An Angel For Bishop: Part 4

A Criminal Investigation Exposes Powerful Alliances. But Willow Becomes Free & Legal.

By BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Dan felt completely inadequate for the task of healing Willow. He knew he could love her and was surprised that he was already starting to feel that way towards her. He reminded himself that they'd only met the day before and there'd been a lot of intense emotion involved in that short time. Before he started throwing words like love around he needed to get some perspective. Difficult to get when her soft body was clinging to him.

An Angel For Bishop: Part 3

Willows tortured past exposes itself.

By BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

"But you don't want me?" she whispered in a tiny girl voice her hands clenched in her lap, her eyes down, and tears trickling down her cheeks.

"Of course I want you! But- but you're a beautiful woman not a, toy to be stolen, shared, or traded around. I didn't win you from that asshole! I didn't kill him so I could steal you for my own. I killed him because he was going to kill you and you deserve to live and he didn't. Yes, I rescued you but not so you could belong to me but so you could have your own life and make those decisions for yourself." Dan was shaking in reaction by this point.

An Angel For Bishop: Part 2

Willows most serious injuries are in her psychie.

By BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

"Willow? Willow!" Dan said, trying to get her attention.

She jumped slightly then flinched, expecting a slap.

"It's okay, you can eat. I made sure it's not too hot. It's safe," he said gently.

She lifted the spoon awkwardly then scooped a good amount into her mouth. She froze when the porridge hit her tongue. Her eyes closed in bliss as she rolled the warm porridge across her tongue then swallowed it. She glanced at Dan from under her bangs then quickly took another scoop, then another. Accelerating. Dan reached out and gently took her hand. She froze and looked down, trembling.

An Angel For Bishop: Part 1

When two damaged souls collide can they find salvation.

By BurntRedstone. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Chapter 1

The early winter storm raged and thrashed across the mountain range. It seemed especially angry with the narrow mountainside road Dan was cautiously driving his jeep on. The fierce winds fought to push the jeep across the icy road into the deep ravine below. If it wasn't for the heavy tire chains he'd installed at the base of the mountain he'd already be tumbling down that cliff.

Kosher Virgins Share A Sabbath Tryst

A Shy Jewish Teen’s Very First Time

By nutmegman - Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


In 1981, I was a good Jewish lad, living in a little town in Western Massachusetts. I was still in high school and had just turned 19 in my senior year.

I was very, very shy while growing up. I didn’t really expand my friends much in high school. I was super quiet and extremely shy. I barely spoke to any girls, except for Carrie. She was in my Temple USY (Jewish religious youth group) and a little younger than me at 18.

Carrie helped me overcome my shyness with her when we were very little, so that we remained close friends and spoke almost daily on the phone throughout our teen years.

The Audition: Mother-in-Law’s Exam

Man must audition sexually for fiancee’s family. 

by  deadeye_76, listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, 2010:

“Your family wants me to do what?!?!” I said this in a harsh whisper to my fiancé. We were in her bedroom at her family home on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, having gone there for the weekend. What she had just told me was shocking. I couldn’t believe my ears and she was sitting there looking shocked and stunned herself, tears forming in her eyes. I started pacing and thinking about what I should say. But first, let me tell you how we got to this point.

Yours for the Weekend

Dorothea visits her hometown for Christmas.

By megalodon - Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.


Dorothea fiddles with her scarf, nerves tangling her insides as she gazes out the window. Her hometown seems so small thousands of feet below her private jet, a village of dollhouses, and she smiles to herself, the view bringing back memories of her childhood.

She’ll be seeing them again, all her childhood friends. After all these years, how much have they changed? Lord knows she’s not the gangly teenager she once was, wishing her friends goodbye as she boarded the plane to California, giddy with optimism and naivete. She bites back a wistful smile as she remembers all her friends waving her off. Well, nearly all of them. All but her high school sweetheart, Elliot.

Young Bride: Given In Marriage.

Cecily is a young woman who will get married.

by Lady_Mary. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Chapter 1

I grew up in a very conservative family. My father was the boss in the family business, which was created by his father, which was my grandfather. My mother took care of the house and the children, whatever else she wanted to do the approval had to be given by my father. A wife was to be her husband’s adornment and calling card; I, my sisters and brothers were brought up with this motto.

Cecily? Father is calling you. I was pulled out of the activity by the voice of one of the brothers, Arthur.

I am on my way. I nod as I put my knitting aside. I run it over the fabric of my blue dress a few times to smooth it out and present myself impeccably in front of my father.

My father was a traditionalist. Together with our mother they took care of our impeccable dress. Especially the girls. Our dresses, because that was all we could wear, usually reached our ankles or mid-calf. Anything shorter was inappropriate. Tights were also compulsory. My family believed that ladies from good homes should always have them.

Young Bride: Given In Marriage.

Cecily is a young woman who will get married.

by Lady_Mary. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Chapter 1

I grew up in a very conservative family. My father was the boss in the family business, which was created by his father, which was my grandfather. My mother took care of the house and the children, whatever else she wanted to do the approval had to be given by my father. A wife was to be her husband’s adornment and calling card; I, my sisters and brothers were brought up with this motto.

Cecily? Father is calling you. I was pulled out of the activity by the voice of one of the brothers, Arthur.

I am on my way. I nod as I put my knitting aside. I run it over the fabric of my blue dress a few times to smooth it out and present myself impeccably in front of my father.

My father was a traditionalist. Together with our mother they took care of our impeccable dress. Especially the girls. Our dresses, because that was all we could wear, usually reached our ankles or mid-calf. Anything shorter was inappropriate. Tights were also compulsory. My family believed that ladies from good homes should always have them.


I nod in respect as I enter my father’s study. He sits in his swivel leather-covered chair, looking as perfect as ever in his suit trousers and white shirt, ironed by my mother.

He said in a cordial tone, indicating a chair for me to sit down, then said;  “Mother praises you immensely, you have become a great help to her. I am extremely pleased about that.”

“ Thank you, Father. Praise always makes me happy.” I said with a smile.

“Therefore,” Father puts the stack of papers aside. “I thought you were mature enough to think about your household”.

“My household?”  I repeated in surprise. I felt my face turn white.

“This is what awaits every woman. I thought my mother and I had instilled this in you all.” The man walks around the desk and sits on its edge almost beside me so that he can brush his fingertips against my cheeks. “You are our great pride. You will be the same for your husband. Lucky him.”

“So… who will it be?” I ask timidly.

“You will find out in time. You will like it. Of that I am certain.” Father blinks one eyelid at me. “First the engagement and a few… procedures involved.”

“Procedures?” I asked.

“Your mother will prepare you. You have nothing to fear. Well… That is all. You may return to your duties, my child.”

“Thank you, father.” I bow my head before I leave my father’s office.

My preparations for the nuptials began almost immediately… although I did not know to whom I would be married. I also still didn’t know anything about the procedures I was to go through and my father had mentioned them.

“The doctor will be with you shortly, lie still, my lady.” The maid instructed me.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with me, but it was necessary for the engagement to be announced. That is what mother and one of my brothers said.

So I was fulfilling a commitment. I lay in my huge bed, dressed in something like a nightdress, but much shorter than a standard one, for here the linen material ended above my knee.

I didn’t wait too long as the door to my room soon opened. I saw a man with blonde hair and at first sight he was two heads taller than me.

He placed his brown leather bag on the table that was next to the bed.

“Lady Cecily? I’m doctor Mason. I am here to confirm your readiness for the sacrament of marriage. I understand that this is your first examination of this kind, but I assure you that you have nothing to fear.” The young doctor sent me a weak smile. “ At first, I ask you to move down toward the base of the bed and spread your legs.”

“What? “ I could not believe what I had just heard. Red was on my cheeks almost immediately.

“Lady Cecily. It would be far better for yourself to do it voluntarily. Neither of us wants it to be unpleasant, do we?” he warned.

I obediently move down and spread my thighs. I seek solace in looking at the ceiling of my bedroom. It was decorated with hierubines that were supposed to watch over the cleanliness and good conduct of the girls.

“Wider. Lady Cecily, I will have to say a word to your father and husband-to-be. None of them will be pleased.”

“Excuse me… I never… “ I’m at a loss for words, but I spread my legs as he asks me. This contributes to the material of the garment falling up over my stomach and the man can now see my femininity.

“It’s very nice…” I feel the touch of a stranger’s single fingers on me. In a place so carefully hidden. The blonde man takes a seat on the stool between my legs. “I can see the hymen. It is not too thin That’s good. Your spouse will be pleased with this gift. Are you sinning?”

“Am I sinning?”  I ask almost in a whisper.

“Have you ever touched yourself in a sinful way? In places… that you shouldn’t have? Don’t lie. I’m a representative of the church. God listens and can punish.”

“No, no, never! I swear.” I plead terrified, but almost immediately I let out a shrill scream. I feel something inside me.

“Relax, it’s a good sign… Your husband will have something to work on.” I watch as the doctor slides one of his fingers out of the copper.  “With God’s Grace, you will not be a less fruitful woman than your mother. Undress.”

I untied the 3 bows on the front of the shirt without protest. I didn’t want my future spouse to think I was a troublemaker. I am far from it. I rose to a sitting position when asked to do so.

“Considerable for such a young person, but very nice. 85d to my eye.” He affirms, squeezing both my breasts in his hand, which makes me squeal. “Sensitive… Your husband will be really happy. Have you eaten anything since yesterday?”

“No, my mother told me not to eat anything after breakfast yesterday. The test could give bad results.”

I look up as the man walks away towards his leather bag. He looks for something for a moment.

“You have a wise mother. Kneel down politely on the floor.”

I do so, but first I throw on and tie my petticoat. I see the doctor smile but say nothing for a long moment. He takes slow steps towards me with something shiny in his hand, but I can’t see what it is.

“Open your mouth wide.” he ordered.

I do so immediately and unexpectedly the doctor stuffs something into my mouth, sort of like a bite block that a dentist might use, and ties it at the back of my head. My mouth opens even wider, which causes a slight pain.

“Take it easy. Put your hands behind your back and let them stay there.” The man sighs somewhat amused. “Now listen to me carefully. We must see how much you can take… it’s very important.”

Take? I understood absolutely nothing. I wanted to talk to the man, but my mouth was opened by some metal. I could not form anything into words. I kneel impatiently as the man walks towards his bag again and firmly presses something to the wall mirror. I am unable to see it for a long moment. Then at last I see it! I have heard about this… but a long time ago I put it out of my mind. Wives had to please their husbands in many ways when they were pregnant, often doing it with their mouths, wrapping their lips tightly around the penis to please the man. The doctor came to me and helped me to stand up, leading me to a kind of test where I knelt down again, facing the mirror.

“I know that the lesson programme for female marriage preparation talks about this. However, I understand that you may have forgotten. What you see is a dildo. Silicone. Here on the side.” He points his finger to the right side of the tool.  Numbers appear every few centimetres.

“This will tell us what level you are starting from. Hence the spider gag in your mouth so you can get the best possible result.”

I look at the man, at the reproduction of the male penis. It is so big and thick… I can’t take it. Indeed, it’s a good thing I haven’t eaten anything… although my stomach is starting to hurt just thinking about it.

