Married to a Goddess: part 6

Goddesses line up to enjoy Dan’s bed.

By DustinMidnight.  Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

In front of him were three beautiful women, each of them gorgeous in their own way. Annabelle went to give each of the girls a hug.

She started with the blonde, who was wearing a pink tank top and a baseball cap, Plus a pair of short shorts that barely covered her ass. The woman smiled and hugged back.

“Annabelle! It’s so great to see you!” cooed the blonde “It’s been what, 50 years?” After Annabelle broke the hug, the blonde gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Come on, Aphrodite. It’s only been a few years. How had Hephaestus been?”

“Oh, the usual. Working nonstop and hanging out in his forge. Though Aries always manages to take care of my needs. Right, honey buns?” She giggled, looking back at the man. He grunted and nodded with a thumbs-up.

Annabelle moved on to hug the dark-skinned, dark-haired woman in the center who was wearing traditional-looking Indian garb.

“Kali, how’s it going?” she asked. “Been destroying anything?”

“Not for a while. No one has given me a reason to truly destroy. Though I suppose it’s good for the world. You know, I’ve heard you were married.” The woman looked past Annabelle, towards Dan, who gave a wave. It was then he noticed the woman who went by the name Kali had six arms, no, maybe it was ten. All he could tell was that she was very handy. He thought she was quite beautiful, although then he noticed she was wearing a necklace of small skulls. He gulped at that.

The woman sneered. “He doesn’t seem like much. Too skinny. And Shiva is more handsome.” She shrugged shoulders and patted Annabelle’s back with one of her lower arms.

The third woman looked Japanese and wore a pink silk robe with red trim.

Annabelle moved to hug her and said, “Amaterasu, you’re looking good. How’s raising the sun going?”

The woman kept her eyes down. “It has been fine. Though it’s been quite a trip here today. Can we please begin our meeting? The day is young, just as I am.” She bowed her head.

“Sure, come in,” said Annabelle, waving them in from the hallway. “We have a lot to talk about. Oh, and let me formally introduce my husband. His name is Dan.” Annabelle smiled as she gestured toward him, showing him off like he was a brand-new pet. Dan wondered if any of the visitors were going to pat him on the head.

“He seems nice,” said Aphrodite, “But why go all the way and get married instead of just having a fling? I remember the last time I was married to a mortal.” The beautiful woman shuddered as she looked off into the distance.

Dan couldn’t help but ask,

“What happened?”

“It was horrible! I had to cook, I had to clean, no one paid attention to me, I was treated like a wench. He wasn’t even great in bed!”

Dan might have felt bad for her if she hadn’t been sounding like a Real Housewife of Beverly Hills. He assumed she was overexaggerating.

“So what did you do?” he asked.

“Oh, I started the Trojan War and had him killed as soon as he went out into battle. Just like that, I was free, and I could get back with my handsome lug of a boyfriend.” Although she was wearing wedge sandals with tall platforms, she still had to get up on tiptoes to give the man behind her a kiss. He didn’t show much expression, just nodded and grunted again.

“Well, that’s… nice.” Dan felt his head drop. He wasn’t sure how to react to that. This was really a situation of utter weirdness, but he figured he’d just go with the flow.

“Aphrodite, please don’t scare my husband. I don’t want him to run away from me just ‘cause you put crazy thoughts in his head.” Annabelle leaned over and kissed his neck. Dan’s cheeks turned to a deep red in utter surprise as he smiled at his wife/goddess.

Aphrodite smirked. “Oh, fine, heh. Besides, I’m just teasing the cutie. Hey, we better get down to business. I have a manicure appointment in Thessaloniki around six, and I don’t want to be late. Then me and Aries-baby are gonna go out to get a drink. He wants to get in a bar fight tonight. He has to let out his anger since wars aren’t happening as much as they used to.”

Aries nodded as a small smirk crossed his stoic face, as though he couldn’t wait to bust heads.

“Well, okay,” said Annabelle, raising one eyebrow. “Yes, let’s get started. Dan, can I ask you to head to another room? Not that I don’t want you here, but this is a discussion between gods. And I don’t think you’d enjoy hearing us speak in Celestial.” Annabelle smiled and lightly kissed his forehead. Dan was briefly annoyed, but thinking it over for a second, he decided going elsewhere would be the best option.

