Jenna’s Cousin Mia: Part 1

Jenna's teenage cousin turns up at the vicarage.

A Series in 17 parts, by Blacksheep. Listen to the Podcast at Steamy Stories.

 It was the second Sunday after Trinity. Over at St Michael's vicarage, the morning eucharist had finished and Reverend Morris and his wife Jenna were discussing the upcoming events in the church calendar.

"Josh gets ordained next month, so that'll be a fun occasion. Big party over at his place. He's so excited for that day to come. It's been remarkable how he's come out of his shell. When he joined our church as curate a year ago, he was so nervous and shy. Now look at him." Reverend Morris said.

"He's a real asset to the church," Jenna replied, sipping a coffee, as she read through the church newsletter. "I like to think that I, helped build up his confidence a bit."

"Oh you certainly did, I'm sure," the vicar said, oblivious to what his wife was referring to. "Now, apart from that big event, there's not much happening in July. I'm adding the study of the Book of Exodus in the services. Last year's summer study of Genesis went down a treat,”

The sound of the doorbell interrupted him.

"I wonder who that can be?" Reverend Morris said, hurrying out of the living room. "If it's Gordon, he's early. He said he would call round at 2."

He opened the front door. A slim young woman around eighteen or nineteen, stood on the doorstep. Brunette hair that was in pigtails. Huge brown eyes like Bambi. She was dressed in a low cut pink peasant top, tight cow-print shorts and ballet shoes. By her side was a suitcase and hold-all.

"Hello. Can I help you?" Reverend Morris said.

"Um," the woman began, in a nervous voice. "Mr., um, Reverend Morris. Is, Jenna in? I'm Mia, her cousin."

"Oh really? Gosh, well do come in, you're very welcome! You look loaded up there, let me give you a hand." He ushered her inside and carried her luggage.

"Jen! You've got a visitor!"

Jenna looked up and her eyes widened. "Mia?"

"Hello CJ," Mia said, with a sheepish grin.

Reverend Morris blinked.

"Cousin Jenna," Jenna replied.

"Ah," He understood.

"What are you doing here? Last I heard you were at Salford uni."

"It's a long story," Mia sighed, as Reverend Morris gestured for her to sit on the settee. "Um, I quit."

"Oh no," Jenna said. "What happened?"

"Oh Jen, it was awful. I just couldn't settle into university life at all. I made a mistake choosing that Art and Design course. It wasn't for me. The lectures stressed me out, but worst of all was the bullying." She dabbed at imaginary tears in her eyes with a tissue. "Nine months and I just couldn't cope with it any longer, so I jacked it in."

Jenna was about to say something, but her husband cut in.

"You poor thing. God, if there's one thing I hate, it's bullying. Sad that it occurs in all walks of life. A nasty part of human nature."

Noticing the reverend had been completely taken in by Mia's story, Jenna cleared her throat. "What did your parents say?"

There was an awkward pause.

"You haven't told them, have you?"

"Are you serious Jen? Mum will go nuclear if she finds out. I'm just not ready to deal with that, yet. She was so proud when I got in that place. Dad will be more understanding but, look, I have a favor to ask. Can I stay with you for, a bit? I used up my last bit of cash on the train fare. I'm broke and I have nowhere to stay. I can't face going back to my parents. They'll treat me like a kid. Please? I won't be any bother. I'll do housework for you, I'll,”

"Of course you can stay!" Reverend Morris smiled. "Our vicarage is always available to those who need it. We have a spare bedroom." He turned to Jenna. "We had Bishop George staying with us during Lent, remember? I'm sure your cousin can't be a worse lodger than him. She looks like she's gone through a tough few months."

Powerless to refuse, Jenna reluctantly agreed. Oh Simon, you sweet, naive man. You have no idea what you're letting yourself in for! She thought.

"Oh you mean it? I can stay? Oh; thank you so much, Reverend!"

"Simon. You can call me Simon!" Reverend Morris replied. "It's nice to finally get to meet you, Mia. I know you and Jenna drifted apart a bit when your parents moved, but it's so nice when relatives reunite, isn't it?" the reverend said as he went to pick up the luggage.

"If only everyone could be as nice as you and Jenna!" Mia gushed.