“Go ahead. I won’t finish this visit until you take.”

I squeeze my hands together behind my back and slowly slide the dildo into my mouth. I start to choke when I feel it at the starting point of my throat and almost immediately pull my head back, causing me to cough and my eyes fill with tears.

“Try again,” he orders.

“I ca ca.” I want to say I can’t make it, but I can’t form any words and all doctor can hear is sobbing.

“Take it easy. Many young women fail to do this properly.” The doctor kneels beside me. “I’ll push your head and hold it for a while Okay? This might hurt a little.”

I nod in acknowledgement that I agree, although the truth is that he didn’t need my consent. I felt his large but gentle hands sink into my brown curly hair and after a moment he pushed my head without indicating. I’m running out of air, so my hands are almost immediately on the wall to push back. My saliva flows out of my mouth onto the floor and mixes with my tears. Soon the push subsides and I gasp loudly for air.

“10 centimetres. Perfect for a start, young lady.” I feel him unbuckle the strap from the spider gag on the back of my head and pull out the dildo.

“In the face of everything, I can confirm that you can marry. You can stand up, Lady Cecily.”

Although I was still a little stunned, a smile appeared on my face. My parents will be proud, especially my father.

“Thank you doctor and… I apologize for my behaviour.”

“Nothing has happened. Fortunately, you turned out to be as obedient as you are said to be.” The man hides the instruments in his bag and pulls out a notebook. “You bleed regularly, according to your mother… The only thing I can recommend is vitamins. This will help in creating a family and in bringing new life into this world.” He speaks confidently and writes down on a piece of paper, which he seals at the end. “God bless you, young bride.”

I say goodbye to the doctor, and immediately after him mother enters the chambers, before whom I bow as I did before my father to pay my respects.

“The doctor has praised you. Father is delighted. So is your fiancé.”

“Who is it? My fiancé?”

“Daughter… These things only happen at the altar.”  She says amused by my question, which I could ask several times a day. “Now you must be clothed and this must go back to its place.” She points to my belt, my virginity belt.

I have worn this attribute of maturity since I started menstruating. This has happened to every young woman in our faith. Without it, we might have sinned and tarnished the honour of the family, thus derailing any chance of a favourable marriage. It was locked with a key, and this was put in father’s possession. On the wedding day it will be given to my husband.

“Do married women… have to wear it too, mother?” I ask as she helps me put it on and then locks it.

“Depends on their husbands. When they are in a blessed state, they usually don’t, at least in the later stages of pregnancy.”

I look at my mother. She was only 36 years old and pregnant, another fruit of my parents’ marriage. My mother has never been without a child for more than 2 years. My parents believed that procreation was the purpose for which God created man and woman. They fulfilled it scrupulously. The Church also had this as the highest value of human life, especially of a woman.

“Your underwear needs to be replaced. This one is too childish for a married woman.” mother says. “The same with your dresses… but here your spouse will have a word.”

“I will put on your corset. A young married woman has no right to hunch over.” Mother pulls out my white Victorian-style corset from the wardrobe, to which I obediently allow myself to adorn and tie it, even though it was an uncomfortable piece of clothing.

“Can it be a little looser, please?”

“Wait a minute. You will soon get used to it. Look here, my dear.” I turn to the mirror & see my image. No one dreams of such a waist.

I smile because I would be lying if I didn’t like seeing how small I can be at this point on my body.

“Will my sister Elizabeth be coming to my nuptials?”

“It is hard to say. She is expecting a baby. It is a delicate time for a woman. You will see for yourself soon enough.”

A woman puts a white dress with embroidered sunflowers on me. My shoulders were prominent, so I was a bit surprised by this choice by my parent. However, I immediately understood that this little boldness was meant to imply that I was expecting the wedding. Exactly. Wedding!

“So when? When will it happen?” I ask.

“In a few days… Our faith wants a girl to become a woman on her fertile days, preferably on those… the most important ones. Yours is coming.”

For days afterwards, preparations were underway for the big event. The family and the servants were preparing for my wedding.

My belongings were packed, although most of my clothes remained. I was assured that a wardrobe tailor-made for a married woman awaited me in my new home. Mostly my cosmetics, bedding and a small collection of jewelry were completed.

I was obliged to go to bed early. Like a younger sibling, I was supposed to be in bed by 8.30 p.m. already. All this so that I would not be a tired bride. I was also taught the art of make-up and made sure my body was smooth. Husbands did not tolerate unnecessary hair.

“Lady Cecily, a box for you.” a servant said from the hall.

“A box? At this hour?” I ask surprised when the maid puts the box on my bed. It was of considerable size and wrapped in cobalt ribbon.  I have never received a package before bedtime. “Thank you. You may go.”  I had just come out of the bath wearing my robe and my belt was off for the bath.

I waited until I was alone and with great excitement began to open… a gift? I guess you could call it that. I took a deep breath and lifted the lid.

My God… what… white lace underwear appeared before my eyes. I took one part, which was supposed to be panties, but… it didn’t cover anything.

Only after a while did I see a small card. I take it in my hands with a trembling heart.

“Hello My Spouse-to-be. I’m sure you’re surprised by the contents of the package. Consider it a gift for the night that will make us soon married.”

“I will be extremely pleased to see you in it. I believe that you care about pleasing your husband.”

“Nevertheless, I know that you are a woman undefiled in deed or word. But I want to let you have a taste of the married life. I’ve discussed this with your parents, so you don’t have to worry about me tarnishing your good name.”

“At the bottom of the packet is something like an egg and a gel. I would like you to moisten your womanhood and gently insert the egg as deep as you can, my doll… ”

I lifted the full material of my underwear and pulled out a pink ball from under it. It did indeed look like a small egg. I took a deep breath and placed a few drops of gel on my fingers. I opened my legs and this opened up my womanhood. I rubbed some of the gel in, but thought it might be worth doing with the toy itself. I breathed deeply to relax and do the job properly. I moaned several times, feeling my hole being expanded and trying to swallow I took a piece of paper in my hands to read the rest of the letter.

“ Once you’ve done that, put on your belt. We don’t want a sinful moment to come over you. Give the key back to your maid who is waiting outside the door.”

“Then take your phone and call the number below…”

“Your future husband”

I was extremely uncomfortable in something inside. I was taking big steps, and it was apparently going to stay in me for an unknown amount of time. After putting on my virgin belt, I handed over the key to the maid who was indeed waiting outside the door

I sat on the bed, but this position was uncomfortable and I did much better when I lay down. I picked up the phone and with my thoughts swirling I called the number indicated. I did not wait long, because the call was answered.

“Um… hello? Lady Cecily?” I heard a warm male tone. Nice one.
I’ve been waiting for your call. So I believe you did what I asked for?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Okay.. so we can start.”

“Start wha, ah, ah!”  I screamed as I felt some vibrations in my womb, but almost immediately closed my mouth with one hand and the vibrations stopped.

“ What’s wrong, doll?” I heard the man’s amusement. “Forgive me. Apparently that’s too much to start with. I want you to lie down politely. Relaxed and closed eyes.”

I felt the vibrations again, but were much softer. But I couldn’t help but sigh.

They grew stronger every moment, and that made my breathing heavy. I felt the muscles in my lower abdomen tighten and the tension grew.

“Oh My…” I sigh loudly, but then the vibration stops. “What? why…”

“You need to rest, little doll. I cannot let you reach the pinnacle of pleasure. It awaits you only in our life together.”

“It was wonderful. Thank you… what’s your name?”

“You’ll find out soon. Now go to sleep as a good girl.” He said, then hung up. I experienced something like this for the first time… and it’s not the end, apparently. So, the life of a married woman… was also pleasurable?

by Lady_Mary for Literotica

Young Bride: Given In Marriage.

Cecily is a young woman who will get married.

by Lady_Mary. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Chapter 1

I grew up in a very conservative family. My father was the boss in the family business, which was created by his father, which was my grandfather. My mother took care of the house and the children, whatever else she wanted to do the approval had to be given by my father. A wife was to be her husband’s adornment and calling card; I, my sisters and brothers were brought up with this motto.

Cecily? Father is calling you. I was pulled out of the activity by the voice of one of the brothers, Arthur.

I am on my way. I nod as I put my knitting aside. I run it over the fabric of my blue dress a few times to smooth it out and present myself impeccably in front of my father.

My father was a traditionalist. Together with our mother they took care of our impeccable dress. Especially the girls. Our dresses, because that was all we could wear, usually reached our ankles or mid-calf. Anything shorter was inappropriate. Tights were also compulsory. My family believed that ladies from good homes should always have them.


I nod in respect as I enter my father’s study. He sits in his swivel leather-covered chair, looking as perfect as ever in his suit trousers and white shirt, ironed by my mother.

He said in a cordial tone, indicating a chair for me to sit down, then said;  “Mother praises you immensely, you have become a great help to her. I am extremely pleased about that.”

“ Thank you, Father. Praise always makes me happy.” I said with a smile.

“Therefore,” Father puts the stack of papers aside. “I thought you were mature enough to think about your household”.

“My household?”  I repeated in surprise. I felt my face turn white.

“This is what awaits every woman. I thought my mother and I had instilled this in you all.” The man walks around the desk and sits on its edge almost beside me so that he can brush his fingertips against my cheeks. “You are our great pride. You will be the same for your husband. Lucky him.”

“So… who will it be?” I ask timidly.

“You will find out in time. You will like it. Of that I am certain.” Father blinks one eyelid at me. “First the engagement and a few… procedures involved.”

“Procedures?” I asked.

“Your mother will prepare you. You have nothing to fear. Well… That is all. You may return to your duties, my child.”

“Thank you, father.” I bow my head before I leave my father’s office.

My preparations for the nuptials began almost immediately… although I did not know to whom I would be married. I also still didn’t know anything about the procedures I was to go through and my father had mentioned them.

“The doctor will be with you shortly, lie still, my lady.” The maid instructed me.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with me, but it was necessary for the engagement to be announced. That is what mother and one of my brothers said.

So I was fulfilling a commitment. I lay in my huge bed, dressed in something like a nightdress, but much shorter than a standard one, for here the linen material ended above my knee.

I didn’t wait too long as the door to my room soon opened. I saw a man with blonde hair and at first sight he was two heads taller than me.

He placed his brown leather bag on the table that was next to the bed.

“Lady Cecily? I’m doctor Mason. I am here to confirm your readiness for the sacrament of marriage. I understand that this is your first examination of this kind, but I assure you that you have nothing to fear.” The young doctor sent me a weak smile. “ At first, I ask you to move down toward the base of the bed and spread your legs.”

“What? “ I could not believe what I had just heard. Red was on my cheeks almost immediately.

“Lady Cecily. It would be far better for yourself to do it voluntarily. Neither of us wants it to be unpleasant, do we?” he warned.

I obediently move down and spread my thighs. I seek solace in looking at the ceiling of my bedroom. It was decorated with hierubines that were supposed to watch over the cleanliness and good conduct of the girls.

“Wider. Lady Cecily, I will have to say a word to your father and husband-to-be. None of them will be pleased.”

“Excuse me… I never… “ I’m at a loss for words, but I spread my legs as he asks me. This contributes to the material of the garment falling up over my stomach and the man can now see my femininity.