He nodded and said, “Sure I’ll just hang out with Gizzy or something, if I can find her.” He rubbed the back of his head. He was curious about what the Celestial language was, but he had a feeling if he heard it, something bad might happen. He imagined being driven to the point of madness, like maybe no mortal was supposed to truly hear the voice of gods.

But then it made him wonder… Did Annabelle actually look like this, or was it just that his mind perceived her as a beautiful woman who looked very much human?. He sighed.

“Thanks, sweetheart. I’ll call you when we’re finished.” Annabelle leaned over and kissed his cheek, and he nodded, heading off down the hallway toward the bedroom.

Vanessa stumbled into her room. Her body was hurting. She wasn’t sure what was going on. She felt as though she was dying. She couldn’t eat and had barely slept. She felt like she was being dragged through a pasture filled with cow shit, and hitting every stinking load those cattle made. She was regretting life. She hated that she had ever met Joe Liesmith. She wished she could just flat-out die.

But she was sure that if she tried killing herself, Liesmith would just bring her back. He wasn’t human, he was a being, more like a demon in human flesh. But he was strange. He forced her to save people’s lives, preventing their deaths, keeping them among the living. She was doing all sorts of good. Yet at the same time, it felt as though she was actually doing harm, like she wasn’t supposed to be doing this. Every instinct told her to run, to hide, to get away from that man. But she couldn’t, no matter where she went. No matter where Vanessa hid, Liesmith would find her. It was like they were bonded.

Vanessa got down on her knees next to her bed. She hadn’t done this for a long time, not since her mother died. She cried and began praying to God.

“Please, God, help me, I’m in danger, I’m afraid, I’m afraid that I’m being attacked by a demon… or an angel. I don’t know, but I feel like he’s killing me. Please protect me. I’m begging you. H-He’s scaring me, but I don’t know why. Send help. Protect me. Just get this monster out of my life. I beg you, I’m begging you! I’ll follow you. I’ll go to church for you. Fuck, I’ll become a nun if I have to! But please save me from this demon, this Joe Liesmith!”

“Oh, come on now, I’m not that much of a demon, now, am I, darling?” Joe Liesmith purred. He was suddenly lying on the bed, an apple in one hand and a knife in the other. He slowly began peeling the skin off the fruit.

Vanessa recoiled and weakly sank closer to the floor. “What are you?” she asked.

“Hmm, I’m me. I’m Joe Liesmith. But if you must know what I am, well, it’s clear you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed. But how about this. I’ll tell you, I’m not some insignificant demon, I’m not a monster, But I am a god.” He stood up on the bed as his body glowed. Vanessa felt herself stumbling backward, scooting a couple feet across the floor, coughing hard as she looked up to him, her body trembling in utter fear.

“You’re not a god. Gods are supposed to be good, not hurt people. Protectors.” She trembled even more. She wanted to run away, try and get away from this beast. But Liesmith smirked as he looked down at her. Oh, how he loved looking down at mortals; how small, how insignificant they are, only ready to be used when he wanted to use them.

“But I am what I am,” he said. “The fact is, you’re in my world. I’m just letting you live here.” He chuckled as he leaned down and reached to Cares her chin with his fingers.

Vanessa backed away again. “What is it you want?”

“Oh, nothing much, just to get your former boyfriend to leave his wife, my ex-wife. He took something that belongs to me, and as I’ve said once, and I’ll say again, I don’t like to share.”

He growled as though something was pulsing in his head. It was almost as if anything that went wrong would drive this creature, this god off the rails, and nothing would sate him until he felt everything was restored.

“Then why are you hurting me? Why am I in pain?” Her breathing was getting heavy as she felt her legs trembling underneath her.

Liesmith chuckled more as he leaned down.

“Because life is pain, it’s chaos, it’s unruly madness. My alignment is for creating and building, but at the same time, letting that creation destroy and run around like a pure monster.” He gave a sinister smile, his crooked smirk growing wider.

“So I have something I need you to do, nothing too crazy. Just go to a bar. Drink till you throw up for all I care, but be there. Maybe seduce your old boyfriend. Dan Fremont, seriously, who names their kid that? It sounds like a name for a parody anchorman. Whatever. Just be there, and try to do what you can to get him to leave Annabelle.” He chuckled as he reached to cares her cheeks with the backs of his hands.

“If you do this, I’ll reward you. You can live forever and retain eternal youth. I can do that, let you live forever.” He reached down, kissing her forehead. Vanessa looked up at him and felt nothing but fear. Fear that If she didn’t do this, he’d keep her alive anyway, live and suffering till the end of days, if that would ever arrive.