Jenna pulled a face at her cousin and whispered to her. "You are so dead, cousin!"

"Right, well, I'll introduce you to your new room!” Simon said as he returned holding all the bags. “This way! I'll carry your stuff for you." Reverend Morris carried up the suitcase and hold-all.

"Your hubby is a total gent," Mia whispered to Jenna.

"Oh, you might be able to fool him, but you're not fooling me," Jenna replied. "As soon as he's gone out later, you are going to tell me everything."

Reverend Morris led Mia upstairs and down the long landing. Mia walked right by his side looking something between an infatuated schoolgirl gazing at her crush and a timid little lamb sticking close to the shepherd. At eighteen, Mia was very aware of the effect she had on men. Her Bambi eyes, teamed with the brunette hair, gave her an innocent look that convinced boys and men alike that she couldn't possibly know what effect she was having on them. But she knew quite well, and she loved the things she could get by putting her skills to good use.

"Here we are," Reverend Morris said, opening the bedroom door at the end. "It's not massive, but it's got a pleasant view overlooking the garden."

Mia walked in. The room was nicely decorated. Instead of the usual neutral color scheme of magnolia, the walls were painted in very pale blue, with white ceiling and a sandy colored carpet. Instead of curtains, a white window blind, as was the current trend. A single bed, chest of drawers and ladder desk and chair made up the furniture.

"I don't know why I painted this room blue, it always looks so cold, and it doesn't really match the carpet. No wardrobe, but there's a full chest of drawers and the bed is a divan, with two storage compartments you can put your bits and bobs in. There's a hook on the back of the door if you need to hang some clothes up."

"Oh I love it!" Mia said, smiling at him. "It's like being at the beach. The floor is sand and the walls are the sea. It's so restful and appealing. Really brings out my creative side. I think I could do lots of painting and drawing in here."

"I'm glad you like it. Jenna and I want you to feel comfortable and safe here. Charity is so important to Christians like us."

"Oh yes, I understand Rev, um, Simon. And I am so grateful. Um, do I have to start going to church? I mean I was raised in a Christian home but I sort of drifted,” Mia said, giving him a coquettish look."

"Ha, no worries! We're not going to force you to attend a Sunday service or anything so relax. Whether you're a believer or not, everyone is catered for in our vicarage. We don't judge."

"Jenna told me that your church is a nice one," Mia said, gazing at the reverend. He's rather average in looks but this guy is a total sweetie I can tell. Not an ounce of malice in him. Jenna's really landed on her feet with this one.

"She's right! St Michael's is a lovely place of worship. I'm very honored to be its vicar. Of course it wasn't always like that, but I like to think that I've really turned things round and made a difference. I credit Jenna for helping me in, many ways," he continued, and Mia noted the pause.

Wonder what he means by that? She thought.

He continued. "I took over in 2019 after the sudden death of the previous vicar, Reverend Smith. Talk about being thrown in at the deep end. Only a few months later, the pandemic happened. What a stressful time that was."

Mia nodded patiently.

"Sorry, I'm prattling on! I'll leave you to get sorted out. I talk too much. Always in sermon mode,”

"That's alright, Simon. I'm sure your sermons are really interesting." Mia said, flattering him some more.

"Ah well, haven't heard too many snores in the aisles of late."

"I really appreciate you helping me like this," Mia said, sitting on the bed. "I just don't know how I was going to cope. And I want to pay my way. I suppose I'll have to apply for Universal Credit. What with the cost of living crisis and everything. Not sure if there are any jobs going in this town? I don't know this area at all and I can't drive,”

"One step at a time, Mia. let's get you settled in first."

"I really do want to work. Is there anything I could do at your church?"

Reverend Morris scratched the back of his head and sat down next to her.

"Well, it's mostly volunteer work there, which is no good when you need an income, oh wait a minute, Norman the churchwarden mentioned that the church hall needs a cleaner, 10 hours a week. It's only a five minute walk from here. We had one of the Sunday school teacher's lads doing it, but I confess he rarely turned up and was about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. I was disappointed in Jordan, as the pay was pretty good for an entry-level job."

"I'll do that job! I'd love to do that!" Mia said. "Oh please say yes!"