“It’s very nice…” I feel the touch of a stranger’s single fingers on me. In a place so carefully hidden. The blonde man takes a seat on the stool between my legs. “I can see the hymen. It is not too thin That’s good. Your spouse will be pleased with this gift. Are you sinning?”

“Am I sinning?”  I ask almost in a whisper.

“Have you ever touched yourself in a sinful way? In places… that you shouldn’t have? Don’t lie. I’m a representative of the church. God listens and can punish.”

“No, no, never! I swear.” I plead terrified, but almost immediately I let out a shrill scream. I feel something inside me.

“Relax, it’s a good sign… Your husband will have something to work on.” I watch as the doctor slides one of his fingers out of the copper.  “With God’s Grace, you will not be a less fruitful woman than your mother. Undress.”

I untied the 3 bows on the front of the shirt without protest. I didn’t want my future spouse to think I was a troublemaker. I am far from it. I rose to a sitting position when asked to do so.

“Considerable for such a young person, but very nice. 85d to my eye.” He affirms, squeezing both my breasts in his hand, which makes me squeal. “Sensitive… Your husband will be really happy. Have you eaten anything since yesterday?”

“No, my mother told me not to eat anything after breakfast yesterday. The test could give bad results.”

I look up as the man walks away towards his leather bag. He looks for something for a moment.

“You have a wise mother. Kneel down politely on the floor.”

I do so, but first I throw on and tie my petticoat. I see the doctor smile but say nothing for a long moment. He takes slow steps towards me with something shiny in his hand, but I can’t see what it is.

“Open your mouth wide.” he ordered.

I do so immediately and unexpectedly the doctor stuffs something into my mouth, sort of like a bite block that a dentist might use, and ties it at the back of my head. My mouth opens even wider, which causes a slight pain.

“Take it easy. Put your hands behind your back and let them stay there.” The man sighs somewhat amused. “Now listen to me carefully. We must see how much you can take… it’s very important.”

Take? I understood absolutely nothing. I wanted to talk to the man, but my mouth was opened by some metal. I could not form anything into words. I kneel impatiently as the man walks towards his bag again and firmly presses something to the wall mirror. I am unable to see it for a long moment. Then at last I see it! I have heard about this… but a long time ago I put it out of my mind. Wives had to please their husbands in many ways when they were pregnant, often doing it with their mouths, wrapping their lips tightly around the penis to please the man. The doctor came to me and helped me to stand up, leading me to a kind of test where I knelt down again, facing the mirror.

“I know that the lesson programme for female marriage preparation talks about this. However, I understand that you may have forgotten. What you see is a dildo. Silicone. Here on the side.” He points his finger to the right side of the tool.  Numbers appear every few centimetres.

“This will tell us what level you are starting from. Hence the spider gag in your mouth so you can get the best possible result.”

I look at the man, at the reproduction of the male penis. It is so big and thick… I can’t take it. Indeed, it’s a good thing I haven’t eaten anything… although my stomach is starting to hurt just thinking about it.

“Go ahead. I won’t finish this visit until you take.”

I squeeze my hands together behind my back and slowly slide the dildo into my mouth. I start to choke when I feel it at the starting point of my throat and almost immediately pull my head back, causing me to cough and my eyes fill with tears.

“Try again,” he orders.

“I ca ca.” I want to say I can’t make it, but I can’t form any words and all doctor can hear is sobbing.

“Take it easy. Many young women fail to do this properly.” The doctor kneels beside me. “I’ll push your head and hold it for a while Okay? This might hurt a little.”

I nod in acknowledgement that I agree, although the truth is that he didn’t need my consent. I felt his large but gentle hands sink into my brown curly hair and after a moment he pushed my head without indicating. I’m running out of air, so my hands are almost immediately on the wall to push back. My saliva flows out of my mouth onto the floor and mixes with my tears. Soon the push subsides and I gasp loudly for air.

“10 centimetres. Perfect for a start, young lady.” I feel him unbuckle the strap from the spider gag on the back of my head and pull out the dildo.

“In the face of everything, I can confirm that you can marry. You can stand up, Lady Cecily.”

Although I was still a little stunned, a smile appeared on my face. My parents will be proud, especially my father.

“Thank you doctor and… I apologize for my behaviour.”

“Nothing has happened. Fortunately, you turned out to be as obedient as you are said to be.” The man hides the instruments in his bag and pulls out a notebook. “You bleed regularly, according to your mother… The only thing I can recommend is vitamins. This will help in creating a family and in bringing new life into this world.” He speaks confidently and writes down on a piece of paper, which he seals at the end. “God bless you, young bride.”

I say goodbye to the doctor, and immediately after him mother enters the chambers, before whom I bow as I did before my father to pay my respects.

“The doctor has praised you. Father is delighted. So is your fiancé.”

“Who is it? My fiancé?”

“Daughter… These things only happen at the altar.”  She says amused by my question, which I could ask several times a day. “Now you must be clothed and this must go back to its place.” She points to my belt, my virginity belt.

I have worn this attribute of maturity since I started menstruating. This has happened to every young woman in our faith. Without it, we might have sinned and tarnished the honour of the family, thus derailing any chance of a favourable marriage. It was locked with a key, and this was put in father’s possession. On the wedding day it will be given to my husband.

“Do married women… have to wear it too, mother?” I ask as she helps me put it on and then locks it.

“Depends on their husbands. When they are in a blessed state, they usually don’t, at least in the later stages of pregnancy.”

I look at my mother. She was only 36 years old and pregnant, another fruit of my parents’ marriage. My mother has never been without a child for more than 2 years. My parents believed that procreation was the purpose for which God created man and woman. They fulfilled it scrupulously. The Church also had this as the highest value of human life, especially of a woman.

“Your underwear needs to be replaced. This one is too childish for a married woman.” mother says. “The same with your dresses… but here your spouse will have a word.”

“I will put on your corset. A young married woman has no right to hunch over.” Mother pulls out my white Victorian-style corset from the wardrobe, to which I obediently allow myself to adorn and tie it, even though it was an uncomfortable piece of clothing.

“Can it be a little looser, please?”

“Wait a minute. You will soon get used to it. Look here, my dear.” I turn to the mirror & see my image. No one dreams of such a waist.

I smile because I would be lying if I didn’t like seeing how small I can be at this point on my body.

“Will my sister Elizabeth be coming to my nuptials?”

“It is hard to say. She is expecting a baby. It is a delicate time for a woman. You will see for yourself soon enough.”

A woman puts a white dress with embroidered sunflowers on me. My shoulders were prominent, so I was a bit surprised by this choice by my parent. However, I immediately understood that this little boldness was meant to imply that I was expecting the wedding. Exactly. Wedding!

“So when? When will it happen?” I ask.

“In a few days… Our faith wants a girl to become a woman on her fertile days, preferably on those… the most important ones. Yours is coming.”

For days afterwards, preparations were underway for the big event. The family and the servants were preparing for my wedding.

My belongings were packed, although most of my clothes remained. I was assured that a wardrobe tailor-made for a married woman awaited me in my new home. Mostly my cosmetics, bedding and a small collection of jewelry were completed.

I was obliged to go to bed early. Like a younger sibling, I was supposed to be in bed by 8.30 p.m. already. All this so that I would not be a tired bride. I was also taught the art of make-up and made sure my body was smooth. Husbands did not tolerate unnecessary hair.

“Lady Cecily, a box for you.” a servant said from the hall.

“A box? At this hour?” I ask surprised when the maid puts the box on my bed. It was of considerable size and wrapped in cobalt ribbon.  I have never received a package before bedtime. “Thank you. You may go.”  I had just come out of the bath wearing my robe and my belt was off for the bath.

I waited until I was alone and with great excitement began to open… a gift? I guess you could call it that. I took a deep breath and lifted the lid.

My God… what… white lace underwear appeared before my eyes. I took one part, which was supposed to be panties, but… it didn’t cover anything.

Only after a while did I see a small card. I take it in my hands with a trembling heart.

“Hello My Spouse-to-be. I’m sure you’re surprised by the contents of the package. Consider it a gift for the night that will make us soon married.”

“I will be extremely pleased to see you in it. I believe that you care about pleasing your husband.”

“Nevertheless, I know that you are a woman undefiled in deed or word. But I want to let you have a taste of the married life. I’ve discussed this with your parents, so you don’t have to worry about me tarnishing your good name.”

“At the bottom of the packet is something like an egg and a gel. I would like you to moisten your womanhood and gently insert the egg as deep as you can, my doll… ”

I lifted the full material of my underwear and pulled out a pink ball from under it. It did indeed look like a small egg. I took a deep breath and placed a few drops of gel on my fingers. I opened my legs and this opened up my womanhood. I rubbed some of the gel in, but thought it might be worth doing with the toy itself. I breathed deeply to relax and do the job properly. I moaned several times, feeling my hole being expanded and trying to swallow I took a piece of paper in my hands to read the rest of the letter.

“ Once you’ve done that, put on your belt. We don’t want a sinful moment to come over you. Give the key back to your maid who is waiting outside the door.”

“Then take your phone and call the number below…”

“Your future husband”

I was extremely uncomfortable in something inside. I was taking big steps, and it was apparently going to stay in me for an unknown amount of time. After putting on my virgin belt, I handed over the key to the maid who was indeed waiting outside the door

I sat on the bed, but this position was uncomfortable and I did much better when I lay down. I picked up the phone and with my thoughts swirling I called the number indicated. I did not wait long, because the call was answered.

“Um… hello? Lady Cecily?” I heard a warm male tone. Nice one.
I’ve been waiting for your call. So I believe you did what I asked for?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Okay.. so we can start.”

“Start wha, ah, ah!”  I screamed as I felt some vibrations in my womb, but almost immediately closed my mouth with one hand and the vibrations stopped.

“ What’s wrong, doll?” I heard the man’s amusement. “Forgive me. Apparently that’s too much to start with. I want you to lie down politely. Relaxed and closed eyes.”

I felt the vibrations again, but were much softer. But I couldn’t help but sigh.

They grew stronger every moment, and that made my breathing heavy. I felt the muscles in my lower abdomen tighten and the tension grew.

“Oh My…” I sigh loudly, but then the vibration stops. “What? why…”

“You need to rest, little doll. I cannot let you reach the pinnacle of pleasure. It awaits you only in our life together.”

“It was wonderful. Thank you… what’s your name?”

“You’ll find out soon. Now go to sleep as a good girl.” He said, then hung up. I experienced something like this for the first time… and it’s not the end, apparently. So, the life of a married woman… was also pleasurable?

by Lady_Mary for Literotica

Young Bride: Given In Marriage.

Cecily is a young woman who will get married.

by Lady_Mary. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Chapter 1

I grew up in a very conservative family. My father was the boss in the family business, which was created by his father, which was my grandfather. My mother took care of the house and the children, whatever else she wanted to do the approval had to be given by my father. A wife was to be her husband’s adornment and calling card; I, my sisters and brothers were brought up with this motto.

Cecily? Father is calling you. I was pulled out of the activity by the voice of one of the brothers, Arthur.

I am on my way. I nod as I put my knitting aside. I run it over the fabric of my blue dress a few times to smooth it out and present myself impeccably in front of my father.