“O-okay.” She reached to take the god’s hand. She felt as if she was shaking the hand of the very devil himself. It made her sick to her stomach that she was even doing something like this, but what choice did she have?

“Kick him in the balls! Kick him!” Gizzy the gremlin screamed as she raised her fist in the air, watching the television in one of the new rooms Annabelle had created in the apartment, this one done up like a man cave, complete with a bar and a pinball machine.

“Gizzy, this is boxing. They don’t do that. You’re thinking of MMA fighting,” Dan explained as he sipped a beer. Aries was in the room, too, quietly sitting and nodding as he drank his own beer.

The war god finally spoke up. “I miss the old fighting the Greeks did. No rules, no holding back. A fight till you were either knocked out or dead. Sometimes both. I remember watching Drákos báles fight the champion. The man lost an eye but won the battle. I mean, you should have seen it! The man’s eye was hanging out of his skull!” Aries raised his beer in excitement. The two opponents on TV were beating the hell out of each other in the ring, with such power behind each of them. Dan and the others didn’t know who was fighting, or where the fight was taking place. It had just appeared with the TV turned on.

Mercifully, a bell rang and the boxers stopped and returned to their corners. While he had a chance, Dan asked, “So, since you are having an affair with Aphrodite. any advice I should have about being married to a goddess of lust?”

“You need advice from me on being married to a goddess?” Aries grunted and took a swig of his beer. “Okay, one piece of advice I can give you is very important, ever stick it in the wrong hole. Did that once by accident with Pumpkin in there, and next thing, I knew she clawed my eyes out. I had to ask Hephaestus to replace them. The motherfucker started laughing his ass off. I ended up blind for a week while that fucker built new eyes for me. Though I will admit, they look cool as fuck.” As if Aries knew what Dan was about to ask, he pulled his sunglasses down, revealing two balls of flame that glowed like a pair of red suns, appearing to stare down deep into Dan’s soul.

“Well, that’s something I never expected to deal with,” Dan muttered, taking another drink.

Aries nodded and agreed,

“Yep, though, hey, shit like being able to get new eyes is one of the few benefits of being a god But, fuck, it can suck at times. You mortals think it’s so easy being a god. Going, ‘Oh, how I wish to be a god, how much fun It would be to have all that power doing so much, nothing could stop me.’ Trust me, being a god is the most annoying thing out there. Gotta follow all the rules. And when we help out mortals, you get all pissy when one of your fellow humans fucks up our plans. I mean, yeesh. Then you run after the next new god who comes along. Take Jesus, for example. The guy walks on water and makes water into wine, and next thing I know, my temples and everyone else’s get toppled by his nutty followers. I swear, if the wine the guy makes wasn’t the best I’ve ever had, I’d kick his ass.”

“Wait, so Jesus was real? Sorry, I was an atheist before all this.” Dan responded.

Aries nodded and said, “Oh, yeah, he’s basically a demigod, and he’s still around. The guy’s not as impressive as you think. I used to raise armies of the dead to fight my enemies. Aphrodite could make thousands fall under her spell. But a man from the Middle East just makes water into wine, walks on water, and heals the sick a few times, and suddenly he’s super-hot. It’s insane! I mean, I wasn’t Mr. Popular, but come on!”

Dan looked over towards Gizzy, who didn’t seem to be paying any attention to the conversation. She was just watching the boxing match, throwing the old one-two with her little arms. Dan chuckled in spite of himself at the sight of the small female figure imitating the fighters. Aries continued, “Well, anyway, I’m still able to get some worshippers. Just some clever work needs to be done. But I’m more relaxed than some of the newer gods. Those guys can be assholes.”

“How so?” Dan asked. He had his eyes on the fight, but his ears on the war god.

“Well, basically, a bunch of them are like teenagers. Take this one guy I know. He’s basically a god of the Internet. Super douchebag. Feels like he needs to be in control. Super control issues with wanting to bring on madness. It’s like the worst aspects of Loki and Zeus rolled into one.”

“Really? Any examples?”

“Well, I can’t get into too much detail, but the guy had a thing for a goddess, and she rejected him at first, before he went ahead and pulled a Zeus and tricked her into marrying him. Though unlike Zeus, this guy isn’t even top shit. Just a side god. So they ended up separated, and the fucker has been bitter ever since. Hell, he was humiliated and laughed at.”

“Damn. Well, guess the guy deserves it.”