"Hmm, well let me talk it over with Jenna first, and Norman. Cleaning is a bit boring. You'd be required to put out chairs and tables too. They're only lightweight folding ones, so no dangerous lifting of heavy stuff or anything. But Norman will be able to tell you more about what's involved. We have a lot of functions held in the hall, not just church stuff. Monday is badminton class. Tuesday it's the over-60s hot yoga. Wednesday is the midweek eucharist, so it's tea and coffee morning. Thursday and Friday you get two days off as nothing happens then. Saturday is the local amateur dramatics group. Oh and Sunday, the most important day of all, is the main service at church, and a social gathering afterwards."

"Oh I just love cleaning up," Mia said. "Tidiness is good for mental health you know. It keeps your mind occupied." She slid a bit closer to him.

"You're really enthusiastic aren't you?" Well If your heart's set on it, I'm sure I can pull a few strings and get you in. Don't want you to feel like your talents are being wasted in what I consider to be just a casual job though."

"To be honest, I never had any idea what I wanted to do when I left school," Mia continued. "I never wanted to go to uni. I feel like such a failure for quitting."

"Don't put yourself down," he said, reassuring her. "Sometimes God has a different path for us. And you can't stay somewhere that's making you unhappy. It takes guts to break away from a path that someone else has set for you. I can tell you have a great attitude. Your talents obviously lie elsewhere. In time, I'm sure you'll find something you truly excel at."

"I do hope so," Mia said, pouting at him. She leaned in closer, but the moment was broken by the sound of the landline phone ringing downstairs.

"Oh that reminds me, I need to call on one of the flock." He stood up. "I'll leave you to unpack Mia. If you need anything, I'm sure Jenna can assist you. I have to go out. I'll see you later. Take care!"

He hurried out of the bedroom.

"I think I'm gonna love it here," Mia giggled to herself. "I think I need to, repair my relationship with God." She gave the most mischievous of grins as she flopped back in bed.

"But I also plan on sinning, a lot!"

Reverend Morris rushed down the stairs.

"That was the garage on the phone," Jenna said, putting down the receiver. "My car's passed its MOT and ready to be collected."

"Great. I'll drop you off there as I just remembered I promised Gladys Wilcox I'd take her a copy of that paperback I recommended at last week's service. Hills of the North by Jenny Talwartz." He rummaged around on the coffee table and held up the book in question. "A thrilling tale set in rural England, about passion, blackmail and a woman's fulfilling journey to find romance and regain her faith."

"Sounds a good one."

"It got rave reviews on Amazon. I was worried it might be a bit too racy for some of the older members of the congregation. I haven't had chance to read it yet but apparently it contains violence and several sex scenes."

"Right up Gladys Wilcox's alley I'd say," Jenna replied, grinning. "I keep telling you, there's something kinky going on between her and the churchwarden. Okay, give me five minutes, and I'll be ready. Need to have a quick word with our non-paying guest."

"You're alright with her staying, aren't you? Sorry, I tend to just dive in and say yes to everything. Your cousin seems like such a lovely person."

"I don't mind, but she's not the innocent little thing you think she is," Jenna said. "Oh she's not a criminal or anything, but she can be a bit, indiscreet at times."

"Aren't we all a bit like that at eighteen? Not much life experience to fall back on."

"Hmm, I suppose. I will phone Aunt Kathleen later and let her know that Mia's staying here. I'd better prepare to gently break the bad news that her daughter won't be getting those letters after her name."

Mia was admiring herself in the wall mirror when Jenna came in, and closed the bedroom door.

"Alright you. Now how about giving me the whole truth about why you quit uni? You're good, but your acting skills need work. Better make it quick as Simon's waiting to give me a lift to the garage, so spill."

The brunette took a deep breath. "Alright. Look, don't give me too much grief. I did something wrong and that's why I had to quit."

"What happened?"

"I seduced my lecturer and slept with him."

She gasped. "You did what?" After the initial shock, Jenna couldn't help but admire her cousin's brazen attitude. Seeing as she herself had seduced several men from the church, plus a former Catholic priest, and most recently, the town mayor. Not to mention there were her weekly "organ lessons" with Gordon,

"So he was old enough to be my dad. Maybe grandad. He was like, late fifties or something. But he was so hot. Older men really turn me on. You must know how that feels. I mean, your husband is way older than you, right?"