My father was a traditionalist. Together with our mother they took care of our impeccable dress. Especially the girls. Our dresses, because that was all we could wear, usually reached our ankles or mid-calf. Anything shorter was inappropriate. Tights were also compulsory. My family believed that ladies from good homes should always have them.


I nod in respect as I enter my father’s study. He sits in his swivel leather-covered chair, looking as perfect as ever in his suit trousers and white shirt, ironed by my mother.

He said in a cordial tone, indicating a chair for me to sit down, then said;  “Mother praises you immensely, you have become a great help to her. I am extremely pleased about that.”

“ Thank you, Father. Praise always makes me happy.” I said with a smile.

“Therefore,” Father puts the stack of papers aside. “I thought you were mature enough to think about your household”.

“My household?”  I repeated in surprise. I felt my face turn white.

“This is what awaits every woman. I thought my mother and I had instilled this in you all.” The man walks around the desk and sits on its edge almost beside me so that he can brush his fingertips against my cheeks. “You are our great pride. You will be the same for your husband. Lucky him.”

“So… who will it be?” I ask timidly.

“You will find out in time. You will like it. Of that I am certain.” Father blinks one eyelid at me. “First the engagement and a few… procedures involved.”

“Procedures?” I asked.

“Your mother will prepare you. You have nothing to fear. Well… That is all. You may return to your duties, my child.”

“Thank you, father.” I bow my head before I leave my father’s office.

My preparations for the nuptials began almost immediately… although I did not know to whom I would be married. I also still didn’t know anything about the procedures I was to go through and my father had mentioned them.

“The doctor will be with you shortly, lie still, my lady.” The maid instructed me.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with me, but it was necessary for the engagement to be announced. That is what mother and one of my brothers said.

So I was fulfilling a commitment. I lay in my huge bed, dressed in something like a nightdress, but much shorter than a standard one, for here the linen material ended above my knee.

I didn’t wait too long as the door to my room soon opened. I saw a man with blonde hair and at first sight he was two heads taller than me.

He placed his brown leather bag on the table that was next to the bed.

“Lady Cecily? I’m doctor Mason. I am here to confirm your readiness for the sacrament of marriage. I understand that this is your first examination of this kind, but I assure you that you have nothing to fear.” The young doctor sent me a weak smile. “ At first, I ask you to move down toward the base of the bed and spread your legs.”

“What? “ I could not believe what I had just heard. Red was on my cheeks almost immediately.

“Lady Cecily. It would be far better for yourself to do it voluntarily. Neither of us wants it to be unpleasant, do we?” he warned.

I obediently move down and spread my thighs. I seek solace in looking at the ceiling of my bedroom. It was decorated with hierubines that were supposed to watch over the cleanliness and good conduct of the girls.

“Wider. Lady Cecily, I will have to say a word to your father and husband-to-be. None of them will be pleased.”

“Excuse me… I never… “ I’m at a loss for words, but I spread my legs as he asks me. This contributes to the material of the garment falling up over my stomach and the man can now see my femininity.

“It’s very nice…” I feel the touch of a stranger’s single fingers on me. In a place so carefully hidden. The blonde man takes a seat on the stool between my legs. “I can see the hymen. It is not too thin That’s good. Your spouse will be pleased with this gift. Are you sinning?”

“Am I sinning?”  I ask almost in a whisper.

“Have you ever touched yourself in a sinful way? In places… that you shouldn’t have? Don’t lie. I’m a representative of the church. God listens and can punish.”

“No, no, never! I swear.” I plead terrified, but almost immediately I let out a shrill scream. I feel something inside me.

“Relax, it’s a good sign… Your husband will have something to work on.” I watch as the doctor slides one of his fingers out of the copper.  “With God’s Grace, you will not be a less fruitful woman than your mother. Undress.”

I untied the 3 bows on the front of the shirt without protest. I didn’t want my future spouse to think I was a troublemaker. I am far from it. I rose to a sitting position when asked to do so.

“Considerable for such a young person, but very nice. 85d to my eye.” He affirms, squeezing both my breasts in his hand, which makes me squeal. “Sensitive… Your husband will be really happy. Have you eaten anything since yesterday?”

“No, my mother told me not to eat anything after breakfast yesterday. The test could give bad results.”

I look up as the man walks away towards his leather bag. He looks for something for a moment.

“You have a wise mother. Kneel down politely on the floor.”

I do so, but first I throw on and tie my petticoat. I see the doctor smile but say nothing for a long moment. He takes slow steps towards me with something shiny in his hand, but I can’t see what it is.

“Open your mouth wide.” he ordered.

I do so immediately and unexpectedly the doctor stuffs something into my mouth, sort of like a bite block that a dentist might use, and ties it at the back of my head. My mouth opens even wider, which causes a slight pain.

“Take it easy. Put your hands behind your back and let them stay there.” The man sighs somewhat amused. “Now listen to me carefully. We must see how much you can take… it’s very important.”

Take? I understood absolutely nothing. I wanted to talk to the man, but my mouth was opened by some metal. I could not form anything into words. I kneel impatiently as the man walks towards his bag again and firmly presses something to the wall mirror. I am unable to see it for a long moment. Then at last I see it! I have heard about this… but a long time ago I put it out of my mind. Wives had to please their husbands in many ways when they were pregnant, often doing it with their mouths, wrapping their lips tightly around the penis to please the man. The doctor came to me and helped me to stand up, leading me to a kind of test where I knelt down again, facing the mirror.

“I know that the lesson programme for female marriage preparation talks about this. However, I understand that you may have forgotten. What you see is a dildo. Silicone. Here on the side.” He points his finger to the right side of the tool.  Numbers appear every few centimetres.

“This will tell us what level you are starting from. Hence the spider gag in your mouth so you can get the best possible result.”

I look at the man, at the reproduction of the male penis. It is so big and thick… I can’t take it. Indeed, it’s a good thing I haven’t eaten anything… although my stomach is starting to hurt just thinking about it.

“Go ahead. I won’t finish this visit until you take.”

I squeeze my hands together behind my back and slowly slide the dildo into my mouth. I start to choke when I feel it at the starting point of my throat and almost immediately pull my head back, causing me to cough and my eyes fill with tears.

“Try again,” he orders.

“I ca ca.” I want to say I can’t make it, but I can’t form any words and all doctor can hear is sobbing.

“Take it easy. Many young women fail to do this properly.” The doctor kneels beside me. “I’ll push your head and hold it for a while Okay? This might hurt a little.”

I nod in acknowledgement that I agree, although the truth is that he didn’t need my consent. I felt his large but gentle hands sink into my brown curly hair and after a moment he pushed my head without indicating. I’m running out of air, so my hands are almost immediately on the wall to push back. My saliva flows out of my mouth onto the floor and mixes with my tears. Soon the push subsides and I gasp loudly for air.

“10 centimetres. Perfect for a start, young lady.” I feel him unbuckle the strap from the spider gag on the back of my head and pull out the dildo.

“In the face of everything, I can confirm that you can marry. You can stand up, Lady Cecily.”

Although I was still a little stunned, a smile appeared on my face. My parents will be proud, especially my father.

“Thank you doctor and… I apologize for my behaviour.”

“Nothing has happened. Fortunately, you turned out to be as obedient as you are said to be.” The man hides the instruments in his bag and pulls out a notebook. “You bleed regularly, according to your mother… The only thing I can recommend is vitamins. This will help in creating a family and in bringing new life into this world.” He speaks confidently and writes down on a piece of paper, which he seals at the end. “God bless you, young bride.”

I say goodbye to the doctor, and immediately after him mother enters the chambers, before whom I bow as I did before my father to pay my respects.

“The doctor has praised you. Father is delighted. So is your fiancé.”

“Who is it? My fiancé?”

“Daughter… These things only happen at the altar.”  She says amused by my question, which I could ask several times a day. “Now you must be clothed and this must go back to its place.” She points to my belt, my virginity belt.

I have worn this attribute of maturity since I started menstruating. This has happened to every young woman in our faith. Without it, we might have sinned and tarnished the honour of the family, thus derailing any chance of a favourable marriage. It was locked with a key, and this was put in father’s possession. On the wedding day it will be given to my husband.

“Do married women… have to wear it too, mother?” I ask as she helps me put it on and then locks it.

“Depends on their husbands. When they are in a blessed state, they usually don’t, at least in the later stages of pregnancy.”

I look at my mother. She was only 36 years old and pregnant, another fruit of my parents’ marriage. My mother has never been without a child for more than 2 years. My parents believed that procreation was the purpose for which God created man and woman. They fulfilled it scrupulously. The Church also had this as the highest value of human life, especially of a woman.

“Your underwear needs to be replaced. This one is too childish for a married woman.” mother says. “The same with your dresses… but here your spouse will have a word.”

“I will put on your corset. A young married woman has no right to hunch over.” Mother pulls out my white Victorian-style corset from the wardrobe, to which I obediently allow myself to adorn and tie it, even though it was an uncomfortable piece of clothing.

“Can it be a little looser, please?”

“Wait a minute. You will soon get used to it. Look here, my dear.” I turn to the mirror & see my image. No one dreams of such a waist.

I smile because I would be lying if I didn’t like seeing how small I can be at this point on my body.

“Will my sister Elizabeth be coming to my nuptials?”

“It is hard to say. She is expecting a baby. It is a delicate time for a woman. You will see for yourself soon enough.”

A woman puts a white dress with embroidered sunflowers on me. My shoulders were prominent, so I was a bit surprised by this choice by my parent. However, I immediately understood that this little boldness was meant to imply that I was expecting the wedding. Exactly. Wedding!

“So when? When will it happen?” I ask.

“In a few days… Our faith wants a girl to become a woman on her fertile days, preferably on those… the most important ones. Yours is coming.”

For days afterwards, preparations were underway for the big event. The family and the servants were preparing for my wedding.

My belongings were packed, although most of my clothes remained. I was assured that a wardrobe tailor-made for a married woman awaited me in my new home. Mostly my cosmetics, bedding and a small collection of jewelry were completed.

I was obliged to go to bed early. Like a younger sibling, I was supposed to be in bed by 8.30 p.m. already. All this so that I would not be a tired bride. I was also taught the art of make-up and made sure my body was smooth. Husbands did not tolerate unnecessary hair.

“Lady Cecily, a box for you.” a servant said from the hall.

“A box? At this hour?” I ask surprised when the maid puts the box on my bed. It was of considerable size and wrapped in cobalt ribbon.  I have never received a package before bedtime. “Thank you. You may go.”  I had just come out of the bath wearing my robe and my belt was off for the bath.

I waited until I was alone and with great excitement began to open… a gift? I guess you could call it that. I took a deep breath and lifted the lid.

My God… what… white lace underwear appeared before my eyes. I took one part, which was supposed to be panties, but… it didn’t cover anything.

Only after a while did I see a small card. I take it in my hands with a trembling heart.

“Hello My Spouse-to-be. I’m sure you’re surprised by the contents of the package. Consider it a gift for the night that will make us soon married.”

“I will be extremely pleased to see you in it. I believe that you care about pleasing your husband.”

“Nevertheless, I know that you are a woman undefiled in deed or word. But I want to let you have a taste of the married life. I’ve discussed this with your parents, so you don’t have to worry about me tarnishing your good name.”