“Oh, yeah, but fuck, can the newer gods be a pain in the ass, especially the ones that don’t need prayers. Honestly, you’re lucky with Annabelle. She’s the type that has a level head on her shoulders. Even Aphrodite wasn’t as calm. She’s really mellowed out over the years. But trust me, on a good Saturday night, the girl can be wild. I can put money on that.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, yeah. Though it’s been an interesting time. I mean, if anyone told me a month ago, I’d be married to a goddess today, I’d have called them crazy, or something like that.”

Aries lowered his sunglasses. “Yeah, I guess so. Though, hey, it’s a crazy world out there, even for us gods.”

“Yep,” Dan agreed. “Hey, are you ready for another beer?” He realized his bottle was nearly finished.

“Sure, sounds good. I can use a few before going off on my date with Aphrodite.” Dan got up to cross the room to the bar, and realized Gizzy was building something. He could see she had an assortment of scrap metal on the floor in front of her.

“Gizzy, what are you doing?” he asked.

Gizzy looked up as she tightened a screw.

“Dilzooka…” was her response. Dan raised an eyebrow and said, “Okay, I have to ask. What’s a dilzooka?” Aries crossed his arms and leaned forward, a scowl on his face. Gizzy rolled her eyes, rummaged briefly through the scrap metal and came up with a suction-cup-backed dildo in one hand, a long metal tube in the other. She put the dildo in one end of the tube and quickly counted down: “1; 2; 3; Fire!”

A loud blast came from the dilzooka. Dan jumped for cover. The long rubber object bounced all over the place until it finally stopped. Dan raised his head to try to assess the damage. There didn’t seem to be any major holes in the wall or ceiling. Gizzy looked triumphant, as if it had been a successful test of her device. Aries, though, was standing in the middle of the room with the dildo’s suction cup attached right in the center of his forehead.

Dan fought off the urge to laugh. The war god looked almost like a dick-headed unicorn, or maybe the word should be dildicorn. Aries just groaned as he reached up and ripped the dildo off. Gizzy was now giggling up a storm.

“I’m going to see if they’re done talking,” Aries muttered, stomping out of the room.

Eventually, Aries came back to give Dan the all-clear. He went back to the living room to see the women sitting on the couches and smiling. Kali looked a bit bedraggled, her colorful garb torn in a few places. Dan couldn’t help but ask,

“Okay, what happened?”

The Hindu goddess crossed her arms and looked away, clearly annoyed.

Annabelle answered, “Oh, nothing much. She and Bast got into a disagreement. One thing led to another, and… well, Kali owes us a new dining room.”

“I do not! It was the Egyptian pussy who was running in there while I was trying to destroy her!” Kali screamed in anger, her face turning darker, as if she was about to lose her temper.

“Kali, you were throwing the fireballs. You don’t want to be hit with karma, now, do you? Should I tell Shiva exactly what happened?” Annabelle lowered her glasses as she glared at the other goddess. Kali growled in annoyance, then just sighed and shook her head.

“Fine, I’ll have Shiva transfer the rubies and have them converted into American dollars to have your dining room repaired.”

The gods soon began leaving. On their way out, Aphrodite couldn’t help but ask Aries,

“Sweetie pie, why is there a red circle on your head?”

Aries responded with only a quiet grunt and groan. The goddess of love nodded as they began walking out the door. From the hallway, she turned around and smiled at Annabelle and Dan.

“It was nice to meet you, Dan,” she said. “From what Annabelle says, you’re pretty nice for a mortal. I’m sure she won’t start a war and get you killed.” She giggled, and Dan wasn’t sure whether or not she was joking.

The front door shut, and Annabelle said, “I think Aphrodite likes you, Dan. Maybe I should keep a special eye on you.” She giggled and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Heh, no need to worry. Aries can keep her. One goddess is enough for me.” Dan chuckled, but then a hand grabbed his shoulder.

“Don’t you mean two goddesses, boy? This kitty needs attention also.” He turned to see Bast, in her mostly-human form. She wore clothes that were in tatters, and she looked as though she had a black eye. Dan gulped.

Running footsteps came from the other direction.

“Don’t forget about me!” Gizzy screamed, launching herself into his arms. He barely managed to catch her, and saw she was still holding the dilzooka.

Dan rolled his eyes and chuckled. Life had truly gotten strange.

Now that the others had finally left, Dan let out a long sigh and took a seat on the couch.

