Big Mike’s Mile High Plans And Soft Landings: Part 2

Getting It Back Up.

Based on a post by m storyman x, in 2 parts. Listen to the podcast at Steamy Stories.

"Sweetie. I can tell you from experience, you got talked into the best fuck you might ever get!" The waitress said with a crooked smile. "And if you have half a brain you'll make damn sure you don't let him get away without giving you a lot more of it!" She continued as she slid out of the booth. "I think I better go get your breakfast now." I sat down in the space she vacated and looked down the length of the dinner and noted how many of the "old geezers" as she called them, were staring at us.

It took a few minutes, but she came back looking a bit freshened up, at least no longer sweating, and carrying plates of food which I was really craving now. "Anything else I can get for you?" She asked in a very businesslike tone as she knelt on the seat next to me. "I think you need your face wiped though. Let me." she whispered as she planted a wet, sensuous kiss on my lips, followed by a shower of slow wet kisses that cleaned all of her cunt juices from my face. "There, much better." She said as she pulled away, both of us panting and my cock once again hard. "If you need anything else...please let me know and I'll be happy to take care of it." She said with a seductive grin and a quick squeeze of my cock.

"No, I think this will do for now." I said as I closed my eyes for a moment, wondering if I was going to get to eat or not, and not complaining one way or the other. She pulled her hand from my lap and got up, leaning over to whisper something I couldn't hear to Amanda before walking away with a smirk on her face.

"So what did she say?" I asked Amanda after the waitress was gone.

"She said that if I was smart I would sit next to you and keep that cock hard so I can get fucked again after breakfast."

"Ah." I said as I tore into the eggs on my plate. I hadn't realized just how hungry I was.

The rest of breakfast was quiet. Amanda ate without taking her eyes from me, and I wondered just what she was thinking. Finally after we had finished and the waitress had come and cleared the plates away, I asked her. "So tell me, what's going through that mind of yours? You haven't taken your eyes off me since we started eating."

"I was just wondering how I managed to not get fucked by you sooner. I mean, she's right, it was the best sex I've ever had. But then again, it's also the only sex I've ever had with a man." She said quietly.

"You were a virgin?" I asked incredulously.

"Not exactly. Just not with a real cock. I mean I've done things with lots of toys, and even played around a bit, but I haven't ever been fucked that way before."

"Well, I'm sorry it was such a public display then." I told her, honestly feeling a bit like I had taken advantage of her.

"Oh don't be." She said as she blushed. "It was fantastic. I just wouldn't have chosen to do it like this myself. But I think this place is definitely back on the menu for lunch don't you?"

"Speaking of lunch. If we plan on getting the plane fixed we better get over to the mechanic." I said standing up and digging through my clothes to find my wallet.

"Uh uh." The waitress said as she came over to the table with a couple plastic sacks. "This one was on me." She said as she wrapped her arms around my neck and planted a soft kiss on my lips, her hard nipples pressing into my chest. "And if you come back later you can have all the free lunch you want, as long as you make me cum like that again!" She whispered in my ear.

"Thank you. I think Amanda is already planning on coming back for lunch."

"Oh good." She said with a smile. "By the way, my name is Jenny."

"Hi Jenny. I'm Mike and this is Amanda. I guess it's always nice to know names, at least if you're going to have sex."

"Uh huh". She added. "Don't be a stranger now." She said letting go of me. I stepped back and loaded our clothes into the bags and gave Jenny a quick kiss before turning and walking toward the doors. Every eye in the place followed us toward the door, including the few naked women that had showed up un-noticed someplace along the line.

It wasn't a far walk to the mechanics, and there were a number of naked people walking around the streets, but it still felt really odd to be walking naked in public this way. I was beginning to wonder if it really was worth all this to get to into Amanda's pants. I discarded the thought quickly. Of course it was worth it! And I had a feeling it would be worth a LOT in the future. I opened the door of Freddie's shop and stepped into the cool, obviously air conditioned, shop.

"Can I help you?" A young lady said, standing up from where she had been bent over the fender of a rather expensive looking BMW Z4.

"Yeah." I said, trying to pry my eyes away from the massive tits that were swaying tantalizingly on her slim frame. "We're looking for Freddie?" I said as I took in her long blond hair and sparkling green eyes.

"You found her!" She said wiping her hands on a rag and walking toward us, making her tits swing even more. And now that the car was not blocking her crotch, her completely shaved mound was exposed to my view. "What can I do for you?"