“At the bottom of the packet is something like an egg and a gel. I would like you to moisten your womanhood and gently insert the egg as deep as you can, my doll… ”

I lifted the full material of my underwear and pulled out a pink ball from under it. It did indeed look like a small egg. I took a deep breath and placed a few drops of gel on my fingers. I opened my legs and this opened up my womanhood. I rubbed some of the gel in, but thought it might be worth doing with the toy itself. I breathed deeply to relax and do the job properly. I moaned several times, feeling my hole being expanded and trying to swallow I took a piece of paper in my hands to read the rest of the letter.

“ Once you’ve done that, put on your belt. We don’t want a sinful moment to come over you. Give the key back to your maid who is waiting outside the door.”

“Then take your phone and call the number below…”

“Your future husband”

I was extremely uncomfortable in something inside. I was taking big steps, and it was apparently going to stay in me for an unknown amount of time. After putting on my virgin belt, I handed over the key to the maid who was indeed waiting outside the door

I sat on the bed, but this position was uncomfortable and I did much better when I lay down. I picked up the phone and with my thoughts swirling I called the number indicated. I did not wait long, because the call was answered.

“Um… hello? Lady Cecily?” I heard a warm male tone. Nice one.
I’ve been waiting for your call. So I believe you did what I asked for?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Okay.. so we can start.”

“Start wha, ah, ah!”  I screamed as I felt some vibrations in my womb, but almost immediately closed my mouth with one hand and the vibrations stopped.

“ What’s wrong, doll?” I heard the man’s amusement. “Forgive me. Apparently that’s too much to start with. I want you to lie down politely. Relaxed and closed eyes.”

I felt the vibrations again, but were much softer. But I couldn’t help but sigh.

They grew stronger every moment, and that made my breathing heavy. I felt the muscles in my lower abdomen tighten and the tension grew.

“Oh My…” I sigh loudly, but then the vibration stops. “What? why…”

“You need to rest, little doll. I cannot let you reach the pinnacle of pleasure. It awaits you only in our life together.”

“It was wonderful. Thank you… what’s your name?”

“You’ll find out soon. Now go to sleep as a good girl.” He said, then hung up. I experienced something like this for the first time… and it’s not the end, apparently. So, the life of a married woman… was also pleasurable?

by Lady_Mary for Literotica

Young Bride: Given In Marriage.

Cecily is a young woman who will get married.

by Lady_Mary. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Chapter 1

I grew up in a very conservative family. My father was the boss in the family business, which was created by his father, which was my grandfather. My mother took care of the house and the children, whatever else she wanted to do the approval had to be given by my father. A wife was to be her husband’s adornment and calling card; I, my sisters and brothers were brought up with this motto.

Cecily? Father is calling you. I was pulled out of the activity by the voice of one of the brothers, Arthur.

I am on my way. I nod as I put my knitting aside. I run it over the fabric of my blue dress a few times to smooth it out and present myself impeccably in front of my father.

My father was a traditionalist. Together with our mother they took care of our impeccable dress. Especially the girls. Our dresses, because that was all we could wear, usually reached our ankles or mid-calf. Anything shorter was inappropriate. Tights were also compulsory. My family believed that ladies from good homes should always have them.

Young Bride: Given In Marriage.

Cecily is a young woman who will get married.

by Lady_Mary. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Chapter 1

I grew up in a very conservative family. My father was the boss in the family business, which was created by his father, which was my grandfather. My mother took care of the house and the children, whatever else she wanted to do the approval had to be given by my father. A wife was to be her husband’s adornment and calling card; I, my sisters and brothers were brought up with this motto.

Cecily? Father is calling you. I was pulled out of the activity by the voice of one of the brothers, Arthur.

I am on my way. I nod as I put my knitting aside. I run it over the fabric of my blue dress a few times to smooth it out and present myself impeccably in front of my father.

My father was a traditionalist. Together with our mother they took care of our impeccable dress. Especially the girls. Our dresses, because that was all we could wear, usually reached our ankles or mid-calf. Anything shorter was inappropriate. Tights were also compulsory. My family believed that ladies from good homes should always have them.

A Milky Encounter

A school science project causes an erotic milky mess.

By Aester - Listen to the podcast at Steamy Stories.

It was the last day of the biology project. With Alice & I having missed the first lesson we had to finish up the project while the rest of the class started the regular lessons again. As we walked through the hallway, looking for a quiet spot I walked slightly behind her, so I could steal glances at her magnificent ass. I really had hit the jackpot with this project; by a stroke of luck we were both not present the first lesson, which meant we got paired up automatically as the only remaining students.


Normally I would never get the chance to do a group assignment with her. Even though we got along pretty nicely, she is the centre of attention, which meant she was always preoccupied or engaged with other people. Alice is basically the perfect girl. The first thing anyone would notice about her is her body. She has probably the best apple bottom in the school, which she usually has on display in her tight jeans. She has wide feminine hips that flow into a small, perfectly flat waist.

Yet this waist is rarely admired as they are obscured by her massive chest. Her boobs are the most ridiculous part about her. They are the size of her head, if not slightly bigger. I've never seen her cleavage, but her shirts, struggling to stretch over those colossal mammaries and then tucked into her jeans, draws more attention than any other girl could flaunting a deep cleavage.

As if that wasn't enough she has a cute face, full luscious lips (you could mistake her for having a well-done lip filler) and beautiful brunette hair. Her personality was great to go along with that, when I first met her I expected her to be bitchy, but she was anything but that. She has a warm personality and is always flaunting her beautiful smile. I really enjoyed talking to her, as did probably every other guy and most girls in school, but I rarely got to. This project however, was a godsend, since it had given me a lot of time with her.

We sat down in a little secluded space and got to work, though we were basically done with the project already.

"There is no way!" Alice exclaimed, upon me telling her one of those random facts (did you know the human nose never stops growing?).

"Yeah it's true!" I replied, she was obviously overestimating the rate of this growth, but I was having a little fun.

"In fact, since the first time we met, your nose has gotten considerably bigger!".

"What!? You're bullshitting me!"

"No it's true! Look it up"

She proceeded to google it on her phone as I grinningly waited.

"Wow, you are right" she said, with her eyes still glued to the phone.

She proceeded to feel her nose, as if to make sure it was still the same size. I couldn't tell if she was just acting or actually serious.

"You're so smart" Alice continued.

Okay, now I knew for sure that she was playing.

"I know, I know" I responded.

"And you're good at. other things" I said glancing down quickly at her bust, which now partly rested on the desk.

"You did not just!" She responded with a serious look. I broke out laughing and she struggled to keep her act of being infuriated, betrayed by her smile.

We had been doing this kind of flirtatious teasing since the beginning of the project, and the privacy of this desk allowed me to push it further. Unfortunately I couldn't tell whether she was as into me as I was into her, as she was pretty flirtatious with a lot of guys. I guess she just really enjoys the attention.

"I'm going to go to the toilet" she announced.

I got a beautiful view of her ass as she walked down the hallway, she probably realised that I was looking and swayed her hips a little more, enjoying how she was teasing me.

Alice had a reputation for staying in the toilet for very long, much to the annoyance of teachers. It probably had something to do with the strict no phone policy of the school, which meant if you wanted to use your phone, you had to get out of the classroom some way or another.

As I knew it would take a while before Alice returned, I tried to get more comfortable in the wooden desk chairs. There was a serene quietness in the hallway, it was pretty late in the day, and if you payed very close attention you could hear the chatter of the last lessons in the distance. Usually I would mistake this atmosphere for being a lonely depressing one, but with Alice's presence it seemed perfect, like we were alone in the world. I took to scrolling on reddit, but found myself daydreaming about Alice, with some gif playing endlessly in the background. I didn't know how to feel about Alice, like probably any other red blooded male I was sexually attracted to her, and had found myself fantasising about her while masturbating. Her body was simply ridiculous, I had yet to find a pornstar that had a body that could match Alice's.

Since the start of this project something changed however. Alice was more in my thoughts than ever, but I couldn't stand the sexual fantasies I had had about her. Knowing what this meant I admitted to myself that I had a crush on her.

I pondered if I should send her a text sometime, especially since the project was coming to an end, our friendship would probably deteriorate if I didn't undertake something.

"Being very productive I see." A voice came. I tore myself from my daydream as Alice sat down. I hadn't even heard her approach. I quickly put my phone away.

Something seemed off, as Alice immediately got to work without saying a word. She bent over the desk while writing. For a second I admired how her breasts rested on the desk. I wondered how weird it would be to have those huge things hanging off your chest, always getting in your way.

Alice looked up, I quickly diverted my eyes, caught in the act of staring. Yet something caught my eye and I quickly returned my gaze, looking her in the eye. Her eyes were slightly red, as if she had cried.

"Wow, Alice, what's wrong?" I asked her, shocked at the sudden seriousness of the situation.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just not feeling great" She responded, her usual positive energy seemingly vanished.

For a second I accepted the answer, but quickly realised how weird it was that in about ten minutes she went from her usual happy self to almost crying. I got the feeling that something serious had happened.

"Alice, you know that you can trust me right?"

"Did something happen?" I continued.

She looked up at me, her eyes suggested she could start crying any second. I unconsciously felt a sort of anger building in myself, like I wanted to protect her from whatever had hurt her like this.

"Alice?" I repeated, as she seemed lost in thought.

After a few, tense, seconds she finally gave in.

"Come with me" She said, barely loud enough to hear, as she stood up.

I walked with her through the hallway. My emotions were through the roof, the same anger was there but also a kind of fear.

She walked into the teacher's bathroom and I followed her. Once inside she locked the door behind me. The teachers’ bathroom was different in that sense, it still had stalls but for some reason the entire room could be locked.

She leaned against the wall and looked at the ground, not willing to make eye contact.

"I have a condition" She started. “I need to know you’ll respect my private health issues, because I desperately need help now.”

She paused, hesitant to explain. I didn't know what to think. Before I could say anything she continued. “Sometimes the pill causes a rare set of conditions.”

"All my hormones are hyperactive. I lactate. My boobs make milk, even though I'm not pregnant." Then she explained, “My gynecologist thinks this will subside, but for the past several months I’ve been dealing with a dairy farm on my chest.”

I was astounded with this information, but she continued.

"I need to pump the milk out every few hours, otherwise they swell and start to hurt badly."

I was dumbfounded. She proceeded to look through her bag and then produced a breast pump. There was a suction cup with a bottle, and attached to that was a small plastic tube that led to a hand pump.

"It's broken" she explained. She made eye contact me for the first time since we came into the bathroom. It was obviously awkward for the both of us, but the seriousness of the situation cut through this awkwardness a little. Before I could react she put the pump system in my hands.

"I need it to work." She continued.

"I don't know how I'll get through the rest of the day, otherwise; and it hurts like hell." Her voice quivered, then transitioned to a silent wimper.

It was all still a blur of info for me to process. I just looked her in the eyes and hoped that I was expressing empathy, while I took the pump from her.