“Yesh, what a day,” Dan grumbled. At this point he just wanted to relax a little, maybe put on a movie and not worry about gods or goddesses.

“Hungry, Annabelle?” Dan asked his wife with a smile.

Annabelle chuckled,

“Don’t you know it. I swear, I love talking to the girls, but they do nothing more than get into trouble. Especially Kali and Bast. Those two would be the death of me, I swear. What are you thinking about? I could cook us something.” She snapped her fingers and her clothes transformed into an apron and not much else. Dan shuddered, not knowing what she might cook. He liked what she was wearing, so he almost joked about having her for dinner, but thought better of it.

He suggested, “I have ground beef and some other stuff. Maybe we could make something together. How does tacos sound?” If the two of them made dinner together, he reasoned, he’d be able to keep an eye on her. You know, make sure she didn’t accidentally poison him.

“Hmm, sounds good, though I’m sure you just want to keep an eye on my plump ass,” Annabelle teased as she struck a pose, her butt jiggling just for him.

They headed off into the kitchen. Dan rummaged through the refrigerator. They had enough ingredients for some taco salad. Maybe he should have gone to the store for some taco shells, but for the most part, they had what they needed.

“Well, we better get started,” Dan chuckled while handing Annabelle the package of beef. It just needed to be opened up and put in a frying pan.

They spent a half-hour cooking, music playing on the kitchen speakers. Dan gave Annabelle the job of cutting the onions. He checked them over carefully before handing them over. Annabelle had grabbed a head of lettuce out of the fridge, and it appeared to age rapidly, turning just short of brown. But she seemed to have absolutely no effect on the onions. Dan shook his head, not sure what that was all about, but went with the flow. Eventually they finished cooking, adding the seasoned beef to the vegetables and filling the plates.

Dan stuck his head out of the kitchen door and called for the others,

“Dinner! Get it while it’s hot!”

He heard a thud, then a crash, then running footsteps, and then Gizzy practically bouncing out of the long hallway. The gremlin ran through like a bat out of hell, screaming,

“Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!” As she ran past Dan, she grabbed a plate out of his hands, then a fork off the kitchen counter, then did a quick 180-degree turn and ran off as furiously as she had arrived.

Dan looked down at his now-empty hand and said, “You know, Annabelle, I think Gizzy needs to lay off the cocaine.”

“Dear me, imagine what would happen if we gave a gremlin cocaine? What would even happen if they discovered the stuff?” Annabelle shuddered as she imagined the horror.

“We can only pray, but thankfully, I don’t think she’ll discover it. At least, I’m not planning on bringing any home,” Dan laughed as he grabbed another plate for himself.

The couple sat on the couch watching a random movie as they ate. Dan realized something was missing. “Where’s Bast?” he asked. Annabelle shrugged in response. One of the main characters in the movie was a cop, played by a good-looking actress with long legs and red hair.

“Hmm, she seems nice,” Annabelle said with a smirk, noticing Dan paying close attention to the closeups of the redhead.

“Yeah, she’s quite the actor. Not bad-looking, either.” Dan glanced toward the goddess, who took another bite, then chewed slowly as if she were thinking.

Annabelle swallowed and said, “That she is. I wonder if she’ll solve the case, or what. Maybe she’ll hook up with her partner.”

“Who knows?” Dan asked. “I guess we’ll find out. Though what if she went for the neighbor? You know, the nice girl next door. Normally you don’t see something like that.” Dan took a bite that was mostly lettuce, crunching with each chew.

“Oh, maybe. Of course, I wouldn’t mind getting in bed with her,” Annabelle teased, nudging her shoulder into Dan.

“Oh, come on. Who wouldn’t you sleep with, darling?” Dan joked, returning the nudge.

“Hmm; well, Mr. Fremont, I’ll have you know, I have a whole list of people I wouldn’t sleep with.” Annabelle said in a scoffing voice that made her sound prim and proper.

Dan chuckled and tried his own accent.

“Oh, and who might be on the list of those you wouldn’t share a bed with, Ms. Fremont?” It was supposed to be Australian, but it sounded more like a drunk man trying to imitate an Irish accent and having it come out Scottish.

“Pfft, well, I say that accent might put you on the list for a week,” Annabelle teased, digging into the taco salad.

“Oh, you are so mean to your husband.” Dan chuckled. They paused to pay attention to the movie for a sudden fight scene between the male lead and some low-level villain.

