Love the Motherland

A World War 2 story of compassion, loyalty and love.

By FinalStand. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

Both Men and Nations make ware, but only men make love.

Introduction: The Nazi Regime was evil; the German Army of the time, the Heer, did horrible things, but in the end armies are made up of ordinary men and this is a story of ordinary men in bad situations

Two hours before sunset Day 1.

Sergeant Heinz Klausenbach pressed himself through the waist deep snow toward the outpost of the neighboring 3rd Battalion. They sat on the extreme north of his own company's position, if you could consider what was left of his command a company. Right now every one of his soldiers was praying to see New Year's Day of 1942, and a prayer was about all they had. The German Wehrmacht was reeling from the massive Soviet Winter offensive and its very existence was in danger.

Heinz looked around, trying to get his bearings in the heavy snowfall. He was sure he should have crossed a sentry by now. He checked the bolt on his Mauser rifle; it still worked even in this terrible cold. He snuck up on a figure slumped against as tree. He had on a German helmet so Heinz tapped him and whispered.

Love the Motherland

A World War 2 story of compassion, loyalty and love. By   FinalStand . Listen to   the Podcast   at   Steamy Stories . Both Men and Nations ...