I'm pretty technically inclined so I started to inspect it, hoping it was something easy to fix. It felt weird handling the pump, it being such a feminine item it made me feel like I wasn't supposed to touch it. I quickly established that there couldn't really be anything wrong with the suction cup and bottle, so I proceeded to look at the pump. I noticed how Alice stuffed her hand under her shirt, when she touched her breast she let out a heavy sigh, affirming that they really were painful. She must have noticed me looking, but acted as if I wasn't there, which in turn made me feel a little more at ease, since I still had a strong feeling I wasn't supposed to see all this.

I tried to test the hand pump for a second, but then noticed that a part of the plastic casting had cracked. There was no way it could be repaired. Alice looked a little calmer, maybe because now she wasn't alone with this problem anymore.

"Alice. Eh. It's not going to work anymore. I can't repair it." I broke the bad news to her.

"Oh okay, Thanks," she responded, with obvious disappointment.

Alice moved so she could sit on the large bathroom sink, and closed her eyes, probably deep in thought. We stood for a few minutes in silence, both not knowing what to say or do. I wanted to ask her if she had a spare pump or if there was some other way to get the milk out, but I knew must have considered all that before.

"Screw it, there's no other way," she broke the silence.

Alice stood up and removed her shirt. I stood in awe as I her bra was revealed.

"Should I, go?" I asked her, gesturing to the door.

"You don't have to," she answered.

I wasn't exactly sure what she meant. She turned towards the wall and unclasped her bra. After having removed her bra, she turned towards the sink covering her nipples with her arm. Her breasts overflowed her arms and looked even bigger now exposed. She removed her arm from her breasts and I saw them in their full glory. Her wide hips flowed beautifully into her waist, which was beautifully narrow and her flat tummy made her globes look even bigger. They looked incredibly firm and sat high on her chest, I wondered if this was her natural shape or the swelling she talked about. Her pink areola was about 2 inches across and topped by a huge nipple, about as thick as her (admittedly small) fingers. Around her areola angry veins emphasised how engorged her breasts were.

She started to milk her breasts by hand. Her small hands struggled to find a grip on the breast, being so firm and large. Her heavy sighs indicated how painful and frustrating the process was. It took about half a minute of tedious massaging before the first milk droplets started coming. With her breasts being so engorged I expected the floodgates to open and rain milk, but her efforts were only met with small squirts. In a bout of frustration she put both hands on a single boob and squeezed, finally producing a sizeable stream.

I started to feel uncomfortable as I was just staring at her without a purpose. Finally I realised that there was a reason I was still here. I gently approached her and she turned toward me slightly in a gesture of approval. I slowly, hesitantly, reached out and placed my hand on her breast with her nipple between my thumb and index finger. the first thing I noticed was the heat, then the firmness. I gently squeezed and was surprised to find how little the breast yielded.

"You can squeeze harder"

I squeezed harder and then felt the breast giving in under the pressure, a stream of milk shot out, followed immediately by another sigh. It seemed my larger hands were better suited to this task, looking at her other boob, which she was still trying to milk herself, her fingers didn't reach much further than her areola.

After a little while I settled into a sort of rhythm, it seemed like the flow of milk was only now getting up to steam, and she confirmed.

"Yeah, that's good like that."

We stood in front of the sink. The tiled wall, mirror and sink were slowly developing a coat of thousands of milk droplets. Whatever mess we made, we could take care of later, now the only thing important was relieving her.

Now that I was getting the hang of it, she released her grip from her other breast, since her own efforts seemed to be in vain. She closed her eyes and used her arm to lean on the sink. Her sighs were still constant.

 I settled into a rhythm of starting high on the breast and firmly compressing so the milk glands emptied near the nipple. I noticed that alternating breasts allowed the tissue to recover and the breast returned to a natural shape while I was busy constricting the other breast.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

"Yeah it does, but it's a good kind of pain. it's hard to describe."

Up to this point the flow of milk didn't seem to have slowed down at all. And with her other breast still full I decided to change my approach. I stood behind her and reached under her arms, finding both breasts. As I continued alternately milking both breasts at the same time, her sighs got heavier and huskier. I was wondering if she got sexual pleasure out of this. She stood up and leaned back on me and let her head rest between my neck and shoulder. With her this close to me I smelled her sweet scent, it wasn't a perfume, just the way she smelled. I recognised the smell from when I had been around her but it was about a hundred times stronger now that she was leaning on me. She was emitting a pheromone, perhaps.

I was hugging the sexiest girl on campus, and milking both of her breasts into the mirror of the faculty womens’ restroom.  She was leaning back into me with her eyes closed and a very pleasant expression on her gorgeous face. I’ve never had a wet dream this good!

As impossibly unreal as it seemed, I was getting used to the situation, and because of that, actually realising how ridiculous it was. For the first time in the roughly 10 minutes we'd been in the bathroom I noticed my raging boner, and how her ass just grazed past it occasionally. My cock was a flagpole ascending tightly to the elastic waistband of my boxers.

Alice hadn't opened her eyes since I started milking both breasts; yes, breasts. This was the best education in human anatomy I could get. In this room, I awakened to the masculine role of supportive partner to the female reproductive & nurturing process. I could not call these amazing mammaries by the crude terms used by schoolboys.

I sensed a strong feeling she was now enjoying my assistance, which made me feel satisfied as I'd apparently helped her out of her predicament. My hands were now soaked in milk as well, the wetness making her breasts slippery.

In my newfound awareness I also found my hands aching, which prompted me to stop for a second and change my grip. When I stopped for repositioning, Alice woke up from her trancelike state. Through the milk stained mirror I noticed the smile on her face.

"Are you enjoying this?" I asked, as I resumed my grip and started gently milking.

"Um, yes at this point it's very enjoyable." Alice answered me, blushing. Then she looked me in the eye, through the mirror’s reflection;

"I take you are enjoying it as well?"

"Very much so." I admitted with a look of honest gratitude.

I noticed that her breasts were getting softer, which allowed me to milk her a lot better. I experimented with various alternating patterns and started getting up to a high pace. She moaned in response, and leaned forward. Using both arms to lean on the sink. I leaned forward with her, resting my chest on her back. She hunched her back slightly and firmly pressed her ass cheeks on either side of my boner. There was no way she didn't feel this. Even through hers and my own jeans I could feel the softness of her ass, which formed into my crotch.

I proceeded to milk her relentlessly, having become bolder with how hard I squeezed which she didn't seem to mind at all. The milk now mostly fell on the sink & counter. I slowly started noticing her rocking her hips, pressing harder along both sides of my cock. Her own smell and the strong scent of what must be milk filled the air and intoxicated me. Her grinding on my crotch became more intense. With her breasts hanging below her they basically lay in my hands, giving me a sense of their significant weight. With every squeeze my fingers now sank deep into her breastmeat, very coated by a film of milk. Her moaning and grinding was constant and was driving me to the edge. My cock started to spasm involuntarily and I knew that I was going to cum very soon.

I began extending my milking motions closer to her nipples. This clearly drove Alice to an ecstasy of heavy breathing

"Your hands feel so good on my nipples." She said through the breathy moans.

I noticed how with every squeeze her breasts expanded to the sides, causing a huge sideboob under her exposed armpit. Entranced with this sight I exploded in my boxers. I, involuntarily, aggressively thrust into her soft ass, finally responding to her grinding. As the most intense orgasm I'd ever had rocked my body I continued to tightly press her ass into the counter. She responded by pressing her ass even harder into my cock, further stimulating my orgasm. My cock just kept spurting, giving me the largest cumshot I'd ever had, but sadly, in my pants. When the orgasm subsided I noticed I had stopped milking and instead had held her nipples in a firm grip during the course of my orgasm. Realising this I quickly resumed milking her, but noticed a bit of spasmic twerks from her pelvis. Then she took a huge breath, followed by a few moans.

Alice's milk had definitely subsided, and after about a minute she called it a milking.

"Thank you so much" She said as she turned toward me. "You can't imagine how anxious I was when my pump broke."

"No problem" I answered her, and continued: "They look like they've calmed down."

Her breasts were now in what must be their natural state, with a beautiful teardrop shape, her huge pink areola and nipples pointing up slightly, all above that beautiful flat tummy.

"Yeah they have, they feel so much better!" You’re very skilled! This is the most thoroughly emptied I been in weeks! I’ll be able to make it through the rest of my classes, now.

I reached out and touched her breast. Her large, still erect nipple pressed into my palm, and the now soft breast flesh yielded under my fingers. 15 minutes ago, these were hard pressurized globes, but now they lay more naturally from her chest, and sway with her slightest move.

For some reason this felt like a bold move, even though I had spent about 15 minutes squeezing them, it was just different now that I faced her, and she looked me in the eye. She responded with a smile and a giggle. She really felt comfortable and safe with me.

"I take it you like them?"

"Oh yes, I sure do. They're beautiful. You're beautiful" I added

"Thanks" she responded with her warm smile as she moved into hug me. As we hugged she pressed herself firmly into me, her still bare chest spreading out over mine, and my still present boner into her lower waist.

"I guess we need to clean up" I announced as I looked glanced at the various milk coated surfaces in the bathroom. We both laughed for a bit at the sight.

"No, I'll clean up." "It's my milk anyway." She responded.

"Speaking of which, I first need to clean something else." She said, as she sank to her knees. It didn't take me long to realise what was happening. As she worked on unbuckling my belt she looked up at me with a naughty smile.

As she dropped my pants to my knees I really didn't know what to expect. It was now fully erect and still coated in my own cum from a few minutes ago.

She carefully assessed the eruption and said; “I feel somewhat responsible for your, uh, mess. I hope you’re can be as comfortable with me helping you, as I am with your help?” Alice reached over to her bag and got out a packet of moist wipes. Somewhere I was disappointed, thinking that she'd lick it clean or something, but I couldn't complain.

She proceeded to slowly wipe my raging hard-on clean with the wipes. I got the feeling she was teasing me, with her very slow and careful wiping and getting her face very close. My cock was spasming from the attention, which she clearly noticed. Even my balls were subjected to her thorough cleaning, which she did by using her small soft hand to lift my shaft and her other hand to wipe my sack thoroughly. She had her face so close I could swear I felt the heat of her face radiating on my cock. I was afraid that I'd burst at any moment, cumming all over her pretty face. My spasms were getting more frequent and I swear that if she put her hand on my shaft one more time I'd cum, and then she stopped. She put the wipes away and looked up at me.

I don't know how my face looked, but the tension must've been very noticeable. She laughed at my expression and announced. "And now for your reward."

She put her hand on my shaft and started slowly jerking. She clearly knew what to do, but there was still a little awkwardness in her movement, which only made it cuter. It didn't take long at all before I was very close, she moved her hand excruciatingly slowly and my breathing was getting irregular. With her great sense of knowing how close I was, exactly when I felt myself orgasming and the cum shooting through my dick, she put the tip in her mouth; wrapping just the tip inside her beautiful luscious full lips.

I came violently, with shot after shot shooting into her warm mouth. She struggled to keep her mouth closed on my shaft as she involuntarily smiled. When I was done she stood up and swallowed my load while looking me straight in the eye. "All cleaned up." She announced in a sultry voice.

The intense sexuality of her act caught me off guard and I stood flabbergasted with my mouth open. She broke out laughing causing me to break out of my shock and join her in laughing.

"I'm sorry, I just had to do it" She explained.

This is where our flavour of playful teasing and flirtatious acts met reality, and it caught me off guard.