The movie cut to another scene, and Annabelle continued, “Mm-hmm, yes, I’m so mean to my handsome, sexy husband. I never do anything nice for him.” She put her empty plate down on the coffee table, then leaned in to bite Dan’s neck and playfully nibble at it.

“Oh, yes, So mean to me. Especially when you walk around nearly naked, teasing me.” Dan chuckled and leaned back. Annabelle looked up and gave him that look. Dan just had to smirk.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked, leaning in closer.

Annabelle reached over, taking his empty plate and putting it next to hers on the coffee table.

“Well, I was thinking, maybe we can have some fun. Maybe act out a fantasy. Sure, it’ll be a quick one, but I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun.” She reached down and gave his thigh a squeeze.

Dan was curious. “Hmm, what do you have in mind? Maybe it should be simple. I don’t want you exerting yourself too much.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll come up with something; something I’ve been wanting to try for the longest time. But I might need to regain some power, so I might have to go to a strip club and get some worshipped. A night should do it.” She leaned in and whispered in his ear,

“Or would you be jealous? Having other men watch me, worshipping my perfect body, watching my firm tits as I sway and show off for them.” She licked Dan’s ear, moaning gen.

“Hmm, let them watch, baby, 'cause that’s all they can ever do. Me; I get to do a lot more than watch.” Dan chuckled. He really was falling more in love with the goddess, even if he had a hard time fully admitting it. He reached over, wrapping his arms around her, and kissed her neck, even giving it a light bite and nibble.

“Oh, careful there, honey buns, you might leave a mark, make those wolves all jealous.” Annabelle giggled and pulled away. from him.

“Okay, time to start the fantasy.” She made a show of raising her fingers and preparing to give a little snap. Then they’d make a little love before getting down that night.

Dan Realized he had no idea what the fantasy was even going to be. Just as he exclaimed,

“Annabelle, way,” the goddess snapped her fingers and everything went dark.

“ate!” Dan groaned as he rubbed his eyes. He realized he needed to start talking to her about what these fantasies were. Otherwise, he might be in some serious trouble. He wasn’t sure where she got her ideas, were they from his subconscious, or were they things she’d always enjoyed doing? Her powers absolutely confused him.

“Now, where the hell am I?” His vision started to clear, and he realized he was sitting behind a steering wheel. From where he was sitting, it looked like he was in the middle of nowhere, and the car was clearly a '71 Chevy Impala.

“Damn it, Annabelle, I wish you’d warned me before you put me in the middle of nowhere,” he groaned, rubbing his temples. The key was in the ignition, so he started up the engine. The moment he figured out what the fantasy was, the better off he would be, he decided. He assumed he was supposed to drive down the lonely country road alongside the car. He guessed that he might be picking up a sexy hitchhiker,

Yeah, that’s it, a sexy hitchhiker, Dan thought, as he pulled onto the road and started keeping a good pace. Her car’s broken down, and I help get it fixed. Or maybe I take her to a local motel while she waits to get a tow truck out here. This is so remote that she can’t get the truck here until the morning, but she thanks me by having me stay over. Such a good plan. Sexy, also. He smirked while imagining how that could go. Anonymous sex, with a bit of kink to it. Dan really liked the sound of it. His cock pulsed as it hardened, while he imagined plunging it into his wife’s sweet cunt.

He reached over and turned on the radio. Elvis was singing “Burning Love.” Listening to the song, Dan couldn’t help but feel reminded of how he and Annabelle met in such a strange way. Sure, the memories were still fuzzy, but it was clearly a good night. He started singing along, imitating Elvis’s voice, when without warning, a set of blinking red and blue lights started flashing in his rear-view mirror.

“Shit!” Dan exclaimed, slowing down and looking for a place to pull over. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen. He took a deep breath and prepared for the worst, not even thinking about the fantasy now. He stopped in a wide gravel area, ready to pull out his license and do whatever the cop wanted.

He kept his hands on the wheel, looking forward and taking a deep breath. There was a knock on the window, and he reached over and quickly cranked it down.

“License and registration,” came a gruff voice. Dan didn’t dare to look over. He just hoped his wallet and license were in his pocket; they were; and the registration was in the glove compartment; it was. Dan handed both items over, then finally turned to look at the cop. She looked like Annabelle, though Dan barely recognized her, since she was wearing a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses. Beneath her police hat, her hair was tied up, and it was as red as fire.

She glanced at the license and asked the usual question,

“Do you know how fast you were going?”

To be continued.

By DustinMidnight


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