"Well." I said dragging my gaze to her grinning face. "We had some trouble and had to set down at your airport. The sign said to find Freddie here."

"What kind of a plane is it?" She asked, her smile turning serious as she realized that I was there for more than just ogling her fantastic tits.

"Corvallis 350. Lost power and I saw a few dips in the fuel pressure before we put down."

"Wow." She said with a low whistle. "That's a pretty fancy piece of equipment. Where is it now?"

"Sitting out on the taxiway. That's as far as it would go."

"Well, we better go get it before something happens." She said as she turned and headed toward the office. She came back a few moments later with a set of keys in her hand. "Since you came in by plane I guess you don't have a car." She said with a grin. "And you sure don't want to walk all the way back to the airport dressed like that, so how about a ride? I can take one of you."

"I don't need to go." Amanda said quickly. "Is there someplace I can wait?"

"Sure. If you go into the back room over there you will find a nice little sitting room. No point in exposing you to all the guys who will drop in just for a quick look, if you know what I mean."

"Thank you. It has been a bit; well, stressful walking around this way."

"No problem" Freddie said. "OK stud, come with me!" she added as she headed to the back of the shop. As she led me outside, she pulled a helmet off a shelf and headed over toward a rather racy looking Yamaha sport bike. "You're gonna need this." She said with a grin as she picked up the full face helmet hanging on the handle bars.

I quickly pulled the helmet on as she did the same with hers and then swung her leg over the bike, giving me a quick flash of cunt as she mounted. "You know. There are guys in this town who would pay a pretty penny for the ride your about to get!" She said through the lifted visor, just before she hit the starter button.

I got the idea real quick that if I wanted a ride it was going to be behind her, so I stepped forward and pushed down the rear pegs. It only took me a moment to step onto the bike behind her and settle onto the small seat. What to hang on to was an issue, as was what to do about the hard-on that was sticking up between us.

"Go ahead. Wrap 'em around me and hold on tight!" She said with a laugh as I tentatively put my arms around her body. Hold on tight was an understatement. By the time we had made the first turn out of the alley I had slid up tight to her back, pressing my hard cock between us, and grabbing a hand full of whatever I could around her waist. She accelerated quickly, to nearly fifty in a few seconds, and I squeezed her tight to hang on. Eventually I realized that one hand had a near death grip on a very nice tit, with a hardening nipple pressing into my palm. "Nice grip!" she yelled over the engine as she stopped at a stop sign; after which she cranked the throttle and rocketed back to fifty as if her tail were on fire. And a very cute tail at that. She took a few sharp turns, rolling to a stop in front of the maintenance hangar at the airport, almost before I realized we had arrived. "Here we are!" She said cheerily as she balanced the bike and pulled her helmet off, sitting more upright.

"Sorry." I said as I unwrapped my arms from around her, reluctantly letting go of the handful of tit I had.

"No worries. It was the best grope anyone has put on me in a long time!" She said with a giggle as I climbed off from behind her. When I pulled my helmet off here was no doubt about where her eyes were looking as she leaned the bike onto the side stand and stepped off; making the swing of her leg take a little longer than was probably necessary. The wet spot on the bike seat where her cunt had rubbed was pretty obvious as she reset her feet after stepping off. She lifted one knee almost to her chest and set her foot on the seat of the bike, leaning forward to re-tying a short boot that looked to be tied just fine, at the same time allowing me an incredible view of her exposed, and obviously wet, cunt.

"So what do you say we pull your plane down here and let's see what we can see?" She said as she dropped her foot and cast a quick glance at my hard cock bouncing in time with my heartbeat confirming that I had indeed taken advantage of the view she had given me. She walked over to the door and opened it using a key from the ring she used to start the bike, and walked into the gloom. In a few seconds the massive bay door began to lift open. Before it had gotten fully open I heard an engine start deep inside and a few moments later, an old airport tug came charging and smoking out of the hanger, squealing to a halt in front of me.

"Come on!" She called over the noisy engine, patting the narrow seat next to her. I stepped onto the unusual cart and dropped into the seat next to her just as she hit the gas and took off across the tarmac. "Don't you just love the wind blowing in your hair?" She called as we drove down the long taxiway toward my disabled aircraft.

"Sure. I just keep mine a bit shorter!" I said with a laugh.

"Depends on where you look!" She laughed back, instantly throwing my mind back to the view I had of her shaved cunt.