"You caught me off guard!" I responded.

"You should be glad I didn't call you daddy!" She added laughing

My cock twitched when she said daddy, I didn't expect I would find that so hot.

I knew I needed to find some kind of comeback, and thought quickly.

"Well, it's great we finally found something you're truly good at."

She turned toward me with a shocked look. "You!" She exclaimed. She proceeded to repeatedly hit me on the shoulder in a playful way, which looked ridiculous with her still exposed boobs swinging violently on her body.

I insisted on helping her clean the bathroom. We pretty much used up all the toilet paper in the room but we got it done. I was increasingly curious how the milk tasted, but I wasn't going to lick it from a bathroom wall. Still, I was confident I'd get to taste it someday. When we were all done she proceeded by putting her bra on. It was a huge thing, I could tell her head would fit into one of the cups. I looked on, fascinated, as she tried to put the huge thing on.

She looked up at me.

"Why don't you help me, instead of just looking?" She asked me, in a playful arrogant way.

I stood behind her and started to get to work on the six clasps that held the thick band. I tried to see if there was a tag somewhere, I was very curious about her bra size, but I couldn't find one.

As we finally exited the bathroom the coolness of the hallway was pleasant. In total we'd only spent about 30 minutes in there, yet so much happened it felt like an eternity.

Alice announced. "In a few hours I'll need to milk again, so I need to get to my backup pump." Tell the teacher I need to go home, but I’ll be back.

"Yeah my hands are getting pretty tired anyway." I responded, as if she was willing to go through this again today.

Alice just smiled and went in for a quick hug "You’re amazing! I’m so glad we’re science partners! Let’s talk after school,".

When I returned to the desk in the hallway, where I'd left all of my stuff, I sat down. The biology lesson had long ended. I should go find the teacher to hand in the project, and make up some excuse for disappearing.

As I strolled through the hallways in a nearly empty school I pondered what I'd text Alice as an icebreaker. I had just gotten the golden ticket, and I would be dating the most pretty, perfect girl I'd ever known.

By Aester for Literotica

A Milky Encounter

A school science project causes an erotic milky mess.

By Aester - Listen to the podcast at Steamy Stories.

It was the last day of the biology project. With Alice & I having missed the first lesson we had to finish up the project while the rest of the class started the regular lessons again. As we walked through the hallway, looking for a quiet spot I walked slightly behind her, so I could steal glances at her magnificent ass. I really had hit the jackpot with this project; by a stroke of luck we were both not present the first lesson, which meant we got paired up automatically as the only remaining students.


Normally I would never get the chance to do a group assignment with her. Even though we got along pretty nicely, she is the centre of attention, which meant she was always preoccupied or engaged with other people. Alice is basically the perfect girl. The first thing anyone would notice about her is her body. She has probably the best apple bottom in the school, which she usually has on display in her tight jeans. She has wide feminine hips that flow into a small, perfectly flat waist.

Yet this waist is rarely admired as they are obscured by her massive chest. Her boobs are the most ridiculous part about her. They are the size of her head, if not slightly bigger. I've never seen her cleavage, but her shirts, struggling to stretch over those colossal mammaries and then tucked into her jeans, draws more attention than any other girl could flaunting a deep cleavage.

As if that wasn't enough she has a cute face, full luscious lips (you could mistake her for having a well-done lip filler) and beautiful brunette hair. Her personality was great to go along with that, when I first met her I expected her to be bitchy, but she was anything but that. She has a warm personality and is always flaunting her beautiful smile. I really enjoyed talking to her, as did probably every other guy and most girls in school, but I rarely got to. This project however, was a godsend, since it had given me a lot of time with her.

We sat down in a little secluded space and got to work, though we were basically done with the project already.

"There is no way!" Alice exclaimed, upon me telling her one of those random facts (did you know the human nose never stops growing?).

"Yeah it's true!" I replied, she was obviously overestimating the rate of this growth, but I was having a little fun.

"In fact, since the first time we met, your nose has gotten considerably bigger!".

"What!? You're bullshitting me!"

"No it's true! Look it up"

She proceeded to google it on her phone as I grinningly waited.

"Wow, you are right" she said, with her eyes still glued to the phone.

She proceeded to feel her nose, as if to make sure it was still the same size. I couldn't tell if she was just acting or actually serious.

"You're so smart" Alice continued.

Okay, now I knew for sure that she was playing.

"I know, I know" I responded.

"And you're good at. other things" I said glancing down quickly at her bust, which now partly rested on the desk.

"You did not just!" She responded with a serious look. I broke out laughing and she struggled to keep her act of being infuriated, betrayed by her smile.

We had been doing this kind of flirtatious teasing since the beginning of the project, and the privacy of this desk allowed me to push it further. Unfortunately I couldn't tell whether she was as into me as I was into her, as she was pretty flirtatious with a lot of guys. I guess she just really enjoys the attention.

"I'm going to go to the toilet" she announced.

I got a beautiful view of her ass as she walked down the hallway, she probably realised that I was looking and swayed her hips a little more, enjoying how she was teasing me.

Alice had a reputation for staying in the toilet for very long, much to the annoyance of teachers. It probably had something to do with the strict no phone policy of the school, which meant if you wanted to use your phone, you had to get out of the classroom some way or another.

As I knew it would take a while before Alice returned, I tried to get more comfortable in the wooden desk chairs. There was a serene quietness in the hallway, it was pretty late in the day, and if you payed very close attention you could hear the chatter of the last lessons in the distance. Usually I would mistake this atmosphere for being a lonely depressing one, but with Alice's presence it seemed perfect, like we were alone in the world. I took to scrolling on reddit, but found myself daydreaming about Alice, with some gif playing endlessly in the background. I didn't know how to feel about Alice, like probably any other red blooded male I was sexually attracted to her, and had found myself fantasising about her while masturbating. Her body was simply ridiculous, I had yet to find a pornstar that had a body that could match Alice's.

Since the start of this project something changed however. Alice was more in my thoughts than ever, but I couldn't stand the sexual fantasies I had had about her. Knowing what this meant I admitted to myself that I had a crush on her.

I pondered if I should send her a text sometime, especially since the project was coming to an end, our friendship would probably deteriorate if I didn't undertake something.

"Being very productive I see." A voice came. I tore myself from my daydream as Alice sat down. I hadn't even heard her approach. I quickly put my phone away.

Something seemed off, as Alice immediately got to work without saying a word. She bent over the desk while writing. For a second I admired how her breasts rested on the desk. I wondered how weird it would be to have those huge things hanging off your chest, always getting in your way.

Alice looked up, I quickly diverted my eyes, caught in the act of staring. Yet something caught my eye and I quickly returned my gaze, looking her in the eye. Her eyes were slightly red, as if she had cried.

"Wow, Alice, what's wrong?" I asked her, shocked at the sudden seriousness of the situation.

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just not feeling great" She responded, her usual positive energy seemingly vanished.

For a second I accepted the answer, but quickly realised how weird it was that in about ten minutes she went from her usual happy self to almost crying. I got the feeling that something serious had happened.

"Alice, you know that you can trust me right?"

"Did something happen?" I continued.

She looked up at me, her eyes suggested she could start crying any second. I unconsciously felt a sort of anger building in myself, like I wanted to protect her from whatever had hurt her like this.

"Alice?" I repeated, as she seemed lost in thought.

After a few, tense, seconds she finally gave in.

"Come with me" She said, barely loud enough to hear, as she stood up.

I walked with her through the hallway. My emotions were through the roof, the same anger was there but also a kind of fear.

She walked into the teacher's bathroom and I followed her. Once inside she locked the door behind me. The teachers’ bathroom was different in that sense, it still had stalls but for some reason the entire room could be locked.

She leaned against the wall and looked at the ground, not willing to make eye contact.

"I have a condition" She started. “I need to know you’ll respect my private health issues, because I desperately need help now.”

She paused, hesitant to explain. I didn't know what to think. Before I could say anything she continued. “Sometimes the pill causes a rare set of conditions.”

"All my hormones are hyperactive. I lactate. My boobs make milk, even though I'm not pregnant." Then she explained, “My gynecologist thinks this will subside, but for the past several months I’ve been dealing with a dairy farm on my chest.”

I was astounded with this information, but she continued.

"I need to pump the milk out every few hours, otherwise they swell and start to hurt badly."

I was dumbfounded. She proceeded to look through her bag and then produced a breast pump. There was a suction cup with a bottle, and attached to that was a small plastic tube that led to a hand pump.

"It's broken" she explained. She made eye contact me for the first time since we came into the bathroom. It was obviously awkward for the both of us, but the seriousness of the situation cut through this awkwardness a little. Before I could react she put the pump system in my hands.

"I need it to work." She continued.

"I don't know how I'll get through the rest of the day, otherwise; and it hurts like hell." Her voice quivered, then transitioned to a silent wimper.

It was all still a blur of info for me to process. I just looked her in the eyes and hoped that I was expressing empathy, while I took the pump from her.

I'm pretty technically inclined so I started to inspect it, hoping it was something easy to fix. It felt weird handling the pump, it being such a feminine item it made me feel like I wasn't supposed to touch it. I quickly established that there couldn't really be anything wrong with the suction cup and bottle, so I proceeded to look at the pump. I noticed how Alice stuffed her hand under her shirt, when she touched her breast she let out a heavy sigh, affirming that they really were painful. She must have noticed me looking, but acted as if I wasn't there, which in turn made me feel a little more at ease, since I still had a strong feeling I wasn't supposed to see all this.

I tried to test the hand pump for a second, but then noticed that a part of the plastic casting had cracked. There was no way it could be repaired. Alice looked a little calmer, maybe because now she wasn't alone with this problem anymore.

"Alice. Eh. It's not going to work anymore. I can't repair it." I broke the bad news to her.

"Oh okay, Thanks," she responded, with obvious disappointment.

Alice moved so she could sit on the large bathroom sink, and closed her eyes, probably deep in thought. We stood for a few minutes in silence, both not knowing what to say or do. I wanted to ask her if she had a spare pump or if there was some other way to get the milk out, but I knew must have considered all that before.

"Screw it, there's no other way," she broke the silence.

Alice stood up and removed her shirt. I stood in awe as I her bra was revealed.

"Should I, go?" I asked her, gesturing to the door.

"You don't have to," she answered.

I wasn't exactly sure what she meant. She turned towards the wall and unclasped her bra. After having removed her bra, she turned towards the sink covering her nipples with her arm. Her breasts overflowed her arms and looked even bigger now exposed. She removed her arm from her breasts and I saw them in their full glory. Her wide hips flowed beautifully into her waist, which was beautifully narrow and her flat tummy made her globes look even bigger. They looked incredibly firm and sat high on her chest, I wondered if this was her natural shape or the swelling she talked about. Her pink areola was about 2 inches across and topped by a huge nipple, about as thick as her (admittedly small) fingers. Around her areola angry veins emphasised how engorged her breasts were.

She started to milk her breasts by hand. Her small hands struggled to find a grip on the breast, being so firm and large. Her heavy sighs indicated how painful and frustrating the process was. It took about half a minute of tedious massaging before the first milk droplets started coming. With her breasts being so engorged I expected the floodgates to open and rain milk, but her efforts were only met with small squirts. In a bout of frustration she put both hands on a single boob and squeezed, finally producing a sizeable stream.