"Yeah. I'm twenty-one and he's forty." Jenna admitted. "Eighteen and late fifties is one hell of an age gap though."

"I know. Oh but Jen. Tom was such a sexy man. Just the type I like. He was a smoker, but not a heavy one. Kind of used to turn me on, smelling smoke on his breath. It added to the attraction, as weird as that sounds. The sex was amazing. Older men are just sexier,”

Jenna gave a dreamy sigh. "Yep they are. Can't disagree with you there. Realizing she suddenly had a lot more in common with her cousin, she sat down next to her. "Tell me more about Tom."

And so Mia gave her chapter and verse on her spicy adventures at Salford.

"Stood in the art room, I was backlit by the bright front windows behind me. By kneeling down to waist level, he could see through the now semi-transparent material of my dress and get a look at the curves of my body underneath it. I told myself that I was grossed out, and that it was disgusting, but the idea that this older man wanted to see my knickers made my heart beat fast, I masturbated to the idea of Tom looking at me and his cock getting hard in his underpants, and as I later found out, he had a lovely big cock."

"Wow," Jenna said, feeling herself getting quite wet.

"Jenna! Are you coming?" Reverend Morris shouted.

"Oh! Er yes! Just a minute! I have to go out and collect my car from the garage. I won't be long. You'll be okay whilst I'm gone won't you?"

"You sound like Mum."

"Sorry. I'll see you later then. Make yourself a brew or something. Help yourself to whatever's in the kitchen but if you touch Simon's beloved brandy, you'll be reciting some prayers of forgiveness!" Jenna said with a wink.

"I'll be good. Honest. Can I have a shower please? After that long journey I feel gross. It was hot and smelly in the train. A fat lad sat behind me kept farting."

"Yes of course. Bathroom's the second on the right."

A few minutes later, Mia was taking full advantage of the newly-installed power shower at the vicarage. As the hot water caressed her young body, she closed her eyes and ran her hands over her smooth skin, losing herself in the sensation. A smile played across her face as her hands cupped her small, pert breasts and gave the nipples a quick tweak. She sucked in a breath and bit her lip as those wandering hands traveled lower, finding the treasure between her legs. The sensations were nice, but when she imagined someone watching her doing these things, her clit began to throb with need.

"Oh Tom. I miss you."

On the other side of town, Gordon was loading some ceramic plant pots into the boot of his car. He was glad to be offloading these unwanted pots on the vicar. With their massive garden, they'd be put to good use. Plus, Gordon could never refuse an opportunity to see the gorgeous Jenna.

In the shower, Mia leaned against the wall, eyes closed, and fingered her tingling clit. She was lost in a fantasy.

Praise the Lord! Reverend Morris returns unexpectedly, before Jenna does. He walks in and finds me here. Instead of turning away, he unzips his trousers. I happily comply, straight away, by parting my legs, bending over and thrusting my arse into his groin so he can tear off my underwear- if I was wearing any (which is hardly ever) - and he rams his whole ten inches (I assume he's well-endowed) of hard, holy cock right into my hot, tight snatch, fuck yes!

Gordon arrived at the vicarage, and failed to notice the lack of cars on the driveway. His mind was too focused on Jenna. Being so familiar with the house's occupants, he didn't even knock these days, but just walked in. Gordon had never been known for restraint, but Reverend Morris didn't seem to mind.

"Hello? Anyone in? I'm early." He shouted. No reply. Maybe they were in the back garden. He shrugged and carried the pots into the house.

Mia had finished her shower and was just wrapping a towel round herself when she heard Gordon's voice.

Then the sound of the back door opening was heard.

"Shit, who's that?"

Mia opened the bathroom window and peered out. She noticed Gordon placing the plant pots in the yard.

"Wonder if he's a delivery guy?"

Gordon looked round and scratched his head. It was obvious now that Jenna and the reverend weren't in. He pulled out his smartphone.

Mia continued to observe him, finally getting a good look at his face.

"He looks a bit like Tom! Oh my God!" She watched him call someone.