"I guess it does!" I replied, my cock gaining some of the stiffness it had started to lose. She whipped the little cart around in front of my plane, almost too close in my opinion, and then hopped out to hook up the little tow bar. It only took a moment of tugging and jerking to get my plane's nose gear to turn and connect to the tow bar she had unshipped from the side of the cart. With the connection made, she jumped back in and dropped it in gear. "And away we go!" She said jovially.

As we moved at a crawl along the almost mile long taxiway Freddie leaned over toward me so far her tit was pressing into my bare arm as she asked "So what does your wife think of you running around naked with other women?"

"Amanda? She's not my wife. She works for me." I practically shouted over the revving and smoking engine.

"Really?" She shouted back, a look of surprise on her face. "I wouldn't have guessed, I mean after the diner and all."

"Huh? What about the diner?"

"Well, I caught a little bit of your show over there when I stopped for morning coffee. I don't think that Jenny has been that well fucked in years. Not since her shithead husband left her!" I could feel my face turning red at realization that she had watched part of what ended up being a very public sex-ibition. "Well, look at you all blushing and all. I never would have thought you were the bashful type!" Freddie shouted over the engine. "It's kind of cute!"

I shook my head and looked over at her smiling face as we worked our way slowly down the long taxiway. My eyes soon wandered down to her tits, glistening in the sunlight with a light sheen of perspiration that was breaking out from the hot sun. Her glance back quickly identified where my eyes were fixed.

"Like what you see?" She called as she reached into my lap and wrapped one hand around my hard cock. "I have to admit your pretty damn good looking yourself!"

"Thanks!" I called back over the roar of the motor as we made the turn off the taxiway toward the hanger. Her hand was still in my lap, now stroking my cock slowly and almost automatically; her attention focused on approaching the hanger so she didn't clip the wings of my plane as she pulled in. The roar of the tug grew significantly as we rolled into the hanger and made a fast U turn to point back out. I was impressed that she managed to make such a slick move. Not only that she had, but that she had done so one handed. Releasing my cock she reached down and hit the key on the tug, plunging us into silence. We sat in silence for several seconds before she slid out of the tug and walked off, coming back a few moments later pushing a tall tool box looking cart.

"Let's see what's going on here then!" She said as she wheeled it to the plane and unhooked a step stool from the side. I was surprised how quickly and how smoothly she located all the fasteners and had the cowling open; her body bent at the waist on top of the stool and her head buried into the engine compartment. I walked around the cart and looked at the screen of the laptop built into the cart; the computer in the airplane happily sharing its memories with the one in the cart. Freddie climbed down and stepped to the computer screen, poking a few keys and making small noises as her discoveries sent her mind off toward possible problems and solutions. For several minutes I thought she had completely forgotten I was even standing there, until she said "Well, it looks like the fuel pump failed, and that is one thing that is not redundant on these." as she pulled several tools from the box, with a pair of mechanics gloves, and climbed back up on the tall step stool. As she leaned into the compartment and started working deep in the engine area, I stepped behind her, and was stunned by the view I had.

With her standing on the stool, her firm round ass was just at face level, and her bent body and slightly spread legs pushed her cunt out with a most inviting view. Her full outer lips were split by a pair of soft pink inner lips, glistening with tiny droplets of her moisture as they spread ever so slightly apart. It was all I could do to not just lean in and lick them, they were so inviting. I had been staring so long, and so intently, I didn't even realize I was slowly stroking my cock and that she was looking back over her shoulder watching me.

"If it looks that good, why don't you do something about it?" She said quietly, moving her feet as far apart as the stool would allow. My brain, fully overloaded with hormones, needed no more invitation. I stepped the few short feet between us and moved my hands to her firm ass. Giving it a gentle squeeze I pressed my face between her creamy cheeks and licked my tongue slowly up and down between her tender lips.

"Oh; fuck." She mumbled as I moved a hand from her ass to between her legs, allowing my finger to search out, and find, her hard clit. "Oh Jesus you're good at that." She moaned as she hung onto the plane for balance while I worked my tongue deeper inside of her and teased her hard clit with my finger tip.

I lost track of time as I lost myself in her succulent cunt, her moans and wetness driving me to continue my pleasant ministrations until my mind and body demanded more.