I started to feel uncomfortable as I was just staring at her without a purpose. Finally I realised that there was a reason I was still here. I gently approached her and she turned toward me slightly in a gesture of approval. I slowly, hesitantly, reached out and placed my hand on her breast with her nipple between my thumb and index finger. the first thing I noticed was the heat, then the firmness. I gently squeezed and was surprised to find how little the breast yielded.

"You can squeeze harder"

I squeezed harder and then felt the breast giving in under the pressure, a stream of milk shot out, followed immediately by another sigh. It seemed my larger hands were better suited to this task, looking at her other boob, which she was still trying to milk herself, her fingers didn't reach much further than her areola.

After a little while I settled into a sort of rhythm, it seemed like the flow of milk was only now getting up to steam, and she confirmed.

"Yeah, that's good like that."

We stood in front of the sink. The tiled wall, mirror and sink were slowly developing a coat of thousands of milk droplets. Whatever mess we made, we could take care of later, now the only thing important was relieving her.

Now that I was getting the hang of it, she released her grip from her other breast, since her own efforts seemed to be in vain. She closed her eyes and used her arm to lean on the sink. Her sighs were still constant.

 I settled into a rhythm of starting high on the breast and firmly compressing so the milk glands emptied near the nipple. I noticed that alternating breasts allowed the tissue to recover and the breast returned to a natural shape while I was busy constricting the other breast.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

"Yeah it does, but it's a good kind of pain. it's hard to describe."

Up to this point the flow of milk didn't seem to have slowed down at all. And with her other breast still full I decided to change my approach. I stood behind her and reached under her arms, finding both breasts. As I continued alternately milking both breasts at the same time, her sighs got heavier and huskier. I was wondering if she got sexual pleasure out of this. She stood up and leaned back on me and let her head rest between my neck and shoulder. With her this close to me I smelled her sweet scent, it wasn't a perfume, just the way she smelled. I recognised the smell from when I had been around her but it was about a hundred times stronger now that she was leaning on me. She was emitting a pheromone, perhaps.

I was hugging the sexiest girl on campus, and milking both of her breasts into the mirror of the faculty womens’ restroom.  She was leaning back into me with her eyes closed and a very pleasant expression on her gorgeous face. I’ve never had a wet dream this good!

As impossibly unreal as it seemed, I was getting used to the situation, and because of that, actually realising how ridiculous it was. For the first time in the roughly 10 minutes we'd been in the bathroom I noticed my raging boner, and how her ass just grazed past it occasionally. My cock was a flagpole ascending tightly to the elastic waistband of my boxers.

Alice hadn't opened her eyes since I started milking both breasts; yes, breasts. This was the best education in human anatomy I could get. In this room, I awakened to the masculine role of supportive partner to the female reproductive & nurturing process. I could not call these amazing mammaries by the crude terms used by schoolboys.

I sensed a strong feeling she was now enjoying my assistance, which made me feel satisfied as I'd apparently helped her out of her predicament. My hands were now soaked in milk as well, the wetness making her breasts slippery.

In my newfound awareness I also found my hands aching, which prompted me to stop for a second and change my grip. When I stopped for repositioning, Alice woke up from her trancelike state. Through the milk stained mirror I noticed the smile on her face.

"Are you enjoying this?" I asked, as I resumed my grip and started gently milking.

"Um, yes at this point it's very enjoyable." Alice answered me, blushing. Then she looked me in the eye, through the mirror’s reflection;

"I take you are enjoying it as well?"

"Very much so." I admitted with a look of honest gratitude.

I noticed that her breasts were getting softer, which allowed me to milk her a lot better. I experimented with various alternating patterns and started getting up to a high pace. She moaned in response, and leaned forward. Using both arms to lean on the sink. I leaned forward with her, resting my chest on her back. She hunched her back slightly and firmly pressed her ass cheeks on either side of my boner. There was no way she didn't feel this. Even through hers and my own jeans I could feel the softness of her ass, which formed into my crotch.

I proceeded to milk her relentlessly, having become bolder with how hard I squeezed which she didn't seem to mind at all. The milk now mostly fell on the sink & counter. I slowly started noticing her rocking her hips, pressing harder along both sides of my cock. Her own smell and the strong scent of what must be milk filled the air and intoxicated me. Her grinding on my crotch became more intense. With her breasts hanging below her they basically lay in my hands, giving me a sense of their significant weight. With every squeeze my fingers now sank deep into her breastmeat, very coated by a film of milk. Her moaning and grinding was constant and was driving me to the edge. My cock started to spasm involuntarily and I knew that I was going to cum very soon.

I began extending my milking motions closer to her nipples. This clearly drove Alice to an ecstasy of heavy breathing

"Your hands feel so good on my nipples." She said through the breathy moans.

I noticed how with every squeeze her breasts expanded to the sides, causing a huge sideboob under her exposed armpit. Entranced with this sight I exploded in my boxers. I, involuntarily, aggressively thrust into her soft ass, finally responding to her grinding. As the most intense orgasm I'd ever had rocked my body I continued to tightly press her ass into the counter. She responded by pressing her ass even harder into my cock, further stimulating my orgasm. My cock just kept spurting, giving me the largest cumshot I'd ever had, but sadly, in my pants. When the orgasm subsided I noticed I had stopped milking and instead had held her nipples in a firm grip during the course of my orgasm. Realising this I quickly resumed milking her, but noticed a bit of spasmic twerks from her pelvis. Then she took a huge breath, followed by a few moans.

Alice's milk had definitely subsided, and after about a minute she called it a milking.

"Thank you so much" She said as she turned toward me. "You can't imagine how anxious I was when my pump broke."

"No problem" I answered her, and continued: "They look like they've calmed down."

Her breasts were now in what must be their natural state, with a beautiful teardrop shape, her huge pink areola and nipples pointing up slightly, all above that beautiful flat tummy.

"Yeah they have, they feel so much better!" You’re very skilled! This is the most thoroughly emptied I been in weeks! I’ll be able to make it through the rest of my classes, now.

I reached out and touched her breast. Her large, still erect nipple pressed into my palm, and the now soft breast flesh yielded under my fingers. 15 minutes ago, these were hard pressurized globes, but now they lay more naturally from her chest, and sway with her slightest move.

For some reason this felt like a bold move, even though I had spent about 15 minutes squeezing them, it was just different now that I faced her, and she looked me in the eye. She responded with a smile and a giggle. She really felt comfortable and safe with me.

"I take it you like them?"

"Oh yes, I sure do. They're beautiful. You're beautiful" I added

"Thanks" she responded with her warm smile as she moved into hug me. As we hugged she pressed herself firmly into me, her still bare chest spreading out over mine, and my still present boner into her lower waist.

"I guess we need to clean up" I announced as I looked glanced at the various milk coated surfaces in the bathroom. We both laughed for a bit at the sight.

"No, I'll clean up." "It's my milk anyway." She responded.

"Speaking of which, I first need to clean something else." She said, as she sank to her knees. It didn't take me long to realise what was happening. As she worked on unbuckling my belt she looked up at me with a naughty smile.

As she dropped my pants to my knees I really didn't know what to expect. It was now fully erect and still coated in my own cum from a few minutes ago.

She carefully assessed the eruption and said; “I feel somewhat responsible for your, uh, mess. I hope you’re can be as comfortable with me helping you, as I am with your help?” Alice reached over to her bag and got out a packet of moist wipes. Somewhere I was disappointed, thinking that she'd lick it clean or something, but I couldn't complain.

She proceeded to slowly wipe my raging hard-on clean with the wipes. I got the feeling she was teasing me, with her very slow and careful wiping and getting her face very close. My cock was spasming from the attention, which she clearly noticed. Even my balls were subjected to her thorough cleaning, which she did by using her small soft hand to lift my shaft and her other hand to wipe my sack thoroughly. She had her face so close I could swear I felt the heat of her face radiating on my cock. I was afraid that I'd burst at any moment, cumming all over her pretty face. My spasms were getting more frequent and I swear that if she put her hand on my shaft one more time I'd cum, and then she stopped. She put the wipes away and looked up at me.

I don't know how my face looked, but the tension must've been very noticeable. She laughed at my expression and announced. "And now for your reward."

She put her hand on my shaft and started slowly jerking. She clearly knew what to do, but there was still a little awkwardness in her movement, which only made it cuter. It didn't take long at all before I was very close, she moved her hand excruciatingly slowly and my breathing was getting irregular. With her great sense of knowing how close I was, exactly when I felt myself orgasming and the cum shooting through my dick, she put the tip in her mouth; wrapping just the tip inside her beautiful luscious full lips.

I came violently, with shot after shot shooting into her warm mouth. She struggled to keep her mouth closed on my shaft as she involuntarily smiled. When I was done she stood up and swallowed my load while looking me straight in the eye. "All cleaned up." She announced in a sultry voice.

The intense sexuality of her act caught me off guard and I stood flabbergasted with my mouth open. She broke out laughing causing me to break out of my shock and join her in laughing.

"I'm sorry, I just had to do it" She explained.

This is where our flavour of playful teasing and flirtatious acts met reality, and it caught me off guard.

"You caught me off guard!" I responded.

"You should be glad I didn't call you daddy!" She added laughing

My cock twitched when she said daddy, I didn't expect I would find that so hot.

I knew I needed to find some kind of comeback, and thought quickly.

"Well, it's great we finally found something you're truly good at."

She turned toward me with a shocked look. "You!" She exclaimed. She proceeded to repeatedly hit me on the shoulder in a playful way, which looked ridiculous with her still exposed boobs swinging violently on her body.

I insisted on helping her clean the bathroom. We pretty much used up all the toilet paper in the room but we got it done. I was increasingly curious how the milk tasted, but I wasn't going to lick it from a bathroom wall. Still, I was confident I'd get to taste it someday. When we were all done she proceeded by putting her bra on. It was a huge thing, I could tell her head would fit into one of the cups. I looked on, fascinated, as she tried to put the huge thing on.

She looked up at me.

"Why don't you help me, instead of just looking?" She asked me, in a playful arrogant way.

I stood behind her and started to get to work on the six clasps that held the thick band. I tried to see if there was a tag somewhere, I was very curious about her bra size, but I couldn't find one.

As we finally exited the bathroom the coolness of the hallway was pleasant. In total we'd only spent about 30 minutes in there, yet so much happened it felt like an eternity.

Alice announced. "In a few hours I'll need to milk again, so I need to get to my backup pump." Tell the teacher I need to go home, but I’ll be back.

"Yeah my hands are getting pretty tired anyway." I responded, as if she was willing to go through this again today.

Alice just smiled and went in for a quick hug "You’re amazing! I’m so glad we’re science partners! Let’s talk after school,".

When I returned to the desk in the hallway, where I'd left all of my stuff, I sat down. The biology lesson had long ended. I should go find the teacher to hand in the project, and make up some excuse for disappearing.

As I strolled through the hallways in a nearly empty school I pondered what I'd text Alice as an icebreaker. I had just gotten the golden ticket, and I would be dating the most pretty, perfect girl I'd ever known.

By Aester for Literotica


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