"Hi Jen, it's your favorite organist here. Just letting you know that I've arrived at your place with the pots, what's that? Sorry, it's a bad line, oh you're at the garage? Right, I see, sure, no problem."

"Oh; so he's the church organist." Mia said. "What a DILF!"

Gordon ended the call and put his hands on his hips. "Oh well, might as well help myself to a cuppa, whilst I'm here." He headed back into the house. In the kitchen, he was just about to switch the kettle on, when a voice from behind made him jump.

"Hello there."

Gordon spun round in surprise.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"Who, are you?" He spluttered, catching his breath, and then he realized she was wearing nothing but a bath towel.

"Oh, I'm Mia, Jenna's cousin. I've just arrived. I'll be staying here for a bit as I, oh, whoops!"

The towel fell to the floor.

Gordon's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"Bloody hell!"

The Vicar gets a shock, and the organist is seduced.

Reverend Morris turned into the quiet cul-de-sac of Rosebay Gardens and pulled up in front of Mrs. Wilcox's bungalow.

"Hope the old girl doesn't find this book too rude," he muttered to himself as he knocked on the door. Noticing a pair of garden gnomes dressed in bondage gear, he smiled.

"Guess she won't!"

After a few minutes, no-one came to the door. Reverend Morris fiddled with his clerical collar. The June heatwave was showing no sign of ending. Hearing laughter, he walked down the side of the house and opened the rear gate.

"Yoo hoo! Anyone there?"

He wasn't prepared for what he saw next.

"Oh Vicar! I didn't hear you!" Mrs. Wilcox cheerfully exclaimed as she dropped the riding crop. "Norman, I told you to lock that garden gate,”

The churchwarden, his hairy, bare buttocks red from repeated whippings, leapt to his feet and adjusted the floral print apron, which was his only item of clothing.

"Ah, good afternoon to you, Reverend! This is, um, well I guess it looks bad."

"Dear God!" The vicar muttered. "Jenna was right all along!"

Norman was mortified. "Er, I was, we were,”

"He's been a naughty boy," Mrs. Wilcox cut in, rising from the garden chair. "He forgot to mow the lawn. I'm still training him, you see."

"What's going on here?" Reverend Morris gasped. "Norman, are you some kind of slave?"

"Heh, er, pretty much," the embarrassed churchwarden replied. "It's a fetish I never knew I had, or knew she had."

"My garden isn't overlooked, Vicar and we're both consenting adults. No harm in a bit of what you fancy, is there? Norman, sweetie, why don't you go and clad yourself in something more suitable and make us all a nice cup of Earl Grey, eh? There's a good lad. She gave his arse a playful slap as he hurried into the house.

"Now Vicar," the old lady said, turning to face him. She grinned, but behind that sweet facade lay steely determination and unbridled spirit. "Why yes, I'm eighty-six. I suppose I should be doing crosswords and watching episodes of Midsomer Murders instead of whipping a younger man's bare behind, eh? You look rather shocked. I must say, I'm surprised at your blushes, given that your lovely wife Jenna has quite a fancy for our dear church organist."

Reverend Morris wasn't sure what to say. Norman must've told her about what went on in the church when I arranged Jenna's special birthday surprise, he thought. Damn. I swore him to secrecy.

"Oh I don't judge, I don't judge at all!" He said quickly. "Whatever turns you on, Gladys. I'm pleased that you're both enjoying yourselves!"

"Just like you and your good wife, and Gordon enjoyed yourselves in the church hall at Easter, am I right?" She winked at him. There was no way to deny it, for the old lass knew everything. Nosey little old ladies had a habit of knowing the deepest, darkest secrets of every member of a church.

"Er, that. It was, a one off. It just happened. We got carried away in the heat of moment!" Reverend Morris stammered.

"As is the usual way," Mrs. Wilcox replied.

"How did you, erm, find out?"

"Couldn't resist a peek through the keyhole," she said. That wasn't actually true, but she wasn't going to confess to the camera and Mrs. Norris' failed attempt at blackmail.