"Come down here." I said, pulling my face from her cunt. She turned and climbed down the steps facing me, and then threw her arms around my neck. Her mouth pressed to mine as she pulled our bodies, her soft lips teasing mine and tasting her own juices. I let my arms wrap around her and stroke the back of her body, moving up and down her spine, from shoulders to firm ass, as we embraced; our lips and tongues teasing seductively. I felt one of her arms move from around my neck and trail down to my waist, where it slid between us, finding my hard cock. She wrapped her hand around it and stroked it in the confined space a few times before she pushed her body away from mine slightly. Her hand forced my cock down until it was bent slightly downward, and then she pulled herself back toward me, positioning me between her legs, the top side of my cock rubbing against her wet cunt.

"Oh yes!" She moaned into my mouth as she her arm returned to my neck and she began to hump her hips to mine, riding my cock in short choppy strokes. "Oh God yes." I heard and felt her moan as her whole body began to tremble. "I'm going to cum!" She squeaked loudly as she buried her head in my shoulder and humped her hips harder against mine. I felt her teeth gently bite my shoulder as she tried to stifle the cry of pleasure that was escaping her lips; her whole body twitching and jerking. I held her tightly for long seconds while her orgasm faded and her breathing began to return to normal, my hard shaft still trapped between her legs. Shakily she pushed away from me and looked into my eyes. "I can't believe I just did that. I don't just go around having sex with strangers." She whispered, her eyes looking into mine as if searching for something. Finally, after several long seconds, she seemed to make up her mind about what she was looking for and in a very quiet, girlish voice asked me, "Will you fuck me? Please?"

"I'd love to." I whispered back, reaching for her hands that were still around my neck. I pulled her hands from my neck and then used them to guide her as I walked backwards, around the wing and toward the fuselage. I felt my back come to rest against the side of the plane and pulled her close to me; letting go of her hands I slid mine down to her waist, and stepping away from the plane turned her until she was backed up against the wing. I smiled and lifted her slightly, setting her bare bottom on the edge of the wing and then sliding my hands down her legs as she leaned back. I hooked my hands under her knees and lifted and spread her legs; stepping between them until the head of my cock was just touching her wet lips. She laid all the way back on the wing and pulled her legs wide with her own hands as I rubbed the head of my cock around her wet cunt, both spreading her lubrication around my head while also teasing her now fully exposed clit.

"Oh fuck." She whispered as the head of my cock pressed gently into the entrance of her tunnel. I pressed in only enough for my head to slip slightly inside and then pulled it out again, rubbing it around her wet lips and back and forth across her clit. Again, I entered her extremely tight tunnel, sinking in slightly deeper before pulling out and teasing her clit again.

"Yes! Do it! Please!" She begged, her eyes staring straight at mine as I sunk slightly deeper into her. I pressed and slowly sunk into her cunt, allowing her to expand around my mushroom head as her cunt slowly consumed my long shaft. "Oh my God!" She moaned as my balls finally rested against her firm ass. She laid her head back on the wing as I started to slowly withdraw from her again, stopping this time while only my head was inside. I pressed into her again, slightly faster than before, her cunt gripping me snuggly with each inch that entered her. Again I pulled back, and slid into her, faster than the last time.

"Oh fuck!" She moaned as I began pumping in and out of her hot tunnel, faster with each stroke. I reached up to her huge, sexy tits and began to tease and pull her nipples in time with my strokes. Each time my hips bumped her sexy ass her whole body shook, making her big tits swirl around; her nipples pulled and twisted by the natural motion of her sexy mounds.

"Oh God. I won't last much longer!" I said between gritted teeth, knowing that my climax was building, only seconds from pumping its hot load into her sexy body.

"Not in me! Please, not in me!" She moaned as her whole body trembled with its building climax. In frustration, I pulled from her cunt, and pressed my cock against her wet lips with one hand. The friction of her hard clit sliding up and down the bottom of my shaft was enough to push us both over the top. Her whole body was shaking as my cock began to spew its load out, lancing shot after shot of hot cum across her tits and stomach until she was covered in my cum. Some of it sliding and dripping off her big tits.

She let go of her legs and reached out to draw them around me, holding me against her pelvis as she lay panting, rubbing the cum around her body like lotion. "I always wondered how that would feel." She said quietly. "What's that?" I asked with some confusion. "Getting squirted on?"

"Oh, that and being fucked by a real cock . Jackie does a pretty good job of taking care of most of my horniness with her toys. But that was definitely different!"

"Who's Jackie?" I asked, even more confused.

"Jackie is my partner." She said as if that explained everything. In a way it did, but it also brought up so many more questions.

"Um, I see, I think." I said as she disengaged her legs from around me and pushed herself up to sit on the wing. She reached for my neck and pulled my face down to hers, giving me a long slow wet kiss that had an almost immediate effect, starting mister happy growing again.

