’m not mad at you.” Annabelle said, her voice sounding as if she were rather depressed as she looked away,

“No – I have to ask, what happened? Who was he?” Dan muttered, rubbing her cheek, wanting to know the truth.

Annabelle sighed as she muttered,

“I don’t know, Dan. I honestly don’t know who that was. But he looked like you. I should’ve known he wasn’t you, but I was excited and wasn’t thinking. He took advantage of me. When you left, I was so close to killing him or beating him to within an inch of his life. But he was gone. I never meant to cheat on you or hurt you.”

Annabelle’s tears rolled down her cheeks. Dan only responded by rubbing them off tenderly, a slight smile on his face.

“It’s all right. It’s not your fault. You’re a victim. I swear, I wish we knew who he was. I’d kick his ass to next Sunday.” Annabelle giggled at that, finding it cute, and nodded as she grinned.

“Sounds nice. Wanna go out, maybe get some breakfast?” She nudged her head slightly, indicating Bast yawning and stretching on the couch with a grunt.

Dan answered, “Sure, though we still have a lot to talk about. Just, please, I want you to promise me you’ll tell the truth. I won’t be angry.” He looked towards her trying to look as sincere as possible. Annabelle watched him, and he noticed her eyes flashing a light gold before she nodded.

“I can do that. I’ve never lied to you, and I won’t start now. That’s what partners are for.” She smiled, her voice calming as she gave off the same relaxed tone. It reminded him of an old friend who he could walk with side by side, truly a person to whom he could be comfortable laying out all his problems. In many ways, she was perfect – perfect for him, that is.

“All right, well, I need to pick up my car from the bar where I left it first.” He turned over to look at the cat goddess.

“Bast, make sure Gizzy doesn’t burn down the house,” he ordered.

“Whatever,” was the response, “though bring me a fish when you get back. Otherwise, I might join her.” Bast jumped down from the couch and started walking off, tail flicking as if she were annoyed and grouchy at Dan. He shrugged, figuring he would never understand her.

He and Annabelle walked the few blocks to the bar where his car had been left, and then they drove to the nearest Waffle House. They both ordered bacon and eggs with a side of waffles, of course. Dan noticed the jukebox standing in the corner on the other side of the place was playing “Don’t Rock the Jukebox.”

Ironic, especially with Alan Jackson singing, “I don’t feel like rocking since my baby’s gone.” Dan shuddered as he listened to the lyrics– he was sure his heart wouldn’t be ready for the Rolling Stones, either.

Annabelle finally said, “Okay, Dan, you said we still have a lot to talk about. I can tell – what do you want to ask me?” She adjusted her glasses, then started idly playing with her wedding band, As If she was tempted to take it off.

“Did you mess with my relationship with Vanessa, and if you did, why?” He leaned into the table looking at her with those sweet eyes. Annabelle shuddered, hardly able to even look him in the eyes, as she took in a deep breath – like she was trying to find the courage to answer this.

Dan suspected she was worried he’d lose his shit again and walk out on her. No, not this time. He wasn’t planning on doing something so cowardly. This time he was going to stay to the bitter end.

“You said you wouldn’t get angry at me. I expect you to keep your promise,” Annabelle said with a sigh. Dan nodded. He planned on keeping that promise, no matter what he heard. He owed her that much.

“I did mess with your relationship,” she admitted and took another deep breath. “I remember the first time I ever saw you – It was five years ago. You were in a fire. I’m sure you remember that, right?”

“Yeah, of course. It was horrible. Honestly, I was lucky to have survived that. Though I never really like talking about it. Kind of a terrible time.” He shuddered as he remembered feeling the heat against his body.

“The thing was, Dan, you weren’t supposed to have survived that. On that day, I was supposed to reap you, take your soul off to the other side. I was about to – you won’t believe how close you were to my embrace on that day. Then something happened.” Annabelle felt a smile spread over her face as she looked down at the cup of coffee in front of her.

“What happened?” Dan simply asked.

“I fell in love,” Annabelle admitted.

“You were so afraid – I know that face. When you mortals are close to death, you have this look that begs me not to reap you. Sometimes you don’t even realize that you have that look. But I’ve seen it so many times, it normally doesn’t affect me. But when I saw you, my heart, well – it skipped a beat. It screamed for you, and I did the only thing I wanted to do – something I’d never done for any mortal in my entire existence in this world… I didn’t reap you. I spared you that night.”

“But didn’t you say that sparing anyone was meant to die was a dangerous thing? it broke the laws of nature or something?” Dan muttered, not sure how to feel about all of this.

“It does – I don’t know why, but you’re different. I’ve heard it’s like once a generation that a person who is spared from death when they were supposed to die won’t cause problems, but not even we know who they are, so we never risk it. But I guess I got lucky with you. Though it has left a mark on your soul.” With that, the waitress appeared with their food. They each ate a few bites.

Dan finally responded, “Well, I guess that isn’t too bad. Though how does it lead to – well, what happened?”

Annabelle giggled. “You know, that’s one of the things I like about you, Danny – always asking questions and wondering about things. Well, to tell you the truth, I was content with letting you live for a long time and take you as my own when you left the mortal world. But I kept watching you, and after five years, I couldn’t take it anymore. But by then, you were with someone.”

“Vanessa…” Dan muttered under his breath.

“Yes, Vanessa. I admitted I was jealous when I discovered you were with her. I wanted to get rid of her. I was even tempted to reap her. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. So I did something just as bad. But I regret it now. She was scheduled to feel lustful that night. Have a few drinks and sleep with you, practically throw herself on you. But when I realized it was about to happen, I made a suggestion pointing her towards someone else. No idea who it was, but I just threw her towards him.”

“So it was your fault we broke up after she cheated on me.” Dan let a tinge of anger creep into his voice, but he pushed the feeling away.

Annabelle nodded and said, “Yes, It was wrong, and I shouldn’t have done that… I understand if you want to leave me. I don’t deserve your forgiveness… if you want, I can leave you, and you’ll never see me again.” Annabelle felt herself about to cry, but she knew she deserved it. She had royally fucked up. She felt selfish. She was about to get up from the table and walk off when Dan reached over, grabbing her by the arm.

“I don’t want you to go,” he said. “I mean, I’m mad that you did that, but the fact is, it’s over and done with, so we might as well move on from what has happened.”

“So you’re forgiving me for this.”

“Not fully. I think we’ll have to earn each other’s trust again, but I think we should start over. My name’s Dan. Dan Fremont.” He raised his hand as if to greet her, a small smile on his face.

Annabelle watched him for a second and then nodded.

“I’m Annabelle Fremont. I’m your wife.” She giggled as she shook his hand. They got up, and in the middle of that Waffle House, the two pulled each other into a hug and shared a kiss. Neither of them cared who was watching them as they embraced each other for what seemed like the longest time, not a care in the world.

“How about we go somewhere more private, honey?” Dan whispered as he reached over giving her buttocks a slight squeeze. Annabelle giggled in response as she eagerly nodded. Dan quickly paid, leaving a twenty on the table, just enough for the food and a tip before they ran off. Wherever they were running, it didn’t matter – the two had each other, and that was all that mattered.

To be continued.

By DustinMidnight for Literotica


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