"You're a bit of a dark horse, Vicar," Mrs. Wilcox continued. "Gordon lends himself well to naughtiness, but you always seemed the shy type. Quite the stamina you displayed." She patted his arm. "I must admit, I had doubts when you took over from Reverend Smith, God rest his soul. I was wrong."

"Very kind of you to say," he said, starting to relax. "Um, about that church hall incident, you haven't said anything have you?"

"My lips are sealed, dearie!"

Reverend Morris exhaled. "Praise the Lord. Thank you, Gladys!" He was relieved she didn't know about Jenna's " Mentula Cōleī (bukkake) baptism" in the church last year. That would've been too much to excuse.

In the house, came the sound of a whistling kettle reaching the boil.

"Forgive me asking this but, how did you and Norman come to be, er, in such an arrangement?"

"He wasn't my first choice," she said, with no hint of shame. "I wanted Gordon to step into the role, but he chickened out. Shame, as he showed such promise that afternoon when he came to practice on the organ, and my word, I enjoyed playing with his organ, let me tell you! I said to him, if I were thirty years younger, I'd have done a lot more with his organ! My body's far too old for such things, alas. But he seemed to really enjoy the blowjob I gave him. I haven't lost my touch!"

The vicar felt as though he was about to faint. He would never look at this frail-looking little pensioner in the same way again.

"Well, that's good to know!"

Presently, the kitchen door opened and Norman, now wearing a bathrobe, stepped out onto the patio, carrying a tray.

"Tea, Vicar?"

Meanwhile, at the vicarage,

Gordon wasn't usually lost for words, but Mia's towel drop had left him tongue-tied.

"Silly me," she said, bending down and covering herself up. "Sorry about that, Mr.,”

He dared to breathe. "Gordon,”

"Hi Gordon. I heard you talking on your phone earlier. Are you the organist?"

She didn't seem embarrassed at all, but he could feel his face burning. "Um yes, I am. Been organist and choirmaster at St Michael's for twenty years now. I've played other pipe organs in different churches too."

"How impressive. Being an organist you must be very good with your hands." Mia said. "May I call you Gordy-pie?"

"If you wish, and I have no complaints so far," he chuckled, regaining his confidence. He wondered if all female members of Jenna's family had this talent for driving men wild.

"I'd like your hands on me, Gordy-pie," Mia whispered, walking closer to him.

"I'm sure. How old are you?" He added, warily.

"Eighteen, and I'll be nineteen in a few weeks."

"Ah." He relaxed. "How come you're staying here then? I'll hazard a guess that you're not training to become a member of the clergy?"

"Been a naughty girl; haven't I?" She pouted. "Got myself booted out of uni."

"Blimey. What did you do?" Gordy-Pie asked.

"Slept with my lecturer," Mia said, twirling a wet strand of her hair. "Seduced him, lost my virginity to him. I regret nothing."

"You are an extremely naughty girl," Gordon tutted in mock disapproval. "Seducing defenseless older men like that."

"I know. But Gordy-pie, do you know what the best thing was? That first time we did it. When I pressed against him and felt his hard cock straining against his trousers. The same as yours is now,” She groped his crotch and taken by surprise, he let out a gasp.

Mia slipped her arms round his waist and planted a kiss on his lips. "Well? What shall we do?"

"I quite fancy a nice hot shower," Gordon whispered back. Lowering his voice further, he whispered into her ear. "Get your naughty little ass up those stairs right now and into the bathroom."

She didn't need telling twice. Giggling, she threw her towel at him and raced out of the kitchen.

"I'll show you exactly what an organist can do with his hands!" Gordon shouted as he ran after her, whilst trying to unbuckle his belt.

In the bathroom, Mia had already turned on the shower. She watched in amusement as Gordon fumbled with his clothes. He stepped out of his shoes and socks and tried to remove his trousers as fast as possible.

"Hurry up, Gordy-pie!" She teased.

"Damn these buttons! He muttered, fiddling with his shirt. "Should've worn a t-shirt."

At last he freed himself from the offending item of clothing, and his trousers fell to his ankles.

"Oh, love your tighty-whities!" Mia purred. They were just like the ones Tom wore.

"Wait until you see what's inside them!" Gordon laughed, removing his briefs and finally, he was as naked as she was.