"Hmmm, looks like your batteries recharge faster than my favorite toy." She said with a giggle as she felt my growing hardness against her belly. "But I think I better take care of that fuel pump before we go down this road again."

With that she pushed me away and slid off the wing, standing in front of me and leaning in for another long slow kiss. "You know." She whispered, as her hand found my cock and stroked it slowly, "I could kiss you all day. You are such a damn good kisser."

"You're not so bad yourself." I whispered as my hands stroked the sides of her large tits.

"Hmm, Thank you!" She cooed with a smile as she let go of my cock and pushed me away. "I better get to work or we'll be at this all day!"

"Is that a problem?" I asked with a laugh.

"Maybe." She answered simply as she walked around the wing, headed back to the engine area. I watched her climb up the stool again and could not resist the temptation to tease my fingers between her wet lips while she bent over to work. "Oh God. You keep that up and I'm going to make you fuck me again!" She said from inside the cowling.

"And that would be a problem why?" I asked. Without a word she spent almost fifteen minutes bent over in the cowling working before pushing herself out to stand up on the stool. She climbed down with a part in her hand and then turned around to set it down on the stool. She bent over and stuck her ass out at me. "Ok. You wanted it, it's yours!" She said as she spread her legs apart and arched her back so her cunt stuck out at me.

"You want it?" I teased.

"Fuck yes! You've been teasing the shit out of me and I'm almost ready to cum already!" She said with a laugh. "If you don't stick that cock in me I think I'm going to die!"

"I can arrange that!" I said with a grin as I stepped behind her. I rubbed the head of my cock around her wet lips and slid easily into her well lubricated tunnel, eliciting a small moan from her.

"Oh, so nice!" She said as I started stroking, long and slow, into her. I took my time, working in and out at a leisurely pace, not wanting to rush things; and also realizing that her very tight tunnel would fire me off in about two seconds if I really went at it. Even so, it seemed like only a few short minutes before I felt my balls tightening up as her climax approached. I could feel the first pulsations in her velvety tunnel as her climax worked right to the edge. I reached around her and found her nipples with my hands and gave each one a gentle squeeze and pull, causing her to cry out as her orgasm crashed suddenly over her. Her body jerked and spasmed around my cock as I continued to stroke into her; my own climax only moments away. I pulled out and started to stroke my own cock to completion, only to be met with a cry of "No!"

With a smile I aimed my cock at her still open hole and stuffed it back in. The extra sensation of re-entering her pushed me over the top and my body jerked, ramming my cock deep into her cunt as it gushed the first of many shots of my cum into her. Time and again my body jerked and added to the volume trapped in her cunt, before it finally slowed and I stood panting, my cock shriveling inside her.

"Oh god that was intense!" She panted from where she leaned on the stool. "I hope you have a lot more where that came from."

"I do, why?"

"Because your fuel pump is shot and you're going to be stuck here 'till tomorrow." She said with a grin as she pulled off my cock and turned to face me.

"Well, I suppose I can always get a room at the hotel."

"What hotel? There isn't one. What I can do is offer for the two of you to stay at our place. I know that Jackie hasn't been fucked by a guy in years, but I think you just might be man enough to charm her into it."

"Why would I want to do that?" I asked.

"Well, since you already fucked my girlfriend, I might want a little myself!" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and saw a very sexy woman in her mid-twenties, long blond hair flowing over her shoulder and down her front almost to her thin waist; partially obscuring a set of tits that were easily as big as Freddie's.

"Not to mention that cute thing you have with you might be a nice payback too." I looked back and forth between the two women, eventually asking if they were serious.

"Oh I'm quite serious." Jackie said as she stepped up to me and stroked down my chest with a finger. "If you could seduce Freddie, then you must be pretty good. And I am always ready for 'pretty good'!" She said as she let her fingers slide around my balls and cup them in her hand.

"So, you game to stay the day, and night, with the two of us?" she challenged.

"Well, since I'm stuck here I don't see any reason to turn down such generous accommodations." I answered.

"Good. It's settled then. Freddie will bring you home when she gets done here, and I'll go collect your little friend from the shop and see how sweet she really is." Jackie said as she turned and walked away, her cute ass wiggling seductively as she went.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I asked myself as Freddie walked toward the office area with my defunct fuel pump in her hand. I had a feeling I was going to be very tired by the time the morning of the 15th rolled around.

Based on a post by m storyman x, for Literotica


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