"Wow," Mia gasped. She was more than impressed. The organist's cock was thick and splendid. She was so hungry for cock that any man would've done, but Gordon ticked all her boxes and more. This was going to be one hell of a shower,

"Gordy-pie," she whispered, holding out her hand. "I must warn you, I'm very slippery when wet."

Gordon stepped inside. Water cascaded across the slim curves of Mia's glistening body and ran down into the darker crevice of her thighs. Gordon saw that she had a dark thatch of pubic hair that obscured her view of the lips below.

"I'd better handle with care then," he whispered back.

His lips closed tight around her skin and kissed her neck right from her left ear, all the way down and around and back up to her right ear. He did this again, this time using tongue flicks just to hear Mia moan slightly.

"So just how do you play the pipe organ?" Mia gasped.

He reached for the shower gel bottle and began to lather up his hands.

"Like this." He ran his fingers down her shoulders and back, then in a circular motion, before kneading her skin.

"The thing with pipe organs is, you have to press down quite firmly on the manuals," he said. "That's what the keyboards are called." He planted kisses on the back of her neck. "The organ at St Michael's has three manuals. One up here." He pressed his fingers against her shoulders.


"The middle one, round about here,” His fingers slipped down to her lower back.

"That tickles!"

"And the third manual, that's down here." He cupped her pert buttocks.

"Then there are the stops." Gordon's hands slipped round and up to her breasts.

"Have to pull out the stops,” He tweaked her hardened nipples.

Mia closed her eyes, loving his sensual touch, and feeling his hard cock pressing against her arse.

"Oh, Gordy,”

"Not forgetting the organ loft," Gordon continued, fingering her clit and making her whimper and shudder in pleasure.

"That's where the action happens. The organist sits at his console and plays,”

Mia continued to shudder but then turned, & roughly grasped Gordon's head with both hands. He saw the desire in the young woman's brown eyes before he kissed her, hard and deep. Mia's inconsistent moans became longer and louder; the trembling went from shudders of the back to full-body quaking.

Gordon continued. "And that just leaves, the organ pipes. The biggest pipes produce the deepest sounds. He took her hand and placed it on his cock.

"I've only got one organ pipe, but it only takes one pipe to make sweet music,”

The hot spray from the shower cascaded down both their bodies. Exhilaration coursed throughout Mia's body; she'd never felt so turned on. Dropping to her knees, she soaped up her hands and slid them along Gordon's pulsing shaft. She said nothing as she rinsed, then started tasting him by licking the water drops from his balls.

Flattening her tongue and licking in one long stroke up the length of his prick. Wrapping her lips around his cockhead, she sucked him. He tasted so good. A perfect older man.

Keeping the rhythm nice and steady, Mia stepped up the sensation by rubbing her fingers around the base of Gordon's cock just above his balls.

"Mmm, your balls are getting tighter, Gordy-pie. It shouldn't be too long now before I really get to taste you!" Mia said at last. "I want all your delicious cum!"

"Oh God!"

Gordon suddenly tensed, sucked in a breath and then grunted. Mia locked her lips so none of his precious seed escaped. Feeling his cock start to pulse, he exploded in her mouth. Spurt after spurt. Mia swallowed every drop.

"Did I play the organ correctly?"

Gordon slid his hands up her arms and grasped her face, pulling her in for a slow, tender kiss.

"Perfectly," he murmured. "No wrong notes at all!"

"I want a more advanced organ lesson, Gordy-pie." Mia said. Hot water ran down her back and legs, making it so much easier for him to slip his fingers inside her tight pussy.

"What a good idea. You're more than ready!" He rubbed the tip of his still-hard cock against her entrance, teasing her by rubbing it against her clit, then down to the entrance, and back up to the clit again.

"Now. Please," she begged him.

Gordon pressed the head of his cock against her entrance and shoved himself inside. He went in all the way on the first thrust, forcing a moan from the young brunette. He grabbed her hips roughly and thrust hard into her, the sound of wet skin slapping together. Mia moaned loudly as the organist began to pound into her.

"Oh Gordy! Yes! Fuck yes! Harder!"

Neither of them heard the front door open as Jenna returned.

To be continued in part 2. By Blacksheep, for Literotica.


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